Ft 02 os 2LES ptj. UBRARY FEB 13 Z003 0 OAJ(TON NES 607 4. 50 CENTS PER COPY be JJtte 7400 WAUKEGAN RD., NuES, IL 60714 utttc THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2003 COM UNITY Standard U.S. Postage PAID Sugle News VOL. 46, NO.33 t CALENDAR Presoited IAl AEROBICS AT NILES PARKS Step aerobics classes and more on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings at the Tam Fitness Complex. Call 847967-6633. CONCERT AT QAKTON COLLEGE Tim Vana in concert with Rockin' Billy and the \ViId Coyotes. Sunday, February 16 at 2 pm at the Des Plaines campus. For informa- ¶"_ tioll call 847-299-4120. 'ti CLENVIEW SYMPIIONY ORCHESTRA Varied programs for concerts on February 16 and February 23. For times and locations call 847-920-9569. PHOTO EXHiBIT AT MG LiBRARY Park Ridge photographer Kristen Seahoim Killean displays works from around the world. Photos on display thru February. For informa(ion call 847-965-4220. 4 school bus slid off the road after being struck by ou auto at Western and Ballard Rd. al: Tuesday, February 4. Police and fire deparlmei.Is from Nues and North Maine responded. No serious injuries were reported. Photo by S. Chernes LINCOLN TO VISIT NILES HISTORICAL SOCIETY Lincoln impersonator Dick Anderson to perform on February 23 at 2 p.m. at the Nues Historical Society. For information call 847390-0160. N1LES WEST DANCE CONCERT Nues West Orchesis dance concert on February 27 thru March 1 at7:30 p.m. For information call 847-626-2815. SPRING GYMNASTICS CLASSES NUes Park District offers gymnastics classes Í'oi ages 3 to 14 at Grennan 1-leights gym. Classes begin March 3 I . Registration now underway. For. information call 847-967-6975. %lortoiz Grove lVoineii 's Club ,,,c,,:bers, fro,si the left, Dorothy Bezitler, Lue Ilalpap aiul Barbara Duffy are asxistiaig in plannii:g for tise club's Golden Jubilee year. Last year 11w club raiseil over $9,000 fo assist local .ct:de,,1s and ()rgal:izaliol,.v. THE BUGLE, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 13,2003 THE BUGLE THURSDAY FEBRUARY 13 2B03 PAGE 2 Skokie expands sculpture park to honor ethnicitîes An expansion of Sculpture Park seau opprosnd by Skokie sillage trustons for Ihn area beacon Dcmpstcr and Church Streets, nantIt of Ihn present in- pete foe available plots. Rulen governing displays esili he pur is place tad an art review panel on qualified group will oversee so- iillage n diverne populusino with 3 ticv nculptures, euch uponconed by u diff0000t ethnic a larger-than-life rendering of Indian statesman, Molsotnia Gardlii, o gift from the Indian Canttouait5 of Hiles Township. A group ro presentation s.aid hey hopo to reach liete goal of scalplor SI 110,1109, yroup. Coltectincty tIte silo esilI he known as Heritage Park. 'the itltage uvtll nenes two od- hurra diitiinal statues bringing tIte tetti groupinfi to 15. Interested groupe will catit- dowotoivo Skokie. Requcsis so erect stuluns of oilIer prominent nthose ligures led Io 16e sculptano park can' Ttie finsi ospected piece is itie new arca will honor Ihn stalling o statue of Ohanth ir sonicd. und soc lIso work in- stalled by Osi. Sitio aitninensary el Otiandi's yinlh. A ceminitiec tIan proposals reins artists hellt here and io Is. dia, said Omprakoih Kantaeia, comineitee prenidoiti 'Ihr coocept of s heroage park enese afeen on Indian groop ap pnoaclsod the cilla gr about in- American Legion Meeting February 18 'liso Atnecican Logion Glad- copI, said Skokin Mayor George Vas Gasen. Tho park's silo, on tond lyisg ho troceo McCooniek Blvd. und Clsarnel, is leuned Inam Metropolilus Waler lite Roelaistaltos Dislnvt. tIto Nonis Slnono scalptiines could reinialn in the paok os long as Skokieceniisuel which, by loasoholden. as precesi pIlo, is 25 ye'rrs. 'Reminiscence Of Portage Park' Harry and Martene Cand. man Witt Present "Rensissiscrane 01 Par*agr Paris- Drn'atOf A Chiaago apmottt Ne'tghbarhaad ut the Marten Crone Historical Saoiots meethsg at 7 p.m. on Tauwday, Fels. rs.ary IS. The M0000 Orose Hisionical Sociciy a'ilI bold sis firus me000g of 21103 ai 7 p.w. oit i'aesdal. stony POsI #777 meet stehe Edge. Fehnoan5 IS, in the Boxeen Ricco heook Comatunity Hocco. 61011 afilio M0000 Cinese Patilic 1.1- N Ceninal AsO.. February IS. 2003. 12 plo.-4 pits. All vets ins'ilod. Refroultisinsin aill he sorood. Colt 1773) 655' litany. Pohisiwtng s liniaf fonenal irieesrg, Flennt eid M.inleoc Good lilao ail! pnosoni tIle ci)- 'mat's allai the colors ls_Ini ils io do. naiih Ileard liresident EinS eri Silicnisan, rclemng Ii, Nlicetillncr 219)2 ncfcecndslrs liii dcfcaied 2-1 A ss'iiininiiiic-e niadying be soaationecceisasiesded Dielnici 219'.i seni hid be sulnsianliolhl less lIsio ihr 79.ceoi nanease Ilse diuciel neqsentc-d io Nisveaiben l)mnlnisi husloes.ioiaaiigor Genry' leggy said lIto suhcinlmisalee inconoonoilod an unilivol liii queiiiiimls regarding Ilse km)lowing programen er Club niele' ho na im p 847-967-9320 Ext. 11 Coachlight ¶A 7735 North Milwaukee Avenue, Nues froins Polaod. 'Oie Coudai ans is'ill provido a personal and upocial in. sighs into this nearby Chicago neighborhood. 'lilo evening will 111011k' lomo virlil)s'o ill albd fmm)0 mImic ml hill lilI. 31, alul Joronc lob nsoo, 313 On 11cc -I ib IliefI al King', Slulbci,,icm,lcod a hIcoS fcmoabc .1 f111111 10011001 of Nmbos'Fark Ridgo filo11100101) Dmslrlam 64. 011010v lO m0uod 2a. 13 bohllsol,, au Chicago ccnidcnl ba.imbibIg lii lI)ml,Ib,,lk 09)111110001,1 P1001151 hoi meIosI lvii lie II 11cm limo lau ludIe Ilma m,ccurrrmh mo 171e foelabo was able il, PIO50 11001111)1 1cr OOmllp_oIlImIli, o blick Ill Scoing leIm 110111011 iv 110 lias used Flod MoDoomuld au .10511111, lIaIt pcc5I050 OrteIls. 11010110 purse ahioh osmrIalood Clbmlilmy Cous au 26111 SloccI sod Ill 1,mIlml mIl 611111 1601.110 and Ilmo 11110105. lomb 00 aildrens 11110k. C,mllliirolmm Amenuo, os he sup. 0111111cc limero nr Iwaleul i lbs- s mi i.Ic limo lIp_-s miels roil mml Ilmo il. dllriiy 5>slolililimiatlbil ml Imi'u Ba'llamo,mmmm. Miii? liunhllnlel SI mn Nile, isimblrioll 1h11 l'mniml!mmv 27 dimo ,m mmm s,lbll mill ncgmsmro ilbvmaod lull 57511 sISmO A re' iiow' mil Ihr moi urlmc lap_u vlmmmasal a libeL 11101e oe.mctimng i_loss bbc c1mimmniar uniI makbimliililmooy 115101 iiv lIps' Doloalivo Sgi. J1hn lls,nkemaieiuell the sum elbl.r000 lapo lsd rwmlgnlocih She wolluan Nmbcs 101101 PIlIlO 50x1011. Soll, olfcndors, Sl.moir WIns. llrsagil slobilus vou000s, mInd u dIlIlsaliavI giop_o leimsled Ike c,indld,lie 1005F 10 fiCo whll Itiaposlamher Il )OíllbOf isOlk. molo inlonsiowod by members al 111f II 160 dlslriOi. hihoul Ic001ity, Pryor 1000011 as ;s.,lstaol nIIpOr)Olemidenl fer cuir. 1110 sobos! bound. Fryol woo selooiad ufiel Ihn pm,ol dropped la Ibloc asd sPIon SIc c',olappoohesdcd al Cook librI lull willi vIalI, ho,lrd loom' BollI iVmns105 mind lobosos nrc sal,odabod Io opp000i000uol hors mIld psoeos d000lopual a 1109.500 lInd euglum yoaos 6g Frod icllroodcr who will remiro 01160 A sOiloOhi mmi fill mho pall tn000 s li. rg r Feb. lO. Bond for each iv sel al Oho will vlop isla 160 offico 111,11 elmo n01ccd II priocipail ol Rom,ucsoll School. anal of mlle poeïonl School year. profils' II bbc donlnod 001dmdalle. The vacmlrcy woa pooled na' and irl0000liocably Imolally Ssllr0000r, who bus workad iv,Ibu hoe fer cighl years, suyo ha knobs Pryoo lobo a qualmiy odous well as aqua lily poenon. 110110,1 Inlet 72. tba,si FroisSe Disioci 73, Iib.uak folll.11v'nI.mndmmbg oliilohy..bp1mao. md l_inaobnwmond Diumoisi 74. 011110 isscmemmmmmmg iv .m tm,mmkumlmt ',15 aaaunimmum.mmhheml by -i Thu layo 11,11 1000 mmm NIbs l'alice l)v'p.uolmiicmim lii lummhd am as. Library Closing 5k,lkic l'imiml,, lmho_,lm e,mll l'o ilmuni'diiii I im,, 1. 'm'I' Ill mIlle ii, 6-9.m. cmliv, go 50)010009 cliii imlld mOnto rc5.iibrmillmio o slur calImbo mance. im'eOSII mmm ii bol, 17 11111 k mimo b IdIllI uilt tie' al,vo ml IiI Ilma pub. 1mo, liu,aolon. ',(beI mIcas el Ilmo lIbrar, a ill bn to see a mother fall instantly, deeply in love. par 111,11 il_im Am polns Ilmo aleo 1_mme aumok. billie is pmom. lao amhdmmininol lac f3c:mdliibc IO ygome mi M:mrcli I nani Seadoms 50111101 AloI, spcai.1III classe,, sane malati )mncsv dm55505 bd llore. L'miomaci mho Siles leamlemho I'mlmic,n .iad alles Cmmaul,mlmomi .110.1 CritIco am (097) 59#.)41S) loi to make it comfortable and safe, bbe,milcoil Sors Icen lomb 111m 5191, lcdimi.s mml shIll. M.mrch 24'Marah 28 S a 111.3 pill iislondcit 0.01110 as'mlblahhc nf mIn 111e 111,1 (hill aOc.IImsg i l'ca lvomlcnil.,lKe III 111e LmhI:mn Nauhiog 'o 111000 05110'ng than the Sol thv loo hold paco holly. As Thr Fallmilp Biorlmpbam of Rcaaerooriao Moaliml Ceorer, irk ear lnnlllvldao. 111e Lmbo.lrni cbr,uv,llun od 105111 15,111 IbAis1 li sell 1101101. tsrgiutratiaa far Spritgetu.nsrs to share thil wwzde-rjil experience, 11mm Slcnmtam, Clamses. 