Sommario Servizi Speciali Romano and Frittnds 1996 Golf Tournament Campaign Charlotte • """ 'i.-~ " ~. - Contents June/Giugno p. 5 p. 15 p.24 Reglflar Features ~ " Due Parole The Hill Cronaca p. 4 p. 8 p.12 Festa di Onorina Catholic Womens Association Il Re Pastore Pasquale e Teresa Morena Dall'Italia p.17 In Cammino con Carmelo p. 18 Personaggi p. 23 f Entertainment, Leisure & Sport Cinema Sportlight :.~. ~ ..!talsport , 'Fantasy Football League \ Tempo Libero Mamma's Ricetta p. 25 p.28 p.29 p. 30 p.31 p. 34 p.36 Printed by Sterling Printing Co. Ltd. Giugno96 See page 8 To advertise in 8ackhill write to: Anna Advertising Department Backhill Magazine 4 Back Hill London Eel R 5EN 01718371966 Notices ,- A vvisi Noticeboard Vince's first time walking in the Processio.n. ~ 1996 BACKHILL, 136 Clerkenwell Road, LondonEC1 164 High Street, Barnet,ller/s, EN65XP 3 -btv1tAJli- ~ Due Parole Cari Fratelli e Sorelle, La Pentecoste non e' una chiacchiera, ma e' it done delle Spirito Santo e noi facciamo festa. Tutti noi ab~ biamo ricevuto i1. dono dello Spiriio Santo ~ nel battesimo e da quel' momento abbiamo cominciato la nostra vita con i doni che Dio ci ha dato; iI noSlrO Spirito Santo ci aiuta anche a ,scoprire i doni che Dio ha dato agli altri. Lo Spirito Santo e" uno - e' Dio, ma i doni sono infiniti e ognuno ha i suoi. Ed e' tanto bello per noi vivere insieme con divcrsi doni di Dio e divertirsi a scoprire e ad amare i doni di Dio che ognuno mettc in pratiea nella propria vita. Questa e' la comunita' cristiana che si scambia la fede e la earita', cioe' e' laChiesa, Nella Chiesa noL edifichiamo la comunione fratema nel rispetto della !i1x:rta' e nella varieta' e nella differenza delle nostre attivita', Lo Spirito Santo apre iI nostro. cuore c la nostra mente su tutto . quello che ci circonda. Lo Spirito Santo e' la nuova legge scritta nei nostri cuori: e' la vita di Cristo, energia di amore, luce di sapienza, varieta' di doni. Per questo 10 Spirito Santo si c' manifestato·la prima volta agli Apostoli come fuoco, vento, tUono. Noi, iI nostro .Spirito Santo 10 viviamo con la Comunione, con l'Eucarestia che noi adoriamo nella festa del Corpus Domini. La nostra invocazione, che c' I'invocazione della Chiesa, chiede a Dio Padre che noi, . RlVISl'A DELLA COMUNlTA'ITALIANA Padre Roberto Russo . uniti daI Corpo e daI Sangue di Cristo fonniamo un solo corpo. I doni dclla nostra vita vengono trasformati. Noi tutti insiemc facciamo comunione con iI Signore crocifisso e risorto (cioe' ci doniamo ai nostri fratelli e sorelle). La comunione e' la sorgenie della nostra vita. La nostra messa in cui riceviamo la nostra comunione si prolunga in· famiglia, con g1i amici, nelle attivita' sociali e politiche, nei luoghi di lavoro, nel tempo libero. Noi con Gesu' diventiamo tutti per uno e uno per tutti. Siamo fratelli e sorelle, amici e amichc: e' una esperienza che ha bisogno di vedere, di toccare, perehe' la comunione sentire ,che sei Ii, che io posso chiamare e che tu mi puoi rispondere. Gesu' c' Ii, io 10 posso chiamare e lui mi puo' rispondere. Ma ancora piu' forte e' la·verita' di fede per cui io credo che la comunione aI Corpo e aI Sangue di Gesu' mi trasforma. E se io 10 credo, 10 sento anche. " . Ritoma sempre it solito affettuoso pensiero di Gesu' nel Vangelo. Gesu' ci dice e ci chiede tante cose belle nel Vangelo, cioe' Gesu' quando ci parla sa che noi siamo eapaci di ascoltarlo. II falto e' che dobbiamo credere a oesu.. chiedendogli sempre di credere in Lui: e' iI noSlrO peccato che ci scombina la nostra ,vita, ma e' la misericOrdia di Dio chiesta con cUore umile che ci restituisce la presenza e I'esperienza del Corpo e del Sangue di Cristo nella nostra vita, nel noSlro cuore, nella nostra anima. e' Dear Brothers a,nd Sis!ers, It is a useful exercise to become aware of the energy and life in the people and in the world around you. Each person we meet is imbued with life, a life so wonderful and mysterious thilt it defies scientific definition. When we are aware ()f the energy and'life aroimd' us, we are aware of the Holy Spirit of God who moves around freely, giving life, peace, forgivenesS. growth and love. And being aware of the Spirit. we become attuned to it. sensing its presence, opening ourselves to its power. We move in accordance with the Spirit. in the same movement which caused the heavens and the earth to be 4 made when the Spirit hovered over the waters and the word of God was spoken. We, like the disciples, are energised for the work of God, becoming dynamic messengers of the Good News, according to our own gifts. The Christian messenger does not simply bring Christ to others, but identifies the Christ who is already there. Where there is gOodness, it is Christ's goodness. Where there is healing, it is his healing. Where there is forgiveness, it is his forgiveness. We show people where Christ is already at work in their midst, and in this way, as working with the Holy Spirit. we build up the Body of Christ. June 96 \ :tJ;~FlLA COMUNITA'ITAlJANA Romano and Friends F. Spirito President Oscar Luigi Scalfaro swore' in the 54th government of the Italian republic headed by Romano Prodi following the elections of 21st April. Romano who? Below we have attempted to help you become aquainted with the new man at the top and the lesser known members of his,cabinet. Romano Prodi Prime Minister Prodi, 56, is a university professor and industrial executive whose previous government experience is confined to a S month stint as industry minister in 1978-79, when'he framed a law (bearing his mime) on government intervention to' save tottering firms. He holds degrees from Bologna University - where he studied under the economist he named as defence minister today, Beniamino Andreatta and the London School of Economics. Prodi's term as industry minister under premier Giulio Andreotti served as a springboard for his appointment as chairman of Iri, the Istituto per la Ricostruzione Industriale, a public holding company which is Italy's largest industrial group (bigger even than Fiat), Prodi stayed at the Iri helm from 1982 to '89, and managed to return the cash-strapped giant to profit. The end of his first term at Iri coincided with the'broader demise of the "era of the professors" or academic experts rather than politicians in some top public-sector industrial posts. Two years· after leaving Iri Prodi described his experience there as "nlY Vietnam," a reference to tussles with politicians. After leaving Iri in 1989, Prodi returned to university teaching and the Bologna-based economic thinktank he founded in 1981, Nomisma. But he was ealled back to the Iri post by the Ciampi government in 1993, after then-chairman Franco Nobili's involvemcnt in a kickbacks ease. The second term was much shorter, barely a year, but in that time Prodi launched another privatis.1tion programme by selling two of Italy's largest banks, Credito Italiano and BanC3 Commerciale Italiana, as well as st.1rting the sales of Sme and the steel firm IIva. After the 1994 electoral victory of the centre-right Frcedom Front Prodi wcnt to Prcmier Silvio Berlusconi and resigned (he was replaced by Michele' Giugno 96 Tedeschi), paving the way for a political career. After rumours that he might take over the lead of the (ex-Christian Qemocrat) People's Party, he was named premiership candidate of the new centre-left Olive Tree alliance and embarked on a deliberately low-profile bus tour where he spent months canvassing opinion and "meeting the people" as a contrast with Berlusconi's use of the media circuit. Prodi was bom in a small town near Reggio Emilia in 1939 into a big family (seven brothers and sisters) with which he retains close ties. He is married arid has two children. Prodi' is a keen cyclist and regular churChgOer, and often Says that growing up' in a large family taught him "how to listen." helm of PDS daily LVnita',' Veltroni is married and has two daughters. He was born in Rome on July 30, 1955, ,and completed his education at Rome's Film Institute. Veltroni started out in the Communist youth organisation Fgci in 1970 at the age of IS. Like D'A!ema, he soon rose to the top, bocoming Rome provinCial secretarY and a member of the national executive in 1975. He was elected to Rome city council in 1977 and became head of political advertising for the Rome Communists in the same. year. In the mid-80s he was elected to the national executive and in 1987 was appointed chair of the advertising and information committee. He Was elected to the Lower House later that year, and re-elected in 1992, the year he took over L'Unita' from D'A!ema. Veltroni has published a number of books on politics, TV, and political figures he admired, such as Enrico Berlinguer (The Broken Dream) and Robert Kennedy (The Interrupted Challenge). In keeping with his attempts to foster moderation' in tone and focus on issues rather than personalities - 'buonismo' - his latest work is titled ''La bella politica." Giorgio Napolitano Interior Minister Waiter Veltroni Deputy Premier (with mandate for cultural heritage and sport) Known for his professional interest in journalism, films, and the Kennedy myth (particularly the beliefs and policies of Robert Kennedy), the 40ye.1r-old deputy premier is No.2 to Massimo D'Alema in the (ex-Communist) Democratic Party of the Left, was No.2 to Prodi in the victorious Olive Tree alliance, and enters government after recently lcaving the Giorgio Napolitano, (sec photo) considered a pragmatic moderate with social democratic leanings in the old Italian Communist Party (PC!), was a champion of the party's transformation into the Democratic 'Party of the Left (PDS) in February 1991. Before today the previous high point of his career was his election as Speaker of the Lower House in 1992. Napolitano, 70, was first elected in 1953 and re-elected in every general election until April 21 last, when he missed out by a handful of votes. continued on page 24 5 ~tVir/tIII- ~ ··RIVISrA DELLA COMUNITA' ITALIANA r-----------------~--~~~ EST 1965 R.PROIETTI CHII.DREN'S TOYS ANDClOTHIN8 ITALIAN CAR SPECIALISTS Your clrouce to cleor out unwonted tous Iln good worlting ort/er} ond clotlring 1D-12grs} ond Irelp 0 good couse,ot tire sometime Tlrue will be sold ut tire $clilobrinl $colnpognuto on ~otlr June 1996 in oid of" tire old peoples' Irome " SERVICING GENERAL,REPAIRS BODYWORK RESTORATIONS FOR YOUR CLASSIC/NEW FIAT * ALFA * LANCIA Tel: 0171 607 ·0798 Fax: 0171 619 0001 Plrone Podre Alberto IIr Anno Alnnsonti " :' TekOI712075713, BD 16tll June to tinllnge dellYI!rfJ or collection 2 BLUNDELL STREET, LONDON N7 9BJ Specialist Departments . -for: ARCHITECTURAL & BUILDERS IRONMONGERY HAND & POWER TOOL SALES PLANT HIRE & POWER TOOL REPAIRS TRADE PAINT & DIY SUPPLIES MOBILE LOCKSMITH SERVICE Head Office: 278 Holloway Road, London N7 6NE Tel: 0171.