DALLA EBM ALL’HTA: LE NUOVE TECNOLOGIE AL SERVIZIO DEL MALATO Maurizio Koch Unità Complessa Gastroenterologia ed Epatologia Azienda San Filippo Neri e Scuola di Specializzazione in Gastroenterologia Policlinico S .Andrea, Università La Sapienza Roma ROAD MAP: 1. LO SCENARIO 2. EFFICACIA VS EFFECTIVENESS 3. BUDGET IMPACT 4.MODELLO FARMACO ECONOMICO TRASPARENTE CON: INCLUSIONE DEI COSTI DIRETTI ED INDIRETTI DROP OUT PER EFFETTI COLL. SEVERI 5. PERCORSO DIAGNOSTICO TERAPEUTICO: Quale sottogruppo di pazienti naïve ed experience ammettere alla nuova tripla (Who Can Wait and Who Can’t) Who can we treat : data base, file regionale 6. DISINCENTIVI Gaps in Care Resulting in Low Overall Effectiveness of HCV Treatment in Veterans with Chronic HCV SVR Completed HCV treatment Received Peg-IFN and ribavirin No controindications to HCV treatment Tested for genotype 4% 6% 12% 36% 60% Patients with Chronic HCV 100% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% % of HCV infected Veterans (n=99,166) Kramer JR et al, J Hepatol 2011 milioni Actual number of patients treated with antiviral therapy for hepatitis C per year between 2002 and 2007, and fitted line projecting future treatment rates. Treatment of HCV genotype 1 in Italy Italy:: the current situation • ∼ 7000 patients HCV Gt 1 patients treated each year (20082011) with a 10% yearly trend to decrease (2010-2011): – Spontaneous change due to disease epidemiology – Warehousing effect ( triple therapy IFN-free) • ∼ ¼ of Gt 1 patients treated yearly (2008-2010) were retreatments. This figure has decreased markedly in 2011 (warehousing for triple therapy) • Yearly expenditure (2011) for P/R: 165,000,000 Euros • Aging population of naives (mean age at tx 48 years) with 2530% of F3/F4 fibrosis • At least 20,000 patients with previous P/R failures (usually unclassified) with a mean age > 55 years and at least 40% of F3/F4 fibrosis Peso della malattia Spesa HCV in percentuale della spesa SSN – Italia4,5 Costi Totali (diretti e non) per farmaci e complicazioni relativi a HCV – Italia1 Costo farmaci HCV Costo di gestione delle complicazioni per HCV 26% 74% 0,8% 99,2% Spesa SSN Spesa HCV In Italia, circa In Italia, circa In Italia, circa In Italia, circa 230.000 3.500 1.100 7.000 Pazienti con cirrosi dovuta a HCV1,2 Casi annuali di HCC dovuti a HCV2 Casi annuali di trapianti di fegato dovuti a HCV1,3 Casi annuali di morti HCV dipendenti1 1 Mariano A et al. Estimating the incidence, prevalence and clinical burden of hepatitis C over time in Italy. Scand J Infect Dis 2009, 41:689---699. 2 Mühlberger N, Schwarzer R, Lettmeier B, Sroczynski G, Zeuzem S, and Siebert U. HCV-related burden of disease in Europe: a systematic assessment of incidence, prevalence, morbidity, and mortality. BMC Public Health 2009, 9:34 doi:10.1186/1471-2458-9-34 3 Centro Nazionale Trapianti. Attività di donazione e trapianto --- Report 2011 definitivo. http://www.salute.gov.it/imgs/C_17_pubblicazioni_1696_allegato.pdf. 4 Documento di Economia e Finanza 2012. Programma di stabilità dell'Italia. Consiglio dei Ministri, 18 Aprile 2012. 