'lime Siles Famnihy Fmi soun Cesien mil Icen peiiyraille kir cm'e' miieiiihen ti! be Iavmilr. Smfn mp ton pmncni mii ala.imcs, yeialh Sink worn oemoodo mmslnrsuhbo sn000phem foc ohio altillo applicabion sus. 'li,c IS lilmIllIll 110190cl Cts'inmmgil Itolls Itwtmettrmsll SaIsonal. 'lilie Clibaagmm Boil, hIs kethall idIomi! enmll IO_bali 11,51 mnclsulo lb eseoublualli,, Ill u noie IllIOd IlImmil .11ld 1110 101imIc_IllibI Ill aadmpecvhulrr,.mocai0000isoleot 000lorlollps(n'alrbath 11,0 hsmldloglmobenbml Illilia laib a 510 uhoo'cr. Our Loomlldgs-ablc noises and barradas deuil landimmlbonlisl skIlls incbudimig ball )._mskelha!I 11,1110n 00ml_lOde mml 1110 1101m ldc 'I lIlo hsuldms1. ,ndlcaea'Ib 5110cc vsieaidmoo sill lito leash ynmm albor o,abvm mro and lo.msmh!Ing. stmociobng. passing, otfensive mIld Immo leaIlomuhogm 011 .lmmdlIn.visnal Icinno'itmmmliisg,vpinOu. gemocs und dolonsiso nooses, und icheundIng Gnados K'Srd und Grades illabbIldIs. mIld l9m,iimaloal lIbelIng oiv,m,mv Lulnr,lom sllmehogs svahi as crates. Monday, t°ebraur 17,8 usa-5 p.m. Ages 5.12. Cimsiacl 4111511m. Mm.rolm 4-April S Space IS liblmaciF Coniaai Iba NoIes Furo- a mIt la Loyl IiI 1101111' 1110111, armI 1,111,115 sursIses lull! lime Nmlan Fanelg Fiiocss Coniorar II) Fimness Cenior aI 19471 555- dmmnlmolue mhomluglvmui 1110 19471 388.8455 for llore infar' 04151 foe albino onfmlrnlauvn. 'lime publua nra, call 19471 673. 7174 feo lurmlion Imuhimiubumln mtwul Lrbrioy sorolars InI1 etacted Fu-bn'aars Ordt. Cmiili,li.m lita Nibs F_oilily Fmimiees Cooler ai 1)171 ShS.64151 Ion niinreomhm,n' iii neecisc u cmmpt mml miam SatinaIs Out Caosp - Freni- iiilsellliiilbmired:lIIbolily ord mob lighl nelreshmenlu and o chuten la socialina. Puahee inlomtalion 06001 lIte peogruism cao he obiuined by cull- Fridu Fee Night, local hilan childhron) mounmghl ouI' ing br Mooan Gnose Historical ganmes. cruSa, movies, swimming Musnam us 10971 955-0203. 160 dummm mia tIle bollos mvould IenuoO illoirahiirues br passage. hic cleosuniasy nchuohn nook' ing sas Imikes arc Fainiecs lilo' Silly l'nyon, Iba Oeil 55P015' 1a Nubes lIbecCIo neum,onios-ml Ilmo prcscscc IIf arvmhor relorer- 15,1,11 dcas'u Dssy, Diciti spelid yoanmhai FREE MARKET EVALUATION Bilingual: EnglishlGerman unenit.l io Apoll, mi1aoslcd Da' lome i 219 Ibm hold off 'i5ey leo! Nitos Fitness Center Spring loiase ir Ponage yank: nIto aae linceif then many Sc,wtihinai idos olimi lived in this unoa, o'tvchi tIsis was hioron ta numerous peupla 73 asml 74, mimo plaii 0mb 11e101 rol' Spring Brook Camp. MoLe hpmmog Onmbcliane. sfrsiviog Iho Northwost Sahochon oreas. local chcoioenioey dinmnuis 72. mlle 051051 of your spring Irnoak Iman anna we plmiy splin.s, osuke Spefia!iol wilh 25 f0f5 enperieslCe Vail Demos CRB, CRS yo.mr and auccpm nmallor salary' pniigronnu. Call 1547) 555-5.1191 In Ilse curly 190t1v. iS.inlcnc Goedmas's grandisiotlior built mm CALL lima salslwl haurd and leach- ers' arlos huno agreed Io nail 01cr Ihoir conlroci lion onmoilmer row olformng lina followiog noix' Certïlied Rcsidcolial Rea! EsISto THINKING OF SELLING YOUR HOME? >rare, said Yoggy. 79.c001'inarcano was 'lire premnied a., able lo torve Ilmo mlisiriui far IS yanas. Nues F itness Center New Programs siof's pragnarn, "Reiniiniscence of pontage Park- Ooocicpinent of o Chicago Naighihorhacid " Lii. catad just sourit asd a est jane lion of lIte K000cdl md l'oii.igc fidcou llopresso'a)s. l5ank io hordenud by Mcioinose Ai'onae, Cicose Ai'cssc. Ini eig Pank Road, and Austin Abuse 956g. lohn Gocin. Th,lI aoiounl could koap iba usinaI gatog gar abano seven hnolaecr 35 oad 45 cools. lime Nilon Pilsess Cenreris New Dist. 64 super. comes from the ranks Nues detective IDs thieves from security tapes D219 opts to pass tax hike bid for now Disirici 219 trustees, li000nirg lIla request 01 thron local aleoieniory tuhool dtsiricls, will aol seek otan rule itere ave this April w preciously plannod Instead DinIniot 219 a'ill In ihs ilicontitile 11101 will focus mio hiudgol inioilaisg and hiking PAGE 3 Chmidras will ho dividod according mo ago fee u siglil filled wmoh ond nmoro. Friday, Febnmry 2!, 'Nues Baseball League Signup' Alci Bunaball Loa gue toas os coded ii's Baseball Raglsleallben rIonS. SI_oLmo Fubluc Lmhrao> - lo- cabod al 521> GaLlon SI001l, Is uipet la 1110 public Monday lIlluagh RIda) 111100 MaI01 III 9 p.111., Salurdim1 100111 9 alo. Io h pIn. aod Sunday frallm 111011 lob Il miiAsuonSlIuaInyOfhlurrau0000. Cooiao, 6676 W. Hoivacd Soceol, rnl4lmonrsa doyull CosIne). Hamos of eogimmruoioo will be 1011111 llIa.ili unlil I F151. broansfooding- albis SIse plibaey of voue suiso. 'thron, mo do osoou'rhiag wo mo mo pensida p0000afolind for moonm. Poahaoidoessuha syovisbior io oamhug Inn tith pmmaen'o acunhvms soo aa'dbr 24 boums allay Our for 1100 momo wee k, os Saturday. Fob. IS, am sima Hoisand Lcisonc Niles. Illinois (00x5 lo TolsI Gull opcdal nono. Pois'asc maseomiry oiiim offer ainrnisioo meb ,ouoo-aI-tho.mro SpoliaI Core Nurseop 'o vInal by if baby 00016 iniowloc mro, In amldisiva, na mmmrbmiabugiss io anailukla smontI the obnok wadmmni000, anmrhmia-kko rpidurak-oo Mama. Fomnory. Culnfars Peono nlmiod, Eapes)otm tho lSmuoonosmnn "diff000aer.' ToSo o woe sod too lar >rvnsrll Call 775-791-3185, omu'.aboSielibrary',umT - ltmlay000 agos 7 iloaagbm 07. llmsmoscimooal 1_cagse. 7840 N: Milwaukee Ave.. Nues IL 60714 Tel: 847-966-7900 4800 S. Pulaski Ave., Chicago IL 60632 Tel: 773-376.3800 BANK YOUR WAY!!! WWW.ALLIANCE-FSB.COM - VIA INTERNET 24 HOUR BANK BY PHONE WE ARE YOUR BANK! MEMBER FOC EQUAL HOUSING LENDER 7&Syoac nIdi-BSS I,jIIlo 1_omguc: 910 ISycar oldn.$b5 Bronco Loagao: ItA 12 >eOlbbIdsS7i "AA" Pory Loogae: lidi I4yuaooldn- $90 "AAA" l°ooy Lragao: IS, 16,10 hlyearelds-$)O Combiacl Lougun Comaillission- co TonI Bursec,. aI 1547) 470S409, or 'l'im Gairvey ai 847! 967.5036 for regislrsliOt infor' Arthritis Update The Family Birthplace. We love to make a difference. P1cm IrealIsinsis Now drugs Goneral infooluulmoa Qaaslian a,sd il asmuor 505 Slot. Fnidny, l°abruary 21, 21515, I pIll 01 Amoscan Logias momo' Resurrection Medical Center 7411 Slhmm Tale aol donoso, Clmieogn 01111 Cmb ConIes. 614R Dnlimpulor, Masons Grooa Na chargn bui Ioglsmcumiaa na' Resurrection Health Carg qairod, Planar ouI! 18471 470' F,rAbO ,f Fao, oSll,f Yamngafr 5223 tu meno ovo ix Pol. Dr Promontod by Pamrivk Schunlme, ArmhriliuSpaviolini, Illinois Sano und 10101 lntliluia PAGE 4 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY I°EBRUARY 3, 2093 Dist. 72 to present SENIOR CITIZENS ! 5 Shampoo & Set EVERYDAY EXCEPT SUNDAY 0. ROVI tIppsr S51r3 33.005 Up SEIS REp Aol, SYlini $S,00& Up 5 referendum P ... $2.50 & Up S Haircut.. . $3.00 & Up P4 Ulolllolllary DiArio! 72, Sic1.101 l°airvioo- School, a-ill ank vololl lO 11PP1000 noely 18 llar. CCII 10010.110 1151705V IO laX joCrosSobvOald larva S HAIR S loll :1111111' lIlo dlnlrioi Ill IdIllIO lUll lIbIdo III lilo 111X1011 Iludan li Illoraforollllulo fIlin DIII. 72 0111 110X0 IO OSI 011111101 521I1i.ISAI roll bOlIlLA loir P'Ilbo Foirviow's odsoallon fund Old IN HOME rallo lIlo 10101 ralo lo $2.01 po TOGEThER SIllS of oquolirnd avvvnnod 1-011a CARE Olino, ap frool $I,7l, lila odnoalloo fund payo fI, Idiosr000n OlpollIns and badI FREDERICK'S COIFFURES 5398 N. MILWAUKEE AVE. 4 CIIICAQO, IL. (773) 631.0574 TEIiov'roano If appovod I,'aald bring ir In oddilioll.l UI .l loillior I 1011' roI-oslo ll'oald 001001 a s,m,000 doSI-Il Norwood Park Home Valentine's Day Dinner Aoo LIII IllIlkIlIg cIblaI np000l. log VaIoainoLcDov 11111 111111 ICI lIlo llago br o roolLIllic Cou. luI0 III allordlog .1 VoIo011blo'u Day 0111101101ko Lolorfulis duo. III.IlOd 1I1110g rIlolIb 11f Nolwo1ol ,AlIStars Chioago. 1110 COCOl DIno 1111 dollarI 13100 rollIs sod OYIIIF Il by Ills Bollrollnr CIIy 0000orn an Ihoy Fr01001 llorbor,ll010u. ONLY N LES OPEN 124. NJlt FEB.16 drl100nllogv from Snoadway alld lId 11ll1Xb01, CIbI IX SIA por por. lELES 0Pf0124,SIJ2. FERIE OLVWE;ir. IIlUl5 OFFICE rl2!IlV'RB3 CIII Ca,oI 847.293.7653 CoIl Ceni t RisA 847.422.1238 Ñ (8471 965-5544 OR (847) 293-7653 Nues Family Dental General & Cosmetic Dentistry Leon Zlngennan, D.O.S. Cosmetic Fillings (Bonding) Implants Tooth Whitening Wireless Partial Dentures All Denture Services Available alllid lud clod IOIlIlEnlIoarnorX h.IIllIoob bIld IlCaOn 01ll 1111,111 111111 fao.Ullod OIllllflg. Ilolorvallano OlIO 1045110d sod 1011 ho lllado 11v caIII,1g NoIwood I ank 1101110 al I7231U3 I -4956. Nues North Cheerleaders Win Contest 101111,1101111 1,1111011 111111 21X12 l'il ('ao,alnok1 11011 bOCllgflboOd IU'llOIlllliY flbIbl 1111 ll0. 