-6072200 Fax: 0171-7004050 Alsoat.~·144-146 Kentish Town Road, London NW1 9QB Tel: 0171-2673138 Fax: 017HI85 4637 6 June 96 • THE GARTHHOTEL \ :aANQUETING & CONFERENCE SUITES The hotel has two new purpose built conference and banquethig suites capable ofaccomlllodating up to 300 people. Each suite is elegantly furnished and equipped to the highest standards with purpose built bars, full audio visual and lighting facilities, which help to provide the atmosphere for any occasion. A selection of menus are available for banquets with an emphasis 'on Italian cuisine. For more information or a brochure pack please contact Mr Marino at the Hotel. ij~H GARTHHOTEL IfmJon w.y· CridkwooJ· LonJon NW22NL RESERVATIONS 081-209 1511 Giugno96 7 -b~ . . ~ . RIVISTA DEI.LA COMUNlTA'ITALlANA The Hill Dear Readers, Can you believe, in spite of the weather, (as I write, it's really, really cold outside and pouring with rain.) that June is just around the comer?1 You see readers, I'm trying to get into the spirit of the summer seaSon. As I write OGI is just, around the corner and I recall that on ihe last occaSion of this exciting, sporting :i-yearly event, we were sitting on. tIie grass verge of, the track in blistering sunshine. After the OGI comes the Annual Procession of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, as always on, the third Sunday in July. Let's ,hope that the weather makes a dramatic turn in the near future, let's face it, rain at this time of year is bearable but cold March winds tomt, will cast a shadow on both the above events However, let's turn to the future with optimism as, ~rocession Sunday draws nigh. I thought we might dwell on a recap of the, days long passed when Procession Stin9;lywas,possibly the highlight of the year for the residents of ,'11 Quartiere' and for the children especially. I went off to see Vince Magrino an old family friend. Vince is one the few remaining' children of second generation immigrants who still live in Clerkenwell ~ a mere five minutes walk from '11 Quartiere ltaliano', the Olive Besagni hallowed triangle that was once the home of so many of our forebears, most of who'ffi ar~ rived here penniless from their homes in the mountains and small villageS in both the North and South of ltalia. These rami" lies 'in the ,old days worked . hard and agrunst the odds those of' unemployment and .prejudice; but the unity of their fellow Italians in the. coinmunity gave them strength and almost all of' their offspring now have a good life' here in their chosen country. With the Procession .in mind I went to see Vince knowing' that he still keeps an oPen house on PrOcession Sunday.. He prepares for, the day as his mother and grandparents did,before him, he prepares the food and the wine, sorts out just the right music and is. ready for the influx. When the Procession has passed and the Walk aroUnd the S~grn' ,~hrough the 'milling throng is over, Vince hurries to Quartiere'. His knowledge about the his home and Within the'ensuing hours, doiens of friends and families; 'and 'times, of 'The relatives ,viII have been ruet with HiW are fuelled by his increOible cordiality and affection at 'his present photograph collection of his' family, home, which is still in cloSe proximity relatives and friends.:, In fact Vinee to The Hill and of course talk of the has tehiphoncid ,me at times when he's old days is rife. Vince told me that he noticed a discrepancy in my monthly . feels as if he has never" left '11 articles. In iheyear 1895, Vince's gr:inilparents" Maria and Vincenzo Pulisciano 'made the journey to Erigland from their home. in a, small village called Senerchia in the Province of Avellino, SOilthernlciJy. ,(Senerchia was one of' the villages that Was destroyed by, the tragic earthquake in 1979). The couple came with their 7 year old son Danano, (who in his adult years 'in the' 1920's/30's was well known in The Quarter as 'Johnny the Barber'), I would say they were luckier than some of the other immigrants at that time, they had at least ,an address to go to, for one of their <;eusins ,Carolina Tremarco had preceded them. (Virice told me that he has a, document for the time which describes the Tremarco family's oCcupation astrnvclling musicians, "prob- all -b~ ~ ably organ grinders" said Vince with a wry smile). Famiglia Puliseiano were soon in business, they set upa Barber's shop in· -Warner St. The business, like the family, thrived and· increased. Gerardo was born in 1899. Carmela 1901. Rosa (our storyteller's Mamma) 1903, and finally Emma 1904. Vincenzo Senior made a good living and judging by the photographs the children were well' fed and well ' clothed. In 1918 Nonno Vincenzo, purchased the business and premiscSof a larger Barber'sSh~p at No 19 Gt Bath Street. The owner of the shop was a Salvatore Fama. (Apparently Salvatore Fama was a tenor. After he sold the business he turned professional 'and made several recordings, the Puliseiano family still have in their possession a. reCord of him singing 'Santa Lucia') Vince showed me the hand written agreement or bill of sale. Believe it or not the price for the' premises, business fittings ·and' stock included Was £15, a £2 deposit . clinched the deal!' I I . RIVISl'A DELLA COMUNITA'ITALlANA The shop in Gt Bath Street in !he heart of "11 Quartiere" Was to be the family home for many years. The rooms above the shop were let out to lodgers, relatives and other immigrants. 'Pulisciano's Barbiere ltaliano' in 19 Bath Street is remembered by all the families living in '11 Quartiere' the family were a volatile, hospitable group, several of them were of a thespian nature, mainly in the musical field. The lovely photograph iaken on Procession Sunday circa 1912 is of the three Pulisciano girls, the taller of the two is Carmela. Standing next to her is Vince's mother Rosa, and the seated one is .Emma the young- est. One of the lodgers, a cousin from Avellino namely Adamo Magrino set his cap at the young Rosa and the couple were married in the year 1923. The couple in the studio photo are Rosa and Adamo Magrino, Vince's Mama & Papa, the year 1928. In the Procession photo taken in Bath Street 1936 the Giugno96 Pulisciano Barber's shop Can be seen clearly in the background. Rare indeed in those times, Rosa and Adamo remained childless. Fourteen years elapsed before the couple were blessed with a son, VinCe. Our story teller, was born in 'Utiiversity College Hospital in 1937. It was about this period that the authorities were moving the families out of '11 Quartiere'. As a result when Vince was two years old the family moved into improved living accommodation in Phoenix Street, .Moimt Pleasant. There was of course no Procession during WW2, SO Vince was to be 10 years old before he was able to take part. The young lad Wlilking in ·front of the alter servers is Vince aged 11 and the year, Procession Sunday 1948. I promise qiyself another visit to Vince when I can give more time to perusing those old photographs and extract some further Hill stories from Vince. Readers, I trust that you are not tiring of the sometimes repetitive, I know, tales of the stories of those far off imigrant days. But you know, I was really pleased, wlien, having seen my revival of the musieal 'Down The Hill', a young Italian woman who has lived here in England for at least 20 years said to me, "Thank you for sho\\ing that play, I had no conception at all of the way of life - lived by Italian immigrants in those days. I now understand a little more of the highs and the lows that those people went through, so long ago". See you on Procession Sunday, 9 .-- ~. ---~-,..----- ~--- -------~- Beautiful Homes start with ELITES LE -~ ~ I: ~ • Traditional to modern Dining Room, Bedroom &Lounge Furniture, 't~~,~. L~·:~:'f ~ ~ < ~ !:: I:{'ia:-. I 8 § 11 ~ g~'f'{i:0.':~pr" Beautiful homes start with Elitestyle. . For all YOlir furniture ne.eds from the traditional to the most modern Italian designs. ... Elitestyle offer a vast selection of bedroom designs in Walnut, Bur.and many otherfinishes. ... Exciting lounge and dining room Sllites are available in a beautiful . selection of colours and designs. ... Beautiflll suites are available in stylish Italian designed leather as well as attractive fabriC IIpholstery Units 10 & 11, The Deacon Estate, Cabinet Way, Chingford,London E4 8QF r::::l . ~ Telephone: 081 523 5858 ~ .riirh ..., <::> I' I - -=$:. . _tvihI -. : RMSr:. :.=:.:. ~ CO~IUNIT~' rrALIAN~ SHUVtt, 'it~ & A~u r -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ D:::;ELLA ENEATH 'De«tatealte FOR QUALITY DENTISTRY INCLUDING EMERGENCIES DR. M. NIGRO (BDS) DR. K. SMART (BDS) ODONTOIATRE UN SERVIZIO ALLA COMT/NITA'ITAL/ANA SATELLITE SPECIALISTS ALL SATELLITES SUPPLIED 0181 940 9955 INSTALLED CORNER OF MOUNT ARARAT & PARADISE ROAD, RICHMOND, SURREY, TWI0 6PA TEL: 081-803 0322 BOMBONIERE NELLA PIU' BELLA TRADIZIONE ITALIANA .