222/9 6
Sost. Proc. Mil. Dott.
Termine- Ind. Preliminari
Proroga. Ind. Preliminari
Proroga Ind. Preliminari
Data Archiviazione '
....... R. mod. 44 (B)
m ^m^
DOC. N.46/g
2 5 SET. 2001
-^ '.
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Data della notizia
sottoposti ad indagine per il reato di
in danno di
> i
Al Sig. Giudice delle Indagini Preliminari
con richiesta di .archiviazione, poiché gli
autori del reato sono rimasti ignoti.
I! :
Roma, li
presentato in. cancelleria, il
vista la richiesta di archiviazione del P.M.;
rilevato che sono rimasti ignoti gli autori- del reato;
jw. gli artt. 549 - 409 c.pp..;
] non doversi promuovere l'azione penale e dispone la
restituzione degli atti al P.M..
I Roma, li.
• ffff ioio Paoeedimenti ooptro criminali di guarra tèdeaohl
Ylotl gli^aAt^relativi al fatto dì oul tratta il faeei
oo3.o Ho -r^y; ^!i^7o . doli-1 Uff 1 oi o sopra Indicato?
poJLobè, nono»tasat9 il lungo tempo trascorso dalla data:
del fatto anzidetto, non ai sono avute sxotiei^». utili per
•1fl^n.f1f1.énti»M doi loro aubui-i u JHJJS 1» accertamento della
o r d i n a
provvisoria archiviasi on® ^le.gli atti*
14 gennàio
Enr i oóySàBtoroòe\',)
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Procedimento contro:
* K H55 H« M
.t !.ftv* i w(to quanto
m MMIMI.-.U -«•^it^^Wii.ii^^^.ohi..
' . .,
000003 .
Saturday. 3rd May. 1947.
THE JUDGE ADVOCATE: May it please the court, AS the last war progressed it
was self-evident that the Axis Powers were determined to depart from the laws
and usages of war when they desired to do so, and therefore the Allied Powers
decided after the war that they would set up tribunals such as this and bring
before them those members of the German Anqy who they considered had waged war
in breach of the laws and usages of war. Thus it comes about that Albert
Kesselrlng, one time Field Marshal in the German Army and aomraander-in-ohief
of the German Foroos in Italy, finds himself in the dock in this court upon
two charges that he has committed a war crime within the meaning of the Royal
warrant which brought this court into being.
I will road the two charges upon which he stands arraigned. The first
charge is: Committing a war crime in that he at Homo, Italy, on or about 23rd
March 1 %4 in violation of the laws and usages of war was concerned in the
killing as a reprisal of some J35 Italian nationals in the Ardoatino Caves.
Tho second charge is: Committing a war crime in that ho bo-Ween June and
August 1944 in violation of the laws and. usages of war, when oonroandor-in-ohief
Army Group South Host, Incited and commanded the 'Goruiin Aimed Forces and German
Police Foroos in Italy under his ocmoond to kill Italian civilians as reprisals
in consequence of which a number of Italian civilians were killed.
I need hardly remind a court of this standing that it is the duty of the
prosecution to satisfy you of the guilt of the .accused and that it is not for
him to prove his innocence; and if you aro loft after considering the whole ef
the evidence with a reasonable doubt as to his guilt, it is then your duly to
find him not guilty. I nopd hardly also add that you will consider each charge
by itself and that if you like you can acquit him of both or you can convict
him of both Ur, if you think it right, you aan convict on one. and acquit on the
Now, sir, I will invite you to go back to Rome on the afternoon of the 23rd
March 1 %4 and, if I may borrow a portion of a well-known Churchillian phrase,
I do not think in the realm of human endeavour so much time and patience has boon,
expended in microscopically examining into what happened in the forty-eight hours
between two-thirty on 23rd March and the 25th March following. Gentlemen, you
know that there was this bomb which exploded - perhaps there were more than one.
one large one and small ones «and somo shooting in the Via. Rasella in Rome;
and you have heard that as a consequence of that bomb a largo number of Gexmah
policemen were either killed or wounded. How that was done and who is supposed
to have done it has been described to you by the Italian witness Blasi and
if you believe ho was there and was tolling you the truth you have an explanation
of what was at the back of the outrage.
Now immediately after the bomb had exploded it seems clear that a number of
pooplxj came on the scene including General ifaelsor the Commandant of Rome, the
consul, and above all Kapplor. Kapplor needs no introduction from mo; Ho is
an important witness in this case and I think it will suffice to recall that ho
is about thirty-nine years of age and that he was in charge of the S.D. in Romethat he was a sort Of poliao official and if ho had a relative rank in the army
it would bo that of lieutenant-colonel.
Now, Gentlemen, I an not going to worry you with a mass of detail. In my
summing-up to you I shall olvmys boor .in mind that you have a mass, a most
formidable collection,of notes of the evidence, and that you can later on examine
most of the Important witnesses» testimony from a shorthand tmnscript note.
Therefore, Gentlemen, I will rely upon you jo go into those matters later and
for the moment 1 propose to summarise very briefly what 'TV.II& to have hapnened
on that afternoon up to about five o' olook.
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:!•'••>•' Veli, sii-, I was just dealing at the adjournment, «itb the more relevant
documents issued by Hesse Ir ing, and before I leave them I would like to read
• my note of why he says he issued the orders, Exhibits 7 and 9,
"iiy main
reason for issuing these two orders was to avoid individual troops and badly
led troops taking the law into their own hands find bo
make unit commanders
responsible themselves.
1 wanted partisan warfare 4. o be carried out in the
same manner as regular warfare, and therefore I ordered all means available
to troops should be used.
I hoped in this way by using responsible leader•j ship and using the best means in bat-Jle to defeat the partisan wax-fore in the
shortest possible time. I did not use the air farce for this purpose
.' because it would have involved a great lo&s of life on the part of the
Now, sii-, if you do not accept the prosecution's view of these documents;
then they will have failed in regard to the Second Charge; but before you
finally come to your decision on that you will no doubt want to consider r
<*uite shortly so fai- as I am concerned what I call the "effects" Now, the e
are the cases which were put up by Mussolini and they are set out in the
annexure, and I am going to soy very little about.them* They were apparently
examined into and you have on affidavit by With in regard to them which I do
not think is quite in conformity with Exhibit 103, which is supposed to be a
:x>py of the letter which was written by "General Vr;'tinghoff to the German
Plenipotentiary and the Ambassador Dr.. Rahn.
Well, sii-, there they are, and
I on not going to deal with them in any detail at ail.
I now want to turn and say a few remarks about the individual oases
which the prosecutor has put before you.
1 am not going to say very much
about any of them, but 1 think 1 would like to nay a few generalities with
regard to these affidavits and statements»
You cannot cross-examine an
affidavit and you cannot consider the demeanour of a witness if there is not
one to consider; and therefore an affidavit is not a very satisfactory form
of proof of anything. Now, these particular affidavits are the work of
English N.C.O.s,and I am sure you will credit that they did their best and
they did it honestly and they have compiled on account - a kind of mosaic from a number of statements made by Italian deponents*
These statements are
put before you as some proof that reprisals
of a most
severe kind and which the prosecution suggest were not justified by international law, were taking place all over the country fai- which Keseelring was
responsible as being the overall leader in regard to pai-bison warfare.
Now, gentlemen,! am sure you are bound to find that there will be many
inaccuracies in them and many exaggerations; but you are entitled,in my view,
to take into account the number of them.
It may be that there are
exaggerations, that there is wrong evidence,wrong statements; but you will
ask yourselves:-; Can there be 'such a great many mistakes involving so many
different incidents and involving thj sane kiti-1 o? il-.o'Sant,, that there is no
truth in any of them at all? Are they entirely useleso l-yxuse you cannot plokcut
what is true and what is not true? Now, that is the tasi: that you will have
to consider when you come to closed court.
Another thing I want to point out which is perfectly itviouo, is that the
allegations in most of these affidavits are in no way consistent with
military operations and the accidental killing of peasants,their wives and
their children.
It is not. possible in my view,gentlemen, to say that these
can be reconciled with a perfectly legitimate military operation by the
Germans and that these people were shot as the result of that, not deliberately but Incidentally to such a military operation.
I pointed that out during
the course of the trial,that these are not allegations of that kind; they
are many times deliberate allegations of round ing up, fc •.."••' •..£ Vj graves and
mass shooting.
Well, gentlemen, rightly or wrongly,it seems to me that all you can say
is this; " We cannot reconcile that they died in a proper military operationwith what is in the affidavits".
Therefore it seems to me you must either '
m say that the prosecution and the defence are talking about different things
and then you.must decide whether you,agpept or noT/bhese alleged killings
which the prosecution say are unlawful/which are set out in these documents
ever took place.
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ry briefly deal with
Carlisle, Exhibit 26 - Badieore. • There is nothing there, so far as I know,
except the affidavit.
You will consider that.' If you think no weight is
to be attached to it, then, gentlemen,you will dismiss it from your mind.
The next one is Exhibit 27. Crawley, at Govriglia,
That again,! think,
is entirely a question of"an affidavit.
You will probably remember this case
because it is the one involving the Hermann Goering Division. Kesselring
told you that he heard about this and that -he ordered enquiries to be made
into it, and he asked O.K,W» to pans the matter on to the Hermann Goering
Division for enquiries because it had passed on to a new theatre of war.
He never heard any result of that but he denies emphatically that whatever
the Hermann Goering Division may have done it was in any way connected with
I think I should point out that there is a good deal of evidence that
Kesselring was constantly visiting the.front and talking to his generals,
divisional and otherwise,and it is said that he was always very keen on
pointing out to these generals and commanders that they must wage war properly
and that they must obey his orders as he had given them out.
Well, sir, the next case is Exhibit 28, Campfield - San Giustino Valdarno.
Now, in addition to the affidavit tfiere^was an affidavit by"General "Herr
(Exhibit 56), but that is not very important I think because you will remember
that General Herr dealt with that as a witness here in court. Now it is a
matter for you. You have the allegations in the affidavit and you have the
so-called explanation by Gen.ral Herr. He tells you that he remembers this
case very clearly, that it wis the 15th Fanser Grenadier Division, that it was
a partisan-infested area, th->.t there was on open road which had to be kept
open, and that he arranged with General Hauok to attack the partisans from
the north. This was done unsuccessfully and then it was done again with
success. But he agrees thai anything he is,' talking about bears no relation
to what is alleged in the affidavit.
Well, sir, there again it is on that
material that you will carefully consider it. . • The prosecution ask you to
soy that that was an unlovfu". reprisal.
Now the next
as I em aware,it
Kesselring thinks
again the details
quite different.
one was Exhibit 29, Hammond, at Bucine»
Here again, as far
is a single affidavit with no further evidence at all. •
that it might have been a proper partisan fight, but there
in the affidavit are. not those of a fight but of something
The next one is Exhibit 30. a single affidavit, at Quota. Kesselring '
says he knows nothing about t.his, and it is suggested that if it ever took
place it was on action on ttu part of the Fascists and hod nothing to do with
the German army at all.
The next one is Exhibit 31; • that Is Charles and the place is Fadulivo. •
Kessalring says he tad no re-port of this Incident, and you will remember
that in this case there were two statements, one Exhibit 63 by Maria kignani
and one,Exhibit 64, by Zora Kenda. Gentlemen, again, if you accept their
testimony it is quite, clear they are not talking about unfortunate killings
in the midst of a military operation. There Is the evidence that is offered
to you and you will consider it in due course.
The next is E^hlbit_J2l Smedley, and i-elates to Oastifilioni Fibooohi. •
There again there is a single affidavit,and 1 think Kesselring agreed that this
was a reprisal'nnd he ventured to say, I think quite properly, that if it
occurred the action that was taken was not justified; but he says he knows
nothing about it and cannot be held responsible for it.
The next is Eriv£bit_33, Cartwright - Son Polo; and here, in addition to
the evidence of the affidavit, you have ExhlbTtT?, General Hauck and
Exhibit 56, General Herr.
General Herr dealt with that in his evidence and
of San Polo he said; "I went to the 305 Infantry Division. General Hauok
reported to me that a regimental commander had told him about San Polo,that
after a partisan battle men were supposed to have been shot and that the
graves were blown up".
General Herr said he was annoyed about this,and he
ordered the dismissal of the commander and that he should be court-mart ialled.
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said that the regiment left the division and he says that nbthinfc
cnT" fa? as he wls concerned because it had left.
This la the cose which
is Supposed to have been mentioned on the wireless, and you will rene mber
that the prosecution are alleging that people were being killed here without
having stood a trial. Gentlemen,that is the evidence in regard to the
incident of Son Polo.
The next one is Exhibit }k, Smedley - RijfiiejiLjBndjSaaAe_llo.
addition to the affidavit tfTere .la a statement by Giorgio Pipoli, and he
gives you a version of something which is quite inconsistent with a military
The prosecution say, if you accept the evidence, that that is
another unlawful and brutal act under the guise of a reprisal.
Exhibit 38 deals with Baxendale and Podernuovo,and that again is a
single affidavit.
No. 39 is Bainbridge arcresoentino. In fómtion to
the affidavit there is a statement by Homo Ravarino.and I think this is one
of the incidents.which is complained of by Mussolini.
That is again the
evidence you have to consider in regard to that incident.
Then Exhibit.W) is Hall ond deals nith Veruochio, a single affidavit.
Kesselring says: "1 have never heard of it; I know nothing about it.
Exhibit U. is Cartwright and deals with Sarsina, a single affidavit.
Kesseli-infc says he ntver heard about it and knows nothing about it.
Then Exhibit Jt2,Eumondson - San Mai-tino, to which is attached a
statement (you will remember it) by Private Julien Legali, an Alsation
deserter, who was a student of natural spieno.e from Alsace,and who made a
, statement on 1st November 19U.
It is a detailed statement and it Is one
which perhaps your military knowledge'may help you to decide as to whether
you get any profit from'it or not.
Kesselring says that he heard something
aljout this, and you have had an explanation,! think.by Beelitz about the
military topography and 1 think two maps are before the court dealing
with that.
You also have quite a long account in the
affidavit Exhibit 73 by General Simon.
There seems to be
rather more evidence one way and another in regard to San Martino than the
other cases you have to consider»
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tbb statement ho had made in writing*
has;been sentenced and is undergoing a
long torn of imprisonment.
NOW j>r. Bottini oontradiots the evidence of Costa and he says that ke has
the orders of the Germans and not the Italians»
anything to do with Mussolini about it. I have never hoard of it and I dony
too whole thing."
to a very familiar oaso, the case which starts with
Sir. wo
who is dealing with what we» call the Fueg^
m, horo again - and this is a striking example of wha£Tms
out to you - horo again you have General Orasomann, the military
ooSnfinto the box and he describes exactly the military manoeuvre
to to a u e i o n s TO.
silveatri ? it is no uso talking about oars opening
n f c ^ n Ind coiìdren who unfortunately got in the way and saying
that irwhv those women and children were killed. You can accept that if .
KsSs isssrstat sss-2
military oporations.
uJO 2.35)2-7^
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Now, Sir, in this particular 'case Orascmann detailed to you very minutely
and very clearly exactly v/ha-1- he says lie did. The interesting part of this
case is that for once you ha-o a German officer, Jfejor Strauch, appearing and
giving evidence which is rather damning in regard to General Crasemann. Whether
you beliovo Strauoh or not ia entirely for you. Strauoh probably will have to
stand his trial in oonneoticr. with what happened there and what he said, and
like so many people in connection with war crimes one has to bo very cautious
in receiving what he has to eay; but at any rate ho has given evidence on oath
and he has been aross-oxamin<.id and, without going into his evidence in any great
detail, you will remember that he sworo to some very'clear allegations. He says
that ho talked to Crasomann and that he was told that all persons found in- this
area should bo shot, that all persons in this area hod to be shot. He said he
was very astonished and repeated, "All persons to bo shot?" because there wero
women and children to his knowledge in the Marshes. He said, "Women and children
could be there, could not they?" and he says the answer be'got was quite clearly
"Yes, they are partisans or helpers", and ho understood that he was being given '
orders for them to bo shot. Now, Gentlemen, ho has told you what he says
happened in the Marshes and who was shot, and bin account differs from (Jrasemann1 s.
Gentlemen, it is for you to say. The prosecution are suggesting that horo
is a caso whore a reprisal waa being taken involving women and children, that he
was to wipe out everybody in -;he Marstos, not only to get rid of them but to
deter others; and they suggest that this could not go on unless the officers
concerned hod had the backing of the orders of the coamandor-in-ohiof Field
Marshal Keasolring, though'i -:hink in this partiaulir case Crasemann said that
he had not hoard of any such orders a-i this time. Now, sir, I do not need to
•pend any moro timo on the Fi-secchio Marshes case because, as I soy, you have
considerable material to cons-dor and the .incident is well known to you.
NOW one of the other two which I think remain to be considered is Exhibit
46, Bordini San Torenzo, Now in this case you have an affidavit by Baxendale
and in addition you have tho irai evidence of the priest and of the Italian
survivor, pooliochi. Well., Gentlemen! it is for.'you to say whether the priest
was a oaln and clear witness, flas ho telling you a convincing story and does
it satisfy you that an atrooi-y was boing carried out ? You also have the
. evidence of paolioohi and I tUink this is tho case whore you have tho terrible
Now some point is mado horo that evon if people wero shot, as Paolioohi and
tho priest depose to, at San Terenzo, the prosecution have failed to show ,that
they wore not tried proporjy for acting against tho German troops and hod been
convicted by standing courts cr some courts and that therefore what had happened
to them was not in any way muixLor but was a proper execution*
Tho priest also spoko about the incident at Vinca whore he said there were
about too hundred people killed. He describes how ho sow the dead and it is
for you to say if you accept his evidencei Could it have occurred in any
legitimate use of the laws and usages of war ?. well, Gentlemen, there is '.here
a considerable amount of evidence, perhaps more-so than in any other incident,
YOU have got these two witnos&es who have been cross-examined, and in addition
you have the statement and tho affidavit Exhibit 73 of General Simon.
Now wo oome to the last incident and that is Borgo Ticino, which is parhaus
one of tho most interesting and straight forward of all. You will remember that
you had sono witnesses on this. You had Lieutenant Commander Krumhaar who is
quite an interesting personality because he'was a Judge in a Berlin court and
therefore he should know what ho was talking about. Now you will remember how
four Germans wore wiunded, ono rather badly in the back with a shot-gun, and you
will remember how some twelve or thirteen Italians were rounded up and how they
were shot. Krunhoar does not make any difficulties about this; he says- "There
was no trial - it was not necessary", and ho got on with the Job. Ih thè result '
twelve Italians forfeited their lives because of an attack which resulted in the
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wounding of four Germans. YOU w?.ll ronrraber -Miat he soys he rang up tho
5?Sin™?10"* Z think " "• Qt • h> ro^uo8t of the nayor) and I think
the higher formation was oonnonclod :v onorai Tonsfeld. But that is a clear
Br ltaar f
°a f "Ur::
. as an
° '-lle BhDOt1
*« of theae Lallans wiJtout
4 °° '
"Uog * reprisal for this act committed
COldierB Wh n thoy vcre
Boing or cooing from tho viSge to
NOW in addition to Kruahaar thsre was tho evidence of Mario Piola. He
0 0
to wSVtS/™SL8ay8
?5° Whon
*t8 PÌ
* *• nthou«h he 8ayB •» " «"thing t
at .'a11
th *thirto
ta/hl fìS%
u i
° 'ere selected. He describes
tow ho fell down when tho shooting occurred and how he escaped: He fay «n
Gentlemen, there again it is for you to consider that evidence and
n t^ ^-°8 Whi
°h Wer° ncntioned
* Mussolini. The prosecution
S aB a
£ ^ °
*°Bt °aae in "8"* to whether bona fide
inquiries were really being made into alleged atrocities by the oommander-inchief when they were reported to him. HOW, Gentlemen, It is true tha? aSS
WM away
°nt ^
ooonS in
of tho material
you a»
concerned, but
the complaint
i K!1
TO8 a very do alled
°n tho
* and
to 1
right ?dot ., ""*
the "
right sort of story
thTright It
'::in8 *rith namo3
' «*this
that if
a ocranand0^-in-chi-.f
to stamp
at any rate
in this oase he would have been pro-died with proper
t JnThJs^orm
if thcrv) was a complaint
SS* "* examin3d -*-* ^ ai
remflmber, and that is a point that I think you ought to have in mind because
the defence say that if there was suoh on inquiry surely that means that
higher authority were not trying to hush it up but were trjing to Investigate.
now Sir, there is quite & brief review of this quite considerable
fkvts* 4*tm**«*M.._,9
_* j_»
9 «•iVUJ.Viiiff uJ>X8uf& vlQZlB Oil BOIDO
*« mS^^Avictims spread over a considerable time and over the months which
aro sot out in the charge-sheet. it is for you and your members to saywhat
weight you attach to them, all of ihom or any of then; and if you sa? that
you are improsaed byrone of them, that you cannot ooSeot^hem if
Kesselring, well then the «effect» of which I have spoken will be
On the other hand if you say: «No, we arc satisfied that in
been described", i
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examples, oonplaints by Mussolini himself, rating to women and children
who oould not possibly have hod anything^ do with the parttsans,lndthey
ask you te soy that they have made out a sound, oase.
On the other hand tho defence say: you have completely misread our order.
They wero taotical orders, if you Interpret them i£ the way they should bo
interpreted it is quite wrong to say that Kosselring ever had this deliberate
Intention. They also say that many of those incidents are so flimsy and
supported by suoh a poor type of evidence that you should disregard them, and
In others they have provided explanations that they were either military
manoeuvres or that the viottos may bava been K.ll3d after a standing court.
.There is .a very clear issue for you to deolde. It is for the prosecution
to prove it and if you are not satisfied, well. Gentlemen, you will
the aooused on tho second charge.
Now, Sir, I have nearly done. This has boen a long case and before I
W811 *V thflt Kessolrins and those who havo
in thi8 O0urt
t l e for the life.- it ndght oven *t
« Btubbom
«* determined
by - but certainly
the honour
of KosselrinE
as ever Kesselring fought in those long days when he was retiring through
Italy. Those are tho twilight hours of a great fighting soldier. It is
wh«tK SV"
V??f ^ei! *° 8ay by your ™**iot in tho light of the evidence
n?^ L tat ^-ttight is to deepen into the gloom and darkness of a convKSon
or whether you are going to say: «No, that *~Uieht must give way bv an
acquittal to the dawn of better things for Albert LsseSn|, oneliS Field
Marshal in the German Army", All that resins to be said. Sir, is" tSt
PRESIDENTI The court will adjourn to .consider !the verdict. I will inform
the marshal of the oourt when it wiU be required \o re-assemble.
(At 1555 hours the oourt is cioè 3d to consider the findings)
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Selected and prepared by
\V\•*' i -V-' ' ••
\ 0« • ^ v>
Volume VIII
-eN /
CASE No. 44
The accused was charged with " being concerned in the killing as a
reprisal of some 335 Italian nationals." in the Ardeatine Caves (first charge),
and with " inciting and commanding . . . forces . . . under his command
to kill Italian civilians as reprisals in consequence of which a number of
Italian civilians were killed " (second charge).
(i) Evidence on the first charge
Most of the evidence was agreed upon by Counsel for the Defence and
Counsel for the Prosecution.
Fhe evidence on the bomb explosion in Rosolia Street, on the 23rd March,
1944, and on the mass shooting in the Ardeatine Caves, on the 24th March,
i'M4, was substantially the same as the evidence given with regard to these
.vents in the Mackensen triul.(') The accused returned from the front to
his headquarters on the evening of the 23rd and the events of Rosella Street
«ere reported to him immediately. Then two telephone conversations took
place. A staff officer from Hitler's headquarters spoke to Kesselring's
chief-of-staff and informed him that the Fiihrer had ordered that as a
reprisal for the bomb attack, 10 Italian hostages were to be killed for every
German policeman who had died as a result of that bomb attack.
>-*»*WWr regard to the second telephone conversation which took place
Between the head of the SD (Security Service) in Rome and the accused,
» • U» evidence for the Prosecution and the evidence for the Defence are at
variance. The head of the SD testified that he informed the accused that
ne had enough persons *' worthy of death '* to carry out the reprisal. This,
".; explained, meant persons under sentence of death or charged with
»>;*jijfeBCftt- for which-the death penalty could be imposed. The accused
maintained that he was informed by the head of the SD in the course of
this telephone conversation that he had sufficient persons actually sentenced
:o death in the prisons of Rome. The accused then issued the following
orders to General Mackensen, the commander of the 14th Army, which
was one of the armies under the accused's command :
" Kill 10 Italians for every German. Carry out immediately."
Later, during the night a second order from the Fiihrer's headquarters
was received'at Kesselring's headquarters. It repeated the first order and
added that " the execution was to be carried out by the SD." This order
«as passed down to 14th Army by the accused's chief-of-staff, who, also,
informed the accused.
The case for the prosecution on this evidence was that the accused had
ordered reprisals at the rate of ten to one, which was excessive, and that
(') Pp. 1-8 of this volume.
as he had passed the orders to subordinate army formations, he was responsible for the way in which they were carried out. The case for the defence
was that on receiving the news of the bomb attack, the accused had ascertained that there were sufficient persons already sentenced to death to
carry out the reprisal without killing innocent people.
The two main arguments of the defence were : (1) that in passing down
the order received from the Fiihrcr to the 14th Army, the accused had
deliberately left out the word " hostages " to avoid any persons not sentenced
to death being killed. He thus carried out the orders he was given in the
most humane way that was open to him. (2) That the second order charged
the SD with the execution and thus freed the accused from all responsibility
for carrying out the execution and that therefore after passing on the second
order the accused never enquired into the manner in which it was carried out.
The Judge Advocate said : " The Field Marshal's real defence is : "I
never carried out any orders at all, all I did was to pass along the chain of
communication, a message to the SD."
(ii) The Evidence on the second charge
Oh 1st May, 1944, Field Marshal Keitel, as Commander-in-Chief of all
German forces, issued an order which gave the accused, as Commander-inChief of all German forces in Italy, the overall command and direction in
the light against Italian partisans who had become a serious menace to the
security of the German forces in that theatre. For this particular purpose
all SS and police forces in Italy, as well as the fighting services, were brought
under his command. On the 17th June, 1944, the accused issued an order
to his troops concerning " new regulations for partisan warfare," which
contained the following passage : " The fight against the partisans must
be carried out with all means at our disposal and with the utmost severity.
£ will protect any commander who exceeds our usual restraint in the choice
and severity of the means he adopts whilst fighting partisans. In this
connection the old principle holds good, that a mistake in the choice of
the means to achieve an objective is always better than failure to act or
neglect . . . partisans must be attacked and destroyed."
On 28th June, 1944, the accused issued an appeal to the Italian population
. oyejT_ the. wjxeless in which he condemned the.method, of lighting adopted
by the allies in'Italy! He'alleged'that the allied commanders had issued
a number of proclamations in which they had incited the Italian population
to assail German militar,' posts, attack sentries by stabbing them in the back
and to kill as many Germans as possible. He continued : " Up to now
I have proved that to me the respect of human principles is a matter of
normal logic . . . However, as a responsible commander I can no longer
hesitate to prevent by the most repressive means this despicable and mediaeval
method of fighting. I give warning that I shall use these means forthwith.
Followers of the Allies and subversive elements are warned not to continue
the behaviour shown hitherto."
On 1st July, 1944, the accused issued a second order to his troops in which
he pointed out that his broadcast announcement was not to be an empty
threat. The order said, " where there are considerable numbers of partisan
groups a proportion of the male population of the area will be arrested.
In the event of acts of violence being committed these men will be shot.
The population must be informed of this. Should troops, etc., be fired on
from any village, the village will be burned down. Perpetrators or ringleaders will be hanged in public." The order ends with the sentence :
•• All counter measures must be hard but just. The dignity of the German
soldier demands it."
During the months of July and August many punitive actions were carried
out by the German forces in Italy, both against the partisans and against
the civilian population, in the course of which over a thousand Italians,
amongst them women and children, were killed. The prosecution submitted
affidavit evidence of over twenty instances of indiscriminate killing of Italians
by German troops during the relevant period. On the 21st August, 1944,
the accused acknowledged these facts in un order to his troops in which he
pointed out that " instances have occurred within the last few weeks which
caused the greatest harm to the dignity and discipline of the German armed
forces, and which had nothing to do with punitive measures."
On the 24th September, 1944, the accused, in another order to his troops,
stated : " The Duce has furnished me with fresh instances which are
revolting in the manner in which they have been carried out and are driving
even the peaceful elements of the population into the enemy's camp or to
the partisans."
