COMUNICATO UFFICIALE N. 0823/06 Data: 04/08/2006 Ora: 11.19 Mittente: UniCredit S.p.A. Società oggetto del comunicato: UniCredit S.p.A. Oggetto del comunicato: Risultati del secondo trimestre 2006 / Second quarter results 2006 Testo: da pagina seguente TLX S.p.A. Unità di Supervisione TLX S.p.A. Via Cavriana, 20 20134 Milano COMUNICATO STAMPA I RISULTATI DEL SECONDO TRIMESTRE DEL 2006 RAPPRESENTANO UN ULTERIORE PASSO VERSO IL RAGGIUNGIMENTO DEGLI OBIETTIVI DI GRUPPO UTILE NETTO A 1.686 MILIONI, IN CRESCITA DELL’82,5% A/A (+47% CIRCA A/A ESCLUSA LA PLUSVALENZA RELATIVA ALLA CESSIONE DI SPLITSKA BANKA) RISULTATO OPERATIVO A 2.745 MILIONI, IN CRESCITA DEL 38,0% A/A • Utile netto a 1.686 milioni, in crescita dell’82,5% a/a (+47% circa a/a escluso l’apporto derivante dalla cessione di Splitska Banka) • Risultato di gestione a 2.745 milioni, +38,0% a/a (+34,4% a/a a cambi e perimetro costanti), grazie alla continua progressione delle commissioni nette (+16,6% a/a) • Rapporto Costi/Ricavi in riduzione a 54,0% da 61,3% nel secondo trimestre del 2005, dovuta a: 9 Significativo aumento dei ricavi (margine d’intermediazione a 5.969 milioni, +13,0% a cambi e perimetro costanti) 9 Ottimo controllo dei costi (costi operativi a 3.224 milioni, -0,5% a/a a cambi e perimetro costanti) • Buona qualità dell’attivo: 9 Totale crediti deteriorati netti in flessione del 5,0% nel trimestre e del 7,9% su dicembre 2005 9 Costo del rischio in riduzione a 56 pb (-4 pb sull’esercizio 2005) • Core Tier 1 Ratio in miglioramento (5,94% a giugno 2006 dal 5,53% di dicembre 2005), risultato della significativa generazione di capitale • Rafforzamento del posizionamento del Gruppo nel risparmio gestito con aumenti delle quote di mercato dei fondi comuni1 su fine 2005 in Germania e in Austria: 9 Italia: 15,17% (stabile); Germania: 5,82% (+38 pb); Austria: 17,36% (+20 pb) Il Consiglio di Amministrazione di UniCredito Italiano ha approvato oggi i risultati consolidati del secondo trimestre del 20062. 1 Il confronto in Italia si riferisce a giugno 2006 su gennaio 2006 in base alle nuove metodologie introdotte da Assogestioni; quote di mercato in Germania: perimetro BVI; quote di mercato in Austria: perimetro VOIG 2 Nel secondo trimestre 2006 l’area di consolidamento del Gruppo HVB è stata ampliata includendo 20 società che comprendono HVB Capital Partners AG e 19 società controllate da BA-CA, delle quali 17 costituiscono il sub-gruppo immobiliare “Universale International Realitaten GmbH”. Tra marzo e giugno 2006, inoltre, Koçbank ha incrementato la propria 1 PRESS RELEASE SECOND QUARTER RESULTS MARK GOOD PROGRESS TOWARDS UNICREDIT’S GROUP TARGETS NET PROFIT UP 82.5% YOY, GROWING TO €1,686 MILLION (APPROXIMATELY +47% YOY NET OF GAIN FROM THE SALE OF SPLITSKA BANKA) OPERATING RESULT OF €2,745 MILLION, UP 38.0% YOY • Net profit at €1,686 million, up 82.5% YoY (approximately +47% YoY excl. the contribution resulting from the sale of Splitska Banka) • Operating profit equals €2,745 million, +38.0% YoY (+34.4% YoY on a like for like foreign exchange and perimeter basis), thanks also to continued growth in net commission income (+16.6% YoY) • Cost/Income ratio improved from 61.3% to 54.0% YoY due to: ! Significant increase in revenues (total revenues equal €5,969 million, +13.0% on a like for like foreign exchange and perimeter basis) ! Good cost control (operating costs total €3,224 million, -0.5% YoY on a like for like foreign exchange and perimeter basis) • Good asset quality: ! Total net deteriorated loans down by 5.0% in the quarter and by 7.9% versus December 2005 ! Cost of risk down to 56 bp (-4 bp versus FY 2005) • Core Tier 1 Ratio improved (5.94% at June 2006 versus 5.53% at December 2005), due to significant capital generation • Strengthening of the Group’s position in asset management with an increase over the end of 2005 of the market share in mutual funds1 in Germany and Austria: ! Italy: 15.17% (stable); Germany: 5.82% (+38 bp); Austria: 17.36% (+20 bp) Today the Board of Directors of UniCredito Italiano approved consolidated results for second quarter 20062. 1 The comparison in Italy refers to June 2006 vs. January 2006 as per new methodologies introduced by Assogestioni (Italian Association of Asset Managers); German market share: BVI perimeter; Austrian market share: VOIG perimeter 2 In second quarter 2006 the HVB Group’s perimeter of consolidation was expanded to include 20 companies that include HVB Capital Partners AG and 19 companies controlled by BA-CA, of which 17 are part of the sub-group real estate company “Universale International Realitaten GmbH”. Additionally in the period between March and June 2006, Koçbank increased its interest in Yapi ve Kredi Bankasi, the control of which was obtained in third quarter 2005, from 57.4% to 67.31%. As Yapi is proportionally consolidated, the P&L accounts have been restated in order to grant omogeneous comparisons with the previous 1 The Group closed the second quarter of the year with a net profit of €1,686 million (mn), an increase of 82.5% compared to the same period in the previous year. Growth appears most significant (approximately +47% YoY) even net of the capital gain realised on the sale of Splitska Banka. Operating profit (€2,745 mn) rose 38.0% over second quarter 2005 (+34.4% YoY on a like for like foreign exchange and perimeter basis). The HVB Group’s net profit, equal to €1,055 mn (before consolidation adjustments), more than quadrupled when compared to the previous year (€230 mn), and the operating profit of €1,195 mn (+67.1% YoY on a like for like foreign exchange and perimeter basis), made a very positive contribution to the Group’s results. This performance is primarily attributable to strong growth in revenues (+16.3% YoY on a like for like foreign exchange and perimeter basis) and a substantial reduction in operating costs (-4.8% YoY on a like for like foreign exchange and perimeter basis). The Group’s total revenues reached €5,969 mn, with an increase of 16.3% YoY (+13.0% YoY on a like for like foreign exchange and perimeter basis), due to both a rise in net interest income (€3,195 mn, +3.8% YoY and +1.9% YoY on a like for like foreign exchange and perimeter basis) and in net non-interest income (€2,774 mn, +34.9% YoY and +29.7% YoY on a like for like foreign exchange and perimeter basis). The trend in net interest income shows growth for UniCredit excluding HVB (€1,599 mn, +8.1% YoY) and a substantially stable situation for the HVB Group (€1,578 mn, -0.1% YoY). The increase in net interest for UniCredit excluding HVB (€1,493 mn, +10.7% YoY) was sustained by an increase in volumes and improvement in deposit spreads. On an annualised basis, the largest contribution came from the Retail Division (+14.5% YoY) at approximately half of the increase, but all the Divisions reported positive performances. The HVB Group (€1,416 mn) reported a slight decrease (-0.6% YoY). Customer loans, equal to €430.2 billion (bn), show an increase of 1.5% versus (vs.) June 2005 (+0.8% vs. December 2005). UniCredit excluding HVB shows significant growth YoY (+11.0% YoY) with positive trends in the three most important divisions (Retail: +14.1% YoY, Corporate: +7.4% YoY, New Europe: +25.1% YoY at constant exchange rates). In terms of products, steady growth in household mortgages3 (+20.5% YoY) and consumer credit3 (+27.0% YoY) for Retail and in leasing for Corporate (+31.2% YoY) continued. The HVB Group loans (€258.3 bn) show a decrease (-3.6% YoY, -1.5% vs. December 2005). This result reflects the HVB Group’s strategic reduction of real estate loans and the introduction of a more risk correlated pricing policy in Germany. Net deteriorated loans for the Group (that includes non-performing loans, watchlist, restructured loans and past due loans) amounted to €16.7 bn, a decrease of 7.9% vs. December 2005 and of 5.0% vs. March 2006. Non performing and watchlisted loans totalled €14.2 bn (-10.1% vs. December 2005 and –8.1% vs. March 2006). The total deteriorated loans/customer loans ratio fell from 4.26% at the end of 2005 to 3.87% at June 2006, with a coverage ratio of 48.6% (49.4% at December 2005). The incidence of net non performing and watchlisted loans on total loans at June 2006 is down from the 3.70% at December 2005 to 3.29%, with a coverage ratio that improved from 51.8% to 52.4% at June 2006. quarters. In the balance sheet at 30 June 2006, Banque Monegasque de Gestion was classified among “Non current assets and disposal groups for sale”, along with Uniriscossioni and 2S Banca, already so classified as at March 2006 3 Bank of Italy matrix data 2 Direct deposits amounted to €474.6 bn, an increase of 2.7% vs. December and of 3.9% vs. June 2005. UniCredit excluding HVB came in at €187.0 bn (+5.0% vs. December 2005, +9.5% YoY) and the HVB Group reached €284.9 bn (+1.4% vs. end of 2005, +1.0% YoY). Net non-interest income (€2,774 mn) grew significantly (+34.9% YoY, +29.7% YoY on a like for like foreign exchange and perimeter basis) due to a strong performance in all segments. Net commissions (€2,109 mn) grew by 16.6% YoY. UniCredit excluding HVB came in at €1,193 mn (+13.2% YoY), with a particularly positive contribution from the Private Banking & Asset Management Division (+23.8% YoY) and the New Europe Division (+21.7% YoY). The HVB Group also reported significant improvement in commissions over second quarter 2005 (€917 mn, +21.6% YoY). The Group’s net commissions include a significant increase in wealth management and securities in custody fees that came in at €1,002 mn (+22.3% YoY). All components of wealth management and securities in custody fees reported growth over second quarter 2005; in particular, investment fund fees (€545 mn, +21.7% YoY), fees on segregated accounts (€61 mn vs. €17 mn in second quarter 2005) and fees for the placement of insurance products (€150 mn, +20.0% YoY). Fees from trading, placement and other services related to securities administered came in at €246 mn, +7.4% YoY. Commissions for other activities rose 11.8% YoY for a total of €1,107 mn. More in detail, there was a marked increase in fees linked to payment services (+28.4% YoY) and to currency trading (+20.1% YoY). Fees involving current accounts, guarantees and loans rose +3.7% YoY. Assets under management by the Group’s Asset Management companies amounted to €236 bn, an increase of 5.6% vs. the end of 2005, thanks also to the acquisition of Vanderbilt in the USA (more than €10 bn). More in detail, Pioneer reported growth of 7.4% in the first half, with a more marked increase in the International Division (+34%) and in the US Division (+29.6%), while the HVB Group reported an increase of 1%. Net trading, hedging and fair value, equal to €564 mn in second quarter 2006, showed a substantial increase YoY (+€334 mn), thanks to the HVB Group’s exceptional performance (€317 mn YoY) and to the growth of 7.6% YoY reported by UniCredit excluding HVB (€254 mn in second quarter 2006). More in detail, the HVB Group’s result benefited from the positive trend in business generated by derivatives and the Global Markets desk in