& . Maria Grace Residential Care Home * Home from Home * bomboniere tulle confetti Claire Borrelli 1 Oxford Road fiori Carshalton Beeches Surrey' SM5 3QZ TeI: 0181 6425937' Giugno96 Where genuine quality care is provided 24 hours a day. Long & Short Term Care. Respite, Holiday & day Care For details !XlII: 01622755859 31 Buckland Road, Maidstone Kent ME16 OSL Mr & Mrs Cirelli Proprietors & Managers Registered Nurses - Specialists in the Care of the Elderly. KCC Registered. Member of the KCHA 11 -b~ , ~ RIVISl'A DEl.LA COMUNlTA'ITAUmA Cronaca ( La Fe.stadi bnorina Attivita della comunita 1 La grande festa di Onorina jn favore dei lavori della Chiesa si e~ svolta"nelle due sale del nostro ' Social ,Club, sabato 30 marzo. Solo adeSso ho preparato un articolo, perche' ci sono tarite rose da dire. Infatti- non'e' siata una brava Associazioneche ha organizzato cord suoi ,'earl Alnici nia e' Slata Onorina (vcdete destra)' con 'le Sue donnette (per' me sono le "donnine") che si sono messe in testa di partecipiu'e e con loro tanti altri earl Amici e gli Amici degli Amici. Ringraziamotanto j) Social Club che ha saputo organizzare le due sale iri un modo cosi' elegante - anche I'occhio vuole la sua parte" e questa eleganza e' servita a far capire che la festa sarebbe stata veramente apprezzata. Ringraziamo la Famiglia Morena e 'la Famiglia Conti che hanno curato j)' servizio di tutta la cena: e' stato tanto tanto commovcnte vcdere' queste Ilrandi famigJie cosi' impegnate e piene di entusiasnio: i nonni, i figli, i nipoti buoni; ,gentili, educati. Un grande bacione a tutti e ad ogriimo di voi. . ' , ,Atmosfera di allegria e di serenita' in tutte e due le sale con la musica di Marcello e di Ronchetti; che hanno suonato con j) cuore e con I'intelligenza. E,come facciamo poi a rirordare'i cari Amici che non sono potuti venire, ma che hanno voluto partecipare ugualmente, mandando preziosi, doni e grosse offerte: ,che Dio bencdica, sempre j) lino cuore generoso. ,Pensate 'che tutti i premidella loticria, sono stati offerti ,dai presenti e dagli assenti: ci sonoi premi che ha donato la nostra cara Katie Pollcdri, c'e' stato il favoloso' biglietto aere<> donato daI riostro alnicone Alfio che e' il i1irettore di questa ottirna agenzia ,di Viaggi che si chiaina' A VIAGGI: e queStipremi' sono diventati ancora':piu' belli perche' Ii ha sorteggiati la voce piu' conosciuta della Comunita" italiana cd'e' la voce di Armo Collini, che insieme ai suoi familiari,ha dato una forte spinta allafCsta. Infatti,ha regalato tutto,j) dolci che gli ospiti si sono mangiato Con tanta gioia; Tutti i earl ospiti sono Slati trattati veramente bene con . j) 'mangiare. 11 nostro Mario Saccardi ha la sua casa nel Paradiso dei cuochi italiani ,che sono tanti e bravi: per questo noi italiani non andremo mai all'inferno; perche' ci piace rnangiare bene e i nostri coochi italiani vengono daI 'Paradiso. Ma in Paradiso non, puoi volare se non hai anche la benzina: e alIa benzina ci ha pensato Bepi Giacon con i suoi familiari 'che hanno donato un vino CCcezionale 'e 10 ha donato abbondantemente per tutti ,quelli che hanno partecipato. Ogni coSa che-si e' fatta ,durante la festa e' stato come uno scoppiodi fuochi di artificio: ha riempito tutto di luce, di arte, di poesia, di musica. Abbiamo, sentito vibrare nei nostri cuori e nella nostra anima quell'amicizia che viene da Dio e che ci da j) coraggio per andare avanti insieme.' , Grazie di coore a tutti con tanto, tanto affetto. Grazie a Onorina che ha messo tanto sacrificio e preoccupazione per far riuscire bene questa festa in favore della Chiesa, perche' anche Onorina, come tanti altri di noi, vuole bene a questa Chiesa. P. Russo 12 ! f 1 , ,June 96 :tJ;* DFlLA COMUNITA'ITALlANA ( ) Catholic Women Association Mai mi stanchero' di parlarc delle nlic donnine, cosi' belline, cosi' carlne, cosi' buoninc. Con la loro gioia di'vivere e di fare ci hanno organizzato un'altra festa per la Chiesa. Festa cbe e' andata bene, ancbe se non abbiarno mangiato la "mucca pazza". Un pranzo ottimo - noi non sappiarno fare pranzi cattiviJ"Un vino profumato e aromatico, come e' iI profumo delle nostre donnine. Una musica dolce e forte, come e' il carattcre delle nostre donnine. Questa festicciola senza pretese si e' riempita di carl, affettuosi amici, umili nel cuore, grandi nella generosita'. GIi ospiti, le organizzatrici, tutle le pcrsonc inv9Jte neJla , cucina hanno messo in pratica quello cbe c' iI Vangelo. Ognuno ha saputo offrire al suo prossimo iI dono dell'amicizia, dell a serenita" della bonta'. Durante if pranzo sono stati festeggiati i coniugi Giuseppc e Patricia Pagliara' che con i loro figli Areangelo, Robcrto c Antonio hanno festeggiato if 250 di Matrimonio (Argento). Naturalmente prima in Chiesa, davanti al Signore, hanno rinnovato i loro voti matrimoniali. P. Russo Sopra: le dpnnine , ' Sollo: Giuseppe (nefmezzo) e Pa/rizia (des/ra) con'ijig/l e gli amici Giugno96 Foto: R.Ruuo 13 :ts:~JA COMUNITA'ITAUANA • I ( 11 Re Pastore i ) I It was with light hearts that thirty five of us gathered at Gatwick Airpon to be shepherded by Cavaliere Sistina on our visit to wonderful Sicily. We arrived at Catania and were transponed by coach to the Hotel Tre Torri in style. The abiding memory must be of flowers, such as mimosas, buglos. oxalis pes caprae, the most enchanting little irises by the temple of Juno at Agrigento and so many treasureS of architecture and works of an: quite extraordinary I Under the careful and kindly aegis of Cav. Sistina. we visited so many remarkable places; places never to be . forgotten and we were fonunate that we had lovely weather. . How to describe the lovely places? We saw the temples of the "Golden Age" of Greece at Agrigento; guilt when Sicily'was pan of Magna Graecia in the 5th century B.C.. We saw the exquisite Cappella Palatina in Palermo - a jewel of apparently Byzantine an but built by a Norman King, the stunning Cathedral at Monrcale, the "Villa Ercu1ia", probably built by the Emperor Maximilian, containing the finest Roman mosaics known and all carefully preserved for us. On the day before our depanure we went to see the Church of St. Calogero the Anchoret, who lived there in the 5th century. The church provided us with a great surprise because the lovely example of what appears to be Roben Adam's "Etruscari Style" and all perfectly restored last year in characteristically clear pastel colours and pure gold leafl In the crypt we were funher surprised by more beauty and touched by the little cave where this holy and humble man lived.' On our re\um from Naro we glimpsed the Baroque 'sPlendoiJrs of Pal ma' di Montechiaro, where they photographed the film ,"The Leopard"., We visited Eraclea Minoa's Greek amphitheatre, in its beautiful setting beside the sea and the ,Convent of Santo Spirito in Agrigento - all this in one shon week. And many of us did a lot of shopping. We,returned refreshed, physically as well as spiritually, and we are most grateful to the "Federazione, Italiani nel Mondo"" without which "this' rurulzing eXperierice would" not have been possible. We are grateful too to the Cavaliere, - "11 Re Pastore" - who looked after us all so well. . Hugb Norwood CoIlins Just time for a photograph! ( ) Pasq1J.a1e e Teresa Morena Tanti, tanti earl auguri alia famiglia di Pasquaie e Teresa Morena. Questa bella fotografia e' stata presanel Social Club della Chiesa italiana, dove Pasquaie e Teresa si sOno ritrovati insieme ai loro figli Angelo Peter, Luciano, Marco, Carlo e a tanti earl amici e parenti per iI battesimo dell'ultimo nato. La cerimonia nella Chiesa e' stata tanto, tanto bella. Nelle nostre preghiere abbiamo sentito proprio la benedizione di Dio Padre. 'Abbiamo sentito che Dio vuole veramente bene alle famiglie che fanno la sua volonta' e che credono nella sua protezione. Dio benedica le famiglie, non le abbandona se le famiglie hanno fiducia ,nel suo amore. Non dico che dobbiamo fare tutti come la famiglia Morena. ma con loro condividiamo la nostra fede nella Divina Provvidenza. Che Dio ci benedica. Foto:- R. RU3~O 14 June 96 1996 Golf Matchpi ay A record number of 46 competitors have entered the 1996 Competition, run this year in aid of the British Ski Club for the Disabled, an extremely worthy cause. BACKHlLL hope to raise in excess of £1,000 to purchase a mono-ski for the BSCD. In addition to the, funds raised by the Competition a golf afternoon, followed by dinner (open to nongolfers) is planned for early October at Hadley Wood Golf Club - details of which will appear in subsequent editions of BACKHILL. Adriano RaIIi, a member of the BSCD, has kindly written a few words which are reproduced below: "'Well, another ski season is' over and I must say that for me it's been the best yet. I've had two holidays this year. The firs!" to Winter Park, Colorado and the second to Tigncs in France. Most would say I'm pretty fortunate, given the fact that r use a whcelchair, but I couldn't have done it without 'a little help 'from my friends'. This all started about four years ago when, after a life-time of watching everyone else gojng off and having a good time skiing. I finally contacted the British Ski Club for the Disabled (BSCD). This is National organisation with charitable staius based at various dry ski slopes throughout Great Britain. It, is run by volunteers and funded through voluntary contributions. You don't have to be a skier to hel p, as there,care many varied tasks that contribute to the whole package. If you' do ski. you can learn to 'buddy' (ski with a disabled person) or train as a guide. The overall aim is promoting skiing for all. Their experience and expertise has enabled me to learn to ski on a a Peter Occone Easier than the tube! culty in Europe with access to hotel accommodation and mountain lift systems, this resort claimed in the brochure to be wheelchair friendly and totally acoessible. I was not disappointed. mono-ski. This has made otherwise It's amazing what mountains you unimaginable snow-capped mountains can climb." acoessible with all the thrill and exhilaration of a brilliant sport. I As the Competition organiser, I won't say it was' easy but that has wish to thank all the supporters of the made it all the more challenging. Tournament for their kind generosity In recent years you may have seen and look forward to a sucoessfuI golf amputee, monolbi. blind or any other' day and dinner which will be open to type of skiers on the slopes. Hope- BACKIDLL readers and their friends. fully, as facilities and accommodation improve it will become more common Results of the Preliminary and the sport can become fully inteRound grated. It's surprising that once on the C. Visone beat R. Del Nevo mountain it can be, no more difficult G. Timanti beat D. Ralli to get around than in central London P. Giacopazzi beat J. Adams and the scenery is much betterl P. CapeJfa beat L. Rapacioli The BSCD Club organise monthly L. Brian beat B. Ralston meetings at local dry-ski slopes (I go F. Pini beat F. Sidoli to Hillingdon) and trips abroad to find P. RalIi beat F. Bastiani the white stuff. This can be costly, as A. Amasanti beat R. Dulwich ski equipment is expensive, and it R. Evans beat A. Belli depends very much on people getting R. Comes beat A. SUva involved and supporting in any way J. Plester beat T. Gaton they can. This year, there were several difAnybody wishing to obtain more ferent trips abroad but I chose a resort called "Winter Park" home of The information about how they can help National Ski Centre for the Disabled the British Ski Club for the Disabled after seeing it on a holiday pro- can contact Adriano Ralli on 0181-. gramme. Having experienced diffi- 3403652 (evenings only). Wanted Gavin Weightman Associates Ltd. o~ behalf of L.W.T. and Granada T.V. are looking for people who owned or worked' in Italian restaurants in the '50s and '60s. They want people to r.ecount their memories of the atmosphere, clientele, competition etc. for a documentary about .eating out in Britain since the last war. The documentary will be shown in October this year. ' Anyone interested please contact Carolyn, Tom or Gavin on 0171-704 2452 or write to Gavin Weight man, Gavin Weightman Associates Ltd., Suite 5, 24 Highbury Grove, London, N5 2EA with your full name and address and telephone number. , Giugno 96 ..... 