(November 2007)
Date of birth
Place of birth
Marital Status
Private address
January 19th, 1965
Castelfiorentino (FI) Italy
Married since May 1990
Italian, English
Via Porrione 40
Siena, Italy
Professional address Medical Genetics
Department of Molecular Genetics
53100 Siena Italy
Tel +39 0577 263303
Fax +39 0577 263325
e-mail [email protected]
Present Position
Full Professor
Medical Genetics
Faculty of Medicine and Surgery
University of Siena
pag. 3
Teaching responsabilities
SmithKline courses
Laurea committee
Examen committee
Tutor-teaching activities
Coordinator of Dottorato di Ricerca
Pre-laurea students advisor
Post-laurea students advisor
Direction of Specialty School
Teaching activities
pag. 4
Clinical responsabilities
Direction of division of Medical Genetics
Molecular Diagnosis
Genetic couseling
Centre of reference
SIGU Working Group on Clinical Genetics
Scientific activities
Coordination of the research group
Reviewer for journals
Scientific initiatives
Patent awarded
Description of research activities
Review and N&V articles
Oral presentations
Invited speaker
Poster presentations
Synopsis of scientific activity
pag. 5
pag. 6
pag. 8
pag. 9
pag. 10
pag. 11
pag. 13
pag. 14
pag. 15
pag. 18
pag. 26
pag. 27
pag. 31
pag. 32
pag. 39
1983 Maturità classica degree
High School: Liceo Classico Virgilio of Empoli- with top marks: 60/60
1989 M.D. degree
University of Siena – School of Medicine, with top marks 110/110 and honours.
Thesis "Aspetti genetici e molecolari dell'alfa-1- antitripsina"
in Medical Genetics, tutor prof. Mario De Marchi,
1990 European School of Medical Genetics Certification
Third Third Course, Sestri Levante
1994 Ph.D. degree
University of Siena - Human Genetics
Thesis "Genetica Molecolare della sindrome di Alport"
tutor prof. Mario De Marchi
1998 Specialist degree
University of Firenze - Medical Genetics, with top marks: 70/70.
Thesis "AMME: una nuova sindrome da geni contigui in Xq22.3"
tutor prof. Enrico Montali
1993 Molecular Genetics laboratory, (prof. Andrea Ballabio)
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA
Assistente Medico
Medical Genetics
Hospital of Siena
Medical Genetics
School of Medicine
University of Siena
Associate Professor
Medical Genetics
School of Medicine
University of Siena
Since 2002
Director of the Medical Genetics division
General Hospital of Siena
November 2007
Full Professor
Medical Genetics
University of Siena
- Seminar for the tutor teaching introduction in Medicine and Surgery Faculty of the University
of Siena. Smith-Kline Foundation. Firenze 26-29 novembre 1991
- Seminar on tutor teaching. Smith-Kline Foundation. Salsomaggiore 26-28 maggio 1992
- Seminar on tutor teaching. Smith-Kline Foundation. Salsomaggiore 1-4 dicembre 1992
- Seminar on tutor teaching. Smith-Kline Foundation. Siena 2-4 dicembre 1993
Laurea field
Monica Piccini
Ilaria Meloni
Silvia Fineschi
Antonio Giorgio
Cristina De Bona
Ilaria Longo
Paola Loffredo
Francesca Mari
Elisa Scala
Rossella Caselli
Fabiana Errico
Vincenza Causarano
Veronica Parri
Roberta De Filippis
Annabella Marozza
integrated course
of Genetics
1st year Medicine and Surgery
since 1990
integrated course
of Medical Clinics
6th year Medicine and Surgery
since 1993
integrated course
of Genetics
1st year Medicine and Surgery
since 1991
Pre-laurea student advisor:
Mirella Bruttini
Monica Piccini
Ilaria Meloni
Silvia Fineschi
Ilaria Longo
Cristina De Bona
Francesca Mari
Loffredo Paola
Riccardo Guerrini
Francesca Borgia
Elisa Sala
Rossella Caselli
Fabiana Errico
Annabella Marozza
Vincenza Causarano
Emanuele Moscini
Mariaelena Tronnolone
Giulio Di Santo
in biology
in biology
in biology
in biology
in biology
in biology
in medicine
in medicine
in medicine
in technician
in biology
in biology
in biology
in medicina
in mol. biology
in medicine
in medicina
in medicine
training finished in 1995
training finished in 1996
training finished in 1999
training finished in 1999
training finished in 2000
training finished in 2000
training finished in 2001
training finished in 2001
training finished in 2002
training finished in 2002
training finished in 2003
training finished in 2003
training finished in 2003
training finished in 2007
in training
in training
in training
in training
medical doctor
medical doctor
medical doctor
medical doctor
medical doctor
medical doctor
medical doctor
training finished in 1999
training finished in 1999
training finished in 2000
training finished in 2001
in training
in training
in training
in training
in training
in training
in training
in training
in training
in training
in training
in training
in training
in training
in training
Post-laurea student advisor:
Monica Piccini
Francesca Favara
Cristina De Bona
Francesca Vitelli
Ilaria Meloni
Ilaria Longo
Chiara Pescucci
Francesca Ariani
Francesca Mari
Viviana Vogiatzi
Elisa Sala
Rossella Caselli
Anna Calabrò
Salvatore Spina
Katia Sampieri
Mencarelli Maria Antonietta
Uliana Vera
Pollazzon Marzia
Annabella Marozza
Since 2005 she is Director of the PhD School in Oncology and Genetics, University of Siena
The PhD School in Oncology and Genetics is divided into four main education courses or section: 1)
Medical Genetics; 2) Oncological Genetics; 3) Colorectal and gastroesophageal diseases; 4)
Hepatobiliopancreatic diseases and multitumoral syndromes. The Phd course lasts 4 years and a
maximum of 12 students are admitted to the programme each year, 6 of them with scholarship. A full
description of the School and the programme can be reached on the following web site:
In the past years she has covered the following position:
- Coordinator of the PhD School in Medical Genetics from 2004 to 2005
- Coordinator of the Doctorate in Medical Genetics from 2001 to 2004
- Teacher in the Doctorate of Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration, Neuroprotection and Neuroreparation
in the Neurological Rare Diseases, University of Siena, from 1999 to 2001
Since 2003 she is Director of the Specialty School in Medical Genetics,University of Siena
The Specialty School in Medical Genetics (recognized by the European Union) lasts 4 years. It is open
to students with a degree in Medicine (1 scholarship) or a degree in Biology (3 places without
scholarship). The regulations can be read on the following web site:
Since 2006 she is Coordinator of the inter-University Master in “Clinical Genetics: the congenital
malformations”. The Master is addressed to those who already have a Specialty or a PhD degree in
Medical Genetics, or those who have been trained in Medical Genetics for at least two years. It has
been established with an agreement among 5 Italian Universities: Bologna, Genova, Padova, Roma “La
Sapienza”, Siena. The programme of the Master can be viewed at the following web site:
in the School of Medicine, University of Siena:
Name of course
Medical Genetics
Internal Medicine
Medical Genetics
Medical Genetics
in other Schools (other than Medicine), University of Siena
Medical Genetics
Human Genetics
Human Genetics
Human Genetics
Human Genetics
Human Genetics
Human Genetics
Human Genetics
Orthoptists and
Ophthalmologist assistants
Biomedical technician
Neurophysiopatology technician
from 1996
from 1995 to 1997
from 1995 to 1997
from 1999
from 1999
from 1999
from 1999
from 1999
from 1999
from 1999
in Specialty School University of Siena:
Medical Genetics
Hereditary Nephrpathy
Genetic Counseling
Medical Genetics
Medical Genetics
Medical Genetics
Medical Genetics
Medical Genetics
Medical Genetics
Pathology and Genetics
Hereditary Pathology
Applied Genetics
Medical Genetics and
Behaviour and Genetics
Molecular Genetics
Medical Genetics
Medical Genetics
Medical Genetics
Pathology and Genetics
since 1992
since 1992
since 1992
since 1994
since 1994
since 1994
from 1994 to 1998
since 1994
since 1994
since 1994
since 1998
since 1994
from 1995 to 1998
since 1995
Clinical Psychology
Infective Diseases
Internal Medicine
since 1995
since 1996
since 1997
since 1997
since 1997
since 1998
del sistema extrapiramidale
Board of Qualification
in Extrapyramidal Diseases
3-7 maggio 1999
Cause genetiche
Corso sulla
Ipertensione arteriosa
28-29 maggio 1999
La ricerca genetica delle
sindrome legate al cr. X
Percorso intergato per
il Neurohandicap a Siena
10-11 luglio 2000
Ruolo del gene Rett-MECP2
come causa di ritardo mentale
nel maschio
III Incontro Nazionale
di Genetica Clinica
19-20 febb. 2001
La sindrome di Alport
Master in Nefrologia
23 maggio 2001
La sindrome di Rett
III Corso Residenziale
Genetica Pediatrica
18-19aprile 2002
Collagen type IV
related diseases
II Course in Genetics and
Renal Diseases
Sestri Levante
11-13 aprile 2002
Il genoma e
le malttie genetiche
Settimana della Cultura
3-aprile 2003
La sindrome di Rett:
Corso residenziale
Genetica Medica
San Giovanni Rotondo
11-13 giungo 2003
La sidrome AMME
Corso residenziale
Genetica Medica
San Giovanni Rotondo
11-13 giungo 2003
aspetti genetici
I giornata toscana di
otologia pratica
15 nov 2003
Test genetici nel
ritardo mentale
Corso di perfezionamento e
aggiornamento test genetici
Univeristà di Brescia
15-16 dic 2003
La sindrome di Rett
III Corso aggiornamento
Genetica Clinica
Gaslini Genova
10 feb 2004
FACL4 gene and X-linked
mental retardation
2nd level Master
Extremely rare, rare and
common genetic disorders
24-29 ago 2004
Ematuria familiare e
sindrome di Alport:
nuove acquisizioni di genetica
Le nefropatie ereditarie:
nuove acquisizioni di
patogenesi, clinica e terapia
28 mag 2004
Genetica del Glaucoma
XVI Corso residenziale
Genetica Medica
San Giovanni Rotondo
15 giungo 2006
I fenotipi X-linked
nel ritardo mentale
III Corso di formazione perm
Neuroscienze cognitive dello
16 nov 2006
Ritardo mentale associato
al cromosoma X
Genetica del ritardo mentale
Azienda Ospedaliera
San Gerardo, Monza
16 dic 2006
Rett syndrome and
related disorders
1st course in
Clinical Dysmorphology
9-18 set 2007
Director of the division of Medical Genetics at the General Hospital of the University of Siena
since 2002.
