IAME S.p.A - Via Lisbona, 15
24040 Zingonia (BG) - Italy
Tel: +39.035.883022
Fax: +39.035.885744
www.iame.it - [email protected]
[email protected]
IAME S.p.A. - Via Lisbona, 15
24040 Zingonia (BG) - Italy
Tel: +39.035.883022
Fax: +39.035.885744
Brandon, United Kingdom, PF International Kart Circuit. The final round of the European Championship carries two IAME drivers on the
KF2 podium: Barnicoat (ART GP/Parilla), waiting for the decision of the MSA Court of Appeal, could finally be the champion. Leclerc
(ART GP/Parilla) is strong in 3rd place of the final ranking. Florescu plays the protagonist in the KF3 class.
21 Parilla powered drivers at the start. Among them comes Barnicoat
(ART GP/Parilla); he’s waiting that CIK-FIA announces the verdict of
the appeal presented by Verstappen following his disqualification
in one qualifying heat and is then still in chase for the title, thanks
to his 2nd overall placement. Anyway, his performance can not be
questioned: 6th in the qualifying session, good performance in the
heats (3 first places then a 24th and a 2nd) and 3rd in Race 1 with
the best lap. The only remark comes in Race 2 where following a
contact, he is knocked out of the race. Bitter ending also for Leclerc
(ART GP/Parilla): following the 2nd place in the qualifying session
and very good qualifying heats (1st , 23rd , 3rd , 2nd , 2nd and a
best lap), he leaves Race 1 after few laps. The recovery in Race 2
is then amazing, he climbs up to the 8th place and freezes his 3rd
place on the podium of the European Championship. In the Top Ten
of the overall ranking also come Tiihonen (Energy/Parilla), 9th and
Snell (Energy/Parilla), 10th .
The Finnish is fast in the 5 heats where he always finishes in the
top ten positions (also with one victory) and is then 5th in both
Race 1 and 2. Snell, is 10th in the qualifying, 3rd after the heats
(following a 3rd , a 2nd , a 12th , a 3rd and a 3rd ). Too bad
he is downgraded from the 8th to the 15th place in Race 2
following a penalty. Worthy of mention also the victories in the
heats for Graham (Zanardi/Parilla), Litchfield (Zanardi/Parilla)
and Romanov (Energy/Parilla), the former also being then 11th
and 9th in the two races, and the Lavelli’s (Top Kart/Parilla) victory
in Final B.
With 35 engines at the start, the 43,2% of the drivers is powered
by Parilla. On Saturday Ilott (Zanardi/Parilla) is in great shape, he
wins three heats (also with the best lap) and casts his 3rd place on
the grid of Race 1. Too bad on Sunday he is not as much lucky and
following many contacts, he can only finish 13th and 11th in the
final races. Opposite path for Florescu (Zanardi/Parilla): 20th after
the heats, 10th in Race 1 and 3rd in Race 2, also with the best lap.
The result grants him the 8th place in the overall standing, beside
his absence in the round held in Varennes.
In Brandon also do well Raspatelli (Tony Kart/Parilla), winner of one
heat and always among the top ten in the others races, Besancenez
(one 3rd place in one of the heats) and Cunati (a 2nd a 3rd and
a 5th place for him). Stupenkov (Gillard/Parilla) finishes in the top
ten in 4 heats out of 5 and comes 15th in Race 1 and then 27th in
Race 2. A few metres behind him, in Race 1, come also De Leval
(Kosmic/Parilla), 18th and Laaksonen (ART GP/Parilla), 20th . The
latter confirming his good performance with the 12th place in race
2. Last but not least, the 3rd place by Lehouck (Sodi/Parilla) after
the heats, but then unlucky in the final Races, 27th and 14th.
Ben Barnicoat
(ART/Parilla) KF2
Petrut Florescu
IAME S.p.A - Via Lisbona, 15
24040 Zingonia (BG) - Italy
Tel: +39.035.883022
Fax: +39.035.885744
[email protected]
www.iame.it - [email protected]
IAME S.p.A. - Via Lisbona, 15
24040 Zingonia (BG) - Italy
Tel: +39.035.883022
Fax: +39.035.885744
Brandon, Angleterre , PF International Kart Circuit. Au dernier rendez-vous du Championnat d’Europe 2 pilotes IAME montent sur le
podium en catégorie KF2: Barnicoat (ART GP/Parilla) dans l’ attente du verdict de la cour d’appel de la Fédération MSA, qui pourrait le
proclamer champion et Leclerc (ART GP/Parilla) bien solidement campé sur la troisième marche en KF2. Florescu protagoniste in KF3.