15 -b~ , ~. RlVISl'ADELLACOMUN~'A'ITAUANA Villa Scalabrini Villa Scalabrini, Green Street, Shenley, Hertfordshire. WD7 9BB 10th Birthday Celebration Saturday 29th June 1996 C:!1llJt:J{IlUlQ'B llJ:!1G 'lfQ~ Q'fJl:!1.i1 19.30 in the 'Big Top' at Villa Scalabrini sponsored by Ciborio Ltd. Teams of ten - Entry fee £10 per person (food & wine inc.) limited places available - Avoid disappointment - book now on 01B1-207 5713 Sunday 30th June 1996 09.30-18.00 at Villa Scalabrini . . 'lfBI!!. C~C'fJlBCQMl!l8 'lfQ 'lfQWN' free big t'?P circus for all the family (no live animals) A Tyler Moores Big Top Entertainments production Entrance Fee £7 Per Car . Access to the field from 09.30 to· 15.30 Stalls ••• • Poienta e salsicce - B-B·Q - Polli arrosto - Dolci - Frotta • Gelati • Arts & crafts • Bar • Risotto • Pizze • Panini -lasagne -'Caffe -Toys - Children'S clothes etc. Grand Raffle At12.00 Children's Attraction,s ••• • Swing boats and other rides • Character balloons - Circus workshop .~ <;oconut shy • Sack races for all ages • Five-a-side football for children in age groups seven to nine years and nine to 11 years limited places available for team events - fax team details to Villa SCillabrini on 0181-207 4785 stating age of team ,Win a holiday plus· other great prizes Other Attractions ••• • Lunch In The Barn £18.00 per person (inc. 1/2 bottle of wine). Diners will be served on a 'by reservation only' basis. To make a reservation call 0181-207 5713 orfax 0181~207 4785 ·Target·Shooting ·Gioco Delle Bocce Registered. charitr no. 234036 16 June 96 Dall'ltalia Palermo Chief Prosecutor Gian Carlo Caselli spoke of a return to "nonnality" for the judiciruy at a seminar with over 200 students. Speaking of the Italian justice system, Casclli said extraordinal)' .situations such as the fight against· the Mafia and political corruption had forced the judicial)' to overstep its nonnaI functions in an effort to achieve two ''vital'' goals for the preservation of democracy. "Now that the judiciruy has cnsured an equal division of power and played its decisive role ill toppling a political system polluted \vith corruption and crime," continued Caselli, "it must only intervenc in situations where it is absolutely necessary." Per un tracciato di 78 chilometri, di cui 66 in galleria, sono.partiti i.lavori dell'opera piu' complcssa del "sistema dell'alta velocita' ferroviaria,. la linea che colleghera' Fircnze con Bologna in soli .30 minuti rispetto agli attuali 55. Alia firrna dell'accordo integrativo con la Fiat, rappresentata dal presidente Cesare Romiti, I'amministratore delegato di Fs, Lorenzo Necci ha definito la nuova strada ferrata come "un'opera piu' complessa del canale deUa Manica ma dai costi piu' contenuti", 3.959 miliardi, che occupera' 10 mila persone c sara' realizzata in sei anni., news from Italy E' aumentato del 15% iI saldo attivo della bilaneia commerciale ortofrutticola Sccondo i dati dell'Aneioa (Associazione importatori esportatori ortofrutticoli c agrumari) resi noti aI Macfrut, la rassegna ortofrutticola internaZionalc aperta a Cesena, nel 1995 I'attivo tra esportazioni c importazioni e' stato di 1.924 miliardi contro i 1.664 del 1994. Le importazioni hanno awto un dccremento del 4,1% in quantita', passando dai 20.920.000 quintali del 1994 ai 20.067.000 del 1995, mentre sono aumentate del 9,4% in valore (da 2.723 a 2.985 miliardi). In Europa iI m~ di aprile ha rcgistrato un incremento delle immatricolazioni di auto dell'll,9%. Lo ha rcso noto I'Anfia, sottolineando che sono ammontate a 1.139.500 contro 1.018.300 dello stessO mese del '95. La facciata della Stazione ferroviaria Leopolda di Firenzc, costruita nel 1848 dai Granduchi di Lorena, viene restaurata da Gae Aulenti. L'intervento terrninera' entro' iI 21 giugno quando questo spazio, scoperto e valorizzato da Pitti Immagine, ospitera' i capi di stato e di govemo europei a conelusione del vertice di Firenze per "G.A. Story", un lavoro teatrale su Giorgio Arrnani, di Robert Wilson, considerato uno dei piu' grandi registi del momento. L'intervento era stato inserito daI Comune di Firenze tra quelli progranunati per abbellire la citta' in occasione del vertice europeo. President Oscar Luigi Scalfaro emphasised the need for national unity when he went to the north eastern city of Udine to attend the 69th and possibly biggest ever reunion of present and former member of the country's Alpine regiments. Estimates of the numbers of 'Alpini' who gathered in Udine from all over Italy and the world, ranged up to 600,000, and perhaps as many as 300,000 of them marched through the city. L'ambasciatore .italiano presso la Santa Sede, Bruno Bottai, e' iI nuovo presidente della ·Societa' Dante Alighieri, ente di diffusione della lingua e della cultura italiaoa all'estero. A larga maggioranza - informa un comuniCato ~ i nOVanta 'delegati italiani e stIanieri, eonvocati a Palazzo Firenze .aRoma, hanno designato in Bottai iI nome del 15/0 presidente. Si c' inaugurato aRoma iI 214/mo anno accademico dell'Accademia na-' zionale delle Scienze (detta dei 40). Fondata nel 1782, l'Accademia annovcra attualmente fra i suoi 40 membri cinque premi Nobel, con l'ultimo L'assemblea della Conferenza epis- "arrivo" di Leo Esaki. L'Accademia, copale italiami ha approvato I'accordo prcsieduta da Giantommaso Scaraseia con i valdesi suI ''Testo comune di Mugnozza, ha Ira l'altro la responsastudio e di proposta per un indirizzo bilita' scicntifica del piano nazionale pastorale dei matrimoni misti". Circa della Biodiversill!'. Sono Vittorio Zucconi per iI giomalla celcbrazione dei matrimoni iI docuismo c Vittoria Ronchey per la narramento stabiliscc che si puo' sccgliere Si avvia alia conclusione·i1 restauro • tiva, i vincitori del ''Premio Ernest tra rito cattolico 0 valdesc 0 davanti della parete sinistra, quclla in con- Heming\vay - Lignano Sabbiadoro all'ufficiale di stato civile. Nei primi dizioni piu' critiche, della "Leggenda 1996". I riconoscimenti sono stati due casi se gli sposi 10 chiedono "c' della Vera Crocc" nella basilica di consegnati a Lignano. Vitlorio Zucammcssa c gradita" la partecipazione San Francesco ad Arezzo. La soprin- ,coni, premiato per la "riconosciuta del ministro di culto dell'altra confes- tcndenle Anna Maria Maetzke ha' professionalita' e la grande esperienza sione. Nel terzo caso i ministri delle annunciato che sara' terminato entro intemazionale", ha prevalso sugli altri rispettivc coRrcssioni si incarieher- I'aono ed ha ricordato che il ciclo di due selezionati nella tema dei finalanno di prepararc la coppia alia affreschi piu' importante di Piero della isti, Bruoo Vespa e GiancarloPema. comprensione del valorc religioso e Francesca e del '400 risChiava di Vitloria Ronchey c' stata premiata per del vincolo cristiano che si crccra' perdere iI colore e di disgregarsi iI romanzo ''La Fontana di Bachanchc da un atto' civile. 'Circa ,l'edu- progressivamente mentre ora tale de- cisaray" (Moridadori). Al sccondo cazione dei figli il testo invita a grado e' stato fermato c I'opera c· posto, pari merito, sono risultati Robsvolgcrla "con spiril~ ~ul1lcnico". st."'lbilmente sicura.. crto Piumini e Frediano Sessa. Giligno 96 17 :/f::~~l A COMUNITA',ITAUANA. In Cammino con Carmelo Carissimi fratelli e sorelle, E' molto difficile coinmunicarvi l'esperienza fatta 'in Terra Santa. Siamo partiti hi 44, tutti con grande paura e· trepid:izione, per la glierra nel Libano. E' stato invece un vero pellegrinaggio che ci ha riempito tutli di gioia di emozione. Camminare calpcstiue quella' terra che GcsU" stesso "ha toccatol Abbiamo celebrato ogni giorno la S. Messa, molto parteeipata ,e vissuta in modo speeiale e comunitario. . Abbiamo gioito, pian to, fallo tante spesc, pregato insicme.' E' stata una grande famiglia. Un ringraziamento particolare a P. Gabricle dei Padri Sca1abrini che ci ha aiutato 11 Capire e a vivere in modo intenso quei giorni benedetti. ,CL auguriaino di ripetere la stessa, esperiema 'con molte altre persone. Unabbraccio di Pace ad ognuno. e e i \ 18 - _0-'."-' June, 96 r-____________________ ~~ ___~_=~~~~~;-~ELLACOMUNrrA.ITALMNA >and~ons . .....-.-- Locksmiths • KEYSClITWHlL£.YOU·WAIT • LOCKS SUPPLIED AND FITTED • GRlLLSSUPPLlIlDAND FITTED • HAND AND POWER TOOL STOCKISTS • MACPHERSONTRADE PAINT CENTRE • • CHUBB SUPER CENTRE The Bomboniere Factory BOMBONIERE PER OGNl OCCASIONE Did You Know..... We now oHer, in addition to our normal service, an EXTENDED LD.CKSMITH CALL OUT From 6pm to JOpm to Friday on 20 GoMM.""l RNd ~I'I;To_ Sht'pMrds Bvsh nv anjlstdlolyflonzmunWns al'/atjiriaes you call afforj! c:4l2l2a-~a'lfa 012 Tel; 0181-4454548 BRANCIIES An "CrowMlle RNd ,LondonNWI 1'd:OI113876782 g/owm,ilnrrliaiiom In f!hddeJiinjj, l/1Iejjinjj at!;Ia!J..IU 0'[ 0956282588 IlEAD OFFICE 329/).)1 Gf.aYIJIM RNd Kings C'I~ . t.on.k'll'l WCIX 8BZ Tcl~0171 27S862811l0&'60.4 f.a ... OI,7~ 8.\l9().49 - !Beautiful' !l3ombon!£re; 'Ju!