In this division she coordinates 1 administrative personnel, 1 nurse, 1 medical doctor, two biologists, 1
laboratory technician, 13 PhD students and 7 Specialty School students (3 medical doctors and 4
Coordination of the execution of about 2900 molecular diagnoses (index cases) at the division of
Medical Genetics of Siena in the following pathologies:
Alport Syndrome, autosomal recessive
since 1991
Alport Syndrome, X-linked
since 1991
Alzheimer, ApoE
since 1997
Cohen syndrome
since 2004
Huntington chorea
since 2002
Facioscapulohumeral dystrophy
since 1996
Oculopharingeal dystrophy
since 2001
Icthiosis, X-linked
since 1994
Leiomyomatosis and Alport, contiguous gene syndrome
since 1994
Mental Retardation (Telomers/Array-CGH)
since 2006
Peripheral neuropathies
since 2002
Parkinson disease
since 1997
Polycystic kidney disease
since 1994
Rett Syndrome
since 1999
since 1999
since 2000
since 1994
Williams Syndrome
since 1994
From 1992 to 2002 she personally performed 1240 second-level genetic counselling activities at the
division of Medical Genetics of Siena, which imply identifying a case on the basis of clinical
genetics, recommending a possible molecular diagnosis, coordinating the implementation of the
research, assessing the recurrence risk for relatives and, sometimes, making pre-symptomatic
Starting from 1998, cross-disciplinary couselling activities have been carried out with the
support of two psychologists engaged in pre-symptomatic genetic counselling in line with the
international guidelines.
Since 2003 she has coordinated as director of the Medical Genetics division of the General Hospital of
Siena 1203 genetic counselings.
The laboratory and the outpatients’ department are a national (and international) centre of
reference for Alport and Rett syndromes.
Active cooperation with the SIGU working group on Clinical Genetics, coordinated by Prof.
Romano Tenconi. In particular, she is engaged in collecting the clinical cases to be introduced
during the meetings, each three-month period, as well as appointing the co-examiners for the
discussion of the case in the lecture hall.
In 2002 she created the web site regarding Clinical Genetics meetings, keeping it constantly
This web site serves not only as a collection of the cases introduced in the course of the meetings, but
also as an active and dynamic basis for discussions on clinical genetics.
-Societa' Italiana di Genetica Umana (SIGU)
-American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG)
-European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG): board member from 2004 to 2009
-Societa' Italiana di Pedagogia Medica (SIPEM)
As from 1990, she started to coordinate the small growing research group at the Medical
Genetics division of Siena, under the direction of Prof. Mario de Marchi. From 1993, she
continued such an activity with a larger group under the direction of Prof. Andrea Ballabio.
Since 1997 she alone directs a more numerous group composed by laboratory technicians,
biologists, scholarship holders, graduate students, trainees, recent university graduates, etc.
from 1991
from 1996
from 1997
from 1999
from 1998
from 1990
from 1996
from 1997
from 1998
from 2000
from 2001
from 2001
from 2001
from 2003
from 2003
from 2003
from 2004
from 2005
from 2005
from 2006
from 2006
from 2006
from 2006
from 2007
from 2007
from 2007
Lucia Galli
Monica Piccini
Silvia Fineschi
Francesca Favara
Cristina De Bona
Bruttini Mirella
Francesca Vitelli
Ilaria Meloni
Ilaria Longo
Maddalena Muscettola
Chiara Pescucci
Francesca Mari
Francesca Ariani
Elisa Scala
Rossella Caselli
Fabiana Errico
Katia Sampieri
Rosangela Artuso
Eleni Katzaki
Baharak Khadang
Elena Marcocci
Filomena Papa
Ariele Rosseto
Dalila Rondinalla
Veronica Parri
Mariangela Amenduni
to 1994
to 1999
to 1999
to 2000
to 2000
to 2001
to 2001
to 2004
until today
until today
until today
until today
until today
until today
until today
until today
until today
until today
from 2007
Roberta De Filippis
until today
Since 2003 she is member of the Research Commission, a consultive commission of the Dean of the
Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Siena.
- American Journal of Human Genetics
- American Journal of Medical Genetics
- Clinical Chemistry
- Clinical Genetics
- European Journal of Human Genetics
- Journal of Endocrinology
- Journal of Medical Genetics
-Journal of Nephrology
- Nature Genetics
- Nephron
- Pediatric Nephrology
-for Wellcome Trust 2002 and 2004
-CV revision “Rientro cervelli” for CRUI 2003 and 2004
- University of Padova 2006
- Giornale Italiano di Nefrologia
Studio Multicentrico Italiano sulla Sindrome di Alport
from 1991 to 1994
Concerted Action dell'Unione Europea sulla s. di Alport
from 1994 to 1996
Protocollo di studio sulla Nefropatia a Membrane Sottili
since 1999
Network Italiano sul Ritardo Mentale X-legato
since 2003
Expired Research Grants funded as Principal Investigator
Source: Telethon:
Title: "Molecular Genetics of Alport syndrome"
Date and cost of entire project: 1994-1996 Lire 85.000.000
Source: Telethon:
Title: "Cloning and characterization of the genes responsible for a new X-linked contiguous gene
syndrome including Alport phenotype, mental retardation and elliptocytosis"
Date and cost of entire project: 1996-1998 Lire 148.000.000
Source: Associazione Emma ed Ernesto Rulfo per la Genetica Medica:
Title: "Progressi verso la identificazione della base genetica della sindrome di Rett"
Date and cost of entire project: 1999-2001 Lire 30.000.000; anno 2003 Euro 13.000.
Source: PAR Università di Siena:
Title: “Uso delle sequenze della Celera Genomics nell’era post-genomica e esempio di
applicazione alle malattie neuropsichiatriche: Autismo e Complesso della Sindrome di Rett”
Date and cost of entire project: 2001 Lire 35.000.000
Source: MURST cofin
Title: “Corrispondenza tra genotipo e fenotipo nell’eredità del glaucoma primario ad angolo
Date and cost of entire project: 1999-2001 Lire 154.000.000
Source: Telethon:
Title: "Molecular basis of AMME contiguous gene syndrome (A=Alport phenotype, M=mental
retardation, M=midface hypoplasia and E=elliptocytosis) and single gene / phenotype
Date and cost of entire project: 2000-2003 Lire 306.000.000
Source: SOI:
Premio ricerca scientifica SOI 2002
Date and cost of entire project: 2002 Euro 20 000,00
Source: PAR Università di Siena
Title: “Ruolo dei geni FACL4 e LAMA2 nella patogenesi della Sindrome di Rett e di disordini
Date and cost of entire project: 2002 Euro 24.000
Source: Italian Ministry of Health
Title: “Diagnosi delle leucoencefalopatie genetiche”
Anno 2004-2005 Euro 20.000
Source: Italian Ministry of Health
Title: “Analisi di mutazione e di espressione con tecnologia microarray in malattie monogeniche rare
con ritardo mentale”
Anno 2003-2005 Euro 30.900
Source: PAR Università di Siena
Title: “Caratterizzazione del profilo di espressione genica in tessuti cerebrali di un feto Rett”
anno 2004 Euro 16.000
Source: Fondazione Mariani
Title: “X-linked mental retardation Italian Project”
Anno 2004-2005 Euro 95.000
Source: MIUR (FIRB)
Title “Determinanti molecolari della sindrome di Rett e malattie causate dal gene MECP2”
Anno 2004-2005 Euro 130.000
Source: Telethon:
Title: “FACL and mental retardation: cellular and mouse model”
Anno 2004-2007 Euro 180 000
Source: Telethon:
Title: “Cell Line and DNA bank of Rett syndrome and other X-linked mental retardation syndromes”
Anno 2007 Euro 35.000
Source: ITT (Istituto Toscano Tumori):
Title: “Molecular determinants of variable expressivity in Retinoblastoma”
Anno 2007 Euro 70.000
Source: Scuola Superiore S. Chiara:
Title: “Genetic bio-bank/databases”
Anno 2007 Euro 25.000
Research Grants Active as Principal Investigator
Source: Telethon:
Title: “Analysis of candidate genetic regions and peptides and metabolites profile in autism.”
Anno 2006-2008 Euro77.000
Source: PRIN
Title: “Postgenomic strategies for studying and preventing X-linked mental retardation”
Anno 2006-2008 Euro 73.586
1) Alessandra Renieri e Ilaria Meloni “Diagnostic and therapeutic tools for X-linked mental
retardation syndrome “ Interantional application No PCT/IT03/00134) issued March 2003 (se
also research activity on Mental Retardation).
Research activities are substantiated by 89 original publications with a total IF of 409,927. She is
author of 3 book chapters, 8 reviews made by request, and one N&V in Nat Genet.. Furthermore, she
took part in congresses with 99 posters, 48 oral presentations and 6 talks by request.
In the publications numbered 1 to 22 (from 1992 to 1996) she is mainly the first author; in
following publications (from 1998 to 2005) she is a secondary author, taking into due
consideration the shift from main contributor to coordinator of a larger research group. Finally in the
last publications (from 2006 till today) she is mainly second-last author as the enlargement of the
research group has made necessary the establishment of under-groups coordinators to whom is reserved
the last position in the publications.
Research activities have been mainly dealing with the following topics:
She described some rare variants of the alfa 1 – anti-trypsin gene with a decrease in the activity
(3-Int J Clin Lab Research).
This line of research has been the main subject of her Medicine degree thesis.
She contributed to the explanation of the molecular bases of the Alport Syndrome, analysing the
widest case record both at the national and international level.
The X-linked Alport Syndrome is generated by big deletions (1-Hum Genet; 18- Am J Med
Genet) or by point mutations of the COL4A5 gene (9-Hum Mol Genet 28-Am J Hum Genet; 22Hum Mutat). Verification is often made difficult by the presence of de novo mutations in about 15%
of cases (2-Hum Mol Genet; 11-Nephrol Dial Transplant) and genetic counselling on the recurrence
risk has to take into account the possibility of germ-line mosaicism (47-J Med Genet).
