Jour. Eur. Orch. 38 (2): 461 - 480. 2006. Emanuele Bocchieri & Gianluca Uriti The orchid component on capes, promontories and microinsular systems of Sardinia (Italy) Keywords Orchidaceae, distribution, islands, capes, promontories, Sardinia Summary Bocchieri, E. & G. liriti (2006): The orchid component on capes, promontories and micro-insular systems of Sardinia (Italy).- Jour. Eur. Orch. 38 (2): 461-480. The Authors report results relative to thè distribution of orchids on capes, promontories and micro-insular systems along thè coasts of Sardinia. Records were made of 43 taxa distributed over 28 islands and 18 amongst capes and promontories; of these 32 are classified as species, 6 sub-species and 5 hybrids. Most widespread genera are Ophrys and Orchis respectively with 14 and 12 entities, Serapias with 4 and Spiranthes with 2. Analysis of thè chorological spectrum shows thè dominance of steno-Mediterranean entities (46%) followed by Euro-Mediterranean and endemie entities, with 18% each. Zusammenfassung Bocchieri, E. & G. liriti (2005): Die Orchideen einer auf kaps, landzungen und mikroinsularen systemen Sardinien (Italien).- Jour. Eur. Orch. 38 (2): 461-480. Die Autoren berichten tiber die Ergebnisse einer Studie beziiglich der Verbreitung von Orchideen auf Kaps, Landzungen und mikroinsularen Systemen entlang der Kuste Sardiniens. Nachgewiesen wurden 43 Taxa auf 28 Inseln und 18 Taxa auf Kaps und Landzungen, davon 32 Arten, 6 Unterarten und 5 Hybriden. Zu den am weitesten verbreiteten Gattungen zahlen Ophrys und Orchis mit jeweils 14 und 12 Arten, Serapias mit 4 und Spiranthes mit 2. Aus der Analyse des chorologischen Spektrums geht hervor, dass die stenomediterranen Arten (46%) dominant sind, gefolgt von eurimediterranen und endemischen Arten mit je 18%. Journal Europaischer Orchideen 38(2):2006. 461 Introduction In thè framework of a research programmo we bave been conducting for a number of years on thè flora and thè plani landscape of thè headlands, promontories and small islands of Sardinia, we also focused on thè analysis of orchid presence. The areas covered by our study are of special phytogeographic interest, especially thè small islands, since these are environments bounded by naturai barriers, where strong selection limits thè arrivai of external species, and where thè ratios among populations of thè various species are quite different from mainland areas, evidence of different evolutionary pressure (ARRIGONI & BOCCHIERI 1995). Sardinia is located in thè centre of thè Western Mediterranean and has a surface area of 24.090 km2 and a coastal perimeter of 1850 Km. Coastal islands with a surface area exceeding 300 m2 number 399, accounting for a total surface of about 279 Km2, whilst thè number of headlands recorded by thè Military Geographical Institute (I.G.M.) is 36 (BoccHiERi 1993). Materia! and methods The lisi of taxa identified and shown hereunder, after detailed bibliographical research and field trips, has been drawn up in alphabetical order. For each one we have indicated thè species and sub-species binomial and thè chorological forni. Distribution was assessed by separating thè micro-insular habitats from capes and promontories. For each entity we have shown, in round brackets, any synonyms of current usage. At thè end we have listed thè most common hybrids. For each identification we have shown thè locality, and in round brackets, bibliographical reference. Unpublished data regarding personal