/e, flon[dti, lonJ('I\ WJ2 80H 'Tdl 0181 74969(fl 4S HoImes R08d,KentisJi TowD,LoDtfoDNW53Al'! OpeD/MoD-Fri 8am-4pm It ITALIAN RESTAURANT ·150· Southampton Row London WCl n. 071.,.837 4584/5837 Open 11.3pam until 11 pm. WEWELCO~ WEDDINGS, BANQUETS AND PARTIES IN ·OUR COMPLETELY REFURBISHED. DOWNSTAIRS RESTAURANT 20 1une96 ~. :RMSr:. :. : :.:.: <\:. : D: : ;EL \ r-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....::#= __ COMUNITN IT<\LIANA DOU~l~ GlAZ NG D~~CI FINESTRE E PORTE Suppliers & Fitters of UPVC, Aluminium Windows, Polio Doors, i>orches, Doors Etc.. Deal directly with the fillers with 20 years experience. No high pressure selling - No gimmicksl Quality British Standard approved products at affordable prices. For that better deal ring: Specialists in Italian Cheeses, Fresh Pasta and Meat Products Anlonio - 0181 888 6939 Tommaso - 0181 292 9791 Tommaso - 0973 733 559 Importers and Distributors of wines and provisions CARNEVALE HOUSE BLUNDELL STREET LONDON N7 9BN TEL: 0171-607 8777 F~: 0171-607 8774 POPLAR STREET MOLDGREEN HUDDERSFIELD lIDS 9AY TEL: 01484-514117 FAX: 01484-432861 QUALffY AT THE RIGHT PRICE THOMAS B. TREACY FUNERAL DIRECfORS & MONUMENTAL MASONS 4 Chadwell Street, London ECl (lKm from St. Peter's) Funeral Directors in Residence Repatriations To Italy ROU1an Catholic Memorial Cards Italian 'Last Supper' Caskets ROU1an Catholic Chapel pf Rest StoneU1asonry with Italian inscriptions, Photos, EU1bleU1s and Personal Handwritten Message Tel: 0171 837 1775 Giugno96 * 24 Hour Service 21 - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :iJ;~LLA I I r-----~~----------~--~--_, FELIX BUREAU VIDEO'S INt:. AOENZlA DILA VORO SPECIALIZZ4TO VIDEO PRODIICTIONS I I PER PERSONALE ALBERGHIERO HA A DISPOSIZIONE POSTI VACANTI PERPERSONALE _ QUALIFICATO NEL SETTORE FOR ALL CATERllVG STAFF EMPLOYMENTBUREAU MANAGERS, HEAD WAITERS, WAITERS, WAITRESSES,lsI/2nd/3rd CHEFS;VEG COOKS, KITCHEN PORTERS, SNACK BAR COUNTER HANDS AND" STAFF ETC... 80 SHAFTESBURY AVENUE' LONDONWr TEL: 071-437 8513 OR 071:-4714/4840/4467 VIDE06RllPBY DESIGNED FOR YOU Weddings • Engagements Social Functions , Giuseppe tannelli 26 Halstead Gardens Winchmore Hill London N21 'fr 0181-360 3331 ANVIL INSURANCE·SEBVlCES Per totti i tipi di assieurazione Noi oifrlanto quotazioni competitive MOTOR HOME COMMERCIAL LIABILITIES OFFICES SHOPS RESTAURANTS ETC YACHTS AND AVIATION Informazioni per investimenti iinanziari e pensioni private Una telef~nata puo farvi rlspariniare denaro Anvillnsuranc:e Services 10% Bighbury Park, IUghbury, London N5 :tXE Telephone: 0171-359 074210171-3591428 Fax: 0171-354 5089 . . Directors: Paul PareUo, Elena PareUo 22 ! \I COMUNlTA'ITALIANA June 96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- :e*"FJLA Personaggi Publio Virgilio Marone Poeta latino, nacque a Andes (I' odiema Pietole, presso Mantova) nel 70 a.c. e mor! a Brindisi nel 19 a.e. Amante della terra e della pace della campagna, scrisse le "Bucoliehe" e le "Georgiehe". Le une sono la rappresentazione dei Sentimenti del poeta sollo lravestimenti pastorali menlre le allre sono una raccolta di Iibri in elogio dell'agricoltura c della vita agrcste. Compose 1"'Eneidc", poema al quale dedico' dieci aniu di lavoro e ehe non pote' finire perehc' la morte 10 colse. L"'Eneide" racconta delle vicende di Enca dopo I'ineendio di Troia cd e' considerato it poema epico dei romani. Erasmo da Rotterdam Scrillore e filosofo olandese (1467-1536). Tradusse it suo vero nome. che era quello di Gecrtszoon (figlio di Geert) in quello di ,Desiderio Erasmo. A dodici anni, rimasto orrano di padre. entro' nel convento agostiniano di Steyn. Venticinquenne. fu ordinato saeerdote. Compi' molti viaggi in Francia. in Inghitterra. in ltalia, ove rimase tre anni cd ebbe per amici moW studiosi. Tomato in patria. serisse "Elogio della pazzia", opera con la quale si propose di rivelare le manchevolezze del clero. La riforma religiosa, proposta da Lutero, trovo' in lui. nei primi tempi. un appoggio, perche' it suo ideale di callolico era la tolleranza religiosa. In seguito divenne avversario delle stesso Lutero. COM\JNITA'rrAUANA L. Strumbella Lorenzo de' Medici Visse Ira it 1449 e it 1492 e venne chiamato"I1 Magnifico" pc;r la sua acconezza nel govemarc e per la sua generosita' neU'appoggiare tulle le manifestazioni deU'ane e del pensiero. Sfuggi' alia congiura organizzata dalla famiglia dei Pazzi durante la quale trovo' la mone suo frateUo Giuliano. Per essere riuscito a placare il Papa e it re di Napoli evitando una guerra e assicurando equilibrio lra'le potenze italiane, egli fu definito anche "I'ago deUa bitancia d'Italia". Durante la sua Signoria Firenze raggiune it massimo degli splendori. La sua cone accoglieva poeti, artisli, slUdiosi. Egli stesso fu raffinato poeta e Ira le sue opere principali ricordiamo le "Rime" e i "Canti carnascialeschi " tra i quali compare la sua opera ,piu' conosciula, it ."Trionfo di Bacco e Ari- anna". Marco Antonio Nacque, pare, nell'82 a.C.. e mori' nel 31 a.C. Nipote di Giulio Ccsare, da parte di madre, nel 50 fu elello Tribuno della plebe. Voto' contro la deliberazione del Senato. con la quale si volcva dichiarare Cesare "nemico della patria". Quando questi varco' it Rubicone, Antonio ne fiancheggio' la marcia con una colonna di soldati. Partecipo' alia battaglia di Farsale. Allorche' Cesare fu ucciso. Antonio capeggio' la reazione contro i congiurati. Ottaviano, dopo averlo avversato. 10 nomino' triumviro con Lepido, nel govemo di Roma. A Filippi. i triumviri sconfissero Bruto e Cassio. Piu' tardi. a causa deUa sua unione con Cleopatra, regina d'EgillO. Antonio fu dichiarato nemico di Roma. Si uccise dopo la sconfitta di Azio. Diego Velasquez de Silva Nasce a Siviglia nel 1599 e adotta a 17 anni, come nome d'arte. quello della madre. Le sue prime csperienze artistiche sono delle nature morte ispirate al Caravaggio. Non ama dipingere per le chiese e fa di tullO per inserirsi a Corte. A seguito di un concorso divicne pillore di Cone. Intraprende un primo viaggio in Italia e nascono "La fucina di Vulcano" e "i fratelli di Giuscppe". Dopo un anno riantra a Madrid.e dipinge it suo capolavoro "La resa di Breda". Inizia poi i ritralli della Famiglia Reale, dei personaggi di cone e soprallullo dei buffoni e dei nani, pare dietro suggerimento del re in persona. Ritoma nuovamente in" Italia e dipinge it ritrallo di Innoccnzo I. AI suo ritomo a Madrid g1i vengono affidali molti incarichi. non tulli allinenti alia pillura. Muore neU'agosto del 1660. Giugno 95 - La slalua di Lorenzo da Michelangelo Giovanni Keplero Fu I'astronomo tedcsco (1571-1630) che seopri' la legge che regola it giro dei pianeli neUe loro oibite. Studio' nel scminario di Tubinga, ma a 23 anni fu incaricato di insegnare un po' di astronomia agli a1tri aIlievi. Si trasferi' a Praga, quale assistente dell'astronomo Tycho Brahe. Contemporanco di Galileo Galilei, come lui si proclarno' sostenitore deUe teorie di Stabili' tre leggi: la prima definisoe it cammino seguito da ogni pianeta (ellisse); la sceonda stabitisoe la velocita' con cui ogni pianeta si muove nella sua orbita; la terza determina, tra i diversi pianeli. un legame che permelle di stabilire la loro distanza dal sole. Andre-Marie Chenier Poeta franccse nato a Costantinopoli nel 1762, dopo i primi entusiasmi per la Rivoluzionc, protcsto' contro gli ecccssidel periodo del Terrore. Fu arrcstato e ghigliotlinato. In vita fecc stampare solamente due pocsie; la sua produzione poelica e' quindi opera postuma. Le sue liriche rievocano un sereno mondo antico, visto attraverso una luee romantica. Il suo amore per !.Maddalena di Coigny, il suo arrcs\0 e la mone costituiscono il soggello dell'opera musicata da Umbeno Giordano. su libretto di Luigi JIlica, che fu rapprescntata con successo al teatro "alia Scala"'di Milano ne11896. 23 Beniamino Andreatta PierJuigi Bersani MicheJe Pinto Defence Minister Industry Minister Agriculture Minister A leftwing Christian Democrat economist who helped lead the Peoplc's Party rebellion against Vatican insider and philosopher Rocco Buttiglione when the PPI split last 'year, Nino (Beruamino) Andrcatta, 67, was born on August 11, 1928 in Trento. He returns to government after his stint at the foreign ministry in the '93~'94 Cian)ptgovernment. Andreatta also selVed'as finanCe minister in the previous Amato government after Giovanni Goria resigned. (with responsibility for tourism) Pierluigi Bersani, 45, who is President of the Region of EmiliaRomagna, was born at Bettola to a family of artisans. He took his degree in philosophy at Bologna University. His political·career started when he joined the Italian Communist Party in Piacenza, and in 1980 was' elected a regional councillor for the party there. During the 1980s he, held a variety. of' posts in the communist regional government. Bersani married his wife Daniela in 1980, and has two daughters. Michele Pinto, who is a Senator representing thc PPI, was born at Teggiano in thc province of Salerno in.193 1. . . He graduated in Law and worked as a)awyer, and in the last legislature selVed as a dcputy speaker and a member of the permanent commission on the enVironment. He was also vice president of .thc Junta on, elections and immunity, and a member of thc Justice Commission. Pinto started his political career in local, provincial and regional government. Hc was responsible for Agricultural affairs in the regional administration. Vincenzo Visco Finance Minister Visco, 54, one of the Left Democrat Party's leading economists, has already beCn finance minister, but for the briefest of terms. Along, with the other PDS ministers he quit the Ciampi cabinet the day .after taking. office in 1993, when parliament denied' authorisation to ,"proceed against ex-premier Bettino Craxi for. corruption. Visco stayed on five days before confirming his resignation. Married with two children, Visco is a lecturer' at Pisa university, and has studied at Berkeley, US, and York, England. He enteted parliament in 1983, and was a member of thc Lower House finance and treasury committce in successive legislatures. In ·the April 21 election he won a first-past-thepost race'in Perugia. Luigi Berlinguer Education and Scientific Research Minister Luigi· Berlinguer, 64, returns to government for the second time, although his first experience lasted only 48 hours as a member of thc Ciampi administration in ·1993. He resigned in protest" against Parliament's refusal to. authorise judicial proceedings against former premier Bettino Craxi. Berlinguer comes to government froni the higher' education sector, 'having~'bcen rector of Siena University from 1985 to 1994.. Hc went to Siena' hi' 1968 to teach the history of Italian law in the faculty of Jurisprudence. ,Berlinguer is a native of Sassari, and he now lives in Tuscany with his wife and two children. Rosy Bindi Health Minister A veteran of' militant Catholic politics, Rosy Bindi, 44, got her start in thc Azionc Cattolica movement and later moved to the Christian Democratic Party. She trained for a university career with Prof. Vittorio Bachelet, later gunned down· by the Red Brigades. Beginning in the 1980s, she led a left wing faction within thc Christian Democrats that mounted the opposition to the' Christian Democratic national leadership. Born at Sinalunga near Siena in 1951,Bindi was elected to the LoWer Housc on the Peoples Party- Pad for Italy list in 1994 and re-elected in April. Campaign Charlotte Bone Marrow Appeal The above Appeal has been forwarded to us by H.E. The Italian Abassador. . Charlotte Schroder is 5 years old and has acute lymphatic leukaemia and is in· urgent need of a bone marrow transplant. Without it she has less than 20% chance of survival. Charlotte's bone marrow type is akin to that found in Americans, Albariians, northern Italians and Greeks and despite a register of over 2 million people aniatch stilI cannot be found. Bone marrow types are hereditary. Many patients like Charlotte are British by birth, but have ancestors from other parts of the worI~ and this is reflected in their tissue type. Anyone aged between 18 and 40 who may wish to volunteer as a potential donor please call: Freephone 0800 717 717. 