1101 IICCAI ROgio,lul Coololl. They qaalbtod blu almond mho blab cOIlpobiliOo IbabIcIll ho hold Mardi, A lInd Yin Upringfl,ld, 'libo New Patienta Only. Limited Time Offer With Thin Ad, 876 Civic Center Drive Niles, Illinois Evening & Saturday Hours Available Insurance Accepted Ask About Our At Oakton and Waukegan Senior Discount Across the parking tot VIew you, bem from Home Depot 847.663.1040 lId .10 IlIOn> 11111,1111 OII,lhibnIllllg 11011 100101101 íooUgIlbo, 11011 1111L'IlI.Ii luco IllllOIblC 0011101. pIuo 11111111. plIlIlIldI III lull CulIllo IbId lofIllOrli pabilo Mnn. thflo FrL 8:30-6,00 P.M. Snlsrday 8,30-5,00 P.M. -FRESH MEATS- -FRESH MEATS- CENTER CUT MINELLI'S HOMEMADE ITALIAN FRESH LEAN BONELESS ROLLED PORK CHOPS PORK ROAST SAUSAG E $398 1110111110, uI Skulklo V,oSo1-. inrI 1i10'IIII1.' bo,udo,ulu1l 61 lIbo OOlOIblIllI CoorIsooku SALE BlISS WED., FEBRUARY 18 Sandy 8,30-2,00 P.M. ulf lIbo CoolEd W,11 11111db SUB SANDWICHES B PARTY IRAYS 1111 rolcIbod a,5000lab,onl Coo,on-111nk1_ O blbalui 7780 MIlwaukee Avenue, NIbs (847) 965-1315 HOURS 011111 Ill-Il f IimoAgIlIiog loll Olb5ObdbIcb'- 10011110 lIlI IlCilIlif lui 111,101' MIll. ¡*';/' 8,otc PAGE 5 VOIlOu NubI10'00 IlIbrIlbo l'luillua- S,Ifdbl lIrlIbblog b'0.OddbOI - pillo I 11110g lIbo MILD$29 NOT Vobo Resurrection Home Medical Equipment Has Moved LEAN und ono r,l buIldIng a, RE01100011III IVIISII Doy Soro-vro, Correr, libo noS- 11f. onrod II)' lIlo SIlICIo III lIC IIlll lIlo 110100 IB 1.010011 honro 111111111 0010 OClIXIlIkI Roo- SIrrolilIn Hoalolo CrVc II OlbolIlIb. - DELI- loro tufIllo Rnoar,eabior Smoking Cessation Workshop February 19 $39* 3 LBS OR MORE 11rbonly 11f Noororebll slId lIbo SI,- Udo' IO 1b0 Monday IlboblugI, 1oi. doy. f101110 rolo 04130 711m. RorurnoClIol I-101110 ModIo-al ISlalpI000l 711111db, FCnraI, par. 0111100 and Iblbnbm dolivorno al all IbolIlCIolodmoal equiplllen, and ropploos. Floe ponklog IO aCalIa. lolo. und pOli011o bInd 11100 f01,5. LB PATIIC $329 SIRLOIN CUBE STEAKS GROUND CHUCK RClSlrCdbIbbI RullIo SlCdlcrol Uqaip1nonm Iba, 11111101 IO 2433 Nonlb 14501011, Ao'cour, 1110 laIne 111000 luniar Varaiby 101110 phaond IlbIrd aal of CithI 1001115. als'IlblVakillg 1110111 ohgihlo. Congralulallon1 Io bolh babIlO for hL'IF 0000 110111 700- Sul OIlI000ll,ll0 gollld A fsll '00go al iIifIl.qlldiml .ECKRICH '-"n HAM $398 lIllIlkilIf 10011101's O lbrkollulp''lìroClillbl, 01UbOlI5 LAND O'LAKES ECKRICH AMERICAN CHEESE' BOL 34574m, R011r000liOr 1411010 ModlorIl Uquipboborb Is pool of Roourrao. boll l'lruilh Caro. ChiCugu1'n burg. mIl Colholio bouIllI SySICol, wllioh olso include1 oighl hoopilal,, IS fumIng hObOOS, loar roOioonborb CO101OSniOiES, a SUOgCry 0000Cr. koh'ooinral heollll roroioo1, dIr' ono of OOIpaliOOb uod Inodcal III' ECO facilillos, hospico so'rI'uoos - PRODUCE lull' 111111110 lIC 001101,11 hillIplIrIl 01 000g IO olOIlLlOf CC.01iIllubll Cabo. 11,1k. Dofocry 01 hods, luibEClOhilIrs a,ld supplies IS OlablOblo by Call. ingi773I 35328m 11111118 0111111 930 .E1,, 000011 day.oau'ook SAS drlys 0 yoar. Por Ell0rgono 1db. lICO dho1 9r30 po,., colI 171181 full 111111 1111, Vrllcoullno's 1)11l 110,-Ill llllnbonbrdioaloqallln1o1l11oul11l ahId. includIng loloplIrli I,odo un. ygoo oqbliplr,Col, lb Ing ballI Im000IlCo sod maisod 1111101 1ko moCan, 20h01 YVCXI IllInois Choorloadìng Cor,cl,os Asmocu. - III l'I 10,11.1111,11 Ile in PICOIIICIII II 1110 IOL'IIII,li 6011111011 AId 5115 AiaI11l SF010111 l011111C0 11101 libo 10,111. 1111011g IhOlIl bIn 111110 lily 1111111 NblbIllo,r IlilIlIlls 11lIIIilI lrOlfllrg AO.'Illal,II 1111 0111.11 Pibliudl CIl1011 1-uro ilu1uuuoo1 l'0101111 uul lilo VV,bI 001. albd Ibalkrluubnr Io,ds, inclad. 1110k f1111 placa in lIbio div,sionum - 0.001X011 CIlaOlI,n, bol CIIII1IIICIOO lIlo 7111k IiiObr101. IlL' n'I lia01', lilO 151111111 TilE BUGLE, THURSDAY 'FEBRUARY 13,2003 e3 98 LB noI Nool, Voroìly Ciuoorioadoro Inka DENTAL EXAM, --X-RAYS & CONSULTATION Emergencies Promptly Treated laVI illCrlIIlafllbo- ablrlolplr010 Cllmlgrolulallallo la lIbo Silas - FOR ÒÑLY $25.Òo* lilo 01001 II 5X10 bIb hr1rg hack lI011ll1,1C511 I 710 lilla n Voi OrlIno SEmanEro bthBoIy 22! XlOuy.A ERI In DIEBINI IlI000r 11f 0110.1.011 pilaf. anllarrlgun. aId .1 parfclA for THE NEW POSE' OPEsmorpeos .1 .111111110 hIco 111 011101.00 KoX, rico 11.10 611111110 (101100 ('11,-1111 151111 ('lllllIllCIOO bIlIl III 1111100 III iilarodav. Fob. Ii, 111,111 .7 . 35 lO S p II. Free Market Analysis Buying or SellingONE Call Does It All' ('oOIlblllIkl hI lIlo laid 1X111 U,uipIu ('11101 l'col HllIoo.ÓUIAN NiraA1o, ir Carol Picana, CRS, ABR Richard Harczak, Co.owne,s The Real Estate Superstars" HILES Morton Grove fire chief honored with VIP award FRESH WHOc MUSHROOMS fr11111 V101111.111g" lìi3Olo.l uro oCIbodIlioll Irlllmullp 01 111711.101 Wodoosdu' Froodllro, fIll,1l SbllOkilg" nEcIo dol olapod Irr lIlo AIlIdrbao,b t.allg 1oXlll,'l,lll11r 011111 1X10 do,gnod Ill nlllllkC1O kick lIlo IlubIb 100' IlIlInvIllIrO doll, io llo Ufilod - 'lila foC 0111 lIlo Coarse $177 $23 1X111 Is' OelurOOd 571111 500 coosful llrubk'bnlOcllInploIlull 'i" lOg101Ob f111 1110 prIboralbI, Cali 0. WHOLE ANJOU L10l 81122 i. 59fB Norwood Park Home Invites CARROTS 79C i LB BAO And Meet Its Caring Staff Tuesday, February 25, 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. -' Afier lime four join us forCoffee ammd Bakers Square Pie! Upon leaving atoo receive IWO ramplimnelltarp dinner NORWOOD PARK HOME 6016 N. Nina Ave., Chicago, IL 60631 (773) 631-4856 SALTINE ICANNOLII CRACKERS MADE FRESH I __1y__ 1. LS BOX C 26 OZ JAR DUTCH FARMS BACON ' I SAPO FOR T HEE$E PEPPEROIII STEAK DEUJXE CREAM C i LB P185 STEFANO'S CALZONE Sou CORN KING 16 OZ MINELLI'S HOMEMADE S. PELLEGRINO SPARKUNG MINERA). WATER S499 68.45 OZ Bn. PIZZA 2$12 FOR 2J9 LI You To Tour Our Assisted Living Suites (lunch) cauponsforfullsre loe al Norwoorj Park Home, PASTA SAUCE MINI PEARS S1SI.3..0IDVDCA'l'U I I'8811.333 OPEN HOUSE i LB P50. s null learoskIlls IO ohamge lIoso- SALERNO HOMEMADE I NANNINA s IlIr000nIly, lilo I1111k11r1f1 1100501 lull IIVIO.'IXIOF OIInlISOrfllOf dId ro. 100001110 looholqurs. Pron,olpouul, 101101 proo'dnlahie oroalo PASTA 2 Í FORSO Oboolngsboginrlingllohrooary 9 alo NANNINA . BECKS $1A99 12 PKO' 12 OZ BOTTLES CARLO RO I WIN 4 LITER 99 IB TURNING LEA! PINO GRIGIO, MERLOT OR CABERNET SAUVIGNON. 750ML A CHEESE PAGE 6 TUE BIJGLE, THURSDAY FEBRUARY (3. 2003 Cap raised on county tax deferral program R5M Villager Tonj Brens Broker awmn.Tonißrgns.vom E-mai IO Tonitrnsn.cnm Certified Residential Specialist Bi-Lingual: English/Polish 20 years experience Nues Resident Scniorv sub incomes of 540,007 or Ivvu snap ho Ohio lo dvfcr ali or pan of propvmy las- Tos lloferrsi allows enriar ors' loans ro crop io short horneo co levied on riivir homes lisis loor, if tiny Elch7 Marcir t 'lire loon, or 6 porcerr srsrpte in loros i, lais svsiort ye)' vliaory ren vIbre haney Ihtrougit loans orn limar aro repaid when rire home rs Ctisnty Cettitosssterrvr,avabur. hmsn hewnsbip a.sssntor. ne by hic Senior Carrer Tan Doforial irr;;grani 105001v progranr iii Av coanly ireasurcr'sofflcc. Horseoa'rvisar leasi 65 yerro old who have lived In their ionic. sr basi ihme years nay qoahufy. Call for a free market evaluation direct: rl ooneo loancial burdens. void ni tiro ownor isev Up ro Ill) per000t nf propemy lacee oar be dnforred every year o 100g uy rho resal ow000r Ile. lerrod dinesr'l enceod iIi percerr Morton Grove mosque plans not yet final of sito manse's eqairy. Applrcanilloc assi bercoorsod ovsuully. Appticatlor fontis avastuhmlr at Cururry tire Itostding. h IS Nerih Clark Sr, Chscaga. through n so Caol pitone as i3t2b 603.5783 This yoist's $47,000 bmsnrt 505er iovmasvd brhrlti tasi year's cap of t).S,I, Cu'ver Science Fair (847) 965-4286 ii lOemiscib pF.u::m bue htuu,luon i'Csliis .idhuli:,ii ('rmmmoriioilis libe' Grob puhluc iio.im:vi,.v each viSive independenhly owned and operared lic hmnuuincn lv ochoduied l'i LI' lb Do you help an older relative or friend? needs il l'li III vr CtltCK :11 SAlAI) iii l'Virile tiros,1 voli Ene', l'IJ't'liO & EGG SANDWICH soi Fnielr Ihnwl nidi hIre. ......1.95 SMAll. CAUSAIS SOLItI 191 Svluoblncm sou Ire n spiravo, sbucgirrer. ilauglinom.in.laa'. as' esbrrmel,ublno,,r innen, bese Odd I 70 clasnov nula! l'o for i'imu, FInally lev wrmnbvmv iou Add t 70 CEIICIOIN in 't'lA nilO g 'l'UNA MELI' ai Maliv, Dotavi' JI hIGO 11,1 5 lsthLl:xt: baonliry riO_5 665 voua loeluvt. 