observations and/or herborizations are highlighted with an asterisk (*) preceding thè name of thè reference locality. As to nomenclature and chorological forni we have made reference to SCRUGLI (1990), SCRUGLI & COGONI (1998), GRÙNANGER (2001), DELFORGE (2005), BATEMAN (1997; 2001; 2003) and, when available, specific studies and monographs. Notes and explanations are provided for some entities only. For endemisms we have shown distribution areas utilising thè following abbreviations: Bl = Balearic Islands; Co = Corsica; Sa = Sardinia; Si = Sicily. The territories involved in this research project are indicated in Figures 1, 2 and 3. 462 Journal Europaischer Orchideen 38(2):2006. CAGLIARI 5. Ella Cap. Boi Cape .' s.rp.Mara l.lonj Figure 1. Localisation of Sardinia with respect to Italy and indication of thè islands, capes and promontories where orchids were found. Joumal Europaischer Orchideen 38(2):2006. 463 Figure 2. Archipelago of La Maddalena. Figure 3. Archipelago of Tavolara. 464 Journal Europaischer Orchideen 38(2):2006. Taxa identifìed and their distribution Anacamptis pyramidalis (L.) Rich.Euri-medit. Capes and promontories: Caccia (VALSECCHI 1966, sub Orchis pyramidalis L.); Mannu (BoccHiERi et al. 1988). *Monte Santu. Barila robertlana (Loisel.) W. Greuter Steno-medit. (= Himantoglossum robertiaum (Loisel.) P. Delforge) Islands: Caprera (CESARACCIO & RACHELI 1994; BOCCHIERI 1996). Capes and promontories: *Figari; S. Elia (MARTINOLI 1950, sub Orchis longibracteata Biv.-Bern.); Teccu (BOCCHIERI & IIRITI 2003). Epipactis mlcrophylla (Ehrh.) Swartz Europeo-Caucas. Islands: S. Antioco (MiLiA & MOSSA 1976). Gennaria diphylla (Link) Pari. Steno-medit. occid.Macarones.(WMedit.) Islands: Budelli (BOCCHIERI 1996) Caprera (GENNARI 1870; BARBEY 1884; VACCARI 1894; DESOLE 1961, sub Coeloglossum diphyllum Fiori; CASERACCIO & RACHELI 1993; BOCCHIERI 1996); ""Chiesa; Figarolo (BOCCHIERI & SATTA 1999); Maddalena (GENNARI 1870; BARBEY 1884; VACCARI 1896; DESOLE 1961, sub Coeloglossum diphyllum Fiori; BOCCHIERI 1996); Razzoli (BOCCHIERI 1996); S. Maria (BOCCHIERI 1996); S. Stefano (DESOLE 1961, sub Coeloglossum diphyllum Fiori; BOCCHIERI 1996); Spargi (DESOLE 1961, sub Coeloglossum diphyllum Fiori; BOCCHIERI 1996). Capes and promontories: *Coda Cavallo; *Figari. Limodorum abortivum (L.) Sw. Euri-medit. Islands: Caprera (GENNARI 1870; CASERACCIO & RACHELI 1993; BOCCHIERI 1996); Maddalena (GENNARI 1870; VACCARI 1896); Molara (BOCCHIERI & IIRITI 2004b, in press); Razzoli (BOCCHIERI 1996); S. Antioco (MiLlA & MOSSA 1977); S. Stefano (BOCCHIERI 1996); Spargi (BOCCHIERI 1996). Neotìnea maculata (Desf.) Stearn Steno-medit. Islands: Caprera (GENNARI 1870, sub Tinaea cylindrica Biv.; BARBEY 1884); Maddalena (GENNARI 1870, sub Tinaea cylindrica Biv.); BARBEY 1884; VACCARI 1908, sub Tinaea cylindrica Biv.); S. Pietro (DE MARCO & Journal Europaischer Orchideen 38(2):2006. 465 MOSSA 1973, sub Orchis intacta Lk.); Tavolara (BÉGUINOT & VACCARI 1927, sub Orchis intacta Lk.). Ophrys annue Devillers-Terschuren Endem. Sa-Co (= Ophrys fuciflora (F.W. Schmidt) Moench) Islands: Piana (DESOLE 1945, sub O. arachnites Reichard); S. Pietro (DE MARCO & MOSSA 1973, sub O. arachnites Reichard); Tavolara (BÉGUINOT & VACCARI 1927, sub O. Arachnites Reich.); LoRENZONI 1974, sub O. fuciflora (F. W. Schmidt) Moench). Ophrys apìfera Hudson Euri-medit. Islands: S. Antioco (MiLiA & MOSSA 1977); S. Pietro (DE MARCO & MOSSA 1973). Capes and promontories: Carbonara (CAMARDA & BALLERÒ 1981); *Coda Cavallo; *Figari; S. Elia (MARTINOLI 1950, sub O. arachnites Miller); Ophrys bombyliflora Link Steno-medit. occid. Islands: Archipelago of La Maddalena (CESARACCIO 1987-1988); S. Antioco (MiLiA & MOSSA 1977); S. Pietro (DE MARCO & MOSSA 1973); Serpentara (BOCCHIERI 1989). Capes and promontories: *Boi; Ferrato (BALLERÒ 1988); *Figari; Frasca (BOCCHIERI & MULAS 1992); Malfatane (BOCCHIERI & IIRITI 2004a); Mannu (BOCCHIERI et al. 1988); S. Elia (MARTINOLI 1950); Teccu (BOCCHIERI & IIRITI 2003); Teulada (BALLERÒ & BOCCHIERI 1987); Torre del Sevo (MULAS 1993). Ophrys dilata Biv.-Bern. Steno-Medit. (= Ophrys vernixia Brot.; Ophrys speculum Link) Islands: Giardinelli (VACCARI 1908, sub O. speculum Link); Piana (BOCCHIERI 1992b, sub O. speculum Link); Rossa (MARTINOLI 1955, sub O. speculum Link; BOCCHIERI & IIRITI 2000, sub O. speculum Link); S. Antioco (MiLiA & MOSSA 1977, sub O. speculum Link); S. Pietro (DE MARCO & MOSSA 1973, sub O. speculum Link); Tavolara (BÉGUINOT & VACCARI 1927, sub O. speculum Link). Capes and promontories: *Boi; Caccia (VALSECCHI 1966, sub O. speculum Link); Carbonara (CAMARDA & BALLERÒ 1981, sub O. speculum Link); *Coda Cavallo; *Figari; Frasca (BOCCHIERI & MULAS 1992, sub O. speculum Link); Mannu (BOCCHIERI et al. 1988, sub O. speculum Link); S. Elia (MARTINOLI 1950, sub O. speculum Link); S. Marco (BOCCHIERI 466 Journal Europaischer Orchideen 38(2):2006. & MULAS 1996, sub O. speculum Link); *Spartivento; Teccu (BOCCHIERI & IIRITI 2003); Teulada (BALLERÒ & BOCCHIERI 1987, sub O. speculum Link); Torre del Sevo (MULAS 1993, sub O. vernixia Brotero). Ophrysfusca Link Steno-medit. Islands: Caprera (CESARACCIO & RACHELI 1993); Maddalena (GENNARI 1870; BARBEY 1884); S. Pietro (DE MARCO & MOSSA 1973); Tavolare (BEGUINOT & VACCARI 1927; DESOLE 1960). Capes and promontories: Caccia (VALSECCHI 1966); Mannu (BOCCHIERI et al. 1988); *Monte Santu; S. Elia (MARTINOLI 1950); Teulada (BALLERÒ & BOCCHIERI 1987). Ophrys incubacea Bianca Steno-medit. Islands: Caprera (CESARACCIO & RACHELI 1993, sub O. sphegodes Miller subsp. atrata (Lindley) E. Mayer); S. Antioco (MILIA & MOSSA 1977, sub O. Granifera Huds. subsp. atrata Lindi.). Capes and promontories: Carbonara (CAMARDA & BALLERÒ 1981, sub O. sphegodes Miller subsp. atrata (Lindley) E. Mayer); Pula (BOCCHIERI 1984, sub O. sphegodes Miller subsp. atrata (Lindley) E. Mayer); S. Elia (MARTINOLI 1950, sub O. atrata Lindley); Teulada (BALLERÒ & BOCCHIERI 1987, sub O. sphegodes Miller subsp. atrata (Lindley) E. Mayer); Torre del Sevo (MULAS 1993). Ophrys incoiar Desf. subsp. maxima (A. Terracc.) Paulus et Gack EMedit. (= Ophrys eleonorae Devillers-Tersch. & Devillers) Islands: Caprera (CESARACCIO & RACHELI 1993, sub O. fusca Link subsp. iricolor (Desf.) O. Schwarz). Capes and promontories: Mannu (BOCCHIERI et al. 1988, sub O. fusca Link subsp. iricolor (Desf.) O. Schwarz); Teulada (BALLERÒ & BOCCHIERI 1987, sub O. fusca Link subsp. iricolor (Desf.) O. Schwarz); Torre del Sevo (MULAS 1993, sub O. fusca Link subsp. iricolor (Desf.) O. Schwarz). Ophrys lutea Cav. Steno-medit. Islands: S. Pietro (DE MARCO & MOSSA 1973); Tavolara (BEGUINOT & VACCARI 1927; DESOLE 1960). Capes and promontories: Caccia (VALSECCHI 1966); Mannu (BOCCHIERI et al. 1988); S.Elia (MARTINOLI 1950); S.Marco (BOCCHIERI & MULAS Joumal Europaischer Orchideen 38(2):2006. 