Bien 21 pilotes avec moteurs Parilla au départ . Parmi eux, Barnicoat
(ART GP/Parilla) qui en attente de la décision de la Fédération CIKFIA sur le recours présenté par Verstappen disqualifié lors d’une
manche, reste en lice pour le titre, grâce à une solide 2ème place
au classement général. Ce qui est incontestable toutefois, c’est la
grande épreuve réalisée par l’Anglais: 6ème aux qualifications, bon
au cours des manches (3 fois 1er, puis 24ème et 2ème) et 3ème
en Course 1 avec un meilleur chrono. Seule ombre au tableau,
alors qu’il luttait avec les premiers en course 2 , un accrochage le
met hors combat. Pour Leclerc aussi (ART GP/Parilla) ça se temine
mal: après une 2ème place aux qualifications et d’excellentes
manches, (1er, 23ème, 3ème, 2ème, 2ème, et un meilleur chrono),
il termine la Course 1 après quelques tours seulement. Il remonte
de façon spectaculaire jusqu’à la 8ème place en Course 2 ce qui
lui vaut la 3ème marche du podium du Championnat d’Europe.
Tiihonen (Energy/Parilla), 9ème et Snell (Energy/Parilla), 10ème
aussi terminent parmi les 10 premiers au classement. Le finlandais
se met en lumière avec 5 manches qu’il termine toujours parmi les 10
premiers (avec une victoire aussi) et, surtout, avec sa 5ème place
dans les 2 courses. Snell, par contre, est 10ème aux qualifications ,
3ème après les manches (qu’il termine 3ème, 2ème, 12ème, 3ème,
3ème) et une excellente 2ème place en Course 1. Dommage pour la
pénalité infligée en Course 2 qui le fait rétrocéder à la 15ème place
(alors qu’il était 8ème). A signaler aussi les victoires aux manches de
Graham (Zanardi/Parilla), Litchfield (Zanardi/Parilla) et Romanov
(Energy/Parilla), successivement 11ème et 9ème lors de la course,
et la première place à la finale B de Lavelli (Top Kart/Parilla).
Avec 35 moteurs, 43,2% des pilotes au départ courent avec un
moteur Parilla. Samedi, Ilott (Zanardi/Parilla) en pleine forme
remporte 3 manches (et 3 chronos) et s’installe ainsi à la 3ème place
au départ de la Course 1. Dommage que le dimanche la malchance
l’ait poursuivi et qu’il ait terminé sa journée sur une 13ème et une
11ème place à cause d’accrochages dans les deux finales. Les
choses vont différemment pour Florescu (Zanardi/Parilla): 20ème
après les manches, 10ème en Course 1 et 3ème en Course 2, avec
le meilleur chrono, et finit 8ème au classement général, malgré son
absence à l’épreuve de Varennes.
A Brandon, si distinguent aussi Raspatelli (Tony Kart/Parilla),
vainqueur d’une manche et toujours parmi les premiers 10 dans
les autres, Besancenez (à son actif aussi une 3ème place dans une
manche) et Cunati (pour lui, entre autre, une 2ème une 3ème et une
5ème place). Stupenkov (Gillard/Parilla) termine 4 manches sur 5
dans les 10 premiers et en Course 1 il est 15ème (27ème en Course
2). Le suivant de près derrière, en Course 1, De Leval (Kosmic/
Parilla) aussi , 18ème, et Laaksonen (ART GP/Parilla), 20ème. Ce
dernier se confirme avec la 12ème place en Course 2. Mention
bien aussi pour Lehouck (Sodi/Parilla) avec sa 3ème place après
les qualifications (le Français va finir par se classer 27ème et 14ème
aux deux finales).