Particular attention has been devoted to genotype-phenotype correlations because of the vast
intra-family (8-Nephron) and inter-family variability (5-Hum Genet; 7-Hum Mutat; 17Clinical Genet; 25-J Am Soc Nephrol; 41- Am J Ophthalmol; 34- J Am Soc Nephrol; 55- J
Am Soc Nephrol).
Genetic studies have been often supported by an accurate histological characterization (25-J
Pathol; 29-J Am Soc Nephrol; 57- J Invest Dermatol; 59- Kidney Int).
Review: A-J Nephrol; B-Nephrol Dial Transplant.
This line of research has been the subject of the research doctorate’s thesis on Human Genetics.
Afterwards, she contributed to explain the molecular bases of a more rare form of Alport
Syndrome transmitted by means of a dominant autosomal mode (66- Kindey Int) and recessive one
(72 - Nephrol Dial Transplant.).
Lastly, she contributed to explaining that the Epstein Syndrome (an Alport Syndrome with
macrotrombocytopoenia) is allelic to the Fechtner Syndrome and is generated by mutations in the
gene of non-muscular myosin MYH9 (44- Hum Genet; 54- Medicine).
She pointed out the genetic heterogenity of benign familial microhaematuria, detecting a group
of families non-linked to the COL4A3/ COL4A4 gene (31-Am J Nephrol).
Review: C-J Nephrol.
At a later stage, she highlighted that mutations in the COL4A3/ COL4A4 genes can be the cause
of a vast phenotype spanning the autosomal recessive Alport syndrome and the autosdomal
dominant Alport syndrome, including the benign familial microhaematuria. (49- Kidney Int - 68 –
Nephrol Dial Transplant)
Review: C-J Nephrol.
She took part in the positional identification of the ocular albinism gene (14-Nature Genet), in
the analyses of mutations of the aforementioned gene in a vast number of cases (15-Hum Mol
Genet), and in the detection of a new gene homologous to APX in the Xp22.3 area (16-Hum
Mol Genet).
She contributed to the explanation of the molecular bases of the contiguous genes syndrome
including Alport and leiomyomatosis characterising a patient with minimum deletion (10-Hum
Mutat) and establishing the molecular mechanism of deletion (28-Am J Hum Genet).
AMME (Alport and Mental Retardation) or ATS-MR
She discovered a new contiguous genes syndrome (23-J Med Genet), later denominated
AMME (characterised by Alport and Mental Retardation) for whom she elaborated the physical
mapping of the Xq22.3 area and identified new genes: a acyl CoA synthetase FACL4 (24Genomics), a nuclear proteine AMMECR1 (30-Genomics), a potassium channel, KCNE1L (33Genomics).
The identification of a family with contiguous genes syndrome allowed the detection of a 300 kb
critical region for mental retardation (53-J Med Genet).
This study has been the subject of Specialisation thesis on Medical Genetics.
She identified a new X-linked non-specific gene responsible for mental retardation, FACL4 (50Nat Genet). Such a gene is responsible for mental retardation in three distinct families at least;
an enzymatic test has been worked out, which allows the screening of children with mental
retardation (53-J Med Genet). The gene has been recently renamed ACSL4 (66 – J
Lipid Res).
The intense scientific activity on the mental retardation is witnessed by the creation of a biobank as
well (76 - Hum Mutat) and the writing of a review by request (H-J Cell Physiol)
She contributed to the explanation of the molecular bases of the Rett Syndrome (39- J Mol
Med) detecting some mutations of the MECP2 gene as well as in the Preserved Speech Variant,
a phenotype which is clinically distinct from the Rett syndrome (62-, 46- Am J Med Genet, 48- Am J
Med Genet).
The counseling of Rett syndrome has to take into account the possibility of germinal mosaicism (70Clin Genet) and the mutation analysis has to include the quantitative PCR method for the analysis of
MECP2 gene deletions (64 - Hum Mutat, 88 - Am J Med Genet A).
Some Rett-like syndromes have several chromosomal rearrangements, making possible the hypothesis
of genetetic heterogeneity (60- Clin Genet). In confirmation of this hypothesis she has demonstrated
that the Rett syndrome is genetically heterogeneous: mutations in the CDKL5 gene are responsible for
the early onset seizure Rett variant (69 - J Med Genet, 71 - Hum Mol Genet, 77 - Brain Dev).
The thriving scientific activity on this topic is substantiated by the creation of a biobank (79 - Hum
Mutat), a review by request (D-J Mol Med) and a N&V article (G-Nat Genet)
She contributed to the explanation of the molecular bases of wide angle glaucoma in adult
individuals and the genotype-phenotype correlations (58- Arch Ophthalmol; 73 - Graefes Arch Clin
Exp Ophthalmol).
She has contributed to clarify the molecular bases of retinoblastoma (74 - J Hum Genet) and
contiguous gene syndrome characterized by retinoblastoma and mental retardation (83 - J Hum Genet)
She has contributed to increase the knowledge in the field of the microdeletions/duplications
syndromes responsible for mental retardation (MR) and multiple congenital anomalies (MCA) )(78Eur J Med Genet, 83-J Hum Genet, 84- Eur J Med Genet, 86-Clin Dysmorphol, 87- J.
Hum. Genet, 89-Am J Med Genet A).
A number of publications dealing with topics about clinical genetics and genetic counselling, on
the basis of the cases observed at the Medical Genetics division at the General Hospital of Siena:
external progressive ophthalmoplegia and X-linked ichthyosis (26-J Submicr Cytol Path), II
type spinocerebellar ataxy (27-Eur Neurol), lissencephaly (29-Annals Neurol),
facioscapulohumeral dystrophy (32- Muscle Nerve), congenital cutis aplasia (35- Arch Derm
Res), pseudoxanthoma elasticum (42- Hum Mut) and optic disc Drusen (51- Graef Arch Clin
Exp), MEN2 (43- J Int Med), aniridia (45- Clin Genet), brachydactily (52- J Med Genet),
Ehlers-Danlos (56- Clin Genet), otosclerosis (61- Int J Audiol), oculopharyngeal dystrophy
(63- Eur Neurol), Gorlin syndrome (67- Hum Mut), BPES (75 - J AAPOS).
In general, the contribution to these publications consisted in the identification of
the case, the formulation of the diagnostic hypothesis based on foundations of clinical genetics,
the participation in molecular analyses and the elaboration of the manuscript in the areas
referring genetic aspects.
A) Sessa A, Renieri A, Battaglia C.
Alport syndrome: clinical, molecular and genetic aspects.
J Nephrol. 1994, 7: 102-116. Review.
B) Turco AE, Renieri A, De Marchi M.
Alport syndrome--is there a genotype-phenotype relationship?
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 1997 Aug;12(8):1551-3. Review.
C) Frasca GM, Onetti-Muda A, Renieri A.
Thin glomerular basement membrane disease.
J Nephrol. 2000 Jan-Feb;13(1):15-9. Review.
D) Renieri A, Meloni I, Longo I, Ariani F, Mari F, Pescucci C, Cambi F.
Rett syndrome: the complex nature of a monogenic disease.
J Mol Med. 2003 Jun;81(6):346-54. Review.
E) Pescucci C, Longo I, Bruttini M, Mari F, Renieri A.
Type-IV collagen related diseases.
J Nephrol. 2003 Mar-Apr;16(2):314-6. Review.
F) Frezzotti R, Renieri A, Frezzotti P.
Adult-onset primary glaucoma and molecular genetics: a review.
Eur J Ophthalmol. 2004 May-Jun;14(3):220-5. Review.
G) Pescucci C, Meloni I, Renieri A.
Is Rett syndrome a loss-of-imprinting disorder?
Nat Genet. 2005 Jan;37(1):10-1. N&V
H) Renieri A, Pescucci C, Longo I, Ariani F, Mari F, Meloni I.
Non-syndromic X-linked mental retardation: From a molecular to a clinical point of view.
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Mild brachydactyly type A1 maps to chromosome 2q35-q36 and is caused by a novel IHH
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77) Grosso S, Brogna A, Bazzotti S, Renieri A, Morgese G, Balestri P.
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78) Pescucci C, Caselli R, Grosso S, Mencarelli MA, Mari F, Farnetani MA, Piccini B, Artuso
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2q24-q31 deletion: report of a case and review of the literature.
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79) Sampieri K, Meloni I, Scala E, Ariani F, Caselli R, Pescucci C, Longo I, Artuso R, Bruttini
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80) Squillaro T, Cambi F, Ciacci G, Rossi S, Ulivelli M, Malandrini A, Mencarelli MA, Mari F,
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81) Vogiatzi P, Vindigni C, Roviello F, Renieri A, Giordano A.
Deciphering the underlying genetic and epigenetic events leading to gastric carcinogenesis.
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82) Mencarelli MA, Caselli R, Pescucci C, Hayek G, Zappella M, Renieri A, Mari F.
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84) Caselli R, Mencarelli MA, Papa FT, Uliana V, Schiavone S, Strambi M, Pescucci C, Ariani
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85) Micheli V, Sestini S, Parri V, Fichera M, Romano C, Ariani F, Longo I, Mari F, Bruttini M,
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86) Uliana V, Girdano N, Caselli R, Papa FT, Ariani F, Marcocci C, Gianetti E, Martini,
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1) Renieri A, Seri M, Mayers JC, Pilhlajaniemi T, De Marchi M. Molecular analisys of COL4A5
gene in Italian Alport families. International Workshop on Alport Syndrome, Oulu, Finland,
August 23-24, 1991.
2) Renieri A, Seri M, De Marchi M, Battini G, Meroni M, Sessa A, Vercellone A, Danesino C.
Ricerca di delezioni nel gene COL4A5 nella sindrome di Alport. VI Congresso Nazionale
FISME, Parma 16-19 settembre 1991.
3) Renieri A, Seri M, De Marchi M, Mayers JC, Pilhlajaniemi T, Gruppo Collaborativo Italiano
sulla Sindrome di Alport. Ricerca di delezioni nel gene COL4A5 nella sindrome di Alport. VI
Congresso Nazionale FISME, Parma 16-19 settembre 1991. Ed. Monduzzi. p 119-122.
