Science and Technology Studies
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Conoscenza, Apprendimento e Tecnologie nelle Organizzazioni – 22 Ottobre 2015
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Porte e dossi a Parigi
B. Latour (1992), Where are the missing masses? The sociology of few
mundane artefacts. Tr. It. (2006) Dove sono le masse mancanti? Sociologia
di alcuni oggetti di uso comune.
Pompe acqua in Zimbabwe
M. De Laet, A. Mol (2000), The Zimbabwe bush pump. Mechanics of a
fluid technology. Tr. It. (2006) La Zimbabwe bushpump. Meccanica di
una tecnolohgia fluida.
La bicicletta
Trevor Pinch and Wiebe Bijker (1984), The Social Construction of Facts
and Artefacts: Or, How the Sociology of Science and the Sociology of
Technology Might Benefit Each Other, Social Studies of Science 14(3):
339-441. Also in Bijker, Hughes & Pinch (eds.), The Social Construction
of Technological Systems (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,1987), pp. 17-50.
I ponti a New York
Langdon Winner (1980), Do Artefacts have Politics?, Daedalus, Vol.
109, No. 1, Modern Technology: Problem or Opportunity? (Winter),
pp. 121-136.

Science and Technology Studies