Portfolio umbertoalesi.it Business Center - Ancona, Italy Client: Location: Period: GFA: Sector: Services: Ubaldi costruzioni S.p.a Ancona, Italy 2006 - 2013 25.000,00 mq Commerciale & Office Feasibility Scheme design Detailed design Clerk of works BIM model Business Center - Ancona, Italy The project was made difficult by the limited budget and the municipal plan, that did not allow to handle the volumes. The client needed flexibility to better manage sales. The design choice was to focus on the shading system, transforming it into a decorative element. Snail System – Roma, Italy Client: Location: Period: GFA: Sector: Services: Umberto Alesi s.r.l. Roma, Italy 2013 Industrial Feasibility Scheme design umbertoalesi.it Snail is patented system for a roof consisting of innovative lamellas that control rainwater flow, while allowing natural ventilation. Each lamella is ready for thin film solar cells. Snail system is an excellent solution for each type of photovoltaic roof. Many cafès and restaurants in Europe, have an external indoor place called dehor. With snail system, you have natural ventilation to avoid summer heating and also allow the dehor to work as a smoking room. Fish Market - Roma, Italy Client: Location: Period: GFA: Sector: Services: Consorzio Nuovo Mercato Roma, Italy 2012 20.000,00 mq Commerciale & Office Feasibility umbertoalesi.it Feasibility study for the construction of a new fish market in Rome. For this project it was necessary to listen to the particular needs of traders and study the distribution of this product in the markets. Business and Commercial Center - Sant’Egidio a. V., Italy Client: Location: Period: GFA: Sector: Services: Maloni e Galiffa s.r.l. Sant’Egidio a.V., Italy 2007 -2010 3.000,00 mq Commerciale & Office Feasibility Scheme design Detailed design Clerk of works Umbertoalesi.it Business and Commercial Center - Sant’Egidio a. V., Italy The issue of commercial buildings is often one of the hardest. The poor budget, layout imposed by the commercial function, shop signs, etc. In this project, I think I've got an elegant and modern architecture with few elements. Social Housing - Milano, Italy Client: Location: Period: GFA: Sector: Services: SOLEDIL S.p.a San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy 2011 5.000,00 mq Residential Feasibility Scheme design Detailed design umbertoalesi.it Social Housing - Milano, Italy An innovative building, symbolically and formally autonomous, suspended between green walls at its ends. A residential complex that becomes an unusual island for a quality housing. Social Housing - Milano, Italy designed in association with: Umberto Alesi Maria Virginia Martini Federica Piccioni Giovanni Libetti Sandro Tamburri Simone Tascini DARC Milano Sundvall Wave - Sundvall, Sweden Client: Location: Period: GFA: Sector: Services: competition Sundvall, Sweden 2008 13.000,00 mq Public buildings Feasibility umbertoalesi.it Sundvall Wave - Sundvall, Sweden The city of Sundsvall has identified precisely the elements to be developed and united them in the document “Urban Vision Sundsvall”: “the message is to plan the town for life and movement at all hours of the day and night.” With our project we want to make a contribution “for making the vision come true.” designed in association with: Claudio Martini Andrea Coccia Giulia Rossetti Luigi Cameli Christiane Mounga Cardio Center - Astana, Kazakhstan Client: Location: Period: GFA: Sector: Services: Romat, Pavlodar Astana, Kazakhstan 2008 70.000,00 mq Healthcare Feasibility umbertoalesi.it The complex consists of three hospitals, each of which can accommodate 320 beds, for a total of 960 beds, The complex covers an area of 25 hectares. An airconditioned walkway connects the three blocks hospital and links them to the service buildings: Auditorium, commercial services and various utilities. The whole complex is designed with advanced standards of energy efficiency. Cardio Center - Astana, Kazakhstan Church halls in Ascoli Piceno, Italy Client: Location: Period: GFA: Sector: Services: Parrocchia di San Bartolomeo Apostolo Ascoli Piceno, Italy 2008 1.000,00 mq Public buildings Feasibility Scheme design umbertoalesi.it Church halls in Ascoli Piceno, Italy My project has interpreted the site as Hortus Conclusus, as a link between the city and the wild vegetation that covers the side of the river. The play of contrasts is the theme of the whole composition: Hortus = tamed nature, as opposed to the surrounding wild nature, Conclusus = protected area, physically separated by a high wall from the outside. Confindustria Headquarters - Ascoli Piceno, Italy Client: Location: Period: GFA: Sector: Services: Confindustria Ascoli Piceno Ascoli Piceno, Italy 2008 2.000,00 mq Commerciale & Office Feasibility umbertoalesi.it Restoration project of a sixteenth century Italian palace, the headquarters of the Association of entrepreneurs of the town. Shipyard Harbor Pier - Ancona, Italy Client: Location: Period: GFA: Sector: Services: Consorzio Marche Sud Ancona, Italy 2007 Industrial technical director umbertoalesi.it New harbor pier shipyard in the port of Ancona. Alberto Fasciani shopchain - Bologna, Italy Client: Location: Period: GFA: Sector: Services: Alberto Fasciani