! Istituto d’Istruzione Superiore “BENEDETTI-TOMMASEO” C. F. 94050340275 - C.M. VEIS026004 Liceo Scientifico “G.B. Benedetti” – C.M. VEPS02601E Liceo Linguistico e delle Scienze Umane “N. Tommaseo” – C.M. VEPM02601G e-mail: [email protected] PEC: [email protected] web :www.liceobenedettitommaseo.it PROGRAMMA EFFETTIVAMENTE SVOLTO Anno scolastico 2014/15 Scuola ! Liceo Benedetti Docenti Silvana Marzagalli e Magdalene Schremp Classe 2A Disciplina Testi in adozione X Liceo Tommaseo Lingua e cultura inglese Ben Wetz, English Plus Pre-Intermediate, Oxford University Press; Ben Wetz, English Plus Intermediate, Oxford University Press Contenuti Ore Completamento del programma dello scorso anno: Unit 7 & Unit 8: 1st and 2nd Conditional & Time clauses; Future tenses: will/be going to/Present continuous; can / could/be able to; 9 Unit 1 - Relationships: Present perfect with for & since; Present perfect continuous; Present perfect v Past simple; Present perfect v Present perfect continuous; extreme adjectives; inviting someone out; writing an email asking for advice 5 Unit 2 - Generations: Uses of get; used to; Past perfect; subject and object questions; Past simple v Past continuous; question tags; talking about events in the past; writing an account of a decade 5 Unit 3 - Medical science: Modals expressing ability, possibility and certainty, advice and obligation (could, managed to, can, will be able to, should, must, have to); giving and responding to advice; talking about past mistakes; writing a discussione essay 5 Unit 4 - Travel: be going to; future tenses: Present simple v Present continuous; asking about times and timetables; asking for and giving information; writing an email about plans for a visit 7 Unit 5 - Fashion: so, such, too and (not) enough; Passive tenses (questions and short answers); expressing likes and dislikes; writing an article about a product 12 Unit 6 - Body decoration: Reflexive pronouns and each other; have/get something done; defining and non defining relative clauses; giving one’s opinion about appearance; expressing annoyance; writing advice on a forum 7 Unit 7 - Politics and government: make, let and be allowed to; 1st and 2nd conditional; time clauses; I wish/if only with Past simple 6 Unit 8 - Personality and behaviour: comparatives and superlatives of adjectives and adverbs; 3rd conditional; gerund v infinitive; expressing regret; talking about things that affect you; consoling and encouraging 6 Hanif Kureishi, My Son the Fanatic; Rudyard Kipling, Lispeth, testi originali integrali tratti da Internet, lettura individuale e reporting in classe 7 Esercitazioni di listening e reading comprehension Kangourou 2 Con la docente di madrelingua, prof.ssa Magdalene Schremp, attività di supporto grammaticale ed elementi di fonetica 6 Altre attività (recupero in itinere, verifiche scritte, verifiche orali) 28 Totale ore: 105 Nota Fanno parte del programma svolto le sezioni Clil e le attività previste dalla sezione Workbook del libro di testo Lavoro estivo Ripasso delle strutture morfosintattiche e dei vocaboli condotto sulla base del Workbook e delle letture della sezione Clil; ripasso dei paradigmi dei verbi irregolari condotto sulla base dell’elenco nel libro di testo; Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner, lettura del testo originale inglese e redazione di una book review (essential information on the author; year of publication; short summary of the plot; theme(s); what you liked and what you didn’t like; why you would (not) recommend it) Venezia, 8 giugno 2015 Rappresentanti di classe La docente ____________________________ ________________________ ____________________________