HVB excluding BA-CA and the strong contribution from BA-CA (€94 mn), more than doubled compared to the second quarter 2005. The increase reported by UniCredit excluding HVB in the second quarter is primarily due to the positive change in the fair value valuation of the call option issued on Assicurazioni Generali stock of approximately €42 mn, following a decrease in the stock’s price during the second quarter. At the end of June the total gain on the Generali stock, classified among available-for-sale (AFS) assets, equalled €290 mn and will be realised only at the time of sale. Other income totalled €101 mn, an increase of €84 mn YoY, of which €31 mn is attributable to the HVB Group. Operating costs (€3,224 mn) dropped 0.5% YoY (on a like for like foreign exchange and perimeter basis). This item includes €1,564 mn (+4.3% YoY4) attributable to UniCredit excluding HVB while the HVB Group (€1,642 mn) reported a slight decrease (-4.8% YoY4). Staff costs (€1,948 mn, +5.3%,YoY4) show an increase that is attributable to both 4 On a like for like foreign exchange and perimeter basis 3 UniCredit excluding HVB (€951 mn, +4.8% YoY4) and to the HVB Group5 (€997 mn, +5.9% YoY4). The latter is due to the variable compensation tied to the excellent commercial results that more than offset the staff reductions made in HVB excluding BA-CA (-600 heads in the quarter). UniCredit excluding HVB’s increase is attributable to the national labour contract (approximately +€18 mn YoY) and to the larger variable component of remuneration (+€26 mn YoY). These increases were partially offset by staff reductions (-502 heads YoY, primarily in the Retail Division). Total operating costs, equal to €1,276 mn, registered a significant decrease on a like for like exchange and perimeter basis (-8.3% YoY), thanks to the decrease in costs reported by the HVB Group (-17.9% YoY) attributable to a drop in other administrative expenses and in amortisation and depreciation that more than compensated for the increase reported by UniCredit excluding HVB (+3.6% YoY). Cost/income ratio fell to 54.0% in second quarter 2006 from 61.3% in the same period of the previous year. The Group’s operating profit in second quarter 2006 reached €2,745 mn, which represents a rise of more than 38.0% YoY (+34.4% on a like for like exchange rate and perimeter basis). This positive evolution reflects the HVB Group’s excellent operating performance (€1,195 mn, +77.0% YoY, +67.1% on a like for like exchange rate and perimeter basis) and the growth of UniCredit excluding HVB (€1,551 mn, +17.9%), to which the Divisions Private Banking & Asset Management (+38.3% YoY), Retail (+22.7% YoY) and New Europe (+12.7% YoY) contributed most significantly. Total provisions and write-downs in the quarter amounted to €628 mn vs. €582 mn in second quarter 2005. More in detail: ! Provisions for risks and charges equal to €79 mn vs. €4 mn in second quarter 2005 ! Net write-downs of loans and provisions for guarantees and commitments amount to €549 mn vs. €578 mn in second quarter 2005 (-5.0% YoY). The increase in operating profit YoY was amplified by a rise in net income from investments, that was only partially offset by increases in provisions and net write-downs on loans, along with integration charges of €52 mn. Net income from investments in the second quarter amounted to €449 mn (€66 mn in second quarter 2005) and can be attributed to the HVB Group for some €420 mn. The largest portion of this item is related to the sale of Splitska Banka to SocGen (finalised by BA-CA on 30 June) that generated a profit in HVB’s consolidated income statement of €669 mn, that was also adjusted in Unicredit’s consolidated accounts for €302 mn, following valuations completed at the time of first consolidation. The capital gain for the Group, therefore, equals €367 mn (contributing for €332 mn to the net income). Income tax for the period, equal to €613 mn, shows an increase of 37.8% vs. second quarter 2005, with an incidence on profit before tax of 24.4%, down from the 30.6% for FY 2005, thanks to increased capital gains on equity investments (not taxed) and an increase in the impact of HVB AG’s profit, the taxation of which benefits from losses recorded in previous years. Profit before tax, therefore, amounted to €1,901 mn (+84.9% YoY). Assets in the process of being sold contributed €16 mn to the net profit. Net profit for the period, therefore, amounted to €1,917 mn (+85.6% YoY, +78.9% YoY on a like for like exchange rate and perimeter basis). 5 The 2Q06 HVB staff costs include the costs of personnel holding temporary contracts that were previously classified under other administrative expenses 4 Minority interests’ profit in the second quarter totalled €231 mn, compared to €109 mn in second quarter 2005. The increase is primarily due to the minority interests of the HVB Group, net of the directly held interest in BA-CA. The net profit attributable to the Group equalled, therefore, €1,686 mn, with an increase of €762 mn (+82.5%) vs. second quarter 2005. The Group’s portion of shareholders’ equity amounted to €34,771 mn at 30 June 2006 (vs. €35,203 mn at the end of 2005). Estimated Core Tier 1 came in at 5.94% at the end of June 2006, an improvement over December 2005 (5.53%). Estimated Total Capital Ratio reached 10.25%6. As from the end of June the Group’s organisation consisted of a staff7 of 134,870 employees (+71 vs. December 2005, -502 vs. June 2005). The increase vs. December is explained by the presence of temporary employees working in the tourism industry for the Zagrebacka Group companies (approx. 800 individuals). The Group’s network is composed of 7,336 branches8 (+152 vs. the end of 2005). Attached are the Group’s key figures, the Group’s reclassified balance sheet and income statement, the income statements for UniCredit Group excluding HVB, the HVB Group and the BACA Group, and the Group’s half-yearly income statement, which are not subject to certification by the Independent Auditors. Milan, 4 August 2006 6 Based on the new BankIT calculation instructions “Full time equivalent “. The Koc Group is proportionately consolidated in the figures indicated. The HVB Group figure at 31 December has been restated to reflect the changes in the perimeter of consolidation that took place during the first half 8 In the figures indicated the Koc Group is proportionately consolidated at 100% 7 5 UniCredit: Key figures PROFIT AND LOSS AND PROFITABILITY RATIOS (€ million) H1 CHANGE 2006 2005 PRO-FORMA Total revenues 11,939 10,321 Operating costs 6,529 6,249 + 4.5% Operating profit 5,410 4,072 + 32.9% + 15.7% Profit before tax 4,729 3,257 + 45.2% Net Profit attributable to the Group 3,043 2,052 + 48.3% ROE 1 17.3% 11.9% + 5.4 Cost/income ratio 54.7% 60.5% - 5.8 BALANCE SHEET (€ million) AMOUNTS AS AT 30.06.2006 CHANGE 31.12.2005 Total assets 803,792 787,000 + 2.1% Loans and receivables with customers 430,148 426,553 + 0.8% Deposits from customers and debt securities in issue 474,564 462,248 + 2.7% 34,771 35,203 - 1.2% Shareholders' equity CAPITAL RATIOS (%) AS AT 30.06.2006 Tier 1/Total risk-weighted assets Total regulatory capital/Total risk-weighted assets 2 CHANGE 31.12.2005 5.94% 5.53% + 0.41 10.25% 10.34% - 0.09 STAFF AND BRANCHES AS AT Employees 3 Branches CHANGE 30.06.2006 31.12.2005 134,870 134,799 + 71 7,336 7,184 + 152 4 RATINGS SHORT-TERM MEDIUM AND DEBT LONG-TERM . FITCH RATINGS F1 A+ STABLE Moody's Investor Service P-1 A1 STABLE Standard & Poor's A-1 A+ NEGATIVE OUTLOOK 1. Calculated on the basis of the average shareholders' equity for the period (excluding reserves in respect of AfS assets and dividends to be distributed and including the profit for the period on an annual basis). 2. Estimated data. 3. "Full time equivalent". Koç Group is consolidated proportionally. HVB Group figures as at 31 December have been adjusted to reflect H1 2006 changes in the scope of consolidation. The increase is attributable to the presence of approximately 800 seasonal employees in the tourism industry. Excluding seasonal employees, there was a reduction of 714 resources. 4. Koç Group, which is consolidated proportionally, is considered at 100%. UniCredit: Consolidated Balance Sheet CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET (€ million) AMOUNTS AS AT 30.06.2006 31.03.2006 CHANGE OVER 31.12.2005 31.03.2006 31.12.2005 Assets Cash and cash balances Financial assets held for trading Loans and receivables with banks Loans and receivables with customers 3,264 2,981 3,459 + 9.5% - 5.6% 174,574 163,729 172,287 + 6.6% + 1.3% 85,079 92,387 76,099 - 7.9% + 11.8% 430,148 424,310 426,553 + 1.4% + 0.8% Financial investments 66,447 67,582 65,796 - 1.7% + 1.0% Hedging instruments 3,431 4,186 4,919 - 18.0% - 30.3% Property, plant and equipment 8,777 8,744 7,973 + 0.4% + 10.1% Goodwill 8,840 9,172 9,202 - 3.6% - 3.9% Other intangible assets 2,572 2,568 2,633 + 0.2% - 2.3% Tax assets Non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale 6,286 6,361 6,592 - 1.2% - 4.6% 6,053 7,124 3,309 - 15.0% + 82.9% Other assets 8,321 7,721 8,178 + 7.8% + 1.7% Total assets 803,792 796,865 787,000 + 0.9% + 2.1% Deposits from banks 135,802 143,054 141,682 - 5.1% - 4.2% Deposits from customers and debt securities in issue 474,564 467,743 462,248 + 1.5% + 2.7% Financial liabilities held for trading 115,941 104,922 107,094 + 10.5% + 8.3% Liabilities and shareholders' equity Financial liabilities designated at fair value 1,401 1,358 1,129 + 3.2% + 24.1% Hedging instruments 3,556 3,325 4,498 + 6.9% - 20.9% Provisions for risks and charges 7,286 7,315 6,607 - 0.4% + 10.3% Tax liabilities Liabilities included in disposal groups classified as held for sale 5,125 6,055 5,925 - 15.4% - 13.5% 4,346 5,511 1,887 - 21.1% + 130.3% 16,888 16,655 16,824 + 1.4% + 0.4% 4,112 4,387 3,903 - 6.3% + 5.4% Shareholders' equity 34,771 36,540 35,203 - 4.8% - 1.2% - Capital and reserves 30,625 33,301 31,106 - 8.0% - 1.5% 1,103 1,882 1,627 - 41.4% - 32.2% 3,043 1,357 2,470 + 124.2% + 23.2% 803,792 796,865 787,000 + 0.9% + 2.1% Other liabilities Minorities - Available-for-sale assets fair value reserve and cash-flow hedging reserve - Net profit Total liabilities and shareholders' equity UniCredit: Consolidated Profit and Loss Account PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT1 (€ million) QUARTERLY FIGURES UNICREDIT GROUP Net interest Dividends and other income from equity investments Net interest income Net fees and commissions Net trading, hedging and fair value income Net other expenses/income Net non-interest income TOTAL REVENUES Q2 2006 Q1 2006 2,927 CHANGE Q2 '06 OVER Q2 '05 Q2 2005 2,945 ACTUAL 2,791 ADJUSTED + 4.9% 2 + 2.8% 268 107 286 - 6.3% - 7.0% 3,195 3,052 3,077 + 3.8% + 1.9% 2,109 2,133 1,809 + 16.6% + 13.6% 564 693 230 + 145.2% + 136.5% + 294.1% 101 92 17 + 494.1% 2,774 2,918 2,056 + 34.9% + 29.7% 5,969 5,970 5,133 + 16.3% + 13.0% Payroll costs -1,948 -1,950 -1,804 + 8.0% + 5.3% Other administrative expenses -1,057 -1,123 -1,093 - 3.3% - 7.0% 66 55 62 + 6.5% + 6.5% -285 -287 -309 - 7.8% - 10.0% -3,224 -3,305 -3,144 + 2.5% - 0.5% 2,745 2,665 1,989 + 38.0% + 34.4% Provisions for risks and charges -79 -64 -4 n.s. n.s. Integration costs -52 - - - - -549 -563 -578 - 5.0% - 5.0% 449 177 66 + 580.3% + 578.8% 2,514 2,215 1,473 + 70.7% + 65.6% -613 -697 -445 + 37.8% + 36.6% NET PROFIT Profit (Loss) from non-current assets held for sale, after tax 1,901 1,518 1,028 + 84.9% + 78.2% 16 23 5 + 220.0% + 220.0% PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD 1,917 1,541 1,033 + 85.6% + 78.9% -231 -184 -109 + 111.9% + 95.4% 1,686 1,357 924 + 82.5% + 76.9% 54.0% 55.4% 61.3% Recovery of expenses Amortisation, depreciation and impairment losses on intangible and tangible assets Operating costs OPERATING PROFIT Net write-downs of loans and provisions for guarantees and commitments Net income from investments PROFIT BEFORE TAX Income tax for the period Minorities NET PROFIT ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE GROUP PROFITABILITY RATIO Cost/Income 1. Dividends on Equity Instruments held for trading are included in Net trading, hedging and fair value income. Q1 2006 HVB Group temporary staff costs (€14 million), formerly included in Other administrative expenses, have been reclassified into Payroll costs. 