467 1996); Teulada (BALLERÒ & BOCCHIERI 1987). Note: Probably some indications refer to Ophrys siculo Tineo, particularly widespread in Sardinia (SCOGLI 1990). According to SCRUGLI & COGONI (1998), some Sardinian populations can be ascribed to thè type species, whereas PAULUS & GACK (1995) maintain that Ophrys sicula is thè only species of thè group Ophrys lutea present in Sardinia. Ophrys moristi (Martelli) SoòEndem Sa-Co Islands: Caprera (CESARACCIO & RACHELI 1993, sub O. arachnitiformis Cren. et Philippe); Cardulinu (BOCCHIERI 1987, sub O. arachnitiformis Cren, et Philippe); Maddalena (VACCARI 1896, sub O. Granifera L. var. specularla Rchb.); S. Pietro (DE MARCO & MOSSA 1973, sub O. uranifera Huds. var. specularla Rchb.); Tavolara (BEGUINOT & VACCARI 1929; DESOLE 1960, sub O. Granifera Huds. var. fucifera; LORENZONI 1974, sub O. arachnitiformis Gren. et Philippe). Capes and promontories: Carbonara (CAMARDA & BALLERÒ 1981, sub O. arachnitiformis Gren. et Philippe); *Coda Cavallo; Ferrato (SCRUGLI et al. 1985; BALLERÒ 1988, sub O. arachnitiformis Gren. et Philippe); Mannu (BOCCHIERI et al. 1988, sub O. arachnitiformis Gren. et Philippe); *Monte Santu; Teulada (BALLERÒ & BOCCHIERI 1987, sub O. arachnitiformis Gren. et Philippe); Torre del Sevo (MULAS 1993). Ophrys panattensis Scrugli, Cogoni et PesseiEndem. Sa Capes and promontories: *Monte Santu. Ophrys scolopax Cav. subsp. conradiae (Melki et Deschatres) H. Baumann, Ciotta, Kunkele, R. Lorenz et Piccitto [Endem. Sa-Co] (= Ophrys conradiae Melki et Deschartres) Islands: Molara (BOCCHIERI & IIRITI 2004b in press); S. Pietro (DE MARCO & MOSSA 1973, sub O. arachnites Reichard var. scolopax Cav.). Ophrys sicula Tineo Steno-medit. (= Ophrys lutea Cav. subsp. minar (Tod.) O. et E. Danesch) Capes and promontories: *Figari; *Monte Santu; Torre del Sevo (MULAS 1993). Ophrys sphegodes Miller subsp. praecox Corrias Endem. Sa-Co Islands: Tavolara (DESOLE 1960). Capes and promontories: Ferrato (BALLERÒ 1988). Note: according to SCRUGLI & COGONI (1998) thè presence of thè nominai species (Ophrys 468 Journal Europaischer Orchideen 38(2):2006. sphegodes Miller subsp. sphegodes) in Sardinia is doubtful and is excluded by GRUNANGER (2001). The report by DESOLE regarding thè island of Tavolare may be referred to Ophrys sphegodes Miller subsp. praecox Corrias since it typically prefers calcium-rich soils (calcicole) and is widespread in thè strip between sea level and 350 m asl. Further verification is required as to thè report for Capo Ferrato where in recent times this entity was not found. Ophrys tenthredinifera Willd. Steno-medit. Islands: Asinara (BOCCHIERI 1988); Bisce (BoccHiERi 1995b); Caprera (CESARACCIO & RACHELI 1993); Cardulinu (BOCCHIERI 1987); Maddalena (GENNARI 1870; BARBEY 1884; VACCARI 1894; 1896); Piana (Bocchieri 1998a); S. Antioco (MlLlA & MOSSA 1977); S. Pietro (DE MARCO & MOSSA 1973). Capes and promontories: Bellavista (BOCCHIERI 1998b); *Boi; Caccia (VALSECCHI 1966); Carbonara (CAMARDA & BALLERÒ 1981); *Coda Cavallo; Ferrato (SCRUGLi et al. 1985; BALLERÒ 1988); Frasca (BOCCHIERI & MULAS 1992); Malfatane (BOCCHIERI & IIRITI 2004a); Mannu (BOCCHIERI et al. 1988); Pula (BOCCHIERI 1984); *Spartivento; Teccu (BOCCHIERI & IIRITI 2003); Teulada (BALLERÒ & BOCCHIERI 1987); Torre del Sevo (MULAS 1993). Orchis antropophora (L.) Ali. Medit.