555 South Slocan Street Vancouver, B.C. V5K 3X5 STAFF Father Richard Zanotti, cs, Pastor Father Eduardo Quintero, cs Father Rosemond Sylvestre, cs Teresian Carmelite Missionaries, cmt DIRECTORY Office: 604-254-0691 Fax: 604-254-0228 E-mail: [email protected] Web Page: http:/www.olos.ca School/PREP: 604-2532434 Bingo: 604-254-0111 Vanspec: 604-253-2233 Secretary: Deborah Corrado WORLD DAY OF MIGRANTS AND REFUGEES January 18, 2015 The Church is called to be open and receptive towards newcomers who feel strange in a new place. Many in need feel helpless and lonely. Christ expects his Church to embrace them as he himself would. Pope Francis says: “The Church opens her arms to welcome all people without distinction or limits… being witnesses and proclaiming the Gospel of joy and mercy.” This is the nature of the Church. As a mother she begets sons and daughters; she takes them in and embraces them with her love and in her heart (Vatican II, Dogmatic Constitution on the Church) What do pastors and parishioners need to do in other to be open and receptive toward newcomers? Are there any obstacles that would prevent them from being open? How can the obstacles be overcome? How other parishes deal with obstacles? (Fr. Terrance Larkin) SOLEMNITY OF THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD – JANUARY 4, 2015 Announcements Annunci Saturday, January 3, The Most Holy Name of Jesus 5:00 pm Sergio Tommasel; Umberto Palaia; Infanti & Bortolussi Families; Ernie Pastro; Sacred Heart; Luigi Marandola 5:30 pm (Surrey) Pro Populo Sunday, January 4, The Epiphany of the Lord 8:30 am Pasquale Puleo; Gerarda Ciamarra 10:00 am Raffaele, Angelomichele, Giovanni & Elisabetto Marino; Andrea Candeloro; Teresa Anania; Ferruccio & Carmela Facchin; Bruna Palcich (1 month); Francesco Scigliano; Cosmo Valente; Carmina Ciolfitto 11:30 am Ana & Gualbarto Odoc; Lan Cheona Yap; Stefano Sponza; Elisa Bellizia 1:00 pm Eduardo Bravo; Cumpleaños de Manuela Cubillas 6:30 pm (Coquitlam) 7:00 pm Monday, January 5, 8:00 am Letizia Crescenzo; Antonio Magliocco, who recently passed away 6:30 pm Giuseppe Arcuri (1 month) Tuesday, January 6, 8:00 am Grazia & F ranco Rubino 6:30 pm Wednesday, January 7, 8:00 am Antonio Iaquinta 6:30 pm Thursday, January 8, 8:00 am Antonio Bitonti; Anime del Purgatorio 6:30 pm Friday, January 9, 8:00 am Luigi & Barbara Oliverio; Antonio Gallo 9:00 am —School Mass 6:30 pm Saturday, January 10, BVM 8:30 am George Leung; Edwin Wong; Mary Ho Wong; Maria Ho Wong 5:00 pm Paulina & Nicola Racanelli; Rosa & Giuseppe Comin; Astrid Herrera; Deceased family members of Aurora & Dopaco 5:30 pm (Surrey) Sunday, January 11, The Baptism of the Lord 8:30 am Pro Populo 10:00 am Livio, Raffaela & Domenico Cioffi; Leonardo & Camela Faccone; Giuseppe & Antonio Marzitelli; Giuseppe Ambrosio; Defunti Famiglia Volpe; Angelina Bicego; Dino Rosi & Family; Michele, Rocchina & Rocco Melchiorre; Francesco Giambattista; Vincenzo & Gaetana Merenda 11:30 am Maria Rosa Cristiano 1:00 pm 6:30 pm (Coquitlam) 7:00 pm Epifania del Signore: La seconda Domenica dopo Natale fa da ponte tra la solennità del Natale e l’Epifania. In questa domenica siamo invitati a prende coscienza della gioia e della gratitudine che infonde in noi la nascita di Gesù, il Verbo che si è fatto carne nascendo della Vergine Maria. Possiamo farci questa domanda: Si traduce la nostra fede in gioiosa sicurezza, pur si c’è difficultà e prove serie nella vita? Le Classi di Catechismo (PREP) riprenderanno domani, Lunedí 5 gennaio, alle 6:30pm. Ricordiamo ai genitori di portare i bambini a tempo. Parrocchiani recentemente arrivati, vi chiediamo di registrarvi, per favore. Troverete il foglio alla entrata della Chiesa: consegnatelo in canonica o nel cestino della colletta durante la Messa. Benvenuti! Buste per l’offerta domenicale. Se non hai ancora ritirato il tuo pacchetto per favore ritiralo oggi stesso. Per favore usate soltanto le buste 2015. Ringraziamo di cuore i parrocchiani che continuano ad amare la Chiesa di OLOS con la propria generosità. In preparazione alla Giornata Mondiale del Migrante e Regufiato, la Liturgia dominicale sottolinea la realtà della mobilità umana. In vista della preparazione di questa giornata avremo una reflessione sul tema il Giovedì 15 gennaio alle 7:00 pm. Messa nella Giornata Mondiale per i Migranti e Refugiati: sarà domenica 18 gennaio in questa Parrocchia alle 3:00 pm. L’arcivescovo sarà il celebrante principale. È una vera opportunità di preghiera e ringraziamento per il dono della diversità culturale e dell’altro che è un dono di Dio… Giornata Scalabriniana: Chiediamo a tutti voi di pregare per i Missionari Scalabriniani che svolgono il loro apostolato tra i migranti e rifugiati. Che la Congregazione Scalabriniana continui a servire la Chiesa e il mondo; che trove nel crocifisso la forza per seguire nella sequela del Cristo. Emigrano i semi sulle ali dei venti… emigra l’uomo verso la meta ultima, che è il perfezionamiento dell’uomo sulla terra e la gloria di Dio nei cieli Migration is a source of wellness for both he who goes away and those who remain… it is a safety valve