2. Adjusted at constant exchange rates and to reflect equal scope of consolidation. UniCredit excluding HVB : Consolidated Profit and Loss Account PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT1 (€ million) QUARTERLY FIGURES UNICREDIT EXCLUDING HVB Net interest Dividends and other income from equity investments Net interest income Net fees and commissions Net trading, hedging and fair value income Net other expenses/income Net non-interest income Q2 2006 Q1 2006 1,493 CHANGE Q2 '06 OVER Q2 '05 Q2 2005 1,464 ACTUAL ADJUSTED 2 1,349 + 10.7% + 10.6% 106 26 130 - 18.5% - 17.7% 1,599 1,490 1,479 + 8.1% + 8.1% 1,193 1,170 1,054 + 13.2% + 12.8% 254 204 236 + 7.6% + 6.4% 69 60 43 + 60.5% + 65.9% 1,516 1,434 1,333 + 13.7% + 13.3% 3,115 2,924 2,812 + 10.8% + 10.5% Payroll costs -951 -960 -908 + 4.7% + 4.8% Other administrative expenses -555 -558 -533 + 4.1% + 4.0% 64 55 62 + 3.2% + 3.2% -122 -123 -118 + 3.4% + 1.7% -1,564 -1,586 -1,497 + 4.5% + 4.3% 1,551 1,338 1,315 + 17.9% + 17.6% Provisions for risks and charges -53 -40 -35 + 51.4% + 54.3% Integration costs -46 - - - - -253 -241 -244 + 3.7% + 4.5% 31 139 33 - 6.1% - 6.3% 1,230 1,196 1,069 + 15.1% + 14.4% TOTAL REVENUES Recovery of expenses Amortisation, depreciation and impairment losses on intangible and tangible assets Operating costs OPERATING PROFIT Net write-downs of loans and provisions for guarantees and commitments Net income from investments PROFIT BEFORE TAX -390 -416 -339 + 15.0% + 14.8% NET PROFIT Profit (Loss) from non-current assets held for sale, after tax Income tax for the period 840 780 730 + 15.1% + 14.1% 16 23 5 + 220.0% + 220.0% PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD 856 803 735 + 16.5% + 15.6% Minorities -58 -55 -70 - 17.1% - 21.4% NET PROFIT ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE GROUP 798 748 665 + 20.0% + 19.5% 50.2% 54.2% 53.2% PROFITABILITY RATIO Cost/Income 1. Dividends on Equity Instruments held for trading are included in Net trading, hedging and fair value income. 2. Adjusted at constant exchange rates and to reflect equal scope of consolidation. HVB: Consolidated Profit and Loss Account PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT1 (€ million) QUARTERLY FIGURES HVB GROUP Net interest Dividends and other income from equity investments Net interest income Q2 2006 Q1 2006 CHANGE Q2 '06 OVER Q2 '05 Q2 2005 ACTUAL ADJUSTED 2 1,416 1,464 1,424 - 0.6% - 4.4% 162 81 156 + 3.8% + 1.9% 1,578 1,545 1,580 - 0.1% - 3.8% Net fees and commissions 917 963 754 + 21.6% + 15.1% Net trading, hedging and fair value income 311 488 -6 n.s. n.s. 31 33 -25 n.s. n.s. Net other expenses/income Net non-interest income TOTAL REVENUES 1,259 1,484 723 + 74.1% + 60.2% 2,837 3,029 2,303 + 23.2% + 16.3% Payroll costs -997 -990 -896 + 11.3% + 5.9% Other administrative expenses -502 -565 -560 - 10.4% - 17.3% 2 - - - - Recovery of expenses Amortisation, depreciation and impairment losses on intangible and tangible assets Operating costs OPERATING PROFIT Provisions for risks and charges Integration costs -145 -146 -172 - 15.7% - 18.6% -1,642 -1,701 -1,628 + 0.9% - 4.8% 1,195 1,328 675 + 77.0% + 67.1% -26 -24 31 n.s. n.s. -6 - - - - -296 -322 -334 - 11.4% - 12.0% Net write-downs of loans and provisions for guarantees and commitments Net income from investments PROFIT BEFORE TAX Income tax for the period 729 99 33 n.s. n.s. 1,596 1,081 405 + 294.1% + 277.8% -224 -283 -106 + 111.3% + 107.5% NET PROFIT Profit (Loss) from non-current assets held for sale, after tax 1,372 798 299 + 358.9% + 338.1% - - - - - PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD 1,372 798 299 + 358.9% + 338.1% Minorities NET PROFIT ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE GROUP -317 -147 -69 + 359.4% + 337.7% 1,055 651 230 + 358.7% + 338.3% 57.9% 56.2% 70.7% PROFITABILITY RATIO Cost/Income 1. Dividends on Equity Instruments held for trading are included in Net trading, hedging and fair value income. Q1 2006 temporary staff costs (€14 million), formerly included in Other administrative expenses, have been reclassified into Payroll costs. 2. Adjusted at constant exchange rates and to reflect equal scope of consolidation. BA-CA 1: Consolidated Profit and Loss Account PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT2 (€ million) QUARTERLY FIGURES BA-CA GROUP Net interest Dividends and other income from equity investments Net interest income Net fees and commissions Net trading, hedging and fair value income Net other expenses/income Net non-interest income TOTAL REVENUES Q2 2006 Q1 2006 603 CHANGE Q2 '06 OVER Q2 '05 Q2 2005 1,464 ACTUAL ADJUSTED 3 576 + 4.7% - 0.5% 63 34 98 - 35.7% - 34.7% 666 633 674 - 1.2% - 5.5% 455 415 335 + 35.8% + 23.0% 94 166 45 + 108.9% + 95.5% 16 7 2 n.s. n.s. 565 588 382 + 47.9% + 34.7% 1,231 1,221 1,056 + 16.6% + 9.0% Payroll costs -404 -401 -354 + 14.1% + 4.1% Other administrative expenses -232 -230 -225 + 3.1% - 7.2% - - - - - -67 -68 -62 + 8.1% + 1.1% -703 -699 -641 + 9.7% - 0.2% 528 522 415 + 27.2% + 23.2% Provisions for risks and charges -1 -2 30 n.s. n.s. Integration costs -3 - - - - for guarantees and commitments -87 -108 -127 - 31.5% - 30.4% Net income from investments 697 9 6 n.s. n.s. 1,134 421 324 + 250.0% + 242.7% -84 -80 -63 + 33.3% + 37.3% NET PROFIT Profit (Loss) from non-current assets held for sale, after tax 1,050 341 261 + 302.3% + 292.2% - - - - - PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD 1,050 341 261 + 302.3% + 292.2% -35 -34 -22 + 59.1% + 43.0% 1,015 307 239 + 324.7% + 315.2% 57.1% 54.2% 60.7% Recovery of expenses Amortisation, depreciation and impairment losses on intangible and tangible assets Operating costs OPERATING PROFIT Net write-downs of loans and provisions PROFIT BEFORE TAX Income tax for the period Minorities NET PROFIT ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE GROUP PROFITABILITY RATIO Cost/Income 1. As consolidated by HVB. 2. Dividends on Equity Instruments held for trading are included in Net trading, hedging and fair value income. Q1 2006 temporary staff costs (€6 million), formerly included in Other administrative expenses, have been reclassified into Payroll costs. 3. Adjusted at constant exchange rates and to reflect equal scope of consolidation. UniCredit: H1 Consolidated Profit and Loss Account PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT 1 (€ million) H1 UNICREDIT GROUP Net interest 2006 CHANGE 2005 ACTUAL ADJUSTED 2 5,872 5,528 + 6.2% 375 371 + 1.1% - 0.5% 6,247 5,899 + 5.9% + 3.2% Net fees and commissions 4,242 3,568 + 18.9% + 15.9% Net trading, hedging and fair value income 1,257 834 + 50.7% + 43.2% Dividends and other income from equity investments Net interest income Net other expenses/income + 3.4% 193 20 n.s. n.s. 5,692 4,422 + 28.7% + 23.3% TOTAL REVENUES 11,939 10,321 + 15.7% + 11.8% Payroll costs -3,898 -3,608 + 8.0% + 5.1% Other administrative expenses -2,180 -2,136 + 2.1% - 2.2% 121 116 + 4.3% + 4.3% -572 -621 - 7.9% - 10.8% -6,529 -6,249 + 4.5% + 1.0% 5,410 4,072 + 32.9% + 28.2% -143 -75 + 90.7% + 90.7% -52 - - - -1,112 -1,089 + 2.1% + 0.6% 626 349 + 79.4% + 81.4% Net non-interest income Recovery of expenses Amortisation, depreciation and impairment losses on intangible and tangible assets Operating costs OPERATING PROFIT Provisions for risks and charges Integration costs Net write-downs of loans and provisions for guarantees and commitments Net income from investments PROFIT BEFORE TAX 4,729 3,257 + 45.2% + 40.1% -1,310 -975 + 34.4% + 32.7% NET PROFIT Profit (Loss) from non-current assets held for sale, after tax 3,419 2,282 + 49.8% + 43.3% 39 6 n.s. n.s. PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD 3,458 2,288 + 51.1% + 44.6% -415 -236 + 75.8% + 53.4% 3,043 2,052 + 48.3% + 43.6% 54.7% 60.5% Income tax for the period Minorities NET PROFIT ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE GROUP PROFITABILITY RATIO Cost/Income 1. Dividends on Equity Instruments held for trading are included in Net trading, hedging and fair value income. 2. Adjusted at constant exchange rates and to reflect equal scope of consolidation. Il secondo trimestre dell’anno si è chiuso per il Gruppo con un utile netto di 1.686 milioni, con un incremento dell’82,5% rispetto al corrispondente periodo dell’anno precedente, una crescita che si conferma molto significativa (+47% circa a/a) anche al netto della plusvalenza sulla cessione di Splitska Banka. Il risultato di gestione (2.745 milioni) registra una crescita del 38,0% sul secondo trimestre del 2005 (+34,4% a/a a cambi e perimetro costanti). All’andamento dei risultati del Gruppo ha contribuito molto positivamente il Gruppo HVB con un utile netto pari a 1.055 milioni (prima delle rettifiche di consolidamento), più che quadruplicato rispetto all’anno precedente (230 milioni) e un risultato di gestione di 1.195 milioni (+67,1% a/a a cambi e perimetro costanti). Tale andamento è principalmente riconducibile ad una forte crescita dei ricavi (+16,3% a/a a cambi e a perimetro costanti) e ad una sostanziale riduzione dei costi operativi (-4,8% a/a a cambi e a perimetro costanti). Il margine d’intermediazione del Gruppo ha raggiunto i 5.969 milioni, con un incremento del 16,3% a/a (+13,0% a/a a cambi e a perimetro costanti), quale risultante di una crescita sia del margine d’interesse (3.195 milioni, +3,8% a/a e +1,9% a/a a cambi e perimetro costanti), sia dei proventi da intermediazione e diversi (2.774 milioni, +34,9% a/a e +29,7% a/a a cambi e a perimetro costanti). L’andamento del margine d’interesse evidenzia una forte crescita per UniCredit escluso HVB (1.599 milioni, +8,1% a/a) ed una sostanziale stabilità per il Gruppo HVB (1.578 milioni, -0,1% a/a). Analizzando la dinamica dei soli interessi netti, l’aumento in UniCredit escluso HVB (1.493 milioni, +10,7% a/a) è sostenuto dalla crescita dei volumi e da un miglioramento dello spread sulla raccolta. Su base annua, contribuisce a tale risultato