:tJ;~~IA SAL B A COMUNITA'ITALlANA -- ~ ~""" N C H E T T I •• Alla VillaCarlotta si mangia, si beve e si balla, in una sala prit-:ata capace di ospitare 150 persone. If voi la scelta dell 'occaswne daftsteggiare!! Contattare Sig S. Roberts 07.1 637 .9.94.1 39 Charlotte Street London WlP lHA 2 ApTi/94 l $* DEUA COMUNITA'ITAUANA - Contents Sommario Servizi Speciali Un anno di attivita' Severino Trematore Veritatis Splendor Aprile - April p. 5 p. 16 p.30 Regular Features Due Parole The Hill Face to Face Terza Eta' Cronaca della Comunita' Dall'Italia In Cammino con Carmelo Eurofocus For a Rainy Day p. 4 p. 8 p. 10 p.ll p. 14 p. 19 p.20 p.26 p.27 Entertainment, Leisure & Sport Cinema Sportlight Italsport Anglo Italian Football League Tempo Libero Mamma's Ricetta p.31 p. 32 p.33 p.34 p.37 p. 38 Notices - A vvisi Chiesa di San Pietro Calendario Noticeboard p.21 p.39 p.40 Victor Barrat and Doreen Freeman: World Champions 1948/4 9. See page 8. To advertise in Backhill write to: Anna Advertising Department Backhill Magazine 4 Back Hill London EC1 R 5EN 0718371966 © 1994 BACKHILL, 136 Clerkenwell Road, London EC1 Printed by Sterling Printing Co. Ltd. Aprile 94 78 Bounds Green Road. London N.II 2EU 3 :J!;~ DFJ.LA COMUNITA'ITALIANA Due Parole Cari Amici, Ecco le mie Due Parole per la Pasqua. Sono i miei auguri a tulle le Famiglie. Ho sempre tanto piacere a farmi questa chiaechierata con voi, perehe' vi vedo sempre davanti a me e sento nel mio cuore le vostre prcoccupazioni. Tulli noi 0 grandi 0 piccoli, abbiamo le nostre preoccupazioni. Sono le preoccupazioni della vita che va avanti e sono preoccupazio~ 0 grandi 0 piccole. Noi ricorriamo tanto spesso a Dio perche' ci aiuti e iI Signore Dio e' sempre vicino a noi. E'· vicino a noi s)lCCialmente in questo anno: perche' tulle le Chiese e tulle le Nazioni hanno dello che questo e' I'anno della Famiglia. E' tutta I'umanita' che si rivolge a Dio e g1i presenta le famiglie di tullo iI mondo. E questa umanita' !l queste famiglie siamo noi. Non ,importa se non abbiamo la famiglia nel vero senso della parola. Abbiamo sempre avuto una famiglia, abbiamo portato una cosa nuova nel mondo con le nostre famiglie. La vera novita' del mondo e' la nostra nascita e la nascita della nostre famiglie. 10 vi prego veramente di pensare tanto a questo: cioe' a tulle le cose buone ehe noi abbiamo creato con la nostra vita e con le nostre famiglie le abbiamo create insieme a Gesu' perche' abbiamo riccvuto iI ballesimo e iI ballesimo e' la vita nuova che Gesu' ci ha dato. 10 vi parlo ora di due famiglie: la Sacra Famiglia, quella che vediamo con Gesu', Giuseppe e Maria. Ve- Padre Roberto Russo diamo una famiglia dove c'e' tanto affetto, tanto aiuto, tanta fede in Dio. E vediamo anche questa stessa Santa Famiglia, in cni muore San Giuseppe, perche' passano g1i anni della vita per tutti, e poi muore Gesu' sulla Croce e vediamo iI dolore della Madonna: e' una famiglia che ha iI suo dolore. E l'a1tra famiglia che vi voglio presentare e' quella di Abramo. Cosi' come abbiamo sentito nella messa di qualche domeniea fa, Dio che chiede Una famiglia con i d%r; ad Abramo di sacrifieargli iI figlio: ed Abramo pronto ad obbedire. E' una famiglia che vive con un dolore enorme, e' una famiglia che non capiscc perche' Dio vuole la morte del Figlio. Ed e' una famiglia che obbediscc perche' ha fede in Dio. Naturalmente a1I'ultimo momento Dio non chiedera' piu' la morte di lsacco. E' la vita nostra e delle nostre famiglie: con speranza, coraggio, do- lori, delusioni, villorie. Ma e' la vita nuova che Dio ha creato con noi e con le nostre famiglie. Quindi eoraggio, tanto coraggio. Camminiamo tutti verso la Risurrezione di Cristo e ci aiutiamo ad arrivare nella Vita Eterna di Dio. E a1lora forse possiamo fare due piccole cose per sentire sempre meglio che siamo una cosa nuova. Che la nostra famiglia e' nuova: possiamo dire una Ave Maria quando mangiamo insieme 0 un piccolo pensiero religioso, anche in silenzio, quando stiamo insieme a mangiare; e possiamo mellere un piccolo salvadanaio vicino alia porta di easa dove chiunque della famiglia puo' mellere una offerta di soldi che dove essere frullo di un piccolo sacrificio personale, una sigaretta in meno, una earnmella in meno. Non cerchiamo grandi cose - quelle verranno da sole. Sono le cose della Famiglia, quelle grandi e quelle piccole. Devono essere sentite come una cosa di tutta la famiglia che si impegna. E' I'anno della Famiglia: faeciamo le nostre famiglie sempre piu' nuove, piu' coraggiose, piu' piene di speranza, di affello, di amore. Anche con i nostri peccati e con i problemi che abbiamo dentro di noi e nelle nostre famiglie andiamo avanti: con tanta, tanta preghiera persouale perche' Dio e' fedele, ci ha creato nuovi e vuole nuove cose da noi. Vuole le nostre famiglie: sono nostre, ma ce le ha affidate il nostro Dio. Questi sono i miei auguri per la nostra Pasqua di Risurrezione insieme a Gesu'. Second Coming Lord, why can't you just appear? Now. Prove you are who you say you are. Wouldn't it be easier? You'd hlIve Lord, can we talk? I'm a bit scared, in fact, I'm very the world at your fecI. But, Lord, who am I to question scared it's the "Second Coming" that's on my mind, your your plans? Lord, I am frightened. You see, I don't think I'm good return to earth. I find it frightening, that you could come at any time, even now while I'm praying. "Like a thief in the enough and I'm afraid you'll leave me behind. Help me 10 night", the Bible says. We don't' even know when•. or be ready, to be prepared. Because when you come again I don't think I'll have a second chance. where, or how. How will it happen, Lord? The "thief in the night" thing gives me the impression it will be quick and quiet, and very sudden. Will you just take Christians? Will they just disappear? And what about the rest? Those you don't (Extr«<:t[rom "Can we talk, Lord?" take. Will you give them another chance? Or is that it? All Copyright Kevln Meyhew; licence no. 2903/) over. The gates of heaven finally locked? 4 April 94 i l. :1J;~ DFlLA COMUNITA'ITALlANA Un anno di attivita" Ho il piacere di presentare il Bilancio Consuntivo del COASIT per I'anno finanziario 1993, prcparato ai sensi della legge inglcse e debitamente certificato dai Revisori dei Conti, ossia 10 studio Harrison, Hill, Castle & Co. Nel corso del 1993 qucsto Ente ha collaborato con il Consolato Generale d'Italia in Londra per 10 svolgimento delle seguenti attivita': I. n. 170 corsi per 2585 iscritti, aventi 10 seopo di agevolare I'inserimento dei figli dei connazionali nella scuola britannica. Corsi di GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) e di 'A' level, e eorsi di lingua e cultura generale italiana a livello medio. 2. n. 242 corsi di lingua e eullura generale italiana a livello elementare, per 4620 iscritti. 3. n. 2 corsi di scuola popolare per adulti italiani e loro congiunti, per 24 iscrilti. A sostegno e integrazione dei corsi di cui sopra, qucsto COASIT ha anche messo in alto varie iniziative, compatibilmente con una sua situazione finanziaria. Noterete che il Bilaneio di eassa si chiude con una passivita' al 31.12.1993 di £16,733.89 pari a lire 36.463.146. Per quanto riguarda il bilancio di competenza, tenendo presente le previste entrate (i relativi contributi che si devono pervenire dal Fondo Sociale Europeo: il contributo per il 1993 di £St75,Ooo, e il contributo suppletivo del Ministero degli Mari Esteri pr £St 45,000. e relative spese impegnate), il delto bilancio di competenza si chiude con una eccedenza di £st766.11 pari a lire 1.669.353. La passivita' di cassa e' dovuta·alla neccssita' imposta dai Revisori dei Conti di trasferire parte delle cntrate locali nel bilaneio dell'anno 1994. E' mio dovere soltolineare che durante I'anno 1993 sono stati messi in alto dei grandi sfoni per ridurre la spcsa globale. Esaminando la totalita' delle spcsc elfeltuate, notercte ebe questo COASIT, nell'anno 1993, onde contenerc la spcsa, ha dowto limitarsi a svolgere una semplice e normale amministrazione e ba provveduto prineipalmente al pagamento: - degli a1litti delle aole scolastiebe - degli a1litti degli uffiei scolastici di 4 Upper Taebbrook SI. - degli oneri accessori agli a1litti. - dell'acquisto dei Iibri e altro materiale didallico, effelluato nel '92, e saldato nel corso del 1993. - delle spesc postali e di cancelleria. - degli intercssi passivi bancari. - delle retribuzioni per iI personaie di segreteria, per contributi sociali e per i revisori dei conti. - delle rctribuzioni dei docenti con nomina COASIT. Causa la mancanza di Iiquidita', non si e' potuto procederc ad altri interventi prcvisti nel bilaneio preventivo 1993, come ad esempio, ad G. Giacon organizzarc corsi per I'aggiornamento dei docenti, a svolgere altre attivita' riercativo-<:ulturali per ali allievi, a contribuire alia spesa dei trasporti delgi alunni in sedi periferiebe, eec. Devo far prcscnte, ehe con questo COASIT, con I'assistenza e la collaborazione di tulle le componenti della scuol3o ha potuto raccoglierc un contributo volontario da parte dei genitori degialunni, e da varie altre fonti, di piu' di £si 42,000. SOllolineo quello ebe bo gia' delto sopra, ehe i Revisori dei Conti ci banno falto trasferirc £21,000 sui bilaneio del 1994, perebe' detti contribui appartengono all'anno scolastico 1993/94. A tale riguardo ritengo doveroso soltolineare ebe la partccipazione dei genitori, delle associazioni e dei vari membri della comunita', e la collaborazione dei docenti nel scnsibilizzarc i genitori e' stata veramente gratificante. Bilancio COASTI 1993 Entrate 1. Proventi locali (contributo volontario delle ~amiglie, associazioni e altri) 2. Contributi del Fondo Sociale Europeo: a) Saldo per i11991 b) anno 1992 3. Contributo del Ministero degli Alfari Esteri per I'anno 1993 4. Contributo per usa locali del COASIT Totale Entrate Uscite Totale Spesa 1993 . Saldo passivo anno 1992 Totale Uscite Totale pass/vo d/ cassa aI31.12.1993 ist (vaIuta locale) Lire =2179 21,666.48 47.211.260 37,000.00 88,169.00 80.623.000 192.120.251 119,320.78 17,000.00 283,156.26 259.999.980 37.043.000 616.997.490 173,278.72 126,611.43 299,890.15 377.574.331 275.886.306 653.460.626 16,733.89 36.463.146 Da sinistra: Remo Finaldi, Giuseppe Giacon e Console Brojferio. Aprile 94 5 :tJ;~1 A COMUNITA' ITAUANA ITAL WINDOWS &SECURDOOR TOP QUALI1Y INSTALlATION OF ALL RANGES OF WINDOWS IN UPVC AND ALUMINIUM DOUBLE GLAZING. PATIO DOORS, WITH SPECIAL SELECTION OF INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL SECURI1Y DOORS IMPORTED FROM ITALY ZO HQUSES INSTALLliD IN ONE ROAD ALONE. GOOD BACKUP SERVICE AND MAXIMUM DISCOUNT OFFERED A COMPLETE FREE DOOR WHEN YOU ORDER WINDOWS WITH US. FINANCE AND CREDIT FACILITIES AVAILABLE CALL NOW FOR A FREE QUOTATION FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL MR. VINCENZO TEL: 081-905 0861 OR 081-422 9213 "THE BESTJOB AT A VERY GOOD PRICE" The Bomboniere factory BOMBONIERE FOR ALL OCCASIONS BEAUTIFUL BOMBONIERE AT UNBEATABLE PRICES ! Call either Anna-Maria or ]ayne on 081-4454548 eves only 081-882 2326 eves only FAX 071-284 0509 Un piccolo mondo italiano • VI aspetta a due passi da Piccadilly. .. ••• novita, bestsellers, gialli, romanzi, libri per ragazzi e di referenza, dizionari, letteratura c1assica e moderna, turismo, metodi di lingua, giornali e riviste ••• Accettiamo ordini per telefono, posta e fax, e saremo lieti di ordinare qualsiasi Iibro dall'ltalia e oltre. The European Bookshop 45 HOLMES ROAD, KENTISH TOWN LONDONNW53AN 6 4, Regent Place/5 Wmwick Street londonWl Telephone (071) 734 5259 Fax (071) 287 1720 April 94. -b~ .. p . RIVISI'A DEUA COMUNlTA'ITAUANA • • KEYS CUT WHILE-U-WAIT• • LOCKS SUPPLIED & FinED • • DIGITAL DOOR LOCKS • • INTERCOM SYSTEMS SUPPLIED & FinED • • SECURITY GRILLS SUPPLIED & FinED • • FAST & EFFICIENT SERVICE. - ....BOSCH - MAKITA - ELU ..... .aCPherSon TRADE PAINT CENTRE Power Tool Centre Head Office 329/331 GRAYS INN ROAD LONDON WCIX 8BZ SUPER CENTRE - PAINT BRUSH & ROllER CENTRE TEL: 071-278 8628/1308/6014 Branches Also At: 20 GOLDHAWK ROAD SHEPHERDS BUSH LONDON W12 4 CROWNDALE ROAD CAMDENTOWN LONDON NWl 2TU 22 PANCRAS ROAD KINGS CROSS LONDON NWl 2TB TEL: 081-7496909/081-7461347 TEL: 071-3876782 TEL: 071-833 4736 Aprile94 7 -T?