Relying on these facts, the Prosecutor said : " the orders of 17th June
and 1st July, were contrary to ihe laws and usages of war.
T!:c order of
the 17th June was an incitement to the troops under the accused's command
to commit excesses, and the prosecution obviously relies on the expression
I will protect any commander,' etc. I say no more than that this is an
incitement, but in the order of the 1st July the accused goes further and
orders his troops to take reprisals and it is not until 24th September that
he says" this must stop.' That is the gravamen of this charge."
The Prosecution further maintained that these orders on the one hand
the atrocities alleged tp have, been committed by the German, troops in.
on the other were cause and effect and that the accused must therefore
be held responsible for the actions of the troops under his command...
The case for the defence was that the orders of the 17th June and 1st
July were not illegal and that they, in effect, said to the German forces,
" You must be hard, you may do many sc\cre thing* but you must keep
the law.'.;. .The defence jubuiitted.that.in. th&fiitst order the.i
rs that they would be protected if they attacked partisans was
necessary, as in the past commanders had been taken to account for action
against partisans as politically undesirable. The re-stating of the " old
principle " which for a century had appeared in most training pamphlets
for the German army was appropriate in these circumstances.
With regard to the second order, the defence maintained that it outlined
the taking of hostages and the infliction of reprisals both of which were
legal as everything set out in the order was conditioned by the last sentence,
that all measures taken " must be hard, but just." As far as instances of
unlawful killings by German troops were concerned, the defence denied
some instances altogether, attacking the credibility of the Prosecution's
evidence which on this point was predominantly affidavit evidence, and
admitting other instances while pleading that they occurred not as a result
of the accused's orders but as a result of independent actions by the troops
or by local commanders.
The issue which the court had to decide was, therefore, in the words of
the Judge Advocate, whether the accused's orders were " a definite incitement to kill Italians or just badly worded orders which were rather carelesMy
drafted." and whether all or any of the instances of indiscriminate killing
of Italians by German troops were a direct consequence of these orders.
The accused was found guilty on both charges and sentenced to death
by shooting. The sentence was commuted by the confirming officers in
one of life imprisonment.
In presenting the Prosecution's case on the first charge the Prosecutor
conceded that the German authorities were justified in imposing reprisals
after the bombing attack in Rosolia Street. After quoting some authorities
on the subject,(') he pointed out that whereas there was authority for
destruction of property and incarceration of nationals of occupied territory
as reprisals, there was no authority for the taking of human life. The
defence argued that in extreme circumstances the taking of human life in
the course of reprisals was permissible. A commentary on German Military
Law published during the second world war, was quoted by Counsel in this
context. The author says : " Hostages are held in a kind of safe custody.
They vouch with their lives for the lawful conduct of the opponent. According to the usages of war it must be announced that hostages are being taken
and for what purpose! Above all. the taking of hostages has to be brought
to the notice of those for whose lawful conduct the hostages are a guarantee.
If the event which was to be prevented by the taking of hostages occurs,
e.g. if the
opponent continues his unlawful conduct, the hostages can be
killed."(2) Defence Counsel argued that the first step towards the inflicting
of reprisals is the taking of hostages. He said that "' any military commander
in the course of reprisals is authorised to arresi . ivilians in case partisans)
should attack his troops or military establishments. If at a later stage
outrages against the troops of the occupying power are committed, prisoners
belonging to the group detained as hostages may be killed in the course of
reprisals." In support of this proposition Defence Counsel quoted section
358(//) of the American Rules of Lund Warfare.^) " Hostages taken and
held for the declared purpose of ensuring against unlawful acts by the enemy
forces or people may be punished or put to death if unlawful acts are nevertheless committed."
The Judge Advocate said in his summing up : "I have come to the conclusion that there seems to be on the part of writers a very deliberate attempt
not to come out in the open and answer the very question that the Court
(') They are fully set out on pp. 3-7 of this volume.
(•) Waltzog. Recht tier Landkriegsfiihrung (Laws of War on Land), 1941, p. 83.
I») FM. 27/10, Rules of Land Warfare, 1940.
wants answered and this is ' Can you shoot, in certain circumstances, an
innocent person by way of reprisal ' ? . . . International Law is generally
en a high level. It is about what one belligerent may do to another belligerent, but what Field Marshal Kesselring had to deal with were not
countries which were organised with governments but irresponsible people
in (he main whom he could not negotiate with, people in respect of whom
he could not say to responsible leaders ' You must control your followers.'
Therefore I do .suggest that if there ever were circumstances in which one
would have to resort to reprisals if one failed after proper application to
lind the real culprit that that is the sort of thing in which a reprisal must
liave been considered appropriate. . . . I have come to the conclusion
that there is nothing which makes it absolutely clear that in no circumstances
and especially in the circumstances which I think are agreed in this case
that an innocent person properly taken for the purpose of a reprisal cannot
be executed. I feel that if there is some doubt in the law, the benefit of
that doubt must be given to the Field Marshal and therefore I am not
prepared to put this case to you on the basis that if you are satisfied that
'.he Field Marshal was deliberately shooting one innocent person by way
«»f reprisal, that that in itself is a war crime of which he should be con-xtcd."
The issues before the court on the first charge were these :
(1) Were the German armed forces, represented by the accused, or the
Security Service, represented by the head of the SD in Rome,
. responsible for the shootings ?
(2) Was the shooting of 335 Italians a legitimate reprisal or a war
crime ?
With regard to the first question, the Judge Advocate advised the court
summing up, that : " if yon feel that ft i» right on the evidence as a
whole that the shooting was clearly the responsibility of the Security Service
.V(j|ad.;that all responsibility had passed from the Wehrmacht, then to my
mind you are bound to acquit the accused." It seems then that the court
found that the accused bore the responsibility for these shootings.
With regard to the iCcond question, the court found that the shootings
tfAMtiluteda war crime but this finding does not supply an answer to the
question whether the taking of human life as a reprisal is permissible or
not as the finding of the court could be supported cither by holding that the
Mtio of 10 to 1 was excessive or by the fact that 335 persons were killed
mstead of 330 as ordered. The Judge Advocate said in his summing up :
" whatever you may think about International Law and reprisals, clearly
five of these 335 Italians were murdered. That was a war crime and you
cannot get away from it. There was no Fiihrer order to cover it and it
was quite outside the reprisal."
The issue before the court on the second charge was not merely whether
the measures ordered by the accused were legitimate reprisals or not but,
as the Judge Advocate pointed out in his summing up : " The charge is a
much more serious and grave one and that is that the Field Marshal
deliberately and knowingly when he produced the relevant orders, was
. laving them produced in such form that he knew what the results would
. be and that he intended by bringing these orders into existence, to bring
11 Oot 1344
Translation of attached documenta follows:
of Vital Statistica
The officer of vital* statistico «•P*«F" of tho Gommine of
Uonteccitiai Tenne declares that on 23 Aug 1944 at aUout 1300 H., following
the ma oh ina -gunning l y the uermwne, th» death of tho following person
resulted in tho locality of Capannone (Praz, di Fonte Buggiariese)s
BEHDIMìLLI Marla Valeria, ,uurrled to LUCCHESI,
daughter of ttie lata Bartolomeo and of the late Perondi Marla,
born in Ponte Uuggianese on 16 Dea 1870,
civil atatusi nnrrled, ocoupatlont housewife
residing In Montecatini 'ferme, Via della Vigm Ho. 29.
Hont«catini Termo, & Oct 1Ù44
Chief Officer
The Officer of Vital 3totletico
Office of Vital iitatietios
The officer of vital statistica of the commune of Montecatini
Torme, declares that on 23 Aug 1944 at about 1300 H., following the
maculae-gunning by German ooiddera» the death of the following peraan
resulted in the locality of Capanne (Praz, di Fonte Buggianese):
Son of thè late Vnaddlo
and of «fae late Chiti Elena
Bora in Itoasuttuano
an 11 Dec 1872
Civil statust worried
Occupationj mason
Residing in :.;ontecatlni varue., Via deiiu vigna Ho. SU.
Monteoatini Tern», 3 Oct 1«44
The Officer
Office of Vital statistics
The offleer of vital statistics of the Commune of Mantecatini
Terme, declares that on 23 Aug 1644 at about 1300 H», following the
machine-gunning by German sojxllere, the death of the fallowing person
resulted in the locality of Le Morette (Praz, di Monsummano):
VtOiìlSLLI Marla Rita» vidow of tUPORI
Daughter of Ezlo
' and of Pagai Pasqua
Born in Fonte Suggianeae 00 S Sept 1897
Civil Statust widow
Occupation! housewife
Residing in Jtonteoatlnl Termo, via Uortlneto Ho. 19.
Konteoatini Terme, S Oot 1944
Tho <U'ticor of Vital Statistice
Oftftoe of Vital Statistics
The officer of vital statistics of the Connoune of llontecatini
Termo, declares that on 23 Aug 1944 at about 1300 H., following the
machine-gunning by German soldiers, the death of the following peoson
resulted in the locality of Stabbia (Frac, di Cerreto Guidi):
GALLERÒ Salvatore
San of Vincenzo
and of Trinchlello Tomnasina
Born in calvlzzano
on 31 Aug 1902
Civil statua; married
Occupation» Policeman
Residing in llontecatini Termo, Via C.V. Enanuele 25
Montecatlnl Torme, 3 Oat 1944
The Officer of Vital statistics
Office of Vital Statistics
The officer of vital statistics of the Commune of Monteoatini
Tarme, declares that on 23 aug 1944 at about 1300 H., following the
machine -gunning by German soldiers, the death of the following person
resulted In the locality of capannone (traz. di Fonte Bugglaneae):
ijon of Ferruccio
and of Itaterasel Vlncenzina
Born in Montecatinl Torme on 1 Aug 1924
Civil Status: Single;
Occupation: Clark
Keslding in '.tont ecatini Terms, Via Tripoli Ho. 13
lontecatlnl Tonne, 3 Oct 1944
The Officer of vital statistics,
HO. 1010 •11 Oet 1044
after having soon the medical certificate aod received the relative
that at about 7 otolook on 23 August, Oerman soldiers in the Maasaralla
sector, killed with fire arms and without reason the following persona
belonging to the civilian population of this Comamtwt
1* Guidi Giuseppe of the late Raffaello, BS years old ) father
2. Guidi Dante di Giuseppe, 28 years old
) son
3. Guidi Angiolo of the late Pietro, 62 years old
4. Gnidi Quinto of the late Lorento, 30 years old
5. Matteoni Guido of the late Corrado, 44 years old
64 Bandlol Agostino of Bandlno, SO years of age.
Pacecahlo, 4 0ct 1944
The Mayor
A. Cecoonl
'after having seen tte medical certificates and received the relative
that at about 21 o'clock on 18 Aug 1944, two German soldiers In Fuceccaio
killed in aahelter with fire aems the folla»ing couplet
Floinl Geremia of the late Constantino, 72 years old
Salvadorl-Giulla of the lato Giuseppe, 60 years old,
for her ing tried to persuade thoiu not to abuse lira Votrucol tSurglierlta
of the late Giocondo, 37 years of age.
After having committed tha crime, the soldiers proceeded anyhow
to abuse and mistreat the lady.
Kuoecohio, 4 Out 1944
The Mayor
A. Ceoooni
L'Ufficiale di Stato Civil* del Comune di ffiontecotinl
Termo, dichiara ohe 11 giorno 23 Agosto 1944» a or*
tredici circa la seguito a alt-ragliamento da parte di»
le truppe tedesche resulta deceduto la località/ le neretta*
( Fraz. di Uonauomane )
V A R H B J . I Ì 1 larla Blta Ved. LOPCRI
fidilo di Baio
nato a
Ponte Buggianese
di stato civile -vedova
e della ' Pagai, Pasque
9 Settembre 1897
di professione Atta a Casa-.
•residente in Uenteedtiai terge Via Kertlneto n«i9
nontecfttlttl Senna li 3 Ottobre 1944* •
— ---••
, ~W9 *\ LnmiClAÌ£ DI STASO CIVEtE
O O OC 2 1
j'<> urJk'ijj'jj.0
f\tkt«lo Vovf^
! 7 t*i*li.
8 f xoH VJL&U£ÌÌ«U ^
! y CAVAUiiHj. XblLuM Hj. xU ^luwuu
IA t J>Jtì;xi:iT.J.
Cff «J 4 "Otto n
17 RAnjuswU jiU»Viia-uUls GUtjraxfci al i-.r.
iiO UlAimOKi EAefAiSw.U DA Jtf LjiOtOiiA)
LELLI tURIO Si iQJiliOJDi fiatOlilJ
OTttBIt "AJ»
. - •. .
. . .
eto il (^oww 23 ^«fl<io,iS44f o «PO
lo tew 2oaoGoùe rootìlta acooGutó In 10004* caponi
( Xraa. di Ponte feuggianese)
3*dUo Oi tìi Aaaddia
o tìalù f, Ohm mena
a Atenaumnana
m «ott
<H ototo civile coniugata
di. it Jtte«,b
M im
di pwfoaslM»
;:c»3*ooo'i,lttl Scanso
««ila Tigna n«2y
fontoootini SORBO U 3 «eco^re 1544»
iVkM SI 52;»
Visti i referti .mediisi' ed assunte le relatitf ;ÌMojStós8'dnÌ;
' ' ' " '
che. alle ore 7 del giorno 23' agosto 4944ÌneÌla'frtia5lone liassa- .
.ralla, soldati tedeschi uccidevano con arma da fuoeo, senza alputt:
motivo, le seguenti; persone appartenenti alla popolazione oitfl^!
dì quesiiò Comune. ».'•; ,J . ' . ' • . : . ' • . ' ' • • > , • / ' ';"-!V ."'••-,•' '^4'?
2°) GuidjL Dante di Oiuaep'p«,di anni 20 : ;.'3°) Guidi Angiolo fu. Pietro, di anni 62 -
4°) Guidi Quinto fu ;lorenzo,,di anni 20 • ' ". •'-'• VV\;^--^;.,,,. ..,/•.
5°) Matteoni Guido fu Corradorài anni
••.-•' .'••.: .? . • ;. • ; •••• -"-.'
•6°.) Bandini Agostino di Baudino,di anni 30
Fuc«cchio,lt 4 Ottobre 1944
Visti i refèrti, *è«ioi «« aaaante le relative informazloiilt
soldati tedeschi a d e v a n o
fletei (Jereiiiit *a Co^^^; ainl 7S
Salvador! Gialla fu Giuseppe, di anni M
perebè avevano cercato di sottrarre,con la persuasione» la
Sig.ra P^ròcci..^^!*» tu Giocondo.*! anni 37^8118 quale
i soldati stessi Voi erano usare., violeiwe.
Compiuto U ^^i»e*l:pr.e:Àe\ilii6ldatI violen.tàrono': .,
ugualamftte là Sigira PetrncoivV;Sot\lB^.percossero.» sangue*
fttcecchikìtli 4 Ottobre Ìé44
. «^..rt.4 >
v A»Cecconi
di Qentecatiai
loft», dìeli&rtA Jote il-£go*ftó- 23 Aóooto 1944, * ore
«Ovgolio roaaati Cccodvbo in località Capannen»
a dello
asato a Kontecattnl Zeroe
Oi.atato oivilo
Materassi Vlnoenslna
i Agosto iy24
01 precoce!eoo
rooiGonte in L««teoatlni Xortto Vie
irlpoll n«T3
rontecutlnl Seroo XI 3 Ottobre 1944*
Only good la eomeotlon with Pereoaal Identification No. 286 of 23 Sept» 43
The local Pastor Ber. T O G B A R E L L I DON GIULIO
Rorldng at i
cod peralttedi
a) To travel OB the following route,
e) For the following reasont
Bicycle nil not be confiscated.
(Stanped with Official seal)
/a/ Turkotrsld, Master Sergeant.
Extended until 6 August 19U
Etteaded until U Jkuguat 19U.
/B/ Tuptowski, Master Sergeant.
/a/ TurlcowatóL, Ltn. V.
attended until 31 August 19U.
/a/ Turkoffskl, Ltn.
(All cxtanaione Btanped by the official seal of the Local Military Police Headquart era.)
Bod Preieniralde (Oder)
July let a 11 A.U.
Lieutenant Srlch './agnor
;UO 06741 A
Pfc ». Kuehn
Honpital 107 Ward II
Bad Freianiralde (Oder)
tqgnaraiJi, Giulla, Pariah of Ponte Bugglaneae, Ponte Buggiatteae,
Tosta Buggianese, Italy.
2 October 19U.
Bajor EEi'i" C. PCOTH, JaGIi, Coor lesionar,
Hajor ?3 HOT a. »HCI£H, luii, «littery Counsel.
Captain CHiRIKS H. BCGRKfc, Afifi, Defense Counsal.
Technician fourth grade Adrian L. Stehwusr, 364545-U, Hq. A Hq. Co.,
Fifth Aroy, J. A. Section, «oc worn as reportar.
Privato flrat. class Robert C. Paasigll, 32S813a, Hq. & Mq. Co., Fifth
Army, G-2 Section, woo s«orn as interpreter.
(The nitnaae «as snoni)
Questiona by Kajor r.eirlor:
% Stato your full nana, your resldauco and you age.
A ZognorelH, Guilio, 60 years old, farleh of Ponta Buggiancaa, Ponte
Pugei'jWse, Italy.
••i r.httt la your parish?
Q On August 23rd «ere you in Iho swamp nrea at Trata Crocde?
,1 A Tfc3. Also on the 6th of July they killed four people in ti» vicinity
of Prato Grutde.
Cj T.oro Gfiritan troops in tho onarap area on the 23rd of Augusti
U bid yru sen then)?
I hoi.iU tho rhocfting but I didn't seo any Germans because they were inside
the swamp.
i HOP 3on;j had t.houe Grrawc I-A«P f n tho vicinity of (he 3«uap?
, About ft month ami & half.
j bid you lu--or ahootlr^ en Aujiist U.i^4'
•< yon.
•; DW. you , w uitf 'ìewea ftoloiwrn (htirul
In 1-rttu, ftrnndcf
•.4 &!•'< you
i 1 «a», thirty In tbst fiction.
•4 Wore tlw do-id Inaia', fculldlnjj or tn the flaldY
A Inside ami outbid**.
>t Did you go Into av--cy hiua<a ir.
'' Of the thirty whoa ym a«-' dav'» hw iw»ny ti«»ro vontmV
A I luive thn list, tnit I i!on't romorabfir.
Cj TiOru thflraany childrcn'i
'. t!or- o'let t i.ro '.he yr-un^fut thbt you of.f.-t
A The ycun^'.-o!. r(ua oolj- t( n yRarn old oaa I btilieve there K«>r<- mly hwo
ehfliiren in tho jroup of d«ad.
<; "hen you au« theuo libati, T»m uhooting »tlll (jotes onV
» Ten, it «as ir>t6ii»ittent.
'« lild tha Gtrmuft eoevnandur that y«i nskua pf-.rmJo»ion of, uppeur <.o b.j In
n lie * un <t iiigii mm-comniaoinncd officer -m1'. it aoems thtt lie wan in oliarle.
Ite a"14 ho * a in chart*.
'j »!(>• dio you omwar that yru didn't c««" nn> a«ntun soldt«ri: if jn« r.poUe »ith
«i Gt'nn'-n nonno>xiJ00ior«<} offienrV
A I man In I-rata Gr.-indo—not I/i Tonto Tugeiunase.
y Thon yiw a«n thiu nijnooiinirF.i'incil offioor In lonfco Kii^lsavir.eì
.fi 7-s.
•j Then y;u »-erc in Ponto PugeliiUHgx
bogun in Iratt, i"rnnH.»l
it stujft.ifl «-.-rly la the iwrnlrg.
Ifl !>•', I
I!'.. nun/ I1"..; ' I -
'i. .1.
in i r v i . •.-••i"l». t.lif.rv
i.» .1 llu u*:jr
..i.. .' ,.,.v r H i "''.-i,' l i > •. v.i iali amount:. i.u -.iljuut
Tli'U-. i.. -J. :o :i i.J.1 f-i-:ln-y lUu1"'..
furl., K..IJ.J. ,
f:n:l ji-y I l.>.l'i "«-ri n.f'i^i '
',"•••! • v .i*'1 il.» il [toniti.
ii.i ,ly hull m-.T^ r'jfu
tnnifle Uiio r-J^HT
• ni ili. i.'.- I.
>'.) nut Uni ; >
ìit I c - i i - <irirnlo uni ìjit l.tn
\i Th*.n Cuuni.ìr^ Ilio |-»i[JIhi-r" .."i'- 'iil '• . i .• :•
l.'-'i.-j Mio
IL ..-i.i.NI, un., li.
i,- :ioiiPÌ >F ciuchlnu tfitui -ir a try lo
„.•.,! I .-W. (1,0 ••hfir,l.lli)j'J
iyiu'.-. tue dis..'wr.C'..
.'li-Jli »C I Ij
Pc-aj.-Jtì 'ole. ."i '•• ;o , >uf. tho .
m« f<«iniuùinn 1.0 .O. • f t t . r I t -
. iriur .if thu
-•<•*• lorg aid J 1
tu thf> 'tt.:1.unl :
Thi- j'vHiv <jf (.!»• ••>. cui- i"r, ii~.( f
nauru refus-JÓ Lo jjiwr(Ì;IVM mo f-oro Lesion Lo tio.
jj-iit ho/irò (.he -jhuotin^
il; ;.idt:; ni' n.
' li 7.4 n. i.•!<; ujj'-ri -..iisr- I In- li- n.-'i i:
flft>..' r.
'^ 'ubo iiiu ùoln-j »l& iihi>-i
,. T l»-l% V.- llwy . < )•• C
noon» the uiud peopla tb?t you nnw, uhi eh you hov<j
fhlrty 'ncludir^, a citila, «jr. yju kites' «bother
active rart.issuuiV
Of 'it lìeuó thciv -.ere 27 or ay parish and I Vnoa thoj -
•' Among the doau, i]Jd ynj .-.co any junu or
u on Ui«ir por&on?
Q Do you feno* the nono of the Gurnwn uonoonmlHtjiunea oiTlcor > linn ;ru ai-oko to}
*, I hav» a paper signed l.y hi», Uit I can't rft-.«l ri»iTjin -ind I don't know
the nano.
Q nh-'rc io -thio docnnenf. naif:
A I ha/o it hero.
(i IB thla dinned by the Gvrman noncom lasipoeil nffic>ir t<£ «hon y..'i pi;Vod
ptrmlaHinn <-o to to rrtibu GraerioV
A Ha gave It t.o a», hut It m.i alr^fJi' aie trio.
5 Th"n thf» ont- vhn C'»v i"'" 'hlr ptvea «f i«per If tin» -.r.-i« on- »l'o n/.s preuont
In ronLt Sucgiun^uo tho doi-e jf the t-xec^ilon?
'4 If ynu didn't ht-sr th«- shooting In Frata Orando riiilu you .-nr«
Bus^lonesc, *hy 'lid you .-ant to go (.hero tiuxt aornVns?
A. The j«ople in the church in Tonto Buggl aneoe told MO nhct tivl I'.ern joJte
on In Prata C -(inelt.
Q tid you then toll 1.hc Gétumn n^r-cowiVlBclonod ofi'iopr «hit you Jiifl howd
about tha -jirocitl'-ii lo J-rrjta Grondo that dnyV
A Tf<i8. The Germn nonooaaajfijinwl -ifficor n'ateq thorn . HJ a W-j fljjht
joints on.
(4'i.Jor r«rxler: .''< «ill roenivo the pHrniuuioi. to i.lr-culuU 1Icaued by
the Gdrncin comnandf;r .In Ponto Ru^rlu »'•.««, date*! HI& at £, l ^^ cm.-l
mark H TichiMt J .
4iitt0tl<sn.! !i> Captnln Bouckc:
0. All you V-noa la Ihul 3C pfof-io .-.fro <111.fi in irK«» Gp'tn'lci
Ics. i olii'i knoB of k;jjji:. .1 io :ji.r.t>t&.
I/Ili JVU 'iJj.'ir nì\,'
^ liiflj f: r lu it i"r,-,ai I onta rr.;;tluunar lo IV- b. rii-imi'-1.
A About ihrt-v. ..r four kll.jm-t.ru.
•t And /oii -irrlvn' .'n ir»i.u Jruiido at. Uà o'jlocsk in thu if1.rrn.jonV
A y«m, -ih.ut
".. V.erti (.hurt, un;; i-.i'}'lt in '. •••!..•• <
r\Jivi> ohcn yt/u urtivullr
A Xcs.
nifi ycu .ck UiUip «n\t tiau Uijjj
vi uiA thisy Lull yon l.hoy Ji-j-i rpnrv. •! nny «i--, h*u3
Oitsl t > i - t
Did l-ht-y teli y«i thut O-ririiji., H^Q aoim
T/hy do you surrocu thirty reoil"*
ohlM, rt-rt Wii"ì<iri1>!! In
A nccaunt. I boliuv* tlw-j klll-i! jow Qiratttis
<>r •.••UMIIUMJ ao-an Girmi'..
uni bdcauae i hey h«lp>.>u Un; i->rl1s<ja i.
y Did you holp tiny >iny 'if Ine -lewil':
H I just incliciilftd the locutii.-n :Xr tins burial l.ut 1 rllJn't i.i lj..
•^ iVftn. the dii'nl killed l^y i.ia-:hln>: ^un l-uH«t.-j .>r 'v t.u:/on« t.r? Or V M » .
killed by .'r-jriude-..?
A Only by mach1n<i juiiu.
y Do yo'i Snow noat of the ;oofje fcl
A 7 knotr a74-ryona exropt thv ••vunti
'« \t\A the Gir-iunw Bulk over to the Italiuna «ith their pistols and i-luca
then on lh'-S" howiu, or dio th«y shoot thcu from H lUnti-nc*»?
A Thuy r«r« ( about tro yar-JH wy.
', At that time did they point a gun at you?
A Ho.
\i In y« knew why they 'lidn't shoot you tit that tin-e?
1 'ion't, fcvnr.
'„ Di/1 the r«ur Italian civilians huva t>ny ooupona on Uteat
•5 Ho» olà roro thn Italian filtfilJanaV \ihat wna their average age?
A Trenty-one, forty, forty-five onrl sixty-aix.
<4 Uore fith».r of th<9»e fcur Itslin civilians on^dged in tho flgbtina nhich
bat] gona on b^tcoen lht> Portiaaro und tho Gtrm-in« during the i»r'jvioup 4ayo?
A Ho. Tho Ormili captata hurl o Hat of nUT.ea \r\ hi o roane ss I on, end I
noticed thut ivo of thu naneo .\ppo>«rin^ on Idn Hot v.era tt* nawss of Ivo
of the four Italian civlJiann who T,are «rxacntril.
4 Than he onkod thn civilian!) thoir ivatsse, la tl<it rightf
A Ho.
Q Thfin ho? did U<t kn>«tho they rare?
A Maybe thoy (.akud thoir nan*a.
(l Whiit happanad to you ttxuiY
A An.»r tho four T'aliane -ere killed, I PUS told to go into the ananp thore
and I nan In nstor up to ny v,-aiat. I tixpectod that I «ould ha «not at
Ihut time and I ;>uke>) to c-jy oonoUilng.
. -.';htti hnppanua ihen'.-
A Thn ìrrtorpr<it<.r cave »ia I'frrJii.Ucin to tOJc, und T toll thom I had +.no ocma
«ho rare j>r.isonare in flwrmany, anrl 1 Uvaugb f.lifi Interpretar I also stated
that if I war: kl31«vi r.fl«r shut hu'. Imppcnrd in Prato fieadtlo that r'oy
H woulo bring iliahonor to tho ft man captain. The Interpreter t.iien
talked with tht; tormn capldln who oriierod t:h<9 Gm'ttin noldioru l-o return
Hwlr pintail) to tiiair holatflrsi.
^ Thv -.:usv day'.
A 'fea, air.
Cj Put yen: Ai -n".. -.MV. tlier
« i'o, ti i\-.i. •<• -hej fciiofii to .i»iatln-r pariah.
^uesliont. ty Yrjor Booth;
C How nany poui/le did you lie or had hews killed on *ht» i3rd or «tyuut
in the vicinity of t'-t marshes'.
A I don't knot; exactly, but thei totaled nbout COO or TOO.
<i Ha» mnnj- of tbe snail tows trill h-vo filed thtfir raoords in tUe totru
of alonsuonano?
A Thfy bave -Jl tho
infcmatioa In Itonsumratio.
Q Have ycu nritten aiQr official report of thit- incident?
3 Have you --ritten toy notoa «hich -you luva filed Jilth the torn officialo?
A Zas, I kefìp a diary.
W Have you civ<>n arff- ofthat to the oayor of thio tovn?
A Ho.
