Office address:
Observatoire sociologique du changement
98, rue de l'Université
75007 Paris
Telephone number: + 33 (0)1 45 49 54 50
e-mail : [email protected]
Between February 2007 and March 2008 - research fellow at the Mannheimer
Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung (MZES, University of Mannheim).
In particular I was involved in the research project Social selectivity in tertiary
education and labour market outcomes, coordinated by W. Müller.
In 2003 - PhD in Sociology and Social Research at the University of Milan
Bicocca with a dissertation on: “Social inequality in education and the
underlying decision-making processes”.
Between 2004 and 2006 - post-doctoral research grant at the Department of
Sociology and Social Research of the University of Milan Bicocca for a
research project on Social inequalities in post-fordist societies: decline or
Social inequalities in education: the role of family background, gender and
ethnicity across western countries.
Labor market returns to education and the role of education for social mobility
in comparative perspective.
Experiments in educational research and policy impact evaluation.
The validation of educational and occupational classifications for comparative
social stratification research.
Principal investigator of the following research projects:
Since November 2012: Information barriers in the participation in Higher
Education: a randomised experiment nested in a longitudinal survey, project
funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (on a
competitive basis). This projects assesses the role of information barriers in
the generation of vertical and horizontal inequalities in access to Higher
Education. It is a randomised experiment that provides students of the treated
group with detailed and targeted information about the costs and benefits of
the investment in college education.
Since November 2013: Dropouts in high school and social inequalities in
school choice: a longitudinal study, funded by the European Social Fund
(2007-2013, 7th axis) and by the Regional Agency for Technology and
Innovation (ARTI). This is a longitudinal study of educational transitions
between lower and upper secondary education based on a multilevel
framework that surveys students, parents and teachers before and after this
transition to explain social inequalities in school choice and dropout risks.
January 2009-February 2011: Occupational mobility and social inequality in
life course perspective: a comparative assessment. This project assessed
career mobility in five European nations, with a specific focus on the changing
influence of social origins and education over the life course. It resulted in a
special issue for European Societies with contributions on the Netherlands
(Luijkx, Ultee, Maartens), Great Britain (Bukodi, Goldthorpe), Germany
(Hilmert), Sweden (Harkonen, Bihagen) and Italy (Barone, Schizzerotto
February 2007-February 2008: The occupational promotion of migrant
workers in Europe, for the European Working Conditions Observatory of the
European Union. This project used secondary data and involved a panel of
national experts to assess labour market access and career opportunities of
migrant workers in the countries of the European Union.
Main research projects:
Since October 2010: Education and social mobility over the 20th century
(coordinator: R. Breen). This project assesses the role of education for social
mobility across several western countries.
Since June 2011: Inequality in educational returns (coordinator: F. Bernardi).
This comparative project involves 14 nations and assesses whether returns to
education vary according to social background and, if so, which mechanisms
may account for this inequality in returns to education.
June 2009-June 2012: EduLIFE (coordinator: H.-P. Blossfeld): this project
explored the role of skills and education at different stages of the life course.
In particular I was involved in the analysis of occupational returns to adult
education across Oecd countries.
March 2008-March 2010: Disuguaglianza e coesione sociale (Inequality and
social cohesion), funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and
Research. In particular I analysed the determinants of trust on public
institutions in Italy.
March 2008-March 2009: Social selectivity in tertiary education and labor
market and stratification outcomes” (coordinator: W. Mueller, MZES,
Mannheim University). This projects assessed social inequalities in Higher
Education and returns to tertiary degrees in comparative perspective.
February 2007-February 2009: La riorganizzazione dei sistemi di alta
formazione e ricerca nelle economie della conoscenza europee (Reorganizing
governance in European systems of Higher Education, coordinator: M.
Regini), funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research.
In particular, I followed the transformations of the governance of Higher
Education in Germany over the past two decades.
Between February 2006 and February 2007: I was involved in the ESeC
(European Socio-Economic Classification) project, which was devoted to the
design and validation of a new European socio-economic classification of
occupations (coordinator: D. Rose).
June 2005-June 2010: member of the Equalsoc network of Excellence, funded
by the European Union’s Sixth Framework Programme. I was involved in the
following international research projects:
Differentiation in Higher Education and inequality within educational
careers: an empirical study of the consequences for social inequality of the
growing differentiation of Higher Education in European countries
(coordinators: M. Jacob & D. Reimer).
Evaluation of the ISCED classification for comparative research: a detailed
assessment of the content and criterion validity of the ISCED schema for
comparative research on education in Europe.
