O R D I N E D E G L I I N G E G N E R I D E L L A P R O V I N C I A D I V E N E Z I A International Conference, 7 September 2015, Venice, Italy Flood Risk Management Plans: international experiences in comparison Organized by the Eastern Alps Hydrographic Distric and the Environmental Ministry, with order of Engineers of Venice Province, as part of Aquae EXPO VENICE 2015. The conference will focus on the implementation of flood risk management plans (Floods Directive 2007/60/EU). The purpose of the conference is to stimulate discussion and to talk about experiences in practical applications of the Directive. In this way, each one can improve his own knowledge about the possible solutions and applications. Some European Districts of different countries will illustrate the plan they are doing and presenting to the European Commission. Morning session (10.00-12.30): The implementation of the Floods Directive Greetings from the Italian Environmental Ministry, on. Gianluca Galletti Greetings from the Head Delegation of Alpine Convention, dr. Paolo Angelini Introduction of the Secretary General, ing. Roberto Casarin 10.20 Dr. Giuseppina Monacelli, ISPRA - Dipartimento Tutela Acque Interne e Marine, (IT) 10.40 Dr. Benoît Terrier, Agence de l'eau Rhône Méditerranèe Corse, (FR) 11.00 Dr. Károly Gombás, The North Transdanubian Water Management Authority, (HU) 11.20 Dr. Rudolf Hornich, Styrian Federal State Government, (A) 11.40 Dr. Luka Stravs, Slovenia Ministry for Agriculture and the Environment, (SI) 12.00 Dr. Dejan Komatina, Secretary of International Sava River Basin Commission, (HR) 12.20 Dr. Francesco Baruffi, AAWA - Autorità di Bacino dei fiumi dell'Alto Adriatico, (IT) Chairman prof. Ezio Todini, President of Società Idrologica Italiana To follow a Round Table 12.40-13.30: Special issue and complex aspects about implementing the Floods Directive, chairman Avv. Maurizio Pernice, Direttore Generale della Direzione generale per la salvaguardia del territorio e delle acque, Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare. With participation of: dr. Anna Cestari, World Bank Group, and dr. Raffaele Rocco, Piattaforma Acqua. Conclusions: sen. Giuseppe Francesco Maria Marinello, President of XIII Senate Commission Territory and Environment Registration of participants 9.00-10.00. Accreditation acknowledged to engineers (n. 3 credits). The conference language will be English. Translation facilities will be provided. Conference venue Aquae exposition, Marghera-Venice www.aquae2015.org