U Does the diary uhich you. refer to contain try information in Ddditjon to
that which you have already given us;
A I'o.
Q la there anything olse in connection tilth thia atrocity that you would
care to tall us at this tiiaaV
A. No.
(The witness vaa excused)
TaaUyn. y.oft
P-u-'intJ Fi lode, rr&ta Grunde, IUlj.
T-nir'jf! ni.:
1-ont'. Bucfiantioo, Ituly,
? OcM-er 15U.
Itojor CD7.Ii: C. BOOTH, JAGE, Comnlaaloncr.
Defense Counuel.
Technician fourth grr.de Adrian L. Stehcuuer, Hq. & Hq. Co., RLftb Army,
flf.n morn tic rsj'Wtyr.
Prix-tt* first class Robert C. ?aojl{;H, Ho.. 6 HH, Co., Fifth Aray, wac
sworn ao Inturprotor.
wittioao wto s»orn)
(jlibat.iona Toy Major T.'orlor:
Q ELatf your name, your ano and vi^ofi you live.
A raronll Flledtì, fj> years old, l'rata Grande, Italy.
U On August 23f&, 194A did you uee Grnums In the vicinity of Frata Crania?
/. Xos.
Q Did you. hopr nhootiry hetwetn Fartlawa trd Q^rours as early oo Auguat
A Zix or coven auya before I noticed three Perticane passing by, and after
«hJ.lo I hoard shooting.
Q Did you hear ebooting for the throe or four dayo before the data of the
executions in Prata Gronde?
Q When did you first ))'sr shootlnj oo August 23rd?
A 3atn«en four un-1 five o'clock In the morning.
Ci Did -t.lv> nhooting which star tod at four or five o'clock in the norsing
continue intermittently through the day!
A It continued Intermittently until eleven o'clock in tho aorninj.
Yes, but not In Frata Grande.
q ffhere nero you at the tine you first hsa-sl ohonMn* an ;snguot 23rd—In
your nono or out-of-door*?
A I was in tho house,
l; Did you do (Ait to investigate what Ina confusion WHO about?
A Ho, I did not becauao Z was under tho Inpreaoion that the Germano cere
bofjnning to round up man for labor duty and I did not «ant to be caught»
<J Did you go uurlsida your house at all at anytlne during the <3a? of
August *3ra?
A Teo, about six o'clock In th« Bomir>j I «or.t out and X worked in Off field
and tixoA up tho corn «itì wheat and thitgc and during tola Una I didn't
hear any shooting near sy honoe.
Q On *-he uaao day, did you oec any dead fcodloa?
A Too, I oaa alghtre-n bodi«a in a. oaall tobacco fcatory end I aw four
others bcin* shot by the (Jeraenc.
Q Bhut f.ine nui it when you son the eighteen nodie» in the factory?
A òovon o'clu:k in ».he morning.
Q Voi-e there any women and children ancmg tola fcroup of «ightsen In ti»
A Three woman, two boys and one girl.
C Then tho other iwolve todies «err thv " uT nea in the factory?
A Tea, aU man.
Q Of the ttralva men nrhoua bodluy you saw, turn many dia you know reraonully?
A Only four nou.
C( Of the four men thut you kn«o, nere any of thcu aotivo r«rtl anno?
Bd sides ^t> «'tightaoii I'ouins «hlch you huvo ttlraa>jy tnstifioa to, ilid you
aoe any other bodloii nHhPr scni«5.-ri or iV-^iV
A btt.
',. will you tjo luto
-nil .•*<• -in,, Jf.iil botìU'aì
of Mi» i.ìjii.i. ii lO'Uuu nlilsh y.ju
'-1.1 /.,i-
wU-r.'.H.. thu •••ii;-|l i..». ••' ..n/:
fi "• ..,
UÌU Mili i.il.1.
"M ' '•; .;'•• i /u
f.Jti i" ii ir
IL •••!. .i.vi n ij'r]'. :u In tiii. -.l'iri.ìit,.
,-. tìn\ tnìti »]i!i MI i '•.i-i-ri.U.--
i.-^iinj '• ir uh ui.iforii • ii:^-..! ..... ti ; i-.ju-i < w luJ'J't...
li f u l.hi. Porrn'.i. -iiun-rr un'l m.- i«j«hi.'! tin ;&;ij.
T tiJun'l t,iv-i
F Hi- wii ìivii^ in '.fé
«•'«• uri-li '... ;••• j.r-.'-.r.iil ci'- U.i- 'il. ou;i .l"ii •)•• (•« '..ìijcii unj fli'j hij-t roti»!
t.j iul'ja-..
l'ifli.r flv IIMIHIÌ..U (1 lìiiin'l. i'M:r:;i.^iil Uil : Vi.ry *«jll)
•'Ciffl jla'-wl.. «ii'l
by iiiiiy/iiit; Mm?.
I.'JÌ.-T:: Trf.fc. ..lini-i. 1 •/ •::
i n o four wan
"i bl'i t:f- '.l'THan i-i.)>tair, imv i i i j
t 'v.i-nL/
i 'i-iut ti»' i ho cuplaln.
M'i 'hop<i furiili) ..-vld.li.-ri- oj*?u fi:', -.in LÌI-J "o"? It:tlit.n ci villana nho
iniur jutt'i
v. old t.hr: Cincann :.h-j;t uh ui-.!or of the
lil-t Ih'j Ittilli.t.'t '•" MI- Uiiy >.-r^thli\; to "U'lHit tin, Urn. un offiChr l,
'.ho «v/w or.'! ti flr'j?
fw rar«- UÀ' i'oiir Itulian ilviilm.
rj« you ut th*- tj-r- they
'•!»,•/ cliot.: in ttll A»>n- fi «K.' l.ìiut yon Run
A 3i vun.
'.i Gun yc" i Vacs ..:;.! ila a\y It. le th;>f you • «"'ti nut f.wnuttfj shon ,
• fro ." o'-viiiiin Pitii»s:i lo thi «xaouUon •.<!' fgur oUit/r Tt.J.lun:: thnt
A. I flna]l,y •:!•! i (plain 'Iirou^h tlm 1iihuriwt.i.r, t,ii" I» tit ro«-l Tur I lit
oaptuln to tr<iv«i. M i.h--t 1 noi.Jil no'' 'aw. j-n, Uif.-.- J/IVB mo
c OK of •jumiuilLir.n to «urry. I al-<o Jhov-i Mu» Ourmtin c.tj-.tuin thn
nfter I rhoi.<ij :.he G^nean th»; road rjul ho hul jono
«i 'lyo, 1 •Jpi'liii -i le p^i'irn i.nd • ,"!"-d <"of -i sritten i>u.ir. 'n t'-t- 1-nclf,
I tfot thij j.aua.
*ny to £0 on hia titjj.
(; Uo yon hiiVi tlv its.', with :"J»1
A Yea.
^0 bills jitiiwri by the Gi-rnun (>hpt(iin tif< hy :;ap.<i
A It v»a& tiifK.-'<i fy a linu tenarii, hy tV rupi din's oH'-r.
Thw j.-wu «fill bj i-ocuiV'-d in fivJr'enco and i«.irk-i.l
(, Have yiw heK"tì of tjiu rioatli Uy uxcpitlon lit. tht> liafrlti of llw 0*raifsr"<
of . any other .leroono tn the I ruta Grvnut uror. ,ir .in^u^t ^3ixi I'*-;/,
oxcluaivu of the- H jiiroou. rhom j>iiu havn ulf-jiiy t«<!:t j f i n f i .jh.,ntV
A i heard th*t O Ulcnetùrn frcm 1 rata Gr-.^J-j U-cy kill^il «hogt afvunty
and li'OO yarJn Prcn ay hw :'« thfiy KllltO 'V cci'inin ans t.t,-u oth*-r
^ Tihat is the nuno of tho town rtaaro 70 peofil..- tiere killed?
H'.'-7 fur la Clnt.oloc'i fmn l-rata Srrndo'i
?!inrt kiloneti.-rn.
Do you kmm ..f fhe i.sccuti.jri of Bny oth'jt QUIVWM lii tovins nonr to
Prata Grondo*
^ lYhat ccnpacgr or othsr unit nns the captain u meii>er of?
.1 They «ore khaki unlfor&a.
(t Dir they rr-sr high l/oots?
A The captain and lieutenant had hoots and tho aoldiuru h>id r.hoar.
{, "ban they traviici. ±-*y fr.i» i-n-tr. Orrand o, did they go hy corri or notoroycloo cr on foot?
A Everybody naOkea.
Q Did they near pants tl th oitf.ro. largo pockets!
A bo.
V Diri the? tear ot.Hhl Ii^lieets or cloth hatcT
'4 I eho» you on Imdgnla and -iole yru If jw ; Kvn t-v-ir roin this before uywhere in tho vlcii-Jiy ui' iruta tiranne daring August, or in tho poaaepglon
of any of theae cnldieru and officers yru have testified «bout?
A Ho.
(j W'l they have n par-iobut-» iwilinln on tholr urn?
•^ucctlona by Cuptaln BourVn:
Q Zou aan yietvscn people in thn factory?
A I only »a>.' throe on the outoida of the factory ?n I didn't hnre th9
courage to go .Incido the factory.
•4 Hoi many bodlbo did you neraonally noa right '.rauvi your house and the
A four I iuta klUc'l and the three outside the factory.
(jueatiora by Major ifoxlor:
Q Do I tinderatand then that you ima only seven bodies personally»
A yes.
0. Then hor» did you arrive at the figuro cìghtct/n bcforo?
A «hen I returned from C Into loco I npnke r-1.th ry eifo nerì eli e hole) me th.it
there were eighteen jcud in all.
Questiona by ".ojor Booth»
Q Aid you dee any of the bodies huri/.dV
1 October 19U
AfejMtt IbVMUc*tia» of «te Cria».
Major am* 8. B00nf 0-250507, «a» Cri»e CoaniMioMr,
fifth Mp, A- P. o. itft, o. s. Amy.
«r» ttMototl t* iavnticate tin aUafBd war orlaaa prapattataft te tba
r fftoaaohio, Italy, en or about 0 Aagwt 19U« ndn- tte pmiaieaa of
11, MttOQ3A,..19U«
9r ««wand of IdMtanant Oanwal OURKt
Lt. Colooel, A« 0.- O.t
iaat. Adjutant OflMralr
A »,U»Or. S
24tu Sept. 1S44
var Crimea
.-t A.S,O»
sta Army
1. Vqald amprectata your turnlBbtnc indorsation requested
la atiacbed note.
2» This Madquartees baa no proceaural fntornation rogar-
ding nar criaea oelng; iaveatl^ated by military formations.
for the S.C./UO.
SANTO V. CRUPE, 1st It., Inf
Exeo. Officer, A.K.Q.
fen_ejf"«v,j>ir» DongtotU), Arlotldo, Tla Garabaldl #5, Ponto BuggicawBe, Italy,
gVtofr »fr i
tonto Bugglaneoa, Italy.
2 October 1944.
Cojot FiOTO C. BOtffJI, JAOD, CoK^iuaionGr.
I^«y nTi>TM H. C31WI, 160, Bilitery Counool.
Captala CHàfili'O C. POORMS, AGI), Defense Counael.
ToebnloloB fcMi-th «rodo Adrian L» Stonouver, Heodtjuortoro &. Hoado^artero
tim^any, Wflh A^-ny, J. A. Section, woo oworo oa reporter*
Privato firat olaoo Sobert 0. roaslflll, Jtoodquertoro A Headquartere CoMpvgr,
fifth ire&t was Offom no interpretar.
(Ino srltmos wae worn)
Q Stato yow non, yuur ayo and wherw yaa live.
& Benedetti, /.rlotldu, 36 yearo old and I live at Via Corabcldl <75, Fonte
Aro you now ttu? Mayor of Ponto Euggianeeof
Q Phon did yen beoow layort
A the 23rd of September 1944»
Q Pere you living lo Boote Bugglaneee on August 23rd 19U?
Q On that date nere Oeraan troop» oeenpylnK thi« town?
A Xea. I arrived here 15 March and tho Qflraoa troojw -.ier«i olroody hero.
Q «hat oao the name of the Cernan eomaander?
A Alfonoo Fitroch.
Q What «aa Mo rank?
A I don't knox oxaotly whetbor ho wae a high noneoasiloeloticd of floor or
a ooeend lieutenant*
g Have you hsard of tho execution of the people formerly living in Ponte
Buaglanfioe by tho Gemano in Auguot of 1944?
A loo, I beard shooting.
Q On anal day?
A 23 Augiut 19U.
Q (There did you hear tbe shotting?
A In the owoap, about a, WlwMrtir fm/u irai,» bivjefri.
Q That tine of '.'ay?
f> Betvero {ivo aid ai* in tho Horning.
Q £ere you at Prato Grande in the earning?
A Zen.
4 Pere you, at tho tlw of tho tAp-/tl*g, a aoabt.r of tho J'artican group?
A Zeo, I woe tbe obief of then.
4 Had thoro been any otuaitiing fcotve«n the Portiaono and the Cenane in
Ponte Bucuia»»o« provlcuo to Auguct 23rd?
/> Hot in fonte 3uggiane0e, but around the vicinity of tbo owoap.
Q Uae there any fighting in Fueeoenio?
A Ih tho center of tbe cwanp—-not in Fuocnctilo,
Q Tjen did the fifihtlng ntart hctoocn the Fortiiionp and tho CormaaaV
A 19th, 20th and ilet of jwem.t.
Q Tihon did it «urè*
A Tho 21ct.
C bid tlis fi^btiee take place In the fleldo or In tho villages?
A In the cvntap.
0 rVon trtu.t villAgne did the Partioano «ho fouflftt In tbe mean come froa. if
A EtoWa, Clntolooe And Ponto Bugglaneoe and other asoli places.
Q Ehèn, did the Ceaans leave «bis am?
4 X vea in ti» hotpital and I «ont xoaeaifcer.
Q Sete ye» wounded in tbe.fighting?
A So, I eoetroeted salAci^ù •
Q Tien you beerà the abooting en Aogurt 2?rd vere you in Ite hospital?
.A So, «ooebooy.'took.» to the hospital feeeeuae I bod a fever.
; Q Old tbe eboettng on Attfcuat «*d remit in the «cllling of any voneo
and enlUrea}
-A *ee.
'' "
Q Bid jroa eee «jy corpves?
A Bo.
• .
' •.
0 then be* oo you hftow tite ebootlag included «emeu and children?
A Fro* eteteoente of the people in the torn.
Q Are tboee oteteaenta la writing?
a. Orel»
Q Ho* rere.fcbeee people oheeen for the aaesacre? Can you tell ua «hat
procedute «30 qoed by the.Comano?
A IB Crate, tiraada only tqr rifle and eab>caehine gone.
Q Ud the 4*gfl iaelode people who did not live in tbe evaapt
h. Zee.
4 Ko* dial tbeoe people get to tbe awaap at tbe tlae of the killing?
& In «» built-up area next to the cnraop, -they were axeeuted In their boeee
BTaoe by If-ine, Tbe excuse me they wonted to find Partisene.
3 Hov esry houaee ore there in tbe maap area?
A It ic a large ere» and ttore ere atoat a thousand houeoe.
C. Ubo bandied Die burial of tie* dead?
Q Do you hsvo a Ila*, of the domi?
ft lea.
Q Dooa it oho» the atteu?
A Yos.
Q filli you pleo.ee hand «TO that Hot?
A (uitnaaa conplies and bando Hat of Jtuid to Major Boxlor)
Q Shore did you obtain the uanOu und pJ-icou of burial an*1 »rinj on thin
A Frotn tho priest nnd r«lutlv«o of th* d«wl j*ople.
(I Does this 11*t include all those «ho «rero Hwm to bava liwsn killed on
JiUguat 23rd io the craeiip area?
A This list ie only of those «ho ore itaoeasbcl uni vino forwicly raaidcd In
Q Oo you know ban «any poople in. all, Includine all the villogoo, ner«
killf4 on Auguat 23rd?
A About eight hundrod.
Q Of the eight hundred, ho» «any do you have on your listv
A Between thirty and forty.
4 Con you vene the other villafe'ea in whooe mnicl polity oe could find
tho other liete?
A Stobla, Fieggione, but tola town I ballavo Rio «^«Inlatratcd by W,
Hanettonano city hall enti alno Foseetto.
Q Would tbe Hot of deed ohich y«?> turo Juot onovn BO oleo be recorded in the
Bunieipal building at Konoueoano?
A Bo.
4 trill the oiigr hall &t tbnaunaatio have aoot of the root of the reoonta?
JV Xoe.
Q. Then, why dcnsn't Konsunaano nave your records?
A It la not the aoaa u&alnlatratton.
u. i. c. (ÌI/XA, u. /;.
t. z v a „
1. In accordar'» wiln. thè ;rovlni'.rai of Cir j\\, H<t
Collo- lofi naiF»» Off are dcbi^natc^ror tt» ioaU.ionu utit op
n-jii'vU, for th" iiive.Ai^-ttlt-i. of :.uoh *«r -irli "u I-P may Itr
rwl to
ooHsieuiorwr :
-. nr.OTH, 0.-.?0?07.
f!ftJ CAW. -t. CDIU/IFr, CA/,7«J27, ft-i
By command of .Uftatniiu&t, OcnunU
ìtoj(i£ Cn-
o/ il. K. (ir/un
U. K. OSaJ,7,
Colonel, A. C. b.,
A/IJutont Cenerei.
7ho "iirT OlT.'.:; Coauicsion, at Crj30 hourr,
lfensuc.-3noj Itt^'--*»!! nirr«ri. «f the CoTKitJol
inteifrtttr belo,; ji\ .-t.r.t.
Outofcr W>, n.>f iA
uwt tlw roporti-r nwl
3ajgr«ni Fulvio appeared in person before the Coiaaiajioner and te»liflr.d
VB!dr-r os+b; Wo t«£tiaieny belnj marititi SchiMt "P". Tha do<*un<nts r- furron1
to In rho to&tiPoup of Mi- vitneao "ua{;oni i:erf rsouived in oviuenct end
rsrJrcd KvhiWt.-. "~tt ft "F.0. Vital* Ca*:ott'n9 also cpp.nred brfcru ito
CataiealoBU- and tcrtiflvd under cathj MB tf.ctinony bsing marked Exhibit
"S". Tbe etotenents referred to jn the tastlnony of the nitneca V ìtalo vera
received in evidence and narkod Exhlbltu "7" to "?•", ineii:.iJvo. Report of
tlw incident njuio
by the vitneas Vitale Giuseppe was roofaiveU in ovldoucc> and
s&rkcd rxbitit AA". rrotilnl Guido and "arlotti >urlo M!JO nyimiaeH buforb
the Coaoicsioner and teatiflud under oath; thai*- toaUvony being narfcoU
Esdilfcits »A£" & "AC". A. lottar n-c^lvcd fron tho Office of tho iaaisttint
Chief of Staff, G-2, Fifth Ar«Qr, identifying units and A. P. 0. NuwUr.v Isattuotcd r<3 on cocbiUt, and narked Exhibit "AD". Uuha of the ducd oa the
result of tbe astiene cf tho Gwec.no on 23 Avgu0t 19U in the vicinity of
the snraatpa of Puceccbio tar« obtained fron tha official retoofco of tho
Cecunes of Ponte Euggianeae, laroiano, Vonsuomano and Vontocotitil Tor/r.e;
tha Cooxna of Fuoeechlo and the parish records
of the Padule of Fucecchlo;
sano Doing attaobed ucd «uriced S^hibltg »;»E8 to 'Vw", inclusive.
The Coonlesion adjourned at UOO huura, 3 October 19U.
tbjor, J.B.O.JJ.,
. 6. 0,,
Captbin, A. G. Q.
Defaoae Counsel.
A. I-t 0. #464, O. S. An
19 September 1?U
•Li SXSttSZSZSffft
viee »JT CA» H. OTTO??, OA#827, W»i '«M-
«WSK ",
,»+.. * v*
r ooaoand of Ueatenant General CUBE:
Major iSonend, Q. S. 0.,
Chief of Stuff.
s/ 3. F. Crent
«. ?. CSABI,
Colonel, A. C. 5.
Adjutant Seismi.
06741 A
Sgt Labua 06741 A
June 16, 44
Daur i^Sgt.
I ohould like to Infera you herewith that I am detained since 5 days
in a transit camp. Nobody knone the a*y until tho Div. Hill be called up
by the front station. I met yesterday Karl Huhn «ho experiences the flume
as I do. 'ife all heard Croia a boy of tho 3rd Co, «ho is aloo on furlough,
about tha hard doya the rtegt. went through once «gain.
Hoping that ne see each other soon again.
iifft tebua
iiany regards to all old comrades.
.M- •••;•'
Garnich-Partenkirchan 2
July 2nd, 44 12 A.M.
Lieutenant Erich Wagner
APO 06741 A /
Pfc K. Qoette
Hospital "Kaua Partenkirchan11
July 1st 1944
Dear Erich,
I received your nice letter June 9th 44. Many thanks for ib. I was
very hapoy to hear froo. you. You must have a vary tough tine don there. I
bollava you that you are angry with Tanny because he anuausea himself now at
Num. Hell, aaybe tbe situation will change yet?
Xou should Ilice to know whether I found a substitute for luge? I can
infona you that I have found a triple substitute for Inge. At present the
nice Bavarian girl la visiting ma. She ia really a cute thing. By the way,
there are huge maaaea of girls hare and not oven tha worst ones. Of course
I tato very wen advantage of the sitaation. Hare at Kaus Partankirohaa are
•any beautiful f «sales. Xou see I don't even have to walk far. In "Point
Girls11 I an vary wall taken care of. I an vary wall at present. I an allowed
to get up a little already but cannot get out yet. Maybe Augchen will be able
to dance again. Today I passed out for a change at chow time. But I recovered
fast. I nut say that the nurses hero at tha hospital naka all efforts to
satisfy the patients.
TJ7.HIB1? "H"
TO ^yp^zmj
••'•>. "V"S.'-
,. ,' !
• •
•> •
^•H. .^^^:^.^- • . -
&•- I
i . I
h C fi
0 ft U t R
'Sgt Koffoutnn and Dpi foUutr
'of the 06741 A duty station
'iravol on July loi.h 1«4/.
to Bolognu and Inola
Reason: Transfer of vehicles .froo tli« I detachment of tho org.inisation
to the troopa.
Returning itiTter com.'letlji>* tha mission.
f.'aclo out July 9th l^u
duty station 06?4l A- \f
s/ ^chultz (Hot Jefinlto buoouse of
longhand signature.)
Captain and Battalion conunander
duty station
APO 06741 A
Q Did you obtain Information concerning tbe German military personnel
olio occupied the house?
A 7eu, .T did, from the earner, and I have written It on thio anaci of pupor.
Cj Hill you refresh ycur recolluctlon from this piece of paper and state
the nones of Uie Germana?
A Karahal_Chief, Gustai. Th«ra are aluo tte following ooldleras
Let-vie Bianna, Calaamer. Alfredo, Vrlgol Armando, Hake Helnufc, Fritz,
Goges Pietro, rrapònicb Pietro.
Q Did troopa occupy your borne in Panto Eugglaneae?
A Xea.
y Did you diocover uny papers or 'loouments which nere laft behind?
Q Ì7111 you plooso 1ft ce oeo them?
A Sea. (TTitnoen complico)
llujor Tfexlcr: Tie Kill i-orci ve for tho record, document dated July 9th 1944
touring tho imprint of the Karl Party ao Exhibit P. fle will also receive
the fiold mygstgo addroated to Ot-olfelditeber Fritfi.Hoffiunn.a8 Exhibit G.
7.o vili also reactive 1 two field nee6a3"S addreased to Llautenant Crick
i'ttgner ao Exhibit H .
ài «ban wna the rirt^t, lion! yoii ev these written documenta nhicb I have
Juot token?
A frbcut •tro non^-hr.
nont'n t»for« the shooting.
y lild y<ni ever bc^r of tloutonant i.agnur'.
». ita, 1 tin him U> x-j hnnee.
Q Do ynu b-lisvr. t.hiit llquti-uunst 'h'agncr f ss a itraber of the sane German
or^niattt-Jon niilcli purticlfaLttd in the maai-.ucroi
A I oil! uak nqr mother, braauun rv aot.hcr alno llv^d nith the Arcana and
duriti ih, nay tho ntuioily ocrurr»-\ <h< .usi in th« hous* and aha can
t« J t ' f y 1f Urutirant. ùa^n^r • .a in I IK. ken: e.
i't; July «or». >hare .«nj
'ronj*1 in Ituitr t-ugrjl
• li«.|i
•.•!•).. ''i ' i l l .
! w . i. .'i
,.ii .'.: t t
.1^ li->- l u j ' i u In. . 1.1 ,ji .i ,w wl.ii'r fi-i-uj., mine in.
<t.n t -
j . ...-,.. ..-owiji in In l.ii- K^ini-ib;- ol" AU^i£t i.eor tlil- ;!'."B uniforms
• r- tii.fi- ir
i-ut J V.oli-.vo i.hey
ifhBi» i:nli,r . - • • • . tilt, iinlfoifi:
ÙJ'l 'il../
.<•'* •»!' '.!»•• i
• -,i ttl^ì. '< uni ,• i/
JJ-1 ih>.y
t.ha o.-i.Mi cf July.
" «••• a i Ith Uso
. 'a'.r. «• : Di'j Ja. *
thl- toiti*
••ir h..r«? .if Lit.ulun-jut "a^nor lioin^ in
.'.I Mi.' • ni . 1* ll.'i nkiifJi f."
O» tho .:?rrt ni' j.ugu..t -ii'l J'M hour lio-itinj in tho raompV
••••e y.-u io ttì"
11'.-. ;.«,! i^y ont- Icj; • .-- ].an>ly.--> «i.
pli 1-lUeiJV
fi Tu» -Jnyt. u'ic.r t.h': , J 01^ in .'Jrnniw -ino on» l'0«:à boni
/••u -io nut knc-o |«!rucin«lj> ìluc F.rf.> t«j'.-i>Jjo v-i-ru killed?
Ko, l!.-y ti'-t Croat i. locrtllty -.her.- I h.jvfi twi^1 l.-i-n.
' -i^,,;-: :i'\ <; "•'•.:"
. '.
w *
' . '
. t I JtrdOh b'l'
»•'.'•. IV- 'inlt. tVi"
•ir.:;>j.-iv.un.-j «inn jiv«* you
V"ii ki"v If the
'O.r«s Vforrut.lon.
' tri infuntiy,
ufi' y .11 ever If-iar of Geuiort»! B'.rn^..
j. 1 V'no'< futi
-*-iu located around the l.
L-i'l you -ivcr liwr t,f & Oui-man i/J vision with the n»-i« BLu/KunMif
•< Ton lift vi uhorn nrt un Inrd^nia, uVl I usk you. if you hivfl over cotn thct
ut nny oth«r r-la1:**'' I1*'1:."' °f .li^ljnla fttoehwl '.o original c-jj/y of inwctl
A Yf:3, T :;au i'' on the jlfin.
. i t - ii ii din» i'lgi>V
L On tlio outoi'lt of a houivj in Tonte Bugjioneaii.
Q Ipfrrring nov/ -lo t.Mri r.ijjn.
Pleure si.^'l-e cxacMy «hai. you recall wh«ct
I-..-IL- «rJLtton en I Mo uign.
/. I cofiti) Ui<4 hlgn oxactjj arni I have the Inf creation at bo-ne.
(-'ajor foxier: The nltnuaa «ill be given an opportunity before tho tntcrvicr Li ovtir lo obtain this Jiuormvtion)
"4 ?iill you rleare prepare for ua certified true copies of the Hot of dond
from Pont.e BugglanQDe us veil as corti Plod true copiec of thd original
ntoteRcntci which you have fro.o wltnesaea}
A J Bill..
Q Kvrtt you IK» yhtolnfta tho neceuoary papero to r«fre.»h youc iwmory as to
V7ttat V-QS wrii-tati on Lh« signV
A I hive.
'1 'li'ill you faeu&t yt^Le exactly what, ^ppoared on tho sign in front of the
VHMUO In the vHI&ga of Vanto Bug^ianeee?
A "Cro/8 - V. - V.."
: .'
^ • i.. i . '
' / . , ' . ...