Between 2000 and 2006: I was a member of the research team that carried out
the Italian Households Longitudinal Survey. I followed the questionnaire
design and the analysis of data concerning educational participation.
June 2013-May 2014: member of the research group appointed for the ex ante
evaluation of the actions proposed by the Italian Ministry of Education,
University and Research for the new cycle of European structural funds
February 2012: member of the expert group on “Gender segregation in
European education” promoted by the European Council.
July 2012-May 2014: member of the scientific committee of the Vales project
promoted by Invalsi (National Institute for the Evaluation of the School
System) to develop a model of school-performance assessment for Italian
primary and secondary schools.
June 2009-June 2014: consultant for the Agnelli Foundation for two research
projects on the effects of the Bologna process in Italy and on the educational
investment strategies of the Italian bourgeoisie.
2012, Le trappole della meritocrazia, Bologna, Il Mulin-o.
2006, Sociologia dell’istruzione (with A. Schizzerotto), Bologna, Il Mulino.
Articles and book chapters (PR= peer-reviewed journal):
Currently under review:
(with G. Ballarino and N. Panichella) La riproduzione intergenerazionale
delle disuguaglianze in Italia, Revise & Resubmit for Rassegna Italiana di
Sociologia (PR).
(with G. Abbiati) Is university education worth the investment? The
expectations of high school seniors and the role of family background,
submitted to Rationality & Society (PR).
(with S. Schindler) Why does field of study affect occupational attainment? A
theoretical approach, submitted to Theory & Society (PR).
Definitively approved:
2015 (with G. Ballarino and N. Panichella) Social background and education
in occupational attainment in 20th century Italy, working paper 2/2014 of the
European University Institute, forthcoming in Ballarino, G. and Bernardi, F.
(eds.), Cheltenham, MA, USA, Edward Elgar.
2015 (with M. Triventi, N. Panichella, F. Bernardi, G. Ballarino) Education as
a positional good. Implications for social inequalities in educational
attainment in Italy, in Research in Social Stratification and Mobility,
forthcoming (PR).
2015 (with L. Ruggera) Le disuguaglianze sociali nell’istruzione in una
prospettiva comparativa: il rompicapo del caso italiano, in Scuola
Democratica, forthcoming (PR).
2015 La valutazione delle scuole italiane migliorerà la loro efficacia
formativa? tre dubbi e un’occasione persa, in Maccarini, A. and Landri, P.
(eds), La valutazione delle scuole: visioni a confronto, Milano, Franco Angeli.
2014 (with M. Triventi), Returns to adult learning in comparative perspective,
in Blossfeld, H-P., Kilpi-Jakonen, E., Vono de Vilhena, D. e Buchholz, S.
(eds), Adult learning in modern societies: an international comparison from a
life-course perspective, Cheltenham, MA, USA, Edward Elgar.
2014 (with G. Abbiati & D. Azzolini) Quanto conviene studiare? Le credenze
degli studenti su costi, redditività economica e rischi di fallimento
dell’investimento in istruzione universitaria, in Quaderni di Sociologia, 64
2013 (with E. Raimondi and S. De Luca), Origini sociali, risorse culturali
familiari e apprendimenti nelle scuole primarie: un’analisi dei dati Pirls
2006, in Quaderni di Sociologia, 61:11-34 (PR).
2012 (with D. Azzolini), Tra vecchie e nuove disuguaglianze: la
partecipazione scolastica degli studenti immigrati nelle scuole secondarie
superiori in Italia, in Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, 48(2):223-246 (PR).
2012, Contro l’espansione dell’istruzione (e per la sua ridistribuzione). Il caso
della riforma universitaria del 3+2, in Scuola Democratica, 4: 28-38 (PR).
2012 (with H. van de Werfhorst), Education, cognitive skills and earnings in
comparative perspective, in International Sociology, 26(4): 483-502 (PR).
2012 (with M. Fort), Disparità intergenerazionali di istruzione e riforme
scolastiche: i casi della scuola media unica e dell’università, in Trivellato, U.,
Schizzerotto, A. and Sartor, N. (eds.) Generazioni disuguali, Bologna, Il
2011 (with M. Lucchini and A. Schizzerotto), Career mobility in Italy: a
growth curves analysis of occupational attainment over the 20th century, in
European Societies, 13(3): 377-400 (PR).
2011, Career mobility, education and intergenerational reproduction in five
European societies, in European Societies, 13(3): 331-346.
2011, Some things never change: gender segregation in Higher Education
across eight countries and three decades, in Sociology of Education,
84(2):157-176 (PR).