4) Renieri A, Seri M, De Marchi M, Danesino C, Pecoraro C, Rizzoni G, Savi M, Sessa A,
Piccoli G, Vercellone A. Mutazioni nel gene COL4A5 nella sindrome di Alport: primi risultati di
uno studio collaborativo in Italia. XXXIII Congresso Nazionale della Societa' Italiana di
Nefrologia. Roma 19-22 maggio 1992. Giornale Italiano di Nefrologia 1992; 9: 56 (A).
5) Renieri A, Seri M, L Galli, M Bruttini, De Marchi M, e coll. Eterogeneita' delle mutazioni nel
gene COL4A5 nella S. di Alport: risultati dello studio multicentrico italiano. VII Congresso
Nazionale FISME, Genova 25-28 novembre 1992. Pathologica 1992; 85: 63-64 (A).
6) Renieri A, Seri M, L Galli, M Bruttini, De Marchi M, e coll. Risultati dello Studio
Muticentrico Italiano sulla sindrome di Alport (SA). XXXIV Congresso Nazionale Societa'
Italiana di Nefrologia. Pisa 18-21 maggio 1993. Giornale Italiano di Nefrologia 1993; 10: 24 (A).
7) Renieri A, Seri M, Galli L e coll. Report of the Italian multicenter study on Alport syndrome.
Kidney Int 1993; 44: 1399 (A).
8) Renieri A, Seri M, L Galli, De Marchi M, e coll. Eterogeneity of COL4A5 mutations in
Alport patients: report of the Italian Multicenter Study. XII International Congress of Nefrology.
Jerusalem, Israel, 13-18 giugno 1993.
9) Renieri A, Massella L, De Nigris A, Rizzoni G, Galli L, Seri M, De Marchi M, Neri T, Turco
A, Meroni M, Sessa A and partecipants to Italian Multicenter Study. Mutations in COL4A5
gene in X-linked Alport syndrome in a Multicenter Study. XXVI Annual Meeting ASN, Boston
14-17 novembre 1993. J A S N 1993; 4: 822 (A).
10) Renieri A, et al. Mutazioni nel gene COL4A5 nell'ambito di uno Studio Mulicentrico
Italiano sulla Sindrome di Alport. IX Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Nefrologia
Pediatrica, Padova 7-9 ottobre 1993.
11) Renieri A, Galli L, Bruttini M, Zanelli P, Neri T, Rossetti S, Turco A, Massella L, Rizzoni
GF, Meroni M, Sessa A, Heiskari N, Tryggvason K, Pihlajaniemi T, Monga G, Mazzucco G,
Barsotti P, Ballabio A, De Marchi M. Molecular genetics of Alport syndrome: an update of the
italian Study. July 15 1994 3° International Workshop on Alport Syndrome. Erlangen.
12) Renieri A., L. Galli, M. Bruttini, TM. Neri,P.Zanelli, A. Turco, S. Rossetti, A. Ballabio, M.
De Marchi e Studio Multicentrico Italiano sulla Sindrome di Alport Alterazioni del gene
COL4A5 nella sindrome di Alport come modello di patologia molecolare. IX Congresso
Nazionale FISME, Spoleto 1994.
13) Renieri A., M. Bruttini, L. Galli, A. Ballabio TM. Neri,P.Zanelli, Savi M. et al. Ricerca di
mutazioni a carico del gene COL4A5 nella S. di Alport e correlazione con fenotipo clinico e
ultrastrutturale in 198 pazienti. X Congresso Nazionale Fisme Spoleto Settembre 1995.
14) Renieri A., M. Bruttini, L. Galli, TM. Neri,P. Zanelli, Turco A, Rossetti S. et al. .Mutation
scanning of the entire COL4A5 coding sequence in Alport syndrome and genotype phenotype
correlation. 45th Annual Meeting of The American Society of Human Genetics, Minneapolis
October 1995. Am J Hum Genet 1995, 57: A9, 35 (A)
15) Bassi MT, Schiaffino V, Renieri A., De Nigris F, Galli L, TM. Bruttini M, Bergen AAB,
Lewis A, Yates J, Meitinger T, Ballabio A .Genomic structure and mutation analysis of the
Ocular Albinism type 1 (OA1) gene. 45th Annual Meeting of The American Society of Human
Genetics, Minneapolis October 1995. Am J Hum Genet 1995, 57: A7, 20 (A)
16) Bassi MT, Schiaffino V, Renieri A, De Nigris F, Galli L, Bruttini M, Gebbia M, Bergen
AAB, Lewis RA Ballabio A. Cloning of the gene for ocular albinism type 1 from the distal short
arm of chromosome X. 27th Annual Meeting of the Europaen Society of Human Genetics
(ESHG) Berlin 23-27 May 1995.
17) Renieri A., M. Bruttini, L. Galli, TM. Neri,P. Zanelli, Turco A, Rossetti S. et al. X-linked
Alport syndrome: an SSCP-based mutation survey over the all 51 exons of COL4A5 gene. The
2nd European Kidney Research Forum, Baveno, May 1996.
18) Bruttini M., Jonsson J-J., Ballabio A., Renieri A. Ampia delezione coinvolgente il gene
COL4A5 in un bambino con ematuria, facies dismorfica, ellissocitosi e ritardo di sviluppo. XI
congresso nazionale FISME Spoleto 9-12 Ottobre 1996.
19) Pober BR, Renieri A, Gallagher P, Kashtan C, Merrill E, Bruttini M, Piccini M, Ballabio A,
Jonsson J. Alport syndrome, mental retardation,. elliptocytosis and dysmorphic facies: a new Xlinked
microdeletion syndrome XVII David W. Smith Workshop on Malformation and
Morphogenesis Lake Arrowhead - UCLA Conference Center September 26- October 1, 1996.
20) Renieri A, Bruttini M, Piccini M, Vitelli F, Gianfrancesco F, Forabosco A, Ballabio A Una
nuova sindroem da geni contigui legata al cromosoma X e caratterizzata da s. di Alport,
ellissocitosi e ritardo mentale: identificazione di un gene candidato mediante screening di
dbEST. Analisi del DNA 1997 Firenze, 28 febbraio 1997.
21) Piccini M, Vitelli F, Bruttini M, Pober B, Jonsson JJ, Villanova M, Zollo M, Borsani G,
Ballabio A and Renieri A LACS4, un nuovo gene codificante acil-CoA sintetasi tipo IV per gli
acidi grassi a lunga catena e' deleto in una famiglia con sindrome di Alport, ellissocitosi e ritardo
mentale XII Congresso Nazionale FISME Spoleto 12-14 novembre 1997
22) Fogli A, Lo Nigro C, Cucciardi M, Renieri A, Pilz D, Fernandez E, Guerrini R, Carrozzo R.
Mutazioni troncanti nel gene LIS1 in pazienti con lissencefalia isolata. XII Congresso Nazionale
FISME Spoleto 12-14 novembre 1997
23) Vitelli F, Meloni I, Piccini M, Caroli F, Franco B, Sorrentino V, and Renieri A.
"AMMECR1, a highly conserved protein absent in the contiguous gene deletion syndrome in
Xq22.3-23: cloning, expression and genomic structure." I Congresso Nazionale Sociteta' Italiana
Genetica Umana (SIGU), Spoleto 30/9-3/10/1998.
24) Renieri A, Piccini M, Vitelli F, Meloni I, Mari I, Sorrentino V. "Transcription map of the Xlinked
contiguous gene deletion syndrome AMME (Alport, mental retardation, midface
hypoplasia, elliptocytosis)." I Congresso Nazionale Sociteta' Italiana Genetica Umana (SIGU),
Spoleto 30/9-3/10/1998.
25) Renieri A., Monica Piccini, Francesca Vitelli and Mario De Marchi Segregation
distortion in carrier females of X-linked Alport syndrome April 15-17 1999 4° International
Workshop on Alport Syndrome. Salt Lake City, Utah.
26) Renieri A., Mirella Bruttini, Francesca Vitelli, Monica Piccini, Giuseppe Rizzari,
Gianna Mazzucco, Mario De Marchi. Gonadal mosaicism in Alport syndromeApril 15-17 1999
4° International Workshop on Alport Syndrome. Salt Lake City, Utah.
27) Renieri A., Mirella Bruttini, Francesca Vitelli, Monica Piccini, Paola Zanelli, Mario
Savi, Mario De Marchi. Update on mutation found in the Italian study of Alport syndrome.April
15-17 1999 4° International Workshop on Alport Syndrome. Salt Lake City, Utah.
28) Renieri A., Monica Piccini, Ilaria Meloni, Francesca Mari, Francesca Vitelli.
Cloning and characterization of the genes responsible for AMME contiguous gene syndrome
including Alport phenotype, menal retardation and elliptocytosis. April 15-17 1999 4°
International Workshop on Alport Syndrome. Salt Lake City, Utah.
29) Pianigiani E, De Aloe G, Giannuzzi F, Rufa A, Acquaviva A, Renieri A, Fimiani.
Rothumund-Thomson syndrome (Thomson type) and myelodysplasia. VIth Congress of the
European Society for Pediatric Dermatology, September 13-18, 1999
30) Renieri A, Vitelli F, Piccini M, Meloni I, Favara F, Galietta LJV, Moran O, Bulfone A, Banfi
S, Baldini A. " Un gene simile a KCNE1 (KCNE1L) e' deleto nella sindrome da geni contigui
AMME: identificazione e caratterizzazione del gene umano e murino." II Congresso nazionale
Societa' Italiana Genetica Umana (SIGU), Orvieto 29/9-1/10/1999.
31) Renieri A, De Bona C, Hayek G, Meloni I, Vitelli F, Bruttini M, Loffredo P, Longo I,
Zappella M. Preserved speech variant is allelic of classic Rett syndrome 3"nd European Human
Genetics Conference (EHGC), 27-30 maggio 2000 Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
32) Meloni I, De Bona C, Renieri A. Le varianti parlanti sono alleliche della sindrome di Rett
classica 2° Congresso Internazionale La Genetica nelle Neuroscienza 2-5 luglio 2000 Terni
33) Meloni I., Bruttini M., Palumbo M., Petrelli A., Grosso E., Migone N., Giachino D., Zappella M.,
De Marchi M., Toniolo D., Renieri A. Mutazioni nel gene MECP2: spettro fenotipico della sindrome di
Rett e ritardo mentale X-legato recessivo. III Congresso nazionale Societa' Italiana Genetica Umana
(SIGU), Orvieto 29/11-1/12/2000.
