www.icim.it CERTIFICATO CERTIFICATE n. 195215 /Vo SI CERTIFICA CHE IL SISTEMA DI GESTIONE PER LA QUALITA' DI WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE QUAuTY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OPERATED BY UGOLINI MECCANICA S.r.l. '#[A;?i,iJr;ly5 Via dell'Artigianato, 195 - Loc. Garofano - 41056 Savignano sul Panaro (MO) Italia E' CONFORME ALLA NORMA /S /N COIVIPLIAIVCE WITH THE STANDARD UNI EN ISO 9001 =2008 PER LE SEGUENTI ATTIVITA' FOR THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITIES EA:17 Lavorazioni meccaniche su disegno del cliente. Mechanical machining according to customer drawing. Riferirsi al Manuale della Qualità per l'applicabilità deì requisiti della norma di riferimento. Refer to Quality Manual fw details of application to reference standard requirements. ll presente certificato e soggetto al rispetto del regolamento per la certificazione dei sistemi di gestione per la qualità delle aziende The use and the validity of this ceftificate shall satisfy the requirements of the rules for the ceftiftcaton of company quahty nanagement sysfems Data emissione Frrsf lssue Emissione corrente Currentissue 10t04t2001 10t04t2015 Data di scadenza Expiring date 0910412018 ,,íi:: '. ^, ' r | -.*-'.".-"'\ *-}"*"-'*""} :' a.: '::/;t)::' i. ,,,: . THE INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION NETWORK TIFICATE IQNET and CISQ/|C|M hereby certify that the org anization UGOLINI MECCANICA S.r.l. Via dell'Artigianato, 195 - Loc. Garofano - l-41056 Savignano sul Panaro (MO) for the following field of activities Mechanical machining according to customer drawing. has implemented and maintains a Quality Management System which fulfills the requirements of the following standard ISO 9001 i2008 lssued on: Validity date. 2015-04-1 0 2018-04-09 Registration l{umber Michael Drechsel President of IQI{ET ; lT- 1 83 1 3 ffi # = Ing.claudio ProveÍti President of CISQ IQNet Partners*: AENOR Sparn AFNOR Certification France AÌB-Vìngotte Intemational Belgium ANCE-SIGE Mexico APCER Portugal CCC Cyprus CISQ haly CQC China CQM China CQS Czech Republic Cro Cert Croatia DQS Holding GmbH Germany FCAY Brazil FONDONORMAVenezuela ICONTEC Colombiq IMNC Mexico InspectaCertification FinlandlRAMArgentina JQA Japan I(FQ KoreaMIKlEC Greece MSZT Hungary Nemko AS NorwayNSAl lreland PCBC Poland Quality Austria Austria RR Russia SII Israel SIQ Slovenia SIRIM QAS Intemational Malaysia SQS Switzerland SRAC Romania TEST St Petersburg Russia TSE Turkey YUQS Serbia IQNet is represented in the USA by: AFNOR Certification, CISQ, DQS Holding GmbH and NSAI Inc. * The list of IQNet partners is valid at the time of issue of this certificate. Updaúed information is available under www.iqnet-certification.com