2011 (with D. Azzolini), Gender, social class and ethnicity: towards a
growing meritocracy in education?, in Ricercazione, n. 2:167-178 (PR).
2011 (with L. Ortiz), Overeducation among European tertiary graduates: a
comparative analysis of its incidence and of the importance of Higher
Education differentiation, in Higher Education, vol. 61: 325-337 (PR).
2010 (with R. Luijkx and A. Schizzerotto), Elogio dei grandi numeri: il lento
declino delle disuguaglianze nelle opportunità d’istruzione in base alle
origini sociali nell’Italia contemporanea, in Polis, n. 2:5-34 (PR).
2010, La segregazione di genere nell’università: il caso italiano in una
prospettiva comparativa e diacronica, in Stato e Mercato, n. 2:287-320 (PR).
2010, La riorganizzazione della governance (with R. Moscati, S. Boffo, F. Di
Pietro), in Regini, M. (ed.), Torri d’avorio in frantumi? Dove vanno le
università europee, Bologna, il Mulino.
2009, The debate about educational expansion and inequality of educational
opportunity: an illustration from the Italian case, in Hadjar, A. and Becker, R.
(eds.), Expected and unexpected consequences of educational expansion.
Theoretical approaches and empirical findings in comparative perspective,
Berlin, Haupt.
2009, Scegliere le disuguaglianze? Decisioni scolastiche e disparità sociali
nell’istruzione di massa, in Argentin, G. and Giovannetti, G. (eds.), Le scelte
scolastiche, Milano, Franco Angeli.
2009, A new look at schooling inequalities in Italy and their trends over time,
in Research in Social Mobility and Stratification, vol. 27: 92-109 (PR).
2009 (with A. Schizzerotto and R. Barone), Class of origin and educational
inequalities in contemporary Italy: a validation analysis of the ESeC
classification, in Rose, D. and Harrison, E. (eds.), Social class in Europe: an
introduction to the European Socio-Economic Classification, London,
2008, Il Quaderno Bianco sulla Scuola: una cura troppo leggera per la scuola
italiana? in Stato e Mercato, n. 2:25-33.
2008, The application of the ISCED-97 classification to Italy, in Schneider, S.
(ed.), The International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED-97): an
evaluation of content and criterion validity for 15 European countries,
Mannheim, MZES, 2008.
2007, Le motivazioni di studio nella scuola di massa: per amore, per forza o
per interesse?, in Argentin, G. and Cavalli, A. (eds.), Giovani a scuola,
Bologna, Il Mulino.
2007 (with M. Lucchini and S. Sarti) Class and political preferences in
Europe: a multi-level analysis of trends over time, in European Sociological
Review, vol. 23(3): 1-20 (PR).
2007, A neo-durkheimian analysis of a new religious movement: the case of
Soka Gakkai in Italy, in Theory and Society, vol. 36(1):123-147 (PR).
2006, Cultural capital, ambition and the explanation of inequalities in learning
outcomes: a comparative analysis, in Sociology, vol. 40(6): 1039-1058 (PR).
2006, La faiblesse de l’instruction privée en Italie: un paradoxe?, in Societés
Contemporaines, vol. 59:97-119 (PR).
2005, È possibile spiegare le disuguaglianze di apprendimento mediante la
teoria del capitale culturale?, in Polis, vol. 19(2):173-202 (PR).
2005, La teoria della scelta razionale e la ricerca empirica. Il caso delle
disuguaglianze educative, in Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, n. 3., pp. 411446 (PR).
2005, Interaction Ritual Chains: fino a dove può spingersi l´analisi di
Collins?, in Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, vol. 46(1):213-222
Since 2012 I am director of studies of the Master course in Sociology and
Social Research of the Department of Sociology and Social Research of the
University of Trento.
Member of the Programme Committee of the Doctorate in Sociology and
Social Research of the School of Social Sciences of the University of Trento.
Since 2009 I teach a course on “Education and social stratification” in this
doctorate and I regularly supervise doctoral students.
Since 2010 I teach a course on Education and social inequality at the master
course in Sociology and Social Research of the Department of Sociology and
Social Research of the University of Trento.
Since 2011 I teach a course on Empirical analysis of the Italian society at the
bachelor course in Sociology of the Department of Sociology and Social
Research of the University of Trento.
Between 2008 and 2010 I taught a course on Sociology of Education at the
bachelor course in Educational science of the Faculty of Cognitive Sciences
of the University of Trento.
In 2007 I taught a course on Loglinear models for social stratification
research at the DAAD Summer School “Educational systems and labour
markets in Europe”, Varna, Bulgaria.