~ , ~ RlVISTA DEILA COMUNITA'rrALIANA The Hill Famiglie Menozzi e Zanetti We continue our story of life with famiglie Menozzi and Z3netti. In the late 1940s Lisa with her sons, young brother Tony and her widowed mother Giuseppina Z3netti moved to a house - no. 93 Little Grays Inn Road. (Now a part of Mount Pleasant). The improvement in her lifestyle here was the luxury of a bathroom. With a member of the family as severely handicapped as Tony, this must have felt like hcaven on earth. Lisa was ever full of boundless energy, dressmaking, keeping the home o'n even keel., cooking for the family, cleaning and tending to Tony's needs, which became more demanding as his Parkinsons disease progressed. The devastating loss of her husband Gioacchino, who drowned when the Arandora Star was sunk in 1940, mcant that there was not only the grief to cope with but the added strain of the family's now depleted income. Victor Zanetti, Lisa's brother helped support not only his ageing mother, but the vast amount of expenses that accrued due to Tony's illness. You sce, the family never gave up on Tony. Hospitals, doctors and medication bills were endless. Specialists were consulted, unfortunately to no avail. There Was no cure for Tony. Lisa's mother, Giuseppina, passed away in 1949. Ronnie was now working as an apprentice jewellery maker in Hatton Garden. Pip had joined other young Pacsani in the Terazzo trade. Young Victor was still attending St. Peter's Italian School.· ' , Eventually Famiglia Menozzi made their final move, this was to a new block of flats in New North Street, a turning off of Thcobalds Road, about a ten minute walk from "11 Quartiere". In comparison to their earlier home, this was luxury indeed, there were lifts up to the three bedroom flat, everything on one level, a beautifully equipped kitchen, and it was convenient to the buses and shops. 8 Olive Besagni At this time all of her sons were in full employment. Lisa continued with her dressmaking. Here as in their previous home, there was a constant stream of visitors. Lisa had time for everyone, she was popular with all of her new neighbours. If the children in the flats arrived home from sehool to find that their mothers were out, they would go straight to Auntie's (as Lisa was now known), where they would be made welcome with a drink or a biseuit and chat happily to Lisa or Tony until their parent returned. Pip was the first of her sons to wed, on the 8th June 1957 he married Joan Fuller at St. Peter's Italian Church. A couple of years later l~onnie married Giuseppina Buonocore, (daughter of Buonocore one of "11 Quartiere's· well known sons). Finally young Victor married Doreen Freeman. Lisa made the beautiful wedding dresses of each of her son's brides. To the dismay of the family Lisa"s sight bega n to fail, it was discovered that she had a rupt u red retina. An operation was earried out which improved things for a time but .i.:·- .--..,.' : hcr eyesight was ,,' ~~r~ ,s_:9'k~~' never c';; good and hampered her a great deal in her later years. When Lisa could no longer cope with Tony's care, the family reluctantly let him go to a nursing home in Camden. Lisa and TiIIi visited him every day without fail, and in the evenings her sons and Tony's friends would go. Every weekend when extra help was available he would be brought home to Lisa's, to join the family with the Sunday dinner and the inevitable card games. The kind of love and care that Lisa gave to her young brother until his demise in 1983 at the age of 73 years, tells us the kind or'lady that Lisa was - one of life's angels. Lisa's other brother Victor played a large part in her life. He had grcat presence, eharisma and a sense of purpose, which became apparent in his youth. In the late 20's he was employed as a steward' on an ocean liner, when the ship docked in America he jumped ship' with two -.: Vic/or Barra/and Doreen Freeman: World Champions /948/49 Apri/94 l I :iJ;* DFlLA COMUNITA'ITAUANA other lads. His fellows were soon apprehended and deported but our Victor got himself a job at the famous Waldorf Hotel in New York where in no time at all he was promoted to the post of restaurant manager. Five years elapsed before he returned to England. I asked Ronnie if he remembered any of the excitement whieh must have prevailed on the return of the prodigal. As he was only six years old ai that time, all he remembered was the big travelling trunks arriving at the house, large metal trunks, the like of which he had never scen before. One of the things that had developed in America was Uncle Victor's avid interest in ballroom dancing. At the time of the Second World War, whilst working as a head waiter at the "Cafe de Paris" (a West End night club), he spent all of his leisure time studying and practising what, at that time, was just a hobby. He left the Cafe de Paris to allow himself more time to pursue, what he decided, was to be his eareer. Six months latcr the night club was bombed at a time when it was full of patrons, servieemcn and young girls. Ronnie remembers his uncle's distress on his return from the scene, where he had gone to gain news of friends and working colleagues. The list of dead and injured was immensc. Victor was entering into serious dancing contest and winning all the way. He started to teach dancing. In the early days il was just a small class, held in one of the rooms at the Mazzini Garibaldi Club in Red Lion Street. As his eareer progressed, Victor, in view of the climate at the time with regard 10 foreigners,. changed his professional name to Victor Barrat. The next step, was The Viclor Barrat School of Dancing in Regent Street. In the competitive world of ballroom dancing the name Victor Barrat was synonymous with the best. In 1948/49 partncring his wife Domen Freeman (not to be confusCd with his nephew victor's wife whose maiden name was also Dorcen Freeman), they won the World Ballroom Championships. Victor's Continuing success was assured. Ballroom Dancing at that time was at .the height of ils popularity. He opened another school in Knighlsbridge. The school Aprile 94 Left: Bruno Besagni with his young brother Remo. Right: Ronnie Menoni with his younger brother Victor flourished, endless competitions were entered and won - they were the best. Viclor, you see, was not only a wonderful performer, he had a rare quality - he was a born teacher. He taught the art of ballroom dancing 10 many famous people. He was in great demand. He chorcographed the dancing sequences in the successful English film "Spring in Park Lane". He coached the stars in the film, Anna Neagle and Michael Wilding. Later he went to America where he coached Marylin Monroe and ViclorMature. Famiglia Menozzi followed Victor's career with pride. Lisa's expertise wilh the needle came into play, also, in the making of many of Viclor's partner's ballroom gowns. You can imagine what lhat entailed. lust look at the photograph of Victor and Doreen to gel an idea of lhe kind of work that Lisa carried oul. If you remember the coffee bars that sprung up in Ihe 60's, you may recall "The Macabre", one of the really carly ones. Il was situated in Soho in a little alleyway between Wardour Street and Dean ·Street. The Maeabre was of interest on account of its eerie dccor: the walls were black, the tables were in the shape of coffins, and the ashtrays were skeleton heads. Dismembered forms and cobwebs hung from the ceilings and in the nooks and crannies. Strange, but the customers loved it, and in its way it became quite famous as one of the places to see whilst visiting Soho. Ronnie was the manager here, assisted by 10, who laler became his wife. Lisa outlived bolh of her brothers. Victor died prematurely in 1970, at the early age of 62. Sadly Lisa's failing eyesight, blighted the end of her days. She lived on in poor heallh after the demise of Tony who lived up to quite a good age (73 years), considering his illness. Elisa passed away in 1985 aged 81 years. Sorely missed by her family and the many friends she had made lhroughout her life which began in "11 Quarticre Ilaliano" in 1904. 9 :tJ;~EU.A Face to Face COMUNITA'ITALIANA Michele Scotto SAC I wonder what our world would are the fruits of the "Me" company? Well, I personally don't believe it. In a nursing home be like if we required that all people generation. who reached the age of 6S were We have a basie responsibility to everyone shares the same difficulties obliged to die? Some of you may our parents. They gave us our life in a sense. It is true that sharing think .that this will never happen - and raised us to be what we arc similar problems does make, for a but I wonder if some support group. However, ,I find it of the seeds for this intolerable that idea haven't already somcone should feel been planted. We have already that they have just been "thrown seen the invention of a suicide machine for away". Sometimes those who feel that just the fact that life - is no longer there are others who worth living. We share this fceling have established with you may make, nursing homes for it even worse. They our elderly. And, in are our "forgotten many countries in the living" who might as well just die west the idea of euthanasia is a very before their time. ask, common option. Now, Some may "What use are they it has become OK to pull the plug on anymore to socigrandmother's life ety?". I personally What ifall people who reached the age 0/65 were required to 'die? support' machine believe that every because we feel that her life no today. I know that my own parents person has an infinite worth and longer has any mcaning. have been the single most' important dignity. Therefore, if you must For a small article like this, to influence in my life. They cared for consign someone to a nursing home, cover a lot of ground is impossible. me unselfishly and were always don't forget about that person. There So, I want to deal with just one there when I needed them. Their isn't a person alive who doesn't aspect of 'our 'new "theology" about values and guidance will be with me need to feel needed or loved. the quality of life. I want to deal for the rest of my life. I hope I have made my point. If one of my parents was put into with the idca of a nursing home for the elderly. This is probably, the one a situation that required constant that might touch personally the lives attention, I know, that putting one of them away in a nursing home would of many rcaders. Nursing homes are not be the last resort and the thing I intrinsically wrong - somet,imes, it is would drcad the most. If you ever impossible to truly give the care have a chance to visit a nursing necessary to an ageing parent or home, I advise you to do so. So far relative at home. In such a case, we I haven't found one that left me can justifY sending a loved one to a feeling particularly happy after nursing home. There are cases, lcaving it. All you see are old however, where it is a serious wrong people living together in community rc-living their pasts because there to send an elderly person to one. We in the West worship our just is no more future left for them. youth. We try everything to be The greatest joy that they have is young forever. We spend more than when visitors come to see them. It's a fair share of our income on trying the most concrete sign for them that to do it as well. We seem to have somebody still cares about them. lost the sense of venerating those Those are the lucky ones. How whose wisdom and experience in life about those who have no one who vastly surpass ours. And, worst of cares? Don't kid yourselves either. all, we live for ourselves and our This does happen. Most of these own personal careers to the point of people have families. Where are no longer caring for those who they? brought us into this world and cared Have you ever heard the for us when we were helpless. These expression that misery loves Look out for next month's 10 Apri/94 j Terza Eta' Spcsso, mi viene it dubbio ehe le cspressione "Prima, Scconda e Terza Eta'" siano state inventate da aleuni burocrati che volevano targarc i cittadini come fanno le macchine automatiche ehe scclgono quali cetrioli appartengono alia prima, alia sceonda oppure alia teci classc. Motivo di qucsta divisione, scmbra, sia stata la nccessita' 'di individuare le strategia dell'csproprio: it cittadino lavoratore per conto terzi appartiene senz'altro alia "Prima Eta"', e quindi le tasse vanno pagate prima che gli arrivano in tasca; it eittadino che lavora per contro proprio appartiene alia " Scconda Eta'" e quindi deve pagarc le tasse non appcna riceve i soldi; sulle spalle dei pensionati, sicuramente sono state appicicate la targhette deIla "Terza Eta'" in quanto ad essi, in vari modi, e' stato chicsto di rcstituire i soldi che gia' avevano riccvuto sotto forma di pensione. In questi giorni I'INPS sta inviando ai pensionati, una lettera che spiega it motivo delle dccisioni prcsc dall'Istiluto di ridurrc le pensioni in pagamento, oppure di chicderc, in alcuni casi, it rimborso di somme pagate indebitamente. La lettera aveva 10scopo di spiegare le decisioni prcse e con qucsto rassicurre quei pensionati che si erano spaventati Pietro Molle riccvendo la prima comunicazione. Ma non credo ehe si e' raggiunto 10 scopo,' perche' si lratta di una circolare che ncccssariamente non puo' csaminare le situazioni par!icolarl di ogni caso. Anche a costo di ripetenni scrivendo quanto gia' riportato nel precedente numero e' ncccssario che i pensionati abbiano prcsente i seguenti punti: I. coloro ai quali e' stato rich· icsto di pagare dei soldi indietro perche' a dire dell'lstituto si lratta di somme non dovule: a - non dcbbono ripagare nessuna somma se la pensione e' stata accolta prima del I gennaio 1992; b - se la pensione e' stata accolta dopo il I gennaio 1992 I'INPS ha diritto di ricevere i soldi indietro se prova che vi e' stato un errore di calcolo. Cio' pero' dcvc csscre di· mostrato e quindi non e' ncccssario pagare i soldi indielro fine a quando l'interessato non sia convinto che quanto richicsto sia corrctto. 