. .-• „••• Orlai'-» Coii'iil aliiti, ;;i ; oliit. -i '«.''. r tli i-rti-i. '. ,*i. • i' C l r i- 1
ll, K/.TjL. », J-».'»-;, I.J i-itr .ji'a'-l- I, ';-i.<-liJ '.' is • i . I!»M i
i, '• •. i > • '
'•'.'"t.1* v:.i, ' ' . : • • . ii' -Uuu i .1 "„ .•••iv •' • • • ' • ! • I. .-ll • » • » • • •> ' . - - i l / H '
uflJ .iJ uwnsinl J.y jvxrjt.i'nl'h i, Jj-ml *1 '"T • r IV.-iì. • ..«.'<, «.• .jo j--..rl •
i,«v, u-t.\l 1 .'.i-i-fijal • r i--.-..;, .-.•:., IK' ..M.-li I.: ,,'i.i.:i. •;
lit fent.li £lbj£uIH . i-, Italy jf
t.:tk'lib' fci-.-:tIii.it- n l - t l « -
. ; . ' V r • -,
U l - l ' In4ir I , . U'-i'i.!'"' t'-.'.'i ''"I
•• t'i. . 1 1 - •• i. if .'.1.,-
i;.:ii ,-'i.j It ij.r- .•',,-'i
<if tlU.-. .;»• W:: ..." >-'i <-i-.. •-..'•, H J , , . ' < • . ' - . . . . ' I ' . ' .
IH a hcaUiiithrt- •>•.-, ^ - * j ut .iiieli V., .1. •!!.• i.. '. f. ; )iM ".".
•• i I
i - i - i-
Vjiralii-ro at' II» 1 bua''-' j-r-.vii.t:
Vjji.r .'.to JÙ* 4. -'OC'il', C.H'OViV, jivtvi, ".'i'..l.i..i'-M.'.
rijor il
UuK -•. ..:••:*.;•, (Vl Vn.;, i ., — n . -,. n .1. ,.
Cup», lil Ci...;«i> ^ V. *'..i.'n.. , u', '. •'(•, .. i. , ii- • i . - ".••..i. .1 J,
T>-«'hiiti:i,.n Puui i.S ^ptl». mlri.-in i.. .'jl.iiiii.u-ci', "V/.'i'.'i .•'.. • «
liiUirt- '-i. Oi.-'.jiuny, 'IfMi *.|-lc-, *'>- : . m-'ii •,. r<. .-.rl • i.
•• i- .1
Pr-l"v.tt. riro*- elu.-B. l u i - rl. ^. J j . - t t H , -. ri'l J ; I , .. . ' . . - v l - i •'.•v: CvUrUn.', '•I* Ml nf-U,
«-i. .-f-i-ni
Co| i*- il tt f "imi-I u ni" il.H
uro jttcì-h-f. r :. Lxhl'.lb
• 'r ; •.•. i e I r.
H* 'n-»i
' . ' i - t v '•!>'
tunpt'ul.t i Aristlue .(l'-ci-.-i 'r (i-rLt.ii I.' To'-, i.ji- i'.tfx.lì vli.r,,.r ,.|.-i
t»otlfl'ì.J unUu i*ath; hii. t«..-.fLw-i^ I 'i._ .-H»!... K . i ' l f t ''•''. In- li -t.jii»
menta ri.ftrrrd to Jn thè l.«'i.1 lim&y ut' i-.li-. • Hip.-- 1> ^.tiuu-tM, • "i-j ••> e- 1 wt-1
In ovldan'-.rt uno uvurteù BcU'VH-j ";•'", *»" .- "I'", r^iiairlll Jullti. M / U . I K
as a v.itnoar uud t» «rtlfi- <i iuul».r outh; lilj t.i .(.I:**/ >-in.; »-i"i«. ' T-»;I-{( «in.
Tbfl faou referred lo in '.In. tu.it.i .iti.j- u r the «ItM-.ti Ti.^riai-'ilil ..n:: r« «i- Ji".'
in svitv.i.co {unì iuar;:c>: LxhiMl. "J". i -..-ir.» I 'I !>••>•• -^i.-.i-f 1i [.i.-,,., -.«i
tcatifivd und(.r v;ith; r Hit, t'::vti;wuy l-aj^ t.-irkiM j.'-JiH it "t". ?>i'. ;.?,.•. i > -
forroci to in tl«! t*cti .iony »r M« 'itiiurr. f u r - i>tl a» • tv n.jvi il In i vi- 1 1.«-..
antì marked Exhil.il "L". JL;.L'Uf'u».n
on ••<-.*-JJM li. ili.. r.-i,pi i-ij.nl m'iUviu •i'1
•-.luì toon of i'ontn r.njj;1' nea » ur' ri.'-i tvw' li. iivJu-.vi-i- ;-ia •i-.t^i-n r-t.ll-U,"?]» & "I?". iorciiRlnl Irnlnit. olao .»i .urr.il l,.'for«.- tu. &** Ijulowr :" .
t«)tifift<l undor 01 'Ih; hur t-,:ti. <.|^ J-"ir^ u*i-a i1 *. Ml.lt »«*.
Tlio Ctfilii onion at 1£,-0 Iiuir», .-! Out-oK-r l'''4/M ••• e» .-,:i>nl l b «--it • ...Uri ul.
Unaummano, Itnly, 3 Outrib^r 1-V,-;.
•canoa omcs H.
ljoa««t Stn'.uo »i- Ucot
ijrr ' .v.:t s«.y •; «i^i: ;••.-«
Serial /
11A5T3 OF .'TT8E3SSC
Knti Qualit
»r ! iri»t.%
f-tntu* »r L»pn»:
sr "na vr OTJ-f.:ij,v.3:
84th Sept. 1944 ,
•On the 23 Aug 44 whilst thie territory «as etili occupied by
Geroon forces, io. the locality of the erompe of JEUCECOHIO where
the bays of the Comnuoee of HOnstBSHAWO, KWTO BUG6IABBSE, fUCEC-
OHIO and LARCIAHO meet, lor reasons unknown to the writer and
la aocordance with orders of the German Goad (comd by a col),
stationed at CHEB3IHA OJ5ZAHE.3E, between the lire or 5 and «.30
a*m german tps surrounded this area. This area contained a
large number of people who had sought refuge from the dangers
of battle» 314 people, of whom 75jl were women and ehlidron
incl bableo, were aasoavred 'by EOs, rifles and other arms.
Tfcese barbarous shootlnp oommltted against women and children •
took plaoe with thettlll knowledge of the authors of numerous
crimes, and with the evident intention of shooting wlthour any
motive innocent peoplo who had nothing at all to do with the
war, Infaet It has been possible to ascertain that children of
a few aexi):>is old who were not Killed instantaneously were
stabbed to death.
Amongot the numerous crimes committed in. the awanroa or HTCECCHIO
It is worth mentioning particularly that of the killing of t h e ~
brothers CRIACHI fioravante and Giullo and tho wife ox the latter,
who the Germans Insisted should prepare a lunch for the£ before
beine Jellied."
Cftie abovo report has been received from an Italian ufficiai)
1. Extract of report by 6 3.A.A.Division "Atrocities" is
forwarded for your Inroraa-lon»
Kor the Ò.C.A.O.
8AHTO w. CRUFE, /Est'St., Inf.,
Exec. Officer, A.M.G.
Bei casolar! poèti ai margini del tasto p.a&ule che da
«i estende fino a pocM chilometri-4a Sónteeatini t che ds, fucecchio
«tesso prende none» avevano trovato asilo moltissime famiglie di s£ol~
lati dalle città tormentate dalla guerra* assillate1 dalla fatae e 'gir****
gultàie dalle *retate* tedesche* 'jatata tasta sona offriva uti senso li
maggiore fiicnreasa delle oltre dato che 0ra generale opinione che un
esercito moderno, sot orinato* preferisse percorrere nella sua avanzata
le strade che dritte e sicure portano da sud a nord* coniche ingolfar»!
e impantanarsi nella melsia e nelle càuae di iin jpad&La*.
Sul taar^ine ovest, del padule» quasi di faccia a LOBStìmaanp» «i
una uroeaa co &t ragione i l'éBSiecateid di tabacco del podere détto *
togrande* di proprietà 'Sétttpassi* In alcune stenzfe della casa £0
dello stesso essiccatoio, ^retano trovato rifugio tre Vfeóigllé di al odiati? il figlio del proprietario «te«sa Aldo Settepaà&l di Firenze con
la figlia unica Saiodra tti anni I? «d tua loro anicoi il Signor Ouido
Malfatti di Massa larittia» (Qrotatto)» ooa la, aOfli« 'Ettillft Polla
ieonardo, Boiaenioo» Bl^aa» parcella» Jfrfcwo-* Inghilesco»
i8i rispettivamente di 13 * di 9 .anni; lloperaio Bmbertd Quite
maglie I>inà Barbali.la coggaia Óiulia Ba-rsall e i figli Gianfranco e
Maria Grasia riapttti^ai&^ate li 20 e Ì7 anni» la più vi traa» riziastt
due famiglie coloiaiche.addotte £l."iondo» 1?agni e Bartoliai*
I& vita trascorreva aDÌ~aststóa .tran-quill.^ -in yafeB^aatii m
3& attesa de^li eventi la cui imiuiaensa si setitivo n<sll*aria»
J5d eccof improvvisa còme la folgora» fìbhàttersi le tragedia*
la nano tedesca, gncorfs^'grondante dil "san^afi éi altri innocenti do*
veva abbattersi ràpida» inuias-rm au quéste asilo di jpace.
Siamo sii SÌ agosto I94<4r uà tedeaeti è ,€«3FÌto da colpi di fucile
mentre percorre, éu un. autobliiìàa* ama strada a jeai^ine del patìule,ii:
giorni prima, sono stiitl fatti ^e0ii aà. alcuni colpir Partigimi eèé t
no nascosti ne| camiettt Forae» ;,
Li', rappresaglia, cieca e cnidele^aoii sì fa aUeudor«* L&.
del ?3 spoeto, alle s*l»
gli sXollsti
vengono destati dalla coatedi?s& 1^
Bartelinit * ftig^ite : «fttìa, grltla ' arrivano i tedéschi .$t* prenàer* ma'
ni*! la distane^ si ode uà confuso^^ rumore di motori e 1* stria 4i alcuni
comandi. w«v;tf*è uà mÌJip.to da perdere» Già tdtre ,v«lt« .Iti uo»*» et «fa
ripetuta» newpr però sènssì-oo/n^e^éi^df./An^Ho.^ysstt-.voXte Quindi gii
miai pensano Si seappare
verso :il pedule*; le &W&+ fino: allorm aeia^r«
rlsiset-t^te» res-t^nO" a-!ic^fl&%.. - . . . . ' , _ . . •
• '
Gli sfollati escono sileailosi, ctirpoai» da una botola che da ami
diedro dell1 essiccatoio| appéna lucri lé.prim^ eca»richt& di aitragliatrlei
gli dercano a caso, a raflicLe, fra le c^ritt. La gravila del Bioacato è
subito intuita* ion 6i ce^rcsno uòmini .'ài* portare al lavorot alt* tm tina
aseione di «pern- cantre i |>artigiani* Uùica, via ài ialvtmas* aerefefee rowp*
re 11 cerchio ofee «i va «tmpre più strigando attorno al p&oul», ca è ioossifeil», Inttrnarfti «i 4«v»t v«x»o H otnti^» 4iÌ««i it&ìe nftttxr»
el terreno mèla»»» * dalla vastità dei e sa acti* II greppo dei
si va sempre più e0sottlgU&fldo* cercando ojauuo rifugi diversi.
Il contadino (kiido ft^tii*- nel teatri ivo. di tornar* verso casa,
reso sicuro dslln propria €tàt aeaaant^sani» o ueoiaoi verrà trovato
l a aera s u un'argine.'. ' • • • • • • " ' • ' ' . ... . (rii spari aunentaaot
grid e di
donne, tìi bnuibini,••'tyiawa » mfìtnma^t• O^iiuiio creda ai riconoscere una
voc9 corp, un apsellod disperato. Che fsref 'fonare iuaietrof 1g* 1^
morte sicura.* Fórse staranno
alloiit^tttcLo le àoaue uall^ sona * si
ensfc* o si da foco .-jll1 essiccatoio.** Col cuore giretto dsll^ngosci*
r. marcia continua; i piedi, acèlzi» ve^oo Ittcèz&.ti. dallo cannelle
è uolle piccole ferito «atra 1*acque cielmo^g infetta, ì^ &titr£^liu
noa cessa un roworftò e i proiettili p^ssatio
a pochi ccatiaetri d,-Ìl«
teste, A lifi.tjfat'to utttì^ri'ifietej poi ti^f&ltr«ì.» 08j>lo<iofio BU! o^b'.^to«
I tede;-clii h;iniio voltato 1 pesisi di ^^i^li^ria soìLferati di
ouctobno»' tf. oontaóiiio /.Iber-to Cercati eie 0i tToVonfi •& pochi paesi
Aldo H^cjmasl £'nfìoìulì&to da 'uaur.'^raaciu^'.il J»*ttelassi BÌ s^lvs
BÓttfiiiCqua in un Golfile. Tutto iuionip al patiulc il fuoco
àéllo sorte d;Uchi è ri^ftio
deÙLEr Borie laiacdjUta e 'j
lies ;:i30£toio. 11 col* ificchia,
. sulle toste e ir sete
' . '
. . . . • .
• •"• "joao-le duc-'tiel-.-poy^rl^iOy Uà popolila coliti i tiri diaiani-.. .
. 5CCÙÓ Ci 'jjiiy,;3itàf rìpru^oi30f, ceacono dol tutto» Ohe 1 tedeschi ila* • \
f andati Tic? Il'peiiMero iid. próprl ctórì filing» ad uscire da quel-.,
l iberno e tornare alle ease* ^ìdo iettopasol e il colono I|dele
Barto i
lini arrivano^ per priEd,;otriocia1idot a:cin<iu0fita metri di;llfes8icca-~ A
Tutto a Biltiìlsio. Ilaa aoutadiua sola» «piasi Juspiotrita è tiul*
o J! loculi è aucceflso?* '|»p ai ^ricia. jUì sua voce rotta,
«da' risuoiiG
là . a^asp' a qu^l oileosio* "Sono tutti
' '
' ti
-•• . Cosa è.
. ..
. iàentre ^li uo^itti^u^^orio verso il pedulcr le priDc pattugli*
tedeeobe, ioimtite d& uomini, espreitì^-anta chi&tfòil del fronte d*lì*Amo:
•arrivano ai poderi. Mvsrsì di eat»i, retuua&ti sul 1* si a 1deilt«»aiocatoio .
fidano elle persone oiie erano rimeste ia ^s^t ^acitef * IHitU obbediscolio, sfollati e contadifd coi bambini pe/- rasao. !Tn uff ioial e ordina
loro di nllinearei contro il muro; chi aon è rapido uel f uilo vi vie;io
spinto violentcmente
dal sonno. }(nlia:-av.c&itt di-"pHlgrà'àÌj^ di
di^ |«?llti;
óa* I*a loro 7Ìt* è Is fami^lii?, il lavoro caaaìlttgo^l^oré A_, „
proprl cari. litsicuiD..ft!ilò'rp .àqao due bi&bì ùi treoici-e 41 jtote ^.ni
Uiidici iasraij -:;due. b&atlai e xiu rr^asueo dì venti rtini che lavori
Ttodt* •
. - ' • . . . - •
. . •.
' -. "
> rnff icu parto-u^ualmeate» micidiale^ eont o il .gruppo, ìlutti
eadoao, in massa, aulifeia, r^o iio& tutti sono jaorti^ Ifc signora
che si trovR aocaato a TSUO f igiio là^uiUiaea» idi ucve
di tredici anni» crivellati da colpi, raccodUù 1*
e irridai ; ^Assasainì, aftsaìssijìi*! fci& aupvk
pai caduti
Ktètia^ è
^ 1
> : <f
; ."
«,:'.a V.
.• /
.:...', •••.;•'•'•••
-•i* Unica illoeù 5 la l^ria Gmaia Gnittttecl, *t_*j
alla jtoBdonaa* .rssc&itri doj»o*e .iaoa sono struts col$i
* » »
Daisi di eaai X7 è-Cicuta irjaedlfit;^j0jatet |u3jai»Jata da
sul petto* La eoataàimi ì*Ì2*& 35artoXiiii. pio^c-dopo <aw or*-. «
arottia* disanr^Lta. Oli flltrì. tolto,uiia bìr.oa oh« riesca »
" è fìitfe 'B<^ìiO •>: colpi dì t'tìooe* « affi» tisana ^r tecente ferita
«M «i»
• -.-
. .
di ..Voto
caae <Hoaic vieifta i'«olci«ti'toa«0ehì«.etfel
e ^^^-00 Inatta,, a^acuncuop» -41;prlal cfce ftaano «frj
per prestare eotors* td' ipriti %&1 iiro» téata^ w pittai»* *
feste" •
•• •
• • '•
' "
éaaeritto è la pura verità Xaailseata eoatroilefciie ds
tièl tr^fleà iàa aijo»rof tntt'lutora al adulfr di
al tinaie il 5 luglio 1900$
* i suoi
^tnnti-ro- ,%elf atti di
*ari tt isia (Gro^eeto) 'il:. £• ÌU
" • " • ™~ '
il 5
il -* dicttabró
o*l 1093 a
Nicole Settepaa&ì di ,;Uo,
damali a«ì Guiuuoci,, 'iu *r:
(feiduacì Ui
-'aart» i?ia* Pnolettoni
Sisnoarla JP«*|ini di'SJt. anta' Q*I:'«urto
/ìharto Parenti di F«rò«lef. 4teto il SG*iO*ìiil- a-i
malfatti di Guido
l*458lfattl di Ùuidci
Bartélifti af ollstft 4a livorso, do«é«tlca presso Iti t
•^^^^' • ™*^" ^^^^^
The Tragedy of iTatogrnnaft
One ui' tre -nun.tr barbarle crimes comniccecl 0.7 the Oermno
•iny families evacuated from the city hbrraaaed by the war,
families which huve neon a torvin/; and horror-scriciten by the continuous
German round-ups, found rei'u^e In the nouses located on the bordar of
tte niarsri which extenda'for àeverul kilometers from Fueecehio to
Wont«catini. Vhla vaat zone 01 i'ered a jreat feeling of security, ani It
was the .generai opinion ttet a modern motorized army would rather stay
un the strait, wide ronda, running from south/ to north, than engulf
on muddy patita overgrown vjlth the cane of the mar ah.
A large building, where tobacco la dried, la erected on the
western ahore of ttie marshes, facing Monsurajnanoj it la called "Prategrande
and owned by settepassi. Three families evacuated from ttias± city found
refuge In several rooms of the*la building; namely: tbe son of the owner,
Aldo Cettepaasl from Florence, with hla only daughter Sandra 17, ana
one of hla rrlends; Mr. Guido malfatti froci : assa Marittima (Oreaseto)
with hla wife Emilia Poilaatrini, une children Leonardo, Domenico,
Elena, Marcella, Evandro, and Inghlleaco, the laat ones being respective-
ly 13 ana 9 years old'; the worker Umberto Guìducol with hla wife Lina
Barsali, the ala ter-in-law Giulla Baraali and her children Gianfranco
and Maria grazia, rea(actively «0 and 17 years of age. The Bagni and
Burtolini families, in charge of be jjropjrty, lived also there.
Life was quiet and resigned, but with faith and feeling that
Important events were about to take place.And suddenly, like ll#itfeing, the tragedy occurred >
Ohe German hand atill dripping vdtiv the blood of other Innocent victims,
a trucie this asylum of peace with Inhuman fury.
21 Aug 1944i a German soldier la wounded by a rifle shot while
riding in an armored car along the shore of the marsh. It aie ana that a
few shots had been heard in the vicinity several days ago. Perhaps
Partisans were biding in the cane?
Tha arrival of the blind and cruel reprisals did-not delay. On
the morning of 23 Aug at 6 o'clock, the evacuees were awoken by the
screams of the woman Lina Bartolinl, who was shouting: "Flee, the Gemane
arrive to talee the men awayl There Is no time to lose!" The confused
noise of motors and snappy ecomanda could be heard in the distance. Sucty
had happened several tines before, but always remained without consequences. The men escaped to ths marshes again., and the women stayed In the
home, believing themselves secure.
The evacuees leave silently, crawling through the trapdoor. As
soon as they come outside, they .are surprised by bursts of machine-gun
fire. They come to understand the gravity of ti» moment. The Germans
are not looking for uen to be sent Into forced labors they are waging
the war against ttie partisans. The only way out, is to break the eneirclemeit and to go deeper into the marshes, since ttie circle is tightening
by the minute. Although it seems Impossible, they must move toward the
marshes, where mud and cans are their only natural defenses.They all move on to find refuge, and the group Is diminishing.
The farmer Guido pagni,' 70 years old, tries to return home, but
he is killed. On the evening we found him on Ita e border.
The shooting increases; the screaming of woman and children
is heard in the distance} "Mother, mother11. Everyone seems to reeogalze
a familiar voice: the shouts becons desperate. But what dof To return
to the house would be sure death. The thought tiat tie Germans mlgat
take te women away., or set the house afire, came to their minds. With
grieved hearts they continue to walk Into the marshes. Tbe muddy water
penetrates in the open wounds on the feet, causing infections. The
machine-guns continue to fire ceaselessly, and ths bullets are only
centimeters away. Suddenly, a grenade explodes in the cane; end anothei*
With barbarlo fury the Germans discharge their artillery pieces
which had been deployed against the American troops. The farmer Alberti
Parenti, who was only a few paces from Aldo Settepasa i, was hit and
mutilated. Settepassi saved himself by jumping Into the water of the
canal. The fire around the marsh continues uninterruptedlyt hours pass
slowly ani tragically, waiting far death to come, and worrying about
' 'J
EMEU «11»
O OCO 6 9
- lo thu36 who stayed in trio uuildlnfr,.
tofuaiitna »y Mi Ira t.
no aun hlta tlitun now, and buy uva
It is two o'clock iti klie u f t a r n u u n . l'tio intensify of the jrun-
flra la almlnlahlng little by litele, anJ U i o n ceuuoa cwmiplotoly.
"Perhaps tne .vfermans have leftv" The tiiom'.nt or th-ìlr ijelovea ones is
urgiiv thfaiu dac it tu ttià house ana tu louve thifl terrualriul lieil. Aldo
ue'ttopassl and. tuo farmer lluoala artoliai «ire :x) ..otara from the house.
Complete aliene o - o no l'urin-woiuun la startling naor tcio aoor, completely
petvll'Lou. 'l'uey shouted U> liti': "i/huft ha a ha peneciv" iHr m-.Jii.3n voloe
can oe heard In tug sluts Lei1 sllonce: "'luey are nil uead..."
ni» t.has happened at IT a t oprami e Y
,/liila L.*e men ntul ileo lowuru tua ..arano:;, tìiu f i r j t ;cr..iun fatrol,
coMpose'i of i-idn eafsciully cfaileJ i'roui trie xu-no Trout, aj-vlvau tit tie
house. VliO.. ordered everybody to coiie out of tfe houao, and overyoody
oueytta. ilvucuoos, 1'an.iei-a, ana chlodran. in officer orclarad theia to line
up u -uliiat a wull. whoever v/aa too alow, was baiiy.' pusned violently.
•Cliero «ere 11 women. Eleven unar.uoo wumeu, LiieU' u. o runc;liif. I'roin
45-13, wno hud j u a t been awoken I'rom dsir peaceful sleep. They Knew
nothing about the bartlsutis, neither about tue war, nor politics. Their
lives were dovotad only to the 1'tunlly, hausenorlc, and cure for taelr
lo veci'oncia . unione, them were two eh Idren of 13 and 9 yeura of up;e.
ii total of 11 unurtnod women, ^ chlluren, and afl boy iO years old,
who was uorkiag for Tout.
The burst of £un .tire hit thu group savagely. 'iti.ey all dropped to
the >;round. However, not everybody waa dead: *.ra. Emilia lialfattl who
was near t..r sons inchlleaco and Svanirò, was r billed with ouilet holes;
«itti u lust afi'ort s.ie shouts: "Murda-, murder J" jith an other burst of
lire, tiiii ueaata finally kllWher. £lena una V^rceilu Malfatti, wounded,
made oelieva tuey wore aeua., in unisce to escube the uassacre. The only
portion not hit was >.:arl* 'Irasla Guiducci. "I thought of the Holy Mother",
she aaia al'cerwarda^ "that's wny I uuati't hit." uondra aectopassl was
Killed immediately, struck in her chest by 17 bullets. Tho farm-v.anon
Lina Bur til Ini died two hours later throu^ti tue ^reat luaa of blood; she
was conscious. One ot;ior on lid aid u t;ravely wouaidd wounan escaped; all
otabi-i aìatì.
Renuan soMlera, heroes or so nany (jlcrioua days, ware eating and
drliucln^ in u nearby farmhouse. They luurhed and said to the people who
were helping UIB wovin^eu, "Today is a .Teat feast Inde eel 1"
Tbe above-a tut ed facts are tie absolute truth and are very easy to
verify. Ti» tapedy of «ufiuat 23 has been repeated in the vicinity of tha
Pucecchio marahea from houde to house; ths victims have been counted by
tte hundreds. The atrocity of Fratogrande is only one of the many....*
'Aie following presents a list of the victims, wounued, and those
«bo fortunately were not harmed:
Emilia Pollastrlni wil'e or --ulfatti, dauijiter oi' Antbnio and and Son t ina
Savio, born in Anzlo on b July ItìOO;... .. and her children:
Evandro ìtalfatti di Guido, tTosaa tinrlttinui (Grosseto) , born on 3 Dec 1931
Infthllesco Kalflitti di Oulddag, born in Haoaa Marittima, born on 5 I*y 35
Sandra Nicole Cettepaaol daujjiter of Aldo, born in Florence on 6 Dec 1926
Dina Banali mar i-lad to Gulducci, daugiter odi tha late Francesco, born
in 1893 In ^an Concurdio (Lucca)
Giulla Burlali, dauk^ter of the late Francesco, born In 1097 In S..Concordi
parte dells faai^Lia del mi»
Quali notisie?. fut U o rptaai-tuttl piangolo, mentre
fora» iiscoàflcio ài ts-nta rovina c£*\ jérfetra au quei piccoli
20 insistenti
« rida. FUÉ-'-O
mi precedaorio
Baldi :4ffleri$3
notizier del ao mìo e del babbo,, al seabre che sia
2ro&re|, *,i&tà ftl'Fratf^nuifta. 00 che p$r la atdesiaia
il IÌGT.#O 'Signor Proposto* kon Giulio l'o&aarel li, il
ed. il- Settario. d.el'Ootoiae H*^.f a» enì Fernanda.
Occorre qui ilcprSare che il comalo tfie^tò .del presidio di
aeee, ,^ià iatcxpalìato dal Segretario del ttapsufe-a- dal DsfiBaldi per la
sepoltura dei'iaoni e >er l'assisteassa ai feriti, -arata rifiutato la
aa«ioae al Uimitea? e coaftaaso, ói beate anaf V ' X ;& maàiCfassìoae è feriti
auove i^istenae luro?io £att« .preaso il Iferéaeiallo
4Ìloa«e Htroek» P^ otieitòre che il Jfftfialdi «
si rcciaaQero » tare la consta t£s,icme 'dei .morti
t© ddle 7ìUìàè« e cbu il ÌÌJ&Y.IIG ;.'0h OiuMo Togtxarél li
t dora l' assoluzione alle ar.lne. ;.oil& ciit?cuseione ohe ne stfcui il kar«à^iallo Pitrooji aì)t)« ì-ciire si .ìagret^rio uotiumìle che ae&tr« ' iÉilÌa..4Miia?a si coiìmojào tedesco affinchè i suciaettx si rccasaero nella » nar tion
alle -salma,
Aveniìo il
' ooaoeas:-: finche
li «torti coùaid«r&ti cu»' loro tedeschi
assassini, il Fi-iroch si strinse hélle
il pt.nge.B30 aX'Sacoràota jifc tollerare
«eliti zonr> aell'eoeidio..
So che mio aio'6 st^to ucaièo o o&a la-tain nonua è scelta» sta
dlatredméi aiei parenti son abbiado notiti», 'cjuosto .Ci preoccupa
sono circa 1© quattorciai e felle ''diciassette ai è compiuta la sta
'2 Iti preocciiKPziode JBÌ. traduca-^er-.ia* i» p'ochi secondi in. tiisìe w
' - ' • • • • .