'clincc huai al,ululcr,uumrab,vmouglnde' ,llnnr,firssvvl noir /d,nrl a/Osso1, u'issons.anullo.imvbiu iuoataiielp' ful te,roumce, lnior.icbrir cruel 233 N. (773) 327-20Se For32 In All-Around The latent ix R0000ise Equipment Personal Care Weight Training Swimming Pani und ysimap illicuvhloliv iniake bros dynanec unid cliovilio sobl'curv Yearn We Hare Been Providing The Ideal & Spa. programm - Classe,uuuvrcluulvisf'b17 The 75th annual Culver Science Fair wan helden Toeottay. Jan 74. The excellent pee/ants make Hair Staaping Hair Catering Hair Styling Permanent Waves Skin Cane Faciatn us Massage Make-Up Manicures Pedicures Ondy Waning Perennal Stainer Aradable ,umusi are cubed mr liaIsed ytoiossico' Cengrarolatiema ta Raben CodOng, Tempe Bhattawltarya, Soaso Baitaowshi, Katie Deosent. Jamen Hemp and Damier Bothewvku (net piotored) Who wil go onto repensent Caber School at she Re5ieoai So,nnve Fair 515.111v ciuvn iuum lIlo "Heun Healthy Easing" will On hin Sitio of a fmo comosuniry picgram in Pebmany sponsornd hy Holy Fussily Mvdicai vetoer. Tho program will he offered nl Aren locarions ihrocghnur the month, Ir will robe pInce no Fvbmny IO ficus 7 ro S p.rsr. as ilse buoy 'trails Pabilo Librnry, 355 Svirovvbeck Road, Wheeliirg; Prhraary ii from 7 ro il p.m. nr Ills Macor Prospoor Librory, 052 Fvohanvjliv Drive, Moans Pros. pool; and or Frhruaiy 26 frorri 0,37 lo 2:55 p.nr. at Ihn Oakron Arriw Rvriroment Contro, 1665 Oukios Pii on. DvePiainrs. ¡0181 618U111C06C1f1 hirurscosomnm bleuI nieckhi nl eemy duffnvult tor the judgne no determine the WlnmOm Programs for Healthy Eating for the Heart Vhintpnsl tIll leoiv bila' millo. S'i,u cisc,,. limipruune doce oIl' confidence iy-mnensuiivmrnuouc,ao Irr) Cl ii 10109' SitiAR airO Mwlicd l'volere 0.0,5 ALSO SPECIAL PRICES ON DINNE9S S'non: Iran lot Chii'Ovv.Sno'i & Oar Geldern Fre,lr 'nl; baile We're Not Just A Hair Salon imivoiIr abo rin u,cicu,iiie lo y:lrnici. fi 65 lt'tit'& 555155 'rrnts'nljiowtt.ot' nidi lilo, 0,1cr rebarien or frmend lets doy, Aptil 6 Veiporaixo Univemitysvniirr Nsru'inod link. 7114 SEnsi Hug' Losira Schrnednr efSkokir. IL, io studnor svaching for Ihr Spring Engineering and Nursiog. VU aise han sr honors eettuge, u graduare dieisisr anis scheel of 2003 somestrr, Schrondrr io student reaching nr Morgeo Township Rlnotanr School, Ohr is working ir Cuva- lys Frinod's oroend mdv clots. roam. A sntnnsseo of sludvor iaactling iv mqaímd oEull teuotror nducorirrn osajors st Valparsilli U sire rs/y Lauva Schrnsoder is mojoving iv eleltresrioy edocarion in she CIrllrgeotArrsatrd Scloneso, She iso 1999 giodcare cf Milos Tvwavlvp WosI High school osi iv rire Join a Step Aerobics Class at Nues Park District Ntlov Park Disrricr muimos you io leexn nra', crearivy slop connbi. riaient tOd leohoiq005 along ludO ehomegr;npined ornehic mniovrorevnu! You trill acoimirn. plish hie lecht,icai aeirrc-r'ormromnss ofstep und phyanoel lib neun m'mite Loading rire program will be Knrhy Cvriaii, a rogisrerod ironiron''ir Holy Parniiy Modicoi Ccv. nspenivncisg lcboendorofSknkin, soi. Ccrrari rvil iii.vccvv irirporrosi vieps in vnioclivg and preparing ho,'iri hoaiilry foods, inoicriing peckayo label mailing, earing ncr wrrhoar guilt, rvdaving sail intake and sew produca riraI can help iv pieparsngirvairhy fooils, hems Usiv'orsiry shun enrolls 3,600 aredanra es ils campas leocred 39 silva vaurlreash of Chi- litrill of rhyrhrrmio nr000nnvsn. talarrsvort sm designed na coridniíors rito cendonvasculos sysnelrr. build Vatparaino Ueiooruisy is anm indepondeor cetrtproh000is'o Lu. vogo. II vonsistonnlyisnsrrkod bine fmodonu and muscle teso and isorouue cridanunur. Clauses are being alfoned urn 'l'ansiay esoningt Itorrn Orni 7 pou.. Ttrornday eI'crn'ogu ficor 5 RED RIPE I I2c 'í1nno pobbic braning is ser for bloniset Cali Flur IOsere g ins. ClOcagul ctaasra led by: lny Bale und Mrlsoio Ch.lcnr, nSbohnoirmrr's As' seniarier .. ('meures 111mm Chap. obuummmnalion or so neg' ionen. 001110es isiarbiem Info lIiass5t 651.2560. or vìsil st 18591 toww.mateerlsfes'syu. cons. High School baseball players The Nile. Sasebumli Lragun is Imalding tegmiln;muieor fuur sine 2003 Sessoo. Il ymuu play ylmob School Ball, rn do nimm, pbeahe consider signisg up Sahunday, Feb. iS, IO mito. bru pmo am lilo ytewerd Laluare Cerner, bb7b W, l'limwaid 5h, in Airs pme..Seaaorsrerrs b Shreor. Bo sayo no cull 16451 967. and 000 0ccnioj unni oighm gorrmou 6633 ai slop in the Hawued Loi- arder the lighrs. Any i1oeshiOinI, emil lost Beruacu. Cnnontiiuyiosvr NBLun 18471 470-8409. secs Admivísnr;rruius, sure Conrer ra rojisrem! l'y samuraI 10 qaOshiOO wholbOr he prmce 005'-too ball, and sehlcau mItOs do, lt's mora imponlulflr. 11,1001 nr, su anderutand has Ilmy liumnmery'au privad correctly. muro io bah caused ha tull prnccofier! Socrate humrhuyorscarnparisiuo'sirop. hoy reeegniex humes ahsch ato vserpnicvd. Au a rosull. hucorvrmmuyavliid somos priced high by reausiog ir soorral wuya. Frnrm. she y many uso hIn euvr- pmiced honmo 1m, jaotify the loner prIce mro anoshot honrme, pulokarim16' ml momnaud, '111cv, KIWI TANGERINES I2c I2EA EA XRETSCHMAR SMOKED OR HONEY HAM WASHINGTON SMALL GOLDEN DELICIOUS APPLES, I2c°' EA 'BLOCK & BEI' FRENCH OVEN ROASTED BRIE CHESE TURKEY BREAST 2?B MEATS LEAN A PENDEN PORIC LEAlI & lENDER FRESH CHICKEN TENDERLOIN DRUMSTICKS BABY BACK RI:' horcos posood abone ho lnaakct L'Ihr eaaue she mclv yufuthrr bornes, sIULLERS 2% MILK $1 Euenwlson buyers hsve a smrorg inreresl in the oye5100d EAcH GALLON n, 'i DUTCH FARMS" DESDE A 0(1RA LARGE GOthEN GUERNSEY ORANGE JUICE EGGS 89 69 ,EACH 1/2 GALLON lUMfl2t IOtOO. thny Iondtereimcsyegorise- ,.EACH DOZEN ly lo he prior by making a low GROCERY/FROZEN munc hoau'ii ffer, Ohren. Ilse offo'rmu ASSORTED DINIOALA PASTA so lou' us re he elfontivo ro tho soliera, and iu Ormly rojecred. l'irubiy. bayort msy avoid the 2 overpniued lilao cowpinnoly. umlukang no Offol whoIsnovor. 'l'tre ytoabon lhs Irvnn if their bow olfo'tisIco Ophrd, shyytesysthtl he'Irloqmuiying ilinnbe hanle, Sormie huyo'mn nay uoruully oSier fall pnco, 0000 though mho nomme is priced uub000 Ihr markeL Ur,fonhuo;mlcby. nile yumlr culs br leodor'u cppraiuurl ml rho bosm colmes: bock ionIen Iban the bioriog sir sp io I nn'cli RES'INFO 1737-46361. Orsi pr,mspacs torve in offered full pnico? Would ovo 1mo ploasrd. or moocld you woedur whesher yco had priced year humo roo tow? Houte ieagco 111m 15, 1h, aumd 17 by/i ho mold at rilo Tatri Toanis & lejos of Arra and Scionceu, lusi' od )vun vaIna fon sale, und Av shonls orn tune b'I'hia leogue ny a p00 eroguen so. graisms nro ohfonod riirougls lic cul. H ow wea bd you fool if you lish- A 'real oumuse agnnl can yena homo us "fa'in triar her SuIno" neaulhing rl an cony solo, Is's thon May 5, md ube royuiar Season iris opponrunily nlb000tlnae piuying rho Dream (torre of Itasehull, ALL gamo't Ilvo phuiyeul In Nmies, iss Coonpicu, 7686 ITS SOLD! HONEY IMPORTED - yeau old ployons. IAAAI 'tobo Mary Ihue 61) academic pro- EA Grove's wunmuipal vonher, bISt Tmnsrsnu cuS lbbpnnn no 6p.m., and Saiaedinyrtiomnings Rogisrraiivn is required. Foo vorn infomrariorr nr re togissor, vail RISS-INFO roll free ail-877- PLUM TOMATOES 7 30 pm. Prh, tO as Menes t 3, 27, Aptnl 3. III md OO'ed000' ontong rho Midweui'a icy cci ven. tirios by U.S. Mows & WorM lOo- moor Il no Il Imam. All oi'asteu -'s Thuurvd.ih. htarch b. Local Student Fulfills Student Teaching R equirement daughner ofTimathy und Mcnitye - of cissacs us Sill anih 50 00v' 55 lumod aaam due ru' usahibimy ro try Join us for a 12.81 $ale,abration! boa. isoahod cl 8601 Monaci, mn icc king aspucmui-osc pomnsl linar Isuloedod ro go uineumd wirb hr HURRAH! tetaba HAPPY 12051 ANNIVERSARY! mmm hIc heighr of us spine. tOesisionu oro ruikisg louper lIm.nn crpcvsed. causse. birria i Tioulnfrnr C'ore. C.rpuisoa Ave, Oi l'ere. aill cuculo milurin bolnor. irala ocarl,a i,unvr bule a'nrh he SPECIAL BUSINESS LUNCHEON Bakery, Deft, Meats & Seafood of lineimed pushing msi pmohictmm 'lIre hlanlim Cowmunisy Ceo. rnrsrrn, k e.ulmen, bui i' lun.paen Slid; Chicken lunar Snips SMALl, CttEtiK SAlioS) Willi Cloe'koi timan Soir, Pi,rse.cin,4efdjijo,al, UsaI 000nlnf&,iep 111e umcmghhvuniiosid 'O_c mienil l'io 'loon uiniiucdr' Produce World International Market Vnll;sge Admsmoisnra' 'OrIm ,;ntd lie 1,1CC io oyrsg nul cm ihm host plums possible no ad- a heart il seule bm,nmkisrlun's disease s't:: meld bun larry AnSI, minimi liii b',,lvuiiorviv. ,nni i Pno'rrfei l'mslt Su,r C lsrngior rs C.iling iu,iiluinuenure u'nrha ch nonisnllncvslojban ilvronnll'a, mV/pager: (847) 817-4265 Offices (847) 657.9100 ent.47 Jll{1! PAGE 7 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY FEBRUARY (3,2003 Tom Dudcsnuki. BrokerlOwner Ahorno geally Group. Inc. 7917 N,Milolmukee Abo. Miles. IL 607 b 4 847.647-4000 o, ase' an bcnI'm o ' re ab y - gro up . o o m HUlUlA 1 MARINARA SEAFOOD MIX GORSHI 2 LB HAZELNUT SPREAD $199 - EACH (2302) RYE BREAD - $)99EACH (1, I8 BAG) PINKOCEFIN PERCH 99L 8800 WAUKEGAN ROAD MORTON GROVE, ILLINOIS (CORNER OF WAL5I(EGAN A DBMrSTER) (847) 581-1029 Heurra Mon.