2. Coloro he hanno ricevuto la richicsta di rimborso per i lrattamenti di famiglia e' necesario che contattino uno dei patronati operanti in Gran Brctagna. 3. A color che gia" hanno rcsti· tuito delle somme, I'INPS assicura il ricsame deUa posizione senza fare a1tro. 4. Coloro che si sono visti di· minuire sensibilmente I''importo bimcstra\e e' neccssario che si facciano i conti precisi, perche' molte e diverse sono le interpretazioni che I'INPS da' aUe nuove rcgole. I Patronati saranno in grado di darvi una mano per rifarvi i conli e se ncccssarlo farvi la domanda di ricsame. Seconda Eta' English in Britain 24 Great Chapel Streel- London W1V 3AF Tel: 01· 7342156 & 01·4390116 Telex 295929 Apri/e 94 JI :1f:.~ I" COMUNIT'" ITALIAN" ,....----------:....---:.;;==.:::J Bridalwear Specialists Specialists in Italian Cheeses, Fresh Pasta and Meat P.roducts Importers and Distributors of Wincs and P.rovisions CARNEVALE HOUSE BLUNDELL SfREET LONDON N7 9BN TEL:071-607 8777 FAX:071·607 8774 QUEENS MILL ROAD HUDDERSFIELD HDI 31'G WESf YORKSHIRE TEL:(0484)514117 FAX:(0484)432861 M. Nigro BDS(RAND) Dental Surgeon Offering an Italian Service to the Italian Community. NHS and Private Dentistry. We indi~dually design and handmake Wedding Dresses Bridesmaids Dresses Pages Outfits Veils ete... Christenings first Communion Amanda Maccini Tel: 092) 8)5041 Linda Bertola TeI: 081 940 )807 MUSICA PER OGNI OCCASIONE Sposalizi, balli, parties etc ..... Ramon Gallo ed il suo Complesso Ravello si e' esibito con grandc successo alia Royal Albcrt Hall nel ballo 'La Vcneziana, 'Holiday Show Earls Court Italian Theme 1989' cd a '11 festival di Musica' a Henley per Martini Rossi. PrczzfragfoncYoli ODONTOIATRA Offrc un scrvizio all Communita' Italiana sia NHS che privati. 529 Kingsbury Road Kingsbury London NW9 9EG Tel: 081-204 8966 12 28/30 Market Place Hiltficld Herts AL10 OLN Tel: 0707-266731 MUSICPLA rED LIVE AROUND THE TABLES AND FROMSTA GE Musica tradizionale e modcma, italiana, inglese, contincntalc. Raimondo Gallo Tel: 081-888 4666 April 94 STUDIO PAZZI-AXWORTHY L'avvocato George Pazzi-Axworthy, solicitor e consulente di diritto italiano, annuncia che a partire dal 2 maggio 1994 i1 suo studio si trasferisce al seguente indirizzo: Llys Eira Birklands Lane St. Albans Herts AL11EQ Tel: 0727-823186 Fax: 0727-827685 L'avvocato seguitera' comunque come consulente dello studio Griffenhoofe a frequentare saltuariamente previo appuntamento a1 numero 5 di Coldbath Square, London EC1R 5HL TAR. OX TAR-OX Performance Braking Products A range of brake discs and brake pads to improve braking efficiency of vehicles for road and track. The brake discs are manufactured from special cast iron and have up to 40 grooves per surface to increase stopping power. The brake pads can be supplied in different compounds to suit the driver's requirements. Replacement Parts For FIAT - Yugo - Lada - Polski Lancia - Alfa Romeo Aprile 94 13 _-b~ ~- RlVJSl'A DEU.A COMUNlTA'rrAUANA Cronaca ( attivita'della comunita' Assemblea Generale della FAIE Domenica 20 fcbbraio si svolge I'asscmblca annuale generale della FAIE, la fcderazione delle associazioni italiane in Inghilterra. Sono prcscnti quasi tUlle le lissociazioni, un centinaio circa di persone. Introduce i lavori iI prcsidente, Cav. Antonio Perotti iI quale ritira le dimissioni, prima annunciate irrcvocabili e si ricandida alIa prcsidenza. Gia' si ballono le mani cd aI momento delle elczioni rimane candidato unico, dopo iI ritiro dell'Aw. Salvatore Sammarco, di Luigi Basancsc e del Rag. Lueiano Rapa. Ed iI Perotti viene rielello a voce di popolo. Nell'asscmblca iI diballito, iI confronto e' stato vivace, per non dire infuocato. In aula sono piovuti fendenti pcsanti. In praetica per dire ehe alia FAIE ei vuole spirito nuovo, programmi e contenuti seri, interventi puntuali su problemi conereti, quello della informazione e della formazione, quello della assistenza e della prcvidenza, quello sociale, culturale e politico, nel sellore giovani, anziani c donne, della disoccupazione e dei dirilli. In pratica le esigenzc nuove della comunita' che non si csauriscono nel momento dclla festa. E' in pratica iI molo dell'associazionismo in emigrazione che deve esscre rivisto perche' e' diventato un po' stagno, ricerca di sedie ) e di intercssi di parte, di personaggi e gmppi, in un momento di grandi carnbiamenti e rinnovamenti. In seena e' ritomato nuovamente iI testa del nuovo statuto e nuovamente I'asscmblca ha rimandato iI testa in commissione, formala, qucsta, dell'Aw. Sammarco, iI Comm. Giacon, Mons. Blanda e P. Parolin. Dcbitamente aggiomato, ritomera' in aula pe iI dibattito e I'approvazione. Nelle c1czioni del comitato csccutivo iI piu' votato e'stato iI Rag. Luciano Rapa, che e' stato quindi elello Vice presidente. I nuovi consiglieri sono, nell'ordine di voti ollenuti, -Roberto Malleoda, Cav. UlT. Gino Biasi, Umberto Ballarini, Luigi Basanese, Guglielmo Sammarco, Cav. Tcodoro Di Nardo, Luigi Picciano, Pierino Casclla, Giovanni Antonioni, Maria Sartori Lowe, Cav. Virgilio Coltelli. Da sinistra: Comm. Benedetto Longinotti, Presidente Onorario;, Virgilio Coltelli; Antonlo Perotti, Presidente; Luciano Rapa; Roberto Matteoda e Guglielmo Sammarco ('- c_o_s_e_N_u_o_v_e""""""_ _~) Sono stato a benedire un nuovo ristorante di fish and chips, molto familiare: mi sono divertito tanto con tulle queste belle giovani Signore. Fanno parte di un a grande bella famiglia dove ognuno aiuta I'altro. Naturalmente ci sono anehe gli uomuni di casa che aiutano e lavorano con -Ioro, ma nella fotografia non c'cntravano tulti, e allora ho seelto le Signore. E' stata una serata: molto simpatica. E' bello affidarc iI proprio lavoro al Signore Dio, per fare sempre la sua volonta' e per aiutarc iI nostro prossimo. -Questo nuovo, elegante, familiare ris_torante si trova a London Road, SWI7. Photo: P.Russo 14 April 94 $* DFnA COMUNITA'ITAUANA ( Federazione Italiani nel Mondo ) Festa di San Valentino La Festa di San Valentino ha rcgistralo anchc quest'anno iI pieno, cd e' stata una fcsta diffcrcnte pcrehe' abbiamo avuto iI piaccre di avere con noi i eoniugi MARTIN che cclcbravano iI Cinquanlcsimo Anniversario di Matrimonio. Dopo la Santa Mcssa cclebrata da Padre Carmelo, si e' passati nei locaIi del Club, dove si e' gustato un oitimo pranzo prcparalo dal Ristorante Franco della Vccchia Fircnzc con I'aiuto del caro amico Egidio Salussolia. Ncl corso del pomeriggio dopo la gara di ballo vinta dalle coppie Mr.Mrs. Esposilo e Mr. e Mrs. Vuoto, abbiamo resteggiato i coniugi Maurina e Gcorge Martin per iI loro bclIissimo traguardo e abbiamo chiesto loro pcrche' hanno pcnsato di fcsteggiarlo con noi. Hanno risposto: "Perche' siamo amanti dell'Italia, tutti i nostri amici sono itaIiani e ci parlano spesso di questa rcderazione: siamo contenti di csscrc " qui con voi H • Un grazie va a coloro che hanno cosi" generosa- I coniugi Mar/in che hanno jes/eggia/o 50 anni di ma/rimonio menle donato per la lotteria e l'asta: Peter MUlli, Maria Cavaciuti, Orlando Germano, Pini di Sullon, Annamaria, Elephant on the River Rest." Edoardo Pini di Harringay. Un grazie a tuUi coloro che hanno prestato iI loro lavoro volontario: Moscarilolo, Livio ZanclIi, Maria PelIicci, Maria Cavaciuti, Pia Pellicci, Marisa Rice, Rtccardo Del Marc, Tony Melina, Leonardo Diodati, Egidio Salussolia. . La resta e' continuata finD alle 20,30 circa con musica del Duo Gallo cd iI cantante Leonardo che, come al solito, si e' esibilo in bcllissime canzoni del suo rieeo repcrtorio. Diamo a tutti i nostri cari Amici appuntamenlo per iI 24 Aprile p.v. resta della Libcrazione dell' Italia. Raffaele Sistina Presidente Scpra: V%n/ari e memhri dell'Associazione Sollo: Amici che jes/eggiano Photo: P. Russo Continua a pagina 24 Aprile 94 15 Severino T rematore Fr. (now Mgr) Gaetano Rossi, in his Memories of 1940 relates how among the internees he met at Warth Mill, Bury, was an artist who painted triptych depicting the suffering Christ which was used at what proved to be the last Mass for Severino. Trematore and numerous other Italians who would shortly lose their lives on the Arnndora Star. The round-up of 1940 brought the male members of the Italian community together in a unique way. Men from all over Britain irrespective of their profession or social status were thrown indiscriminately into hastily improvised camps. Many, though not all, spent some time at. Warth Mill before being allocated to other centres. Among these were Severino Trematore who, after presenting Fr. Rossi with the triptych to embellish the temporary altar and exchanging a few plClisantries, left with the contingent which was put on board the Arandora Star which sailed from Liverpool on 1 July 1940. Fr. Rossi was left behind, but he retained the triptych which he took \vith him to two 16 ). Dunleavy other camps and he still has it among accept the offer, which would have enabled the artist to procure a more his possessions. Severino Trematore was born in varied diet that the rotten potatoes Torrc Maggiore, Forli', Italy in 1895. served up daily by the Austrians, A summary of his life and career Trematore declined the tempting ofappeared in Guida Generale... 1939 fer. What would undoubtedly have (London, Ercoli, 1939). His earliest been an invaluable addition to the instruction as a painter came from his growing volume of war works was father, though at the age of fiftcen he either lost or stolen in the confusion .entered the Royal Institute of Fine following the Austrian collapse and Arts at Naples, where he came under hurried repatriation in 1918. In 1930 Trematore took premises the influence of professor Barbato. At onc time it looked as though financial in London while continuing to mainproblems would oblige the budding tain his studio in Genoa. He was young artist to abandon his studies but already well known here, having won critical acclaim for his Moonlight Sonata at the Royal Scottish Academy exhibition in Edinburgh. The London Tatler reproduced this work in 1926 and other commissions came his way: from The Bystander:, L'IlIustrierte Familie Journal in Denmark; a number of publications in Holland; and Scena IlIustrata, Rassegna d'Europa, and Superba, in Italy. The inter-war years proved to be extremely creative and fruitful for Trematore. Many of the personalities captured by Trematore's brush were well known on the stage and scrcen of pre-war Italy: Emma Gramatica, Alda Borelli, Giulietta Dc Riso, and Marta Abba among others. Iri this category came Anna May Wong who enjoyed a world wide popularity. As a portrait painter it was said Trematore possessed a sense of colour to a high degree and in his painting there was always an clement of grace and nobility that he made his trademark. Trematore came to be a familiar figure in London's Italian community and was rarely ever absent from functions held by army veterans, in particular those organised by his AIpini comrades. His career was a the kindly professor agrced to remit remarkable onc by any standard: despite adversity in early life he persethe fces in exchange for paintings. In the first World War Trematore vered with his training and whether a joined the Alpini regiment, (an unu- P.C.W. or an internce he continued to sual choice for a Southerner) and after produce works of distinction which frontline service was captured and were much sought after. So far as is taken prisoner by the Austrians. Incar- known the triptych is the possession cerated in a camp near Salzburg he of Mgr Rossi was Trematore's last was able to continue to indulge his work. The theme he chose to depict passion for canvas and paint. The (influenced no doubt by the uncertainquality of his works so impressed his ties consequent upon the internment eaptors that the director of Salzburg policy) proved to be a poignant military Museum offered to purchase reminder of Easter which wc who arc' all Trematore's works: rather than left arc about to commemorate. April 94 FIAT MOTOR SALES PROMISES TO GIVE'YOU GREAT DEALS ON ALL YOUR MOTORING REQUI MENTS! /jjjI We care, very much, about your motoring needs and we are committed to giVing, you the best possible deal and service wc can. Apart from supplying new Fiat vehicles we arc also specialists in:... LCV, Guaranteed Used Vehicles - we have an ever changing stock of over onc hundred Fiat, Lancia and Alfa Homeo cars! "fill ra"lll!ll.,11J 1· 'I]~ i \' . • CHOOSE FROM OUR COMPRDIEXSrVE RlNC[. COMPEmM RATtS. RDfT BY••• DAY, WDl(, MONTH OR lONCDl:. SPECIAl. wmtEND RAltS • AlL MAJOR CRDXT CARDS ACCEP'JU). F~3~ 1£6831 ~~;;E I Fc~m 1£5681 ~~~E I 0SUtK. FA$lOOI'WU I.N$. CMOICt Of 13 c:ol.CilJtSo D1STWCTM lUJ: IJQIl1 tw$lUSo. YUSlONS" J • 5000lt o41;1lff'[mt DlGNS • a • SEATS FOUR ADULTS IN COMfORT. SIDE IMPACT BEAMS· ST[R[O RADIO CASSETTE. 