5 Stima costi diretti e indiretti per un totale di circa 872 milioni di euro annui 2.L’EVIDENZA (EFFICACY) Phase III virological efficacy Boceprevir ( Victrelis®) or Telaprevir ( Incivo®) Naive patients Increased SVR compared to Peg-IFN/RBV Boceprevir Telaprevir SVR increases from 38% to 63/66% SVR increases from 44% to 72/75% RBV is needed Poordad F et al. N Engl J Med 2011: 364: 1195-1206 Sherman KE et al. Hepatology 2010; 52 (Suppl) : 401A. Jacobson IM et al. Hepatology 2010; 52 (Suppl) : 427A. Phase III virological efficacy Boceprevir ( Victrelis®) and Telaprevir (Incivo ®) Treatment-experienced patients Increased SVR compared to Peg-IFN/RBV Telaprevir Boceprevir Relapsers SVR increases from 29% to 75% Partial-Responders SVR increases from 7% to 52% Relapsers SVR increases from 24% to 83/88% Partial-responders SVR increases from 15% to 5459% Null-responders SVR increases from 5% to 29/33% RBV is needed Bacon BR., et al. N Engl J Med 2011; 364:1207-1217. Zeuzem S, et al. J Hepatol 2011; 54(Suppl) : S3 naive experienced EFFECTIVENESS Totale pazienti tutti i genotipi 2397 1 regione grande = 1/15 del dato nazionale Italia 1.500.000 HCV+ Lazio, paz. attesi = 100.000 Tx 2.397/100.000 = 2.3% Italia 1.000.000 HCV+ Lazio, paz. attesi = 67.000 Tx 2.397/67.000= 3.6% PDTA REGIONE LAZIO Valutazioni farmaco-economiche sull’uso dei DAA nella Regione Lazio La tabella sottostante rappresenta la distribuzione, sia in termini percentuali che numerici, dei pazienti trattati con Genotipo 1 nel Lazio calcolata a partire dai dati forniti dai clinici. 2010 2011 2012 Totale pazienti trattati regione Lazio G1 1.232 1.244 1.104 Proporzione Pazienti con fibrosi F3 13,6% 12,9% 13,2% Totale pazienti trattati regione Lazio (F3) 168 160 146 Proporzione Pazienti con fibrosi F4 8,4% 9,3% 8,9% Totale pazienti trattati regione Lazio (F4) 104 116 98 Proporzione Pazienti con cirrosi compensata 5,8% 6,4% 6,1% 72 80 68 24,7% 27,1% 25,9% 304 338 286 11,7% 12,1% 11,9% 144 151 132 Totale pazienti trattati con cirrosi compensata Proporzione Pazienti con fibrosi da F0 a F2 Totale pazienti trattati regione Lazio (F0-F2) Proporzione Pazienti relapser Totale pazienti trattati relapser PDTA REGIONE LAZIO distribuzione media dei due interferoni peghilati % di utilizzo Farmaci e confezioni Costo medio ponderato per settimana (€) Costo medio ponderato annuo (€) Quota utilizzo € 173,70 € 6.920,13 77% € 151,34 € 6.029,42 23% € 10,50 € 418,32 costante Peginterferone alfa-2a Fiale/penna 180 mcg - 5 ml 93,23% Fiale/penna 135 mcg - 5 ml 6,77% Peginterferone alfa-2b Fiale/penna 50 mcg - 5 ml 2,70% Fiale/penna 80 mcg - 5 ml 34,54% Fiale/penna 100 mcg - 5 ml 31,14% Fiale/penna 120 mcg - 5 ml 25,12% Fiale 150 mcg - 5 ml 6,49% Ribavirina 168 cps 200 mg PROGETTO REGIONE LAZIO 2013 TRIPLICE TERAPIA “The disappearing patient syndrome” ATTESA TERAPIE 2013: INIZIO TERAPIA TRIPLICE Al 15.6.2013 1232 117 (9%) CACCIA AL VIRUS C (= CACCIA ALLA RISPOSTA VIRALE SOSTENUTA, SVR) ROAD MAP: 1. LO SCENARIO 2. EFFICACIA VS EFFECTIVENESS 3. BUDGET IMPACT 4.MODELLO FARMACO ECONOMICO TRASPARENTE CON: INCLUSIONE DEI COSTI DIRETTI ED INDIRETTI DROP OUT PER EFFETTI COLL. SEVERI 5. PERCORSO DIAGNOSTICO TERAPEUTICO: Quale sottogruppo di pazienti naïve ed experience ammettere alla nuova tripla (Who Can Wait and Who Can’t) Who can we treat : data base, file regionale 6. DISINCENTIVI LE SCELTE ROAD MAP: 1. LO SCENARIO 2. EFFICACIA VS EFFECTIVENESS 3. BUDGET IMPACT 4.MODELLO