34) Frascà GM, Onetti-Muda A, Renieri A. Nefropatia a membrane basali sottili (NMS). Studio
Multicentrico in 51 pazienti. 42° Congresso Nazionale della SocietàItaliana di Nefrologia.
Trieste 19-22 Settembre 2001.
35) Longo I. 1, Muscettola M. 1, Meloni I. 1, Bruttini M. 1, Imperio T. 1, Morraine C. 2, Renieri
A.1 FACL4, che codifica per la Acil-Coa sintetasi tipo 4, è un nuovo gene responsabile di ritardo
mentale. 4° Congresso Nazionale S.I.G.U. Orvieto, 28-30 Novembre-1 2001
36) F. Mari, I. Longo, C. Pescucci, F. Ariani, M. Bruttini, I. Meloni, M. De Marchi, Renieri A.
Forme autosomiche di sindrome di Alport, un modello di trasmissione che sfuma tra dominante
e recessivo: implicazioni per la pratica clinica e la consulenza genetica. 5° Congresso Nazionale
S.I.G.U. Verona, 24-27 Settembre 2002
37) Renieri A, Longo I, Pescucci C, Ariani F, Mari F, Bruttini M, Meloni I and The European
Consortium on XLMR. FACL4 is responsible for X-linked mental retardation in several
families: proposal for a rapid screening of mentally retarded males. The American Society of
Human Genetics 52rd Annual Meeting Baltimore, 15-19 October 2002
38) Morandi L, Mantegazza R, Mari F, Longo I, Pescucci C, Renieri A. Diagnostic problem in
facioscapulohumeral dystrophy. Congresso della Associazione Italiana di Miologia (A.I.M.),
Padova, giugno 2003.
39) Mari F, Pescucci C, Renieri A, Longo I, Ariani F, Bruttini M, Meloni I. XLMR Italian
Network. 11th International Workshop on Fragile X Syndrome and X-linked Mental Retardation
– 27-30 August 2003 (Paphos - Cyprus)
40) Mari F, Pescucci C, Longo I, Vogiatzi P, Caselli R, Scala E, Renieri A. Alta variabilità
fenotipica e penetranza incompleta nella sindrome di Alport autosomica dominante.
Comunicazione orale. 6° Congresso Nazionale S.I.G.U. Verona, 24-27 Settembre 2003
41) C. Pescucci, I. Longo, F. Ariani, I. Meloni, M. Zappella, L. Russo, T. Giordano, G. Neri,
Renieri A., F. Guerrieri. Tre pazienti con sindrome di Rett hanno doppio difetto molecolare: una
mutazione nel gene MECP2 e un riarrangiamento in 15q11 6° Congresso Nazionale S.I.G.U.
Verona, 24-27 Settembre 2003
42) Renieri A., C. Pescucci, I. Longo, F. Ariani, I. Meloni, M. Zappella, L. Russo, T. Giordano,
G. Neri, F. Guerrieri. Rett patients with both MECP” mutations and 15q11-q13 rearrangments
The American Society of Human Genetics 53rd Annual Meeting Los Angeles, 4-8 Novembre
43) Renieri A., C. Lavoratti, D.Seracini, M. Materassi, I. Pela. Aspetti fenotipici e genotipici
della sindrome di Alport in una famiglia italiana. Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana
Nefrologia Pediatrica. Napoli 14-16 ottobre 2004.
44) Meloni I, Longo I, Bruttin M, Ledesma MD, Hellias B, Dotti CG, Renieri A.
“Caratterizzazione del gene FACL4, responsabile di ritardo mentale X-legato, e analisi di un
modello knock-out cellulare”. Settimo congresso della Società Italiana di Genetica
Umana(SIGU), Pisa, 13-15 Ottobre 2004.
45) A. Renieri, F. Mari, S. Azimonti, R. Caselli, E. Scala, I. Longo, C. Pescucci, F. Ariani, V.
Broccoli, F. Bolognesi, I. Bertani, M. Zappella, C. Kilstrup-Nielsen, N. Landsberger.
CDKL5 interacts with MeCP2 and it is responsible for the early seizure variant of Rett syndrome.
ESHG 2005, Praga.
46) Meloni I, Longo I, Bruttini M, Sampieri K, Ledesma MD, Hellias B, Dotti C, Renieri A.
Characterization of the mental retardation gene FACL4 and analysis of a cellular knockout
model. 12th International Workshop on Fragile X and X-linked mental retardation,
Williamsburg, 26-29 Agosto 2005.
47) Mari F, Meloni I, Gimelli S, Pramparo T, Pescucci C, Speciale C, Mencarelli MA, Hayek G,
Zappella M, Zuffardi O, Renieri A. Is there a specific phenotype associated with 3p14
microdeletion? 12th International Workshop on Fragile X and X-linked mental retardation,
Williamsburg, 26-29 Agosto 2005.
48) Renieri A, Caselli R, Papa FT, Mencarelli MA, Uliana V, Katzaki E, Sampieri K, Pollazzon
Ariani F, Meloni I, Longo I, Mari F. Oligo array-CGH analysis as a tool for discovering
autosomal mental retardation genes, atypical phenotype in known syndromes and novel
microdeletion syndromes. 13th International Workshop on Fragile X and X-linked mental
retardation, Venezia, 3-6 Ottobre 2007.
Le varianti di s. di Rett
a linguaggio conservato.
Autistic syndromes and Rett s.:
causes and treatment.
29-31marzo 2001
Il contributo della Genetica
Medica nel glaucoma e
Albinismo oculare
81° Congresso Nazionale
SOI Società Italiana di
28nov-1 dic 2001
Mutazioni nel gene OPTN
nel glaucoma primario
83° Congresso Nazionale
SOI Società Italiana di
26-29 nov 2003
Rett syndrome
7th National Congress
in Medical Genetics
and Prenatal Diagnosis
Kayseri (Turchia)
17-20 mag 2006
Mutazioni nel gene CDKL5
Sindrome di Rett
Lido di Camaiore
Retinoblastoma and MR
Nuovi risultati
5-6 maggio 2007
ISOO meeting
International Society
of Ocular Oncology
27-30 giugno 2007
3° Congresso Nazionale SIGU
Orvieto 28-30 nov-1 dic 2000
4° Congresso Nazionale SIGU
Orvieto 28-30 nov 2001
Test Genetici: come quando e perché
Siena 29 gen 2005
European Human Genetics Conference ESHG 2007
Nice (Francia)16-19 June 2007
1) Marinello E, Lorenzi M, Vannoni D, Caldarone R, Renieri A, Lorenzini L. "Urinary excretion
of oxypurines in gastrointestinal cancer patients". Terza conferenza internazionale "Human
tumor markers", Napoli 23-26 Aprile 1986.
2) Renieri A, Seri M, Lozzi L, Rustici M, Magi B, Rottoli P, Callea C, De Marchi M. "Analisi
immunologica e molecolare di varianti dell'alfa-1 antitripsina e dell'aptoglobina del plasma". II°
Giornata di Facoltà, Siena 3 Novembre 1990.
3) Olia PM, Renieri A, Seri M, Rottoli P, Vagliasindi M. "Dati preliminari di uno studio
interdisciplinare sull'alfa-1-antitripsina". II° congresso regionale della Sezione Toscana AIPO,
Siena 31 Maggio-1 Giugno 1991.
4) Olia PM, Renieri A, Seri M, Magi B, Rottoli P, De Marchi M, Vagliasindi M. "Indagine sui
fenotipi dell'alfa-1-antitripsina in bronchitici cronici-enfisematosi". VI° convegno di
aggiornamento sulle malattie dell'apparato respiratorio, Punta Ala (GR) 12 Ottobre 1991.
5) Renieri A, Seri M, Magi B, Olia PM, Rottoli P, Sirkka M, Dalmasso F, Vagliasindi M, De
Marchi M. "IEF and PCR studies of alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) in Italian pulmonary patients".
Eur. Resp. J. Vol.4, Suppl.14,.323-324, 1991.
6) De Marchi M, Meera Kahn P, Meo T, Porfirio B, Renieri A. "Il corso di Genetica del primo
anno del nuovo ordinamento: obiettivi e risultati nell'esperienza di Siena". III° Giornata di
Facoltà, Siena 16 Novembre 1991.
7) Renieri A, Seri M, Sessa A, De Marchi M. Alport syndrome: characterizing part of the
unknown 5' half of the COL4A5 gene. VIII International Congress of Human Genetics,
Washington D.C., U.S.A. 6-11 ottobre 1991. Am J Hum Genet 1991; 4: 417 (A).
8) Leoncini L, Vindigni C, Megha T, Funto' I, Pacenti L, Renieri A, Seri M, Tosi P. Il virus di
Epstein-Barr ae il carcinoma gastrico IV° Giornata di Facoltà, Siena 21 Novembre 1992.
9) Renieri A, Seri M, Galli L, Bruttini M, De Marchi M, e Gruppo per lo Studio Multicentrico
Italiano sulla Sindrome di Alport Alterazioni molecolari in pazienti affetti da sindrome di Alport
IV° Giornata di Facoltà, Siena 21 Novembre 1992.
10) Seri M, Renieri A, De Vitis L, Galli L, Bruttini M, Magi B, Cellesi C, Olia P, Rottoli P,
Vagliasindi M, Pallini V, De Marchi M. Studio genetico, molecolare e clinico delle varianti
dell'a1 antitripsina. IV° Giornata di Facoltà, Siena 21 Novembre 1992.
11) Renieri A, Seri M, L Galli, De Marchi M, e coll. Screening of mutations in the COL4A5
gene: report of the Italian Multicenter Study. Second International Workshop on Alport
Syndrome, New Haven, Connecticut USA, 26-27 febbraio 1993.
12) Sessa A, Meroni M, Battini G, Serbelloni P, Renieri A, Seri M, Galli L, De Marchi " A large
Alport syndrome family with gly 1143 ser change of collagen a5(IV) chain: variability of the clinical
phenotype" Second International Workshop on Alport Syndrome, New Haven
Connecticut USA 26-27 febbraio 1993.