-Atl. (Steno) Capes and promontories: Torre del Sevo (MULAS 1993, sub Aceras anthropophorum R. Br.). Orchis brancifortii Biv. [Endem. Sa-Si] Islands: Tavolara (BEGUINOT & VACCARI 1927; BEGUINOT & LANDI 1931; CORRIAS 1980). Capes and promontories: Figari (CORRIAS 1980); *Monte Santu. Orchis collina Banks et Sol. ex Russell Steno-medit. (= Anacamptis collina (Banks et Sol.) R.M. Bateman) Islands: Molara (Picei 1972, sub O. saccata Ten.). Capes and promontories: Carbonara (CAMARDA & BALLERÒ 1981, sub O. saccata Ten.); Mannu (SCRUGLI et al. 1976; BOCCHIERI et al. 1988, sub O. saccata Ten.); S. Elia (MARTINOLI 1950, sub O. saccata Ten.); Torre del Sevo (MULAS 1993, sub O. saccata Ten.). Note: entity not found recently on Molara (BOCCHIERI & IIRITI 2004b in press), an island of granite structure, whereas this species has a preference for limestone soils (SCRUGLI 1990). Journal Europaischer Orchideen 38(2):2006. 469 Orchis corlophora L. Euri-medit. (= Orchis fragans Pollini; Anacamptis fragans (Pollini) R.M. Bateman) Islands: Caprera (CESARACCIO & RACHELI 1993, sub O. coriophora L. subsp. fragrans (Pollini) Sudre); Maddalena (GENNARI 1870, sub O. coriophora L. subsp. fragrans (Pollini) Sudre; BARBEY 1884, sub O. coriophora L. subsp. fragrans (Pollini) Sudre; MARTELLI 1896-1904, sub O. coriophora L. subsp. fragrans (Pollini) Sudre); Tavolara (MARTELLI 1896-1904, sub O. coriophora L. subsp. fragrans (Pollini) Sudre; BEGUINOT & VACCARI 1927; DESOLE 1960). Capes and promontories: *Figari; Frasca (BocCHiERi & MULAS 1992, sub O. coriophora L. subsp. fragrans (Pollini) Sudre); S. Marco (BOCCHIERI & MULAS 1996, sub O. coriophora L. subsp. fragrans (Pollini) Sudre); Teulada (BALLERÒ & BOCCHIERI 1987, sub O. coriophora L. subsp. fragrans (Pollini) Sudre);. Orchis lactea Poir. Steno-medit. (= Neotinea lactea (Poir.) R.M. Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W. Chase) Islands: Caprera (CESARACCIO & RACHELI 1993); S. Antioco (MlLlA & MOSSA 1977, sub O. tridentata Scop. subsp. lactea Poir.); Tuarredda (BOCCHIERI 1983). Capes and promontories: Bellavista (BOCCHIERI 1998b). Orchis laxiflora Lam. Euri-medit (= Anacamptis laxiflora (Lam.)R.M. Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W. Chase) Capes and promontories: Carbonara (CAMARDA & BALLERÒ 1981); S. Elia (MARTINOLI 1950); Teccu (BOCCHIERI & IIRITI 2003). Orchis longicornu Poir. Steno-medit. occid. (= Anacamptis longicornu (Poir.) R.M. Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W. Chase) Islands: Asinara (NEGODI 1926; 1927; BOCCHIERI 1988; CORRIAS et al. 1991); Budelli (VACCARI 1908; CORRIAS et al. 1991); Caprera (GENNARI 1870; BARBEY 1884; VACCARI 1908; DESOLE 1961; CORRIAS et al. 1991; BOCCHIERI 1996); Giardinelli (BOCCHIERI 1996); Maddalena (VACCARI 1894; 1908; DESOLE 1961; CORRIAS et al. 1991; BOCCHIERI 1996); Razzoli (VACCARI 1908; CORRIAS et al. 1991); S. Antioco (MlLlA & MOSSA 1977; CORRIAS et al. 1991); S. Maria (VACCARI 1906; CORRIAS et al. 1991); Spargi (VACCARI 1906; DESOLE 1961; CORRIAS et al. 1991; BOCCHIERI 1996); S. Pietro (DE MARCO & MOSSA 1973, sub O. morio L.; DE MARCO et al. 1976-1977, sub O. morio L.); S. Stefano (VACCARI 1906; DESOLE 1961; BOCCHIERI 1996). 470 Journal Europaischer Orchideen 38(2):2006. Capes and promontories: Bellavista (BOCCHIERl 1998b); *Boi; Carbonara (CAMARDA & BALLERÒ 1981; CORRIAS et al. 1991); *Coda Cavallo; Ferrato (BALLERÒ 1988); Figari (CORRIAS et al. 1991); Frasca (BOCCHIERl & MULAS 1992); Mannu (BOCCHIERl et al. 1988); S. Elia (GENNARI 1890; FALQUI 1905, sub O. moria L.; MARTINOLI 1950; CORRIAS et al. 1991); Spartivento (CORRIAS et al. 1991); Teccu (BOCCHIERl & IIRITI 2003); Teulada (BALLERÒ & BOCCHIERl 1987; CORRIAS et al. 1991); Torre del Sevo (MULAS 1993). Orchis mascula (L.) L. subsp. ichnusae Corrias Endem. Sa-Bl-?Co (= Orchis ichnusae (Corrias) Devillers-Tersch. & Devillers) Capes and promontories: * Monte Santu. Orchis papilionacea L. subsp. papilionacea Euri-medit. (= Anacamptis papilionacea (L.) R.M. Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W. Chase) Islands Asinara (BOCCHIERl 1988); Bisce (BOCCHIERl 1996); Budelli (BOCCHIERI 1996); Caprera (GENNARI 1870; BARBEY 1884; VACCARI 1894; DESOLE 1961; CESARACCIO & RICHELI 1993); Figarolo (BOCCHIERI & SATTA 1999); Maddalena (GENNARI 1870; BARBEY 1884; DESOLE 1961; BOCCHIERI 1996); Molara (BÉGUINOT 1929; BOCCHIERI & IIRITI 2004b, in press); S. Antioco (MiLiA & MOSSA 1977); S. Maria (BOCCHIERI 1996); S. Pietro (DE MARCO & MOSSA 1973); Soffi (BOCCHIERI & GIANI 1998); Spargi (DESOLE 1961; BOCCHIERI 1996); Spargiotto (DESOLE 1961); Tavolara (BÉGUINOT & VACCARI 1927). Capes and promontories: Caccia (VALSECCHI 1966); Bellavista (BOCCHIERI 1998b); Carbonara (CAMARDA & BALLERÒ 1981); Teulada (BALLERÒ & BOCCHIERI 1987); Ferrato (SCRUGLI et al. 1985; BALLERÒ 1988); Teccu (BOCCHIERI & IIRITI 2003); Malfatane (BOCCHIERI & IIRITI 2004a). Orchis papilionacea L. subsp. grandiflora (Boiss.) Baumann Steno-medit. occid. (= Anacamptis papilionacea (L.) R.M. Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W. Chase) Islands: Caprera (CESARACCIO & RACHELI 1993); Cardulinu (BOCCHIERI 1987); *Chiesa; Maddalena (BOCCHIERI 1996); Mortorio (BOCCHIERI 1995c; BOCCHIERI & GIANI 1998). Capes and promontories: *Coda Cavallo; *Figari; Frasca (BOCCHIERI & MULAS 1992, sub O. papilionacea L. var. grandiflora Boiss.); Mannu (BOCCHIERl et al. 1988, sub O. papilionacea L. var. grandiflora Boiss.); Pula (BOCCHIERI 1984, sub O. papilionacea L. var. grandiflora Boiss.); S. Elia (MARTINOLI 1950, sub O. papilionacea L. var. expansa (Ten.); Journal Europaischer Orchideen 38(2):2006. 471 *Spartivento; Teulada (BALLERÒ & BOCCHIERI 1987); Torre del Sevo (MULAS 1993). Note: probably some reports included in thè nominai subsp. refer to subsp. grandiflora particularly widespread along thè coastal strip of Sardinia. In floristic works, thè authors do not always specify thè sub-specific or varietal entity. Orchis provinclalis Balbis ex Lam. et DC. Steno-medit. Capes and promontories: *Monte Santu. Orchis tridentata Scop. Euri-medit. (= Neotinea tridentata (Scop.) R.M. Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W. Chase) Islands: Spargi (DESOLE 1961). Serapìas cordigera L. Steno-medit. Islands: Caprera (GENNARI 1870); Maddalena (GENNARI 1870; VACCARI 1894); Molara (BOCCHIERI & IlRlTl 2004b in press); S. Antioco (MlLIA & MOSSA 1977). Capes and promontories: *Coda Cavallo. Serapias lingua L. Steno-medit. Islands: Asinara (NEGODI 1926; 1927; BOCCHIERI 1988); Bisce (BOCCHIERI 1996); Budelli (BOCCHIERI 1996); Caprera (GENNARI 1870; BARBEY 1884; BOCCHIERI 1996); Cavalli (BOCCHIERI 1992a); *Chiesa; Maddalena (GENNARI 1870; BARBEY 1884; VACCARI 1894; BOCCHIERI 1996); Mortorio (BOCCHIERI 1995c; BOCCHIERI & GIANI 1998); Piana (BOCCHIERI 1992b); Razzoli (BOCCHIERI 1996); Rossa (BOCCHIERI & IlRlTl 2000); S. Maria (BOCCHIERI 1996); S. Antioco (MlLIA & MOSSA 1977); S. Pietro (DE MARCO & MOSSA 1973); S. Stefano (BOCCHIERI 1996); Soffi (BOCCHIERI & GIANI 1998); Spargi (VACCARI 1894; BOCCHIERI 1996); Tuarredda (BOCCHIERI 1983); *Tavolara. Capes and promontories: Bellavista (BOCCHIERI 1998b); *Coda Cavallo; Caccia (VALSECCHI 