FARMACO ECONOMICO TRASPARENTE CON: INCLUSIONE DEI COSTI DIRETTI ED INDIRETTI DROP OUT PER EFFETTI COLL. SEVERI 5. PERCORSO DIAGNOSTICO TERAPEUTICO: Quale sottogruppo di pazienti naïve ed experience ammettere alla nuova tripla (Who Can Wait and Who Can’t) Who can we treat : data base, file regionale 6. DISINCENTIVI What is Cost-Effective in HCV? € No Tx (Natural History) €35K 20 years €20K €20K Antiviral Tx Time 35 years Hcc QALY Clinical Trials vs Real World Telaprevir Boceprevir PegIFN/RBV Clinical trials (including cirrhotics) Treatment-naive Real world (cirrhotics only) Treatment-experienced Treatment-experienced 60 50 40 30 20 10 9 12 7 9 12 12 5 5 0 Patients with serious AEs (%) Patients with serious AEs (%) 60 50 40 49 38 30 20 10 0 ADVANCE SPRINT-2 REALIZE RESPOND-2 French realworld Safety in the real world: increasing frequency of adverse events with increasing disease severity EAP3 F3/F4 patients Major adverse events • Telaprevir 14% CUPIC1 F4 patients Serious adverse events • Telaprevir 45% • Boceprevir 33% German non-interventional study2 major adverse events: 8% 1. Hézode C, et al. Hepatology 2012;56(Suppl.):217A 2. Berg T, et al. J Int AIDS Soc 2012;15 (Suppl. 4):18424 3. Colombo M, et al. AASLD 2012:LB-15 final safety data (CUPIC easl barcellona 2012) Patients ,n (%) patientns with at last one event) Telaprevir N=296 Boceprevir N=159 Serious Aes (%) 48.6 38.4 Premature Discontinuation Due to serious AE (%) 26.0 14.5 23.9 7.4 Death (%) 2.0 1.3 Infection (Grade 3/4) (%) 8.8 2.5 Asthenia (Grade 3/4) (%) 4.7 5.7 Rash Grade 3 (%) Grade 4 (SCAR) (%) 6.8 0.7 0 0 Pruritus (Grade 3/4) (%) 3.7 0.6 Hepatic decompensation (%) 4.4 4.4 PROGETTO REGIONE LAZIO 2013 TRIPLICE TERAPIA “The disappearing patient syndrome” ATTESA TERAPIE 2013: INIZIO TERAPIA TRIPLICE Al 15.6.2013 ADR 1232 117 (9%) TELAP 32% BOCEP 11% Cost-effectiveness of treatment for HCV Gt 1 Triple therapy with first-generation PIs in naïve G1 CHC patients: • improves survival by about 4 years • is cost-effective, with an ICER per LYG below € 12,000 Cost- effectiveness of triple vs dual therapy in naïve G1 CHC patients: • is strongly influenced by the IL28B CC prevalence and the ensuing likelihood of RVR and SVR, but also by the pricing of BOC and TVR • is optimised by allocating patients according to IL28B and/or RVR based strategies - An individualized treatment strategy can avoid triple therapy in 25-33% of naive HCV G1 patients Cammà C, et al., Hepatology. 2012 56: 850-60. . Costo TRIPLICE terapia secondo RCP Componente duplice terapia (PegIntron) Numero settimane 28 48 48 Costo exfactory per settimana € 140,25 € 140,25 € 140,25 Costo exNumero factory per Costo terapia settimane settimana € 3.927 24 € 604,83 € 6.732 32 € 604,83 € 6.732 44 € 604,83 Componente duplice terapia (PegIntron) Numero settimane 24 48 48 Costo exfactory per settimana§ € 140,25 € 140,25 € 140,25 Componente Victrelis Costo terapia € 14.516 € 19.355 € 26.613 Componente Telaprevir Costo exNumero factory per Costo terapia settimane settimana* € 3.366 12 € 1.666,66 € 6.732 12 € 1.666,66 € 6.732 12 € 1.666,66 Costo terapia € 20.000 € 20.000 € 20.000 Costo terapia con VICTRELIS Costo totale della triplice € 18.443 € 26.087 € 33.345 Costo terapia con Telaprevir Costo totale della triplice € 23.366 € 26.732 € 26.732 Partizione della durata di trattamento definita in accordo agli studi SPRINT-2 (early responders), RESPOND-2 (late responders, partial responders, relapsers), PROVIDE (null responders, cirrotici) ROAD MAP: 1. LO SCENARIO 2. EFFICACIA VS EFFECTIVENESS 3. BUDGET IMPACT 4.MODELLO FARMACO ECONOMICO TRASPARENTE CON: INCLUSIONE DEI COSTI DIRETTI ED INDIRETTI DROP OUT PER EFFETTI COLL. SEVERI 5. PERCORSO DIAGNOSTICO TERAPEUTICO: Quale sottogruppo di pazienti naïve ed experience ammettere alla nuova tripla (Who Can Wait and Who Can’t) Who can we treat : data base, file regionale 6. DISINCENTIVI Treatment options for naïve genotype 1 patients TRIPLE THERAPY CONSIDER DUAL THERAPY IN Primary treatment option in CT/TT or F3–F4 France: ≤F2 with CC and LI RVR+ if CC + ≤F2 with LI RVR–, add PI Primary treatment option No advanced fibrosis with CC, VL <600-800K IU/mL and LI RVR+ Primary treatment option in F2 with CT/TT or F3-F4 F0–F1 or F2 with CC regardless of RVR Primary treatment option (TVR recommended over BOC) Peg-IFN 2a/RBV if CC, mild fibrosis, VL<600K IU/mL, <40 years, absence of metabolic syndrome, IP10 <150pg/mL If LI RVR–, add PI or watchful waiting Primary treatment option ≤F2 with viral load <400K IU/mL and RVR+ Primary treatment option <F4 with VL<400-800K IU/mL and LI RVR+ AISF recommendation on the management of triple therapy (Peg-IFN + Ribavirin + first generation Protease Inhibitors) for genotype 1 chronic hepatitis C patients Naive patients: who should be treated? •Treatment should be scheduled (high priority) for patients with severe fibrosis (METAVIR score F3) to cirrhosis (F4), with compensated liver disease ChildPugh class A (A1) •Treatment should be scheduled (intermediate priority) for patients with significant fibrosis (F2); in patients with absent or mild fibrosis (F0-F1), the indication for and timing of therapy can be individualised, considering low risk of disease progression, extra-hepatic HCV induced manifestations, patient motivation and availability of new antiviral drugs (B1) •Patient deferred to treatment should undergo to surveillance follow up programs, in order to evaluate progression of liver disease (A1) Available at http://www.webaisf.org/ AISF recommendation on the management of triple therapy (Peg-IFN + Ribavirin + first generation Protease Inhibitors) for genotype 1 chronic hepatitis C patients Experienced patients: who should be treated? •Patients failure to dual therapy with Peg/RBV should be considered for retreatment with Peg/RBV and a protease inhibitor (A1). Indication to retreatment has to take considering the risk of disease progression, chance of success, safety and future therapy •In Relapser patients, treatment should be scheduled (high priority) for severe fibrosis (F3) and cirrhosis (F4) and in patients significant fibrosis (F2) (intermediate priority). In patients with absent or mild fibrosis (F0-F1), the indication for and timing of therapy should be discussed case to case, considering availability of new antiviral drugs (A1) Available at http://www.webaisf.org/ Indications for treatment: who should be treated? • All treatment-naïve patients with compensated disease due to HCV should be considered for therapy (A1). • Treatment should be