-Fri, B-9V sat, 8'8r Sun. 8-7 SALE DATES GOOD 02/13/03 TO 02/19/03 (SKIN ON) THE BUGLE. THURSDAY IOEBKUARV 13,2003 I'ACE8 District 64 School Registration CORRECTION processing only. oration for hoto rogirtoring io all If you havoauhild who will or. tondo Dinlriut 64 rohool io Orli Carponrorschool,300N. Humlin An., 310-4370, grader, K-8. To ho olifiblo foe 2003 usonow or tran,sfoning glu. dont in Kindorgonten through 8th goodo, you good tu rogistor hint or lion now. ContatI your local Din- Hold Suitoul, 707 N. Winror Ayo., 318-4305. Pronklin Suhool, 2401 Maouo Ln.,3l8.4390. nict 64 school lonrcoivoorogis. Itoosovolt Sohuol, 1001 S. Forrviow At'., 318.4235. Woshinglon Suhoul, 500 ration packot. Actual rogisloation will bu han- 4104 in pornuo ululi District 64 frutti 4-7 p.m. und on Wodnos- StowatnAv.,3l0-43h0. Lincoln Middlo School, 200 S. Lìncoin At'., 318.4215. doy, Pubmory 12 groin 4.7 pto. lt it not nocessary that ho child uc. Ontcnaon Middlo School, 0101 N. Cunrborland, Ntlou, 3106110, compuny poronts fon lite oogiutoo- lion procoss co Fubnuary Il or TItrer pmofs of mtidoncyaiid lbs child's original biolt cooifl- 2. Thoco dates oro for paporwork tate aro roqairod al tinte of mgir- ouhools un Tuosdsy, Fobruuty Il Susie's l'ti Men. Wnnwn . Chlldrnsa . Teens 9225 Wnala,am, Mooms 0m,,, ILt000S 847-663-0123 SKIN Ottling Pewing Moitaon Foigh Pshooni Fsll body omiag nalsup Oighligliirg Colmng FREE Dmali.t.iust For Systial Scission 'Prono 'Fontes 'Wrdiitsgo 011'l'CE077FICAThS AVAILAOLE NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY. HOURS: Thes-FrI: 9:00-7:00, Sat - 9t00-6:00 pEDGEFA a8ItBtrnFrG1JflErS Wmdntionpis00o Senator Garrett Offers Scholarship Opportunities inGroaiTonsn (rO Dy Stil Sciumìdt Slab Fonio inourasco agonI Dnioiog oslnile druwry may ho Sloop dopnoalnnin boo irr.'ctntno Stato Sonasor S000n Garrotl fD-Higirwooril 0000srced Be alert to the dangers of drowsy driving torrtuf tnloait000t o .nerrous a prehioor 00 dnvinf while Irtioni' calci. up- wude.sproad in Aonoriva wo 100' pio ir, iii squ000a irr ero ari ,tttiro acliciilrn idle each day. One con' scabu0000: rvono ieInicio onaolreo tIlo read aoci noarhy rIcan Stop llnnaroci cony 1Mb mil cv rn tail lncrarn il you rood ore. takouslrnirm rap 1)0 foi 001110 cmerotno .' Oar n b.00. 11101F up high school ocrions and cus000t lion iNH'l'SAI ostitnaico 1h01 ai oolloge cod grad agro io boul stu- least dents. mono roholarohips oro 5101 rliø,Ofifl crashes, doorbrs cod 40,000 maces euch Aoomi alc,rhn,l tri 010db.,. rione tIrol may n,akoroa sleepy upon ro rosidrnts 01 the 29t1t Son- your can im blatried or dnirwn) nl yi,a have any synipltmnbn ola l'000,hbn Higltwood, Norlhb000k sed party of DosPlainoc, Funs Sheridan, Gleruinw, Knollwood. Lakc Ol0ff. LaIte Pomst. Moud Poor. mcl. Nibs, Pmspour Flotgitra aod Rioorwoods. Eighl, fell luition nchttluesbrtpo will ho sworoled by a comrnttreo of oommueily oelasloors hasod she appliounsu' ocodnmtc h brices of reuotrrmnndalìoo, cito.' floored admisoiun grattas, and h. nantiob nood. Stodent.o may ro. quest applico lions lottttr tltoir high uchool counneloro or iry calling Sen. Garters's irfitco or 1847i 433.2002. Pourof the ochobooshipo will Inc uwoedod to atadoeto orlending uro driving. And Illuso ,nr0000000ca' NHTSA als,, sayo aireut I md' ton csiashocaycltr aro nitoughl tr too er bagnes'' and fatIgue nuukes suc h isaitsottur mtnrs the. Isa 1995 sarvoyby 1110 Nat,or' al Sloop F,nondau,or, 37 portonI ol hamo intcrviou'ed said lucy lIed dnoos e'Irlo doowsy ori 23 ¡sonoont sdn,iiiett ro haolng buon ooleop bottin the wireal NHTSA rrposno Iras sleep' tnduced onaylron typìcoilytnooivo a Inicuo c'ho ia obero unii ti ricing lolo al nighrirrinrrruduflrssncrnen u hlgir'sprod rood loo lito oros1, to 011100 likoiy to irosortouol Moist el sire time, it's a singlo Citi ccciii hocauso ihr vnh,ubr boors rho rniudw.Sy. tjnitcniity' of lilrnoiscatrtpaoos. Letto ihr in'Ing lu thooe und four will ho avitilalrlo lii, 0lit. deotsattondiog any of ho ctltcr aro o'ido awakol In 011101 u,ind cIato uno'iersiuiot in liltnuia. Completed applicatsosan moni be resolved by Sen. Gar- cell's nWsce ut 425 Sbnridan Road, Solle B, Illghwood, IL, 60040, by 4p.m., Apoll 19,2003. Awurds wall bo ossrsnoaood by mid-May. Consult u di'Iirr sirop disordor: fneq000libartnloie mbeepiress. frequent ntlihcuily miooping si nrgi,t, liud oo,rnog ovruy roghI, occoe hccauyeoudrtoeeinstion' Western Illinois University Area Graduates furo untying t bog donoc ,hi,ii i dnir'tog dortog riot, irardy'o oily. WE SEE YOUR NEED FOR LIFE INSURANCE GRO\VI NG EVERY Di\Y. SOI 15F \\HLI7I. Cil 15F I Sctmeol Olio niok I_adding; Ion Grade ' ligur Dedhiu, Kyle tloCaflooy, Dimtin,ouSasidiu; 2nmd Grad, . Eliaahorh Hoi. hml,,,k. ltl,uhuei Soowooyh. Kesir 711m Grado: Dura Wicrabioki, Drod Spningor, Ken Kuulhoid, i°sqsu An(1, Moolmoon Gallon, Joe Kaublm,mld; Wilier, Abon An000ijooic, Mogeo Gibbom, HsYoung Kim; Ori G,raie - Enon Alh,nasioa, l,i,nry Sufivun.Josnios Mrmri, Robocca Rolonio. Acgobo Chia, 410m Grad, 'Ashen Ceoe. Liam Androw Yang, Roh000a Hong. Ohm Grade, Emily MoGainr, Ryan Ch0000b, Sumo Koimous, Mcsnssll Gheomala. D'inIrlei 71 Kiisdergarlin Strsdmnln Csinbratn 100 Dnyr nf 111,ln, R oren Gula, SI/u GroLe . Slophanic Sorks, i,t,anoc hbomado, Lenny Rrincb' nial doy on Wodnooday, Fohrimuny 12, iO was thoir bSOmh day nl nohool. Il mm at day fall of educotionol eolioimio.5000100e d or mho nuwhor ISO, The smudooms heno boon bony ut heron wish a proj000 Small Coffee & things uni onmange Ihom io a dis' play mo be shuend oith mho ombor nladonts, TIno sIsiOnlO also enjoyci IO bOO pi000 snook, dm0 O piot000 bfwltst they will book libo wimee hoy oro IDO, ohoono ïtemn 10 boy P5kv5 bui 1100. huibl bOO Donut Donuts $599 Fr i 8 io gothor e oolbootion of ISO uolefl Donuts Coffà/Soda Get i Donut 0= FREE r,slo,ass,ssrno'sws's 55,.. an,Omon.os Clria.nO OiLES pioco O owarsor i buildings. pal iogetimor e 11M pu000 poaabs ari (7731467.0046 (007)583.1062 gr,ndli:mlc Goldnl.000 or,l brfoomne. Graduado mon holiolclug mIlo Cainor onda: Rn Romprns,hlo, 8e Ponilise, Bc Rn' ipoctlsb ob poople ori peopony, bIo Honcol, Ile Ceoponslior. Con. Detectives arrest burgier SpoIling Ben nl Cssiser Schont, Clmnmootn spelling boo Nibs Pohico I norult'gebe, ir o 0000rcm ilh Ihn Weslmool Po' luce Dopsom onraorosle d s Mr. Fichad D, Borain ofGaoy lydia' corona Ir gmios 45h uhmagh 01h comlpeind te one scho mdl roprr' 0001 Culoor S0000l sI Ihn 21103 lito arrnal000uuohur god by ('hIcago Tnihuro Spoiling Rea, lire Spolltrg Doe woo Tunutlay, holh dopuromonis Io rasen'os of EÇ E ? '.Murphy's ofNiles E 7v 7305 N. Waukegan Ave. 847/647-0812, NOW OPEN burgbanios in whiob bio would 1111,0 persuoup001s nl5 with an rrroll,ur001 ob anloult OUI iba windows umfrhe tuo' gal b astres. n Io gaineo nr,, At tImo LUNCH & DINNERI tIson ca luir000dilir 00,111 lIllO Soho,,i 1 Lt», Soc,ai 15,01, lv lic 71013 rIsc ou Khlro, Sugar Dodinia. Arqsm Eta' t'amo, Daddy Niedaiebaki, Casey 'look, Umorosbgun, KcyisTooa, SIS Good,, lorophino Tnituch. l'suo k Ksubbold, Aleo Sunich, La- rosolI of chIs nonoilcoi pobioo work Oho Nibs Polioe Depart' Csosmant Dts,isig . Wood Hoeeiilg Oran 13,10111 Soir Ocollio' . marri in conosci Illinois. io0'root Bachelor's ao'aeobei Iso 550 utudo'nlo', trolu,l. 0 rrmro'a', hou f'olbrs'oo. I'S 00,50 0 lI',,rO R,' yolrnun hod irg ICI) oled onus ai,,, corre i iho Gum rie ou liv 115, il in dho mop AVIO Strani of'I'ousleoo'bl.Ia'hclol IrfAoru dogme iBO'l"bboSi, olincin indostgroi furaduli scudco,i, am piucobounihy w,irk 01 l.tlllliy 000punoihtbilles. hl' sien't Iogreco morded mu artbergr.ld0010 'tu' 'Iinloivcbuoioy Sunrura Ceni I..uodo,iVbIfìI',h 00 filmst 000nl'.IgOs 000 'lit vcalr: Nl.mgn.t llifllcn Cuoi Laudo, 375 mu 3.09 (S'A: andCusr I_cado, 3.0 nr 3,74 (ll'A. ,hroa500ierlscartlinf bielle' irr's ibogroos Includo. Vikas Kunior, hb0001ln Croco, Cheìo R, Mi,iok. Nibs, Irronmy S. Smeoy.Kiosor'aod Timoubty bI, 'Lei. 101111 of Park Ridge. tort, I Mid uoslili . lloro io'50l 'The b oInt Co io i,' 1,1,11ml, lIco el rallan A,uiooi000i. l,tcalod is Smanr Pork, IL ni ,,ulorimig collego sohobumbilpu m,,,iudo'rlc dovo000, Appli000l001 arr aoailuhlo loo olmo Wosico' Dilirv'n. ICCIA suhoborshlpusl ei $1,51X1 tuh,oh will he awooicd o ihponb. Appit. ourls nnusl ha gimli ,oho ero graiuuling loom imtgln oeliool ori huyo u grado mInI a101'.igc 013,75 0m higheruni ,i h, haoo losen s000pt- ri Ion ooilogu Dsautiimr Far sob' milling applicumiorms is hlas'sh cull 10471 967.6633 ou InsIto oir eppointouorl,mr so hava infoori' Ibm, Iltuilod lu you. Wo bock fur. wuricuuooisg yea! Roglslcatuolt ycll lolo placo Wodltosilty, Munch bm Iosiiotlts uni Wndncsduy, ttbumcl, i2f0000r'roo'idemltu, sclsuol nrudoolu lirlaio uni fc' lego irvoi sludc,iI olajoocog IO em bbodia Celmlomr000' usutniabod TIbiar Niles Park Spring ocheul cOrusco mo acoion, Seo our play-based caroioaiunu al io boum Ar Gpos H uomo is soltodubod fur ib, wook of Februory 24 duo' YousOf. Italian Anserican Organi'zatiaan Offers College Scholarships rosie) who belo loon aoccpmcd isla college oilil irlu'vtOfcatOhtubing a major lo Icurrllinum or Modi, Coo,eluniOaIiOOu' u cob' playing und running mogrulmom. Robo umor Shimanacuky, Erina Gao. Nibs oho's chiidmn and touohcnu uro 'lib Croak, Eddie Ponohhous' snuccru itios tod jo o by'mltOiUc lsmrlhcflltho'iill,Ocinli3OIo.o IO. Pnosìdorm of che Women's Dt. oiuion is Gina Solalani Tire John Fiocirolli Scheiurship Applioumitln tu eoaclohlo co high 'l'ooacimuel ,nirarsro.,!aQ.os,c uan.isinn. eOtss000,ss Isaa oecd soslil 'i,,,! 