Venerdì 13 febbraio 2015
Sala conferenze Digital for Business - Sesto San Giovanni (MI)
Digital for Business
‘Find the Patients,
Drive the Patients’
Flavio D’Annunzio
Digital for Business Srl - Founder & CEO
Chi è ‘Digital for Business’ ?
Sesto San Giovanni, 13 Febbraio 2015.
‘Italian Orphan Drugs Day’: Find the Patients, Drive the Patients.
‘Digital for Business’: identità e missione.
Digital for Business
Digital for Business realizza strategie digitali mediante
azioni di web marketing ed online advertising per
incrementare la reputazione e le performance di business.
Il Team è composto da professionisti dotati di
conoscenze ed esperienze multidisciplinari,
e possiede una forte competenza nelle aree:
Digital, Sales & Marketing e Information Technology.
Digital for Business opera esclusivamente nei mercati:
Sesto San Giovanni, 13 Febbraio 2015.
‘Italian Orphan Drugs Day’: Find the Patients, Drive the Patients.
Digital for Business: metodologia & offerta.
Il successo dei progetti di ‘Digital for Business’ è basato
su metodologie innovative, con un processo costante
di formazione e certificazione e l’utilizzo dei migliori
strumenti digitali a disposizione.
Alcuni elementi di eccellenza:
• Analisi del posizionamento digitale aziendale
e del comportamento dei competitors.
• Ideazione e sviluppo di piani di marketing digitale
(integrati con il piano marketing tradizionale).
• Implementazioni di sistemi:
e-Commerce, website, Blog, Landing Pages.
• Campagne di advertising , online e offline.
• Copy & Content Management, Online Press, PR online.
• SEO, SEM, Engagement, Video and Cartoons
• T-Marketing, gaming & on-line gaming.
Sesto San Giovanni, 13 Febbraio 2015.
‘Italian Orphan Drugs Day’: Find the Patients, Drive the Patients.
‘Digital for Business’ NON opera ‘a caso’…
Sesto San Giovanni, 13 Febbraio 2015.
‘Italian Orphan Drugs Day’: Find the Patients, Drive the Patients.
… ma persegue STRATEGIE COMMERCIALI efficaci …
Sesto San Giovanni, 13 Febbraio 2015.
‘Italian Orphan Drugs Day’: Find the Patients, Drive the Patients.
… strutturate mediante PROCESSI REALIZZATIVI .
Analisi del cliente
informazioni iniziali
Descrizione dei prodotti
Definizione degli obiettivi di progetto
Analisi preliminare – identificazione parole chiave
Identificazione di DOL, stakeholder, influencer ...
Analisi della concorrenza
Stesura del report
Costruzione del
piano di marketing
Segmentazione dei clienti
Posizionamento e targeting
Revisione degli obiettivi e formalizzazione
Individuazione dei canali digitali
Content management
Digital P.R.
Analisi di mercato
Content Management
Analisi volumi, trend, fonti, sentiment
Digital PR / communcation
Sesto San Giovanni, 13 Febbraio 2015.
‘Italian Orphan Drugs Day’: Find the Patients, Drive the Patients.
Find the Patients, Drive the Patients.
Find the Patients,
Drive the Patients.
Sesto San Giovanni, 13 Febbraio 2015.
‘Italian Orphan Drugs Day’: Find the Patients, Drive the Patients.
Introduction: Strategy guideline.
Sesto San Giovanni, 13 Febbraio 2015.
‘Italian Orphan Drugs Day’: Find the Patients, Drive the Patients.
Find the Patients, Drive the Patients.
• In today’s challenging health environment, every disease required a specific
• The field of rare and ultra rare diseases are becoming a fast developing
market where there are a wide group of conditions (5 - 6 thousands) with
low prevalence in the population.
