New Chambers for M23R12
for the Muon Upgrade
Alessandro Cardini
INFN Cagliari
Requirements: from TDR
Numbers from Giacomo’s extrapolation of current rates + new
shielding effect, still to be verified with upgrade MC
CERN, 21/2/2014
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
Some comments
M23R1 rates after LS1 will be as high as what we experience now in M1R1
We will also experience important rates in M23R2
Detector aging should hopefully not be a major problem – although we
would like to perform an R&D on this
Rate is (usually) not the main issue: the current reaodut (tuned to have the
maximum possible efficiency in a low occupancy environment) is not
optimized for the upgrade conditions  large occupancies, mainly due to
low energy photon conversion in gas gaps, create a large number of ghost
hits that will affect muon identification performance
Efforts should go in the following directions:
Performance studies with extrapolations/toy MC/full upgrade MC
Optimized readout geometry
Optimized readout logic (for example, AND+OR instead of current OR+OR)
Ageing tests
New FE electronics
CERN, 21/2/2014
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
From the PID TDR
CERN, 21/2/2014
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
From Martellotti’s slides 3/2/2014
CERN, 21/2/2014
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
More from Giuseppe
CERN, 21/2/2014
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
Some possible solutions (Martellotti)
CERN, 21/2/2014
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
More from Martellotti
CERN, 21/2/2014
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari
• Slides on upgraded muon system performances
available here:
(muon meeting of 03FEB14)
• Next Monday during LHCb Week we will continue
these discussions in Monday’s muon meeting
CERN, 21/2/2014
A. Cardini / INFN Cagliari

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