VUETEL ITALIA HOLDING SPA Sede in Roma, Via della Giustiniana, 990 Capitale Sociale Euro 250.000,00 i.v. Codice Fiscale e Registro Imprese n.: 10243231007 Partita I.V.A. 10243231007 R.E.A. di Roma n. 1219856 31/12/2014 31/12/2013 0 0 56.495 129.014 146.602 742.440 Net amount 7.534.370 44.220 Total fixed assets (B) 7.737.467 915.675 0 0 289.553 8.759.797 0 0 289.553 8.759.797 Others shareholdings 853.693 503.880 Total other non fixed financial assets 853.693 503.880 984.067 1.736.947 2.127.313 11.000.624 25.602 34.036 9.890.382 11.950.336 Balance sheet Assets Receivables from shareholders for payments still due A) Total receivables from shareholders for payments still due (A) Fixed assets B) I- Intangible fixed assets Net amount II- Tangible fixed assets Net amount III- Financial fixed assets Current assets C) I- Inventories Total inventories II- Receivables due within 12 months due after more than 12 months Total receivables III- IV- Other non fixed financial assets Cash and cash equivalents Total cash and cash equivalents Total current assets (C) D) Accrued income and prepaid expenses Total accrued income and prepaid expenses (D) Total assets 1 VUETEL ITALIA HOLDING SPA Sede in Roma, Via della Giustiniana, 990 Capitale Sociale Euro 250.000,00 i.v. Codice Fiscale e Registro Imprese n.: 10243231007 Partita I.V.A. 10243231007 R.E.A. di Roma n. 1219856 31/12/2014 31/12/2013 250.000 250.000 Other reserves 27.663 0 Total other reserves 27.663 0 7.458.317 27.663 7.735.980 277.663 0 2.309 10.347 15.135 1.931.362 11.418.513 196.503 213.013 2.133.560 11.631.526 10.495 23.703 9.890.382 11.950.336 Liabilities Shareholders’ equity A) IVII- IX - Capital Other reserves reported separately Profit (loss) for the year Profit (loss) for the year Residual profit (loss) Total shareholders’ equity B) Provisions for risks and charges Total provisions for risks and charges C) Employee severance indemnities D) Payables due within 12 months due after more than 12 months Total payables E) Accrued expenses and deferred income Total accrued expenses and deferred income Total Liabilities 2 VUETEL ITALIA HOLDING SPA Sede in Roma, Via della Giustiniana, 990 Capitale Sociale Euro 250.000,00 i.v. Codice Fiscale e Registro Imprese n.: 10243231007 Partita I.V.A. 10243231007 R.E.A. di Roma n. 1219856 31/12/2014 31/12/2013 69.222.045 61.015.982 82.855 252.717 69.304.900 61.268.698 27.421 11.104 67.968.994 60.011.380 492.803 529.931 334.467 188.814 82.571 48.108 19.780 12.364 436.818 249.286 235.164 163.727 0 25.000 235.164 188.727 and goods 0 0 12) provisions for risks 0 0 14) other management costs 40.638 35.969 Total costs of production 69.201.838 61.026.397 103.062 242.301 1.028 0 9.601 22.609 10.629 22.609 64.114 79.123 Income statement Value of production: A) 1) revenues from sales and services 5) other revenues and income Total value of production Costs of production: B) 6) for raw materials, ancillaries, consumables and goods 7) for services 8) for use of third-party assets 9) for payroll: a) wages and salaries b) social security c), d), e) employment severance indemnities, pension, other payroll costs Total payroll costs 10) amortisation, depreciation, and write-downs: a), b), c) amortisation of intangible assets, depreciation of tangible assets, other write-downs of fixed assets d) write-downs of receivables included in current assets and cash and cash equivalents Total amortisation, depreciation, and write-downs 11) changes in inventories of raw materials, ancillaries, consumables Difference between the value and costs of production (A - B) Financial income and charges: C) 15) investment income: c) Other 16) other financial income: d) income other than the above Other Total other financial income 17) interest and other financial charges Other 3 VUETEL ITALIA HOLDING SPA Sede in Roma, Via della Giustiniana, 990 Capitale Sociale Euro 250.000,00 i.v. Codice Fiscale e Registro Imprese n.: 10243231007 Partita I.V.A. 10243231007 R.E.A. di Roma n. 1219856 64.114 79.123 Profit (loss) on change 44.162 -20.669 Total profit (loss) on change 44.162 -20.669 Total financial income and charges (15 + 16 - 17+ -17- bis) -9.323 -77.183 -10.358 -5.293 Other 7.456.016 115.285 Total income 7.456.016 115.285 -22.375 -132.477 -22.35 -132.477 Total extraordinary income and charges (20 – 21) 7.433.641 -17.192 Result before taxes (A - B + - C + - D + - E) 7.517.022 142.633 current taxes -58.705 -114.970 Total income taxes for the year, current and deferred -58.705 -114.970 7.458.317 27.663 Total interest and other financial charges 17b) Profit (loss) on change D) Adjustments to financial assets: E) Extraordinary income and charges: 20) 21) Income Charges Other Total charges 22) 23) Income taxes for the year, current and deferred Profit (loss) for the year The amounts shown are expressed in euro units. 4