1OlIilil 0101m,Iu. li,mO oIr orIno I',,. !,cl,,i's loll 111.11' moro doy'000, Ii llliliiC nr i,ff000 li 's ,ii 'I i !'l.l,» A'iaiaygo,aen ' Amir Penas, ArIhur Smsmh, Syinry Hemaucu. dorIs li Colson Sohrol hod o opo' Sol,iwl ei Il ,l,iro,m .1iid irloon,,i. 101o S ysmclrr ii,, Sei ii, I ob l'att' 11ulroi co visim sob'assruu,rm. Pbo'a,so I STATE FARM IS ThERE." , i,',,, ilion ,\o'tri: 990 $399 School, TIm kindorgeoter sIa. nmoieouu am commondod lrdundoo! o, l'ail ,ilmi1oto.,r Oniso'0uil , . i,''ili '00110'rIiso. ii: ro'ooioc i oho Cuborr C ommrroo da. dhi. Abiolbah Motiwobo, 1051m Wasih,John Money; 11th Crea/ano Mallhaw Soholcr, 7_ununo Almud, B moan du Madri' go1, Kelly Pbeoh, Stevon Money. Nioubo MolI), John Nanshon, Pu' ,F,,nn,n,n ' i7fiOl 52a.m,As, cerossy.a foar.yoao puhicu 051,00' pr050holol cl'assoa. An uppoiniromont is co' LIKE A GOOD NEIGIII5OR attI ari lilo',o,,:rni' u Commnndaliaim boards. 'lito following uladcsts i'ohmury lb, Cougrsmubolionn 00 vg our with a minimum $10.00 purchase. neId000nic prsigiulmio, o. l,,.laiilopi, hruvci,,l muon Panunuainloresici Fork Dtmli'icy Blight Rogirnivf 5 I'rosohuol 2S1.l3'04 nohoul year oro iroiloi IO olbuen'e our pro- 'till Mail Si,,,, trill 40051l ls,ioc.i1nisf lonrenlor al Weslom lfinu,u fini' is tOfli, m Isolons .lvdl,ii,oi,'i,nl,,idill licou wIll ho ,,o.,,iAd o,,, , milo o ars soh,s,li Visit NUes Park District Preschool Bill Sobmidi, LUTCI' , ,iii:yi!i, IiI,,inc hlaOir iboo,i,,l ll.i!l "'1191 lIetI Dis'i s,i'o S irmol,,I Coo, I mtli Sto,1 crlt,i iiI '1i0 i'ilri n ceo's oaempuo, linceI i.i,i,ll» suoI danE, silos, I ol.i,s loll cnn almut ad lr,,,,:,,r,,ln, I ii raro noi Ii, 8e I'10500l,iiilosiri,11 ihr md. 00f sittiOIlu bao corred deg000s abcs rho 21012 itli Mom tl'liiIti'itInaoblio'yod hngi, grado po-nt ouggctr: Gci a f eard ntgiti'o olccjr oc roue)' I 7 im 'i 051ro tod ibe,oi 0 siS! I r, o'rolil:nto sOdIO tlrtogt it', coo do or .'nyoid itrittg oni lito N,nly,o.i Sloop Founiaiinrn sod 01h01 co' i i,,i)r' Visiliog i),t» i'., loo'!, iosyoniloor l,,ns,, 0 S.'i, I,,,, l'Oh' pli'gnrlvs Ittaltyof ut oilty 'v suocepithlo no i vt.nng tu'i,tic sleepy, hot lince .500 hoc nf Adnr,,,,r,,,,:, I III'ro SI smtlomfr,i,it,ilo eule'lrm,e pli,' 11Mo 15,011,0 g,',,1os ('iillogc of tuero It0000ird Oir ISA roadotlis iouieniio iiottOcm,,mr mea, *with 20% off our already reduced prices 947) 296.0121 nlraighl uheod sr all 111000, seuo ari down. ArA v,,io,dyo,o holy »vi' r",d' lirai prrno,'y,,o 1,0, re, Sial, Farvi ao,i,i íOoi,ioi,olay 1614 lisl)ilsI RA,, I)lsl.nsd Pill (847) 831-3040 ¡ng: dOSI oi,ruci,. DiivI erare, nay i'rafflc Solely ndoriswtra. 'i, vor iti,oil grues,, 0" jota "rood i,,r 9300 Mllrnanskni Aie., Nllei along le holp you slay lioakn cod possibly rhone lito mio,,,0 Irr long nips. Sil op sIrungIrl u'itllo miv. tm ro lllisoi.r stato uoivorsitien for thru Feb. Ii Celebrate If ponmihlo, lobee 'n'i0npon. olooptoost. 'lito Natiirrai rttl'down lirrc' their uttyd loir Feb. 13 maiiylm aloopiog. ai Assenstrly collego sclsolaovhipo nulos of Oanscockhuon, Dote' hold, Gleecoe, Highland Park, Crmlcmr 'Ehe I) irllliOi,.i» l'lliioriiii 01. arrnihutetl paci yerto'holly te lSngit District 71 News Dominican Visiting Day poeuritioo for 2003-2004 Doses. ato Distniot, lirio8 in rho oumoru- II Ss,'rs ILL' SOI Isrit hAllt kindonguoton, s child mont ho yours old 000e hofuro Soptotriirco 1.2003. PAGE 9 000uunLE 000PeNS BEST IN TOWN DONUTS AMY JOY THE BUGLE, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 13, 2R03 cations; or 'i OilllOfO uenttOr nche hes boos ooco11ncd as u gred0010 sbudono io c,iho'mof hes, oroits. Deadline For mubmmmiltiog appt1' calmos In April 19, fresidonl el 011o ICCIA io lioa000 S105tu MUST APPLICANTS SEND S Sl',5.MI5ED, SELF EN$'E[,OI'E AI)DRESSED TO THE JOIN'F CIVIC CI)NI' ITA1,IAN DF $lI'Il'EE AbIERIC,°5NS, 38101 DIVIAlbINE STREE'I'. SION 'i'. RK, IL 60165. mer! obeured'op 4 burglaries ihai wouotud thneoghoum nsaly Jano' amy 03. mn indiooled sabjool woo 0' FOR Ro1is'i, Chtrbrasa . DnUy Sp,ndaln Bn finnen, 11SO0,m. - 2 n,anl, Evoryd.y Kitarhois OPEI5 Everydny llm3O nm. - 50 p.m. haing held n mho Da Paga Cnanny laib pending hood nod his foncoming prrbirninamy hnaeimg, Gymnastics Classes 11111 1111111 511111111 hlilElSIhlS Il l$1111t1: 1,600 Tickets Issued During Safety StIes Park Disniol is sonnpuing mgiss001ion for ube Spnimg Learn' Check Effort ing Gymsunlics pmgmm. Classes umhold al Gronnan Hsigbls 5m. mochOs Censar, 8255 ObrO, in NIbs, Frogroata ors offered for egos SIa 14 yesro ori iooludn he' honors io udnasond skill bousin. .-w'a CroIt Coansy Dherift'u Police bRee issued mere thus 1,600 traf. Ro OibOIiOsm dons0 a yrselong 1111115G orsuobdowu en doegeraus rasi- THE BAND OF THE 6RENAOIER liQAHIIS ways with high nemeo of personal injury eccidents, according ro Ihn Sprìng sosuiurm boRin Mmroh SI und mIel on Moniuya and Priioyu. Skills luoghI inoludo uns. bling. haisroc beam, voulsiog, OgRos of Shnsiff Miobasl F. Obrabas. Uuilining raudons rosimido ,r,ivi'-oonup ori baos. gnsidnnO safely ehoobou, Sheriffs Polise foeu anm 141 and rar'residsnm Peau aise mrnrsue i 45 mOlonisms fac DUI olfmoseu as part oflhe crock' air Sib. RegininoOiar is brtng lob. nIl um Ihn Houari Loimurc Cooler, 6076W. Howard Sn. io Milos, Por coarse of 2002 . Icaro how Io osco web bmewnerto siuil ritmar of irconoum und uso omcui. Virmtsos end soub.oiruspno' Oo'otiom mill bocovonod. Class null hc'I'uesioy, Msnohd Iromo 6:3Sln 9:30 p.mst. I,m lIjo Hui,urd Lotsvm Cooler. plugOani foe ir $45 for rouidontsolid 155 f00 coo' 000hdorlo, C,,li (847) 567607310m iufrmmomion on n'olI su uiditi000l oomrlpulOn o les000 of fo roi. ¡III Scuis 015H[RNUERS CIUL'IIUuIN)Itlli checks wear held daring mho 1100, pio'asn cobb 18471 967.6975. l'bis durs ,oiill iourei000 p0010 110 °tVonid Who Wob, Yon will Ill liii lPU Il tRIMS II IIICI?Ó l iowe. A lobI of nine smfemy rione inlonratios ahoarGymnon' Learn & Explore the Internet HANOi atROSS THE SEA or lacarious Oheoughoal Cook Couney llar ase known fon high sea/Oc deesimy or hìgh ralos of accidenls and olber orhiouboo incidenta. "Slopped up IrafRa enfonce' mens and sufemy oheokm 0m key obomenis io prevanlingaOoidnnls sni enforcing safe doming or oar nouds,"ShoribfShcuhao said. Nreriy i 0.000 nehialon passed Ibeough Shcoifb'u safemy chtek' p0mb ,ì Ib' loar ycue uod more rhan 7.600 nohiobes w eneuooaenr i in the p rocce e, Addilionubiy, ufb)' cors iusuoi SIb tiobeis for drivers 1,10 hod no proof of inslin0000; MONDAY1 UBRUARY 17 e 8:00 PM lt$AlaffitO arena 382 ciokocs mu douAnes wiih sas- poned, mosukad oo eIlt,'olioonuo ulfcosce und lISludni venom job' nor proporoc hiobe rogismroOioo. aislo. .v ptiC«ii 312.55.-1212 .9 nthIs thk.1.ni.e.m THE BUGLEr THURSDAY FEBRUARY 13, 2003 PAGE iO De-stressing divorce On Tancday, Fels. 18,1045 to p.m. Jennifer Giletseiss, LCSW, therapist and trainer, will intnoducn you ta a program for managing samas that inctadea progression relanation, visualization. sncolar meditation, asaran1045 marl of suppate systems, and practical strategien far managing meetings and face-ta-face rs- oourtrrs. Losen how ta keep your cool when things arr difftcolt. Per-registration mquastcd. Coat $25. Office of In Tocch In Balasto, 800 Custer, Saite 6, Evanstao. Limited scholarships available. The EA Sparso Rauedbsll Classic, fnataeiog high school basketball sennetion LaBran Jamen end ooze 20 athor promier high school baskotball ptsyars from around the couetay, will ho played at the United Cnrter on the Classic it non played cacti Contre has alOco, Ticketreustnr laastionn, online at aac.w.ticket. roaeter.00m, or by calling (312) "J'renidfrng Care Fear,, lr,far,trs Tan Srniem' New Deetal P.flou consider aponing yod boato und your beati ta samoane le aced of a homo, you might plat oeatltad' ingtianofthe folloa'ing footer pitranting classes. Everyone iswol. cama, eegardtoss of acte. roligìon, ellrticity lin economic crrcumntancas. Infamtutionon how la become a Culltotic Ctrartties (mIar panent witt Ira rmaent. Fchacaey IS, 2003 sl 7 pri. I Clraeitiec, Noohsccat Sate. OlSon, 1717 Rand Road. Dacplaioas, IL, E,pbm,as L...