Thursday 17 November 2011
Faculty of Economics, Darsena Area, Via Vivaldi 5 - Genoa
Parallel workshops (repeated) – Topics
Workshop A
A1 (11:30-13:00)
A2 (14:30-16:00)
University, stakeholders and learning contexts (enterprises/social economy)
Today’s Higher Education environment more than ever demands Universities to interact and cooperate with a wide range
of players and new qualified actors having influence or also promoting socioeconomic changes and innovative learning
tracks. The University system must address its role in this changing scenario, linking research and education without
pretending to be the monopolist or becoming nothing but one of the competitors. Which positioning for Universities within
LLL context? The focus will be on University – enterprises (A1) / social economy (A2) relationship versus partnership.
Gli atenei si collocano oggi in un contesto, quello dell’alta formazione, in cui si incontrano e sono chiamati a collaborare
con interlocutori qualificati, attori di mutamenti socio-economici e promotori di percorsi formativi innovativi. In questi
scenari l'Università deve farsi carico di definire un proprio ruolo, ma anche di ridefinire modalità di ricerca e formazione
senza dare per scontate rendite di posizione. Quale specifico ruolo le compete nel contesto dell’apprendimento
permanente? Nel laboratorio A1 il focus verterà sul rapporto con le imprese; nell’A2 sul rapporto con il terzo settore e
l’economia sociale.
• Suzanne de Jonckheere, University of Geneva (Switzerland)
Discussants A1
• Cécile Stalzberg and Renaud Maes, Free University of Brussels (Belgium)
• Maria Mendel, University of Gdańsk (Poland)
• Hanna-Riikka Myllymäki, Aalto University (Finland)
Discussants A2
• Biancamaria Tedeschini Lalli, University of Rome “Foro Italico” (Italy)
• Kari Seppälä, University of Turku (Finland)
• Gabriella Dodero, Free University of Bolzano (Italy)
Workshop B
B1 (11:30-13:00)
B2 (14:30-16:00)
European Universities and acknowledgment of acquired competences
Recognition of knowledge, skills and competences acquired by mature perspective students through non-formal and
informal learning opportunities is more and more considered as a people’s justified expectation and a crucial issue for
academies. To which extent do universities need to develop specific educational pathways and supportive tools for adult
learners in order to make them benefit from their prior learning? The focus will be on issues, tools, processes and
outcomes of prior learning recognition.
Le competenze pregresse acquisite dagli adulti in percorsi formativi non formali e informali assumono crescente
centralità. Questi ultimi percorsi, inoltre, acquisiscono una legittimità crescente nel nuovo paradigma dell’apprendimento
permanente. Quali proposte di formazione e di accompagnamento possono essere offerte dalle università affinché
l’adulto sia messo in condizione di far emergere, riconoscere e dare valore a tali competenze?
Toril Eikaas Eide, University of Bergen (Norway)
Discussants B1
• Lea McKay, University of the West of Scotland (United Kingdom)
• Luciano Galliani and Anna Serbati, University of Padua (Italy)
• Lucilia Santos, University of Aveiro (Portugal)
Discussants B2
• Reinhard Schmidt, University of Florence (Italy)
• Marit Stenberg, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Science (Norway)
• Elizabeth Ruting, Hogeschool van Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
Workshop C
C1 (11:30-13:00)
C2 (14:30-16:00) – In French
The VAE model and experimentations in European Countries /
Le modèle VAE et les expérimentations dans les Pays européens
The French model of VAE (Validation des Acquis de l'Expérience), in English APEL (Assessment/Accreditation of Prior
Experiential Learning), and its related educational pathways are highly esteemed in many European countries. Yet
national legislative frameworks often are very different from each other and may demand some preliminary testing
approach or any sweeping adaptations too in order to give it implementation. Even the potential beneficiaries of this
process, need sometimes to be prepared for such an important cultural change. What's happening in the various
European countries? Which are the projects carried out in this field? The second edition of this workshop (C2) will be
presented in French.
Le modèle français de VAE et les parcours d’accès aux diplômes correspondants font l’objet d’une attention croissante
dans beaucoup de Pays européens. Ces pays offrent de nombreux cadres législatifs très différents pour l’accès aux
diplômes et certifications qui nécessitent des expérimentations et adaptations parfois radicales pour permettre son
implémentation. En outre, de tels parcours s’adressent à des personnes (les adultes en reprise d’études) qui ont souvent
besoin d’être accompagnées pour s’adapter à leur tour à des démarches qui représentent un véritable changement, et
cela à tous les niveaux. Nous étudierons ce qui se passe dans différents pays et les projets mis en place dans le champ
de la validation des acquis. La partie C2 de cet atelier se déroulera en Français.