13) Renieri A, Galli L, BruttiniM, De Marchi M Diagnostica molecolare delle nefriti ereditarie
ematuriche V° Giornata di Facoltà, Siena 20 Novembre 1993.
14) Hamalainen ER, Pihlajaniemi T, Renieri A, Pecoraro C, De Marchi "Alport syndrome
caused by a 36 base pair duplication of coding sequences within the COL4A5 gene". Second
International Workshop on Alport Syndrome, New Haven Connecticut USA 26-27 febbraio
15) Seri M, Renieri A, Galli L, De Marchi M e coll. "Ricerca di mutazioni con SSCP non
radioattiva nel COL4A5 in pazienti affetti da sindrome di Alport" Incontri Polymed Firenze 26
febbraio 1993.
16) Peissel B, Turco AE, Rossetti S, Biasi O, Lupo A, Maschio G, Renieri A, De Marchi M,
Pignatti PF. Mutation screening of COL4A5 gene in X-linked Alport syndrome by nonradioactive
SSCP and heteroduplex analysis. Incontri Genenco, Verona 14 maggio 1993.
17) Meroni M, Renieri A, Battini G, Serbelloni P, Torri Tarelli L, Seri M, Galli L, De Marchi,
Sessa A. "Differente fenotipia in una famiglia numerosa affetta da sindrome di Alport (SA), con
alterazione di,gly 1143 ser della catena a5 del collagene IV". 34° Congresso Nazionale della
Società Italiana di Nefrologia Pisa 18-21 maggio 1993. Giornale italiano di Nefrologia 1993; 10:
20 (A).
18) Meroni M, Battini G, Sessa A, Torri Tarelli L, Bertani T, Renieri A, Seri M, Galli L, De
Marchi. "Sindrome di Alport (SA) con sovrapposta glomerulonefrite a patogenesi
immunologica" 34° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Nefrologia Pisa 18-21 maggio
1993. Giornale italiano di Nefrologia 1993; 10: 20 (A).
19) Sessa A, Meroni M, Battini G, Serbelloni P, Renieri A e coll. A large Alport syndrome
family with gly 1143 ser change of collagen a5(IV) chain: variability of the clinical phenotype.
Jerusalem, Israel, 13-18 giugno 1993.
20) Renieri A, Galli L, Seri M, De Marchi M, Peissel B, Turco A, Pignatti PF, Neri T, Zanelli P,
Savi M, Hamalainen ER, Pilhajaniemi T and Clincal Center. Alport syndrome in Italy: a
multicenter screening for COL4A5 gene mutations. XLIII Annual Meeting of the American
Society of Human Genetics New Orleans Louisiana 5-9 ottobre, 1993. Am J Hum Genet 1993;
53: 1219 (A).
21) Renieri A, Galli L, Neri T e coll. Diagnostica molecolare delle nefriti ereditarie ematuriche.
VIII Congresso Nazionale FISME, Sorrento 7-10 novembre 1993. Pathologica 1993; 85: 138139 (A).
22) Turco A, Peissel B, Rossetti S, Renieri A e coll. Identificazione di una mutazione puntiforme
nel gene COL4A5 in un paziente con sindrome di Alport giovanile. VIII Congresso Nazionale
FISME, Sorrento 7-10 novembre 1993. Pathologica 1993; 85: 154 (A).
23) Turco AE, Peissel B, Rossetti S, Biasi O, Lupo A, Maschio G, Renieri A, De marchi M,
Pignatti PF. A single base pair deletion in exon 34 of the COL4A5 gen detected by non-isotopic PCRSSCP in an Alport syndrome patient. Atti Associazione Genetica Italiana vol XXXIX
1993, p. 279.
24) Massella L, Renieri A, De Nigris A, Faraggiana T, De Marchi M, Rizzoni G Mutazioni de
novo in pazienti pediatrici con sindrome di Alport IX Congresso Nazionale Sociata' Italiana di
Nefrologia Pediatrica 7-9 Ottobre 1993 Padova.
25) Turco AE, Rossetti S, Biasi MO, Renieri A, Galli L, Neri T, Zanelli P, De Marchi M,
Pignatti PF. COL4A5 frameshift mutations in juvenile Alport syndrome patients. July 15 1994
3° International Workshop on Alport Syndrome. Erlangen.
26) Renieri A, Galli L, Neri T, Turco A, Massella L, Meroni M, Trivelli A, De Marchi M,
Ballabio A. Amino acid substitutions in COL4A5 and late onset Alport syndrome. July 15 1994
3° International Workshop on Alport Syndrome. Erlangen.
27) Zanelli P, De Palma G, Renieri A, Galli L, De Marchi M, Savi M, Ballabio A, Neri M.
Diffuse esophageal leiomyomatosis(DL): a model for studying the role of the COL4A6 gene.July
15 1994 3° International Workshop on Alport Syndrome. Erlangen.
28) Renieri A, De Marchi M, Ballabio A Didattica tutoriale nell'insegnamento di genetica dal
1991 al 1994. VI° Giornata di Facoltà, Siena 19 Novembre 1994.
29) Renieri A, Galli L, Bruttini M, Neri TM, Zanelli T, Turco A, Rossetti S, Ballabio A, De
Marchi M. Alterazioni del gene COL4A5 nella sindrome di Alport come modello di patologia
molecolare. VI° Giornata di Facoltà, Siena 19 Novembre 1994.
30) Massella L, Mazzucco G, Barsotti P, Faraggiana T, Renieri A, e coll. Clinical and
morphological features in Alport syndrome (AS) in whom a mutation in the COL4A5 gene was
demonstrated. 28° annual meeting ESPN Amsterdam The Netherlands 25-28 settembre 1994
Pediatric Nefrology 1994 8:76, P131 (A).
31) Neri TM, Zanelli P, De Palma G, Renieri A., L. Galli, M. De Marchi, Savi M e Studio
Multicentrico Italiano sulla Sindrome di Alport Alterazioni del gene COL4A5 nella sindrome di
Alport come modello di patologia molecolare. IX Congresso Nazionale FISME, Spoleto 1994
32) Turco AE, Rossetti S, Biasi O, Renieri A., De Marchi, Pignatti PF e Studio Multicentrico
Italiano sulla Sindrome di Alport Alterazioni del gene COL4A5 nella sindrome di Alport come
modello di patologia molecolare. IX Congresso Nazionale FISME, Spoleto 1994
33) Turco AE, Rossetti S, Biasi O, Lupo A, Maschio G, Renieri A, et al. Linkage approach and
direct COL4A5 gene mutation screening in Alport syndrome. Am J Hum Genet 1994; 55: A246,
1441 (A).
34) Pietrucci A, Meroni M, Carozzi S, Tazzari S, Torri Tarelli L, Giordano F, Renieri A, De
Marchi M, Valente U and Sessa A. Can asintomatic women carriers of the Alport syndrome gene
be accepted as living kidney donors? XXV Meeting of the Italian Society of Nephrology Bari
May 18-21 1994.
35) Renieri A., M. Bruttini, L. Galli, TM. Neri, P. Zanelli, Turco A, Rossetti S., Meroni M,
Sessa A,Massella L,Rizzoni G,Pignatti GF,Savi M,De Marchi M,Ballabio A. Mutation scanning
of the entire COL4A5 coding sequence in Alport syndrome and genotype phenotype correlation.
Giornata di Facolta' anno accademico 1995-1996. Siena, Novembre 1995. Poster selezionato
come secondo miglior contenuto scientifico.
36) Neri T. Zanelli P, Savi M, Renieri A, et al. Heterogeneity of COL4A5 mutations in Alport
symdrome patients: update of the Italian multicenter study. 27th Annual Meeting of the
Europaen Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) Berlin 23-27 May 1995.
37) Fasciolo F, Scolari F, Murassi L, Tardanico R, Renieri A, Zanelli P, Neri T. Early onset of
Alport's syndrome di Childhoold: case report. Seminar on inherited kidney diseases. Cipro 27-29
gennaio 1995.
38) Meroni M, Carozzi S, Pietrucci A, Tazzari S, Torri Tarelli L, Renieri A, Sessa A.
Oligosymptomatic mother carrier of the Alport gene as living kidey donor Cipro 27-29 gennaio
39) Massella L, Renieri A, Galli L, et al. E' il genotipo utile per la prognosi renale nei pazienti
con syndrome di Alport (SA)? XI Congresso Nazionale della Societa' Italiana di Nefrologia
Pediatrica Torino Ottobre 1995.
40) Cetta F, Civitelli S, Pacchiarotti MC, Lore' F, Renieri A, Petracci M, Giubbolini M, Baldi C.
Follicular and papillary carcinomas of the thyroid associated with familial adenomatous
polyposis are likely to have common premalignant changes. Annual Meeting of American
Gastroenterology Association San Francisco May 96 Gastroenterology 110: 501 (A).
41) Renieri A., Bruttini M., Piccini M., Zhou J., Ballabio A. Eterogeneita' genetica di locus nella
microematuria familiare benigna. XI Congresso Nazionale FISME Spoleto 9-12 ottobre 1996.