1966); Ferrato (BALLERÒ 1988); *Figari; Frasca (BOCCHIERI & MULAS 1992); Mannu (BOCCHIERI et al. 1988); S. Elia (MARTINOLI 1950); Teccu (BOCCHIERI & IIRITI 2003); Teulada (BALLERÒ & BOCCHIERI 1987); Torre del Sevo (MULAS 1993);. Serapias nurrica CorriasW-Medit (steno) Islands: Caprera (CORRIAS 1982); Maddalena (DESOLE 1961, sub S. vomeracea (Burnì, f.) Briq.; BOCCHIERI 1996); S.Pietro (DE MARCO & 472 Journal EuropSischer Orchideen 38(2):2006. MOSSA 1973, sub S. vomeracea (Burm. f.) Briq.; CORRIAS 1982); Spargi (DESOLE 1961, sub S. vomeracea (Burm. f.) Briq.). Serapias parviflora Pari. Steno-medit. Islands: Bisce (BoccniERi 1995b); Caprera (GENNARI 1870, sub S. occultata Gay; BARBEY 1884, sub 5. laxiflora Chaub); Cavalli (BoccHlERi 1992); *Chiesa; Figarolo (BEGUINOT 1929; BOCCHIERI & SATTA 1999); Maddalena (BARBEY 1884, sub S. laxiflora Chaub; VACCARI 1908, sub S. occultata Gay); Molara (Picei 1972; BOCCHIERI & IIRITI 2004b, in press); Piana (BOCCHIERI 1992b); Proratora (BOCCHIERI 1995a); S. Maria (VACCARI 1886, sub S. occultata Gay); S. Stefano (BOCCHIERI 1996); Tuarredda (BOCCHIERI 1983). Capes and promontories: Carbonara (CAMARDA & BALLERÒ 1981); *Coda Cavallo; Pula (BOCCHIERI 1984); *Figari; Frasca (BOCCHIERI & MULAS 1992); Mannu (BOCCHIERI, MULAS & AVENA 1988); Teulada (BALLERÒ & BOCCHIERI 1987); Torre del Sevo (MULAS 1993); S. Marco (BOCCHIERI & MULAS 1996); Malfatane (BOCCHIERI & IIRITI 2004a); *Spartivento. Spiranthes aestivalis (Poir.) Rich. Medit.-Atl. Islands: S. Pietro (DE MARCO & MOSSA 1973). Spiranthes spiraìis (L.) Chevall. Europeo-Caucas. Islands: Budelli (BOCCHIERI 1996); Caprera (CESARACCIO & RACHELI 1993; BOCCHIERI 1996); Maddalena (VACCARI 1896, sub S. autumnalis L.; DESOLE 1961); Molara (Picei 1972; BOCCHIERI & URITI 2004b, in press); S. Antioco (MiLiA & MOSSA 1977, sub S. autumnalis (Balb.) Rich.); S. Pietro (DE MARCO & MOSSA 1973, sub S. autumnalis Rich.); Spargi (BOCCHIERI 1996); Tavolara (DESOLE 1960). Capes and promontories: Bellavista (BOCCHIERI 1998b); Frasca (BOCCHIERI & MULAS 1992); Pula (BOCCHIERI 1984); Torre del Sevo (MULAS 1993). Hybrids Ophrys xlaconensis Scrugli et Grasso nsubsp. laconensis (Ophrys moristi x Ophrys tenthredinifera) Capes and promontories: Ferrato (SCRUGLI et al. 1985; BALLERÒ 1988). Ophrys t-sommieri E. G. Camus ex Cortesi (Ophrys bombyliflora x Ophrys tenthredinifera) Journal Europaischer Orchideen 38(2):2006. 473 Capes and promontories: Mannu (BOCCHIERI et al. 1988). Ophrys xsubfusca (Reichenb. fil.) Murbeck (Ophrys fusca Link x Ophrys lutea) Capes and promontories: *Monte Santu. Orchis xbornemannii Asch. (Orchis longicornu x Orchis papilionaced) Islands: Caprera (VACCARI 1908, sub Orchis bornemanni Asch.); Maddalena (VACCARi 1908, sub Orchis bornemanni Asch.). Capes and promontories: Carbonara (CAMARDA & BALLERÒ 1981); *Coda Cavallo; Ferrato (SCRUGLI et al. 1982; BALLERÒ 1988). Orchis xpenzigiana A. Camus nsubsp. sardoa Scrugli et Grasso (Orchis mascula subsp. ichnusae x Orchis provincialis) Capes and promontories: *Monte Santu. Results Research into thè orchid species component of thè capes, promontories and micro-insular systems has allowed identification in these territories of 38 taxa, 32 of which species and 6 sub-species, whereas hybrid entities number 5. Most numerous genera are Ophrys and Orchis respectively with 14 (36%) and 12 (31%) of entities. Other genera found are Serapias with 4 (10%) of entities, Spiranthes with 2 (5%), whereas