60MPG AT 56MPH • REAR WASH WIPE • vtU$A.~noNWmA.m·'\'tM$'AlKt*KwmA.m. -alllifll "'TIPO PANDA ~3L~ 1£8831 ~~I:,'E I • 5 SPUD GEARBOX' R£AR WA$HJWIP[ • STEREO RAOIO/CAssnTE PlAyER • ADJUSTABlE DOOR MIRROR$ • 1iIBBO UNO 13l1liJlI FIORINO FROM ONLY 1£7,641Wf! -eHOICIOF uooce PlTtOl.0I17OOCC CIUO. [NCINU' uo KOPAn,OAO' 2,7 MTRS L040 SPAClo w. TEMPRA DUCATO FROM ONLY 1£11;319:~EI oupT01UOKGlLOAO' ~ c.uVANlStl) IOOTo. YLUII AN~TION W..utROlTY' P(T1l(lC,. ANI) OIUQ. MOOQ.$o r - -.... , ~7e.h • OPENING HOURS: ALPERTON ALPERTON 372 EAUNG ROAD 081 \~ ..:::::=.0 998 8811 Aprile94 • POWtR A$$t$TED STURlNG' nECTRIC tlLTjSUOE & GlASS SUNROOF • etNTRAL LOCKING. meTRIC fRONT 'NlNOOWS • SPlIT RtAR $(A ts • Mon-rrt 'am-7pm. Lat. nltht Wed until9pm Sat 9am-Spm, 5IIn 10.....pm BAKER ST. r:::Jjfj'1II;fII1::II1BAKER STREETI .-J ~... 6200-648AKERSTREET , , 071 4867555 ., nu I7 :tJ;~~ I A. COMUNITA.' ITAUANA. THE GARTHHOTEL BANQUETING & CONFERENCE SUITES 1 I The hotel has two new purpose built conference and banqueting suites capable of accommodating up to 300 people. Each suite is elegantly fllrnished and equipped to the highest standards with purpose built bars, full audio visual and lighting facilities, which help to provide the atmosphere for any occasion. A selection of menus are available for banquets with an emphasis on Italian cuisine. For more information or a brochure pack please contact Mr Marino at the Hotel. otu GARTHHOTEL Hrndon W'y' Crickkwood· London NW2 2NL RESERVATIONS 081-209 1511 18 April 94 :tJ;~.A Dall'ltalia COM\JNITA'rrALIANA news from Italy you may have missed Romans were allowed to break After years of secrecy, the Italian police used tear-gas to break the ban on Sunday shopping on 13 Vatican is to lift the lid on its accounts up a demonstration of more than 100 February, the first day of a city code and experts have revealed that they contraband cigarette-sellers protesting allowing scvcn-<iay trading and pitting forecast a funher £17 million loss for against a law meant to foree them off traditionalists against consumcrs. 1994. The Vatican holds shares in mM, the streets. Many small shop-owners say thcy will Fiat and Wait Disney among other havc to work every day to compete, companies but senior prelates are Italy's state-owned carrier A1italia arguing that only large retailers have known to be concerned over heavy and America's Continental are set to enough staff for the cxtra day. Rome's losses and may hopc that a new join forces on key transatlantic routes, ordinance is an exception to the openness may encourage the faithful to providing the ailing Italian airline with nationwide ban on Sunday shopping, foot someofthebill. the partnership it has longed for. "We and is being watched closely by other have exchanged a series of letters with cities. Continental outlining the agreement", an Alitalia spokesman said. "Wc just have to wait for our new management If divine help is required to shift AC to give the final agreement". Milan from top spot in. the Italian first division, then Lazio can call on their The mayor of Naples said that he most famous fan - Sister Paola. The nun plans to appcalto the European Union from Rome is a season-ticket holder for for funds to help his cash·strapped city Lazio's games at the capital's Olympic prepare for July's summit of lcaders of stadium. and has recently become a the Group of Seven (G7) industrial telcvision celebrity giving the live nations. Antonio Bassolino, whose city reports from the stands on Lazio's has debts of $1.8 billion. said that he home games for the off-beat Italian New image for the Vatican would meet Commission president soccer programme Quelli Che 1/ Jacques Delors in Brussels on 10 Calcio, (The Soccer Gang). When here beloved team play away, she comments Jose Carreras, the Spanish tenor, Mareh. The government of Prime on the game from the tv studio in and Giampaolo Cresei, the director of Minister carlo Azeglio Ciampi has set Milan, clutching her rosary beads for the Rome Opcra House, could go on aside $29 million to help Naples host trial for alleged financial malpractice the summit, but city officials say thalit good luck. over a July 1992concen. is not enough. On the second anniversary of A Rome prosecutor requested that the the unveiling of Italy's corruption two be sent for trial along with 21 80% of candidates standing for the scandal. newly-released ',statistics others for their alleged role in the two houses of parliament in the 27·28 underline the depths to which spendthrift management of the Opera, March elections are either new to investigations have damaged the which has run up a $21 million deficit national politiCS or are politicians who country. Since Milan magistrate over the past three years. The have switched panies. it emerged as Antonio Di Pietro caught Socialist prosecution claims that Cresei illegally lists elosed. Party apparatchik Mario Chicsa used sponsorship money to boost the receiving a $7,000 pay-off in February fcc paid to carreras in 1992. Instead of Police investigating an allegation 1992, 338 deputies, 100 senators and the strict, Opcra guideline sum of oftrafiicking in human organs in Rome 873 businessmen have fallen. into thc $18,000, plus expenses, carreras was have exhumed four bodies. The inquiry began after staff at the San camillo magistrates' net. The latest charges allegedly paid $24,000.. hospital told police of the illegal turned the spotlight on former communists when Massimo D'Alema, The charming town of TOOi, in removal of corncas. Magistrates deputy Ic.,dcr of the ex-eommunist Umbria, declared two years ago the diseovered that the corpses exhumed Democratic Party of the Left (PDS), most livable city in the world by the had artificial' eyeballs. In none of the University of Kentucky, has been cases had Ihe families agreed to the was registered on a list of suspects. thrown into turmoil by the US company removal of the eyes, and hospital which' chose the location to shoot a records did not indicate that such Judges passed jail sentences, commercial for a credit card. It shows a opcrations had taken place. including 13 life terms. on 97 members naive elderly couple whose camera is of onc of the country's most feared snatched by two young'locals who had R\!berto MazzoUa, chairman of crime organisations. Prison terms offered to take their picture. To their Italy's largest savings bank. the cassa totalli,ig 460 years were handed down great happiness. the tourists are di Risparmio delle Provincie Lomto .hicmbers of several 'Ndranghcta presented with a new camera. thanks to bardie, surrendered 10 police after crime families found guilty of charges their friendly credit card. Needless to prosecutors ordered his arrest on that included 20 murders. kidnapping, say, their euphoria is not shared by charges of corruption and illegal drug sllluggling and extortion. TOOi's outraged inhabitants. financing of political parties. Aprile94 19 RlVlSl'A DELLA COMUNITA'ITAUANA InCammino Con Carmelo Carissimi Fratelli e Sorel/e, Siamo nel periodo Pasquale. Buona e Santa Pasqua ad ognuno in particolare. Auguro a me e a tutti voi ehe possiamo sperimentare ogni giorno questo passaggio doloroso ma meraviglioso da venerdi' Santo allo splendore della Risurrezione. II 24 aprile e' la giornata mondiale delle vocazioni e vorrei rileggere con voi cio' che iI Papa ci dice, specialmente riguardo alia famiglia. Chissa' che iI Signore chiama qualche giovane 0 ragazza della nos· Ira Parrocchia nella via religiosa. "In spite of profound historical changes, the family remains the most complete and the richest school of humanity, in which one lives thc most significant expericnce of unselfish love, fidclity, mutual respect, and thc dcfcnce of Iifc. Its particular task is to protect and hand on virtues and values, by means of the education of the children, in such a way as to build up and promote the good of the individuals and of thc community. This same responsibility involves, with greater reason, thc Christian family, because its members, already consecrated and sanctified in virtue of their Baptism, are called to a particular apostolic vocation by the sacrament of Matrimony. The family, to the cxtcnt to which it becomes conscious of this singular vocation and measures up to it, becomes a community of sanctification in which one lcarns to live meekness, justice, mcrcy, peace, purity of heart. It becomes, in other words, what SI. John Chrysostom called "thc domestic church", that is a place in which Jesus Christ lives and works for the salvation of men and for thc growth of thc kingdom of God. The members of the family, called to faith and to eternal life, are "sharers in the divine nature", they are nourished at the table of the Word of God and of the Sacraments, and they express themselves in that evangelical way of thinking and acting whieh opens thcm up to a life of holiness on earth and of eternal happiness in hcaven. Christian parents, demonstrating a loving care for their children from their carliest years, communicate to them, by word and example, a sincere and lived out relationship with God, made up of love, fidelity, prayer, and obedience. In this way, parents encourage the holiness of their children 20 and render their hearts docile to the voice of the Good Shepherd, who calls cveryone to follow Him and to seek first the kingdom of God. In the light of this horizon of divine grace and human responsibility, the family can be considered a "garden" in which the 'seeds of vocation are able to blossom and grow to full maturity. The task of Christian parents is as important as it is sensitive, because thcy are .ca1led to prepare, cultivate, and protect the vocations which God stirs up in their family. They must, therefore, enrieh How can children, rendered morally orphans, without educators and without models, grow in their estecm for human and Christian values? How can these seeds of vocations, which the Holy Spirit continues to put into the hearts of the young generations, dcvelop in such a climate? The strength and stability of the fabrie of the Christian family represent the primary condition for the growth and maturation of sacred vocations, and they constitute the most pertinent response to the crisis of vocations. As I wrote in the Exhortation "Familiaris Con sortio": "cvery local Church and, in more particular terms, cvery parochial community must become more vividly aware of the grace and responsibility that it receives from the Lord, so that it might promote the pastoral care of the family. No plan for organised pastoral work at any level must cver fail to take into consideration the pastoral area of the family." thcmselves and their family with spiritual and moral values, sueh as a deep and convinced religious spirit, an apostolic· and ecclesial consciousness, and a clear idca of what vocation is. In fact, for every family, the decisive step to be taken is that of accepting the Lord Jesus as the centre and pattern of life, and in Him and with Him, becoming conscious of being the privileged place for authentic vocational growth. The family will fulfil this task if it is constant in its commitment and if it relies always upon the grace of God. For Saint Paul declares "the one who began a good work... will continue to complcte it until the day of Christ Jesus" (phi I 2:16). But what happens when the family lets itself become in consumerism, hedonism, and secularism, which upsct and block God's plan? How sad it is to learn of situations, unfortunately numerous, of families overwhelmed by sueh phenomena and of the devastating effectsl This is certainly one of the greatest concerns of the Christian comm·unity. It is above all the familics themselves who pay the price of the widespread disorder of ideas and of moral behaviour. But the Church also suffers from this, just as Society feels its effects. Let us pray. Family of Nazareth, community of love of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, model and ideal of every Christian family, to you we entrust our families. Open the heart of every family. to the faith, to welcoming the Word of God, to Christian witness, so that it becomes a source of new and holy vocations. Touch the hearts of parents, so that with eharity, wise care, and loving devotion they be for their sons and daughters sure guides towards spiritual and eternal values. Stir up in the hearts of young people a right conseience and a free will, SO that growing in "Wisdom, age and grace", they might welcome generously the gift of a divine vocation. Holy Family of Nazareth, grant that all of us, contemplating and imitating the assiduous prayer, generous obedience, dignified poverty, and virginal purity ·lived out in your midst, we might set about fulfilling the will of God and aecompanying with farsighted sensitivity those among us who are called to follow more closely the Lord Jesus, who "has given himself for us". Amen. o Holy Apri/94 I ) i I i i • i .. I II ate I i , - ----=-==-=- - -=' -'-0' --- - . - CK >-. ~ Cl ~ -r 1J:fate'\.