principalmente la Divisione Retail (+14,5% a/a), che spiega più della metà dell’incremento, ma l’andamento è positivo in tutte le Divisioni. Il Gruppo HVB (1.416 milioni) evidenzia una lieve flessione (-0,6% a/a). I crediti verso clientela, pari a 430,1 miliardi, registrano un incremento dell’1,5% su giugno 2005 (+0,8% su dicembre 2005). UniCredit escluso HVB mostra un aumento notevole a/a (+11,0% a/a) con trend positivi nelle tre Divisioni più significative (Retail: +14,1% a/a, Corporate: +7,4% a/a, New Europe: +25,1% a/a a cambi costanti). Per quanto riguarda i prodotti, mantengono un buon ritmo di crescita i mutui alle famiglie3 (+20,5% a/a) e il credito al consumo3 (+27,0% a/a) nel Retail e il leasing nel Corporate (+31,2% a/a). I crediti nel Gruppo HVB (258,3 miliardi) evidenziano una flessione (-3,6% a/a, -1,5% su dicembre 2005). Tale andamento risente della riduzione strategica dei crediti operata dal Gruppo HVB nel segmento real estate e della diminuzione conseguente all’ accelerazione in Germania di una politica di pricing maggiormente correlata al rischio. Il complesso dei crediti deteriorati netti del Gruppo (che comprendono sofferenze, incagli, crediti ristrutturati e crediti scaduti) è pari a 16,7 miliardi, in flessione del 7,9% sul dicembre 2005 e del 5,0% su marzo 2006. Il totale delle sofferenze e degli incagli si attesta a 14,2 miliardi (-10,1% su dicembre 2005 e –8,1% su marzo 2006). Il rapporto tra il totale dei crediti deteriorati ed i crediti verso clientela, scende dal 4,26% di fine 2005 al 3,87% di giugno 2006, con un rapporto di copertura al 48,6% (49,4% a dicembre 2005). L’incidenza delle sofferenze nette e degli incagli sul totale crediti di quota partecipativa in Yapi ve Kredi Bankasi, il cui controllo era stato acquisito dal terzo trimestre 2005, portandola dal 57,4% al 67,31%. Essendo Yapi consolidata proporzionalmente, per omogeneità di confronti sono stati ricostruiti i conti economici dei trimestri precedenti. Nella situazione patrimoniale al 30 giugno 2006, Banque Monegasque de Gestion è stata classificata tra le “Attività non correnti e gruppi di attività in via di dismissione”, insieme a Uniriscossioni e 2S Banca, già classificate in tale voce a marzo 2006 3 Dati matrice Banca d’Italia 2 giugno 2006 scende dal 3,70% di dicembre 2005 al 3,29%, con un rapporto di copertura in miglioramento dal 51,8% al 52,4% di giugno 2006. La raccolta diretta si attesta su un livello di 474,6 miliardi, in aumento del 2,7% su dicembre e del 3,9% su giugno 2005. UniCredit escluso HVB si posiziona a 187,0 miliardi (+ 5,0% su dicembre 2005, +9,5% a/a) ed il Gruppo HVB raggiunge i 284,9 miliardi (+1,4% su fine 2005, +1,0% a/a). I proventi da intermediazione e diversi (2.774 milioni) crescono significativamente (+34,9% a/a, +29,7% a/a a cambi e perimetro costanti) per il forte progresso in tutte le componenti. Le commissioni nette (2.109 milioni) salgono del 16,6% a/a. UniCredit escluso HVB si attesta a 1.193 milioni (+13,2% a/a), con un contributo particolarmente positivo della Divisione Private Banking & Asset Management (+23,8% a/a) e della Divisione New Europe (+21,7% a/a). Il Gruppo HVB mostra anch’esso una forte progressione delle commissioni sul secondo trimestre 2005 (917 milioni, +21,6% a/a). All’interno delle commissioni nette di Gruppo, le commissioni sui servizi di gestione e amministrazione del risparmio si attestano a 1.002 milioni, in significativo aumento a/a (+22,3%). Tutte le componenti delle commissioni sui servizi di gestione e amministrazione del risparmio sono in crescita sul secondo trimestre del 2005, in particolare le commissioni sui fondi di investimento (545 milioni, +21,7% a/a), le commissioni sulle gestioni patrimoniali (61 milioni da 17 milioni nel secondo trimestre del 2005) e le commissioni sul collocamento di prodotti assicurativi (150 milioni, +20,0% a/a). Le commissioni sulla negoziazione, collocamento e altri servizi sui titoli amministrati si attestano a 246 milioni, +7,4% a/a. In crescita dell’11,8% a/a anche le commissioni sugli altri settori di attività, pari nel complesso a 1.107 milioni. In particolare, all’interno di questa voce, evidenziano un marcato incremento le commissioni legate ai servizi di incasso e pagamento (+28,4% a/a) e quelle relative a negoziazione di valute (+20,1% a/a). L’incremento delle commissioni su conti correnti, crediti di firma e finanziamenti è del 3,7% a/a. Il patrimonio gestito dalle società di Asset Management del Gruppo si colloca a 236 miliardi, in aumento del 5,6% su fine 2005, grazie anche all’acquisizione di Vanderbilt in USA (oltre 10 miliardi di euro). Più in dettaglio, Pioneer ha registrato una crescita del 7,4% nel semestre, con un aumento più marcato nelle Divisioni International (+34%) e USA (+29,6%), mentre l’incremento per il Gruppo HVB si attesta all’1%. Il risultato netto di negoziazione, coperture e fair value, pari a 564 milioni nel secondo trimestre 2006, registra un sostanziale aumento a/a (+334 milioni), grazie all’eccezionale risultato conseguito dal Gruppo HVB (+317 milioni a/a) e ad una crescita del 7,6% a/a registrata da UniCredit escluso HVB (254 milioni nel secondo trimestre del 2006). Più in dettaglio, il risultato del Gruppo HVB ha beneficiato del positivo andamento del business dei derivati e del desk Global Markets in HVB esclusa BA-CA e del buon contributo di BA-CA (94 milioni), più che raddoppiato rispetto al secondo trimestre del 2005. L’aumento in UniCredit escluso HVB nel secondo trimestre è invece sostanzialmente imputabile alla variazione positiva nel fair value dell’opzione call emessa sul titolo delle Assicurazioni Generali di circa 42 milioni, determinata da una flessione nel corso del titolo nel secondo trimestre. A fine giugno la plusvalenza maturata sul titolo Generali, classificato tra le attività disponibili per la vendita, è pari a 290 milioni e verrà realizzata solo al momento della vendita. 3 Gli altri proventi sono pari a 101 milioni, in aumento di 84 milioni a/a, di cui 31 milioni relativi al Gruppo HVB. I costi operativi (3.224 milioni) sono in flessione dello 0,5% a/a (a cambi e a perimetro costanti). All’interno di questa voce, UniCredit escluso HVB si attesta a 1.564 milioni (+4,3% a/a4) mentre il Gruppo HVB (1.642 milioni) registra una sostanziale flessione (-4,8% a/a4). Le spese per il personale (1.948 milioni, +5,3% a/a4) mostrano un incremento riconducibile sia ad UniCredit escluso HVB (951 milioni, +4,8% a/a4) sia al Gruppo HVB5 (997 milioni, +5,9% a/a4), quest’ultimo dovuto al sistema premiante legato agli eccellenti risultati commerciali, che più che compensa la riduzione avviata nell’organico di HVB esclusa BA-CA (-600 unità nel trimestre). L’aumento in UniCredit escluso HVB è riconducibile al contratto collettivo nazionale (+18 milioni circa a/a) e all’aumento della componente variabile della remunerazione (+26 milioni a/a). Tali crescite sono solo parzialmente controbilanciate dai benefici legati alla diminuzione dell’organico (-502 unità a/a, prevalentemente nella Divisione Retail). Il complesso degli altri costi operativi, pari a 1.276 milioni, registrano una forte diminuzione a cambi e perimetro costanti (-8,3% a/a), grazie alla riduzione nel Gruppo HVB (-17,9% a/a), risultante da una flessione delle altre spese amministrative e degli ammortamenti, che più che controbilancia la crescita registrata in UniCredit escluso HVB (+3,6% a/a). Il rapporto tra costi e ricavi scende nel secondo trimestre 2006 al 54,0% dal 61,3% del corrispondente periodo dell’anno precedente. Il risultato di gestione del Gruppo del secondo trimestre 2006 raggiunge i 2.745 milioni, un livello superiore del 38,0% a/a (+34,4% a cambi e a perimetro costanti). La positiva evoluzione di tale voce è il risultato dell’ottima performance operativa del Gruppo HVB (1.195 milioni, +77,0% a/a, +67,1% a cambi e a perimetro costanti) e della crescita di UniCredit escluso HVB (1.551 milioni, +17,9%), alla quale hanno contribuito in misura particolarmente positiva le Divisioni Private Banking & Asset Management (+38,3% a/a), Retail (+22,7% a/a) e New Europe (+12,7% a/a). Il complesso di accantonamenti e rettifiche del trimestre ammonta a 628 milioni rispetto ai 582 milioni del secondo trimestre 2005. In particolare, si segnalano: 9 accantonamenti per rischi ed oneri per 79 milioni, contro i 4 milioni del secondo trimestre 2005 9 rettifiche nette su crediti e accantonamenti per garanzie e impegni per 549 milioni contro i 578 milioni del secondo trimestre 2005 (-5,0% a/a). L’incremento del risultato di gestione a/a è stato amplificato dai maggiori profitti netti da investimenti, solo in parte compensati dagli aumenti degli accantonamenti e delle rettifiche nette su crediti, oltre che da oneri di integrazione per 52 milioni. I profitti netti da investimenti del secondo trimestre ammontano a 449 milioni (66 milioni nel secondo trimestre 2005) e sono essenzialmente riferibili al Gruppo HVB con un apporto di circa 420 milioni. L’importo più significativo compreso in tale voce è relativo alla cessione di Splitska Banka a SocGen (perfezionata da BA-CA il 30 giugno) che genera profitti netti nel conto economico consolidato di HVB per 669 milioni, peraltro rettificati per 302 milioni nel consolidato di UniCredit, tenuto conto delle valutazioni effettuate al momento del primo consolidamento. La plusvalenza per il Gruppo ammonta quindi a 367 milioni (con un apporto all’utile netto pari a 332 milioni). Le imposte sul reddito del periodo, pari a 613 milioni, registrano un aumento del 37,8% rispetto al secondo trimestre 2005, con un’incidenza 4 A cambi e a perimetro costanti Le spese del personale del secondo trimestre del 2006 includono i costi relativi ai lavoratori temporanei precedentemente computati nelle altre spese amministrative 5 4 sull’utile lordo del 24,4%, in riduzione rispetto al 30,6% dell’intero esercizio 2005, grazie a maggiori plusvalenze su partecipazioni (non tassate) e ad una maggiore incidenza dell’utile di HVB AG, la cui tassazione beneficia dell’utilizzo delle perdite registrate negli esercizi precedenti. L’utile netto dell’operatività corrente risulta pertanto pari a 1.901 milioni (+84,9% a/a). Alla formazione dell’utile netto concorrono le attività in via di dismissione per complessivi 16 milioni. L’utile di periodo si attesta così a 1.917 milioni (+85,6% a/a, +78,9% a/a a perimetro e cambi costanti). L’utile di pertinenza di terzi del secondo trimestre è pari a 231 milioni, rispetto ai 109 milioni del secondo trimestre 2005. L’aumento è prevalentemente riconducibile alla quota di terzi del Gruppo HVB, al netto della quota di BA-CA direttamente posseduta. L’utile netto di pertinenza del Gruppo si attesta pertanto a 1.686 milioni, con una crescita di 762 milioni (+82,5%) rispetto al secondo trimestre 2005. Il patrimonio netto di pertinenza del Gruppo si attesta al 30 giugno 2006 a 34.771 milioni (35.203 milioni a fine 2005). Il Core Tier 1 stimato si attesta al 5,94% a fine giugno 2006, in miglioramento su dicembre 2005 (5,53%). Il Total Capital Ratio stimato raggiunge il 10,256%. La struttura del Gruppo a fine giugno era composta da un organico7 di 134.870 dipendenti (+71 unità su dicembre 2005, -502 su giugno 2005). L’aumento rispetto a dicembre è spiegato dalla presenza di lavoratori stagionali operanti nel settore del turismo per le società del Gruppo Zagrebacka (circa 800 unità). La rete distributiva del Gruppo è composta da 7.336 sportelli8 (+152 su fine 2005). Si allegano i dati principali del Gruppo, i prospetti dello Stato Patrimoniale e del Conto Economico riclassificati del Gruppo, i Conti Economici del Gruppo UniCredit escluso HVB, del Gruppo HVB e del Gruppo BACA, il Conto Economico di Gruppo del semestre, per i quali non è prevista la certificazione della Società di Revisione. Milano, 4 agosto 2006 6 Calcolo effettuato sulla base delle nuove istruzioni di Banca d’Italia “Full time equivalent “. Nei dati indicati il Gruppo Koc è consolidato proporzionalmente. Il dato del 31 dicembre del Gruppo HVB è stato proformato per tener conto delle variazioni dell’area di consolidamento del primo semestre. 