that stablishes equilibrium between wealth and productive power New Year’s Collection January 1, 2015 Loose Envelopes Total $ 497 $ 4,830 $ 5,327 SOLEMNITY OF THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD – JANUARY 4, 2015 Announcements Anuncios The Epiphany of the Lord is the manifestation of Jesus as Messiah of Israel, Son of God and Savior of the world. This great feast celebrates the adoration of Jesus by the wise men, his baptism in the Jordan and the wedding feast at Cana in Galilee. In the magi, the Gospel sees the first fruits of the nations, who welcome the good news of salvation through the Incarnation. PREP-Catechism Classes will resume on Monday Jan 5, at 6:30 pm. Parents, please, bring your children to class on time. New Memebers of Our Lady of Sorrows. We invite all person or families who have recently joined our parish to please fill out the form which is available at the Church’s entrance. Please drop it in the collection basket or bring it to the Parish Off. Sunday Envelopes: If you have not picked them up yet, please do so today. Thank you very much for your donation. God bless!!! FREE film screenings of the documentary Redlight /Greenlight on Jan 12, 2015 at St Joseph the Worker Parish Gym, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm; On Jan 31, 2015 at Corpus Christi Parish, Van, 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Please encourage your family & friends to attend, learn more about our moral teachings and how as Catholics we are asked to respond. The English speaking Charismatic Prayer Group will resume their weekly meeting on Thursday, Jan 15th, at 7.15 pm in the Chapel at the lower hall after the evening Mass. You are cordially invited to come for worship, prayer, healing or thanksgiving. Everyone is welcome! Notre Dame Regional Secondary Open House on Thurs. Jan 22, 2015, from 6:00 to 8:00 pm (2880 Venables St., Van). The Open House welcomes all those who are interested in attending ND. Current Grade 7 Students will be able to register for the Placement Exam which will be held on Sat, Jan 24th. Setting the environment to celebrate World Day of Migrants and Refugees: On Sunday Jan 11th Liturgy will outline this reality of human mobility. Besides that on Thursday evening (Jan 15th) there will be a Workshop to help deepen our understanding on this current phenomenon. All are invited to attend… World Day of Migrant and Refugee Mass will be on Sunday, Jan 18th at Our Lady of Sorrows at 3:00 pm. Archbishop Miller will be the main celebrant. NO doubt it will be an opportunity to pray and give thanks to God for the gift of cultural diversity & to welcomeembrace the other as a child of God! La fiesta de la Epifanía quiere decir “El Señor se ha manifestado”. Los Reyes Magos hallaron al Niño, con María y, arrodillándose, lo adoraron. Lo adoran, pues lo reconocen como Dios. Le ofrecieron oro, incienso y mirra. La Iglesia ve en esos tres regalos, los obsequios que debemos ofrecer siempre a Jesucristo: Oro: nuestra ayuda a los pobres y a la Iglesia. Incienso: nuestra oración. Mirra (amarga) nuestros sacrificios. Niño Dios, acepta mis humildes ofrendas y enséñame a amar incondicionalmente y a trabajar por el bien común. Clases de Catecismo para niños y padres de familia se reanudarán este lunes 5 de enero. Los esperamos! Sobres 2015: Si aún no los has recogido, por favor, llévalos hoy. Gracias infinitas por tu donación. Dios los bendiga!! Fiesta Fin de Año: Agradecemos sinceramente a todos los voluntarios por el servicio realizado, a los participantes y a todos los que colaboraron. Se recaudaron $3,292. Esperamos se hayan divertido... Gracias!!! Documental Red light /Greenlight: Habrán dos shows próximamente. El 12 de enero en St Joseph the Worker Parish Gym, de 7:00 a 9:00 pm; y el 31 de enero 2015 en Corpus Christi Parish, Van de 2:00 a 4:00 pm. Motiva a tus conocidos: aprende sobre moral y cómo debemos responder... Grupo de Oración Carismática en inglés: reanudará su encuentro semanal el jueves 15 de enero a las 7:15 en la capilla del lower hall —después de misa. Los esperamos!! Misal 2015 en español: Como ya habíamos anunciado, las Hnas tienen a la venta el misal del presente año. Cuesta $10 dol. Disponte espiritual e individualmente al convite eucarístico! Notre Dame Regional Secondary Open House será el jueves 22 de enero, de 6:00 a 8:00 pm. Los interesados en inscribirse en ND son bienvenidos. Estudiantes de grado 7 podrán para el examen de ubicacián el sábado 24 de enero.... En preparación al Día Mundial del Migrante y Refugiado, el domingo 11 de enero resaltaremos el tema de la movilidad humana. Además, el jueves en la tarde habrá un taller de oración, reflexión y sensibilización. ¡Todos están invitados! Misa para el Día Mundial del Migrante y Refugiado: Será el domingo 18 de enero en esta parroquia a las 3:00 pm. El arzobispo Miller presidirá la Eucaristía. Será una oportunidad para orar y dar gracias a Dios por el don de la diversidad cultural y la acogida-abrazo al otro como hijo de Dios. La religión de Cristo está para socorrer siempre a los infelices y a los oprimidos JB Scalabrini