s.r.l. Bologna, Italy 2007 Commerciale & Office Feasibility Scheme design Detailed design Clerk of works umbertoalesi.it This project has been a wonderful experience working with a fashion designer who knows how to combine tradition and innovation. The result is an extremely stylish and modern architecture in the historic center of Bologna. Alberto Fasciani shopchain - Bologna, Italy Pantofola d’Oro shopchain – Ascoli Piceno, Italy Client: Location: Period: GFA: Sector: Services: Pantofola d’Oro s.p.a. Ascoli Piceno, Italy 2007 Interiors Feasibility Scheme design Detailed design Clerk of works umbertoalesi.it Pantofola d’Oro shopchain – Ascoli Piceno, Italy Interior design that required to interpret the story of an Italian brand of 1886. The location in a beautiful sixteenth-century palace was an interesting challenge, I worked on the contrast between the simplicity of the new forms and the complexity of ancient. Interior of a Church – Ascoli Piceno, Italy Client: Location: Period: GFA: Sector: Services: Ente Parrocchia dei SS Pietro e Paolo Ascoli Piceno, Italy 2006 interiors Feasibility Scheme design umbertoalesi.it Interior design of an old medieval church. For this project it was necessary to study the liturgical functions, and interpret them with vision and creativity. Public Square and Parking - Porto San Giorgio, Italy Client: Location: Period: GFA: Sector: Services: Municipality of Porto San Giorgio Porto San Giorgio, Italy 2006 2.000,00 mq urban design Feasibility Scheme design umbertoalesi.it A degraded area near old buildings in the city center of Porto San Giorgio, on the Adriatic coast. I developed the project focusing on the slope of the land and I divided the space with terracings. Public Square and Parking - Porto San Giorgio, Italy Student Houses - Ascoli Piceno, Italy Client: Location: Period: GFA: Sector: Services: Travaglini s.r.l. Ascoli Piceno, Italy 2006 25.000,00 mq Public Buildings Feasibility umbertoalesi.it Project of student houses in the historical center of Ascoli Piceno. designed in association with: Scuola di Architettura e Design Ascoli Piceno Residential Building - Grottammare, Italy Client: Location: Period: GFA: Sector: Services: Ble Real Estate s.r.l. Grottammare, Italy 2004 - 2005 2.000,00 mq Residential Feasibility Scheme design umbertoalesi.it Transformation of an industrial building in a residential building. Its Form recall a ship, to emphasize the proximity to the sea. Hotel and Restaurant- Teramo, Italy Client: Location: Period: GFA: Sector: Services: Cerino, Teramo Teramo, Italy 2005 5.000,00 mq Hotel & Restaurant Feasibility Scheme design umbertoalesi.it Lobby, restaurant and meeting rooms are placed in a green dune that rises from the ground. The dune shows the inside through a large and impressive window, the rooms suggestively overlook this lawn. La Casa degli Architetti– Firenze, Italy Client: Location: Period: GFA: Sector: Services: competition Firenze, Italy 2004 1.000,00 mq Public Buildings Feasibility umbertoalesi.it La Casa degli Architetti– Firenze, Italy The proposed building is a triangular plate: the triangle follows tactile forces of great kinetic pressure. The building is designed to allow better use of the garden square. This creates a place to meet and socialize, strongly related with the building. designed in association with: Claudio Martini Nico Monteferrante Andrea Coccia Business Center - Fermo, Italy Client: Location: Period: GFA: Sector: Services: Ubaldi costruzioni S.p.a Fermo, Italy 2004 20.000,00 mq Commerciale & Office Feasibility umbertoalesi.it Business Center - Fermo, Italy The area is located in a panoramic position in the historical center of Fermo, the project includes a building with 6 levels, including 3 basements, with parking, shops, offices and a public square. Hotel and restaurant - Ascoli Piceno, Italy Client: Location: Period: GFA: Sector: Services: Ubaldi costruzioni S.p.a Ascoli Piceno, Italy 2004 5.000,00 mq Hotel & restaurants Feasibility Scheme design umbertoalesi.it Project for a hotel with 120 restaurant and meeting rooms. rooms, SPA in Acquasanta Terme, Italy Client: Location: Period: GFA: Sector: Services: IDSC Ascoli Piceno Acquasanta Terme, Italy 2000 90.000,00 mq Healthcare Feasibility Scheme design umbertoalesi.it Transformation of an industrial area in a SPA with hotel and services, keeping some parts of the existing industrial building. SPA in Acquasanta Terme, Italy designed in association with: Ludovico Romagni Gianluca Baroni AlfaOmega architetti School of Masonry - Ascoli Piceno, Italy Client: Location: Period: GFA: Sector: Function: Ente Scuola Edile Ascoli Piceno, Italy 2000 Education CEO umbertoalesi.it In this school, 60 years old, is taught the art of brick work: vaulted ceilings, brick cornices, pilasters, columns, and any decoration of ancient Italian architecture. Residences in an ancient Palace - Ascoli Piceno, Italy Client: Location: Period: GFA: Sector: Services: Umberto Alesi S.p.a Ascoli Piceno, Italy 1993 2.000,00 mq Residential technical director umbertoalesi.it Residences in an ancient Palace - Ascoli Piceno, Italy Realization of luxury apartments in an exclusive eighteenth century Italian palace, in the old town of Ascoli Piceno.