8 Nei dati indicati il Gruppo Koc, consolidato proporzionalmente, è considerato al 100% 7 5 UniCredit: Principali dati del Gruppo DATI ECONOMICI E INDICI DI REDDITIVITA' (milioni di €) 1° SEMESTRE Margine d'intermediazione VARIAZIONE 2006 2005 PROFORMA 11.939 10.321 Costi operativi 6.529 6.249 + 15,7% + 4,5% Risultato di Gestione 5.410 4.072 + 32,9% Utile lordo dell'operatività corrente 4.729 3.257 + 45,2% Utile netto di pertinenza del Gruppo 3.043 2.052 + 48,3% ROE 1 17,3% 11,9% + 5,4 Cost/income ratio 54,7% 60,5% - 5,8 DATI PATRIMONIALI (milioni di €) CONSISTENZE AL 30.06.2006 VARIAZIONE 31.12.2005 Totale attivo 803.792 787.000 + 2,1% Crediti verso Clientela 430.148 426.553 + 0,8% Raccolta da clientela e titoli 474.564 462.248 + 2,7% 34.771 35.203 - 1,2% Patrimonio netto di pertinenza del Gruppo COEFFICIENTI DI SOLVIBILITA' DATI AL 30.06.2006 Core Tier 1 Ratio Patrimonio totale Vigilanza/Totale attività ponderate 2 VARIAZIONE 31.12.2005 5,94% 5,53% + 0,41 10,25% 10,34% - 0,09 DATI DI STRUTTURA DATI AL Dipendenti 3 Sportelli bancari VARIAZIONE 30.06.2006 31.12.2005 134.870 134.799 + 71 7.336 7.184 + 152 4 RATINGS DEBITO DEBITO A BREVE A MEDIO LUNGO FITCH RATINGS F1 A+ STABILE Moody's Investor Service P-1 A1 STABILE Standard & Poor's A-1 A+ NEGATIVO OUTLOOK 1. Il patrimonio utilizzato per il rapporto è quello medio del periodo (escluso riserve di valutazione su attività disponibili per la vendita e dividendi da distribuire e compreso utile del periodo rapportato ad anno). 2. Dati stimati. 3. "Full time equivalent". Nei dati indicati il Gruppo Koç è consolidato proporzionalmente. Il dato del 31 dicembre del Gruppo HVB è stato proformato per tener conto delle variazioni dell'area di consolidamento del 1° semestre. L'aumento è spiegato dalla presenza di circa 800 operatori stagionali in più nel settore del turismo: al netto degli stagionali si registra una riduzione di 714 unità. 4. Nei dati indicati il Gruppo Koç, consolidato proporzionalmente, è considerato al 100%. Gruppo UniCredit: Stato Patrimoniale Riclassificato STATO PATRIMONIALE CONSOLIDATO (milioni di €) CONSISTENZE AL 30.06.2006 31.03.2006 VARIAZIONE SU 31.12.2005 31.03.2006 31.12.2005 Attivo Cassa e disponibilità liquide 3.264 2.981 3.459 + 9,5% - 5,6% 174.574 163.729 172.287 + 6,6% + 1,3% Crediti verso banche 85.079 92.387 76.099 - 7,9% + 11,8% Crediti verso clientela 430.148 424.310 426.553 + 1,4% + 0,8% Investimenti finanziari 66.447 67.582 65.796 - 1,7% + 1,0% Coperture 3.431 4.186 4.919 - 18,0% - 30,3% Attività materiali 8.777 8.744 7.973 + 0,4% + 10,1% Avviamenti 8.840 9.172 9.202 - 3,6% - 3,9% Altre attività immateriali 2.572 2.568 2.633 + 0,2% - 2,3% Attività fiscali Attività non correnti e gruppi di attività in via di dismissione 6.286 6.361 6.592 - 1,2% - 4,6% 6.053 7.124 3.309 - 15,0% + 82,9% Altre attività 8.321 7.721 8.178 + 7,8% + 1,7% 803.792 796.865 787.000 + 0,9% + 2,1% Debiti verso banche 135.802 143.054 141.682 - 5,1% - 4,2% Raccolta da clientela e titoli 474.564 467.743 462.248 + 1,5% + 2,7% Passività finanziarie di negoziazione 115.941 104.922 107.094 + 10,5% + 8,3% Passività finanziarie valutate al fair value 1.401 1.358 1.129 + 3,2% + 24,1% Coperture 3.556 3.325 4.498 + 6,9% - 20,9% Attività finanziarie di negoziazione Totale dell'attivo Passivo e patrimonio netto Fondi per rischi ed oneri 7.286 7.315 6.607 - 0,4% + 10,3% Passività fiscali Passività associate a gruppi di attività in via di dismissione 5.125 6.055 5.925 - 15,4% - 13,5% 4.346 5.511 1.887 - 21,1% + 130,3% 16.888 16.655 16.824 + 1,4% + 0,4% 4.112 4.387 3.903 - 6,3% + 5,4% Patrimonio di pertinenza del Gruppo: 34.771 36.540 35.203 - 4,8% - 1,2% - capitale e riserve 30.625 33.301 31.106 - 8,0% - 1,5% 1.103 1.882 1.627 - 41,4% - 32,2% 3.043 1.357 2.470 + 124,2% + 23,2% 803.792 796.865 787.000 + 0,9% + 2,1% Altre passività Patrimonio di pertinenza di terzi - riserve di valutazione attività disponibili per la vendita e di Cash-flow hedge - utile netto Totale del passivo e del patrimonio netto Gruppo UniCredit: Conto Economico riclassificato CONTO ECONOMICO 1 (milioni di €) EVOLUZIONE TRIMESTRALE GRUPPO UNICREDIT Interessi netti Dividendi e altri proventi su partecipazioni Margine d'interesse Commissioni nette Risultato negoziazione, coperture e fair value Saldo altri proventi/oneri Proventi di intermediazione e diversi MARGINE DI INTERMEDIAZIONE 2° TRIM. '06 2.927 1° TRIM. '06 VARIAZIONE 2° TRIM. '06 SU 2° '05 2° TRIM. '05 2.945 EFFETTIVA 2.791 NORMALIZZATA + 4,9% 2 + 2,8% 268 107 286 - 6,3% - 7,0% 3.195 3.052 3.077 + 3,8% + 1,9% 2.109 2.133 1.809 + 16,6% + 13,6% 564 693 230 + 145,2% + 136,5% + 294,1% 101 92 17 + 494,1% 2.774 2.918 2.056 + 34,9% + 29,7% 5.969 5.970 5.133 + 16,3% + 13,0% Spese per il personale -1.948 -1.950 -1.804 + 8,0% + 5,3% Altre spese amministrative -1.057 -1.123 -1.093 - 3,3% - 7,0% 66 55 62 + 6,5% + 6,5% -285 -287 -309 - 7,8% - 10,0% -3.224 -3.305 -3.144 + 2,5% - 0,5% 2.745 2.665 1.989 + 38,0% + 34,4% Accantonamenti per rischi ed oneri -79 -64 -4 n.s. n.s. Oneri di integrazione -52 - - - - -549 -563 -578 - 5,0% - 5,0% 449 177 66 + 580,3% + 578,8% 2.514 2.215 1.473 + 70,7% + 65,6% -613 -697 -445 + 37,8% + 36,6% UTILE NETTO DELL'OPERATIVITA' CORRENTE Utile (Perdita) delle attività in via di dismissione al netto delle imposte 1.901 1.518 1.028 + 84,9% + 78,2% 16 23 5 + 220,0% + 220,0% UTILE (PERDITA) DEL PERIODO 1.917 1.541 1.033 + 85,6% + 78,9% -231 -184 -109 + 111,9% + 95,4% 1.686 1.357 924 + 82,5% + 76,9% 54,0% 55,4% 61,3% Recuperi di spesa Rettifiche di valore su immobilizzazioni materiali e immateriali Costi operativi RISULTATO DI GESTIONE Rettifiche nette su crediti e su accantonamenti per garanzie e impegni Profitti netti da investimenti UTILE LORDO DELL'OPERATIVITA' CORRENTE Imposte sul reddito del periodo Utile di pertinenza di terzi UTILE NETTO DI PERTINENZA DEL GRUPPO INDICE DI REDDITIVITA' Cost/Income 1. I dividendi su titoli rappresentativi di capitale detenuti per negoziazione sono classificati nel Risultato negoziazione, coperture e fair value. Le spese del primo trimestre 2006 per il personale temporaneo del Gruppo HVB (14 milioni) sono state riclassificate da altre spese amministrative a spese per il personale. 2. Variazione a cambi costanti e perimetro omogeneo. UniCredit escluso HVB: Conto Economico riclassificato CONTO ECONOMICO 1 (milioni di €) EVOLUZIONE TRIMESTRALE UNICREDIT ESCLUSO HVB Interessi netti Dividendi e altri proventi su partecipazioni Margine d'interesse Commissioni nette Risultato negoziazione, coperture e fair value Saldo altri proventi/oneri Proventi di intermediazione e diversi MARGINE DI INTERMEDIAZIONE 2° TRIM. '06 1° TRIM. '06 VARIAZIONE 2° TRIM. '06 SU 2° '05 2° TRIM. '05 NORMALIZZATA 2 EFFETTIVA 1.493 1.464 1.349 + 10,7% + 10,6% 106 26 130 - 18,5% - 17,7% 1.599 1.490 1.479 + 8,1% + 8,1% 1.193 1.170 1.054 + 13,2% + 12,8% 254 204 236 + 7,6% + 6,4% 69 60 43 + 60,5% + 65,9% 1.516 1.434 1.333 + 13,7% + 13,3% 3.115 2.924 2.812 + 10,8% + 10,5% Spese per il personale -951 -960 -908 + 4,7% + 4,8% Altre spese amministrative -555 -558 -533 + 4,1% + 4,0% 64 55 62 + 3,2% + 3,2% + 1,7% Recuperi di spesa Rettifiche di valore su immobilizzazioni materiali e immateriali -122 -123 -118 + 3,4% -1.564 -1.586 -1.497 + 4,5% + 4,3% 1.551 1.338 1.315 + 17,9% + 17,6% Accantonamenti per rischi ed oneri -53 -40 -35 + 51,4% + 54,3% Oneri di integrazione -46 - - - - -253 -241 -244 + 3,7% + 4,5% 31 139 33 - 6,1% - 6,3% 1.230 1.196 1.069 + 15,1% + 14,4% -390 -416 -339 + 15,0% + 14,8% UTILE NETTO DELL'OPERATIVITA' CORRENTE Utile (Perdita) delle attività in via di dismissione al netto delle imposte 840 780 730 + 15,1% + 14,1% 16 23 5 + 220,0% + 220,0% UTILE (PERDITA) DEL PERIODO 856 803 735 + 16,5% + 15,6% Utile di pertinenza di terzi -58 -55 -70 - 17,1% - 21,4% UTILE NETTO DI PERTINENZA DEL GRUPPO 798 748 665 + 20,0% + 19,5% 50,2% 54,2% 53,2% Costi operativi RISULTATO DI GESTIONE Rettifiche nette su crediti e su accantonamenti per garanzie e impegni Profitti netti da investimenti UTILE LORDO DELL'OPERATIVITA' CORRENTE Imposte sul reddito del periodo INDICE DI REDDITIVITA' Cost/Income 1. I dividendi su titoli rappresentativi di capitale detenuti per negoziazione sono classificati nel Risultato negoziazione, coperture e fair value. 2. Variazione a cambi costanti e perimetro omogeneo. Gruppo HVB: Conto Economico riclassificato CONTO ECONOMICO 1 (milioni di €) EVOLUZIONE TRIMESTRALE GRUPPO HVB Interessi netti Dividendi e altri proventi su partecipazioni Margine d'interesse 2° TRIM. '06 1° TRIM. '06 1.416 VARIAZIONE 2° TRIM. '06 SU 2° '05 2° TRIM. '05 1.464 EFFETTIVA NORMALIZZATA 2 1.424 - 0,6% - 4,4% 162 81 156 + 3,8% + 1,9% 1.578 1.545 1.580 - 0,1% - 3,8% Commissioni nette 917 963 754 + 21,6% + 15,1% Risultato negoziazione, coperture e fair value 311 488 -6 n.s. n.s. Saldo altri proventi/oneri Proventi di intermediazione e diversi MARGINE DI INTERMEDIAZIONE 31 33 -25 n.s. n.s. 1.259 1.484 723 + 74,1% + 60,2% 2.837 3.029 2.303 + 23,2% + 16,3% Spese per il personale -997 -990 -896 + 11,3% + 5,9% Altre spese amministrative -502 -565 -560 - 10,4% - 17,3% 2 - - - - -145 -146 -172 - 15,7% - 18,6% -1.642 -1.701 -1.628 + 0,9% - 4,8% 1.195 1.328 675 + 77,0% + 67,1% -26 -24 31 n.s. n.s. -6 - - - - -296 -322 -334 - 11,4% - 12,0% 729 99 33 n.s. n.s. 1.596 1.081 405 + 294,1% + 277,8% -224 -283 -106 + 111,3% + 107,5% UTILE NETTO DELL'OPERATIVITA' CORRENTE Utile (Perdita) delle attività in via di dismissione al netto delle imposte 1.372 798 299 + 358,9% + 338,1% - - - - - UTILE (PERDITA) DEL PERIODO 1.372 798 299 + 358,9% + 338,1% -317 -147 -69 + 359,4% + 337,7% 1.055 651 230 + 358,7% + 338,3% 57,9% 56,2% 70,7% Recuperi di spesa Rettifiche di valore su immobilizzazioni materiali e immateriali Costi operativi RISULTATO DI GESTIONE Accantonamenti per rischi ed oneri Oneri di integrazione Rettifiche nette su crediti e su accantonamenti per garanzie e impegni Profitti netti da investimenti UTILE LORDO DELL'OPERATIVITA' CORRENTE Imposte sul reddito del periodo Utile di pertinenza di terzi UTILE NETTO DI PERTINENZA DEL GRUPPO INDICE DI REDDITIVITA' Cost/Income 1. I dividendi su titoli rappresentativi di capitale detenuti per negoziazione sono classificati nel Risultato negoziazione, coperture e fair value. Le spese del primo trimestre 2006 per il personale temporaneo (14 milioni) sono state riclassificate da altre spese amministrative a spese per il personale. 