Anacamptis, Barila, Epipactis, Gennaria, Limodorum and Neotinea are represented by one species only. Comparison between thè orchid component found in these areas and in thè whole of Sardinia yielded thè following data: 60.3% of thè Sardinian contingent is present in thè territories under study; not found are those taxa growing in thè interior mountain areas, belonging to genera Platanthera, Dactylorhiza Neotia, Listerà and only a few belonging to thè genera Epipactis and Spiranthes are found in rare examples along thè coastal strip. Analysis of thè chorological spectrum (see Figure 4), from which hybrids were excluded, shows thè dominance of steno-Mediterranean entities (46%) not surprising in view of thè fact that this research project targets territories along thè coast. Important, although decidedly less represented, were Euro- 474 Journal Europaischer Orchideen 38(2):2006. Mediterranean and endemie species with 18% each. Amongst thè 7 endemie entities, only Ophrys panatensis is exclusive to Sardinia, whereas thè others found are present also in Corsica (4), Sicily (1) and thè Balearic Islands (1). Europ.-Caucas. Medit.-Atlantic 5o/o Others Medìt. Bidemic 18% 5% ^™ 8% Euri-Medit 18% 46% Figure 4. Chorological spectrum. The most common entities are: Ophrys tenthredinifera, Ophrys ciliata, Orchis longicornu, Orchis papilionacea, Serapias lingua and Serapias parvi/loro. The rarest are on thè other hand: Epipactis microphylla, found only on thè island of S. Antioco (MiLiA & MOSSA 1977), and Ophrys scolopax subsp. conradiae, endemie in Sardinia and Corsica and Ophrys panatensis, a Sardinian endemism; thè latter two have recently been found respectively on thè island of Molara (BOCCHIERI & IIRITI 2004b, in press) and at Capo Monte Santu. Other infrequent species are Orchis antropophora, Orchis brancifortii endemie in Sardinia and Sicily, Orchis mascula subsp. ichnusae endemie in Sardinia and thè Balearic islands (probably also in Corsica), Orchis provincialis and Spiranthes aestivalis. In thè numerous islands of thè La Maddalena Archipelago frequent examples of Gennaria diphylla (BOCCHIERI, 1996) were found, whereas thè presence of some entities including Anacamptis pyramidalis, Orchis antropophora, Orchis laxiflora and Orchis provincialis is limited to capes and promontories. Research has furthermore shown that thè 43 entities found (including hybrids) are distributed over 28 isles and 18 capes and promontories, involving ali thè coastal regions of Sardinia. The smaller isles often have no orchids at ali, a phenomenon noted also on some of thè larger ones such as Mal di Ventre (centra 1 western Sardinia), Cavoli (south eastem Sardinia) and Ogliastra Journal Europaischer Orchideen 38(2):2006. 475 (centrai eastern Sardinia). This absence is noted also on some islands of thè Tuscan Archipelago and could well depend on thè lack of pollinator insects which are responsible for thè fertilization of numerous orchid species (BARGAGLI 1894). Another cause could be thè absence of thè symbiont mycelium necessary for seed germination (BocCHiERi 1988). Probably in some cases, especially when thè islands are of relatively small size, thè absence of orchids depends also on factors such as wind and salinity which limit their growth and/or spread. References ARRIGONI, P.V. & E. BOCCHIERI (1995): Caratteri fìtogeografici della flora delle piccole isole circumsarde. - Biogeographia 18: 63-90. BALLERÒ, M. 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