SWBAT recall places around town, distinguish the difference between the different types of eateries in Italy and discuss meals and the culture of food in Italia. I pasti- meals • La colazione – Fare la colazione • Il pranzo – Pranzare • La cena – cenare SWBAT recall places around town, distinguish the difference between the different types of eateries in Italy and discuss meals and the culture of food in Italia. Il menù per pranzo o cena • • • • • • • • Antipasto- appetizer La bevanda- drink Primo piatto- first course: pasta Secondo piatto- second course: meat/fish L’insalata- salad: eaten after main meal Il contorno- side dish Il dolce- dessert: fruit or ice cream Lo spuntino- snack Il vocabolario nuovo: Meal taking/Drinks/Verbs having to do with food SWBAT recall places around town, acquire drink vocabulary and culinary verb meanings. recall places around town, acquire drink vocabulary and culinary verb I pasti SWBAT Meals meanings. la cena dinner la colazione breakfast il contorno side dish il dolce dessert il pranzo lunch il primo/ il secondo (piatto) first/second course Le bevande l’acqua minerale l’acqua frizzante il caffè il caffè americano il cappuccino la cioccolata calda il latte The drinks mineral water seltzer water coffee (espresso) American coffee coffee w/steamed milk hot chocolate milk SWBAT recall places around town, acquire drink vocabulary and culinary verb meanings. il succo di arancia il tè il vino *bevanda gassata I verbi utili: cucinare cuocere infornare mangiare bere preparare servire orange juice tea wine *soda To cook/make food To cook/make food To bake To eat To drink To prepare To serve Bere- to drink (irregolare) Io bevo Noi beviamo Tu bevi Voi bevete Lui/lei beve Loro bevono SWBAT recall places around town, acquire drink vocabulary and culinary verb meanings. IL VOCABOLARIO DI FRUTTA… *l’arancia *la banana *la macedonia *la mela *l’uva * l’albicocca * I mirtilli *I lamponi * il melone *l’anguria * la ciliegia * l’ananas * la pesca * la prugna *la pera * le fragole *orange *banana *fruit salad *apple *grape *apricot *blueberries * raspberries * melon *watermelon * cherry * pineapple * peach * plum * pear * strawberries SWBAT acquire the drink and fruit vocabulary in order to describe preferences, act out a dialog in a restaurant and show knowledge of all the different types of restaurants in Italia. SWBAT share preferences for food items, review places around town through a word puzzle and acquire the vegetable vocabulary. IL VOCABOLARIO DELLE VERDURE… * gli asparagi * la carota * il cavolfiore * I fagiolini * l’insalata * I piselli * gli spinaci * la cipolla * l’aglio * I broccoli * il sedano * asparagus * carrot * cauliflower * string beans * salad * peas * spinach * onion * garlic * I broccoli * celery IL VOCABOLARIO DELLE VERDURE… * la lattuga * il carciofo * I zucchini * I peperoni * la melanzana * I funghi *il cetriolo * lettuce * artichokes * zucchini * peppers * eggplant * mushrooms * cucumber SWBAT share preferences for food items, review places around town through a word puzzle and acquire the vegetable vocabulary. SWBAT share preferences for food items, discuss Italian cuisine and analyze a video clip about Italian pizza and acquire “primi piatti” vocabulary. SWBAT share preferences for food items, discuss Italian cuisine and analyze a video clip about Italian pizza and acquire “primi piatti” vocabulary. IL VOCABOLARIO “SECONDI PIATTI…” * il pollo * la bistecca * il vitello * il manzo * il hamburger * la cotoletta di maiale * l gamberetti * il pesce * le vongole * l’aragosta * the chicken * steak * veal * the beef * the hamburger * pork chops * the shrimp * the fish * the clams * the lobster SWBAT discuss tipping at restaurants in Italy, acquire “secondi piatti” vocabulary, share likes and dislikes for food and drink items through a mini book. IL VOCABOLARIO “SECONDI PIATTI…” * il tonno * il granchio * the tuna * crab SWBAT discuss tipping at restaurants in Italy, acquire “secondi piatti” vocabulary, share likes and dislikes for food and drink items through a mini book. IL VOCABOLARIO “DOLCI…” SWBAT review exercises from Pane e Tulipani and finish watching and analyzing the film. Students will also acquire the words for desserts and finish creating their favorite/least favorite food booklets. * la frutta * la torta * I biscotti * il gelato a)alla fragola b) al cioccolato c) alla vaniglia d) al pistacchio e) alla nocciola * Il sorbetto *I cannoli * il tiramisù * the fruit * the cake * the cookies * the ice cream * strawberry *chocolate * vanilla * pistacchio * hazelnut * water ice *cannoli- pastry * soft cake