2. Variazione a cambi costanti e perimetro omogeneo. Gruppo BA-CA 1: Conto Economico riclassificato CONTO ECONOMICO 2 (milioni di €) EVOLUZIONE TRIMESTRALE GRUPPO BA-CA Interessi netti Dividendi e altri proventi su partecipazioni 2° TRIM. '06 1° TRIM. '06 603 VARIAZIONE 2° TRIM. '06 SU 2° '05 2° TRIM. '05 599 NORMALIZZATA 3 EFFETTIVA 576 + 4,7% - 0,5% - 34,7% 63 34 98 - 35,7% 666 633 674 - 1,2% - 5,5% 455 415 335 + 35,8% + 23,0% Risultato negoziazione, coperture e fair value 94 166 45 + 108,9% + 95,5% Saldo altri proventi/oneri 16 7 2 n.s. n.s. Margine d'interesse Commissioni nette Proventi di intermediazione e diversi MARGINE DI INTERMEDIAZIONE 565 588 382 + 47,9% + 34,7% 1.231 1.221 1.056 + 16,6% + 9,0% Spese per il personale -404 -401 -354 + 14,1% + 4,1% Altre spese amministrative -232 -230 -225 + 3,1% - 7,2% - - - - - -67 -68 -62 + 8,1% + 1,1% -703 -699 -641 + 9,7% - 0,2% 528 522 415 + 27,2% + 23,2% Accantonamenti per rischi ed oneri -1 -2 30 n.s. n.s. Oneri di integrazione -3 - - - - e su accantonamenti per garanzie e impegni -87 -108 -127 - 31,5% - 30,4% Profitti netti da investimenti 697 9 6 n.s. n.s. 1.134 421 324 + 250,0% + 242,7% Recuperi di spesa Rettifiche di valore su immobilizzazioni materiali e immateriali Costi operativi RISULTATO DI GESTIONE Rettifiche nette su crediti UTILE LORDO DELL'OPERATIVITA' CORRENTE -84 -80 -63 + 33,3% + 37,3% UTILE NETTO DELL'OPERATIVITA' CORRENTE Utile (Perdita) delle attività in via di dismissione al netto delle imposte Imposte sul reddito del periodo 1.050 341 261 + 302,3% + 292,2% - - - - - UTILE (PERDITA) DEL PERIODO 1.050 341 261 + 302,3% + 292,2% Utile di pertinenza di terzi UTILE NETTO DI PERTINENZA DEL GRUPPO -35 -34 -22 + 59,1% + 43,0% 1.015 307 239 + 324,7% + 315,2% 57,1% 57,2% 60,7% INDICE DI REDDITIVITA' Cost/Income 1. Come consolidato da HVB. 2. I dividendi su titoli rappresentativi di capitale detenuti per negoziazione sono classificati nel Risultato negoziazione, coperture e fair value. Le spese del primo trimestre 2006 per il personale temporaneo (6 milioni) sono state riclassificate da altre spese amministrative a spese per il personale. 3. Variazione a cambi costanti e perimetro omogeneo. Gruppo UniCredit: Conto Economico del primo semestre riclassificato CONTO ECONOMICO 1 (milioni di €) 1° SEMESTRE UNICREDIT NUOVO PERIMETRO Interessi netti Dividendi e altri proventi su partecipazioni 2006 VARIAZIONE 2005 5.872 EFFETTIVA NORMALIZZATA 5.528 + 6,2% 2 + 3,4% 375 371 + 1,1% - 0,5% 6.247 5.899 + 5,9% + 3,2% Commissioni nette 4.242 3.568 + 18,9% + 15,9% Risultato negoziazione, coperture e fair value 1.257 834 + 50,7% + 43,2% Margine d'interesse Saldo altri proventi/oneri Proventi di intermediazione e diversi MARGINE DI INTERMEDIAZIONE 193 20 n.s. n.s. 5.692 4.422 + 28,7% + 23,3% 11.939 10.321 + 15,7% + 11,8% Spese per il personale -3.898 -3.608 + 8,0% + 5,1% Altre spese amministrative -2.180 -2.136 + 2,1% - 2,2% 121 116 + 4,3% + 4,3% -572 -621 - 7,9% - 10,8% -6.529 -6.249 + 4,5% + 1,0% 5.410 4.072 + 32,9% + 28,2% -143 -75 + 90,7% + 90,7% -52 - - - -1.112 -1.089 + 2,1% + 0,6% 626 349 + 79,4% + 81,4% Recuperi di spesa Rettifiche di valore su immobilizzazioni materiali e immateriali Costi operativi RISULTATO DI GESTIONE Accantonamenti per rischi ed oneri Oneri di integrazione Rettifiche nette su crediti e su accantonamenti per garanzie e impegni Profitti netti da investimenti UTILE LORDO DELL'OPERATIVITA' CORRENTE 4.729 3.257 + 45,2% + 40,1% -1.310 -975 + 34,4% + 32,7% UTILE NETTO DELL'OPERATIVITA' CORRENTE Utile (Perdita) delle attività in via di dismissione al netto delle imposte 3.419 2.282 + 49,8% + 43,3% 39 6 n.s. n.s. UTILE (PERDITA) DEL PERIODO 3.458 2.288 + 51,1% + 44,6% -415 -236 + 75,8% + 53,4% 3.043 2.052 + 48,3% + 43,6% 54,7% 60,5% Imposte sul reddito del periodo Utile di pertinenza di terzi UTILE NETTO DI PERTINENZA DEL GRUPPO INDICE DI REDDITIVITA' Cost/Income 1. I dividendi su titoli rappresentativi di capitale detenuti per negoziazione sono classificati nel Risultato negoziazione, coperture e fair value. 2. Variazione a cambi costanti e perimetro omogeneo. PRESS RELEASE SECOND QUARTER RESULTS MARK GOOD PROGRESS TOWARDS UNICREDIT’S GROUP TARGETS NET PROFIT UP 82.5% YOY, GROWING TO €1,686 MILLION (APPROXIMATELY +47% YOY NET OF GAIN FROM THE SALE OF SPLITSKA BANKA) OPERATING RESULT OF €2,745 MILLION, UP 38.0% YOY • Net profit at €1,686 million, up 82.5% YoY (approximately +47% YoY excl. the contribution resulting from the sale of Splitska Banka) • Operating profit equals €2,745 million, +38.0% YoY (+34.4% YoY on a like for like foreign exchange and perimeter basis), thanks also to continued growth in net commission income (+16.6% YoY) • Cost/Income ratio improved from 61.3% to 54.0% YoY due to: ! Significant increase in revenues (total revenues equal €5,969 million, +13.0% on a like for like foreign exchange and perimeter basis) ! Good cost control (operating costs total €3,224 million, -0.5% YoY on a like for like foreign exchange and perimeter basis) • Good asset quality: ! Total net deteriorated loans down by 5.0% in the quarter and by 7.9% versus December 2005 ! Cost of risk down to 56 bp (-4 bp versus FY 2005) • Core Tier 1 Ratio improved (5.94% at June 2006 versus 5.53% at December 2005), due to significant capital generation • Strengthening of the Group’s position in asset management with an increase over the end of 2005 of the market share in mutual funds1 in Germany and Austria: ! Italy: 15.17% (stable); Germany: 5.82% (+38 bp); Austria: 17.36% (+20 bp) Today the Board of Directors of UniCredito Italiano approved consolidated results for second quarter 20062. 1 The comparison in Italy refers to June 2006 vs. January 2006 as per new methodologies introduced by Assogestioni (Italian Association of Asset Managers); German market share: BVI perimeter; Austrian market share: VOIG perimeter 2 In second quarter 2006 the HVB Group’s perimeter of consolidation was expanded to include 20 companies that include HVB Capital Partners AG and 19 companies controlled by BA-CA, of which 17 are part of the sub-group real estate company “Universale International Realitaten GmbH”. Additionally in the period between March and June 2006, Koçbank increased its interest in Yapi ve Kredi Bankasi, the control of which was obtained in third quarter 2005, from 57.4% to 67.31%. As Yapi is proportionally consolidated, the P&L accounts have been restated in order to grant omogeneous comparisons with the previous 1 The Group closed the second quarter of the year with a net profit of €1,686 million (mn), an increase of 82.5% compared to the same period in the previous year. Growth appears most significant (approximately +47% YoY) even net of the capital gain realised on the sale of Splitska Banka. Operating profit (€2,745 mn) rose 38.0% over second quarter 2005 (+34.4% YoY on a like for like foreign exchange and perimeter basis). The HVB Group’s net profit, equal to €1,055 mn (before consolidation adjustments), more than quadrupled when compared to the previous year (€230 mn), and the operating profit of €1,195 mn (+67.1% YoY on a like for like foreign exchange and perimeter basis), made a very positive contribution to the Group’s results. This performance is primarily attributable to strong growth in revenues (+16.3% YoY on a like for like foreign exchange and perimeter basis) and a substantial reduction in operating costs (-4.8% YoY on a like for like foreign exchange and perimeter basis). The Group’s total revenues reached €5,969 mn, with an increase of 16.3% YoY (+13.0% YoY on a like for like foreign exchange and perimeter basis), due to both a rise in net interest income (€3,195 mn, +3.8% YoY and +1.9% YoY on a like for like foreign exchange and perimeter basis) and in net non-interest income (€2,774 mn, +34.9% YoY and +29.7% YoY on a like for like foreign exchange and perimeter basis). The trend in net interest income shows growth for UniCredit excluding HVB (€1,599 mn, +8.1% YoY) and a substantially stable situation for the HVB Group (€1,578 mn, -0.1% YoY). The increase in net interest for UniCredit excluding HVB (€1,493 mn, +10.7% YoY) was sustained by an increase in volumes and improvement in deposit spreads. On an annualised basis, the largest contribution came from the Retail Division (+14.5% YoY) at approximately half of the increase, but all the Divisions reported positive performances. The HVB Group (€1,416 mn) reported a slight decrease (-0.6% YoY). Customer loans, equal to €430.2 billion (bn), show an increase of 1.5% versus (vs.) June 2005 (+0.8% vs. December 2005). UniCredit excluding HVB shows significant growth YoY (+11.0% YoY) with positive trends in the three most important divisions (Retail: +14.1% YoY, Corporate: +7.4% YoY, New Europe: +25.1% YoY at constant exchange rates). In terms of products, steady growth in household mortgages3 (+20.5% YoY) and consumer credit3 (+27.0% YoY) for Retail and in leasing for Corporate (+31.2% YoY) continued. The HVB Group loans (€258.3 bn) show a decrease (-3.6% YoY, -1.5% vs. December 2005). This result reflects the HVB Group’s strategic reduction of real estate loans and the introduction of a more risk correlated pricing policy in Germany. Net deteriorated loans for the Group (that includes non-performing loans, watchlist, restructured loans and past due loans) amounted to €16.7 bn, a decrease of 7.9% vs. December 2005 and of 5.0% vs. March 2006. Non performing and watchlisted loans totalled €14.2 bn (-10.1% vs. December 2005 and –8.1% vs. March 2006). The total deteriorated loans/customer loans ratio fell from 4.26% at the end of 2005 to 3.87% at June 2006, with a coverage ratio of 48.6% (49.4% at December 2005). The incidence of net non performing and watchlisted loans on total loans at June 2006 is down from the 3.70% at December 2005 to 3.29%, with a coverage ratio that improved from 51.8% to 52.4% at June 2006. quarters. In the balance sheet at 30 June 2006, Banque Monegasque de Gestion was classified among “Non current assets and disposal groups for sale”, along with Uniriscossioni and 2S Banca, already so classified as at March 2006 3 Bank of Italy matrix data 2 Direct deposits amounted to €474.6 bn, an increase of 2.7% vs. December and of 3.9% vs. June 2005. UniCredit excluding HVB came in at €187.0 bn (+5.0% vs. December 2005, +9.5% YoY) and the HVB Group reached €284.9 bn (+1.4% vs. end of 2005, +1.0% YoY). Net non-interest income (€2,774 mn) grew significantly (+34.9% YoY, +29.7% YoY on a like for like foreign exchange and perimeter basis) due to a strong performance in all segments. Net commissions (€2,109 mn) grew by 16.6% YoY. UniCredit excluding HVB came in at €1,193 mn (+13.2% YoY), with a particularly positive contribution from the Private Banking & Asset Management Division (+23.8% YoY) and the New