Il modello francese della VAE (Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience) e le pratiche formative corrispondenti godono di
grande considerazione in molti paesi europei. Tuttavia, quadri legislativi a volte anche molto diversi tra loro impongono
sperimentazioni e adattamenti radicali. Anche gli stessi adulti destinatari di tale processo necessitano a volte di venire
preparati a quello che si configura come un profondo cambiamento culturale. Cosa sta accadendo nei vari paesi? Quali
progetti vengono attuati in proposito? La ripetizione di questo laboratorio (C2) si svolgerà in lingua francese.
• Jean-Marie Filloque, University of Brest (France)
• Cécile Stalzberg, Free University of Brussels (Belgium)
• Jonas Zilinskas, University of Siauliai (Lithuania)
• Maryline Almeida, University of Lisbon (Portugal)
• Nathalie Sarradin, University of Brest (France)
• Mauro Palumbo and Giuliana Meraviglia Canu, University of Genoa (Italy)
Workshop D
D1 (11:30-13:00)
D2 (14:30-16:00)
D3 (16:30-18:00) – In Italian
IMPLEMENT: Recognition & Validation – Interactive training session /
IMPLEMENT: Riconoscimento e validazione – Sessione di formazione interattiva
This workshop addresses RPL as a central part of the institutional change in university lifelong learning. It is based on the
interactive training materials of the IMPLEMENT Project. This peer-learning session is dedicated to provide a good
overview on the essential elements of a RPL process and the perspectives and challenges to get RPL to work in practice.
The starting point of the learning process will be two cases describing RPL in Denmark. Key questions in the session will
be: How do we understand RPL as an essential element in lifelong learning? How do we set up RPL? And what are the
challenges for whom? Special emphasis will be given to the application of the interactive Moodle platform where all
modules of the IMPLEMENT Project will be accessible. The third edition of this workshop (D3) will be held in Italian.
Incentrato sull’importanza del RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) per dar vita ad autentiche università per
l’apprendimento permanente, questo laboratorio si basa sul materiale didattico interattivo del progetto IMPLEMENT. Si
tratta di una sessione di apprendimento fra pari dedicata a fornire un quadro completo sugli elementi essenziali di un
processo di RPL, nonché per delinearne sfide e prospettive in chiave applicativa. A partire da due casi di gestione del
RPL in Danimarca, ci si chiederà: il RPL è un elemento essenziale dell’apprendimento permanente? Come impostare una
procedura RPL? Quali sono le sfide in merito? Particolare attenzione sarà data all’utilizzo della piattaforma Moodle in cui
tutti i moduli del Progetto IMPLEMENT sono accessibili. La parte D3 del laboratorio si terrà in lingua italiana.
• Kirsten Aagaard, National Knowledge Centre for Validation of Prior Learning (Denmark) – D1 & D2
• Giuliana Meraviglia Canu, University of Genoa (Italy) – D3
Workshop E (strand) – Topics
E1 (11:30-13:00) – Introduction
E2 (14:30-16:00) – Open hands-on session
E3 (16:30-18:00) – Open round table
VIRQUAL: Integrated tool for recognizing virtual qualifications
VIRQUAL is a project with ambitious goals: combine virtual learning, assessment of learning outcomes and recognition of
competences to achieve virtual mobility. The project has worked for three years with a dedicated network, several
contributions from other projects and organizations, dissemination events with debates around Europe and two
international awards. The strand in the EUCEN Genoa conference has three sessions: a presentation of the project
results in a Socratic structure with the help of project partners, a hands-on workshop to apply the guides and tools to
individual experiences and an extended open debate with some experts.
VIRQUAL è un progetto con obiettivi ambiziosi: far incrociare e-learning, valutazione dei risultati di apprendimento e
riconoscimento delle competenze per realizzare la mobilità virtuale. Il progetto ha al suo attivo un’esperienza triennale di
lavoro in rete, capace di mettere insieme diversi contributi da altri progetti e organizzazioni, eventi di divulgazione con
dibattiti in tutta Europa e due premi internazionali. Il filone che verrà sviluppato durante la Conferenza EUCEN di Genova
prevede tre sessioni di lavoro: la presentazione dei risultati del progetto in un setting maieutico (con l'aiuto dei partner di
progetto), un laboratorio partecipato per applicare guide e strumenti alle esperienze individuali e, infine, un dibattito aperto
con alcuni esperti.
• Alfredo Soeiro, University of Porto (Portugal)

5 workshops Eucen 2011__version 07.11.2011