Between 2004 and 2006 I taught a course on Multivariate analysis at the
Doctoral School in Sociology and Social Research of the University of Padua.
Since June 2014 I am a member of the scientific board of the Research
Committee 28 in Social Stratification and Mobility of the International
Sociological Association. I regularly attend the research meetings of the RC28
and of the European Consortium for Sociological Research.
Between 2009 and 2012 I was member of the Governing Committee of the
section of Sociology of education of the Italian Sociological Association.
I serve as regular reviewer for the following academic journals: British
Journal of Sociology, European Sociological Review, Research in Social
Stratification and mobility, Sociology of Education, Polis, Rassegna Italiana
di Sociologia, Stato e Mercato.
Main organizer of the spring meeting of the ISA RC 28 committee on Social
Stratification and Mobility on “Economic crises, social inequalities and
economic policies” (may 2013).
Main organizer of the 2013 meeting “La valutazione delle politiche
scolastiche e universitarie” of the Italian Sociological Association (section of
Sociology of Education) in may 2012
Between 2012 and 2014 I have served as delegate for International student
exchanges of the Department of Sociology and Social Research of the
University of Trento. I developed two Double Degree Agreements with the
Universities of Tilburg (the Netherlands) and Pompeu Fabra (Spain).
Trento, March 2015
Professeur de sociologie
Directeur de l’OSC
Paris, le 18/02/15
Carlo Barone, né en 1975, a obtenu son doctorat de sociologie en 2003 à l’université Bicocca
de Milan. Sa thèse portait sur les inégalités scolaires.
Il a ensuite obtenu une poste de post-doctorant dans cette même université toujours sur le
thème des inégalités scolaires.
Il obtient alors son premier poste de titulaire (Assistant professor) en 2008 à l’université de
Trento, dont le département de sciences sociales est considéré comme l’un des tous meilleurs
en Italie, en particulier en sociologie quantitative.
Il est promu Associate professor (Professore associato) en 2014 dans cette université, au sein
de laquelle il développe ses activités de recherche et assure d’importantes responsabilités
Son dossier de publication est d’un excellent niveau. Il a publié deux ouvrages aux éditions Il
Mulino, l’éditeur universitaire italien le plus prestigieux. Il a également à son actif plus d’une
quinzaine d’articles publiés dans les meilleures revues italiennes (Rassegna di sociologia,
Quaderni di sociologia, Stato e Mercato) et européennes (Sociology of Education, Research
in Social Stratification and Mobility, International Sociology, European Sociological
Il est par ailleurs investi dans le principal réseau international sur la stratification sociale et la
mobilité (RC 28 de l’AIS), et régulièrement sollicité comme reviewer par les revues les plus
reconnues dans ce domaine.
Carlo Barone est reconnu comme l’un des meilleurs spécialistes italiens dans le domaine des
inégalités sociales, de la stratification et de la mobilité. Ses travaux sur les inégalités scolaires
font référence en Italie.
Il ne fait aucun doute qu’il a toutes les qualités requises et le niveau de publication
scientifique attendu pour lui reconnaître une équivalence d’un maître de conférence habilité et
lui donner ainsi la possibilité de candidater sur un poste de professeur des universités en
Observatoire sociologique du changement – UMR7049
27, rue Saint Guillaume 75007 Paris France T/+33 (0)1 45 49 54 60 – F/+33 (0)1 45 49 54 86
Prof Enzo Mingione
Milano, March 16. 2015
Carlo Barone is now an associate professor at the University of Trento. He has passed a very
severe Italian national selection process in 2014 and obtained immediately a job of professor
at the University of Trento where he has been a lecturer since 2008.
Carlo Barone has a PhD from the University of Milano Bicocca and, than, a post doc at
Milano-Bicocca, followed in 2007 by a research fellowship at Mannheim. He has a very long
and dedicated research experience on social inequalities, labour market and mobility, and on
educational systems. His scientific contribution is highly recognized both at national and
international level.
His important contribution to his field of studies is expressed in many publications: two
important monographs in Italian and various articles in both Italian and English refereed and
prestigious scientific journals.
He has a very solid methodological formation with a long participation in important
longitudinal surveys. He has also a solid teaching experience started at Bicocca and
continued for many years in Trento.
For all these reasons I believe Carlo Barone is perfectly qualified to become a professor of
sociology at SciencePo.
Enzo Mingione
Professor of Sociology
Tel. 02-64487512 – Fax 02-64487505 – e-mail: [email protected]

Carlo Barone