\-~ ENTRY FORM (Please feel free to photocopy this fonn for your friends) FULL NAME: (Block Capitals) Address: Postcode: Day-Time Telephone Number: Evening Telephone Number: Golf Club Name: Golf Club Telephone Number: - - - - - - - - ' - - - - ' - - - - - - - Official Handicap:. Please return this completed form together with your cheque for £15.00 made payable to "BACKHILL" and a large stamped self-addressed envelope. (Applications fOTmS received without either a cheque or a SSAE will be rejected.) Please send to: Peter Ciccone Secretary of the BACKHILL Golfing Society 1 Temple Parade Netherlands Road New Barnet Hertfordshire EN5 1DN 2 0. CK' <4l :>-. o~ 'l , 4fat ~ ""-~ Cv . THE INAUGURAL BACKHILL GOLF MATCHPLAY GENTLEMENS AND LADIES SiNGLES KNOCKOUT COMPETITION IN/lID OF LEUKAEMIA RESEARCH Prizes: For Finalists and Semi-Finalists (Both Gentlemens' and Ladies' Competitions)· and "The BACKHILL Masters Tropby" Entry Fee £15 per Player ALL ENTRY FEES WILL GO DIRECTTO LEUKAEMIA RESEARCH AND WILL AUTOMATICALLY PROVIDE MEMBERSHIP TO THE BACKHILL GOLFING SOCIElY Maximum number of participants will be 64 on a first-come-first-served basis for each competition. . " TIlE COMPETITION Matchplay knockout 3/4 difference of handicap allowance. Maximum competition handicap < Gentlemen 18: Ladies 36 (higher handicappers may enter and play off the maximum handicap) Each round draWn (first round draw will group competitors geographically) DATES Closing date for entries and first rou!!d draw 15tJ! April 1994 First round to be completed by 22nd May Second round to be completed by 19th June Third round to be completed by 10th July Quarter finals to be completed by 30th July Semi-Finals "to be completed by 25th September Final to be comllleted by 30th October The Semi-Finals and 'Final will be played on a home and "away basis. In all matches the. cost of the green fees is to be split equally between the two competitors. . COMPETITION RULES 1. The competition is open to readers' of BACKHILL, their relations and friends. 2. Competitors must have a current valid recognised golf club handicap. 3~ Each roun4's draw will be posted to competitors remaining in the competition. Results will be published in BACKHILL Magazine. 4. Responsibility of fIXing a time and date rests with both competitors (not with those who are drawn at home). Competitors are reminded that if goodwill and flexibility are shown in the arrangementsof.dates, no problems will arise. 5. If an agreement is not reached on a date for play before the time has expired for the round in question and the Organisers are not notified of the agreed winner, then both competitors will be disqualified. 6. Extensions of time, with the agreement of the Organisers, will only be given if courses have been unplayable for a . protracted period. 7. Competitors drawn at "home" will share the cost of their opponent's green fee. Matches may alternatively be played at a mutually agreed venue if a competitor wishes to forego "home" advantage. In any event, green fees are to be shared by both competitors. 8. In the event of any dispute the decision of the Organising Committee is final and binding. 9. The Semi-Finals and Final are to be played on a home and. away basis. The first named competitor of each match shall be "at home" in the first leg. 10. The organisers reserve the right to cancel the competition and refund entry fees in the event of insufficient support. 4 J :tJ;* I>F:lLA COMUNITA'ITALIANA La Vita della nostra Parrocchia Sono nati alia vita di Dio con iI Santo Battesimo Daniela Gactana Kettle: Graham Kettle e Sandra OIah Sterano Alessandro Inzani: Robcrto Inzani e GiIlian Davies Liana Gloria Karby: Mark Karby e Nadia Carnporesc Navccn Deluca: Riaz Mohammed e Lam Puppctti Andrea Brono Marcovccchio: Alfonso Mareovccchio e Elconora Roneo Iona Isabella Dick: Grahame Dick e Elisabctta Primavcra Gianluea Covelluzzi: Luciano eovelluzzi e Anita Belloli Sofia Carla Dclfina Cordani: Alcssaudro Cordani e Franccsca Manzi Hanno unit9 le loro vite davanti a Dio nel Matrimonio Anna Ruszczak • John Moloney Adanica Rouchetti • Rosario Teuma Riposano nella Pace del nostro Signore Sergio Platoni Raymond Wcbbcr Giordano Fiorcntino Rocco Digilio Gina Falletti Oggetti Religiosi Ogni domenica dalle 9.45 a.m. · 2.00 p.m. al n. 2 Back Hill potete trovare tutti gli oggetti religiosi: Prima Comunione, Cresilila, Matrimoni, Benedizione del Papa, Rosari, Bibbie, Statue, iI Nuovo Catechisma della Chiesa Cattolica, quadri ecc. Aprile94 21 :tJ:.~~ r----..,....---------....;.,.,-, I A COMUNITA'ITALL\NA If you are BUYING, LETTING, SELLING or RENTING your RESTAURANT or other CATERING 000 P!Jcardij/d P!J()/JJ'th'JU&)(e @ u1k ~w(Y)(~J 'f!?()/)~ttt J J Cl/Jtd ~~ !()/}t- a$ OC<Xl4tlMl4- Wall , CONTACT - PHIL GAUDINI Qif!;,WJI<XT- ?IOW OtM< ca:cI((4MJ(} CPJl4 :JC() ?,((4'!l() QTd./~a.· 081-1;82 16'.17 a4'11 w}}le Tel: 071-3889633 High speed colour printing Leaflets and Brochures Sterling Printing ComJlany limited Continuous Stationery 22 78 Bounds Green Rd. London NIf 2EU 081-888 9153 :J;~FJLA COMUNITA'ITAlJANA Photography & Video Production 5 Backhill, London EC1 Tel: 071-278 6722 m Weddings ,i< Portraits ,i< Christenings ;i~ ,1< m ,1, ,l< Video Wedding Invitations Wedding Cars Passport Photos Selection of Designer Albums from Italy ~~~~ High quality service at affordable price ~:-~~~ The studio is located next to the Italian Church ~:-~~~ Open every day including Sunday morning friiriChi =======locks&tooIs . • HAND & POWER TOOL SPECIALISTS • PLANT HIRE & POWER TOOL REPAIRS • ARCHITECTURAL& BUILDERS IRONMONGERS • LOCKSMITHS FELIX BUREAU AOENZIA DILA VORO SPECIALIZZATO PER PERSONALE ALBERGHIERO HA A DISPOSIZIONE POSTI VACANTI PER PERSONALE QUALIFICATO NEL SETTORE FOR ALL CATERING STAFF EMPLOYMENTBUREAU MANAGERS, HEAD WAITERS, WAITERS, WAITRESSES,lsI/2nd/3rd CHEFS, VEG COOKS, KITCHEN PORTERS, SNACK BAR COUNTER HANDS AND' STAFF ETC... He-~O"iCO: 278 HoIIowayRoad.lono::Jon N7 6NE also_t: 144.t46Keflt<:shTownRoad.l.ondonMV19OB TelePhOne: 071o{1;)7 2200 80 SHAFTESBURY AVENUE LONDONWI TEL: 071-437 8513 OR071-4714/4840/4467 Telephone: 071-267 3138 Aprile94 23 :/f!:~DLA COMUNlTA'ITALIANA Cronaca ( continua da pagina 15 Associazione Gioventu' Val D'Arda ) Thc Val D'Arda Youth Association hcld a Valcntinc's Party which, tlianks to thc support of the Italian Community in London, proved to be highly successful. Thc highlight of thc cvening was a first prize of a romantic holiday for two in Vcnice, donated by Italian Impulse. Thc Val D'Arda Youth Association is, to hold a Gala Dinncr Dance in October of this year and it is hoped that continued support will allow for a successful cvcnt. Proceeds of tllC Valcntinc's party have in part been donated to St. Pctcr's Italian Church Restoration Fund. Thc commillcc whishcs to thank evcrybody for coming and hope tliat you all had an enjoyable cvening. Filippo Inzani Prcsidcntc The Val D'Arda Youth Commillee with Padre Russo Photo: Salvatore Maucuso ( Amici Castelletto ) Castcllcllo ha fallo la sua simpatica fcsta nei locali dcl nostro Club: Don Carlo Sorcnti ha benedcllo la mensa, perchc' Don Carlo e' proprio di 'CastcIlCllo. Gentc simpatica: mangiarc buono, vino chc fa ballarc c cantarc: c la fcsta c' fatta. Auguroni a Castellcllo c a tuita la gcnte. Destra: una festa a/legra Sollo: Padre Sorrenti con parole di ringraziamento FolD: P. Russo 24 Apri/94 :t:* DFnA COMUNITA'ITAIJANA [ Paese di Ceriato ) '------=-:..:...:..::..:--=----~ Una fesla semplice si e' falta nel nostro Club in favore del paesino di Ceriato. Se la festa e' stata sempliec, iI euore delle persone che la hanno organizzata e' stato grande, e I'atretto delle persone che hanno partccipato e' stato tanto sinecro. E' sempre tanto bello ritrovarsi insieme: alcune volte abbiamo I'abito da sera, altre volte solo unmaglionemail nostro spirito e' scmpre bello, elegante, generoso. Tanti auguri a Ceriato. lmmaginc dclla fes/a Ceria/o L'Associazione della Madonna della Neve Domenica 5 Marzo I'Associazione della Madonna della Neve (CaJabritto) ha orgonizzato un lunch nelle Sale del Social Club, in favore della Chiesa Italiana. AlIe 12,15 abbiamo avuto la Messa dove hanno cantato i nostri giovani. Poi tutli nella Sala rossa del Club. C'era gente allegra e simpatica, tanti cari amici ehe aiutano non solo la nostra Chiesa, ma anehe gli altri Centri Italiani. Proprio per questo abbiamo avuto iI piaecre e I'onore di avere con noi Monsig. Agostino Gonella che ha bencdetto la mensa. La festa e' andata avanti con mangiare, bcre e musica veramente eccczionali. Ma queste feste di aiuto riescono anche bene quando ci sono gli amici gencrosi che si impegnano ad aiutarci: e cosi' e' andato tutto avanti cd alia fine della festa iI nostro Paolo Ficchi, a nome di tutti gli amici che hanno partccipato, ha consegnato al Fondo Restauri della Chiesa la somma di seiecnto sterline. Sopra: Monsignor Gonella (des/ra) con amici e membri dell'Associazione. Sollo: alcunf ospili alia jes/a FOlo: R. RuJSo Madonna della Neve, Calabritto c Amici tutti, tanti ringraziamenti a!fettuosi. Aprile94 25 :!J;~FJ:LA COMUNITA'ITALlANA Eurofocus notizie da/la C£ Disoccupazione: Pesca Economia sempre in aumento ovviare la crisi segni di ripresa Nell'Unione, 'tanto in ollobie come in novembre ,1993, iI tasso di disoccupazione e' stato del 10,8%, nettamente superiore al 9,8%',rilevato, un anno prima. La percentuale ·di disoccupazione femminile (12,5%) rimane piu' alta di quella maschile (9,7%), ehe pero' e' in rapido aumento soprattullo tra i giovani di eta' inferiore ai 25 anni: per i ragazzi H20,5%, e per le ragazzc iI 21,4% (in confroillo 18,1% e 19,8% del novembre 1992. In un anno, la disoccupaziQne e" aumentata ovunque nell'Eiuopa dei Dodici, tranne in IrJand3, dove e' rimasta stazionaria e in Gran Brelagna, dove e' invccc diminuita leggermentc. Le differenzc tra i paesi rimangono sempre enormi: vanno dal 2,9% del Lussemburgo fino al 22,4% della Spagna. AlI'inizio di fcbbraio, la televisione ha mostrato le impressionanti immagini dei violenti seontri tra le forze dell'ordine e i 'pCSCatori" fraricesispinti dalla disperazioric e dalla collera provocate, dall'ennesimo c;aIo dei prczzi del pcscc, in cadutil libera gia' fin dall'inizio del '93. Rispondendo alIa riehiesta del governo francese, la Commissione europca immcdiatamente fisso' i prezzi minimi per iI pesee imporlato nell'Unione europca da paesi terzi, ehe vennero mantenuti fino al 15 marzo 1994. La Commissione ha anehe proo posto ai o Dodiei una di serie misure concrete per lottare contro le cause . profonde della erisi in questo settore: vietare 10 sbarco diretto del pcsce dai battelli stranieri nei porti dell'Unione; prevcdere stanziamenti per rimodemare la flotta da pcsca; I'aequacoltura; aeeordare aiuti per I'industria della trasformazione e per la commereializzazione dei prodotti ittici. La Commissione ha proposto di avviare anehe campagne promozionali per spingere gli europei a consumare piu' pcscc. I dati di ottobre sulla produzione industriale nell'Unione mostrano piccoli segni di ripresa. Nei tre mesi da agosto a ottobre, riSpellO ai tre e' precedenti, la produzione auinentata' dello' 0,3%. GIi aumenii sono stati registrati in nove paesi 50 dodiei, in particolare in Danimarca (4,9%), in Irlanda (3,2%) e in Portogallo (2,1%). Nello stcsso periodo la produzione di beni d'investimento, ehe indica la tendenza dell'attivita' cconomica, e' diminuita dello 0,3% e I'indice di produzione dell'ottobre scorso ha registrato una contrazione del 3,1% rispetto a quello dell'ottobre 1992. Apicoltura Ogni anno I eiltadini dell'Unione europca consumano· circa 250.000 tonnellatc 'di miele, di eui circa la meta' viene fomita dai 458.000 apieoltori europei ehe eurano setti: milioni di alveari. La Franeia e' iI primo produttore dell'Unionc (36.000 tonnellate), s.cguita dalla Germania (25.000), dalla Spagna (23.000) e dall'llalia (9.000). L'apicoltura europca, autentico modello di agrieoltura ceologica tradizionale, oggi si trova 1U diffieolta" ,soprallulloa eausa delle importazioni, di miele a basso prezzo proveniente da paesi terzi. Le misure suggerile dalla Commissione? Prezzi minimi per imporlazioni, severi eriteri di qualita' per hicommereializzazione del miele nell'Unione, stanziare finanziamenti diretti. Misure, quindi, di moda. Almeno non cereheranno a spingerei -: consumarc piu' miele. Aparte gli seherzi, gli aiuti sono importanli anehe ,per I'equilibrio ceologico: le api, infatti, favorendo l'impolIinazione assieurano iI rlnnovo di moltisSime specie di piante e eontribuiscono, al miglioramento di non'poche qualita' di frutta. 