24 June 96. Cinema , l Now that the new Italian vice premier has a long history in the involvement with Italian cinema one wonders if he can get this potentially lucrative industry off the ground. There certainly seems to be some assistimce from the private sector. Two of ltaly~s most active producers, AureIio De Laurentiis and Fulvio Lucisano, have joined forces to form a new exhibition outlet, aiming to crack the powerful hold of the Cecchi Gori Group and Fininvest's Cinema 5 circuits. Already with the joint threescreen Savoy in Rome Lucisano-De Laurentiis team announced plans to invest 30 billion lire in an effort to build another circuit. Rome will certainly need the injection of interest. During La Dolce Vita of the 1960s the city enjoyed the choice of 300 screens; nowadays that number has shrunk to 80. The good news about Nirvana is not necessarily that it stars Christopher Lambert or that it is directed by Gabriele Salvatore but that it is being made at Milan's old Alfa Romeo factory. With three major studios in the U.K. offering excellent facilities for big budget films Italy is going to have to offer something more' than Cinecitta' . Of course, successful Italian financed films will help. We all remember Cinema Paradiso and 11 Posllno. (Certainly it seems Italian style films are still very much in fashion). The only Italian thing about La Passione is the title. Written and scored by Chris Rea, this story, about fast ears and the Italian way of life, stars Shirley Bassey with Carmen Silvera and Gordon Kaye. The latter two played a French couple in the comedy 'AlIo 'AlIo). But can the Italian film industry keep the momentum going? Well the most obvious places to look for success would be Giuseppc Tomatorc's ,The Star Maker a talc of a talent seout who sells screen tests and promises of stardom to poor villagers in Sicily. Then there's La Vua E' Un Paradiso, Claudio Amendola, Antonl:lla Ponziani and Moniea Seattini star in this story of a struggling single mother written and directed by Stefani~ Casini. Still there is always Le Affinita Elettive. The Taviani brothers' latest offering. sct in Giugno96 Agrifoglio Boseo the early 19th century, tells us how a married couple rediscover love through encounters with two acquaintances. Or there is Va Dove Ti Porta it Cuore based on Susanna Tamaro's bestseller about the relationship of three generations of women. I am sure Sig. Veltroni would only ask one' question about Spaghetti Slow. Does this film about a wealthy Italian exchange student (Giulio Di Mauro), who stays and falls in love with Alison (Niamh O'Byme) and her working class Dublin family have any Italian financial backing? Star of the Month Of all the perfonners who seemed to have commitment from now, until the year 2000 I have' to pick out Johnny Depp. Still showing with Christopher Walken in the Nick of Time here some others to look out for. Martin Landau, co-star with ID in Ed Wood, makes his directorial debut in Did You Hear What Happened 10 Eddie? ID co-stars with John Cusack in this comedy drama. Dead Man is a western set in western frontier of North America during the 18oos. Mr Depp co-stars with Robert Mitchum and Gabriel Byme. Johnny Depp takes the helm for the second time after Banler last year. Adapted by him and his brother Dan from Gregory McDonald's novel· ID also stars in The Brave a story of redemption before Christmas Mike Newell directs Donnie Braseo from Paul Attanasio (Homi- cide: Life on Ihe Street creator) screenplay. ID finds himself tom between two worlds when mobster AI Pacino becomes mentor to this newco.mer - in reality an FBI infiltrator. Up coming Releases Now and Then. Melanie GrifIith, Demi Moore, Riti Wilson and Rosie O'Donnell play four childhood friends, who fulfil a pact to meet up again twenty five years after the summer that changed all their lives. Opeus 7 June. Last Dance.. Bruce Beresford directs Rob Morrow as a la\\)'er whose research for, a clemency appeal leads to love with death row inmate Sharon Stone. Opens 7 June. Up Close and PersonaL Michelle Pfeiffer as an anchorwoman on the rise, Robert Redford as her mentor and lover. Jon Avnet directs a'script by Joan Didion and John Gregory Dunne that has taken $48m in the US. Look out for Michelle's sister, DeDee. Opens 7 June. The Rock. Commando Ed Harris and Co. capture Alcatraz and hold San Francisco hostage with chemical weapons. Can the FBI's Nicolas Cage and crafty con Scan Connery save the day? Opens 21 June. Great White Hype. This' comedy about a boxing promoter, Samuel L. Jackson, is doing very average bus]ness in the US. Opens 5 July. Mission: Impossible.. Now this is the onc to look for. The latest cult t.v. programme to hit the.big screen has, Tom Cruise' choosing to accept the secret agent mantle. Paramount's last hit.WaS Forresl Gump and they will be desperate that this onc works. Despite filming'taking place last year in Pinewood the opening has been delayed due to SFX additions including lots of explosions, uncannily accurate Latex face masks peeled off at the last minute and, of course, selfdestructing tape recorders. What bodes well for the film is not only the presence of the Cruiser helped in front of the camera by Emmanuelle Bcart, Jon Voight, Emilio Estevez and Kristin Scott-Thomas but most of all that Brian De Palma is sitting behind the lens. Opens 5 July. (Book earlyl) 25 I :t:~LLA Salisbury, Wiltshire SP46AT COMUNITA'ITALIANA HIGH POST Phone 01722 782592 Fax 01722 782630 LOOKING FOR A BREAK AWAY FROM. LONDON, BUT WITHIN EASY REACH? Come and see The Sgueglia Family (Enzo, GilIian, Paul and Marina) at THE INN -AT HIGH POST - a modern hotellleisure complex, with a Night Club too, near historic Salisbury. There is lots to see and do without any pressure, and the beautiful indoor swimming pool, jacuzzi, sauna and gym will help you relax completely. Opposite there is lovely eighteen hole golf 'course. All rooms are en~suite with every facility including Sky television. The food is excellent, with menus frequently changing to take 'advantage of the best seasonal produce -all fresh, and prepared with the care of people :whoreally"ertjoy what they do. Nowhere will you find a warmer weicome with a distinct Italian bias., All our residents have free entrance t~ Enzo's Night Club. Na~ed after Papa,but run by son Paul and daughter Marina, the c11;1b is a Night Spot with the latest in sound and light technology. Dress to impress, and enjoy top D.J's, and an authentic Cocktail Bar. Qpen until 2 a.m. 'FANTASTIC WEEKEND B~E;'\K OFFER Starting on Friday evening with dinner, accommodation and full English breakfast, Saturday dinner, accommodation and breakfast, a~d a: wonderful carvery speciality lunch ,on Sunday to complete your weekend. £94 per person (sharing a twin or double room) THE INN is situated on A345 between Amesbury & Salisbury. Out of London westwards on M3 to A303. Turn left at Amcsbury and The Inn is 3 miles on the right. Easy! P'Opflel()(S; Enzo and G,' S90e9113. Admilllst(ato'~ Marllyn Powell The Inn, High Posl, Ne SaliSbury. Wlltshite. SP4 GAT Telephone~ (01722) 782592" Fax: (Ol122) 782630 26 lune96 f I =-ft __~.: RIVIST:. :. : .:.: I . .: DEUA=i r-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /JL....JILIANA Bomboniere per ogIri occasione Nozze, Battesimi e Prime Comunioni. Vari Tulli, Confetti, Sacchettini di Seta, Gambo di Fior! e Fiori Secchi. Regali di Porcellana, Capodimonte, Cristallo, Vetro di Murano,' Argento e Resina. Inviti, Santini, Bigliettini Eec. Tel: 0181- 671 3799 92 Thornton Road, Clapham Park London SW12.0LL COMUNlTII.' ITII.LIANII. FOR J SALE 15 Pieces of land ( 46 acres approx.) Located 80 miles from Milan Near Piacenza, Parma etc. For further details please contact Tecnico Sig. C. Malvesi in /laly Via Aldo Moro 57 29020 MORFASSO (Piacenza), Italy Tel: 0039 5239 081 84 in England 9 Fernhills Kings langley, Herts, WD4 8PT Highspeed colour printing Artwork and· Design PlateMaking NEGRONI. mE ITAIlAN STAR AT YOUR TABLE NCRSets Photo Typesetting 164 High Slroo' 0181-364 805218072 Giugno96 27 -b~ ~, .. RIVISl'A DElLA COMllNITA'ITALTANA Sportlight In spite of the fact that we are now into the cricket season and summer is upon us (as doubtless you will have notieed) talk this month must be about Euro' 96. . It is not often that TV pundits, A1an Hansen and Jimmy Hill agree willi one' another but for them the contest is ,between G<:rniany and Italy with a,promising Dutch side perhaps being just a little too young' to take home the trophy. England were chosen as being fourth in line. It is hard to disagree with the analysis that these are the teams to look out for but what do you make of the French? Their club sides have had great success; Paris St Germain won the European Cup Winners Cup comfortably against Rapid Vienna prompting scenes, of jubilation al<?ng the Champs Elysee and an audience with President Chirac; Bordeaux, qualified via the Intertoto Cup (a competition effectively shunned by English sides ;Iosing us a UEFA