àcooii li, ciells ioaea* mio ci^ìao Domeidco* ^i Cteido*. padre di t^e|f.;
figli, Scendo ài biciclettav »i •èoooat** Mott & « p.ià.,8|er&n«at Lo ^^^
1 .iufc^roae ferite eoi petto, all*alttiswa 4«Ìle ftpàlìtv ìfe la iseuo
e I •-.¥;;• m braccio
un f-s.iolct1.o. < i è stato detto poi che lo aTeiano sentito iarOD&re la ' i
aojjli« e i i'i^lit implorare alato*
. •. •
.' ^'
Procedo col cuora .in gpjla e di IE diataa«a(dì pochi ig«iri» 'per 1^ si
da tra::v(jry:;le, t rovo mio" aio (laida. XJaaadt La piota di , Icuni lo ^Tffi
.am tolto ui t,-Giiao alla str:ua e accomodato il ftc^lic postibiae all'
Porta una ferita nel collo^ iri è stato rii orito che dopo
to gndara lo hanao colpiio a trattino etto»
»ort|. Voglio vedere* §oào mdré e figlio* L'uno trucidato
l*altro* II padre éì i^ì anni il figlio di 18. Sori> KÌO cugj
Giuseppe di luigi e suo tiglio Ivo. il aolor* cai toglie le
Compon&o aeglìo che posfjc le @r.lmo e col Uosia^ssario•"]h
• il. podere Br^togr&adti
Là trovi&iao il &$aJ>xa$QaÌ9*. /il.. ..Segretario :CoartiiaL0* Sotto aflliiti. la oaaa ci sono''É||^|,.-JÉOJPÌ.^ oojaprsnf
si un bastbino' di 9 aani e.us«?.d.:l 10* Ifctti;abao;:itati .'éqwiai'Vfu. isuro e: :|.|
falciati- d^lla mitrffgLia^ Hanno scai-psito la moi*tG -aue aignorine che
cadouo a terra, spftfifiatt.*' • •
• '.-.'.;
• ••' >
PacoisL^o an brefe c'oaftiglia 0' aaoidiaBÀff 'il 5ii/a.ì ropO3;to col ^
.a#^*$B$iai* « beliti* lij
Gecchi, Cappelli, Be^in^li, nella 5««ia del Gapaariofit rneatre il
il Segretario ed io, rimaniamo per dare sepoltura alle vitti*». Per divieto dal Colando tedesco non ai poseoa portare d CIjai- .
ter® ed è •naaaaaartó- toglierli dalle iateagerie e dalle atrade». I^JB^ diano* Faremo un piccolo Cimitero nel eaiapo del mio povero aio.Sono
$ae£i uomini che I&voraao e parenti stre ti degli uceiai* Soi» presenti
aiidando l'ira, tedefioa*' che emora la «eati««Q i»per?«tfare Ticiaa» «oè
frequenti sooriche di initriglia, «piati
e sorretti dalla pietà Ter»é i
•loro-Morti. Sono quattro uomini. II .>e^etariQ rimaae cop nei potati aeu*
de e difesa di un pericolo che da un momento all'altro parlarsi prèsta *
te. Si iniaia un lavoro .sotto uà .sole ohe brucia o spossa le scabra, fià
stanche, aache per l'oppressione spirituale in cui ci trovìaiao. La |OBaa è ultimata e si inxìlsia il trasporto, mesto, spoglio di pompa a di
onori, credo one crac più ohe al fronte, in prima linea, lo, Saoerdot*.,.
benedico le salme, che poi avvolgisao in nu le&auolo e adagiamo «opra
un carrettone un pò di paglia. La solitudine che ci circonda, recdc
piti triste la cerimonia. Dogi lo vittime tengono ad una ad una tra
le al sollecitamente '^ppresteto ©imiterò di guerra. .£' uà pisnte
a noi e nel profondo del neutro mimo. Sono tutte pereooe che conóscerò
fin .da tabino, persone pàcif.ìchet latoratiici assidue, che darano. pai» .
alla loro iaiai«lia quelle che ia quella sera vennero trasportata al piccolo, umile Cimitero e allo quali la barbarie ha tolto, non 30 perché»,
la vita. Si odono ^rida disperate, 8i guardiamo intorno; là in un foseo,
poco lontano ds, noi, unti domia ha trovato il fido ed amato eoa^a^no della sua vita. E* Aitare -^lirieoni. Il Segretario m prende i dati,'poi
ne trasportiamo le apoglie,mortaii, lacerate forse da fucile aotra^lia^
tore alla sepoltura comune, due uomini giungono portandot per il momento,
al braccio le insegne della Croce KOB sa* La loro venuta è veramente
proTiidesTziale. Ci sono da tra^ortare al piccolo Cimitero i miei JB
e gli uomini marnano, uue miei cucini che fino a quell'ora ai soao prodigati in quél lavoro, Settimo» fratello del fu Giuseppe e suo nepote
Brumo ^sgriai, non hanno la. f orssa di avvicinarsi alle salme dei acet-ri
eari e. si ritirano. Il loro animo è scosso al pari del mio* O*è il Segretario che si presta. Ideila mia qualità 'di ^aeerdote ho la" forza di bea*- ?
dire le adirne dei m&ftL cari è di accòiapagnarlì alla sepoltura» L'ora
si fu tard& e la paura di uà ritorno dei tedeachi alle aostar* manti pii^v
minacciosa. Hinangono i morti del pod»»e ^ratograndeadli che saranno #:£ f
aoesi l'indomani mattina» presente ancora il begroiario e il Oommiasario
veramente asimirevoli- in tjueèti giorni tristi*
Presso mio padre trovo i tre,orfani di Bagrini Dojaenìco. Saana fflà 1
della loro triste rovina dalla bocca della maggiore, Oesarina, vengo a v :
sapere che tu ta la ftaaiglia del mio povero sic era &tat&,..^ià ìaaaea al . , l
auro e che solo le loro grida disperate e alcune cartoli^ inviate dalla
prigionia ia Germania da sdo cugino.01ao li «alraB©. Quale misfatto
vano coimesoo? lì* una domanda a cui ancora non sono gta«.o capace di
rispondere. Al mattino «eguente, mi si dice ohe cearreva vooé chei
cercavano espressamente la fatìi^lia Magriai della Fattoria Cerisi e
contadini del Settepaeai del podere £T&t«g;rafcà*, :
Como al Fratcgrsnde anche al Capannone le vit' .ir,ìe son.o state e
ate relifioiaffiente nei piccoli e iaprowisati aìslttri; Ma il nostro
animo non si da pace e cerchisaao tutte le rie per poterli asuociari ai
Carnitero Ccannale. Il venerdì 11 comando tedesco lascia il nostro pae
"~* " v PT
settembre 1044
Con. animo sereno, alieno uà. o&ni risentimento è improntato a
verità, redico aggi* nel trigesime doli'eccidio perpetrato dai tedeschi-nel Comune al potxte lwg$Lotteee, una relazione c3$« f or*e servire
un giorno.a acre un giudizio sulla ijòbìltà d'aaìab dei .soldati d«l .
3° Reich « sull'àbùe^aaìoua di alcuni, òhe guidati ds sentìmeato di
pietà o di solidità pfì tri;.» seppero correr® & portare .alle vittime
il loro posaibilt aiuto.
ikmo le dodici e trenta circa del £& agosto del 44 quando mio
fratello Giov anni* .mutilili
o dal braccio sinistro -par la resistenza
opposta àbi tedesca i = il: S aettemfcre 1943$ jai avvisa ohe aio sio
..-agri/ti Guido è forse anche aio nonno sono stati uccisi -dai tedeachi,
elio drl fEtt'iùO semljaano' di lutti le acne del T*reio£rande e del
• none. '
' ' - . - •
' .
/ • ".
ÙQ*Ì ho un momento dì: esitaaione e leseio il mio convento col pre»
posito di recitrmì.eul joot^,- ove ancora ù in furia l'ire, tedeacà»-':
Giunto poco sotio l*Aaehio»e iacoàtrà il Cosimissario
0r.&iovmni Arri-3oait che in momenti t&:nto tristi re&;e con vera;
piltà d'animo e sensi di saior patrio le sorti del mio ooitune di nagcita. iii inviti.-, a iiè^uiTÌo. luì viene dal i-ratogriiUde* Hs visto le fifctiae. Di alcuno Ita saaotato il nome. Tru esce, mi coiifersa,-.«i trovE
il «io povero isio, il 'fratello-&ol. bpbbó. i)i altri parent i» eh« ^aoora «aacano all'appello,. '-OE sa dirmi nulla. E' abbattuto dal dolore e
sfinito dalla atauehegsa. ;,i. coni1idi-..chfc è afiCor;r-digiuno « appena
può reggersi'in piedi.. .
. . •# _ • ' • • • > • ' • • ' " .
Gi rechiamo al Capannone nella strada che. porta al paaule, dittar^
la cesa dei miei lnon/li scorgo due vittime* vocilo reoarad sul poato,'
ma mi distoglie i ^Uo';dai!'-aQlààti-t»4a«Qài^.oÌti»''^orjEewft-non molto
distanti Jmlli? via ch0 mona al. Hàg£Ìon»é II Comissar io mi invita m
ritirarmi -pre'a'ao il curaato Don Quinto f aliai.. Ci', affacciano sulla
piaasa nel aonentò atesàtì in cui vi fa irruzione la
isono belve aa se tate di se. ague: alcuni cercano tinaie»! la
umana iiélle «asa lasciate
ap^ltiao&t»; altri ;;i dirigo-ni verÉO
con propoaiti truci* Jìf un jaoiaento decisivo* .Misuro allora la portata
del pericolo. la aiorte è sospesa mil nostro capo. Ci aanunziamo e
a distaasatool fraaario tedesco. Ci pemttoao di avvicìaarsi, ci
gUGrd&no le carter Siamo in rej^ola e ci lasciano andare. Il
rio tent, far ..comprenderò, lor/o ohe .in. quella .sona non sono
ma buonin e pacifici lavoratori,. La riapoatr. è secca e non aùc^tf
plicher Qui tutti partifedani!: * .
Ci avviamo col cuor»<sospeso verso il ponte laapi*Bd&
spalle i tedeschi, cól proposito di ottenere un latela-paaaare da il
Comando tedesco. Ci femismo però presso mio aio, Po|geiti Orlando,
11 permesso non era stato
u sl na P f
., a» il martedì fi può procedere alUmaaiaoa;- •
* «
Sono predati poche persone. I atei morti li fi^anarfi***^**-^^^^
pw w a
* di
" un«iak^ìtaUET*^*
!t«fpa«porto aelle vittime
a mezzo
autocarro ohe il
^Slfe»W* :a nostra disposizione. Il traepùrto è tatto «tis^ il ooijeoT^
, ;||| otf^aì-^^±f?«stJS^
«»»« ai cari ohe ora riposano nella pace del Ciaitìro* ^^
".•£ •.
• ' '• •
' .-•' - . - . _ • •
fiato 11. SINDACO
T/lth a serene soul, without resentment, and only s peeking the truth,
today, one month after tbe Germans .have committed the slaughter of tho
Commune of Fonte Buggianoaa, 1 am writing this statement,, which, one day
may serve to paaa Judgement on the noble soul of the soldiers of the
3rd Reich» judged by the people «ho «ere guided by sentiments of pity
and solidarity to their country, and «ho v;ero trying to offer tire ir utmost halp to* the viotlma.
It was about 12:30 o'olook on 23 Aug 1944, «hen ay brother Giovanni,
«ho lost his left arm for having opposed the Germans on 9 Sept 1943, came
to inform me, that our uncle Magrlni Guido and perhaps our grand-father
«ere killed by the Germans, «ho «era responsible for the tragedies of
Pratogrande and Capannone.
I left ttie convent without hesitation in order to go to the place,
where tbe German fury was still raging» When I arrived at X&nchLoni, I
net the Frefeot Commissioner Dr. Giovanni Arrigoirl, who in these tragic
times was ruling our commune with tbe noblest sentiments of the soul and
love for our country. Be Invited me to follow him. He hod just coma from
Pratogrande and had se A the victims. He had not taken their rama o down,
but he assured me that my unole, brother of my father, and other relatives
«ere missing front the call. He added nothing, lie was broken-hearted ay the
grief and very fatigued. He admitted that he hadn't eaten yet,and that
he could hardly stand on hla feet.
We went together J>o Capannone, along the road which leads toward
tbe marshes. I noticed two victims behind the bouse of my grand-parents.
X tried to approach them, but the ahouts of a German soldier dissuaded me.
The commissioner invited me to take refuge in t.'e hous out of Don Quinto
Tal ini. ./e reached the edge of the square, when I noticed a section of
German soldiers. They were looking like bloodthirsty r.eaats, aeurchiiv:
for their human prey in the houses thatr had boon left open, borne of them
approached us with menacing gestures. fbe moment was decisive. X realized
the gravity of the situation. Death was close. They asked us for our
papers wuich were in order - they let us go. The commissioner tried to
make them understand that no Partisans, but only peaceful workers were in 11
this zone. The uzswer was dry and resolute: "Here, everybody is a Partisan '
Broken-hearted we went toward the bridge, leaving the Germans behind us,
in oeder to obtain a permit from their Headquarters, ./e stopped at tie
house of my uncle Poggetti Orlando, «here several aemfeers of my dead
uncle's family had taken refuge. T/hat was there to say? ASK for news?
Everybody was crying. A German soldier who was standing nearby was probably Is unconscious of the great oagedy that had befallen this family; he
was quiet and seemed to laugh.
I then went to Pratogrande, taking the same road as Rev. do signor
Proposto, Don Giulio Tonnarelli, Doctor Baldi Amerigo, and the secretary
of ths commune Rag. Faban! Fernando, who nere walking «head of me. I
would like to stress that tha secretary of the coamune and or. Baldi had
already asked tba German headquarters at Fonte uiggianeae, for the burial
of the dead and aid to tha wounded; tha burial was refused, out fiaeir
"great kindness" permitted tie treatment or the wounded.
'i?e then went to tee oer-na maresciallo Alfonso Pitroch and Insisted
that Or,. Baldi and the communal secretary ascertain the death ard establish tbe identity of the victims, and that Priest Don Giulio Tonnarelli
administer tbe absolution. During ttie argument which followed, maresciallo
Pitroch told the communal secretary that tbe German headquarters would
not object if tiny went into the area, but that according to international
law, absolution was not necessary since the Germans considered the victims
as "bandits".
The secretary insisted that religious assistance is even given to
murderers; Pitrooh shrugged his shoulders and said that he would give
the Priest the permission to enter the zone but not to administer the
I knew that my uncle was killed and t.bat ay rand-mother was safe,
but I had no news concerning my other relatives, and I was worried.
My worries increased a few seconds later when I san the sad reality.
Tf it. I mota or_; Zimiponl Fulvio, Viij. Fruncoiiro 15, Moni-uraniano,
3 uet.ob*r IV. i.
Hiju*1 J'J.'. Iu ".. WW!!, J;/li, Corani Hjloner.
Lfajor aiUtfi Jx. r7i.r., Kb, «'lilt -ry Comncl.
Captain Cajtii/; ". EJiHKL , n<:^, bi-fr.n_.) Ciimu,ol.
Technician fourth »ra<lc uJi-um L. 3Lfhom -er, H I ( & H<I. Co., Flft.li Army,
wa« ceorn no rtiportcr.
Private first cluuu itobnrt G.
snorn us iritcrprotor.
H. . At i'.'i. Co., Vlfhh &miy, VMO
(Tto vitnesu wus uvorn)
gestione by Kuji.r \.>jXl>.-rt
iita-fu your nune, your u^o and your ro;ttUui>ci..
A Zongponi Fulvio, /O ju-ira of HC>I,
Aro you thu nuyor of t.hu Cornuta of Xonuuniuncii
Q liho is tha ooyor of the Commme of bircicmo?
A Monti Foaculo.
Q Uia you receive papers from 'Jontl Foacttloi
A Tfeo.
P TJhen did you roe«lv« these rifw't
A Thtu nornins.
Q Are thoue tha pipage you arrurettcl to huvt» for thin Commission-- our ro^uout
thsrofor being melo yHnterdu/V
A Zes, air.
Q I aha* you u lint of th'j ]Nrnor.i w)io ori. rotn)rt"ì to hav.j lioon ^illnd \iy
the Gtrreno on ito 23nl of Auguot 1944 *na tok you if tola i a tho official
list you recflvtid from tha mayor of Larclanrf
A Ton. (Sate rocoivetl In evidence end -nrkaa TxbibiL Af .
4 I no^ shrsj you'u ruport under the loHurhead of the Commi- of kixoiano
rrhich bear a tha .stump vai id^naturo of t!-u mayo»- of lardano, aM uck you
if this is the official report of tha incident contorning tha deaths
of persons in tho Conurn? of Lardano, received from the may a* of Larcluio?
A T«-s, it iu.
(Sune rec-sjvpd in evlitaact» and irurkod Txhlblt ^ .)
$ I no* also show you a list untar tbe heading of th« Comune of l'onsunnmno
obich indieotes twr^ons «ho T.ore burlod in tbe ceswiarj- of Cintoloao and
who expired nn August /Ird, 19W} tbe IIOIM list b^ta-infi y our oignature
and »«al of tho Corame of ibm-unst'iio, >hioh document lo dc.ted August 2$
1944., «xfld I ask you IP this ic the official list of dead of
tho Comune
of S&mffiuuuino as a result of the atrocities on August 23re1?
A Yes, it is.
(Soao received in evidence and marked E>ihibJt AC .}
Q I aooehotr you a report of an Incident on tho leLterluad of the Comrau.no
of Uonainaana ooncornlng the was; acre gf peraons of thl-j oocsaunity on
August 23rd, 1944, with your signature, ahicb aocuBotrt ic dHted October
2, 19/U» und I ask you if that is your signature appearing thereon?
A Yes, it ia.
) ubere did you obtain the information ar-peariJ^ in this report of the
A fee/a the families and next of kin and survivors.
evidence and nirfeed Exhibit R .)
(Saoe received in
(The vltnesa ues excused)
';J '•'^•••'.'•''
ni LO KJ> Ui' so ,tu uru 1 c «imo ixu'y. Tue ler-fa n le wininirtiA-o loft
loft ti»
ti» toon
r.i i fj i ol vjvi i n;- . T Lo uy .
1/1» t .. tii.-jfi iiiu/.-iorit cti'j fiorini .-ml on had not t/«ft»i ,".lvon yot. irul'
t Ito uopurfirM or tm tona qu urterà, wltnti-io ut.roi. ataift '-vi' thè co.n
y, v;o orawsr] Uio cugn6t:i. Tliu f'uilow' r.-; i.iaeauuy wj litt
Vi«ry J'ow i.arau/i.-j v/cre present. ;ìy loved pneo v/ero tr*«oportwd tee in
th'j evanln-. iyj r.ty iiaua»; u t.rucc. which the com «un a o/f Po a o li luid L<iucod
at ruy (ilLj^juuJ., wuu utiou l u i - Uilu pui-poae. 'flier u v/ua no l'utorul procoa» 1on
in UP dar noi; i; o Irritato Lfe 'lar.., M a, and in order not LO oxpoau t/tì
.juojilc to nn uorlal attack. Hut the Arv-;lo-AraoTÌcwn l-'orcoo know olron<ly
about tiio i)uj\l.ul of tese vlotLus of Ltizi arid Fascist utrocity: oltfit pianos
cli-ciea i n d i c t uKy , pu^ln*/ soluto to our loyed one u, who now repose In
tnia ^aocorul oomotory.
> irraato Padre Primo (P.Egldlo)
Caceixlote Francescano
Seen by th« Mayor
Prof. Dr. A Benedetti
Lrin.iir.ini ruminisi,
i&J'jr EU lir ... Ri/TH, J.j.u, r;.*nl Bi.loner.
ttijor Xr-WùV*. CXÌÌ.H, TGn, MUUui-y Connuol.
C a j j i M l u 'JH..:<Lr, . '.I. fUU'F-., A'.fc, LMfbUSO C.XlWiel
Technician CuJrth ^i-na».- idi-Imi L. .;t'!i. • r,i-f
H-.. Co.,
Privu»..: firc» clt^a FiJ^.rt. G. 1-i.ui.lj-lJ, 11-.. fc H-v
Anu ..>uiii ai irit- rjjT^t" r.
(Tho 7if,nc;i.; i. un ::S<IIT)
Qu-'otl.nru by iitjor Vuxler:
J^.uto your «urna, your «jjf» ynd «h'irtì you Jive.
A inr wn?.! ili lu-nlrila, j? y^iarr.
Cripr aniiorn , Frutti Gruiii'J^, Italy.
Vi bid you witnoao ti» VlUiti^ of two Italianuf
/i Yru.
In front, ut ty hou;;e on /.uyusl 23rd, I1''/,/.
Q "uà thin near Ite fnctory in Prat'1 fir undo?
K 200 nnttira from tho factory.
Ci t'h- 1 noro tb'j nanna of tho \tnofl" «ho ""PS fcillmiV
A I only knoa thu naae of oiw uf tho non wui blu uune in Incur pi, Qijiufjrjjo.
Ho «cui 'i roiiiriunl of l-"ucln.
Q uhut tino did *hir bnpj/mV
A S'-ven o'clock in 1ho i.'orniry.
Q Sluto ospttculy i-.h>it yr<u ho<ird uri uow,
A ThrflU Granaio ««re lofifttod io «or bmiso nltb nanhlao juna, riflt.0 und
pistola . Tho;/ aak«id HA >>ftero ay f ut her KOS and T oaid he ima working In
tha fluid. Tb</y itnkod i» «hjr '•« n-ia in the field so early. Then they
injpbctod cvitry r»ou in ey hvuuo and then left. Tulle in the street they
neb throe ocin. One of the throo auo nuo lator noundud «Bd hi» none BAD
Alfredo. They took tht*a« thron non and fut then agnlnat tha nail of a? house.
Vy cousin Domenico son of Giullo, father of three children, was
lying in the ditch.
I descended from the bicycle and approached: there was no hope left.
He had many wounds on his chest near the shoulders. His left forearm was
mutila ted, aod his ripht tcsx hand had covered it with a handkerchief. I
was told later un that somebody had heard him call his wife and children
for help. I Jbeft oroken-hearted only to find tbe body of my uncle Guido
after having crossed the street. Somebody had sheltered him in the shade,
lie had a wound on the neck which had been inflicted from the rear.
•Jweni/ meters away I found two more dead persons. They are my cousin^
Magrinl son of Luigi, and his son Ivo, 43 and 18 years of age. They were
killed close to each other. My £rlef was so rgreat that I was unable to
shed tears.
The commissioner and myself then proceeded to the Pratogrande farm.
There w-e met ?tr. Proposto, the doctor, and the comminai secretary. They
were depressed. Ten people had been killed in the house, Including two
children, 9 ard 13 years of age. They had all been lined up against the
wall anri were cut down by the ma chine-sun fire. Two wounded women, who J
had escaped, fell to the ground and fainted.
.lifter havlriT considered tha situation, and after .laving visited #X
and blessed tha bodies of tue beuds of tue Cacchi, Cappelli, and Bendinoli!
families, we decided thet "r. Proposto and the doctor would £o to Capannone*
vhile the commissioner, secretary, ard myself would take care of the burial.
Since the German headquarters had forbidden us to take tua bodies to the
cemetery, wo took them off ttie road and tried to protect them from the
weather. V/e decided to build a cemetery In the yard of my late uncle.
'.Chore «ere only a lew people to do the work. They worked despite tits fact
that frequent bursts of ma chi tie-{runs could be heard, end the German
scoundrels were In the vicinity. They were 4 men. The secretory remained
to defend us against the danger which oanld appear any moment. :ie started
to work under a burning sun ani physically weakness which was due to
the mental oppression from which we were suffering. The ditch was finally
V/e started to carry the dead, without pomp or honor,, even less tlian
on tha front lines. I, the Priest, blessed the bodies which we placed
carefully on white sheets and then on a carriage loaded with straw. The
solitude around us Increased the sadness of thè ceremony. One by one the
bodies were transported to this new cemetery. Tears were shed and our
souls were crying. Since their childhood I had known them; peaceful people,
hard-working, and earning a living for their families. I do not know why
their lives have been out so short.
We heard desperate shouts. Looking around, we saw a woman who had
discovered ber faithful ani loving husband: Ettore ^uirlconl. The secretary took notes, and we carried tha body mutilated by machine-gun bullets.
Two men wearing a red cross on their sioeve, arrived. Their presence was
really providential, since we had to carry the bodies to tVe cemetery and
were short of men. Two of my cousins, settimo, brother of ti» late Giuseppe
and his nephew Bruno fragrici, «ho had been working up to then, did not
have the strength to look at their beloved ones, and they left, ilhey were
depressed the aame as i. I'he secretary then took their place, rein* &
priest, 1 bad ttie strength to bless tie bodies of my beloved ones and to
take them to tha burial ground. It becutuo lut>.> and we were» afraid that
the Germans miijlit return infuria cad.
We were going to take care of the dead of prato-rande tie following
morning. With me cero the secretary aid the commissioner1, «ho, in these
tragic days, were of great help.
At the house of my father I found tbe three orphans of . ugrlni Domenico.
Thqr had already learned from thdr oldest sister Cesarlna what sad happenings
had taken place, and they knew that the whole family of iny late uncle had
been killed. All they Isd left was the Ir desperation ani covarci postal
cards (which had saved their lives) from my cousin ctino from Germany.
What sin did we corani tV Even today, I am unable to answer this question.
A rumor was ' circulating the next morning, that the Germans were lootcinr
for tha Mugrlni family of tho aerini farm and for the farmers of jettepassi
at tho Pratogrande farm.
As in Pratogrande , the victims of Capannone were buried religiously
in a amali improvised cemetery. But our souls were not satisfied and wo
tried our best to transfer tha m
Province of Pistola
Statement pertaining the crimes conmitcea oy the Germans in tais
fb« administration of the coaunune of Lurelano believes it .
necessary to farlug to the attention of the Allied Military soverament,
the various acts of barbarism committed in this commune by units of
the Serman Army:
On 1 Aug 1^44, German (SS) soldiers under the comtRtd of a
N.C.U. went to tiie villa-je of Cecina, locality of "Cecinino", searching
for fire arms, ammunition, and radio transmitters, In tue houses of
tne Dami Celestino fu Giocondo and Viti Gesuiua, widow of Dami, families.
The result of the visit was practically negative: in the house
of Dami Celestino they found a s null electric beil aotioned by a contact
Key, and a wooden walking atick, on which for fun, their son had carved
the Kuaslan emblem* In the house of Viti tnay found a radio transformer
belonging to che son-in-law Vailini -.Alter, mechanic, who had kept it
as a spare part. It seems tnat this was enough reason for the G,er<can
section to set the houses afire, which after a few minutes were completely destroyed. Darai Celestino and Brina, already wounded by machine-gun
bullets, perished In the fire (Age 41 and 46). The two children, Renzo
19, and Brunero 16, were left pennyless amidst this pain and misery.
This unjustified tragedy has caused great grief in my commune,
and especially in the Cecina villane.
THt. aShii AUGUST was a day of bloody tragedy for the entire
Valdlnievole, and. particularly iti tue co« junes of Lardano and r.onsumnano,
•osere 200 innoc >nt victims have oeen counted.
Hen, VOMII, and taeir bub Lea who had leit tho ir homes months ago
and come to tho nearby lOut'Sh*» tro avuolU the bombings anJ continuous
round-upo be the aernmns, were amon? the victims.
..e actually expected the round-ups also near tua ewrshoa, but
we never believed that the Cìernan barbara wero capable of committing
such crimes as they did., especially in auch rreat number to people
who wero only temporary refuroas, living in novale, barracks and other
no a inacter of fact, they used the excuse that >.;reat numbers
of partisans wore in the nursh.es. Cn tne morning of the £3 August,
German units spread out In the marshes and nearby woods, went from
house to house, machine- unnln^ without pity young people goin£ to
work, women, nursing babies, old njon 70 and 60 years old, as many as
they could flnd,looting and burning tto houses.
Entire families nere wiped out, ani those few who are left,
with a rrljvea. soul ask Cod for divine Justice.
Lardano, 13 Sept 1944
The j'.ayor
Monti Pascolo
4 -
(i*ovlaoe of Matela)
Pile llo.i 4348
Subject» me massacre by Cerinoti troops la tha aarohea of lucecchio on
SU August 1944
The Headquarters of the Anglo-American Armed Forces
It is my duty to inform this Headquarters of the crimes committed by .Tarmai troops in the Fucecchio marshes.
On 2ft August 1SJ44, be toe en 9 and 8:3Q o'clock, German troops
following orders pf their headquarters(unaer a colonel), located in
Chlesina Uztanese, kilted with machine-guns, rifles, and o$her weapons,
314 persons, TSff of which were women, babies, and sucklings. This cria»
took place for reasons unknown to myself, in the territory where tho
communes of Monsumnano, Fonte Buggianeea, Fueecchlo, ana Marciano border
at the marshes. On this date the sone was still occupied by the Germans,
and. entire families with «omen and;babies had taken refuge there on
account of the war.The barbarians committed crimes upon women and children with
predetermination and intent to kill innocent persons with reason; people
who «ere completely ignorant of the war activities. Babies «ho were only
a.few months old, were stabbed to death.