26 Consumatori: primo concorso I giovani 'consumatori, ehe in quanto acquirenti ancora non possicdono H Senso eritico degli adulti, assai spcsso sono iI bersagliero preferito dl. seducenti incssaggi pubblieitari. Per spingerli a diventare consumatori attenti, la Commissione ha dcciso di organizzare un grande concorso europco sui tema "Come scegliere un prodotto?", rivolto a tUlli i giovani dell'Unione tra i 10 e i 14 anni. L'originalita' dell'iniziativa e' di proporrc ai giovani di informare altri giovani. I candidati al concorso Lingue dovranno rcalizzare materiale Per prepararsi a condurre i loro d'informazione (opuscoli, riviste, treni a Parigi e a Bruxelles attmverso esposizioni, montaggi di ogni tipo, H tunnel sotto la Manica, i diapositive, cce.) per sensibilizzare i macehinisti Inglesi ehe a seuola non coctanei ai problemi legati al hanno imparato ncssuna lingua consumo, come H rapporto qualita' straniera, si sono dati al francesc, prczzo dei prodotti, le conseguenzc prima nel proprio paese e poi in ehe possono avere sull'ambiente, la Francia. Questo e' uno dei 96 progetti sieurezza cce. In linea di massima, i di "Iingue straniere nella vita prodotti di eui si parla sono quelli ehe cconomica" ehe iI programma di solito vengono acquistati dal come i UNGUA ha finanziato nel 1993:Altri pubblico . giovane; progctti hanno permcsso a quadri ~mpaet-dise, 0 gli equipaggiamenti commerciali, a sindacalisti, a per 10 sport. I vineilori riccveranno funzionari comunali cd a handicappati svariati premi e I loro mcssaggi di Imparare un'altra lingua verranno diffusi dalle reti televisive degli Stati membri. dell'Unione europca. April 94 J :/!f:.~FlLA COMUNITA'rrALIANA For a Rainy Day Funding Life Assurance Policies suggests, is a hybrid of (I) and (2) above. . Non-Profit Polities: The benefit is a fixed capital sum, or amount seThe principal activity of a life lected at outset, when the policy is assurance company is to offer: risk effected. The amount becomes payprotection, investments and financial able at maturity of the policy or on services to individuar and corporate the death of the life assured - whichclients. In providing this service, it ever occurs' first. Such policies, alwill underwrite' a wide range of life though not popular today, are useful assurance policies for savings and where a specified amount of moncy is protection, together with individual required at a given time in the future. and group pension arrangements. The term "underwrite" refers to the procedure by which the life assurance company will assess a risk proposition put to it and consequently decide whether to accept it and, if so, at what premium. This need to assess a risk and charge a premium to reflect the degree of risk that the life assurance company is willing to accept mainly relates to policies which are With-Profits Polities: The premiissued for protection purposes only, ums paid by with-profits policyholdand which do not contain an invest- ers form a fund, from which all claims ment element in the premiums. Exam- and running costs are deducted. Once ples include Family Income Benefit these liabilities on the fund are met, policies and Term Assurance policies, any surplus premiums are placed in a both of which offer protection for a broad spread of investments, which limited or temporary period. A claim can include: ordinary shares, Governwill only arise should the life assured ments securities, debentures, property, die within the prescribed term of the mortgages and loans. In addition to policy. Beyond this basic' protection need, the profits generated by their own life assurance can also be used as an premiums" with-profits policyholders effective investment medium,. In the also benefit from the profits which case of a Whole Life Policy a payout arise from transacting non-participatwill occur on the death of the life ing classes of business, such as term! assured, whenever that takes place. In temporary assurance and unit-linked the case of an endowment policy, the policies.. Overall profits should arise, therepolicy will mature and payout a sum from: skilled assessment of unfore, of money after a fixed term, usually ten years or more. Premiums therefore derwriting risks, efficient administraare higher compared to temporary tion of the fund and sound investment protection policies, as a proportion of performance. Sound underwriting each premium will have to generate a should ensure that prcmium income return to provide'the inevitable payout exceeds claims and good management by the life company. This return can should reduce the running expenses to a minimum. In addition, profits either be:(a) Guaranteed - in which case the achieved by the life assurance compolicy is referred to as "non-profit"; pany in its general field of activities and in the investment of surplus or (b) Linked to the life company's premiums should collectively generate a profit within the with-profits fund. investment performance - either: Periodically (usually once a year) (I) by having a "with-profits" policy, where the benefits under the policy the life assurance company will value are indirectly affected by perform- the fund, which will consist of the above assets and liabilities in varying ance; (2) by having a "unit-linked" policy, degrees. Any profit is allocated to the wherc the link with investment per- with-profits policyholders as a bonus or addition to the sum assured on the formance is direct; or (3) by having a "unitised with- policy. The amount of profit allocated profits'" policy which, as the name will depend· upon the constitution under which the life office is estab- Aprile 94 Richard Si/via Iished. If it was set up as a mutual company (i.e. one owned by the policy holders themselves) 100% of any profit will be allocated in the form of a bonus. Conversely, if it is established as a proprietaJy company (i.e. one that distinguished policyholders from shareholders) it is usual for a minimum of 90% of the profits from the fund io be paid as a bonus to with-profits policyholdcrs and a maximum of 10% to be, paid as a dividend to shareholders. To summarise, with-profits policies pay a lump sum at the end of the duration of the policy, consisting of a guaranteed sum assured and accumulated bonus as outlined above. This guaranteed sum assured is lower than "non-profit" policies - but this is provided for by the addition of a bonus, on a regular basis, throughout the term of the policy. Once these bonuses are declared they are guaranteed and eannot be taken away. There are three types of bonuses payable: (a) Reversionary - normally added on an annual basis, once the fund is valued; (b) Special - added periodically, and usually infrequently at the life company's discretion; as a result of exceptional investment returns; and (c) Terminal - paid on maturity of the policy; to the end of its term and reflecting any capital gains made within the fund over the long term. In the evcnt of the death of the life assured before maturity of the policy, the insurance company will pay the guaranteed sum assured plus all bonuses (including thosc previously declared, terminal and aecumulated) at the time of death. However, the actual rate of any bonus ean never be guaranteed and will vary. The with-profits policyholder must accept that any benefit which he is to derive from the policy is indirect and will depend on how \\ell the life assurance company does in investing the surplus premiums within its Life Fund. (the Information above is based on OUT under.. ItandJng of cu"enl kgis!alion and tax regula. lions which are both subject to change. Richard Si/vio ;s a Company RepresentaJiYe of Guardian Financial Services marketmg group (membmofM'hlchart: membtTlofUUTROand IAIRO) only for the purpose ofadvising on and sellIng /ife assurance. pension. unit trust and personal equity plan products karing Guardi~ anFinanciaJ&rvicesname. Continued next month 27 -b~ . -.:~=_ _ __=:RIVISr~~"'~D~ELLA COMUNITA'ITALIANA r Maria Grace Registered residential Care home for the Elderly Welcome to Maria Grace residential Care Home * Homefrom Home * The Home where individual bomboniere tulle eonfetti liori BOMBONIERE NELLA PIU' BELLA TRADIZIONE ITALIANA ~ ,.. Claudia Simioni 77 Pine Walk Carshalton Beeches Surrey SMS 4HA Tel: 081-6427 172 NEGRONI. TIiE ITALIAN STAR AT YOUR TABLE tradition value is the nonn. Providing 24 hour long tenn Residential Care. Short Tenn!Respite Care, Day Care, Community/Domiciiiary Care. For Details Please Call :- (0622) 755859 31 Bueldand Road, Maidstone MEI6 OSL Mr. & Mrs. Cirelli Resident Proprietors & Managers Registered Nurses-Specialists in the Care of the Elderly. MEMBER OF K.C.H.A. STU'OIO "ARIS PIIOTOGRAPIIY & VIOEO A Personal and Friendly Service for your Wedding Day. Prints in Colour, Black and Wltite and Blackand Wltite Hand Painted and Toned. A Good Selecliolt of Hand-Made Italian Leatlter Albums. A Two Camera Video Service also available. Book botl. Plwtograpl.y and Video to receive a Free 20" X 16" Canvas PI.otograpl. of your clwice. For an Appointment to View our Work ring Arturo on 081 851 8975 or 081852 7362 willt no obligation. OTIIERPIlOTOCRAPIlICSERVICES Commercial. P.R.. Sodal 28 April 94 J - _.----._ ..... ........ '"' - , ~_ .,..-~'~ .. -- "'_._~~'--- ~-<'<-~-. Beautiful Homes start with ~ ... ~. i>" ~ ELITES LE Stylish italian furniture • Traditional to modern Dining Room} Bedroom & Lounge Furniture .;,::,.'" i,,··;, :.::.:..~ ~ ,'''.0,:'', - -. >( ~ ... ~~.::;:.J\.':':: '<".:~~~~:':~')+$ "~"";:~,'ff4&,' Beautiful homes start with Elitestyle. For allYOllr furniture needs from the traditional to the most modern Italian designs. "'" Exciting IOllnge and dining raOllz suites are available in a beautiful select/on ofcolours • and designs. ~ ~<'~' ELITESTYLE • ¥V:';;... ."a:&& m""b1Ma••,n:."''''M Ell.nu JUJi&R1dNilIMMif!ilMHMIH""iIIiili1WMiiMiiiiI1!IYI!Im!I!r1BlllB:1 :iJ;~;;u A COMUNITA'ITALIANA Veritatis Splendor We have now arrived at the last instalment of this series on the papal encyclical, "Veritatis Splendor" which our Holy Father wrote concerning the Chureh's stand on moral theology. The third and last chapter of this encyclical is entitled, "Lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power". In the last chapter we spoke about the freedom that each of us has and the necessity of this freedom. I fact, at the beginning of this chapter Pope John Paul states that "only the freedom which submits to the truth leads man to his'true good. Thc good of each man is to be in the truth and to do thc truth". The truth that the Pope is referring to here is the truth of God. God is thc ultimatc truth for all of creation. The Pope will then go on to say that "This essential bond between truth, the good and freedom has been largely lost sight of by present day culture. As a result, helping man rCdiscover it represents nowadays one of the specific requirements of the Church's Michele Scotto SAC mission for the. salvation of the I said that sin is literally setting yourself up as a god. Our first world". Our freedom is a gift and must parents did this and became slaves be cultivated responsibly. When our to their sinful ways. We still first parents lived in the garden, they experience this slavcry to sin. Our were given freedom to do as they baptism washes away our original pleased. However, they were told not sin - but the effects still remain. We to eat the fruit of the tree that would be lost if it wasn't for the contained the knowledge of good cross of Christ. By His passion, death and resurrection we have been set free. We are a new creation. In Him we have been set free. Therefore when the Church stands up to defend moral norms, Why did she is serving man's true freedom. they eat of There can be no freedom that this tree? opposes the truth. And before the demands of morality we are all absolutely eqnal. Well, that ends my critique of the encyclical. I hope that it made all of you think and reflect a little on what the Pope has tried to tell and evil. Why did they eat of this us. If you get a chance do try and tree? Because thc serpent, the devil read the encyclical on your own and said to them that if they ate this discover the· great richness of the fruit, they would become like gods. church's teaching. If you remember from the last time, Un Appello del Consolato Generale Appelio per salvare la vita del giovane Devin Colannino Kevin Colannino, venticinquenne italobritannico abitante a Middlesborough, ha urgente bisogno di trovare un donatore di midollo spinale. Fino ad ora, per quanto sia stata gia~' effettuata un'accurata ricerea al centro specialistico Antony Nolan Bone Marrow Trust e' risultato impossibile trovare un donatore idonco a causa dell'incompatibilita', probabilmente dovuta a questioni di razza. I medici hanno pertanto suggerito al Colannino di trovare un donatore nell'ambito del gruppo etnico italo britannico. 