cup place in the process) and went all the way to the final before being beaten by a strong Bayern Munich tcam. If the national side then pick its squad sans Cantona and Ginola, they must be some force to be reckoned with. .But, by all' acCounts, Italy have chosen to be without Vialli, Signori, and Baggio. Is that an indication of their strength or could they live to rue the omissions? Holland are certainly a side who have significantly underwhelmed at national level in recent years. Let us not forget, they had to. beat the Republic of Ireland in a playoff at Anfield before they even secured a place this summer. Whilst they were impressive in their victory that night, in my view it was an ageing Irish side stale of fresh ideas. This article is being dictated before ,the European Cup Final and the very fact that' the leading Dutch side, Ajax, are the reigning holders and have reached the finar again is ample testimony to the skill and innovation which will be on display in England's group come June. So what of England's chances? I saw the 0-0 draw against Croatia on television and was very impressed with the England performance, albeit 28 Richard Evans initially surprised by a three man defence comprising Neville, Wright and Pearce. In spite of the goalless state of the garne, it was good to see the way England stroked the ball around. They,'supported one another, kept possession' and with more deadly finishing in front of goal would have won, Comfortably. The general· view was the Venables had opted to follow the Ajax pattern of play but after the game, the England coach explairi.ed that his team selection was no more than a natural extension of his earlier Plait - can he see a regular place? tactical approach. Instead ~(playing three centre backs as ,a number of premier league sides had done with full backs pushing' into mid-field operating as "back wings:' , he had merely opted for two full backs to play alongside a 'traditional centre half as his back three expecting traditional wingmen to drop back into defensive positions when needed. In other words, '''wing backs'" rather than "back wings". The eXperiment was persisted with in the home game against Hungary. I was at Wembley for this match, courtesy of tickets from Mr Koesis (for which many thanks). I am sorry to have to say that the Hungarians proved poor opposition and after a stuttering opening half hour, England won comfortably 3-0 with two goals from Anderton, separated by one from Platt. Sadly the England jinx at centre half persists with Mark Wright following Tony Adams, Steve Howey and Garry PaJlister onto the injury list. Whilst Anderton may have been the official man of the match, the player who really Caught my eye was Gary Neville. My. concern, however, is that in the two: ganies in which this three man defence has been tried, there has been no real pressure in an attacking sense from ihe opposition. Things will be different when 'we meet Switzerland, Scotland and Holland. 'For all Anderton's creative skills, I am not confident that he will provide the necessary stability' when it comes to· helping out in the defence. JasonWilcox, on the other hand, showed admirable combative qualities and gave the side much needed left sided balance. Should Venables persist with his system? If he does not, it !Reans dropping one of his creative players and it is goals that England have been short of thus far. As I write, news has just come through that Mark Wright has now definitely been ruled out of this Summer's tournament which is bad luck for him and tragic news for England. For me the Liverpool defender 'was one of the stars of the England 1990 World Cup Semi-final side, showing real composure in. his reading of the game, tackling and . distribution of the ball. Sadly it has taken .six years to regain that form and.l am not sure anyone else will fit the role in a 3 man defence in quite, the same way. The ease for reverting to Adams & Southgate or Howey depending on who is fit is a strong one. My inclination therefore would be to play ihe following formation:Seaman; Adams, Southgate (Howey), Pearce; 'Neville, Anderton, Ince, Gascoigne, Wilcox, 'Sheringbam and Shearer. My suspicion is that Venables will opt for Platt in midfield dropping Neville' back instead of o'ne of the two centre halves. And so it is time to come off the fence - who will win? I have to say that I do have a sneaking feeling, and it is not personal prejudice, that home advantage could be decisive failing which Italy, and France: are my tw~ teams to follow. Needless to say . Germany and Holland will be thereabouts and what a sUpreme irony' 'it will be if on 30th June it is England v Germany in the Final. Then all we will need 'to do is find a Russian referee or linesman!! June 96 ~ I I 1 __ _--=- I :1ff;~Fn-A COMUNITA'rrAIJANA Italsport Sandro Pratoli Calcio: Con due reti nella ripresa di Amoruso e Batistuta, la Fiorentina batte l'Atalanta anche nella finale di ritomo della Coppa ltalia e si aggiudica cosl per la quinta volta la manifestazione. Grazie a questo risultato Roma e Parma non dovranno piu affontarsi nello spareggio e parteciperanno entrambe alia Coppa Uefa. Tennis: E' come se ogni giomo gioeasse la partita della vita. Come se ogni titolo fosse quello della consaerazione. Thomas Muster sccnde in campo per combattere, lcalmente, in nome dell'agonismo. Un eampione ferito che non cade, che non si arrende di fronte a nulla. Un campione della racchetta ehe non possicde il tocco del campi one. Eppure Thomas Muster vineo l'Open d'Italia e diverte, esalta il pubblico pl}ma ancora di esaltarc se' stesso. Impietriscc gli avversari, stordisce le sue prcde. Cosi' anche Krajiccck e' caduto nella trappola. Il numero 1 del tabellone ha vinto in quattro sct (6-2, 6-4, 3-6, 6-3). E' la terza volta che Mustcr conquista Rorna, la terza volta che riccve gli applausi di chi 10 tifa e di chi soltanto 10 ammira. Sulla tcrra battuta c' imbattibile, potenti e precisi i suoi colpi, ordinato e implacabile iI suo gioco. Mustcr ha condotto anche qucsto incontro a suo piacimento, costringendo Krajicck a spostamenti troppo veloci, a venire a rete su ogni ' palla per accorciare gli scambi. Per I'olandcse e' stato come un consegnarsi in mano al ncmico. Tra le donne, Conchita Martinez non ha avuto paura dclla giovane e brillante svizzera Martina Hingis. L'ha battuta in un'ora cS' minuti per 6-2, 6-3. Anche la finale c' stata accompagnata dalla pioggia chc ha fatto ritardare I'inizio e ha provocato una sospensionc suI 5-2 del primo set. L'incontro non c' stato cmozionantc, solo la parte iniziale dcl sccondo set c' stata equilibrata fine al 3 pari. Poi, la Martincz fa iI break e ehiude iI match. Comunque, c' arrivata una nuova stella suI circuito tennistieo fcmminile. E ha solo 15 anni. La Hingis ha perso anchc iI doppio: in coppia con I'americana Fernandez c' stata sconfitta dal duo SanchezSpirlea per 6-4, 3-6, 6-3. Giugno 96 Formula Uno: Sehumaeher tradiscc la rossa e tutti suoi tifosi a Montecarlo, dove gira appena 50 secondi prima di sbagliarc c di coneluderc sullc protezioni quclla ehe dovcva esserc la gara del riscatto Ferrari. Festeggia invccc Panis (Ligier) vineitore a sorprcsa davanti a Coulthard e Heroert. AI via non piove, ma la pista e' bagnata, e tutti sono con le rain. Comineia male ii tedesco bruciato in partenza da Hill su WiIliams, dopo iI ferrarista sfilano le due Benctton e Irvine partito invcce benissimo. Forse innervosito, Schurnaeher si scompone e prima di arrivare alia curva del portierc serve un'indigesta frittata aI pubblico fcrrarista. 11 serbo Djordjevic; Basket: Per, la prima voila nella sua storia La FortitudoBologna Teamsystern conquisla la finale scudetto. Battendo nettamente nella quinla partila di semifinale (84-70) la Benetton si e' guadagnala iI diritto d'incontrare la Stefanel Milano E nel giomo della storia oltrc ai due tradizionali cecchini, Myers (31) e Djordjevie (18), la squadra di Scariol.o ritrova Dan G~y, 20 punti per IUl e grande can~ agonistica. Per Bologna la certezza dl aver ritrovato un uomo fondamentale. E' stato lui a fare la differenza con Trcviso a spostare g1i equilibri rispetto ai prccedenti incontri. Ma come sempre quando si vince tutto risulta semplice c facile: grande eircolazione di palla, buona difesa, predominanza nei rimbalzi (38 contro 28 della Benetton, solo 14 punti per Rusconi e o su 5 dai tiri liberi). Hockey Prato - Classifica Campionato Seric AI: Amsicora Ca 23, Lazio 59 21, He Ccmusco 20, CUS Bologna 17, Giardini Naxos 13, He Roma 10, CUS Torino 10, Pontcvccchio Bo 8, Amatori Ca 4, CUS Padova 4. Ginnastica: Dopo quattro titoli mondiali, Yuri Chci:hi centra anehc iI quarto titolo europco negli anelli, dominando la finale della sua specialitl. A Copenaghen I'azzurro, con 9,837 punti, ha sopravanzato di 87 millesimi il bulgaro Iovtehev e iI tedcsco Toba, secondi a pari merilo. Calcio: Arrigo Sacchi ha diramato I'elenco dei convocati per gli Europei del prossimo g;ugno. Vediamoli: Porlieri: Peruzzi (Iuventus), Toldo (Fiorcntina) e Bucci (parma); Difensori: Mussi e Apollo~i (parma), Torricelli e Ferrarn (Iuventus), Costacurta e Maldini (Milan), Carboni (Roma); Centrocampist;: Di Livio, Conte c Del Piero (Iuventus), Fuser e Di Mattco (Lazio), Albertini e Donadoni (Milan), Dino Baggio (parma); Attaccanli: Ravanelli (Iuventus), Zola (Parma), Casiraghi (Lazio) c Chiesa (Sampdoria): Rugby: 11 diciottesimo scudetto del Milan rugby e' 10 scudctto del cuore. AI Battaglini di Rovigo i rossoneri sconfiggono Trevjso· al termine di 80 minuti' combattuti con armi non semprc autorizzate. QueUe armi che sono costate a Franehino Propersi I'espulsione dopo soli 20 minuti di gioco. Milan passa un'ora con I'uomo in meno, Milan sotto di 14 punti . ad inizio riprcsa. Benetton TreVlso per 50 minuti padrona del campo, poi dissollasi nel nulla. AUa meta di Persiano, Lynagh (all'ultima partila in ltalia) ha saputo aggiungerc solo 4 calci piazzati. Mentre daU'altra parte Dominguez ha prcso per mane i suoi nel momento piu' diflieile riportando iI Milan in partita grazie anehe a uno splendido drop. La meta di Marccllo Cuttitta e' valsa I'agganeio a quola 17, poi due punizioni dell'apertura ilaloargentina hanno portato il Milan in trionfo. 29 :J!;~F.LLA COMUNITA'ITALlANA Backhill Serie "A" Fantasy League Sponsored by Associazione ~.