scheduled, not deferred, for patients with significant fibrosis (METAVIR score F3 to F4) (A1). • In patients with less severe disease, the indication for and timing of therapy can be individualised (B1). Univariate analysis of predictors of SVR Multivariate analysis A: baseline predictors only B :baseline predictors + RVR RVR n = 287 (24%) O.R 82% IL28 CC 4.95 (3.56-6.89) Low HCV-RNA 2.76 (2.02-3.77) F0-F2 1.48 (1.05-2.10) Age < 50 yrs 1.39 (1.02-1.89) 25% O.R 232/923 NO 235/287 Yes RVR 6.77 (4.64-9.89) IL28B 3.36 (2.35-4.81) Low HCV-RNA 2.07 (1.48-2.09) Andriulli et al, J Hepatol in press Prediction of SVR following PegPeg-IFN/RBV therapy in HCV genotype 1 pts, pts, by baseline features and RVR 16% of pts (191/1210) could be predicted to have a >80% chance of SVR following dual therapy by estimating RVR and some baseline features Andriulli et al, J Hepatol in press . Prediction of SVR following PegPeg-IFN/RBV therapy in HCV genotype 1 pts, pts, by baseline features and RVR 16% of pts (191/1210) could be predicted to have a >80% chance of SVR following dual therapy by estimating RVR and some baseline features Andriulli et al, J Hepatol in press . ROAD MAP: 1. LO SCENARIO 2. EFFICACIA VS EFFECTIVENESS 3. BUDGET IMPACT 4.MODELLO FARMACO ECONOMICO TRASPARENTE CON: INCLUSIONE DEI COSTI DIRETTI ED INDIRETTI DROP OUT PER EFFETTI COLL. SEVERI 5. PERCORSO DIAGNOSTICO TERAPEUTICO: Quale sottogruppo di pazienti naïve ed experience ammettere alla nuova tripla (Who Can Wait and Who Can’t) Who can we treat : data base, file regionale 6. DISINCENTIVI Totale richieste per regione Number of tumor marker requests Marker Veneto Puglia Toscana CEA 178.810 37.248 170.847 AFP 96.840 29.428 78.209 CA15.3 74.247 18.917 73.484 CA125 64.039 22.394 79.252 CA19.9 103.653 30.225 124.449 TPSA 336.919 45.833 259.888 FPSA 69.306 13.649 89.798 (Prevalence data from AIRTUM 2010, Gion et al) Pancreatic cancer Region Veneto Expected Surveyed ∆% Prevalent CA19.9 CA19.9 cases Sur./Exp. (*) (&) 656 103,653 15,800% 328 (*) assuming 2 tests per year to all prevalent cases (&) projection to 100% of the sample (from surveyed data) (Prevalence data from AIRTUM 2010) LO STRANO CASO DEI FARMACI ONCOLOGICI MEDICARE : IL 25% DELLE SPESE VA AL 5% DEI PAZIENTI (ONCOLOGICI) PER I LORO ULTIMI 6 (?) MESI DI VITA "Mi sono dovuta sottoporre a 21 cicli di chemioterapia dopo un intervento per eliminare un carcinoma. Ad ogni seduta la ASL (parlo di Torino) mi forniva un nutrito corredo di farmaci costosissimi che dovevano aiutarmi a combattere gli effetti collaterali della chemio. Parlo di 3-400.000 delle vecchie lire a confezione. Sacrosanto, certamente. Però, per mia grande fortuna, non ho avuto praticamente nessun effetto collaterale e di conseguenza credo di aver usato un paio di pastiglie su centinaia e centinaia che me ne sono state date. Ad ogni chemio io arrivavo con le mie scatole intonse e pregavo di non averne altre, ma la prassi era quella e bisognava seguirla. Mi sono ritrovata a fine trattamento con un bauletto pieno di medicinali mai utilizzati, che l'oncologa che mi aveva in cura non ha voluto indietro, non potevano riprenderli, per un valore complessivo credo di almeno una decina di milioni che a tempo debito sono finiti nei cassonetti dei farmaci scaduti.