The soldiers who took part in tills slaughter, belonged to the
division «blob has tbe inalgila of i Roderick the Great.
The facts of this brutality were perfectly well known to:
a») The German headquarters which was located near the Villa filandieri,
in tie town, of castelmartinl (Commune of Lardano)}
b.) The German captain in the town, of "Le case11 14 this cooimne» to be
precise, la the vicinity of the Polli firm. He is also accused of
tha killing of 4 innocent persons, which occured in the town of
UonaumsBB Alto on 3£ AUQ 1944; to be precise at "il Pittore".
Auong the numerous atrocities committed in the Puoecchio
mar a has, tr*"»^ «as tbe killing of t;.o Crlachi broth, ra, Fioravante
and Giulio and the latter'a wife. The Germans forced them to prepare
a meal and to eat with, them, before they committed the crime.
She Tayor
Fulvio Capponi
.,, One ooldior dre» a pioto! arri fired MIO shot at «neh ran.
Tha third
nan oho «as wounded «as «till *la«sJlry attd tbo Ooman fired another
shot at hla. I askad «by he killed thoeo three v.on wad he culo because
they uor«> PartisaM. They ssked OB if I «as a Fart is tn «ad I aptc
"Bo", and th«y left,.
Q Here all three finally killed or ocre two '«lllvd urn ono coundoc?
A Two core kUled. I bolleve the Rounded san le bacV hooo.
Vi Of tbo tao (ci lied irr^u Guioonpo fcrorn to he nort'lnj feitb th-) ^tb ArA ?
A Guisappa «»md the land la this area. I was working for bin tad 1 kr.u»
he cos in contact *ith the Fifth Arngr.
Q Bor do you teen?
A t hoard talk at horn and I huvo spoken «1th tho cayor.
Q Una Alfredo also supposed to be norkltc nith the Anericono?
Ecfore tua soldier fired the shots, did ho give these pfr?ona nn opportunity to rake any otatoaenta':
(The nitneaa r/as rxcuaed)
K.-3.-.' &,od'.es;tp'"-pn/le...
;'"'• * ' •;'•• !.'\Le;bè#baré-fuciiaa^^
!• .-• - .- bsm'bi.iiv ebbero •lu.dgxi.'.c'o'n-' la. -p/ìenav -boriaà|).evQ,l:ézi-sià^àgì;ì^i^;Qiìì;'•'$&&%&.**••:'.'?'•?}
'•••'- •••• manosi '.defitti e eon la' .palese 'i'nt'énsjio'né^dìVó'qìj^
•ti'vo peit-s'oiaé:. ne.ll,a. .piemia'-:lnn-D-ce;Hpà -e &ol:, ^\^^-,-è^j^^^s^^^^Y^^^''i ;•'•"' •$
^irt.^^-T^^i-tó.^.^at^pÉLà.'-.Bì"- èvpólriitiiD^à^iir^e- c^ie^^^
g-:cjiio; ;s-tp."t:i-' '.suecesàì\rèiai.e.rLté";;rInveìiuti''' ej-óìpi^'i::^^^:o^^^^^^^^'^-''y^-^
'•• • ',,.-,•'I;:iii.̱1g%L"w-ùb& • frapàlio'"^prèB^o'• p.ariey aO.1 ".^beid±q:-.isJ^^^o^^e'.''^^^-^'4??|
redérigo'' i£-lgocS.acte'..:"v ' *'• •'•.'.-'' • -^-;.".- '• •'•: '>••' "'•;..;..::•'•:,- '^^'T^-'Ui^'-.^'"' s*.- i-i" 'H^-f
\.:.--Ttv-.-^.«i.-^---^J:-jub>:'.i^i.,i_.':-^'--_ •'-„: -'j^r:-- - ' : • - . . -•^.'-,\-•*:-•*•,>-•:.•• .:;nv;*--*».;.:-.:•.*>•/
T. R?:TO.«*L Ujicai Ot1 ra; ROY^t c^ju
Station of Uonsunmiano
On 1? S«rt 1%& rt 11CO hour:i, the iu<dorcJgiiQfl rJAlHCCIlI AKtttDA
ne Lupuri, daughter of Giullo, 33 youro of >ige, frcn Monsumnano, residing
in Via '-nl Founotto, appatired boforo us, Uormoiallo tloyglore Vitale
'j.lnoù->., rr£i.rxi&t\t.r ut t4ib ".C.*1?, ttntion, and nodo tbo l'olloaing {lodar»
At 6 o'clock on 23 Aug, 5 or 6 German soldiers oraod with aub-aoohine»
una fimo t.o ny housonnd trlthout saying u word, killed my father Giulio
i? ypbra of f&i) agr mother Bonani f ia 56, ay dsushtar 9 yesra of 050, ay
itnclo 53, Of ni:t"r-in-liaM &', and ay nophon 16 months olA. I'o torMonno
hove over haon in egr ruotdorico ofr in tbo vlo-Joity,
Sscarinc to the above-mentioned i
"ciucchi Araida no I*ijwi
cion e? nit ROYAL C,AÌ?ÌJ:JÌ
Stutiori of '.'oittivwaigng
On 1<? aitpt 1?U
Haught^r of Pietro,
ippearnd before uà*
IR.'F. fit'jtl'tn, fjiid
at 1130 houra, tho undersigned CnlTSTRI ME/H'A
32 ysaro of aco, from l'ana»nii&no, Viu dol t'o^catto,
."ar cuciali o l'acaloro Vlttile Giuseppe, coonaniler of tbe
uuld tha following declarations
On the raornine of 23 Aug ut about 6*30 o'olork, S Outum uolditr-s orn«d
lib 'ntohJoe and r-ub-nnchln*.- £unr oaao to ay houoo in Via dui Fossetto, and
ithoot osying a nord, opemd flro on ay rolatives ood nyaelf. I'y aistrr-
n-J(d) I/» yeoro of -go wus Jcillod, anrl my nepboir 4 and iqyrulf -larii T.ovndcd,
ut oavfd WT llvea beoauoe the ijtc-ovtoro believed uo dead.
tio Vtvrtigcuaa vn»r«ever In sy house or in the vicinity.
Signed with a «roso
ffilT "t;"
Oa 19 8«pt 19U at 1000 hours, tbe undesigned B03AHX ASSIDA, daughter -•';.
of the lato Giuseppe, 21 yearn of age, born and residing ia l'onotumai», ".• "
Via del Fossetto, appoared before MS, Xarecalallo raggiere Mitrile Giuseppe,
ooanander of the CC.SR. otatlon, onct decl-troi th<» following rfter having
been interrogated by us:
On tho uomini of 23 Ang l?/£, ny family and I vorc In a tiarn «here
ne lived ac tnraeaece. At about SJ.'-O o'alooV, Gorrart ooldiers armed *lth
nachine-gano mid rifleo orrivod, otti tdthout osying 9 7fc«d, ttoey openfltì firn
upon us. I bid t.ho fortune of uavinj pyeelf by Juqping into a ditch.
13y father 49 ywa's old, agr brotteir Foul 30, »y anele lólmeohi Ceturo 49,
and ny aunt KnioeM. Rrlaa 45, rrsre all killed.
On that Domina» qr coucino 35 and 39 years of age and EOT «naie ?8 years
mrt >1lU-4. Shore vac no provocation for tbe Gemma to coedt this Imita),
«due, oinco neitbor oeopone nor partieano re» adaidst us»
Stearins lo thè «bovo-ssntioned
Sinned t
totani atadda
Tho fnota of this declaration Berwittwsstd by tì» uwiwn:»g»r.'J Sosanl
Caldo, con of the late Lor«nso, 40 years of ngn, horn in fancuwjino end
roaidlns Iti Fossetto >
Tho foots of this declaration v?tr« alno «itnococd ty -i-he uc^irciQnaA tSalueeM
Flurina, daughter of Cesare, 18 years of ago, from r*cmwtvu» via dal Fossetto*
Signed» 'vatwoai f lorina.
E3CHTP.1T "*"
T. Kr.iToiuAL i£o:
ptt.tjtm pf. ^o
'Ì.MÌOH.:*\ u-
On 1) /jj.t jy/,A --t 1030 h-juri;, thu nin'mii idioti ru.r.Clua MiJ.'CA iJuuclri.'^
i.f lucjfloi., Jt juiira »:" .6«., frcJ* Ijeinunnu.-inb, <•• i-ljin^ In Via il'il Vo:i:>i>ttot
uj-j-1-1'1'"- liflfrtT* i-u, birdoclull^ t^i^l.-ii-c Vi 1(0.*» Uiu:iti|i<«, 'junui-tindei- c-f tho
05.17 . litici'., <M\ ruaac +i* roljor.ir.^ 'Ji.olnri.tiou:
AV rJ'vtt ^ ij'rlooi: ni. ,:3 Auu, i">v>r&l d riaon ooldiurb cani» lo the barii
on t.ho i.urtih, to i.liort. m/ f'irJlj und I luid lju&n uvucuulcU. Tli'i r al die r o
•iilUi'U* ii<yfi!(; u nurd opt.nu'! fire trith nii...rhtr.o Lnd vul4n(ichii.b ^unu, kJTJiry
UK I'ullnifint; purgene: ny .'HUfjliU'-i- i non^lm ol<i, ny couuin t8 tu id l»;r
« i"ijtt- •. <-, ny nl;ii.> r-!r-lan 1? y*.«irs of v* ^y r'ivouto-in-lfi» -jjnd 60
unn 'iO, my iinc.1'- (."}, '<iul n>y <-3au1n 8 yiuirn of i;*--. »ft«r tho cri-uo had ht.un
i.i.>Q..iitt>;d, t IMI Ct-rnuiui . •>*• L!IU ljurn a firn.
I myyftlT r.n.) ubiti 'o juini- in Lo a ditch.
in ti* vio'-nity.
nero Tvor noeti
Owurn and qlgbbd
WUaaOuW. Uàl&l 07 TBE RQXut ftJuV&IKt&T 07 51CB83BE
On 19 Sept 3944 at 1115 bflurs, tho mtd'.v.iinj,' •» <%Uj.cr>X ;.«3:£, «op of
the late Angelo, 4& ycs.ru of «y», froo l'ojr/;«yfj*j, jrrwJ/ìiic; <» Mw villag
of CintolesQ, ry^eareti txifbr*; «'a* *V»-.<«ft*Mil*» njjlw» Vital'.- -«faint f.**,
eoooander of the OCtBI'. stuMon, u*tì rvee tha ^'illwlrj itclataMont
For ooao ts»» our tr-niìy hvì boon e<nponed of uff brofctero Cricchi
Pìoravoote S3 yeora of -gè, Critichi OMsllo 51» his nife 39 y-'Xirn of tflo, on4
of one of iv d'jughtiro lì jwira of ogu, ubo hed coao te our propurty met
the principal rtr.-^, tiRfi in orc'or to *.-eoape fro* tbe turmoil at «or hod t^Jsen
refuge in m» of wr littta beuoe» «oor tbo narob» Portioono bavo ngver t*<cu
In thè houoo or vicinity, t gtaycd In tgr hsaae In Ciatoloae to toko «Aro of
«V haaiaoou, uva tacam T boffored a'ociundod lag.
On the mornJns of 23 Autl, obsat 20 Oéraan aoldlors orosd vith autosutlc
woapona, wect io tbe house of ay relatives, asking to be fed. Mr brother
Fiorwùóto and olr)t«r-l»-iaw v ere uaed to be asked for food by aoldicrc,
and they offftcoU thuo bread, «Qga, hsn, vine, etc. tihen the soldlenra had
finlch'-d tho w&l, they aoKCd of two brother s to follow then into tbe open,
fy alstc-r-in-law, aorxying about ngr two brotberc, followed thsa, but «as
miotreafcoa hy tho coldiers. a few nlnutcs Ister, of Brothers and oioterin-law Hero Jdllctì by tha vtry saoe soldiers «ho had eaten with then in ay
Hf daughter vta afcle to ceve herself by jumping into a ditch. J$r two
other «locos, if idi Vevia 32 years of age, and Beffanti Buria» 30, oeelns
thoir -aint bfiing killed, approoohod to help, her, but also they wore kiUod*
ìfy bratterà and eloter-ln-lan nero robbed of the money they hed, that
is, avverai tboufland lire* I don't see any Justifiable reason that auoh
barbarlo «trooJty tihould hove own oonnitto^.
Suearlng to tbo above-narto deelarations
Crloobl Jt^mto,
"Pffipi'fftu^ftt. jJBQjoil <)p ^ffe 80XÌÌI» CnftaSClIEBI 0? PJUJEH'SJC
.OS » Sept. 1?O. «i MOO hdiara, tb* u«!erBÌgn&a ISOBI CSSIEa- he
OtolaiAtl, daughter of Baffaalle, 32 /Barn at e&c, froa rjoneiABiBaao« Via
del.?o«»ettot appe&red bt-fra-e uà, ETaraacitllo ra^-iore Vitale GkuM«pe,
««••elider of the OC.rR. statica, «ni aedo the folXoidng. -"cclaratian after
harlng bees interroertetl by us:
4t atout 5*3£ o'oloei, on A3 rMg, I sBieejf/ BOW -other, .«ttaea, ufi ft .. '
certain loreazo, aged 75* *«re is iff BOBO* when, two 'Qefaut soldi era eftteecd
and clai^td thfit tM* Wr» looking ?or tartlsw», .. Otu-'answW tifts negative.
On» soldier lert f« «e*rch the cttrrpwuditigs/ àifle tha-oihor: ope, without
•«gring a word, etartca <x» fire upon-a». Seeiaa. that J »*o not hit,, he fired
upon the otter *oasn, tut fche glin rjejfesa.. ; VTe tooli ftdvsntog* of this dr- !.
cuastema ana. ray ««y to ficd^» .oecure olatfc.' -the olfi jwn won onabla to
folio» u*^ ih»a «r«iytw*2 was, over, find: we haft eoae bfrsk to the house,
no fount *.h» «3d fan otabfced-to^Oath..
- .-
Th*rc *«afc so tarttouiis in.tfaft vicinity^
. .
' 3£t!n«d witb & cross
Ct luring tho covrati of thii< t.
nuwuJ Grfaahl buntu't
did yuu Int- rvl«n a oitn/nu
lild yi;ii i:t>tuln u pfl ttui uU-tomonl fjv«i thia
A Yoa.
1 nun obosr you u doowsui.il wid sole you if thlc iu thai uJLuwfrirn of
CrJwshi Danùoi
A. Yfs.
i-cchivvù in
aid nai-Jccd focirlblt (f
Q I/Id you f-xot'ina any r-ittibutKiu HMI -tutm illitùruU) and covld not eigo tbeir
£ Xea, I Old.
'• '"uO l/)porì C'>3.'ute an JUiborato uitneita «ho appeared before you?
A Tea, oiv.
Q 1 no» ohao you a i:ocueeut nhich betu-tt your a',onp es voli as a cross
In tho place for tho signature and ask you if thlo ia the atatement nude ly
Lapori CeoiaraV
L Toc, it is.
(San» ree* lv«i in evidence and nartod ExiiiWt V .)
W During tho 4our«o of thia UWM» inrcstl£citii»> 4W yo>t rr/eoins & sltncso
V U».- nane cf CoUotxvJ Scivi nu nho le alno iUitorato?
& loa, I Old,
t» AiU that phr^eo make a statement?
Q I uhsw you a docuicatit and aak you if this io the aUtonctit modo by
Collotrl Solvica nbo lo illiterate-/
A too, it la. (Sona received Jn evidence and marked Exhibit J».)
t* Burina tho course of your invooti«ation did yeu toko a joint stutaoent
froa thrrc aitnesses by the nsftos of Ronanl Armida, Booani Guido and
t tea, X did.
Q Did tho.'in pontone «.ppour btifora ><.u anJ oliiti tliulr nanna to tho Indicated
A Tea, they -ild.
"Ì I ahov you a •.•ritt.au doaiawit und auk you if tho digmitureu of tbu tliree
ni tubata who cigola their nomea did oo in your pror.onea?
A Tee. (Sano received In evidence and «urbui! Rshibit X .)
Q During the oo-roo of tho cunu itw^utigation did you oxuoili.e a «itiucs
by the name of fciriiJuob Blu«*.«.V
A Tos», I did.
Iati tout nitneoo make « ori tun alateaentv
ft Ico, air.
Q I now shacr you a writtan doounont uoa > esk you 1C tblo lo tho v.-rittou
statement made in your pruaenoo?
A Tea, it lu«
(oow rnccivod in tvl'lotco wttd (uirktid Exhibit T .)
Q baring tho course of your Ittvt.atia'aUim did ynu Inturvlcr a citoMiiu by
the name of Ualucchi /omldaV
A Tus, I did.
Q Idd that person swko a ol(^ic<l oiutoiwnt and affix their signature
Q I show you a nrltton tioautvmt and aak you if this Is the signed ctetement
juot referred to in your t .aftlaony?
A Tco, It in.
(Seae recoivrd in evidence and narked Exhibit 7. .)
ft at the coftjilotlw» of your iff/ralJ^ation did you make e written report?
C ?(U> ihul rpfnrt o-iutxf on tho interview you hod personally with all nitnesoea
A Teo.
I non shov you a dooum.m> <iotn'l ^<.r^.h*ir 12, 1944 with your initiolo
appeorine above your titlb, and auV you if t*ia in an official rojsart nhioh
you rendered oo chiof of polico cf tho Qomoci
A Te&, it is, (Sase will be rocelrod ii» f<yi^«M--« and "arkofl CidUtit JuV.)
(the witasoo was atcunod)
. .- /?/
Wft.J..., I*
TmnoRi/a IEOICE o? WE nont Q^UEIMIJII aOn 19 Sept. 19U at 1130 houra, the undorslenod CORRIMII 471HAMJO,
«on of Raffaeli*, 56 ynftM a? ujo, f me wonguujuno, rcoidiug ii> Via dal
Posootto, aprearrd before ua, £araeeiallo asfljlore Vitals fiiiwoape, oognandor
of the CC.SR. statica, t.ni duclurod. the fallmiig:
At. about A o'clock in tho corning on 33 tug 1944, three Herman soldiers
appeared la front of ay door, ftt tbs point of their subsachine-gun, they
ordered oo to get dressed and to follow then. Hhsn X was ready to co, they
g«we ne two «nounition boote-s to curry, and wo went in the direction of the
marshes. 0» reacted the hoaoe of the Lepori Serafino and Parlanti Baffoello
fcmilies; everybody was woktm -up and ordered to follow. Chen me. arrived
at aqr bxra, the Gi-rnaa took rarlonti Cesare 75, Parlanti Raffaello 80,
sad Clanoini Uvio 15, lined, then up at tbe bank of the Hlevolo river, and
killed them ia front of ay eyes. Tha soldiers then wont to tho house of
&lno«hl Iraailo 55, and -.rilled him without
lesina a word. They continued
tad wot to tlie iMality of "rinchiusi , «here they killed a certain UOueohl
Cino 49. then they went io tbo house of tbo farmer Siwnl Glno, roundsd up
«lltogfittier £3 persona, HwlUBiag Siftoni, old sten, worwn, end babies, «ad
kiUed tbea oil with their oachiae-auns.
«fé thea net Oeohttelll Orlando 35, OB» of hla brothers 22 yo&ra of eco*
and e ptraoa unknown to a»} also they ««*« naohine sunned. Going toward the
Stabbia «arsbes, they killed on the street a ehflfherd, nhon I had aov«r> eeea
OontlnulAg oft th» way, we net 8 «re persons., old nan and young Hcwo, all
unknown to w. who after havìna tsetrn robbed ty tì» Oenoan soUtcurtt, uere
. klUed by tteir BBchlee-rfun fire. At thia I Pas sole to stale Vts «ieilcwrn of
the above-aetttioned oriaes were coaoittrt by th* G-.nan ooldiera in cold
olood end -without .-jufttifieation. Partisans hwe wm.r boon seen In this gone.
Sweariig io the «eovje-atatei «eclaratloas
Slgnedi Corrieri ftvewedo
oft Vitale Guiaoppo, Carabinieri BarrcoVs, "oncuncaro, ìlaìy.
Tnkon at ;
Efonuiamano, Italy.
Pa tot
3 October 19U.
Kftjor EflMH S. BOCTH, JAGD, CoKiiauionw.
Eajor taiXOC R. '.mtR, KSU, Bllitary Coun^ol.
Captain GH&HI&2 fi. BOOBKP, AGI», totfott» Cotuual.
Technician fourth jjrudt adi-ira. L,
Hq. £; Uq. Co. , Fifth Any,
wao uuorn uo rapcrV'r.
Private flrnt ciano Itoberfc Q. Paocleli, Hq. A Kq. Co., Fifth Aray, wts
sworn «s intorprctor.
T.itnoao »/ u cnorn)
laeatianu by tfcjor "exlor?
Q Stitto your nano, your ugo and your residence.
A Vitale Guleeppo, A3 Tf.-aro old, Carabinieri Barraoko, Konoanaono, Italy*
Q nhat io your official status in tbo CORUM of tbnstunanot
A I OB chief of the polico,
Q Did you conduct an investigation concerning the atrocities of /iU0wt
23rd 1944?
A Sou.
Q Bid you intervie* a «itoeira nosed Q6tri»ri Averoido?
A Tes, partonally.
U Did you obtain a written stateaont f ron that psi-oonv
A Tea.
Q I show you a irritteu doouMnt and 1 oak you if this ie tb* srajt«ctntt
you obtained?
A Za», it lo.
. . . : . . _ .
Q. And dosa that b«ur jnu aignatwre of GorrieVl Averaido?. •
A Toe, sir. (Sane received 1* inidoneo and. marled Exhibit I '«)
5 -
TKuiaTui, L^L LbXrlui-i OD l'I «i CC.Ulf. 01-' KLUkt£NG£
0tation ul' .uiisnm.iiuijo
, 1U ijupC l'J-14
l'ile io. LJ/1-1
subject; illllln-y: '-Oinmlttoa lij tuo r",«ri.J»n jU'/iBd }'arces In tuo murai «o.
The lieuUquarbei-o »f tUo An.';lo-*ujieriQ&n urutod -'orcus
via inform thin houatiuurtcrs of tiirf Demur-lc atroci ti.tat. co>n.ultted
by ulw lienou) Armed T'orcea In enia territory, causing «any innocent deaths,
most; of «Aliata mere women and bub lea. They thus caused (frier to entire
families whose only crlmo wao, that they wero llvinc In -«en-au uccup.leU
On tho morning: of 23 An.', ootweon 5 und 8:30 o'clock, -ìorman
troops following orders'of aitili- laeuonatiruttt-a (andar u Lt. >;olonal) locuted
in Chieslna Uzzuneao, started to fire with machine-runs, submuchlne /rime, p
and handgr enuclea, upon evacuee a without discrimination of oex or ti^e.
This crime toon ..luco in eia locality of "radule al Fucecchlo", In thè
zone where tne communes of V.onsum.nDno-Fonte (,uee>iune>ae-I-'ucecchio 'irid
Lardano: the reason fur tills atrocity is not Known to us as yet.
This crime was coinultfced wltli the full knowledge of the ijerrian
headquarters, upon poor people who wera forced to bake refuso acuì- ti*
marshes, believing biit*mselves uioi-e secui'e •
314 persona were killed: fe4 uelon-'.ecl to the com .une <>f Vonauimuuno
and tl:e others tu tie nel^iborirur; com.>unea. AbouC 75,..' vare uojian, children,
and sucklings.
Oall children wero mutilated and atauuod to death.
Among fri e muaarous criinea cijiunlttou, ia thia particular one:
Aoout 12 German so Jd i era went totlie Critichi family which is composed of
tto two broth ai-s Kioruvante £>3 years old, onnex- of the CC.ltH. narra eleo,
Olullo 51 years old, his wife 39 years ol uge, ani u niece cvfed 11.
After having eaten bread, eggs, ham, and «ine, the 'remans
killed'the two brothers and tha woman, took all the money . The young girl
was able to escute L/ hiding in a ditch. Two other nieces of the womwn,
aged 30 and 32, botti .narried with children, have seen their aunt fall to
the ground. They ran toward her to help her, but the Dermans killed 'tooth
«1th their submachine-guns.
The soldiers who took part In these atrocities Belonged to the
division «Itti the insignia of Frederick tne dreat.The foots of this brutality were perfectly well Known to;
a.) The GttMnan headquarters which was located near tne Villa Bioncherl,
in the totu\ of Cantelaiartlni (Commune of Lardano);
b.) The Germm captain in the town of "Le Caso" in title coni-une; to be
preoise, in the vicinity of the rolli firm. He Is also accused oftba
tha killing of 4 Innocent persons, which occureed in tho town of
idousiuumno &lto on 16 Aug 1944; to be precise at "il Pittore".
I don't think that 1 have to describe to you the condition of
the survivors of Konsuiunano, after this slaughter had taken place urd
after months of robbery, looting and aousea of all kinds, j. think thoy
left a distinct evidence of their one system, one style, und one race.
Q Of those corpses -.•bioh rare not in coffins tut nere co-^t-ed with cheats*
«as there anything to indicate whether or not th&ae bodies were the
result of a violent d»ath as distinguished froa a nornol death?
"nut did you observe?
1 observed that oose of tbe bodies which were oovored by aheols had
blood stains an then.
bere those fifteen bodies which you saw, persona who «-ero aassaered
A Yeti,
Z. ilo<i 'lo you haon?
A Everybody tantfaa thoy "<wt- killed on that day.
Q ITort there ooy othor t^fiulc golnj on to your tooffleujje on tlto days
folios! ra?
/. Tes, I towtr throe burlala r«r»> co-nplutcd th» l'ay followli^j.
(Tha witness w»s ozoused)
Ottice of the A.C. «f «.
* October 1*4
SDbjwett Identification «f APO ftobwv
i ttjar 1C *, tutor, IB Offloe, a»adqiiert»r* Hfth Awsjrflaar
5 i fi fi S £ 1
Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff, <Mt
• fr*89.1l6.i
.'• .:••;•
. . . ' "'
20 A«t»t 191(4
.-,. •*'.' ''Mail Post auber*of OOUIUr fette
. In ItAU - M August 19*4
I. fliis 34«t ooateia» th» WH* of all OOttUOt «aita in
the .Italian Area reported t» tala aMtioo op to 18 «n<tw»
19O. It evaeraadM «11 prwvlow liat» lacladiiif tha» «f
27 April WO.
XX. & tbs òMe OOIWB, all Jan. arm* Awf. d«Ue ex»
of 19*4, ell 8ept. through D»o. datea of 19*5 («weptlos.
06741 A<
I herewith certify th» o«rrsota*M of the ahor* *nar«k.
UQ motor 06741 Ai»tbeHqoftheJetBnof?thP« Otwn B»ft,
26th ft Otv.
«• an- reported «a 1ft July was fej Iggnt; Aotg Bs 00, Mportad
tf cast Brani.
t Col «ItBlabn, reported 0 Aagnst.
Mij 0»a r loettwita^ reported ia Angoet.
Col (f) Crasoaann, reporUd la Septwftar.,
Air Corp.
ti A^V n-:V..
jK'/T v'1?1
ì?.. Sl-iwii ^ ùi
fti-.i'.int;V,ij. o -'J
Àrdue-. 8- to
© ''. j?e~""*"
_ _ »••.*»•*>***-•
».»•.».•.*.» .•»•
"Liat of persons killed by the lernans in the uarshes on 33 ùug 1944"
TEDESCHI IL 23 AGOSTO 1944- residing
Bettaodnl flius*pp.»
Briltolli Fortunato
ABdr-ini Natal*»
5 Silvestri Aaitn
H. K.
di anal 66 r»sid«»ntf>
" tt 44
" " 66
" " 65
7 J llv»8trl Axmida fB Angiolo
8 P»ll«grini Gfflsoaina di AlWto
| 9 >ilv>atri & ius«pp* di Oino
r/OT .3 ilT-atri Koaa Karia di Gino
tl Brinati Giulio U Uario
12 Barnl Iol<» £u Danto
13 Brihati Giorauna fu Giulio
"14 Dami Bofgh«8A fu Blnaldo
H5- ÌTi«atl Carlo fu &orio
16 Gioii C*lla di Amori®)
17 Brinati Giovanni di Carlo
.18 ?«rràro Salràdor^ di'J^lippo
19 Marpaglù ,Frano»8Óo di ff-.no-sco
" 20' BOMBÌ .Ciao di Pietro
21 MaaSpi Guidi Hlvlo di Angiolo;
22 L»jori Annusaiate di *or*»llo.V:
23' Cappelli Giullaaa di AngiWo :
24 Capp*Ìll A Bgiolo fj,PV*t;ÉU; ; ;
25 Katali Italo. Arturo; fu ^oomasó
;-26 Arimoi Diw»'f^BaaW^'^1';. •'
' 27 .J4»«à*r*tti-'lrtó^di'^a:*o' ; ''. '
, 28 Natali ST^UIO BIMBO di italo
io Lardano
BLtSETOO NOMH u'XVO DtìLU! X»&ttX»r ruu^im'B IL aiOtCIO i'3/8/19**
I* oochibelli Oriundo figlio di" fu J«pldo e dì /.«saetti flalliu noto u
mano il 1B/H/I912 o.to.Bl'<nuod Olnaj colono.