• This low prevalence creates a key point in making diagnosis and/or having
the suspect of the disease, addressing the patient to the right centre or
• In this technologic world people use to go into internet and try to have an
answer to their symptoms or to know what is the best centre where they
can find an answer to their condition
• Internet becomes the way to address the patients to the right centres
Sesto San Giovanni, 13 Febbraio 2015.
‘Italian Orphan Drugs Day’: Find the Patients, Drive the Patients.
Find the Patients, Drive the Patients.
“Drive the patients” is a project fully dedicated to rare, ultra-rare diseases
and unmet medical needs:
• In EU countries, the products destined for rare diseases are aimed for
diagnosis, prevention or treatment of a disease that poses a threat for the
life or a chronic debilitation, affecting less than 5 individuals every 10,000,
or one every 2,000.
• Due to the low number of patients few specialized centres or doctors know
the disease and are able to make diagnosis.
• Many times the patient does not know which specialist contact or exhibits
symptoms that the doctor or specialist is not able to classify in a well
defined disease
Sesto San Giovanni, 13 Febbraio 2015.
‘Italian Orphan Drugs Day’: Find the Patients, Drive the Patients.
Find the Patients, Drive the Patients.
According to the Observatory on Health, the periodic survey on the culture of
health in collaboration with ISPO (Istituto per gli Studi sulla Pubblica
Opinione) that compares the degree of perceived innovation in the field of
health in Italy, Spain, Great Britain, Germany and the USA
• The concept of innovation is preferably associated with 3 representative
sectors: information technology, pharmaceuticals & telecommunications
• The television programs, internet and newspapers are the three most
commonly used by Italians, Americans and Anglo-Saxons to keep abreast of
health and prevention
According to the Orphanet network Italy in our country are 2 million people
living with rare diseases and 70 % are children in the paediatric age group.
Digital for Business links information technology, internet and health, and
helps to give the basic information on the possible diseases and drive the
patients to the right centres or specialists for the diagnosis
Sesto San Giovanni, 13 Febbraio 2015.
‘Italian Orphan Drugs Day’: Find the Patients, Drive the Patients.
Find the Patients, Drive the Patients.
Digital for Business links information technology, internet and health.
Digital for Business helps to:
give basic informations on the possible diseases
find the patients among who search information on the net
drive the patients to the right centres or specialists for the diagnosis.
Digital for Business is your partner
that not only offers creative solutions but provides
the flexibility and builds a communication channel
tailor made for physicians, patients and relatives.
Sesto San Giovanni, 13 Febbraio 2015.
‘Italian Orphan Drugs Day’: Find the Patients, Drive the Patients.
Find the Patients, Drive the Patients.
- Spider programs, able to catch the key words related to the disease
everywhere in the web. Identify the blogs, the web sites, the health
centres where the profile of the patient is completely or partially describe
- Textual analysis (100 words), confront between a prepared test on the
disease and the first 100 words in the article and Identify the centres and
specialist experts on the disease,
- Trend setters screening, through the experts on rare diseases telephone
calls identify the specialists involved in the diagnosis,
- Web platform for scientific information
• basic introduction to the disease
• profile of the patients
• profile of the specialist/s
• rare disease centres
• monthly update of the site through specialists support
• chat among patients and doctors
Sesto San Giovanni, 13 Febbraio 2015.
‘Italian Orphan Drugs Day’: Find the Patients, Drive the Patients.
Find the Patients, Drive the Patients.
• Scientific Marketing Activities
Digital Communication
Online ADV campaigns
Lead generation offering free first visit
DEM (Direct e-mail Marketing)
Medical TV program
Local Scientific Board
Seminars and meetings presentations
Press Conferences
Articles on Scientific Magazines
Content Marketing (Corriere della Sera, Il Sole 24 Ore Health, etc.)
Video Marketing
Sesto San Giovanni, 13 Febbraio 2015.
‘Italian Orphan Drugs Day’: Find the Patients, Drive the Patients.
Grazie per l’attenzione | [email protected]

Find & Drive the patient: approccio strategico