Europe Division (+21.7% YoY). The HVB Group also reported significant improvement in commissions over second quarter 2005 (€917 mn, +21.6% YoY). The Group’s net commissions include a significant increase in wealth management and securities in custody fees that came in at €1,002 mn (+22.3% YoY). All components of wealth management and securities in custody fees reported growth over second quarter 2005; in particular, investment fund fees (€545 mn, +21.7% YoY), fees on segregated accounts (€61 mn vs. €17 mn in second quarter 2005) and fees for the placement of insurance products (€150 mn, +20.0% YoY). Fees from trading, placement and other services related to securities administered came in at €246 mn, +7.4% YoY. Commissions for other activities rose 11.8% YoY for a total of €1,107 mn. More in detail, there was a marked increase in fees linked to payment services (+28.4% YoY) and to currency trading (+20.1% YoY). Fees involving current accounts, guarantees and loans rose +3.7% YoY. Assets under management by the Group’s Asset Management companies amounted to €236 bn, an increase of 5.6% vs. the end of 2005, thanks also to the acquisition of Vanderbilt in the USA (more than €10 bn). More in detail, Pioneer reported growth of 7.4% in the first half, with a more marked increase in the International Division (+34%) and in the US Division (+29.6%), while the HVB Group reported an increase of 1%. Net trading, hedging and fair value, equal to €564 mn in second quarter 2006, showed a substantial increase YoY (+€334 mn), thanks to the HVB Group’s exceptional performance (€317 mn YoY) and to the growth of 7.6% YoY reported by UniCredit excluding HVB (€254 mn in second quarter 2006). More in detail, the HVB Group’s result benefited from the positive trend in business generated by derivatives and the Global Markets desk in HVB excluding BA-CA and the strong contribution from BA-CA (€94 mn), more than doubled compared to the second quarter 2005. The increase reported by UniCredit excluding HVB in the second quarter is primarily due to the positive change in the fair value valuation of the call option issued on Assicurazioni Generali stock of approximately €42 mn, following a decrease in the stock’s price during the second quarter. At the end of June the total gain on the Generali stock, classified among available-for-sale (AFS) assets, equalled €290 mn and will be realised only at the time of sale. Other income totalled €101 mn, an increase of €84 mn YoY, of which €31 mn is attributable to the HVB Group. Operating costs (€3,224 mn) dropped 0.5% YoY (on a like for like foreign exchange and perimeter basis). This item includes €1,564 mn (+4.3% YoY4) attributable to UniCredit excluding HVB while the HVB Group (€1,642 mn) reported a slight decrease (-4.8% YoY4). Staff costs (€1,948 mn, +5.3%,YoY4) show an increase that is attributable to both 4 On a like for like foreign exchange and perimeter basis 3 UniCredit excluding HVB (€951 mn, +4.8% YoY4) and to the HVB Group5 (€997 mn, +5.9% YoY4). The latter is due to the variable compensation tied to the excellent commercial results that more than offset the staff reductions made in HVB excluding BA-CA (-600 heads in the quarter). UniCredit excluding HVB’s increase is attributable to the national labour contract (approximately +€18 mn YoY) and to the larger variable component of remuneration (+€26 mn YoY). These increases were partially offset by staff reductions (-502 heads YoY, primarily in the Retail Division). Total operating costs, equal to €1,276 mn, registered a significant decrease on a like for like exchange and perimeter basis (-8.3% YoY), thanks to the decrease in costs reported by the HVB Group (-17.9% YoY) attributable to a drop in other administrative expenses and in amortisation and depreciation that more than compensated for the increase reported by UniCredit excluding HVB (+3.6% YoY). Cost/income ratio fell to 54.0% in second quarter 2006 from 61.3% in the same period of the previous year. The Group’s operating profit in second quarter 2006 reached €2,745 mn, which represents a rise of more than 38.0% YoY (+34.4% on a like for like exchange rate and perimeter basis). This positive evolution reflects the HVB Group’s excellent operating performance (€1,195 mn, +77.0% YoY, +67.1% on a like for like exchange rate and perimeter basis) and the growth of UniCredit excluding HVB (€1,551 mn, +17.9%), to which the Divisions Private Banking & Asset Management (+38.3% YoY), Retail (+22.7% YoY) and New Europe (+12.7% YoY) contributed most significantly. Total provisions and write-downs in the quarter amounted to €628 mn vs. €582 mn in second quarter 2005. More in detail: ! Provisions for risks and charges equal to €79 mn vs. €4 mn in second quarter 2005 ! Net write-downs of loans and provisions for guarantees and commitments amount to €549 mn vs. €578 mn in second quarter 2005 (-5.0% YoY). The increase in operating profit YoY was amplified by a rise in net income from investments, that was only partially offset by increases in provisions and net write-downs on loans, along with integration charges of €52 mn. Net income from investments in the second quarter amounted to €449 mn (€66 mn in second quarter 2005) and can be attributed to the HVB Group for some €420 mn. The largest portion of this item is related to the sale of Splitska Banka to SocGen (finalised by BA-CA on 30 June) that generated a profit in HVB’s consolidated income statement of €669 mn, that was also adjusted in Unicredit’s consolidated accounts for €302 mn, following valuations completed at the time of first consolidation. The capital gain for the Group, therefore, equals €367 mn (contributing for €332 mn to the net income). Income tax for the period, equal to €613 mn, shows an increase of 37.8% vs. second quarter 2005, with an incidence on profit before tax of 24.4%, down from the 30.6% for FY 2005, thanks to increased capital gains on equity investments (not taxed) and an increase in the impact of HVB AG’s profit, the taxation of which benefits from losses recorded in previous years. Profit before tax, therefore, amounted to €1,901 mn (+84.9% YoY). Assets in the process of being sold contributed €16 mn to the net profit. Net profit for the period, therefore, amounted to €1,917 mn (+85.6% YoY, +78.9% YoY on a like for like exchange rate and perimeter basis). 5 The 2Q06 HVB staff costs include the costs of personnel holding temporary contracts that were previously classified under other administrative expenses 4 Minority interests’ profit in the second quarter totalled €231 mn, compared to €109 mn in second quarter 2005. The increase is primarily due to the minority interests of the HVB Group, net of the directly held interest in BA-CA. The net profit attributable to the Group equalled, therefore, €1,686 mn, with an increase of €762 mn (+82.5%) vs. second quarter 2005. The Group’s portion of shareholders’ equity amounted to €34,771 mn at 30 June 2006 (vs. €35,203 mn at the end of 2005). Estimated Core Tier 1 came in at 5.94% at the end of June 2006, an improvement over December 2005 (5.53%). Estimated Total Capital Ratio reached 10.25%6. As from the end of June the Group’s organisation consisted of a staff7 of 134,870 employees (+71 vs. December 2005, -502 vs. June 2005). The increase vs. December is explained by the presence of temporary employees working in the tourism industry for the Zagrebacka Group companies (approx. 800 individuals). The Group’s network is composed of 7,336 branches8 (+152 vs. the end of 2005). Attached are the Group’s key figures, the Group’s reclassified balance sheet and income statement, the income statements for UniCredit Group excluding HVB, the HVB Group and the BACA Group, and the Group’s half-yearly income statement, which are not subject to certification by the Independent Auditors. Milan, 4 August 2006 6 Based on the new BankIT calculation instructions “Full time equivalent “. The Koc Group is proportionately consolidated in the figures indicated. The HVB Group figure at 31 December has been restated to reflect the changes in the perimeter of consolidation that took place during the first half 8 In the figures indicated the Koc Group is proportionately consolidated at 100% 7 5 UniCredit: Key figures PROFIT AND LOSS AND PROFITABILITY RATIOS (€ million) H1 CHANGE 2006 2005 PRO-FORMA Total revenues 11,939 10,321 Operating costs 6,529 6,249 + 4.5% Operating profit 5,410 4,072 + 32.9% + 15.7% Profit before tax 4,729 3,257 + 45.2% Net Profit attributable to the Group 3,043 2,052 + 48.3% ROE 1 17.3% 11.9% + 5.4 Cost/income ratio 54.7% 60.5% - 5.8 BALANCE SHEET (€ million) AMOUNTS AS AT 30.06.2006 CHANGE 31.12.2005 Total assets 803,792 787,000 + 2.1% Loans and receivables with customers 430,148 426,553 + 0.8% Deposits from customers and debt securities in issue 474,564 462,248 + 2.7% 34,771 35,203 - 1.2% Shareholders' equity CAPITAL RATIOS (%) AS AT 30.06.2006 Tier 1/Total risk-weighted assets Total regulatory capital/Total risk-weighted assets 2 CHANGE 31.12.2005 5.94% 5.53% + 0.41 10.25% 10.34% - 0.09 STAFF AND BRANCHES AS AT Employees 3 Branches CHANGE 30.06.2006 31.12.2005 134,870 134,799 + 71 7,336 7,184 + 152 4 RATINGS SHORT-TERM MEDIUM AND DEBT LONG-TERM . FITCH RATINGS F1 A+ STABLE Moody's Investor Service P-1 A1 STABLE Standard & Poor's A-1 A+ NEGATIVE OUTLOOK 1. Calculated on the basis of the average shareholders' equity for the period (excluding reserves in respect of AfS assets and dividends to be distributed and including the profit for the period on an annual basis). 2. Estimated data. 3. "Full time equivalent". Koç Group is consolidated proportionally. HVB Group figures as at 31 December have been adjusted to reflect H1 2006 changes in the scope of consolidation. The increase is attributable to the presence of approximately 800 seasonal employees in the tourism industry. Excluding seasonal employees, there was a reduction of 714 resources. 