42) Renieri A, Bruttini M, Piccini M, Vitelli F, Gianfrancesco F, Forabosco A, Pober B, Jonsson
J, Franco B, Ballabio A Progress towards the identification of a gene involved in a new X-linked
contiguous gene syndrome including Alport phenotype, mental retardation, and elliptocytosis. 29
annual meeting of The European Society of Human Genetics ESHG Genova, 17-20 Maggio
43) Fogli A, Lo Nigro C, Cucciardi M, Renieri A, Pilz D, Guerrini R, Carrozzo R. Two new
tuncating mutations in the lis1 gene in patients with isolated lissencepjhaly sequence 1 Italian
workshop on genome research and sequencing technology. San Miniato 2-4 Giugno 1997
44) Renieri A, Piccini M, Vitelli F, Bruttini M, Pober B, Jonsson JJ, Zollo M, Borsani G,
Ballabio A LACS4, a new gene encoding Long Chain Acyl-CoA Synthetase 4, is deleted in a
family with Alport syndrome, elliptocytosis and mental retardation. 47th Annual Meeting of The
American Society of Human Genetics, Baltimora, Maryland October 1997. Am J Hum Genet
1997, 61: 4 (A345)
45) Celli J, Betsos N, Kristoffersson U, Claudiani F, Camera G, Renieri A, Lore' F, Lerone M,
Ceccherini I, Seri M, Romeo G Molecular analysis of the Ret proto-oncogene in pedigrees
showing MEN 2 with associated disorders 6th Interantional Workshop on Multiple Endocrine
Neoplasia and Von Hippel-Lindau Disease Noordwijkerhout The Netherland, June 1997
46) Seri M, Cusano R, Forabosco P, Caroli F, Picco P, Bini R, Brescia Morra V, Lerone M,
Silengo M, De Giorgio R, Stanghellini V, Minetti C, Porfirio B, Renieri A, Sumegi J, Bolino A,
Romeo G and Devoto M Linkage analysis of several rare inherited disorders and genetic mapping of a
gene responsible for a new autosomal dominant neuronopathy. 2 Italian Workshop
on Genome Research, Gargano-Mattinata (FG) 8-10 giugno 1998
47) Piccini M, Mari F, Vitelli F, Seri M, Banfi S, Bulfone A, Renieri A. "Cloning of a neuromuscular
specific gene from the region deleted in the contigous gene deletion syndrome
AMME." I Congresso Nazionale Sociteta' Italiana Genetica Umana (SIGU), Spoleto 30/93/10/1998.
48) Macucci M, Guidi L, Renieri A, M.L. Bartolozzi, M. Lombardi, F. Vitelli, P. Lambruschini.
Distrofia muscolare facio-scapolo-omerale: studio clinico, neurofisiologico e genetico di una
famiglia dell'area empolese-val d'Elsa. Congresso della Società Italiana di Neurofisiologia
Clinica. Portoferraio14 -17 giugno 1999.
49) Bruttini M., Porcedda P., Renieri A, De Marchi M. SSCP analysis of the
COL4A4 gene in autosomal recessive alport syndrome V International Symposium on
Mutations in the Human Genome Vicoforte (Cuneo - Italy) 13-16 May 1999
50) Acquaviva Antonio, Zannolli Raffaella, Pucci Lucia, Renieri A, Fimiani Marco, Biondi A,
Cantu-Rajinoldi A. Sindrome di Rothmund-Tomson e mielodisplasia: descrizione di un caso.
AIEOP XXVI Congresso Nazionale medico-infermieristico, Brescia, 31 maggio-1 giugno 1999.
51) Vitelli Francesca, Mariano Rocchi, Renieri A, Antonio Baldini. Progressi verso la
generazione di un modello murino della s. AMME. II Congresso nazionale Societa' Italiana
Genetica Umana (SIGU), Orvieto 29/9-1/10/1999.
52) Rubegni P, De Aloe G, Pianigiani E, Andreassi A, Renieri A, Fimiani M. Autosomal
dominant aplasia cutis congenita: exclusion of candidate chromosomal regions. VIth Congress of
the European Society for Pediatric Dermatology, September 13-18, 1999
53) De Aloe G, Pianigiani E, Andreassi A, Arnecchi T, Renieri A, Fimiani M. A case of
Osteogenesis Imperfecta (Type I) VIth Congress of the European Society for Pediatric
Dermatology, September 13-18, 1999
54) Renieri A, Francesca Vitelli, Ilaria Meloni, Luis J.V. Galietta, Oscar Moran, Alessandro
Bulfone, Sandro Banfi, Barbara Pober. KCNE1 like gene id deleted in AMME contiguous gene
syndrome: identification and characterization of the human and mouse homologs. The American
Society of Human Genetics, San Francisco, October 19-23, 1999
55) Macucci M., Bartolozzi M.L., Vitelli F., Guidi L., Lombardi M., Meloni I., Favara F.,
Lambruschini P., Renieri A. Distrofia muscolare facioscapolomerale: analisi clinica e genetica di
tre famiglie dell'area empolese.Riunione della sezione Tosco-Umbra della Societa' Italiana di
Neurologia, Livorno nei giorni 15-16 settembre 2000
56) Alessandra Renieri, Ilaria Meloni , Mirella Bruttini , Ilaria Longo , Francesca Mari , Flavio
Rizzolio, Patrizia D’Adamo, Koenraad Denvriendt , Jean-Pierre Fryns, Daniela Toniolo. A
mutation in the Rett Syndrome gene, MECP2, causes X-linked mental retardation and
progressive spasticity in males. Am Soc Hum Genet, Philadelphia, October 3-7, 2000
57) Longo Iaria1, Porcedda Paola, Mari Francesca,Vitelli Francesca, Bruttini Mirella, Deplano
Carla, Giachino Daniela, Brusco Alfredo, Renieri Alessandra e De Marchi Mario. Analisi molecolare
dei geni COL4A3 e COL4A4: forme autosomiche di sindrome di Alport. III
Congresso nazionale Societa' Italiana Genetica Umana (SIGU), Orvieto 29/11-1/12/2000.
58) Bruttini Mirella, Meloni Ilaria, Cusano Roberto, Fimiani Michele, Federico Antonio, Renieri
Alessandra. Pseudoxanthoma elasticum: mutazioni puntiformi nel gene ABCC6 e una grande
delezione che invlude il gene MYH11. III Congresso nazionale Societa' Italiana Genetica Umana
(SIGU), Orvieto 29/11-1/12/2000.
59) Frascà GM, Canova C, Renieri A, Orsi C, Prandini R, Baldi A, Soverini L, Vangelista A,
Stefoni S. Sindrome del coloboma del nervo ottico associata a nefropatia (ONCR) in una
paziente di 32 anni. 42° Congresso Nazionale della SocietàItaliana di Nefrologia. Trieste 19-22
Settembre 2001.
60) I. Longo, I. Meloni, M. Zappella, and A. Renieri. MECP2 mutations in atypical
patients.10th International Workshop on Fragile X and X-Linked Mental Retardation, Frascati
19-22 Settembre 2001
61) I. Longo, M. Bruttini, F. Mari, C. Pescucci, F. Ariani, P. Frezzotti, R. Ciappetta, A.
Randazzo, N. Orzalesi, L. Tomazzoli, S. Gandol, A. Serra, M.G. Bucci, T. Rolle, R. Frezzotti, A.
Renieri. Mutazioni nel gene MYOC in famiglie con Glaucoma. 5° Congresso Nazionale S.I.G.U.
Verona, 24-27 Settembre 2002
62) I. Meloni, I. Longo, C. Pescucci, F. Ariani, F. Mari, M. Bruttini, J.P. Fryns, A. Renieri.
Identificazione di un' ulteriore famiglia (MRX68) con mutazione nel gene FACL4 e proposta di
un test rapido di screening per il ritardo mentale. 5° Congresso Nazionale S.I.G.U. Verona, 2427 Settembre 2002
63) Ariani f., Meloni I., Longo I., Pescucci C., Bruttini M., Moro F., Guerrini R., Rocchi F.,
Cambi F., Renieri A., Il gene MECP2 è implicato nella micropoligiria perisilviana. 5° Congresso
Nazionale S.I.G.U. Verona, 24-27 Settembre 2002
64) Pescucci C., Longo I., Meloni I., Ariani F., Bruttini M., Zappella M., Renieri A. Pazienti con
fenotipo Rett-like e delezione in 2q34: implicazioni per la patogenesi della sindrome di Rett. 5°
Congresso Nazionale S.I.G.U. Verona, 24-27 Settembre 2002
65) Longo I, Mari F, Pescucci C, Ariani F, Bruttini M, Meloni I, De Marchi M and Renieri A.
Autosomal form of Alport syndrome, a model between dominant and recessive inheritance:
implications for clinical practice and genetic counseling. The American Society of Human
Genetics 52rd Annual Meeting Baltimore, 15-19 October 2002
66) Pescucci C, Longo I, Mari F, Caselli R, Scale E, Gusmano R, Seri M, Renieri A. Autosomal
dominant Alport may not be distinguishable from the X-L dominant form: consequences in
prenatal diagnosis. European Human Genetics Conference 3-6 maggio, 2003, Birmingham,
67) Meloni I, Pescucci C, Mari F, Longo I, Ariani F, Bruttini M, Renieri A, P. Xlmr Italian
Project. Progetto italiano sul ritardo mentale X-legato. Poster 6° Congresso Nazionale S.I.G.U.
Verona, 24-27 Settembre 2003
68) I. Longo, F. Ariani, F. Borgia, F. Errico, I. Meloni, M. Bruttini, P. Frezzotti, A. Renieri. Il
gene Optineurina (OPTN) non è implicato nel glaucoma primario ad angolo aperto 6° Congresso
Nazionale S.I.G.U. Verona, 24-27 Settembre 2003
69) Gambelli S, Morandi L, Mari F, Longo I, Malandrini A, Berti G, Dotti MT, Federico A,
Renieri A. Diagnostic problem in FSHD: report of two families XXXIV Congress of the Italian
Neurological Society, Ottobre 2003, Roma
70) Frezzotti P., Longo I., Borgia F., Caporossi A., Pescucci C., Ariani F., Bruttini M., Serra
A., Orzatesi N., Gandolfi S., Bucci M.G., Grignolo F., Tomazzoli L., Frezzotti R., Renieri A.
Analysis of Optineurin gene in Italian primari open angle glaucoma families Am. Academy of
Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Nov 15-18 2003
71) Brunori P, Rufa A, Ariani F, Perticoni G, Renieri A, Federico A, Dotti MT Preserved speech
variant of the Rett syndrome: clinical and molecular study in a patient. Congresso Nazionale
Società Italiana Neurologia, Roma 13-15 ottobre 2003.
72) Mari F, Cogliati F, Caselli R, Longo I, Ariani F, Bruttini M, Meloni I, Russo S, Larizza L,
Hayek G, Zappella M, Renieri A. "Germ –line mosaicism in Rett sindrome: is it more common
than expected?”. European Human Genetics Conference, Monaco, June 12-15, 2004.
73) Meloni I, Longo I, Bruttin M, Ledesma MD, Hellias B, Dotti CG, Renieri A. “FACL4 protein
and mental retardation: protein characterization and cellular knock-out model”. European Human
Genetics Conference, Monaco, June 12-15, 2004.