11 donatore dovrebbe preferibilmente cssere: • di sesso maschile • in ottima salute • di eta' compresa tra i 18 e 40 anni La persona da contattare e' Ms Pat Midgley - tcl 0642-783 829. Si s:;ra" grati ai direttoridella rivista per ogni possibile collaborazione al fine di divulgare suddette informazioni. Si precisa, ad ogni buon fine, che iI Sig. Colannino ha aUlorizzato, per iscritto, questo Consolato Generale a rendere pubblico iI suo caso. Dolt. Paolo Cartocci Vice Commissario Amm.vo 30 Apri/94 j _ _ _ _ _4 ttdIuIt- -b . ~ RIVlSI'A DF.LLA COMUNITA'TrAUANA Cinema I don't know about you, but I had the distinet fecling of being let down when I saw Sister Act. It was a good idea. A protected witness being hidden in a convent. The protected witness being Whoopi Goldberg, one almost salivated at the comic possibilities; evcn the cliches could have worked. Well, if you thought Sister Act was somcwhat of a letdown, then you will be seeking retribution from the gods in Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit. Doloris (Whoopi Goldberg - see photo) has now made the big time and Revcrend Mother (Maggie Smith woefully 'underutilised) uses that well oiled Catholic weapon - guilt - to persuade hcr to return to the fold and help them'with a school they now run. Every cliche is thcre including psychologieally imbalanccd brothers and a singing nun who has come straight out of those Airport movies. Whoopi Goldbcrg struck gold and an Oscar with Ghost. Hcr serious (The Colour Purple and The Long Walk Home) and comic talent (Ghost and Jumping Jack Flash) are undeniable but she really must exercise more discernment when selecting her script. Just what James Coburn was doing there I'm not sure. Perhaps he was dusting off the aeting cobwebs for I will not be surprised if we don't see a comeback from him in the near future. Sec it if you must, but there are more comic and enjoyable films around. It will also save you the frustration of thinking what might have been if Bill Duke, the director, had asked for a less slapdash script. Bogart and Bacall, Hepburn and Tracey, Lcmmon and Matthau. Those partnerships of chemistry that cannot be manufactured on screen. The latter are back together - (for the first time?) in Grumpy Old Men. It deals \villi those next door neighbours in a Minnesota town whose rivalry is fuelled oncc more by the arrival of a new girl on the block Ann-Margret. Burgess Meredith givC5 a lovely performancc as Lcmmon's father and Daryl Hannah walks through her role as Lcmmon's daughter (will wc ever see her acting again like she did in Steel Magnolias?). All in all a passable film, especially for LcmmonlMatthau die-hards Apri/e 94 Agrifoglio Boseo but not one of their classics. Perhaps the seript was not up to the razor sharp Neil Simon standard, but boy can they still actll There-is really very lillle to say about Gunmen except don't waste your money in seeing it. It made me rcalise the entertainment value in party. political broadcasisl Just what Patrick Stewart was doing thcre I don't know I Why Christopher Lam- bert was cast who knows? He is a fine example that disprovies the theory that all Frcnchmen are born with charm. Despite all this I was sufficiently impressed \vith Mario van Pcebles who I had nevcr seen before. Basically Gunmen suffers from the fact that it doesn't know what it is. It is only half way through the film and a number of violcnt scenes later that it decides to be tonguc-in-check which was never going to work With Lambert around. Let's hopc he and we have bellcr luck \vith Highlander /11. Fortunate timing allows me to comment on the 1994 Oscars. I am sure there \viII be much disappointment and backlash from the Press at the poor result of the British contenders. After all, over a quarter of those nominated were British yet only two were \vinncrs but really there is little to complain about. When it comes to the Oscars, it is not a question of merit or necessarily talcnt, though this has somctimes been known to get in the wayl All too ollen it is a question of the face filling, a fashionable subject (or as they say now, politically correct) or it being someones turn to \vino An example of the second is Tom Hanks's award and of the last Tommy Lee Jones. What The Fugitive was doing being nominated .for Best Film is still a puzzlement but .how he outvoted Ralph Fiennes for his portrayal in Schindler's List is beyond me. Was it that they fclt it time to reward the loyal Jones or that they felt they were condoning Naziism by voting for someone who portrayed an agent of it? Was his pcrformance just too good? And why on earth was Sir Anthony Hopkins not nominted for Shadowlands which was an enormous acting feat for him? Having said that I was pleased to see some good sense and judgement prevail \vith the just rewards bestowed upon Steven Spielberg.a Despite the lack of \vinners, what is clearly not in doubt is the wealth and breadth of talent in this country: So why don't wc make our own films? Showdowlands, that archetypal British film did not have a pcnny of British funding. I eannot even berate the lack of imagination of the financial institutions. After all what financial incentives do theyget to encourage them? You guessed it. The ludicrous tax laws positively discourage foreign actors and productions to come to this country let alone anything we may have here ourselves They seem to be SUcccding despite the government rather than because of it. But for how long? And when \viII the government learn that a reasonable pcrcentage of a small amount is beller that a large pcrcentage of nothing! I have also heard the general groan that goes up when the film industry is mentioned. The refusal to give special treatment to an insignifieant industry. How much money has been poured into the ear industry? And how has it suffered by being lell standing by the rest of the world? Well by the year 2000 the film industry and related media \viII be larger than any ear industry now. Enough! Let's stop moaning and start queuing to see a good crop of films out at the moment. By the way I forgot to mention it last month - it's good to be backI 31 :t:~ DF:LLA COMUNITA'ITALIANA Sportlight I am dictating this articlc while the state of euphoria still pervades all those around me. After a season of mixed fortunes and form, Arsenal have just defeated Torino 1 - 0 to reach the European Cup Winners Cup Semi Final. Their opponents are as yet unknown. Can Arsenal really go all the way and win their first European Competition for 24 years? They say love is blind and certainly you will Above: exceptional Anderton Below: Adams winner not read anything from me which casts doubt on that possibility. I still vividly recall that night at Highbury in 1970 when they won the Fairs Cup against A!,derlecht 3 - O. The whole of my school days had been spent in the shadow of supporters of Spurs and Manchester United who had doubles and European Cup Wins 10 crow about. My proudest rejoinder as an Arsenal supporter was that Gcorge Eastham had been in the 1966 England World Cup winning squad. But Gcorge had departed for Stoke a couple of years beforehand 32 Richard Evans and after traumatic League Cup Final defeats in successive years, the first expeCted against Leeds, the second totally unexpected against Swindon, surely now was the moment when the Gods shone down on the men in red and white. I was just about to achieve my eighteenth birthday and the Mayor of Brent in her infinite generosity was throwing a reception at the Town Hall for all people who eame of age. There really was no competition. A younger school friend by the name of Dave Morton accepted the Certifieate in my name while I arrived an hour and a half early at the ground, walking the streets, and searching the heavens for divine intervention. It eame in the form of Eddie Kelly, closely followed by John Radford and Ion Sammcls and a 2 - 1 deficit was quickly turned round into a 4 - 2 victory. In many ways it was an even more emotional night than twelve months later when Frank McLintock lifted the FA Cup to signal the achievement of Arsenal's double. It is being a bit fanciful, to compare last night's game against Torino with that of the game against Anderlecht.. Arsenal had controlled the first leg in Turin when, in my view, George Graham had shrewdly kept Ian Wright up in the stands. There were moments during the first half at Highbury, when I feared that Wright would be lucky to escape with merely a yellow eard which, in turn, would put him our of the next tie. This was not because of any violent behaviour on the field but because of his reaction to the taunts from the Torino section of the crowd. All around us were praying for him to keep his cool and get on with playing the game. Whilst Arsenal undoubtedly had more of the possession in their home leg, they seldom threatened to score, which had also been the case in Turin. Mind you, this was hardly surprising. Man to man marking and a sweeper defensive system, relying upon the counter-attack, is not a formula likely to promote a free scoring match. Torino were unfortunate not to have Carbone available but in sixty. six minutes, Adams rose to mect a Davis free kick and head it past Galli for the only goal of the two games. It was a relief that the match did not go into eithcr extra time let alone penalties. It was especially the case for my son whose leg probably has a vice like bruise where I gripped it evcry time the ball wcnt anywhere near the Arsenal goal during the last ten minutes. Just to think we all go to spcctate for funl I fancy Parma, if they overcome Ajax will provide stiffer opposition if they come out of the hat on Friday. Of the others left in the competition Arsenal have a .score to settle with Bcnfiea and although Paris St Germain remain something of an unknown quantity any team who ean knock out Real Madrid, must obviously be taken very seriously indeed. As regular readcrs of this column will know I am a kcen supportcr of Gcorge Graham's tactieal astuteness. The Same has also been said on many occasions of his great friend and confidant, Terry Venables. Whilst in one sense the 1-0 victory over Denmark was heartening with Beardsley outstanding and Anderton exception-, ally promising, it was also a dispiriting experience. One cOuld not help but pose the question: what if Venables had been given the job four years ago? In such circumstances England might easily have been a real contender to win the World Cup instead of having to watch the games on television back home. The men at the FA really do have a lot to answer for. If the footballers have finally got it right, the same ean also be said of cricket. Given the narrow choice of Ray IlIingworth or Mike Smith to be Chairman of Selectors, the Yorkshireman must be the pick of the profesionals. It was a slightly surprising decision, however,. beeause Smith is much more a "Lord's man" and is, of course, out in the Caribbean at the moment. My only fear is that the job may have been given to IIIingworth too late. He is now into his sixties and captained England over 20 years ago. I am also very uneasy about how his role will interplay with that of Keith Fletcher. Taking into aeeount the personalities involved, I believe it is probably one man too many and the Essex man may well have to move out of the way. It really is a great pity that Mike Brearley cannot be persuaded to beeome involved. Apri/94 J :tJ;~Fn.A COMUNITA'ITAUANA Italsport Calcio: Allanne per Roberto Baggio e ultimo guaio, il piu' grave, per la Juventus. L'infiammazione al corno meniscal~ del ginocchio richicde un' operazione. E' un eolpo di seena che invcste anche la nazionale:. teoricamente un intervento al menisco in artoscopia si risolve con un'asscnza dai campi da gioco di una ventina di giorni, ma csistono anche ipotesi meno confortanti. Atletica:Antonella Bevilacqua ha stabilito ad Atene il primato italiano del salto in alto con m 1.98. II record prcccdente (1,97) appartencva alia stcssa atleta (I'ottenne iI 12 febbraio a Genova) e a Sara Simconi (10 stabili nel 1981). Calcio: II pool di "Mani pulite" si da' al caleio. E' un nuovo sviluppo delle indagini sui bilanci delle aziende Fininvest, che ora chiama in causa il Milan. AI centro deII'interesse della magistratura milanese e della Guardia di finanza e' il trasferimento d'oro dal Torino di Gigi Lentini (16 miliardi e mezzo nel contratto depositato in Lega Calcio). Per la societa' granata e' I'enncsimo episodio di una situazione al Iimite del tracollo, per quella rossonera uno sviluppo inquietante. 