4. Koç Group, which is consolidated proportionally, is considered at 100%. UniCredit: Consolidated Balance Sheet CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET (€ million) AMOUNTS AS AT 30.06.2006 31.03.2006 CHANGE OVER 31.12.2005 31.03.2006 31.12.2005 Assets Cash and cash balances Financial assets held for trading Loans and receivables with banks Loans and receivables with customers 3,264 2,981 3,459 + 9.5% - 5.6% 174,574 163,729 172,287 + 6.6% + 1.3% 85,079 92,387 76,099 - 7.9% + 11.8% 430,148 424,310 426,553 + 1.4% + 0.8% Financial investments 66,447 67,582 65,796 - 1.7% + 1.0% Hedging instruments 3,431 4,186 4,919 - 18.0% - 30.3% Property, plant and equipment 8,777 8,744 7,973 + 0.4% + 10.1% Goodwill 8,840 9,172 9,202 - 3.6% - 3.9% Other intangible assets 2,572 2,568 2,633 + 0.2% - 2.3% Tax assets Non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale 6,286 6,361 6,592 - 1.2% - 4.6% 6,053 7,124 3,309 - 15.0% + 82.9% Other assets 8,321 7,721 8,178 + 7.8% + 1.7% Total assets 803,792 796,865 787,000 + 0.9% + 2.1% Deposits from banks 135,802 143,054 141,682 - 5.1% - 4.2% Deposits from customers and debt securities in issue 474,564 467,743 462,248 + 1.5% + 2.7% Financial liabilities held for trading 115,941 104,922 107,094 + 10.5% + 8.3% Liabilities and shareholders' equity Financial liabilities designated at fair value 1,401 1,358 1,129 + 3.2% + 24.1% Hedging instruments 3,556 3,325 4,498 + 6.9% - 20.9% Provisions for risks and charges 7,286 7,315 6,607 - 0.4% + 10.3% Tax liabilities Liabilities included in disposal groups classified as held for sale 5,125 6,055 5,925 - 15.4% - 13.5% 4,346 5,511 1,887 - 21.1% + 130.3% 16,888 16,655 16,824 + 1.4% + 0.4% 4,112 4,387 3,903 - 6.3% + 5.4% Shareholders' equity 34,771 36,540 35,203 - 4.8% - 1.2% - Capital and reserves 30,625 33,301 31,106 - 8.0% - 1.5% 1,103 1,882 1,627 - 41.4% - 32.2% 3,043 1,357 2,470 + 124.2% + 23.2% 803,792 796,865 787,000 + 0.9% + 2.1% Other liabilities Minorities - Available-for-sale assets fair value reserve and cash-flow hedging reserve - Net profit Total liabilities and shareholders' equity UniCredit: Consolidated Profit and Loss Account PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT1 (€ million) QUARTERLY FIGURES UNICREDIT GROUP Net interest Dividends and other income from equity investments Net interest income Net fees and commissions Net trading, hedging and fair value income Net other expenses/income Net non-interest income TOTAL REVENUES Q2 2006 Q1 2006 2,927 CHANGE Q2 '06 OVER Q2 '05 Q2 2005 2,945 ACTUAL 2,791 ADJUSTED + 4.9% 2 + 2.8% 268 107 286 - 6.3% - 7.0% 3,195 3,052 3,077 + 3.8% + 1.9% 2,109 2,133 1,809 + 16.6% + 13.6% 564 693 230 + 145.2% + 136.5% + 294.1% 101 92 17 + 494.1% 2,774 2,918 2,056 + 34.9% + 29.7% 5,969 5,970 5,133 + 16.3% + 13.0% Payroll costs -1,948 -1,950 -1,804 + 8.0% + 5.3% Other administrative expenses -1,057 -1,123 -1,093 - 3.3% - 7.0% 66 55 62 + 6.5% + 6.5% -285 -287 -309 - 7.8% - 10.0% -3,224 -3,305 -3,144 + 2.5% - 0.5% 2,745 2,665 1,989 + 38.0% + 34.4% Provisions for risks and charges -79 -64 -4 n.s. n.s. Integration costs -52 - - - - -549 -563 -578 - 5.0% - 5.0% 449 177 66 + 580.3% + 578.8% 2,514 2,215 1,473 + 70.7% + 65.6% -613 -697 -445 + 37.8% + 36.6% NET PROFIT Profit (Loss) from non-current assets held for sale, after tax 1,901 1,518 1,028 + 84.9% + 78.2% 16 23 5 + 220.0% + 220.0% PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD 1,917 1,541 1,033 + 85.6% + 78.9% -231 -184 -109 + 111.9% + 95.4% 1,686 1,357 924 + 82.5% + 76.9% 54.0% 55.4% 61.3% Recovery of expenses Amortisation, depreciation and impairment losses on intangible and tangible assets Operating costs OPERATING PROFIT Net write-downs of loans and provisions for guarantees and commitments Net income from investments PROFIT BEFORE TAX Income tax for the period Minorities NET PROFIT ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE GROUP PROFITABILITY RATIO Cost/Income 1. Dividends on Equity Instruments held for trading are included in Net trading, hedging and fair value income. Q1 2006 HVB Group temporary staff costs (€14 million), formerly included in Other administrative expenses, have been reclassified into Payroll costs. 2. Adjusted at constant exchange rates and to reflect equal scope of consolidation. UniCredit excluding HVB : Consolidated Profit and Loss Account PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT1 (€ million) QUARTERLY FIGURES UNICREDIT EXCLUDING HVB Net interest Dividends and other income from equity investments Net interest income Net fees and commissions Net trading, hedging and fair value income Net other expenses/income Net non-interest income Q2 2006 Q1 2006 1,493 CHANGE Q2 '06 OVER Q2 '05 Q2 2005 1,464 ACTUAL ADJUSTED 2 1,349 + 10.7% + 10.6% 106 26 130 - 18.5% - 17.7% 1,599 1,490 1,479 + 8.1% + 8.1% 1,193 1,170 1,054 + 13.2% + 12.8% 254 204 236 + 7.6% + 6.4% 69 60 43 + 60.5% + 65.9% 1,516 1,434 1,333 + 13.7% + 13.3% 3,115 2,924 2,812 + 10.8% + 10.5% Payroll costs -951 -960 -908 + 4.7% + 4.8% Other administrative expenses -555 -558 -533 + 4.1% + 4.0% 64 55 62 + 3.2% + 3.2% -122 -123 -118 + 3.4% + 1.7% -1,564 -1,586 -1,497 + 4.5% + 4.3% 1,551 1,338 1,315 + 17.9% + 17.6% Provisions for risks and charges -53 -40 -35 + 51.4% + 54.3% Integration costs -46 - - - - -253 -241 -244 + 3.7% + 4.5% 31 139 33 - 6.1% - 6.3% 1,230 1,196 1,069 + 15.1% + 14.4% TOTAL REVENUES Recovery of expenses Amortisation, depreciation and impairment losses on intangible and tangible assets Operating costs OPERATING PROFIT Net write-downs of loans and provisions for guarantees and commitments Net income from investments PROFIT BEFORE TAX -390 -416 -339 + 15.0% + 14.8% NET PROFIT Profit (Loss) from non-current assets held for sale, after tax Income tax for the period 840 780 730 + 15.1% + 14.1% 16 23 5 + 220.0% + 220.0% PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD 856 803 735 + 16.5% + 15.6% Minorities -58 -55 -70 - 17.1% - 21.4% NET PROFIT ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE GROUP 798 748 665 + 20.0% + 19.5% 50.2% 54.2% 53.2% PROFITABILITY RATIO Cost/Income 1. Dividends on Equity Instruments held for trading are included in Net trading, hedging and fair value income. 2. Adjusted at constant exchange rates and to reflect equal scope of consolidation. HVB: Consolidated Profit and Loss Account PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT1 (€ million) QUARTERLY FIGURES HVB GROUP Net interest Dividends and other income from equity investments Net interest income Q2 2006 Q1 2006 CHANGE Q2 '06 OVER Q2 '05 Q2 2005 ACTUAL ADJUSTED 2 1,416 1,464 1,424 - 0.6% - 4.4% 162 81 156 + 3.8% + 1.9% 1,578 1,545 1,580 - 0.1% - 3.8% Net fees and commissions 917 963 754 + 21.6% + 15.1% Net trading, hedging and fair value income 311 488 -6 n.s. n.s. 31 33 -25 n.s. n.s. Net other expenses/income Net non-interest income TOTAL REVENUES 1,259 1,484 723 + 74.1% + 60.2% 2,837 3,029 2,303 + 23.2% + 16.3% Payroll costs -997 -990 -896 + 11.3% + 5.9% Other administrative expenses -502 -565 -560 - 10.4% - 17.3% 2 - - - - Recovery of expenses Amortisation, depreciation and impairment losses on intangible and tangible assets Operating costs OPERATING PROFIT Provisions for risks and charges Integration costs -145 -146 -172 - 15.7% - 18.6% -1,642 -1,701 -1,628 + 0.9% - 4.8% 1,195 1,328 675 + 77.0% + 67.1% -26 -24 31 n.s. n.s. -6 - - - - -296 -322 -334 - 11.4% - 12.0% Net write-downs of loans and provisions for guarantees and commitments Net income from investments PROFIT BEFORE TAX Income tax for the period 729 99 33 n.s. n.s. 1,596 1,081 405 + 294.1% + 277.8% -224 -283 -106 + 111.3% + 107.5% NET PROFIT Profit (Loss) from non-current assets held for sale, after tax 1,372 798 299 + 358.9% + 338.1% - - - - - PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD 1,372 798 299 + 358.9% + 338.1% Minorities NET PROFIT ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE GROUP -317 -147 -69 + 359.4% + 337.7% 1,055 651 230 + 358.7% + 338.3% 57.9% 56.2% 70.7% PROFITABILITY RATIO Cost/Income 1. Dividends on Equity Instruments held for trading are included in Net trading, hedging and fair value income. Q1 2006 temporary staff costs (€14 million), formerly included in Other administrative expenses, have been reclassified into Payroll costs. 2. Adjusted at constant exchange rates and to reflect equal scope of consolidation. BA-CA 1: Consolidated Profit and Loss Account PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT2 (€ million) QUARTERLY FIGURES BA-CA GROUP Net interest Dividends and other income from equity investments Net interest income Net fees and commissions Net trading, hedging and fair value income Net other expenses/income Net non-interest income TOTAL REVENUES Q2 2006 Q1 2006 603 CHANGE Q2 '06 OVER Q2 '05 Q2 2005 1,464 ACTUAL ADJUSTED 3 576 + 4.7% - 0.5% 63 34 98 - 35.7% - 34.7% 666 633 674 - 1.2% - 5.5% 455 415 335 + 35.8% + 23.0% 94 166 45 + 108.9% + 95.5% 16 7 2 n.s. n.s. 565 588 382 + 47.9% + 34.7% 1,231 1,221 1,056 + 16.6% + 9.0% Payroll costs -404 -401 -354 + 14.1% + 4.1% Other administrative expenses -232 -230 -225 + 3.1% - 7.2% - - - - - -67 -68 -62 + 8.1% + 1.1% -703 -699 -641 + 9.7% - 0.2% 528 522 415 + 27.2% + 23.2% Provisions for risks and charges -1 -2 30 n.s. n.s. Integration costs -3 - - - - for guarantees and commitments -87 -108 -127 - 31.5% - 30.4% Net income from investments 697 9 6 n.s. n.s. 1,134 421 324 + 250.0% + 242.7% -84 -80 -63 + 33.3% + 37.3% NET PROFIT Profit (Loss) from non-current assets held for sale, after tax 1,050 341 261 + 302.3% + 292.2% - - - - - PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD 1,050 341 261 + 302.3% + 292.2% -35 -34 -22 + 59.1% + 43.0% 1,015 307 239 + 324.7% + 315.2% 57.1% 54.2% 60.7% Recovery of expenses Amortisation, depreciation and impairment losses on intangible and tangible assets Operating costs OPERATING PROFIT Net write-downs of loans and provisions PROFIT BEFORE TAX Income tax for the period Minorities NET PROFIT ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE GROUP PROFITABILITY RATIO Cost/Income 1. As consolidated by HVB. 2. Dividends on Equity Instruments held for trading are included in Net trading, hedging and fair value income. Q1 2006 temporary staff costs (€6 million), formerly included in Other administrative expenses, have been reclassified into Payroll costs. 3. Adjusted at constant exchange rates and to reflect equal scope of consolidation. UniCredit: H1 Consolidated Profit and Loss Account PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT 1 (€ million) H1 UNICREDIT GROUP Net interest 2006 CHANGE 2005 ACTUAL ADJUSTED 2 5,872 5,528 + 6.2% 375 371 + 1.1% - 0.5% 6,247 5,899 + 5.9% + 3.2% Net fees and commissions 4,242 3,568 + 18.9% + 15.9% Net trading, hedging and fair value income 1,257 834 + 50.7% + 43.2% Dividends and other income from equity investments Net interest income Net other expenses/income + 3.4% 193 20 n.s. n.s. 5,692 4,422 + 28.7% + 23.3% TOTAL REVENUES 11,939 10,321 + 15.7% + 11.8% Payroll costs -3,898 -3,608 + 8.0% + 5.1% Other administrative expenses -2,180 -2,136 + 2.1% - 2.2% 121 116 + 4.3% + 4.3% -572 -621 - 7.9% - 10.8% -6,529 -6,249 + 4.5% + 1.0% 5,410 4,072 + 32.9% + 28.2% -143 -75 + 90.7% + 90.7% -52 - - - -1,112 -1,089 + 2.1% + 0.6% 626 349 + 79.4% + 81.4% Net non-interest income Recovery of expenses Amortisation, depreciation and impairment losses on intangible and tangible assets Operating costs OPERATING PROFIT Provisions for risks and charges Integration costs Net write-downs of loans and provisions for guarantees and commitments Net income from investments PROFIT BEFORE TAX 4,729 3,257 + 45.2% + 40.1% -1,310 -975 + 34.4% + 32.7% NET PROFIT Profit (Loss) from non-current assets held for sale, after tax 3,419 2,282 + 49.8% + 43.3% 39 6 n.s. n.s. PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD 3,458 2,288 + 51.1% + 44.6% -415 -236 + 75.8% + 53.4% 3,043 2,052 + 48.3% + 43.6% 54.7% 60.5% Income tax for the period Minorities NET PROFIT ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE GROUP PROFITABILITY RATIO Cost/Income 1. Dividends on Equity Instruments held for trading are included in Net trading, hedging and fair value income. 2. Adjusted at constant exchange rates and to reflect equal scope of consolidation.