2« occhia olii roaoo figlio ai fu Lepido e di .oesottl Molila avto <i M
no il X;«/3/X9LX-oolibe-aolono.
50 e or lanti cenuro fl^o ai fu rttuoto e ai l'asiani uallia nato o
6ft orueal o^oatc fidilo di ru nastralo o di fu obiti tJtaUa a»to u nonsaoma*
no il i(J/U/IU67-ln«JuBtrl.'lo"Celloe
7* Grace! ^ulnto ffoaoo di oroeto e ai n.»4»'to o ttonatain.no 11 i'//7/X*j>I$-oell1
8° oruad corrodo figlio di create a ai H.V.noto a uonaomobno il 9/5/I908»
oostuio-oito.Bornl u..solila
9» tsaluccni alno figlio ai fu O orlo o fu o^raelll savins ni«o <•< uont»<wtla
V.le 11 13/6/1%9-oolono-o.to cdol-lutl jC^una
10° Zerbini 33 ilo figlio di dovonnl e di uoounl .seunt- n to .- Lardano 11
II« utilucaol moure tti^Uo di fu asolo o di LV> coloni oiuliu o^to (4 fiere ti
merole il 20/VItrà-eolono*c.to-Bartoll dxixtì
C!« Hoa ti tilehele di Oiovanni e di Bo%l esunt » nato u lardano il 2/I/I89I
eolono*o.to. gl»eooelii Borio
13* BQrtoll ^.rln- di fu Totrollo e di fu tioeoionl nauostl >i > n- 1;* n LUCOJ U
7/9/6V7«oolon^-0.«i> Hulucchi Oea^re
1*° utHucctó. 4 iu9 ooolao di fu ngiolo e di fu gogoiioì oiulla wto a uonwoa.
muoo il <:0/tI/tìK)2>oolono*K>.to.ìS3njiolll ralda
I?" uontl Ferdintindo di tallio e di fu Bnlfll cftuliu nato fi «onaumetóno 11 IO/5/
694»oef*Qlo,c.to.7ellettl Ida
16* uleper-tl Uno 41 W.etro o di fiuUioclni jnltn aito o Bugeiono n 15/9/92;
I?» «Ottani Alfre-fo di fu amilo e di joaenl ,raontlna mto o uoneaaeano il
ai/7/90*«colono-CiTOBlni {prole;
16* noaanl teina i\i Dnlllo e di .ooanl <reentlnM nata a fioaeinwano li 9/10/909
colono* nubile
*1 oluBB9M * al B8*1»*»! aa*bwa «WO o onaumoano l
il» i.oo.oni lorenao fa Pollaio e ai soor diali Oherubino nata a '"tmaowaano il
oavttt m.no di Orlando e di Gov«l lao ntittì o noneutoionó il l/e/i9i>eoÌMU
.ta Logori Palino
0 0 0 1 O2
Fro.-- 1 ni ùultio, Connu oS ZMI-JS
rk>.n f.t;
3 October 19i4.
Ijjor EE.H' 3. rocTH, Jj.GD, Comaic'-ion^r.
Kajor ururos a. EOI», 101», vuitwr connaei.
Captuin CH*F.l£$ n. rOJ::E£, uCb, Defonso Counuel.
Teohnioiiin fourth grudo Adrian L. otehouwsr, H^. « H,t. Co. , Fifth
ftregr, was onorn 03 reporter.
Private first elise Robert G. Pnaai^ll» Hq. & R.i. Co., Pit'lh Arq/, tiua
eworn ue interpreter.
witness «as sworn)
Questions ty ISajor Toxlarr
St*te your nn<20f ycur "u« and «nere you live.
a Proslnl Guido, 34 years of age, Comino of ifoneunnano, Italy.
'4 wbat ia your position in the Comune of ti-insunriano?
A I on Secretary of the Comine of Uonaunaano.
Q Bid you, during th< month of August, attend tho burial and interment
«f SOQB persons of the Cooune of Etonsua-ano?
& Hot all, only part of the».
3 Uhat day did you go to the eaaetery?
A the 24th of August 19U.
Q Where «as tha eeeetery located?
A Tha Ceaetery of Cintolese.
.Q &t that tin» did you observe the corpaem?
» Xea. .
Q Pore tho corpses in boxes or oxp«3b£t
A Part In and part out of boxes.
by sheets.
The bodies outside the boxes care covered
X In-cllj hon many corpses were there in bcxfta or covered by cheots that
jrco observed on that day»
^^^ ^
A About fifteen.
mass «i®»
- 1 -'' "• '"' J ^*
f i Or. tbriottl «urlo, Pia«za Colati, .Twwuantu», Italy,
Taken at;
tSmottanano, Italy.
3 October 1944.
Bajor BbT.lU U. EOOttf, JifflU, Coaoitioianur.
tbjor JUBKSn A. «£KU£, IOD, UUitary Cannael.
Captain CEnSUili B. BOTRKL, AGO, Defonao Counsel.
Technician fourth grade fctrton L, Stehouner, Hq.. & Hq, Co., Fifth Aft?,
was room ao ropoftur.
Private first «lads Robert G. fraaolgll. Ho.. & 64. Co., Fifth An^> we*
orn on irrterpMrtw,
' ' : • • ' .''. ..„•'!•'. •
(the witnese woo t»orn)
Questions t>y Gbjor tfexlart
'•• ' : -
•' " v
' .
. :"•'?•." ;' • ' . • - '
« Stato ycmr nana, your age and your residence. • .:•• .... ; ,';" '; "..>•••'.
A Dr. Horlottl Kario, 60 year» of ose, Plaeea- Caiotl,- WonB^anano, Italy*
• ". »
Q Ara you a dootor in thu Ccwune of ManaumanAt
A lea.
" • ' • ' . '
Q On tìiguot iì5rd 19M did you «ttend the. deed «r Syins in tha vicinity
of Cintoleae?
A i gave then Meditai core and than aent -the» to tbe hospital» I later
assisted in tbo burial at the Cintoleeo Oeaataaqp.
«1 Of those «ho «ere alive end steadae «adlcal attention, «tat *>aa tbe
nature of their inji*i,ea?.
. • A They «are iravp«ie4:bjr iwcbifte $un. ballet». .
' ' ' • • *'.: . ' • . . ' • ' •
-. ' :i"
lì Van nany Corpuos did ypK^baarvi)! aithar :ii> Oiatolasa at ffte Un# yott: ':"\'
£irat acriwa,. «p at .the 'burieCL tbidi later f oUowed?
/ :; .•;-.
A About sixty.
• •• .
v -
":-^.''7'V^.;'^ • • ' ; ' - •'-. v'••'.•''>; .&'£*?*£
i Vhat «M -«he «nine of the death of these'sixty peraonst '.'.^^•'^••":':
••A. All,by «whin» put bulleta—aom having t* may «• tewS- ot f^ftaea ouU«t
! ;Q. t&>6 -Hwra-anj:, avjdaiioe.iif' «oundina .by. band greoadaef
(The oltnoae-woa* ewuaeà)
suasa "AC»
A. T. 0.
I certify that on 2 October 1944, at fonte fttggicneoQj Ruly,
Benedetti Aria-bidè, Tognurelli Ouilla, tttrutU *llvi«> tod Lorou!»!
Erainlaj and on 3 October 1944f at ffentaiaftupo, Ittly^ Sanponl Dilvio,
Vitale éluseppe, Troslni Guido and thriottì Ifar.io, pfìrctontilly opj^ared
before me, a Coaadaeiorer duly designated by «oepotent «reterò, und tos-
tiflad under oath; that no accused Has prossui/ for tto reaoon thut nfiithitr
the indication of OB aoouafid nor the fact of un atarocity or ytar crii!» «ore
established prior to the convening of this Conaiaaiot).
e ai cerri laa
»» 11 18/9/2927»
24« Lepori ngelo fu Domenico e di porcini nnanzlata nyto a iionsutawyno 11 I8/L
C.TO lucchesi Gì oli,, colano
c5° Lepori Quli»no flotto uiulio aflu GOaianico o fi jpoyfcjbni rgoniiitìc. nato -, '.tono '
mu*np il jl/i/1075-colonp-c.to .oni'.ni p io
26° MfcnAjUrtitint &*££!*-. ai j&usenio edi ataf-jnolU Glov,.tìn^ n.t •» a Eleve « '«Levo! "*
• IL 4/2/1916-C.tw Malacca! tfui4u colon i
27° tapini Ceslra ai Bearnarào e ai Borosaicl .^efiUQt>j najb-j « .c.oaaisia.-n&. ll.jg/7/ .
* *
£8» placchi vivureilo ai fa (papera 9 ai perdoni palolr-i nota a Eoasunaaanjp 11
20/I/I^J5-colono-C.to pvipinl oosciari!!
;i9° iialuccfci BaaBBSxa& C»rio fa a* spero 9 ai l'ordini ^uloiru zmtp a Moneomm^no ,
2Q/I/I<&5-colono-c»to papinl Gailra«
30° Ualucchl pr'-inc'j di Giulio 3 ai Lepori - rmia* mt i .£ iióneioimano il 30/7/936
scolar v
/ 31° Ma lacchi Korm'J ai ouiao o ai ?^n;immuni r^t^info mta a Eonaimt&ano 11 29/IO/
938. '
32* placchi >ioso ai yivarello e ai Togn «zzi jfaastinu n.itf Q l'onsufì^'iQo il I8/5/;
I9IO-C.ta Bini aiuHano-colon-ì.
, :
33« Jiociwnl i.,a/l4» pu» fa Tomaia so e ai fa ^lotti i arid nata « lioneammano il^
2/3/I&86 O»*» Lepori QluliMno-cplona .
5 • 34° ,;oavtni jito.'Ls ai cosalo e Jl'ji^eini Fi lumina nata a Monaosambno il *&/ì/iyty
C'^ta brinci óm»to-colon*.«
I 3$« «otaaiBi ta- rlanna ai tfolleg*o o fa se calgli Cneraoina nata ,i wonoaei»&no il >"-!
j6° riolitHitl jtLBi fa orJU-nào e ai Tesli6 «os- »*to u i-.ianaaaiaaBa.il IIAA^I^
at tu - CQ^ C et a innocenti -acaitro
37° innocenti Yt-na^ ai ^oeuiuto o 01 TjLolulati lisina nat«, •. iàonsuafflano il a6.^.
' 9 jd floolaro
. -
3^ jorronl {incelo o ai Leonurao e ai olontoli ^j^rlo n-ito-a^-lonsacaiano il X3/
lki/I^I&- colono-c a* o. jiortsi ni Bronetta
39» Bini; Mar i- 1 iiorlaa ai ifurcLeò e ai QioisoiaQlll ia& nat» .a fiionsamtìno il ap/12.
93Qr scolli» tq
40» Bini fìaELo ai Inciso o di dlecoaelll £03 auto a.. npnsupaanò Btl 20/12/930
4Ì°^?nìr(Ìao BLotro ai Qlallo e ai Balacchl .<oda natp e aonsaa«aao il 23/6/
.: 934*atìol?:.j:o
. .
. . . . . . . .
42o qtaooaiÉlU ia« ai Oasimiro e ai orn .ni «arianna tvita - aoaaa^no il
5/3/I9I$-atta^cas» c.tu Bini SParcieo
yo-o ai Garrii iiax-ianns. net o - Loacoammo il
o ai
_ il
+t J6/
«ft t « i;ionSu«a*,oo
fu n f> stb aio e at; Borenti vittoria n-te>
ut tu POv.sa Veaovtì ai <>.rincl Gfùti
Xo&iosisil Vwaao ai iitlllo e ai Peolinl «nw. -.-«ria nato a roncaDtoano.il
45° To§nosasl
li» ria o .t,
46* rinci Giuseppe
oé£. 0 tt VogntaA ^^ m n L » ! » 11 6/4/933
4y» rind Marlo fa canti e ai Togno*«l Eliso osto H tfoneuuewno il l6/6/?a5
'• saainurlsbu.eaUba
50° .rlnoi Darla fauatinu di fu santi e di fu Trinci Terooa nata " Honauanano
U I£/I»yifi$X-0ttì. ° <>ao * tatiblle
51° poollol
H3t .lln-j 01 Hasjsurono Q di Kleci Viol1* nut o » xonaucm<*no 11 20/I/
B ]
920 < tt3 a ca ea-0 .te rind ;»ato
52» rinei santi di era. Ado e di p violi ni Hatalln-) a.to n uoaeumanao 11 6/1/939
53* '..rlncl (jiijotplero 31 -.rowiao e di l'aollnl Ha t- Una arto i. tìOOQUwao 11
54» Cipollini sano di KI chele 9 di .sorti oiuUu iuta o i^ro^oo il 5/5/1916
• oolonn-cito OincoBelli Guido
550 utìaaeljàrlna di oitisoppe a di Olpolllnl aaria" 031010 njto o carolano 11
56» Glaconolli paollno"»!! O^oiolro e di .ìoaunl £,j/iuon'J n*to e uonaumsj-mo il
37* Oloconelll Pietro di Quid o a di Olpolllnl i»m.'i n-itono aoniMeoano 11 2I/IX/
58* PSoUnl una di 311 seo a di aalucobl paraallnda onte Q ttoniuoiBuno 11 ::4/9/
59»: pfiollnl oin3 di «9 castano a di $Lcei Ylolu n^to <t uonsa(ji«^i» 11 1217/1908
oolona*o.tq Sluonl alno
•(9* Slaonl neUj3 di alno a Poollnl oLnc nata .-. Donautaaoo 11 «.-I/3/Z928rooloav*
• nubllo'.
61? Togjopftnl nna fiurlu di j&Lseo a di ualaeohi earaellndti notu a Monauuuao il
K/4/9I5"COlcna-C,te TOgnoazi Baiilo
62» loxssaill. sererino di A rturo a di Qlooidan stari . n'^to u aonttuusaqoo il tt/a/
. ... I9I4»j«6oonlco o,to lidi Oorlnns
63* Jlfll Ooritnn» di
c&*lo a di Orloenl Ulvira n*ta ;, nontuaa^no il ^6/916 •
•; atto a.«e«u«o.to lavelli ueraelno
64» Odi LDggiotlno di cario a ai Crisom £Lri*a naie a tionauaaano il I7/6/9IO
6^* «ootl •«?£«-rida di oiovoDol a di Batioforbi tfcUl'J nitn a Wrolono il ,.3 1 1/
. 9X2***ta a. cssa-o .ta fidi gagnolino.
tó».<0ój6- witar di Vlttort.0 a «i K-loio «or io oyto u Bolosnu 11 13/1«/9U9~ - ^
. «fpp»aaent»nte*Q.to Udì jsltsa
. .. ^
6?^ wtùli italo ia roaaueo a di Megrlnl jOiea nato a ^onauaoaoo il 11/2/1668»
60» -rtnoi uno ai Wot» d i Biasini nun alato nata a Wrdano il 22/6/1890-ottq
. a <*»a-C.to Botali, italo
w*w. PM
69«;fl»tti Sveno Beate di ifcoio a di , rlnci olm n/ito- >j koneusKmo il fi/H'/t«tfr
• '*•>' jSttttC.chiagaMttlto Qeattelll TidbittJ
.^•Ì5SLSÌaf? SSSJP11*0 di ^wo u*° « **• iy otram -iHablno tt^a v
0 0 0 1 O7
Lucchesi Bruna; colono
7tì« Orlacni no*avante tu >ngelo e ai Bechini Carola nato a jaououoanano il
23/I/l89I-inaustri01e-0.to Pierozzi .,rilae
79« Qrlachi Giullo fu nglolo e ai Bechini corol-i nato o i:onsumm^no il 4/6/I89J
80» Oluntoll Iginia tìi (intonlo e ai fa Otìlli pa
u tiontecatlnl Terffle
il 9/2/I9P5»C.Ttì Criacni giallo, .
13 on sum maao li. 3 ottobre 1944
lei casolar! pesti ai margini del vasto- padule <me' da Fuceechio
si estende fino a pochi chilometri da Montecatini e che da Fucecchio .
stesso prende none, avevano trovato.asilo moltissime famiglie di sfollati dalle città tormentate dalla guerra» assillate dalla fame e perseguitate dalle "retate" tedesche. Questa vasta zona offriva un senso di
maggiore sicurezza delle altre dato.ciie era teatrale opinione òhe un
esercito moderno, motorizzato, preferisse percorrere nella sua avanzata
le strade ohe dritte e sicure portano da sud a nord, .anaichè ingolfarsi
e impantanarsi nella stelma e nelle canne di un padule.
* '
Sul margine ovest del padule, $u*8l di faccia a konsummano, si erge
una grossa costruzione* l'essiccatoio di,tabacco del podere-detto "' Pra~
togrande" di proprietà Settepassl, Iti alcune stanze della casa colonica,
dello stesso essiccatoio, avevano trovato rifugio tre famiglie di sfol|.
lati? il figlio del proprietario stesso Aldo Sett^passi di Firenze con
la figlia unica Satira di anni 17 ed un loro, amicojvil Signor Guido
Lfìlfatti di &assa Marittima {Grosstto), eon la moglie Emilia Pollastrlni,
i figli Leonardo, Domenico, Siena, Marcella., Svanirò e IngMlesco, quanti
ultimi rispettivamente di 13 e di 9 annlj 1*operalo Umberto Guiduccl con
la moglie lina Barbali la coggajsa Giulia Baragli a l figli Gianfranco e
Marla Grazia rispettivamente di 20 e 17 anni,, la pia vi ^erano rimaste le
due famiglie oolenlche addette al f ondo,. pagai-,',e Bartolinl.,
Xi&: vita trascorreva abbastanza tranoulìla, in rass«gri&t& ma fiduciosa, attesa degli eventi la cui imminenza si setitiva nellra,ria*
;Bd ecco,, improwièa co&e la folgore, abbattersi la tragedia»
I»a mano tedesca, ancore grondante dil sangue di altri innoceati do|
veva abbattersi rapida, iHUàì»na au questo asilo di pace.
. '
Siamo al 21 agosto 194és uà tedesco è ferito da colpi
ttentre percorre, su un autoblìatlat uaa strada: a asinine ;del paUule.Altri,
giorni prima, solio stati-fatti, segni ad alcuni colpi. Partìgìsni che tira*no nascosti sei caonsti? Forse.
La rappresaglia* cieca e crudele,eoa si"fa attender», La mattina
del B3 agosto^ .alle sei, gli sfollati vengono-desiati dalla contadina lina
" f?igfcit« .** «*»à grida "arrivano i tede«chi jìer prendere uomlni11! In disianza si ode un confuso rumore di mOtoriYe le uria-di alcuni
comandi, ì^on c*è un minuto da perdue. Già sdire -volte la scena si era
ripetuta, sempr. pere sansa consag^ng,^. Anche questa volte quindi gli uo< miai pens.anD di scappare verso il |%le'7ft cloane, fino allora sempre
rispettate, restano a case.
; | "
v - '
(ìli sfollati escono sll©n2ÌoL ca^rj,- -o.nl», ^s una* ìbotola che" d& sul
4ietrp dell* essiccalo lo j appena fttfc i^-\ prime scariche di mitragliatrici
5^| Iche, frn#. y ceane, la pravità'del'- tìofltento è
^ r ^anp uomini.da portare al lavoro, sitx fa una
aft¥. larti^iani* Unica via di s#lveaza sarebbe roape^ iprs più stringendo attorno al p&aul», ma è im' ^eve, verso il centro, difesi dalle naturo stessa
•ila vestita dei cm atti,. 11 gruppo dei fuggitivi
S rr^^T
• • .
^p.V,'.v~ • • " "
"""' "•' "•^••^.^••••W-^^^
;&':':?-:'-':^: :*•<• -«.<:"•• ^.MI^~.«-.-/w, : -••,,. " -'v^:-;; •..,: ':~-.,^,-,*-^-.^::- \^^^&^^
- ' •
• • • • • ' •••'•
' - ••' *
to DI ccuxn*i- MESSIA: (rtswu)
Co» animo serene* alloao u&. o&nl rlsentinanto t Improntato a
a, rtdico ogglf nel trigesimo dell* eccidio perpetrato dai t«
schi ael Coaune di 'Ponte &2££Ìan«se, una r«laKÌone che forse eervirà
un giorno o dare un giudizio sulla nobiltà d'aiiiao aei soldati. del* HtiftA « sttll^abaegassione dì alouni» che guidati da seatimtntp di
piietà o di solidità patria, seppero corrtrt a portare ali* vlttiftt
il tòro poaaibilt aiuto*
Sono le dodici e trenta circa del CS agosto del 44 qtuando mio
Irattllo Giovsniii, feafcUato dal feraocip sinistro per la r««laitiinisa
opposta tal tedeÉchi il 9 aettembre 1943^ mi atrisa cht mio sio
Magriai Guido è forse anche mìo aonuo sono stati uccisi dri
«i» dal an Uino stwinanù di lutti le aoae del Pratogrande e del
ho uà momento di asitazioao & lascio il mio convento col proposito di recarmi sul posto» ove ancoraJ» là furia 1*Ire ttdoftca.
Giunto poco sotto l'/uchioae Incontri il Cojamièsario Prefettizio
Br.Giovsaal Arrlgotti* ahe in superiti tanto Siriati rej^» eoa vera ao^
bilia d'animo e sensi di cmor patrio le sorti del mio comine di nasciia» sài invita a seguirla* mi viene àal FraiogrRadt» Ballato le vii-:
tlsse. DÌ alcuno ìm. annotato il aome. te esue, mi e o tiler ma, «i trova
11 mio povero aio è il • fraiellé aél babtb, lìi altri parenti» che ancora mancano all'appèllo» non «ti dlnaLoalk. .B* «obattuio 4sÌ dolore t
.sfinito érlla Btaoeh»»aa. &i coniiuu chy ù ancora digiuno e appena
^tb remerai in piedi. . . . . . • ' . ; - ' . \
. .
;\ ,
- ^
€1 rechitifflo al Capannone nella str-àa che porta al padul», ulttr^
la casii dei miei nonni scorgo due vittime* Voglio recami sul posto,
.sa mi distoglie l'urlio dei saldati tedeschi, ci» scorgowc non molto
diotanti cullii via ohe mena d.Tiag^ione. Il Coai&isas<:io al invita a
• . ritirerai presso il' oui'amto Uoa aàrito Talinl. Ci affaccialo solla
pia sua nel moaeato a tesso la cui vi fa irruzione la cosp^iia tedesca»
• 3000 belve aa se tate di eangcte: al cuoi cercano ansiosi la preda
uacna nelle easa lasciate Kpalaiicatt? altri si dirigonl vorao ai noi
con propositi truci., li' un moaento decisivo* ìiiaaro allora la portata
del pericolo. Ita morte ^ sospesa tsrul nostro capo. Ci aonunsisiM» subito,
a distfitttaTcol frasario tedesco. Ci pensettono di avvicinarsi^ ei
le carttt Sigino in regola e ci lasciano andare. Il "
far comprendere loro che la quells sona non èóaó
ma buoniw e pacìfici lavoratori. Ui risposta è secca e non emette repliche? Qui tutti partigiaai! "
Ci awiaaio col cuor»^ sospeso verso il ponte lasciando alle nostri
spalle i tedeschi, col proposito di o U eaere un lasci» passare àa 11
Cattando tedesco. Gì ienaiamo però presao mio xio, Poggttti C riandò,
- ^ "
" ' '
-'•;- -^ - •' -..
. '•
. /U.'
II contadino Guido Pa^oi, nel
«i^uro MJL&. propria éià%
,-M: : atra'sa uri*sargia**
«•.'i-..-•V: .->t-
- , - • • •
è ucciso$ verrà
• Oli spari aur.»titeooj aó UÀ trailo si sentono delle £rida:
di bambini,., *!;ÌBEraa*» 2ii\saaB*! Ogouuo '.crede, di riconoscere una
cara» uri ' appollod disperato» Che fa ret foroure iMletrot 11
J^ |à
aorte sicure,41 Forse aéaxanao allooiiutftiida le donne d'Ila sona
pensa* o si da foco *11'essiccatoio** Col cuore strette àallf?rìgoacla,i
la suircìa continua; i piedi, scalzi» veogorc lacera ti dalle osmtllt
t nelle piccolo ferite tntr» l'acqua melaos-ì, i;ifetta. la sltrt|lia
aon cespa un moment o e i proiettili passar a pochi ceaiìmfttri fa le
test». A uu tratto uuu jr-:i;;.t.r., poi un'altra,: tìspl^dofio sul canato.
. I tede^cììi ht*nn0 voltato i pea:;! di ?;r' iglicrin schic rtiti ai
* •• •'•
/ -J
• .^'•"•'i •
fronte agli aaierictiai e scaricano la loro barbara r abuia a colpi di
11 coat adi no ^ibcìrto -urenti che GÌ trovata ^ pochi passi
Se^cpasni è maciullato da. una granata. Il .ettepnssi ai salva
buttandotsi aottftacqua in un canale. i'utto intorno al paciule il fuoco .
eontimiti iainterrottoi le or; patino le fit e, trs^iciic,
riìcu«';o al^*
l es;:iccntoio. li col* picchia, aeiie^iaaté mile teste e I' net e :co:
ifelnela a tormentare,
- ,
•• • , •'•
i>oa0 le due del pofcGrig:.;.lo, Un poco &11& vclti> i 'tiriviiJUUUniip-"
acono 'U iatensità, riprendono, cessano del tutto. Che i tedeschi aiaiio andati via? Il pensiero dei propri cari spinge ad uscire da quel*
l'inferno « tornare alle caco. Aldo ..ettepasai e 11 colono làÉol
lini arrivano, per primi, strisciando, a òln^uaaifit metri dt-ll^s
toio. Tutto & silenzio, Uìi?. con t mi ine sola, quasi lapletrita è su]Ul«uiicio. 2 Cosa « attcceaeo?" Le si ^rida, la sua voce rotta d&ir1
«citi r i suona sinistra 'ih'me aio & quel ollea^iot "aeno tutti marti *!
è successo
Mentre gli uomini fugano ver»o il paàul©, le prir^ pattuglie
tedesche, forcate da uoaiuì es^reBa^tìnte ohi&ffiatl dal fronte dell'Arac,
arriTano ai pouerJU àlrer&l ài es^i, r&«iuaaU mài '&ia dell'essiccatoio
frielt;no alle persone che erhno rigaste ia c&acit Maci te i" Tutti obbedisco no. isf oliati e contodiid coi br^ibiai per mG no. Un ufficiale ordina
loro al allinefzrni coatro 11 suro; chi non o rapido nel f&rlo T i vie o»
^ooo uHi)IUl iX>ii.,jÌ. 'ujiuici s.oiiut; iaermi dal é&. ai i3 aniil,
avelliate dal sonao. ;:ull , m ano di .parii^iaaiji,,
ai guerra» di
; ;
:«a*.l»a. laro .vite è la.faàig:lfflt il lavoro ca 8aliarof .l*tìi30^rB .'p«r
propri etri. L'iaisEtt y loro sono aue oicibi di tredici o cìi aove
Undici inerrai, ,<iue bamUini t uà ri^aaao di Tenie mei che
l a fgàt*
• '
. .
- • - . . . .
- ,"
raffica porte uguals&eiitt* uiciu^altì» corit o il grappo.
in jsaaaa» cullala. I, a 1.0 n tatti souo aortii lu ai^-aory
, t^he ci trevi accanto -:. ime figlio la^idlesco, ùi aove
t àvcadro di tredici unnl« crivellati da colpi, rtccoglie le ultime
_......_. _
' '
«1/a«Ni8flttì«« «ai «Muti, fino all'miltijao,.
olla ; olfatti, ferite, «i^ttjBi&paoi,. mori e e sólo cosi
- &** ore dl coiBcieiiW
- _ - — _w
E£ar"&r£*nltràrióÌto uric tebi» ohe riesce, e logoff^'
benché"fatta se^no a colpi tilw fuoco, s aa&.àoan& g
>, SO?K) tutti morti*
Alla crtaa colònica vicina i soluti tedeschi, croi di t ria te glorie, bevoii.0 e laao^laao i'rutia, s^i^uag^aao» Ivi primi che osseo avrici
•n&r«ìi per preetc*re .soccorso ni ferii! "og^i ^run festa, •*
deacri ito è la pura verità facilmente "bontrollalilt da chi
'«i voglia» liei indico '33. sigostvo» tuiì * intorno al pedule di Fucocchio
ei ripetono identiche le stradi, ùi aasol&ro iii caaolar-j le vittime
si contano a centinaia. Il l'atto dì Ìrato4r^ad« o uno 4«i -tanti episodi, Le vittime, i X triti e 1 fortuab tornente illeaì, aoao 1
aeì, di ntoaio e di wuntijia Ssvio, lata
si ànsio il 5 luglio 1900;
e i suoi
. • • .