11 rcato ipotizzabile e' di "falso in bilancio", rclativa pagarncnti "in nero". Ciclo: Rodolfo Massi ha vinto I' Ba Seltimana Siciliana baltendo CoppoIillo e il russo Berzin. Terza tappa al Giro di Valencia: viltoria di Barn e primato di Dekker. Atletica: Ai campionati europei indoor, una sola mcdaglia d'oro agli azzurri, quella della piecola siciliana Annarito Sidoti. E' un boltino un po' povero, forse era lecito attendersi di piu'. Ma si sapeva alia vigilia ehe la squadra azzurra era presente con una formazione priva degli clementi di maggior spiceo, a cominciare dai mezzofondisti. Quella della Sidoti rimarra' anche I'ultima medaglia della marcia italiana nella storia delI'atletica indoor: la fcderazione internazionale ha infalti cancellato la speeialita' da tutte le manifestazioni future al coperto. Aprile 94 Sandro Pratoli Formula Uno: E' stata prcsentata Calcio: Sven Guran Eriksson non a Imola la Minardi-Scuderia ltalia che cambia, resta a Genova e allenera' la avra' come piloti Michele A1boreto Sarnpdoria anche nel '94-'95. (38 anni) e Pierluigi Martini (33 anni). I due saranno aI volante di monoposto '93 per le prime due gare Giochi Invernali: Azzurri incrcdidel mondiaIe, Brasile e Giappone, ma bili: 20 sono state le mcdaglie conper iI primo appuntamento europeo, il quistate daIla squadra italiana ai giG.P. di San Marino del I maggio a ochi di Lillehammer: sctte oro, cinque Imola, potranno disporrc dei nuovi argellto e otto bronzo. Tra g1i iridati, Manuela Di Centa la quale e' arrivata modelli. prima nella c1assifica dei plurimcdagliati con cinque mcdaglie. Tra le grandi sorprcsc svolte dagli azzurri, l'ltalia ha conquistato iI titulo olimpico della staffetta maschile nella patria del fondo, togliendo alia Norvcgia 1'0£0 che giudicava iI piu' sicu£O, quello che aveva calamitato lungo la pista una marca incrcdibile di oltre 200.000 persone ehe ha mandato in tilt iI traffico, nonostanle circolassc£O solo aulomezzi provvisti di contrasscgno. Vuillermin ha vinlo la prima mcdaglia olimpica nella storia del ghiaccio italiano e Alberto Tomba ha festeggialo una mcdaglia d'argento che egli aggiunge all'oro vinto ad AIbertville. Michele Alboreto 11 Medagliere di Lillehammer La squadra brcsciana-romagnola e'· nata dalla fusione tra la Scuderia Russia 4 8 11 ltalia di Giuscppe Lucchini e iI team Norvegia 5 11 10 di Giancarlo Minardi. Ci sono voluti Germania 8 7 9 parecehi mesi di trattative per arrivare ITALIA 8 5 7 all'accordo ehe ha consentito all'ltalia Stati Uniti 2 5 6 di mantenere una scconda squadra di Corca del Sud I 4 I formula I accanto alia Ferrari e di Canada 4 6 3 sehierare due piloti italiani quando Svizzcra 4 2 3 sembrava ehe i nostri portacolori Austria 4 3 2 fossero banditi dal grande circus. Tra Svezia I 2 I'altro un lcrzo italiano affianchcra' Alboreto e Martini: Gianni MorPallavolo: La Coppa delle coppe di bidelli. pallavolo prende la via di Treviso. La Calcio: Una conclusione inattesa per iI derby tra Reggiana e Parma. Un infortunio accusato dall'arbitro Pierluigi Pairetto ha infatti p£Ovocato la sospcnsione della partita dopo iI prima tempo. Rugby: Conclusa la stagione regolare del rugby. Ai playoff si vedono: iI Milan, I'Aquila, Benetton, Simod, Mdp, Panto, Amatori e Viro Bo (dall' A2). Bocciata Rovigo. Sisley ha soon/itto iI Milan per 3-2 nella finale tutta italiana. E c'e' un'altra coppa europca che finisce nella ricca bachcca del volley italiano: e' la Coppa Confcderale vinta dal Padova. La determinazione dei veneti ha avulo ragione della resistenza dei siberiani del Samotlor, piegati in tre sel e in un'ora e dieci minuli. Ormai e' chia£O: la franlumazione dell'Est ha azzcrato la competilivita' di un blocco un lempo imbattibile. 33 :1J;~EILA COMUNJTA'ITALIANA Anglo Italian Football League :j 1 .,J j ANGLO-ITAUAN FOOTBALL LEAGUE I SPONSORED BY: I s...ct«>-l.:T Dt''-ItWA-v- ,",mr<Mft/"'",",IMoJ<""~A."'~ ~League Tables- Classifica Up to-Fino 13.3;94 Division One Sportsmanship Average Marks It La Voce Played Won Drawn Lost,For Agst Pnts degli Gioc' Vinto Par Perso Per Sub' Punti Italiani" A.e.VALCENO 12 8 2 2 35 21 26 8.37 DE MENNATO TAILORS 13 8 1 4 24 22 25 • 6.36 DI SOTl'O ICE CREAM 10 6 1 3 23 18 19 7.57 VALTARO ALIVINI 9 6 0 3 19 10 18 6.15 ITALIA' UNITA 8 6 0 2 15 12 18 ·6.40 ClBORIO F.e. 8 5 2 1 21 11 14 7.37 A.e.PIACENZA 12 3 3 6 20 24 12 7.66 ITALIA WASTEELS JNRS • 11 '3 0 8 13 17 9 7.55 A.C.ITALIA 11 2 1 8 11 23 7 7.00 M.R.S.AZZURRI 10 0 0 10 8 31 0 7.27 189 189 Results "Bells Whisky" Challenge Cup Semi Final: Valtaro Alivini 1 - 1 Di Sotto Ice Cream (a.e.t.) Valtaro Alivini won on penalties 9-8 "Trofeo Negroni" Semi Finals A.C. Valceno I - 0 Ciborio F.C. Italia Unita 3 - I VaIlaro Alivini 34 April 94 '", It , ITALIAN RESTAURANT 150 Southampton Row London WCl 'B' 071-8374584/5837 , Open 11.30am until llprn. WE WELCOME WEDDINGS, BANQUETS AND PARTIES IN OUR COMPLETELY REFURBISHED DOWNSTAIRS RESTAURANT EST 1965 BUON APPETITOI R.PROIETTI FOR All YOUR CATERING REqUiREMENTS••••• ITALIAN CAR SPECIALISTS .SERVICING .GENERAL REPAIRS • BODYWORK • RESTORATIONS WE OFFER UNCONVENTioNAL AND IMAGINATIVE MENUS AT COMPETITIVE PRICES. I CALL US FOR A FREE CONSULTATION TODAY . WE CAN SAVE YOU TIME AND MONEY. D_ ADAMCONTI MARCO GUALDI Dln<tor TEL: 0277 812056 MOBILE: OB60 626255 TEL: 081346 15B4 MOBILE: 0956 29222B BUON APPEnTO UMITED Comp,any R~tr~don No: 2781064 Aprile 94 FOR YOUR CLASSIC/NEW FIAT * ALFA * LANCIA SECOND HAND FIAT UNOS + PANDAS FOR SALE 071-607 0798 2 BLUNDELL STREET, LONDON N7 9BJ 35 -b~ ~ > RIVJSl'A DELLA COMUNITA'ITALIANA AT 3 BACK HILL YOU WILL FIND: Italian and English Newspapers & Magazines GEORGE & GRAHAM Newsagents Tal: 071-278 1 770 A First-Class Watch Repairer WTCWATCH REPAIRERS Tal: 071-278 4502 ... and you will also find A. FRANCE &SO.N Catholic Undertakers SERVIZI FUNEBRI ALL'ITALIANA FUNERALS ARRANGED IN LONDON, THE COUNTRY, AND ITALY ~;l'.'~~ ""\l:h ~" < I .~ 'J;:'?;~'Ji r' ' . \ '-. ~r:~'!i;, • j"l •• ~. : ~~ ~~ Also At: 45 Lambs Conduit Street, London WCl 'B 'B 36 071-405 4901 071-4052094 41 Monmouth Street. London WC2 14 Watford Way. London NW4 166 Caledonian Road. London NI AprU94 :/f!;~FnA COMUNITA'ITALlANA Tempo Libero DAVVERO? NON Cl CREDOI , t I II grande compositore tcdesco Robert Schumann detestava le chiaeehiere inutili. Un giomo, egli porto' una signora a fare una gita in barca. Poiehe' ella non aveva detto una sola parola in due ore, lasciandola Sehumann esCIamo': «Come ci siamo capiti bene, oggi!» I sigilli papali (0 boIle) del Medioevo e del Rinascimento erano sempre di piombo, e piu' raramente di cera oppure d'oro. Essi potevano essere <aderenti» se il sigillo veniva applicpto direttamente suI documento, 0 «pendenti» se venivano appesi con una jimiceIla che, nel complicato cerimoniale pontijicio, assumeva un diverso signijicato a seconda che fosse di canapa, di seta, e cosi via. Misteriosi cercatori d'oro sono stati attomo alia Borsa di Parigi, mentre tentavano di scoprire, con i sistemi piu' disparati, dove si trovi la prima pietra dell'edificio. Si sa ehe essa fu posata if 24 marzo 1808 da Napoleone in persona: un piccolo cofano, sigillato nella base, conteneva il verbale dell'inaugarazione e, soprattutto (cosa ehe spiega la frenetica attivita' dei eercatori), una trentina di preziose monete d'oro con l'effigie dell'imperatore. Se le dimensioni del sistema solare fossero ridotte in modo che il suo raggio occupasse la lunghezza d'un regolare campo dl calcio ed il Sole fosse posto sulla linea d'una delle due porte, Mercurlo, Venere, la Terra e Marte risulterebbero all'lnterno dell'antisistante area dl rlgore; Giove sarebbe vlcino al dischetto del calcio dl rigore e pIutone suIla linea de/la porta avversaria. Aprile 94 WHAT IS IT? CHERISATA! Un bambino sta parlando al telefono con un compagno. - Ma eerto, che mi piacerebbe venire al cinema con te! - dice.Pero', devo restare a casa per aiutare mio padre a risolvere i miei problemi di aritmetica. Do you remember that mail order bu;glar alarm we bought ?.... QUESITO PER I PICCOLI Con quattordici fiammiferi, iI piccolo Alfredo ha formato suI tavolo iI rettangolo che si vcde nel disegno. Egli ha altri undici fiammiferi e deve disporli nell'intemo di quel rettangolo in modo da ottenere quattro parti che siano della stessa forma e delle stesse dimensiono. Come deve disporre gli 11 jiammiferi? Vedtre pol la :oluz/one pubblicata nel proJSimo numtro tb BACKlllU- ~ Solution to last month's "Spot The Difference" puzzle. 37 :tJ;~ DEU.A COMUNITA'rrALIANA Mamma's Ricetta Mrs M.G. Costolette di AgnelIo con Olive Ingredienti: 6 costolcllc di agncllo 3 cucchiai di olio 50 gr di pancetta, tabliata in cubetti 1 spicchio d'aglio, tritato 1 porro 0 una cipolla, trittata 12 olive nere, snocciolate 150 ml vino bianco 2 ramclli di rosmarino, tritatc le foglie salc, pepe, mczzo cucchiaio di farina Lamb Chops with Olives Ingredients: 6 lamb chops 3 tbpsns olive oil 20z bacon, cut into small pieces 1 clove of garlic, crushed 1 leek or 1 small onion, chopped 1/4 pint of white wine 12 pilled black olives 2 sprigs of rosemary (chop the leaves) salt, pepper, 1/2 tbspn flour Metodo: Method: Fatc rosolarc Ic costatc in 1 cucchiaio di olio. MCllctcle in una pirofila. Fatc friggere nel olio restantc, l'aglio ed il porro per qualchc minuto. Aggiungete la pancctta, il rosmarino, il sale e il pepe e continuatc la COllura per altri 5 minuti. Vcrsate il vino nel quale avcte stemperato la farina. Cucinatc per circa 3 minuti. Unitc le olive. Vcrsatc il condimcnto sopra Ic costolcllc. Copritc con carta argcntata c passatclc ncl fomo prcscaldato no.5/190C per circa 40 minuti. Seal the chops on both sides in 1 tbspn of oil. Place the chops in an ovenproof dish. Lightly fry the onion and garlic in the rest of the oil. Add the bacon, rosemary, salt and pepper and fry for a further 5 minutes. Mix the flour into the wine then pour into the pan cook for a further.3 minutes. Add the olives. Pour the mixture over the chops. Cover with silvcr foil. Bake in a pre-heated ovcn no.5/190C. for about 40 minutes. Come riclliesta, ecco la mia ricetta di.•• By request my version of... Tiramisu' Tiramisu' Ingredients: 500 gr di mascarpone 150 gr zucchero a vclo 4 uova 9 eueehiai di rum 0 eognae 50 gr cacao 12 biscolli savoiardi un po' di cioccolato grallugiato Ingredients: lib Marscapone cheese oz icing sugar 6 4 8 2 eggs tbspns rum or brandy oz cocoa 12 sponge fingcrs a Iillle grated chocolate Metodo: Method: Lavorate il mascarpone. Unite e mcscolate benc uno alia volta i 4 tuorli, 100 gr del zucchero e 3 cucchiai di Iiquore. Montate a neve gli albumi. Amalgameteli con delicatezza al composto. Dividetelo in due partc. Ad una parte unite il cacao, 50 gr di zucchero e 3 cucchiai di Iiquore. Inzuppate i savoiardi in 2 cucchiai di liquorc, dilutato con 2 cucchiai di vino bianco 02 di ~cqua. Melleteli sui fondo di una coppa di circa 25cm x 20cm. Copriteli con il composto di cacao. Versatelo sopra I'altro composto. Mellete il dolcc nel frigorifero per almeno 2 orc prima di servirlo. Coprite con cioccolato grallugiato. Whip the mascarpone. Beat in the cgg yolks one at a time and 4 oz of the sugar. Add 3 tbspns of liqucur and 38 mix. Whip the egg white until stiff. Gently fold them into the cheese mixture. Divide the mixture in two. To one half add the cocoa, 2 oz of the sugar and 3 tbspns of liqueur. Dip the sponge fingers into 2 tbspns of liqueur mixed with 2 tbspns of white wine or water. Place them in the bollom of a suitable'dish (about 10" x 8"). Cover with the cocoa mixture the cover this with the plain eream mixture. Place in fridge for at least 2 hours before serving. Sprinkle with grated .chocolate. March 94 , .' I ,t tr 11 I I J :1 ! • ~ . Sabato '~-: . ~ ":-~ ~ , ::.f:' 16 St. Peter's Social Club Dinnerand Dance £15.00, Red Hall, Casa Vincenzo Pallotti, 136 Clerkenwell Road EC1 Contact: Vic 071-278 9402 . . . Domenica 24 "Italiani nel Mondo Lunch" 2.30pm, Casa Vincenzo Pallotti, 136 Clerkenwe.1I Road EC1 Tel: Franco Sistina 081-961 4019 Sabato 30 A'ssociazione Amici Santa Franca Dinner and Dance £35, Marriott Hotel, 7.30pmi con Orchestra Volare Tel: Francesco Repetti 071-489 9196