Ben Barnicoat
(ART/Parilla) KF2
Petrut Florescu
IAME S.p.A - Via Lisbona, 15
24040 Zingonia (BG) - Italy
Tel: +39.035.883022
Fax: +39.035.885744
[email protected]
www.iame.it - [email protected]
IAME S.p.A. - Via Lisbona, 15
24040 Zingonia (BG) - Italy
Tel: +39.035.883022
Fax: +39.035.885744
Brandon, Inghilterra, PF International Kart Circuit. L’ultimo appuntamento dell’Europeo porta due piloti sul podio della KF2: Barnicoat (ART
GP/Parilla), in attesa del verdetto della corte d’appello della MSA, potrebbe diventare il campione. Leclerc (ART GP/Parilla) saldo al terzo
posto assoluto di KF2, Florescu protagonista in KF3.
Ben 21 i piloti motorizzati Parilla al via. Tra questi c’è Barnicoat
(ART GP/Parilla) che, in attesa che la CIK-FIA si pronunci sul
ricorso presentato da Verstappen dopo la squalifica in una
manche, resta in lizza per il titolo, grazie al 2° posto assoluto in
classifica generale. Ciò che nessuno può comunque cambiare è
la grande prova dell’inglese: 6° in qualifica, bravo nelle manche
(3 volte 1°, poi 24° e 2°) e 3° in Gara 1 con il giro veloce. L’unico
neo arriva in Gara 2 quando, mentre era in lotta con i primi,
subisce un contatto che lo mette KO.
Anche per Leclerc (ART GP/Parilla) il finale è amaro: dopo il
2° posto in qualifica e le ottime manche, (1°, 23°, 3°, 2°, 2°,
con un giro veloce dalla sua), Gara 1 si chiude dopo pochi
giri. Eccezionale, però, è la rimonta fino all’8° posto di Gara 2,
che sancisce il suo 3° gradino del podio all’Europeo. Chiudono
nella top ten della classifica anche Tiihonen (Energy/Parilla), 9°
e Snell (Energy/Parilla), 10°. Il finlandese si mette in luce con
5 manche chiuse sempre tra i primi dieci (con una vittoria) e,
soprattutto, con il 5° posto in entrambe le gare. Snell, invece, è
10° in qualifica, 3° dopo le manche (chiuse 3°, 2°, 12°, 3°, 3°)
e ottimo 2° in Gara 1. Peccato per la penalità arrivata in gara2
che lo retrocede al 15°posto (in realtà era 8°).
Da segnalare anche le vittorie di manche di Graham (Zanardi/
Parilla), Litchfield (Zanardi/Parilla) e Romanov (Energy/Parilla),
poi 11° e 9° in gara, e il primo posto nella Finale B di Lavelli (Top
Con 35 motori al via, il 43,2% dei partenti è motorizzato Parilla.
Sabato, un Ilott (Zanardi/Parilla) in gran forma porta a casa 3
manche (e 3 giri veloci) assestandosi al 3° posto al via di gara 1.
Peccato che la domenica non sia altrettanto fortunata e si chiuda
a causa di contatti con un 13° e un 11° posto nelle due finali.
Fa il percorso inverso Florescu (Zanardi/Parilla): 20° dopo le
manche, 10° in Gara 1 e 3° in Gara 2, con il giro più veloce,
per un 8° posto in classifica generale, nonostante l’assenza alla
prova di Varennes. A Brandon ben figurano anche Raspatelli
(Tony Kart/Parilla), vincitore di una manche e sempre nei primi
10 nelle altre, Besancenez (dalla sua anche un 3° posto in una
manche) e Cunati (per lui, tra gli altri, un 2° un 3° e un 5° posto).
Stupenkov (Gillard/Parilla) chiude 4 manche su 5 nei primi 10
e in Gara 1 è 15° (27° in Gara 2). Poco dietro di lui, in Gara
1, anche De Leval (Kosmic/Parilla), 18°, e Laaksonen (ART GP/
Parilla), 20°. Quest’ultimo si conferma con il 12° posto in Gara
2. Buono, infine, anche il 3° posto di Lehouck (Sodi/Parilla) dopo
le qualifiche (il francese sarà poi 27° e 14° nelle due finali).
Ben Barnicoat
(ART/Parilla) KF2
Petrut Florescu

iame - Stian Sørlie Motorsport