Svaridro .all'atti di Guido,, as: to & : as^u ari ti ima (Grosse to) il 3 dii:;..til©aco ; r.Kutti di Uuìao, o&to a . aia;i ^.arittn^a il 5 saggio lì) 35,
Nicole Sett^eparnsi ài ^lao, &tl& & ^ìreiuct U 6 dicembre 1326,
nei Chiiàuooi,. fu /r&jKsmco* -fiata 00! '1893 a San '
Giulie iìwiicllì fu FrnaoMeo» usta. ,?tel Ìfe97 a
Gictnfreaco Cuiiiucci Ui liberto è di Brasali
uà to 1*11
r-. liorfco a Bugiano.;.
Mari» 'Ina rtìoletvooi oei Bai-toliiiif .riu
ragni tu Ssilia nato. il .1° «e^lo
•irla Fer^iai o i !•'»&*
nata nel atirao
•i=-:alfaiti di Guido ì&ts 11 ,:4.i:»;0;U a
L:a.l̫,til -di Guido anta il 4-.2*lSS6
Bartolinl sf olla.tn da
pre»t:tì la f&ia«£-&L£'aiiii/^«.- /V
karla Grada Guiducci di'
-osolina Bar t olia 1 di z-tnl
dorè si era rifugiata ^sri» dtìU fakifflla del «io invero aio^ Cb» dlart
. . . . lorot Quali notUio? Tatti o ^ua»i tutti pianga»»t mentre un ted*»
fer»e tneoascio dì tanta rovina che. grava su quei piccoli eh» al e
^ : oa ioaiatenti aotisle del noaao a del babbo» ai scabra eh* pia ire
e rida. Fu££° eaarei&iato al Tmto^rande ao che per lu mwUgiaa
' mJL prectdmono il Hev.do Signor Proposto, Don Giulio Tofinùrdli,
" ? ^ Baldi «Bierigo ed 11 Segretario del QG«UIJ* tagJPabeiit l^inanào*
Oecorr* qui ricorda** oh* U COMB&O. tedesco del presidio di £*__..„
ae«e, già interpellato ual segretario del ^omuoa « dal àr,Baldi per la
sepoltura del storti e per l'aasiateoaa al feriti, aveva rifiutato la isu- magione al Cìaitéio s concesso, di bontà arni, la mtàicaaiooe & feriti.
Succeeaivamen e nuove iusiatenne furono fatte presso lì : areeciidlo
Tedesco Alfonso Fitroch, per ottener* che il Ur.Baldi ed il Segretario
.Comunale si recnaoero a laro la coaetetasioae dei sorti eòli riconosci***
io ad le vittime, «che il iisv.mo I;ou Giulio Tonnarelli pote««re recarli
n dare l'uaaoluxioae olle adirne, i>ella discueaion» che se segui il fcareBCiallo Pitroch ebbe a dire al Segretario ooraun&le che neutre nulla otta-
va &1 comando tedesco affinchè i suda et ti si rocasaexo iiellìi sena, non
riierxava, conforme die Ic^i Interna^io^Bli, necessaria I*ae8oluiioae
alle salsi*, essendo trii Rorti eoasiderati a;> loro tedeschi wcome "
Aveado 11 Segretario liulstito che la estrema tiBBiatenaa religiosa
veniva concedasi anche tui'li a seas ini, il Pitroch ai «trina* nelle spal
a eigaif Icare ohe noti aa va il p,.na08oo al Sacerdote aa i, oliera VE le BUS
preaeaaa nella sona dell'eccidio*
So che mio %lo è et^to ucciso o che la min nonna è sòlfa, m aaooxa
dintreda*i miei parenti non abbiaao notlale, questo ci preoccupa perché
sono circa le quattordici e alle dicla»sett« si è compiuta la Btr^e,
S IM preoccupa si one ti trtiàuce per àe* In pochi secondi in triste
-. .'
Sccoti 11, ìiella loasa, mio cubino Doiseiiico, di Guido, padre di tre
figli. Scendo di bicicletta, mi accosto? Non e*e più apérEn*al Lo &m '
porta uUK.rose ferite sul petto, ali'siteest delle spalle. H& la mano
e IVaTa&brECcio alnitstro sciupati e su di esso comprise con la aaoo dc_
un faaiioletto. Mi o stato detto poi che lo avevano sentito invocare la
moglie e i fi&li» implorare aiuto*
Procedo col cuore in gola è elle diatanae di pochi notrl, per la atrada trasversale, trovo mio aio Guido» tino* La pietà di r.lcuai lo aveva1» tolto di mosso alla strada e accomodato il meglio possibile all^OBbra.
Ports una ferita nel eolio* Mi o atato riferito che dopo ararlo l&aeia
to andare lo hanno colpito a tradimento.
fochi passi ancora * a nm reatina <il metri dalla strada scorgo duo
morti. Voglio vederei aouo padre e figlio* i1uno trucidatoaccante all'altro. Il padre di 4$ anni il ligi io di 18. Som mio cugino ?!egriai
Giuseppe dì luigi e suo figlio Ivo* U doloro mi toglie le lacrime*
Compongo meglio ohe posso 1* Btlae a col woromifle&rio procediamo per
il podére Pr^tograodo. Là troviaao U ^igu.Proposto, il dottore, il
^e^retcrio Coimnale. ,>ouo afflitti* la aaaa ci sono dieci storti, compre- ;
si un bambino di 9 anni e uno di 13. l'ut ti nono «tati measi ci sturo e
falciati della mitraglia, Bào&o scarpe to la aorte due aignorirjc che ferite Cadono a terr» evenute*
Faccialo un breve couai^lio e aeciàiaaoi il sìlgiuProposio cój. Dottore
' '•''
Zvyf-'i? •
• T»-'
0»«chif C/^p
aiaaario, li Segretario ed io, rlitaaicw) per dart sepoltura
tÌ3»» Per diviato del Comando tedeaoo saa ti posso i : ; portare^
i«ro ed è neooeearic toglierli d&lle intemperie « dfcl!e strait
/areno un piccolo Cimitero ael ca^po del mio,povero alo,Sono
pojc.fil uomini
che lATorw-ft
p&rèàtl^sire;li d%lì .asciai* So^ .
l f lr& tedesca, che ancore le sentiamo imperversare vieinfty con
frequenti scoriehe ói mitraglia, spìnti e serretii d si It pietà verno 1
loro morti, i^ono quattro uomini. 11 .iegrtt»rio rimane
con noi ^usaj.
do è difesa di un pericolo che uà, un aoaento all altro può
te. i>i iaiais un lavoro 30tto un sole che brucia e j^osaa le membra &16
«tench*,,, anche per 1* oppress ione spirituale ia cui ci troviamo. la'|C3»^
sa è ultimata e si injriiei» il tre eporto mesto, spoglio di poapa e li
onori, credo une or» pili che al fronte, in prima linea. Io, Sacerdot*,
benedico le sala*, che poi arfolfimo in un lanfettólo e aitiamo, aopra
u& carretto e un pò di paglia. La solitudine che ci circonda rena e
più trista la cerifflonla. Cosi le vittimo yeagoao ad una ad una trar,_
te al aollec i temente apprestato Oliai tero di. guerra, fi* uà pianto intorno
«noi e nel profondo del nòstro miao. Sono tu U e p^raoa» ohe conoscevo
fin da bambino, persone-parìfichet lavora trie: i assidua, che davano pa?»
..aula'loro .fimitila quelle ohe ià quella -sera venderò traapor'tat*.sl ...piecolo, inaii e Cimitero e alle quali la barbarie te tolto, non .so perché*»
la vita. 31 odono grida disperate, 61 ^uardiaiao intorno; là in u&.foM*v
poco lontano dar noi,, una uoni«i ha trovato il Ciao ed aneto compagno dei--
la sua vita* S .Ettore .juiricoci. 11 uc^r&t&rio ne. preode i df:ti, poi .
n* trasportiamo le spoglie mortali, lacerale i'orae tìa fucile iBOtrr.glia-.
tore al la sepoltura comune, due uoroioi ^ionfcO.'.o portando, par il momento,
al braccio le insegne della Croce Hossa. 1^ loro ?cnuta o veraaiente :
sono da tràKportsre ' al piccolo Oiaiiwo i «i-éi ffiorti
uòisinl"M2aJenO'« 'Btié'miel cugini-che fino a 4ueUfor&..:a(l .
in quel Ifivoro, Settiao, fratello del fu Giuseppe ù sm nopoi*
Bruno ISagriiai* SOR hanno la for»a di arviclnarsl alle ei^iaé dai ijàr*""
céri e »ì ritiraiso* II loro aMmo è scoaso al pri d«ì l^^ 0*S il
~ :Ì''i' • • : /
dire le flslae dei aàii cari «'di acccai^a^narli alla sepolturs» L T ora . - . , - .
si f^s tarda e la paura ai un rltorao uoi t«à*«chl alle nostre mtn ti più
: BÌ oaccioaa. Rimangono i mori i del. poaeee rrato^anaesùi ohe saranno *
mo*si l'indoaaoi i^t Una, presente ancora il i^ejjyeisrio e il
'••••^,. .
, . . . jpinèié. «io psidré trovo i tre -'.àrfoni ài ùa^riai waKeaiooi'SRfl»o;;
della loro -triste rovina, dalla; bocca, della Eu^iore* Ce«tirln», ven^o^a
sapere che tu ta la fr^ii^lia del s,io povero sic era stutiì ifià isegea al
muro e che solo le loro grida disperde e alcuae cartollive Idioter'ó
prigionia ia Gennanlti da mio cugino C i ne li salvaro* X$ial* Misfatto'
^aao coameasot ..ìi* una doaar^e: a cui ancora noa aoao at^o capate di
rlapotidere* Al mattino aeguoaite, 'mi ai dice eIxe correva voce enei tedtaohi
cercavamo .*apres8«®ente la faaìglia ;ca|^inl della Fattoria 'Oerini e 1
-:•(-•• %-:•>:•' ;0^ats4ial4el^tediai del podere Frat.t^r&ndft»
r , Qos« al Prat£|g.3rfiòde anche al -(.'apanrione l«.YitxiBe sono dtste coopc*. .
.^«/r^;̧io»a»eate; nel piccoli .•«•ìsanrovvlistìti Cimiteri» •¥& lì' nostz-o
aaitto non ai da pace e carchiuno tutù le vie.per poterli asiociare ci • Gtoitero Goaunale» II reuerdì il comodo tedesco lascia il nostro pae»»i
Pino a quel aoncnto il pormes o .:on ora stato concesso. Appro- '
flttiosiO della tmiP part «mas e d'accordo col Costal at rio e il Segretario sollecito J ,'illejtìMcnto dallo Gasa*» Per loro bsai^nti cunceeslone il mart «dì . si può p-rocsàer® tdllauMiaioae»
• ?
,' ... ;
Sono presenti poche • p.«?a*o»v Z Rl«i fiorti 11 trssportijano a oaife.
3U sera,co , 1,. solenuitE pcrr-cnsi- dallo oircowtaate, è fatto 11
trasporto delle vii time a messxo di un autocarro ohe il comuno di i escia
ha mesuo n :iOBÌr& disposizione, lì- trasporto è fatta eensa il concorso
della gstìte per Mm eccitare it- susceuibilits. todoaea oé eviterà possibili incursioni it*m* Ea gli ^lo-aifl«ric&ni \>oao forse giù ipi'orfflati del trasporto di queste -yittiae della barbarie nEgi^ta e fasciata:
nel cìelo otto apparecchi volte^.iauo, i orse portando il loro eatreao
saluto ' T: i cvrl che or; rlposaao osile pace del Cimitero.
Firjsa.to Fadro Primo (P
Sacerdote francescano
Visto il à^t>ÀCO
prof. Dr^ A. Bet sedett i
L'anno mi IH enovecentoquar ant aquat t r»p addì 19 de^l mese' d< settembre n e l l o '
ufficio d e l l a stazione dei CC.RR. di Monsummano -a I I e ore- 11,30
Avanti di noi m a r e s c i a l l o maggiore V i t a l e Giuseppe comandante la stazio=
ne suddetta e 1 presente CORRIERI AVERARDO di Raffaeli.© di anni 30 da Mon =
summano a b i t a n t e i n V i a d e l Fossetto i l q u a l e d i c h i a r a :
" Verso le ore 4 del 2'3 agosto u/s.
«i presentarono a l l a m ì a abitazione
in Via del Fossetto tre so-ldati tedesche i q u a l i m i n a c c i a n d o m i col fuci =
le m i t r a g I i a tore mi ordinarono di v e s t i r m i e di seguirI\.Dopo che mi fui
vestito mi caricarono di due cassette d i m u n i z i o n e e ci', mettemmo ìn cam=
m i n o p e r i l padu le .Giurit i n e l l a casa d e l l e f a m i g l i e d i Lepori Serafino
e Par Iant\ a Raffe I I o li svegliarono e gli ordinarono di s e g u i r l f .Giunti
a I fa"""™ fa capanna prelevarono Parlant"_Cesare di anni 75,Pg£jjjjaiJ..r,Raff ae I lo
d i anni 80 e Gi-.»i*_.a,«.nn
i n i JJùvu^o d i "ami"? 15 e 'fat te l ì a v v i c i n a r e s u l l ' a rJg i n e
del fiume Ni evo I e • senza alcuna contestazione l i uccisero tutti sotto i -
m i e i occhi col f u c i l e mi trag I i.atore. Proseguendo raggiungemmo lacasa di
Ma I ucchji Don i I o di anni 55, lo prelevarono g l i fecero f ar e aal.cuni passi
e T o u c c i s e r o . Proseguendo ancora incontrammo in l o c a l i t à ' "Rinchiusi""
certo Ma I ucjcjij^GJ no di anni 45 e senza domandare di n u l l a " lo uccisero.
Gì unt i "*aTTa casa- d e l colono Simoni Gino fecero uscire tutti coloro che
la occupavano compreso i l Sim"cmT™Tn tutto _2^_ft5j^sone tra vecchi,donne e
bambini,e mediante raffiche d? mitraglia' 11"i*u"cc i s e r o tutti.Camminando on =
corn si fece
incontro con Peci-libelli
Orlando di anni 35,un
s.yo" '-«i-'v
f r....a....t...e l l o
"--~«—•fl—.rt»* «»jM^i>«-)^>n«vi
di anni 22 e una ^terza persona a me sconosciuta e anche loro vennero mi =
t r a g l i a t i e u c c i s i .Proseguendo verso il p a d u l e di Stabbia venne ucciso
un pecp-rnio incontrato per la strada e che io non conosco. Attratti da= :
g l i spari accorsero a l t r i due a me sconosiuti e anch'essi furono u c c i s i
. ..^,-tC. ••••X*UH- •*?"
. . .
I |
a f u c i l a t e . Proseguendo ancora, incontrammo^ persone vecchi efreVgazz i, tut =
ti a me sconosciuti e i tedeschi dopo di a v e r l i oerubati di tutto quanto
avevano in dosso l ì uccisero t u t t i m e d i a n t e raffiche di m i t r a - g l i a *
A questo punto r i u s c i i ad eludere la v i g i l a n z a dei tedeschi e mi d i e d i ah
la fuga1. . •
I vari d e l i t t i sopra d e s c r i t t i vennero commessi dai m i l i t a r i tedeschi
freddamente e senza alcuna g i u s t i f i c a z i o n e . Nessun partigian'o si e' mai .
aggirato in tutta la zona percorra dai tedeschi. fi
In Fede di quanto sopra mi sottoscrivo.
L'onno mi Ilenovecentoquorontoquottro oddi 19 del mese di settembre
in Monsummono nell'ufficio de I )n .st.ozjone dei CC.RR. o l l e ore 1 1 , 1 5
Dnvont.i o noi morose io I lo .moggiore V i t o l e Giuseppe comondonte lo sto«'^
rione suddetto e 1 .presente CRIACHI .DANTE fu Angelo di nnni 46 do Mon«
summnno obitonte n e l l o frozione Cintolese i l qu.nls dichioro:
"" Do qunlche tempo In min f n m i g l i n compostn do mioifrntell$ Crinchi
Fiornvonte di nnni 53, Criochi G i u l i o di onni 51 d o l i o m o g l i e di
quest'ultimo di onni 39 e dn uno m i n f i g l i u o l o di onni ll,per sfug»
gire o l l e offese b e l l i c h e essendo lo nos.tro obitozione nei pressi del» 1
In r i t o b i l e p r i n c i p n l e , s i ern rifugioto in uno cosetto di nostro pro«
proeto 1 sito in pndule. Ne" in detto coso ne 1 n e l l e odincenze vi* hnne'.
no moi dimornto p o r t i g i n n i . lo ero rimasto presso In nostrn obitorio» '
ne» ol Cintolese un pò per curore i nostri interessi uri pò perche 1 sof«
ferente od uno gnmbo.
Lo- mattino del 23 Agosto u/s. si presentarono oi m i e i congiunti in
p o d u l e uno ventina di soldoti tedeschi ormot i di ormi outomntiche.
i quo I i richiesero dn mnngiore . Mio f r o t e l l o Fiorovonte e - m i o cogne=.
tri. abitunti a richieste del genere fntte in n i t r o occasioni-do nitri !
soldntà germonici,gI i offersero del pane,del prosciutto d e l l e uovo
o- fr ittoto, vino ecc. Consumato lo colazione i soldoti tedeschi i n v i =
torono i m i.eJ^4Ìj^JTO£1p1n.-ti«ìJ. I i o- s e g u i r l i nll'operto .Min cognotn im=
pensieritn volevn s e g u i r l i nnche lei ma venne coccintn in dietro mo= '
lomento do olcuni tedeschi.Pochi m i n u t i dopo i m i e i due f r a t e l l i
Fiornvonte e G i u l i o venivnno uccisi d o g l i stessi 'sold'nti che ovevo=
"no poco prèmo mongiato in coso nostro e quasi contemporoneomente min
coqnotn venivo ucciso o sua volto d o g l i stessi soldoti tedeschi che
lo nccompngnovnno vesro cnsn.
Lo mio f i g l i u o l o si snlvo 1 nascondendosi in un fosso .Due oltre mie
nipoti e cioè 1 Fidi Nevin di nnn? 32 e Bonfonfi Morinn^gT'nhni 30oc=
cortesi che In Irò zio e cioè 1 lo mio cognoto suddetto,codevo o terrò
ucciso,occorsero per tentare di d a r l e aiuto mo venivano o l i o loro
volto uccise d o g l i stessi m i l i t n r i tedeschi. .
Tnnto i m i e i f r a t e l l i qunnto mio cognoto vennero successi vomente
depfredoti d e l l e somme che ovevono in dosso e' cioè' dì parecchie mi«=
g l i o i o di I i re .Nessuno ;scusonte si_ riesce o trovare per poter g i u s t i »
f icore i l bar-boro eccidio che ho dtfstrutto tutto Jo mio f o m i g l i o .
In fede di quanto sopro mi sot'toscr i vo.
.' .'.'" '• >^7 » JSTISPT
"• MSR^"
' ^rui^^""^'^/-te>ér~
L'anno mi I lenovecentòquarontoquot tro addi 19 del mese di Set»
tembre in Monsummono n e l l ' u f f i c i o d e l l o stazione suddetto o l l e ore
'Dovont? o noi moresciol lo maggiore V i t a l e Giuseppe comoi^donte la
stozione sopraindicata- e presente LEPORI CESIRA noto D i o l a i u t i d? ;'
Raffaeli© di onni 32 de» Monsummono obitomte in Vio del Fossetto lo ••
quale do noi .interrogato dichiora:
""Verso le ore 5,30 del 23 Agosto u/s mi trivovo dentro unoc'nponno
in Pevdùle unitnmente od oltre donne e o certo Romevni Lorenzo di onni}.
.75 quondo si présentorono o noi due m i l i t a r i iedeschi i q u a l i qi ri=|
chiesero se vi fossero dei por t igion i .Al I o nostro risposta negotiv^
uno dei m i l i t a r i si ollontono 1 per controllare lò zono odiocente, .:
I ' o I tro, senzo di dir n u l l a , mi esp.lose il fucile mi trog I latore col = " l
pendomi o I naso. Lo stesso soldato visto che non ero coefuto conti» \
nuo 1 o sporore contro di me e contro le oltre donne ma il fucile non"!
gli funziono 1 . Apporof i ttondo di questo circostanza ci demmo frutti !'
o l i o fugo salvandoci od eccezione del vecchio che dota lo tordo etn'
non potè seguirci. Quando tutto fu finito ritornoramo sul posto- rosi
vommo lo stese vecchio dentro lo capanno nssnssinnto.
Dentro In coponna non vi ero con noi nessun port i. g fono.
In fede di quanto sopro mi sottoscrivo""
L'anno mi-I lenovecentoqurotnntoquattro addi 19 del mese d? Settembre
n e l l ' u f f i c i o d e l l a casermn dei cnrabinieri di Monsummano,aI le ore 10=
Dinanzi a noi maresciallo maggiore V i t a l e Giuseppe comandante • lo stazio»
ne suddetta e 1 preseihèe ROMÀNI ARM I DA fu Giuseppe di anni 2t da Mon»
summano abitante in Via del Fossetto'la quale da noi interrogata dichia»
ra quanto segue:
""La mattina del 23 «gokèol944 s. mi trovnvo insieme a l l a mia f a m i g l i a
in una capanna del padule dove eravamo sfollnt'i per maggior sicurezza.
Verso le ore 5,30 arrivarono diversi soldoti tedeschi armati di mitra»
g l i n t r i c e e di fucile,! q u a l i senza nuMo dirci oprirono il fuoco con»
trod di noi. lo mi salvai gettandomi a terra e rimanendo distesa in un
fosso. Mio padre di onni 59/mio fratello Pn-olo di onni 30,mio zio Ma»
lucchi Cesare di nnni 49fmia zia Mnlucchi Erino di onni 45,invece rimo»
sero tutt i uccisi .
In quell'occasione rimasero pure uccisi n e l l o stesso mottin-oto uno mia-,
cugino di onni 35,mio cugino di onni 39 e un oJtro zio di onni 78.
Nellonostra coponnn.non vi erono ne ormi ne port i g i o n i ; n e i pressi . '
d e l l o coponno'stesso non ero occaduto n u l l a che nvesse potuto destore
i sospetti dei tedescfcjr per cui l'eccidio do loro commesso devesi attri»
&&&&&$&&&& buire esclusivomente 'o I lo loro malvagità'.
In fede di quanto sopra mi sottoscrivo.
La dichiarazione s&ddetto viene confermato do me sottoscritto Romani
Guido fu Lorénzo di anni 40 dn Monsummano a b i a n t e in. loco I ito» .Fossetto
La dichiarartene suddetto viene pure con^ermoto do me sottoscritto Mnluc= v
chi Pierino di Cesore di nnni 18 da Monsummono abitante = i n Via del Fosse.t-
r. v" .f:::?u? M*
L'anno mijlenovecentoqunrontnqunttro oddi 19 del mese di settembre
in Monsummono n e l l ' u f f i c i o d e l l o stazione suddetto,o I le ore
Avanti di noi moresciollo moggiore V i t o l e Giuseppe comandonte lo sto=
zionè soprocitoto e' presente CALI SIRI SALVINA di Pietro d i ' a n n i 35
do Monsummono Vio del Fossetto lo q u n l e dichiara:
. "" Lo mattino del 23 Agosto u/s. verso le ore o,30 si presentarono
n i In mio abitazione in vin del Fossetto 8 soldoti tedeschi i q ù o l i
o-rmot? di mi trog I intrice e di f u c i l e mi trog I intor.e entrarono in co»
so e senza d i r n u l l n aprirono i l fuoco contro di me e i mei f n m i l i n r i
N e l l o sparatoria rimase ucciso lo mio cognato di onni 14. lo e il
mio nipotino di onni 4 rimanemmo'ferit i e potemmo salvarci perche 1
creduti morti.dai nostri carnefici.
Dichiaro che n e l l o mio obitozione e cosi n e l l e » -adiacenze non si so»
no mai v i s t i p o r t i g i o n i .
In fede di quonto soprn m? sottoscrivo.
a CAV.
L'anno mi I lenovecentoqyarnntnqunttro addi 19 del mese di settembre
in Monsummano ne I l 'uff.icio d e l l o stazione suddetto a l l e ore 10,30
AvondJi di noi maresciallo moggiore V i t a l e Giuseppe com'andonte lo
stozione sopracitota e' presente PORCI AN I BIANCA di Pacifico di' nnni
26 da Monsummono Vio del Fossetto lo qunle dichiara :
Verso le ore 6 del 23 Agosto u/s. si presentarono in una capanna
del podule dove mi trovnvp sfollotn con lo mio f ami g I io, o Icun i sol»
dati ti=>deschi i q u a l i senzn pronunciare uno pnrola e senza alcun motivo'
ci .investirono con raffiche di mi.trog I iàtr ice e di fucile m i t r a g l i a »
tore .
Rimasero uccisi runa min f i g l i o l e t t a di mesi 4 una mìo cugina di anni
28 con In sun f i g l i n di nnni 6, uno min cognato di nnni 19 i m i e i suo»
ceri rispettivamente di nnni 60 e 59,un mio zio di anni 63 e uno mio
cugina di nnni 8. Dopo l'eccidio 'i sojdoti tedeschi incendiarono In
capannn. .
lo riuscii a salvarmi gettandomi in un fosso.
Ne 1 dentro In m i » copannn ne n e l l e ndincenze vi sono moi stati pnr» •
tig ion i.
In fede di quonto sopro mi sottoscrivo. •
' " /P
/ft '
L'anno mi I lenp'vecentoquarontoquottro oddi 19 del mese di settembre
ne I I'ufficio'del In stazione suddetto o l l e ore I I »
Davanti n noi Maresciallo mnggiore Vitole Giuseppe comnndante lo stazio»
ne soprocitatn. e 1 presente MALUCCHI ARMIDA nato Lepori di G i u l i o , di
anni 33 da Monsummano obitonte ih via del Fossetto lo quole dichiora:
"" Verso le ore 6 del 23 agosto u/s. si presentarono al la mio abita»
rione in via del Fossetto, 5 o 6 soldoti tedeschi ormot i di f u c i l e . m i »
trngliotore i q u a l i , senzo dir n u l l o e senzo'olcun motivo uccisero mio
podre- Lepori G i u l i o di anni 67,mi.o modre Roman? Pin di onni 56, mio fi»
g l i a dì onn? 9/-un mio zio di onni 53,uno min cognoto di onni 28 e un
,ni-o- -.trvotino di mesi 18.
N e l l o mìo ^^-,.;.
e ne | [e vicinonze non ci sra» mo i stati portlgiani
in fede di
quonto sopro.mi s'ari «.._._.
"• •
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Sifcrtta Civàie .&& Gttautto • 01- ^
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di Ponte Baggiane se)
B E H D T N E; £ li T
&L fa Bartolameo
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Maria Valerla in LUCCHESI
fa Merendi Maria ' '
Ponte Btiggianeae
16 Dicembre 1870
D'iato elvilo coniugata
dì gro£®onié8&' Atta a.^aaa
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da* rJontosGtlJìi 9)ona0 Vlea della Vigna n?29
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Criminali di guerra tedeschi»
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(Ufficiale di
- ••-.(' ' Pregami, far conOaoere s« negli élencìii dei
Ufficio sono owipreel 1- BegHwtó^: -... :.- , .
are Oea. LTIEgfWI^Z', 9omax^lan^:-^'^;;liiiaÉ^^
Difieiontti Col.CRASOTOR, delia eteBàa dividipnt
[, del $* >egg.della a«iddetta 41, non meglio generalizzati,èssendo ritemiti colpevoli del reato di TÌoleu*a con omicidio, a danno ai al Jtod.. centinaia di civili itain vari ^comuni ttélle Paludi di Fuqeoohio.
< TJ. Borsari >
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Nota delle spese e dei diritti';
IProeedl'imento penale contro
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1 - La Repubblica