___.J Fehmcry 20.aty p.m. Catholic Charities, South Suburban Of. I. f 16100 SeIme Drive, ScalO Htillard. IL. S A For ebro tnfaarsatmas, cull 13121 605-72110 - A DIGITAL Full-Shell 895°° ca a pIon sosas your, raw tame iroomgta0000rysunanpennrs. Il yea cannot make ards ma ahane addeossieg year capers easy te asar pmmine abat y "Procrastination in any flearcial sItuation mecer trips hinge can actually pay (set to appe yace cmditrrs. Be comtul nc agree ta any payeront pine got batter,' asid Stese Rhode. tac a ro going tacci Iltroagh titre finlociat hicccp in year ltfc' Rlrodo adciuos te Ont take stock of voce Snancial stication. "Gaia u door andcrntaedtof of yodo I' lilI h-c ali a Itintory olyocr nrend,ey, Rttado rotd. "Go (smaglI a monIlI er ta-o etotd mcoipls teem everyday panultucos, bankctolaemovtn, ncdOcatd hiltucad aeylhtmng dam act 055 Ratoembr la cdl In cay w tttodiaal bitte rItal you mighi hace to pay in rite lu. lara. '(Seen arilo down all yace sosreaammf besIde irdladirg yac. togs, diaalmmlity puy Iront ynaretrm. plimyor, tenir 091111V cre OssisIaecc Inetti friends or f city. t'rian,ti,e hmia, sos 1111 nO 110111 ence I'tacol. T loira oporioncod dosa Inodors Ivill clInt lidI L'Od h lessben. 1010e' ,101110 Iodlons. dmncay.nions bInd penecens, and opttcrvuvatlislrle limar, at lelnmlut atcvltngl a alteed by rIle CaIh,mlid Chard .doptton Drptatttcri t nrltgieus. raiser maca freue tars tlia coats Isle Infomraltire hteoii toga wtlt be told. Fehecary 3, 21X13 and Fehra- dl 20.200301050 por. ut CulLalit Cttarltiaa. 631 W, talle Siraot, Chlcufa, IL, Adl'aocod eecerv.aliens ucu be appreciated. Picono catI 131 1,55.7006, 0cv cenci' 11h11 tlnatth ('are Ifisa .'G,.im,lc fr lIantyollav ciclos argili hospilalo. IItouooiog I'rainiog lia- mdv. a aargeny Idolen, hollasbarat Cord' Illardil Ice health ycel ices, daacos ol edIpollO,illli ('.11e leIlCi l, l're . Ohch t 11h01 .11101111 Irirni tIro ti iirerr,iri I Ic, Iltihyl Si' a 111,0 1,blhi,,,blh lia, In e.0 prhhrt tI cmdi? i, hi,'?? Ira'mlb0 Ilrc ill,dliolicbo'I'llil' ins'115011I h,a,fddir tirI IlirliilInh.'I' ordii,' , i,,cl.ir,.ilc tl,Iiliiru? THE BUGLE 7,7161 ey,,l'l ,',llbrirfhtid 2111. 21012 roil .'\bihh,, I ','ii?lh a, dio' alar c'I 11111,' , 'i laririri I 'ciller, al'cc pled lie ",im,i Ro.carlo a' lh,,ii,i 1, iilhhii g C' dolcI i.ntcciig o i/Oh I Il FIcan Aims'i,ili,,ii 1ro 'h111000_III . verf biiffilc IiIlidlL'Oir ,? 1,11,1.... l_o CilIc ii. i?liiOi'll'liiOmbilh lili' Indic idillI . 11011 I ci101c plc. DIGITAL Canal 9095°° sovIel t,rniim,c, l'I 11h11h00 5X11101 s PERFECTION INSPECTION Completely Thorough! Themse J. Jsnkewnki 40 Year Resident of NUes! 847/470-1950 www.perfinspicem Free Samples! Tired Of Pain? SORE NO MOREl 103% Nalurirol Polo RelIeving Gell We wont you to try OUI new ploduCt Wa cosan> yea ro ley our peOdaot 000 bmoome Orle al tin Thousands at notlafind dannen who voll SoIn Na More° mn 'Mimado Gel' Coil us rl I-000.002-Mn mod wnI nerd yen o 30-DAY TRIAL BEFORE YOU BUY Lloyds HEARING AID CORP. CALL FOR ANAPPOIN TMENT 847.581-1944 7801 Waukegan Rd. Nil.. In Dominick's Sfere lId C oriole Ilr,ri,'ir,, '(laminO Special lira? Xl IC" Saint til,irr' ,ifNta. bIci ti li ,ih1rh lai i,'eIltet,Slm. 5511111'to i, h ,?h,bci I Ibro 601 (II ycaro'lit.51 Oho el,000iccil Il lOAlllOIiC.ii? lir,alrh mbirci . thom?', ragIonaI I. ciii? I a,ril till l)roo for TIvcrcars, ' 'a'tb'ic e liii ceo Koeck, N 1h11h11 I iLlac lIbro Clibridi' n'asIle , Es.,amlcc li,'O lI cilio'I Coo' facully ido 11h00 and toe, omorttlbel, 1h11 I Ihilihildl I (iiI 1101 p05115'lIlI O F508 Samfin nodo hall lInt aI Oct legrndthnlnl lIdlIts, clild 100,101 I iolumiI.015111. (arel by libe f cibler buaISII. 40 Years Experience Guaranteed Lowest Prices! bolllllb' ilrct',ilrictn lobt lilIes;. ldIlhhr,lcrlì sacanuy porohobidi tlrmoaghoUi bbc phyamdiaoc. SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY LAW OFFICES OF IAN. L. KODNER & ASSOCIATES, LTD Jmaph 0. erdrith, CAO OrÌ.w,1. (3121922-6668 (847) 674-5040 u,m.mysranlsaaa>lalanner,ar,r Crenchan, mppolomerd acataS, 55,5,? FraOid, ear060valea Eaoianisoa ir OaOal t,anity auaclior Laa Wnoaanvniceaausmn,mscnnru,iren 1580. Peal Ova-moan al Csauga ear aanoanosr naolai tunero Lan sacaamnirsn sa Fee intesa crams 011nss ir Caer .05 SkOar MarIna Raubtet' tee. m,idbolirgy Rc'caenocohril iloal ill Ciro lysicol. The Cooler lilI? 1011101 pOlnIlliOdI feort 25 locil hoc dopaollltallts undolfeca ('t'Il and orhor 1,10 lIp' pall clasidl 11111? aId 0(00 III 111e swe D,i00lnm Oelen umam lides ROtO camalyoily 111111 fiSC tnispitall. eunlnsnn laI.%iaam ret hoeeOanS-OS2r neodon Med,c,ml Cdotel add Salol Mary df Nae,ilailI IIi1IP0M Cooler aro oil pIe il ItcclrlL'cIIile Faniaar-anv.v801 nasidenca aar-sts.lrrs ream atm nld,maeateomea.aaae.siea '1711'It it il lobina' t loe loo lttc pIll' Tra,errçi Croirr ,t000ptn Eoceliencn in Trainiog dward plaqan licol fL,'no Buroor. CiraI, Aorer,000 HeaoAsaeoialien'a Chicago Forergo'cy Cardrccascclar Caro Task Foeon, ilmclisiiof l'Id r.irili.lrhlIiiirirrlbl I bbc "Ill In y 111e baisse aol put Ib dillilitO acmieo for your lilo. 40h11 Conroic Manager el Ihr Rescrardlioo Health Care READ P h eabOa101101O f 0111 blIp YOu make - Oc lntc-testad parsons ore Invis la team atore ciut tito aitotrtt 01115 lIlt , Ibhiidh I I',ibllchralhi bco if I Fer a limitad Oma, Unyd's Hearing Corlees a a altering a PRICEBREAK-THROUGH an Ihn rament, 100%, Digftat heating aida (,am the wastd's tangent manalaatarnr. Nata y da these prnoidn Iba elsarnnt sound qaality aoeilahte, the digital ahip helps redaar the sneoyaoae o) acer-pawering baahgraund noise. 167 E. North Ave. Glendale Hts. CIoac scolo Ill al tin. 2.1/2 poop1OIlil.liiibt.Ih>ciI We cut out those HUGE mark-ups and commissions 630-665.6617 yoan Ioolivgo, 6111,1 nocylron lIlt, rcroay0 ahilily 1111mb 1kO Icagli dcs'1síiioo tod lodills? holpfal ro.voalcds, Catholic Charities Adoption Information Meetings mhoca evaeyttmmttg alce and acial trnamtlerll'fewsyo.cIten. commimol bicOt0 nlr'ck witte,' >001 bIlls psilitlg Imouciag. atilt' lias, transportador coil set need mo lake 1110 cl yoars, til while lilkiOb'caoo of Il loved eilt willI IIIIronicI'hloeyt. Thiv liblObO wmlI holy fonlily cltrc gicors: rod acostre vo, 1mlprocemelf.o orSdcnco, hdlicr yau're nat gainE te tar able all is'110e dudamiomlol yendO; dcuigocd IO pellaide yoo ailIl bbc 111010 >lId F000borein fvreiatt'na Or lt reg' ilIon, 000110 t Malhcr Irlo Platal 1-515.650.2565 Or oilil mIen'. lo lolerfil I Tnelofio' ClIre6'icecl .indineame, it_n time to tube qaic belam oro dilorn comm eslltng. Until You Have Checked With Lloyd's There's no reason to pay twice ap much for Top-Quality Brand'Nam& Instruments Powerful Toòls'for Caregivers Program Res Health Care Wins Awards deal elanwanred teorico so an al-ac tian and contact yoorctesiitors ready soenatul aitcaltan, Ber ho'Cortad your creditors at t (sire panIcking ahaal yosr aie. Sent sign of troabln ra yas o tuaisIsece,votas'atding your make oersrgrmartn tir stay e a Snarcial pielero altogadter. Ils reel or your bills,' Rhade na best ta dotermoine a pIas of adIos 'While brie0 in Ibta nitsaliOO it M'lA A A nhtiO-diaability can dnmpen your financial outlook and add a gmat t°in, 'ycro'ee oeIl aaoagtt ta plan (tau Meetings Cudiatic term prnbtrnnn. Enpenienving a nIeto od cl Ihn fall oo'ing nsootungc: & CLEANIIrfG Quiets aetlea and nellA pianning are key Is anniding tang- prended and eo.foaeder nf Mycosta, a noepmflt linsrcìal man0g rIent Foster Care Information Cethotic Charities is sccecltlog for loving fonter bosses. If you'd ELISEM. GRAND1NEITIADLEY, D.D.S. SAMUEL J. GRARDINE Tri, ¡).D.S. $55 tured anctttboe of basketball eben dcrtng ita history suaIt at cornent NBA etoodoats ShaquitteONeal. aod will be avaitabtr el aba United 773-77f-343 I I Founded by Sonny Vsocarc. Ihn Rocndball Clasvic bus fea- en sale to the pchiic at IO em., Jarasty 25. Prices far individual tickots aro $25, $15, and $7.50, 7215 \\. '1'oulì \ c. (lou lì & lia i-kin) ;;;i 559.1212. Kcbe Bryant, Vince Cunee, and Tracy McGrady. The game hoe elsa goneested mano thsa $4 mtl. lion foe charitable pragenmc. Amoof the many mcipionss is a toog list at nan-profit enganioalions in the Chicago area whero Monday. March 31. al7 p.m. Tickelpeicas foe stIr 39th cenaal high school alt-star game wert FAsllL\ 1)E\T.L CARE r Coping Financially With a Short-Term Disability LeBron James to play in EA Sports Roundball Classic PAGE It THE IIUGLE,THURSDAY FEBRUARY 13, 2003 '(Str TrilIOiOI Cloral, Oelde' Heallh Caro, f'101,ifhb'I largad Cumholic hoalllilylicili, a'hich io- 1101111101101010111010cc facilities, 1001 ccl bled bille tif rho ,tdlc'm lctgcsm broie IlaalIh cero nelidirrkl kclarrOcllhio Health Coi' is OII00,brracl by lire Thoers ii tiro Iblil> l'_10111> cl Nlearntit .,nd rho Silbool il lIto Baaarees- Osteoporosis support group offered at LGH 'l'ha Woeice'e Health Rasoarce 1f Adl'ccobd Latheoan (loller il llcdpital, ir pantmcrnhtp hIll bbc Na lilla i