~,i Parmigiani Valceno :,'. - •• •• ~ ... League Table - Serie "A" Matches No. 16 to No. 34 15 19 14 5 9 4 2 13 16 20 3 8 17 18 Nicolari Fila Cacrovoli Mercoledi Cacrovoli Cacrovoli Borlan Paolo Calcio Rigollo Mafiettes AC. Fortunato Italia! Facci Sognare Castello Nuovo Cioccolini A C. Manipulite Tabletoppers Nicolino Athletic IVerdiani Equalise First SquadraPepe Roccasicura NerazzurriLondra 11 12 1 7 6 10 21 ,.\',:" .1 .. .... . '- f" o 35 32 35 33 31 24 40 30 33 28 26 26 18 14 18 27 16 16 26 31 12 50 55 41 73 62 38 62 72 25 48 43 72 25 62 86 108 60 125 136 153 48 1 1 0 0 I 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 I I 2 0 1 1 2 1 0 166 170 167 185 163 166 164 162 144 146 148 153 142 151 151 183 137 199 182 164 79 1 3 3 0 3 3 1 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 I 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 25' . 16 29 21 17 13 22 29 16 25 12 14 21 13 19 30 18 14 20 15 20 21 14 13 5 16 18 25 29 23 7 21 23 21 24 31 26 15 20 9 10 7 1 1 0 3 3 0 I 0 2 3 I 2 1 3 4 2 2 I I I I Manager of the Month This month's Manager of The Month is Mr. P. Ardines manager of AC Fortunato, a bottle of champagne courtesy of Associazione Parmigiani Valceno is on it's way to you. , • League Champions Congratulations t'o Bert's Marshes who are this year's champions. The last week of Serie A provided very few points for all the teams and anyone of the top three could have won, in fact sunday as the results came in during the day the top of the table changed three times, but the downfall of Nicolari was Milan by not keeping a clean sheet, Bert's Marshes although also having Milan defenders, it was Panucci's goal who gained the extra point for Bert's Marshes to put them in the lead. A big thank you to all the managers for having participated to this year's leagne and to the Associacione Parmigiani Valccno for their sponsorship. Now thatthe Fantasy Football is over lets hope that Italy wins the real one.•.CAMPIONI-D'EUROPA. Giugno 96 30 ------------------------------------------------- :tJ;~FJLA -- COMUNITA' ITAIJANA Tempo Libero WHAT IS IT? JOIN THE DOTS lOo I H 8' . l:). '33 3',4 '13 • 12 ~ .2 J • 11' 31 • ...•9 7 5' .6 29 " • , . 24 16 , 18 42' 'El '44 26 17 ~ 43' \ re '15 ~ 25. i3 19 \ '" -. '43 21 -. .~ .36 .37 . 41 .20 ... 39 '.38 '45 Join the dots in the numbered sequence. Fill in the areas marked with a dot. fM '5OmY,SCk,wr: OVR ..CI\IPUrEIt IS ON -rnE-Il<JNk' ;" 1-t1' --~d~ ~ . Good morning Miss lones, 1 recogniseg you straight away.... you look just like my daughter's drawings!!! .,. •• _--::"le:::~::;r, • The two pictures have 25 differences. Can you spot them? Giugno96 31 :Jt:.~;;'LLA COMUNlTA'ITALIANA iiiiIIIIII. . . . ., SECURITY DOORS. LARGE SELECTION OF SIZES' AND F I N I S H E S i I I 1 A HEART OF A STRONG RUSTPROOF STEEL CREATES AN IMPENETRABLE BARRIER TO THE MOST SOPHISTICATED ATTEMPTS AT FORCED ENTRY AT NO MORE COST THAN A TRADITIONAL BESPOKE WOODEN DOOR SHOWROOM FIRST FLOQR, BANK CHAMBERS 188 QUEENS ROAD, BUCKHURST HILL For further information call Sergio Solari on 1r0181 559 2963 Dierre is looking to recruitpeople, particularly English/ltalian speaking, to consolidate its progress in the U.K. Please apply in the first instance, in writing, to the above. 32 June 96 :tJ;~FJJA CO~\lJNITA' ITALIANA At. IT'AL SECURDOOR 1III WINDOWS & TOP QUALITY INSTALLATION OF ALL RANGES OF WINDOWS WITH MAXIMUM SECURITY.. Brilliant UPVC with Shoot-Bolt & Spagnolette Locking. Maximum Security On All Windows. r:;::;:=;r:=I,=iIr:;;"::;',i=··;;;"r=· White Aluminium & TiIl]be(Mahogapy Windows 1-1'--1' ' : ; . 2~ I ; DOORS-PATIO DOORS • II-+~ l-:-+-·u-,+-n-~j· . 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Mrs. M G. , Polio Ripieno Cotto con Rosmarino e 'Panna Stuffed Chicken in Rosemary & Cream Ingredienti 6 petti 0 coseie slossate di polio 2 cucehiai dLolio 112 cipolla tritata 1 spicco d'aglio tritato 250 ml di brOOo di polio 125' mI di vino bianco sccco 1 Iimone: buceia grattugiata e succO 1 cucehiaio, di rosmaiino tritato 3 cucehlai di fccola di patate 60 ml di panna Iiquida salee pepe , Ingredients 6 chicken breasts or boned thighs 2 tablespoons oil 112 onion, finely chopped 1 clove garlic, crushed 8 fl oz chicken stock 4 fl oz dJy white \ywe 1 lemon, grated rind and juice 1 tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary 3 teaspoons cOrnflour 2 fl' oz double' cream salt and pepper Ripieno 250 gr di spinace cotti e tritati 2 cucehiai di parmigiano grattugiato 3 cucehiai di pane grattugiato 1 cucehiaino di erbe miste 1 uova sbattuto salelnoce moscato Stuffing 1I21b spinach, cooked and chopped 2 tablespOons Parmesan cheese 3 tablespoons breadcrumbs 1 teaspoon mixed dried herbs 1 egg lightly beaten saltlnutmeg Metodo: Per iI npleno amalgamate insieme spinaci, parmigiano, pane, erbe: uovo, sale e noce moseato. Fate un taglio in ognr jJezzo ili polio, formando una tasca. Mettete' un po' del ripieno in ogni tasca. Fate scaldare I'olio nella padella e' pasSate iI polio finche' e' dorato da anibcdite le parti. Togliete dalla padella. Aggiungete I'aglio, la cipolla, iI brOOo, i1, vino, la buceia e iI succo del Iimone, iI rosmarino, iI sale e iI pcpe nella', padella e portate all'ebOllizione. Abbassate iI fuoco, rimettete i peZzi di polio nella padella fate cuocere lentamente per 25 minuti finche" iI polio sara' cotto. Togliete iI polio dalla padella. Aggiungete la fccola stemperata con 3 cucehiai di acqua e mescolate finche' la salsa sia densa. Abbassate di nuovo iI fuoco,' rimettete iI polio e la panna nella padella e cucinate per 5 minuti. 'Servite. Method Make the stuffing by mixing together spinach, parmcsan, breadcrumbs, herbs, egg, salt and nutmeg. Cut a slit into each chicken breast or thigh, forming a pocket. Put a Iittlc of the stuffing into each piece of chicken. Heat the oil in the pan and brown on both sides. Remove the chicken, from the pari. Add garlic, onion, stock, wine, lemon rind and juice, rosemary, salt and pepper to the same pan and bring to the boil. Lower the heat and return chicken pieces to' the pan arid simmer for 25 minutes until the chicken is cooked. Remove chicken from pan. Add the cornflour blended with 3 tablespoons of water and stir over the heat until the sauce boils and thickens. RCduce \heat, add cream and chicken and cook for 5 minutes. Serve. Polio Impannato con Parmigiano e Prezzemolo Chicken Breasts coated in Parmesan and Parsley e Ingredienti, 4 petti di polio, leggermente battuti 150 gr di pane grattugiato 40 gr di parmigiano grattugiato 1 manata di prezzemolo tritato, 1 spicco d'aglio tcitato ' 40 gr di pi noli 100 gr di burro fuso 1 uovo sbattuto olio/salelpepe Ingredients 4 chicken breasts, lightly flattened 50z breadcrumbs 1 1I20z Parmesan cheese, grated 1 handful of chopped parsley I clove of garlic (crushed) 1 112 oz pine nuts 4 oz butter, melted 1 egg, lightly beaten oiVsaltlpepper Metodo: Amalgamate mSleme iI pane, iI parmigiano, iI prezzemolo, I'aglio, i pinoli, iI burro, I'uovo, iI sale e iI pepe. Copritc i petti di polio con iI miseulio premcndo benc con le dita. Mcttcteli su una tcglia pennellata con olio. Passatcli nel forno nO.5/190C per 45 minuti. Servile. Method: Mix breadcrumbs, Parmcsan, parsley, garlic, pine nuts, butter, egg, salt and pepper tocther. Press the mixture all over the chicken breasts. Place them onto an oiled baking dish and cook in preheated oven no.5/190C for 45 minutes. 34 June 96 :1f;.~F.LLA COM\JNITA'ITALIANA A.FRANCE & SON INDEPENDENT CATHOLIC FAMILY UNDERTAKERS SERVIZI FUNEBRI ALL'ITALIANA LUNGA ESPERIENZA TRASLOCHI SALME IN ITALIA FUNERALS ARRANGED IN LONDON, THE COUNTRY AND ITALY Personal Attention At All Times It.lli.ln If desired, funeral arrangements can be made at your home "ULTIMA CENA" COffINS * RICORDINI * It.l/ian Or English * Pre-Payment Funeral Plans available for England and Italy LAPIDE Italian Or Englis/. Inscriptions PRIVATE CHAPEL OF RESf.OPEN 7 DAYS FOR VISITING Also At Office 41 MONMOJITH ST., LONDON WC2 45 LAMB'S CONDUIT ST., LONDON WCt TEL: 0171-405 4901 OR 0171-405 2094 14 WATFORD WAY, LONDON NW4 166 CALEDONIAN RD., LONDON NI For Immediate 24 Hour Service L'abbonamento annuale (10 edizioni) con spese postali, solo per la GB, costa £10.00. Ricord:devi che BACKHILL viene prodoUo da volontari e non ha' scopo di profiUo. Qualunque vostro dono ci aiutera' a continuare a servire la coniunita' italiana. The annual subscription (10 issues) including postage, UK only, is £10.00. Please remember that BACKHILL is a voluntary and non profit making publication, and any additional donation you make will help us to continue this service to the Italian Community. BACKHILL Subscriptions 11 Fieldview Court, Fryent Close, London NW9 Name Nome Date/Data Address SubslAbbonamento Indirizzn DonationIDono Total Enclosed Somma Acclusa £ Cheques payable tu: "8ACKIIIU." .. Vaglie Intestate a: "BACK HILL," Giugno 96 35 iuSCOPRIAMO MASCAGNI . _. ., , ,. VERDIAT THE RP¥ALOPERA HOUSE ~ Introduzione di Roberto D'Onomo ,Giovedi 13 Giugno ore l8.30 FILpF, 98 ,Central Street; London J!C 1 Tel: 0171 6080125 '{ ' NABUCCO 13, 15".20, 26'June 3, 6 July ENRICO RUGGERI GIOVANNA D'ARCO rie~ production,condm:ted by Daniele Gatti In concert 12,13; 18 June Le Palais; Hammersmith - ' For details cpntllct: 017i 93t-3848, , 24, 27, 29 June 2, 5 July I < ,I LATRAVlATA with Roberto AJagna and Vincenzo La Scala 8, 10, i 1~ 13, 15, 'I!', 18, 19'July . 'MR WORDLVWISE "/ ILCORsARQ With Maria Dragoni and~arbara Friholi 18,21 June at 7:30pm music by Rossini, The Royal Ballet Royal Opera House, Covent Garden Tel: 0,171 3044000 . ': - DONCARLOS with Roberto AJagna 17, 22, 25, '28 June 1, 4 July c ALZIRA in concert 9-July at 7.30p~ , ARENADlVERONA 1996 Season' Royal Opera House, .Covent Garden Tel: 01n.3044000 NABUCCO . di Giuseppe Verdf con,Renato'Bruson eLeo·Nucci 6, 12,2i, Luglio.2,8,11,13,12;21' Agosto AIDA di9iuseppeVerdi . , , 7 ;18;28~3 LLuglJo 3,15,18,20,23,25;28,30 Agosto '0 , :IL BARBIERE in SAVIGLIA MONDO ITALIANO PIANO RECITAL Every saturday 18.30-20.00 BBC Three Counties Radio by Elizabeth Dessi and Francesco Giammarco 103.8FM , First' retrospective, of the modem painter Until 7th July 1996 Whitechapel Art Gallery, 'Whitechapel High Street, El Tel: 0171 5227888 di Giacchino Rossini' co L~o Nucci e Ruggero Raimondi . 13,17,20,25;27 Luglio 9,17,24,31 Agosto .' RENATOGUTTUSO . 'Inc. Clementi, Golinelli and Donizefti Tuesday 9 < July at 6.45pm " , . , I 'R , I I