74) A. Renieri, C. Pescucci, R. Tenconi. Clinical genetics in Italy: strategy and organization.
European Human Genetics Conference, Monaco, June 12-15, 2004.
75) Mari F, Cogliati F, Caselli R, Longo I, Ariani F, Bruttini M, Meloni I, Pescucci C, Schurfeld
K, Toti P, Russo S, Larizza L, Hayek G, Zappella M, Renieri A. “Mosaicismo Germinale nella
sindrome di Rett: è forse più comune di quanto non ci si attenda?”. Settimo congresso della
Società Italiana di Genetica Umana (SIGU), Pisa, 13-15 Ottobre 2004.
76) Ariani F, Scala E, Caselli R, Pescucci C, Lonog I, Mari F, Meloni I, Giachino D, Bruttini M,
Vogiatzi P, Hayek G, Zappella M, Renieri A. “STK9 é mutato nella variante di sindrome di Rett
con spasmi infantili”. Settimo congresso della Società Italiana di Genetica Umana(SIGU), Pisa,
13-15 Ottobre 2004.
77) Mari F, Cogliati F, Caselli R, Longo I, Ariani F, Bruttini M, Meloni I, Schurfeld K, Toti P,
Russo S, Larizza L, Hayek G, Zappella M, Renieri A. “A case of prenatal diagnosis of Rett
sindrome due to germ-line mosaicism”. The American Society of Human Genetics, 54rd Annual
Meeting, Toronto, October 26-30, 2004.
78) Meloni I, Longo I, Bruttin M, Ledesma MD, Hellias B, Dotti CG, Renieri A.
“Characterization of the mental retardation gene FACL4 and analysis of a cellular knock-out
model”. The American Society of Human Genetics, 54rd Annual Meeting, Toronto, October 2630, 2004.
79) Frezzotti P., Longo I., Mari F, Caporossi A., Pescucci C., Ariani F., Orzatesi N., Frezzotti
R., Renieri A. Mutazioni missenso nel gene MYOC in pazienti in una famiglia con glaucoma
primario dell’adulto. Congresso Associazione Italiana Glaucoma 2004, Rapallo
80) C. Pescucci, F. Ariani, F. Mari, C. Speciale, M. Bedeschi, P. Veggiotti, R. Fischetto, R.
Grasso, R. Ghilardi, A. Selicorni, M. di Rocco, M. Mantovan, M. Priolo, A. Mendicino, R.
Tenconi, A. Renieri. Cohen syndrome: molecular analysis of the COH1 gene in the Italian cohort
of patients. ESHG 2005, Praga.
81) F. Mari, G. Gregato, S. Gimelli, T. Pramparo, C. Pescucci, C. Speciale, E. Pretegiani, M.
Mencarelli, K. Sampieri, O. Zuffardi, A. Renieri. Is there a specific phenotype associated with
3p14 microdeletion?. ESHG 2005, Praga.
82) I. Meloni, C. Pescucci, F. Mari, I. Longo, F. Ariani, M. Bruttini, E. Scala, R. Caselli, K.
Sampieri, A. Renieri, XLMR Italian Network. X-linked mental retardation Italian network.
ESHG 2005, Praga.
83) Longo I, Meloni I, Pescucci C, Mari F, Ariani F, Bruttini M, Scala E, Caselli R, Sampieri K,
Speciale C, Renieri A. X-linked mental retardation italian network. 12th International Workshop
on Fragile X and X-linked mental retardation, Williamsburg, August 26-29, 2005.
84) Ariani F, Meloni I, Pescucci C, Sampieri K, Longo I, Mari F, Bruttini M, Scala E, Caselli R,
Speciale C, Renieri A. Italian bank of Rett sindrome. 12th International Workshop on Fragile X
and X-linked mental retardation, Williamsburg, August 26-29, 2005.
85) Scala E, Pescucci C, Caselli R, Meloni I, Bruttini M, Lugtenberg D, Van Bokhoven H, Mari
F, Renieri A. Il coinvolgimento di VCX-A nel ritardo mentale è escluso tramite mappa di
delezione con array-CGH. Ottavo congresso della Società Italiana di Genetica Umana(SIGU),
Chia Laguna, 28-30 Settembre 2005.
86) Ariani F, Mari F, Caselli R, Longo I, Hayek G, Zappella M, Pescucci C, Bruttini M,
Sampieri K, Meloni I, Scala E, Renieri A. Delezione del gene MECP2 identificata mediante
qPCR in un caso familiare di sindrome di Rett. Ottavo congresso della Società Italiana di
Genetica Umana(SIGU), Chia Laguna, 28-30 Settembre 2005.
87) Meloni I, Ariani F, Longo I, Pescucci C, Sampieri K, Mari F, Bruttini M, Caselli R, Scala E,
Speciale C, Renieri A. RETTBASE: la banca italiana per la sindrome di Rett. Ottavo congresso
della Società Italiana di Genetica Umana(SIGU), Chia Laguna, 28-30 Settembre 2005.
88) Ariani F, Bozzato A, Mari F, Meloni I, Scala E, Acampa M, Hayek G, Zappella M, Borsani
G, Renieri A. KCNH2: a good candidate for the cardiac phenotype observed in Rett syndrome.
European Human Genetics Conference, Amsterdam, May 06-09, 2006.
89) Ariani F, Longo I, Mari F, Pescucci C, Sampieri K, Artuso R, Scala E, Caselli R, Bruttini M,
Meloni I, Hayek G, Zappella M, Renieri A. MECP2 large deletions and exon 1 mutations in RTT
patients. Fifty sixth Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG). New
Orleans, October 9-13, 2006.
90) Artuso R, Speciale C, Mencarelli MA, Scala E, Ottimo F, Vigevano F, Cilio MR, Zappella
M, Balestri P, Meloni I, Ariani F, Mari F, Renieri A. Il gene CDKL5 e la variante di sindrome di
rett con convulsioni ad esordio precoce. Nono congresso della Società Italiana di Genetica
Umana(SIGU), Venezia, 08-10 Novembre 2006.
91) Scala E, Ottimo F, Mencarelli MA, Hayek G, Zappella M, Meloni I, Mari F, Ariani F,
Renieri A. Mutazioni nell’esone 1 e grandi delezioni del gene MECP2 nella sindrome di Rett.
Nono congresso della Società Italiana di Genetica Umana(SIGU), Venezia, 08-10 Novembre
92) Katzaki E, Longo I, Pescucci C, Papa FT, Ariani F, Meloni I, Priolo M, Selicorni A,
Fischetto R, Celle M, Grasso R, Dalla piccola B, Bordignon M, Tenconi R, Mari F, Renieri A.
Growth failure, cardiac septal defect, thin lip and asymmetric dysmorphic ears: a new syndrome
due to deletion of 6q25? . European Human Genetics Conference, Nizza, 16-19 Giungo 2007.
93) Caselli R, Mari F, Papa FT, Mencarelli MA, Uliana V, Ariani F, Meloni I, Longo I, Renieri
A. Array-CGH analysis: new deletion syndromes and atypical phenotype in old deletion
syndromes. European Human Genetics Conference, Nizza, 16-19 Giungo 2007.
94) Uliana V, Giordano N, Caselli R, Papa FT Ariani F, Meloni I, Longo I, Mari F, Nuti R,
Renieri A. Expanding the phenotype of the 22q11deletion syndrome: the MURCS association.
European Human Genetics Conference, Nizza, 16-19 Giungo 2007.
95) Scala E, Caselli R, Papa F, Ottimo F, Artuso R, Mencarelli MA, Meloni I, Mari F, Zappella
M, Hayek G, Ariani F, Renieri A. Classic Rett syndrome (RTT) and Preserved Speech Variant:
new approaches to understand the genetic differences. European Human Genetics Conference,
Nizza, 16-19 Giungo 2007.
96) Meloni I, Parri V, De Filippis R, Ariani F, Bruttini M, Longo I, Mari F, Renieri A.
Quantitative expression analysis of ACSL4 isoforms in brain. 13th International Workshop on
Fragile X and X-linked mental retardation, Venezia, 3-6 Ottobre 2007.
97) Mari F, Caselli R, Papa FT, Mencarelli MA, Uliana V, Katzaki E, Sampieri K, Pollazzon M,
Ariani F, Meloni I, Longo I, Renieri A. Oligo array-CGH analysis as a tool for discovering
disease mechanisms, atypical phenotype in known syndromes and novel deletion syndromes.
Fifty seventh Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG). San Diego
(USA), 23-27 Ottobre 2007.
98) Ariani F, Scala E, Caselli R, Papa FT, Artuso R, Mencarelli MA, Meloni I, Mari F, Zappella
M, Hayek G, Yasui DH, LaSalle JM, Renieri A. New approaches to understand the genetic
differences between classic Rett syndrome and Preserved Speech Variant. Fifty seventh Annual
Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG). San Diego (USA), 23-27 Ottobre
99) Jiang Y, Bhat S, Abidi F, Wu Y, Zhang L, Marcocci E, Meloni I, Renieri A, Schwartz C,
Huganir R, and Wang T. Genetic and functional characterization of sequence variants in
GRIPAP-1, a neuronal rasGEF protein and a candidate gene for X-linked mental retardation.
Fifty seventh Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG). San Diego
(USA), 23-27 Ottobre 2007.
number of publications
publications in review with IF more than 8
Nat Genet
Am J Hum Genet
Annals Neurol
Hum Mol Genet
publications in review with IF between 2 and 8
J Am Soc Nephrol
Kidney Int
Int J Cancer
J Pathol
Hum Genet
J Med Genet
Hum Mutat
Am J Med Genet
Am J Med Genet B
Eur J Hum Genet
J Mol Med
Am J Ophthalmol
Arch Ophthalmol
J Invest Dermatol
Nephrol Dial Transplant
J Hum Genet
J Cell Physiol
Am J Nephrol
Clin Genet
J Intern Med
publications in review with IF less than 2
Cytogenet Cell genet
Clin Chim Acta
Eur J Med Genet
Muscle Nerve
Arch Dermatol Res
Eur Neurol
J Submicr Cytol Path
Graef Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol
Int J Clin Lab Res
Eur J Ophthalmol
Clin Dysmorphol

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