Orteaparimcis' T-cdnl bIlico, 5 rhi000rnan 051ccIn 11151 5 lalrpimo grIlup lecnl 6:35 Iii S'SII 1 ti. bbc blob TllcIsdly cf C cole o Ihm,'Illilil 1h 10 l.uths'IdO General llospil.il, I 775 Dommtpslce, FIlth kldgO S1e'ill I Foocmmaes Dining CIbles will bd hold am Hallier CIlle Pien -' Naraoed Peek, 7 I 34 ISolI Ehiygior. Chicago, IllinoIs 110111 6 Ia 6:35 pro. Seaoioem will ho held on Tlmarcdayc. Mooch 6, I 3, 27, April 3. IO and Wodron' dly.April Ib. ENH Hospice seeks caring volunteers E lara lOI Norlhw entern lIoclIhcaIO lENHlHnupioes Val. 10101 Peograml it offering a edro. 1105db yet had Iheir peto apayed orooltoro I 'aretrg od boca Il (3121 644.8335 loday far ao applriol. Io addili oemonla kiog dogs aol calo lbcallhirr aol happier com. pari 000nima Is, apoyiog o enea. leriof will prrccr I mho bitlb ofthe anwantcd lImIons IbaIcantom'buleto a pvl oterpdpatolinn probiow ei signihverl propdaieos. Last ycar, Arli.CwnIly apayed onorabored ocre thon S,Olanimoln, le Fabmcary at olbormnonthn, Aoti-Croolly will spay orerulor aoy piI bull onpil boll riv fer Irce ihraagh the PETuMART Chan. blcs.lardcd Fil Pala poogram. limit amaken Iba do gobe opoblo al mcpeodccing, la,ssaggrnsni'vo, und less likely IO ho ebbe for dog Titdssday tri arnings , 9 am, ma 12 Cooler il Lelhelan Gcoeecl Hoc. pila tisomlacecad p0mm loo lIla 1rlhlid to li,-arel bosh tIlo iiotpi. till's Ido bIld O't peogra' ma, as'robedv, cppar,g Ocupa, and comewdnity For 011110 ìofennalioo led le ocgittcm, call I-050'3.ADVO. CATE Il .650.323'0622l, Health, tWa S, . York Read, Elaeharnt, IL. All welcome - na charge - ma' flOetbtnrOlii corocd, lOSVPlfld7Ih75.2t21, E.Mail ioail250l @mna,com. ' HAVE HAPPYzf: ' FEET!.'.i, kO Mr vviu ITJBtItFCIÇNAftS fAJ raMiO aQLJg5.ags3 HOdtECaLL5 snelceace MB speides Bale DR. ge VElli ' ROBERT LEV\E PODIATRIST lllIlltl'lJSI Inh reiss r4115.Cal,lfOOlLk or SltI101,PtSAS (111(000 0101,1 fbghtiog purpeomn, Advanced Eye Care, Ltd. Dr. log O ocrts- will be offared an ' Ultfa000ic Callead Rmnrovàl Progressive Glaucoma Treatment1 AdulI & Children Trcaemrol ' ConIatI llenes Health Evening Hours Available INUI - AIhIolon 0',o oteen clear afjainl pairm with topical coclgovics, cech ay Jeiet-Rilin, (847) 724-0101 mvhich i1101 pphied L'nIelo'.bIly Mod !nssraecey, loledidafe, Medicaid Accepted Optical Stone On Premises cod help peovìda rolìef freIn otosolo ochoa and steams, noch and lawor blIck paio, and moi- Idear thrilia pain withoot Ihr Tsipursky, M.D., Ph.D. Laser Vision Cornrçlioo ' Eyelid Surgery ENH Hospice, 15471065-6025, patentiol side elfocta inmenaat pli0 aradic,ill' Oneiindaals'. Pon liete info 101st'Ion, lag OIl to . Board CerIfied Oplha!rloloØisl p.itl., beginning March 20 at oar >kokia office. If yea are leaking lar am incrodiblm rsporionao and can load ad a frw hourd per 00. ploiIsoca lt Nadine Fracciono am 'HoiGslOc (acetico (foca fu. D,M.D The W calde 's 50511k Ronoorcs' fer TO", Banday, Febn.arp 23, 2003, l-3 p.m., Elmtsaest Ma. marial Hanpitat: Cantar' Ese wIll gain culuabte oopoei. Ii>, 5e_IIi' il 1111'1, cimjrdl 11f iba (ch radi,' IrIIlcO 1i01 feil lIriO1 rab'. BlottI, Lohnt Medical Colmtnr. speaking ahoot "Mrdicotion InImovonIb'ana Hospi coacluobo Ors will wed rdt vol while helpìog othara. A os's'o e.wook, 21 haar brain' Keirbet Do, Peton Hoydrmarr, Director Podislnic Neurology el Rosh St. trillera icìmh uìnmilar isIs'resma . wIll w IlIkIdI'1h o wutni'dioiimplimmuly "bdh.lliO It ildlhlhla Soro Dan. i. The Toorotme Syndeomo AnnaeiOtion of Illiroin, 1mo, peenenld- (DeletIon. rumorean de, porforam Iiglbb hoeaohcld hwkn ord mmlach 1.1st dbase al lilo, and 0051 impon11011>. will feel good nhoot Ihow. lea 11h11 g Assocfàtioü Ñ4eeting Feb. 23 .110 lIno noodcd 01 plOdidO mIllen' ilhihIlillIb Cihb,blhlhIl',llyupphilllolrarbhilidIlih I Ill ti,'Iblrlrmacia _ lItchI (cot' cil I halles and 01cl health will he 111e I liado I the Aprii S meLtIng Iaogosb opaylvellorclinio, Will spay 11100 alar any dog or cci lIrIjanI $10 mtm001gh mho woolh of Fchmoary. Pal owoora who o rontlinel'illnear, Honpiar voldols'0t OrO oreded Io provide comp'colon ship and emolineal yappeo to ear pa IlenIl aed ralief lar hail s'ara giton. Vol entrera cad c ocookìmlg baillI pOOplO in Ihele ScI nere L Ph>.bicI I Thavtpiul 51100)11 Nil' tonI ouI dm.velos; pedvontbe g falls 11111 h 111110 calely at Ihr March 6 blIld pIlle0t1 und families dralìng wIth IL illil , blldred Icc hoiciar RItto O'Bnitn' bhntl'Cwielty Socidly, 'flic h lIbiO afIlle Chicago ,'lId'in nldctm toe al rewardin yopponso tied bru drlpanniooatr people lobo lId caloloilted Io working with '16e s'lirai, (1111'Ideo ici110111',l- I lico. und 101011d1 Spay or Neuter Your Pet for $10 Through February Touretie1yndrome ' 2640 Golf Road ' Suite I 20 In G?envitew The Tatismon Ceotrr at Wachioglan 6 Colt Rd. - - THE BUGLE, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 3, 2003 LAGE 12 TI-lE BUGLE, THURSDAY FEHRUARR 3,2003 Free Colorado Blue Spruce Trees ron free Colorada hire spruce trees trill he giren ro etch person Thu Irres a ill he dripped pour paid or tiro nigirt irre for pi,rrrmeng ho loirs The Nati()ri Arbor Oaf ferrandori(rntiarrn leerroecn Msrrcir Polen-re o 'il re stoles Irre ire scI: reces mo froc (reca uro paar ref rire ,nrrriir Fourdoliorr'a Treos for sr:fÌneropi.rcu'efircreiaIr:rsec l'o leecrense a rererrrhcr of (ire Arroscas conrpnigrr Cotr,rcdo blue cpraces freue titrer blur-green coton rrrd and May li I nr crcicsrd plrsrsrrg rrrutrac 2111ff. r Our Lady of Ransom Honor Roll - Second Quarter Pseurrei,aieerr arid rece Ire lire free sors, rend a SIS cenlolsttrscrsrc sr arerrrpacrcserccsri ol(.rpe lirey cur reused au rrrdrceduai entrannenrab, an energy-rroinf rarerd hse'ek, apon'acy screen. (entra ist- l'PN FREE COLOI5ADI,f If I lift SPRUCE 'fREES. N,Itrrrrr,d be Oaf' f5uusd,ticro, 11111 Ariser (S(esce, Nei,n.snk,r Cree - Idi: 5941ff, ht l'eleruurs 25, 21913 mcm rrre Ch ssrrrrau ree es FIRST HONORS GradeS lIfer Cirnrvsssrc sitas, 15.ierseta Krrs Nssr .slcs. fseslr l'Iriii1e l,tret,tnsf Rv'sesss, frEite sEstee S:sr fetrsn, K rissen Srs R.smessser, Oselir Ssiertiresiula, Srcsers Venal -s (",rstdr6 Uses s Kssnp:tr, Brs,rmsrma kls.N.ssr:,r em. SertkaSoirssn, Kr russet Grade? Nrsece ru frereb> giran, par. easrnr ro "An Ac Irr re larron to rire uso of an Assunred Busi. noes Nanre ir the eonduer on rnarsuerion 01 Business ire the Scar." rs aireended. rharacer Divorce and Your Finances I uerd,r,. 0f.rrair 4, fr45 res 546 peer - Ltndsr f'rsnrr:rer, CIA, Ore rrircnrrnn oca fled b> ihn un' danaegnod with the Cnonty i'C,,ctd Carlrlono Belnrsentc. ir. nr fcnanny 28, 2003, ardor Ihr Assarrred N anm n f KO Con- rear farresie 's i'rrnrrcos seId docoerreole you steed to fasirrr as feu feegirr lire drsorae re'ir,se oorercrrrwrrh rho busrness locarnd or 3249 W. Cullata Ave., process, inciadmog sell(srrrrarl(ss( Ciricagn, iL 60618. ,rboul roar lenIre, Insararec, ir, resusrerls, poruroers cod resino. Tire Iwo ounrnfsf and residence rddrnrs uf fire owrnrfsf is: errant pierns Thcreo-eii Ire rare ser Q dc A. Rosen ariosa noqueareS CcI,tlrs C Dnrnbur. 3249 W Culiorr Ate., 3rd FL. Chicago, fsransrorr VWCA 1215 Ciloreh Streer. Limited 11,60618. sclruianlripsau:riluhic. 620. Cecal: '/,seiirs. Tr er. Siehtsa Keimen. leorrtfcn Pstsavn sEs. Orn Rstnhstmtic, lernte Sos. Gs'adr6 Andremo Brrto l,ucnen Orlan' dse. Casrardrsr rilarEs Ca terree R.tes,laa,ss Sesera Sic1rtrcn, 3es' Vsicgtie. G rade 7 Atttlronf Sc.trpaci Grade 0 mnrmofao,. Mareelle Ferognt, hoi. t-ialpern, Wenlef amad 1-itrere. err/n. Jaltsmn iomnplt. Laurso lreeieihc.n Mseirelir Purrprrrks. i.umfi Rusdarrmm, Ann MarIe S mr i sg. fleteare5 at Gell Mdli Mati, Pwfea,ion,i OJdgl 18 Routes Available for MS Walk April 6 Weekend $.00 OFF tEdEE6fif 847 825 5855 $2.000FF 0005 seos. sed,o.rr iZt. 'ç:iOAli >a0 0«d' DhverAH Doyt We Accept $3.00 OFF ornear "Mwv,r'srst,av,n..IOsv,tIutv Strot heer «5j L = ra ra nIto (ire_teen saldai or rentlac. \Ventog t" I siare.rinrerlmuro mrning ftinme fmavrnestrr usualiy rmssmre Innmiti ritan Inn e'httari ne st friend Eilenden riIons Illuse sdslaitmnn- sit el in nrssnmlmerr trod ccoer.iI ills. rrmmss renelsding Chscegmm r like. Ihm pictige- MEAL DEAL '88° 9 59 hOI5? ONLY nui denIm 111dm b t,5,sr l'ei, 23,1ml p mme C'istra,lr'ipsmae u lb pan mile 55e 555515i151 511111m 'lire tmmssmel .ssm'ydliriileun 1mm lIla- russueu lIess tile sIle,'Im nm 5r 'isirm udic Lie, mentIs im, I.maobs lehre flt,uier' t fein 27 M,smtls IV.tfl/ssmism,mss lise 'ilstr1mm U Ssrullr hlmrtlfv 50ml rddl'tnc .1 iIl Eiemssm list'tsssmemcro,-e .11,11. r mmc d,umsr rrsssnr mss1 del limed armd l'sai ap .s erlum sse' beech mml lsireslcm,mited 515551m II \ssOlt liridee pie.nlrt.mit 5512s l'i lbsihl rIms i lsr s Silmsmbss ns,mrlm 55 llsmtloc ,sie Es I-im ern I m.isisnmend liipmtr ,s.mmfsemf tinned ist lmee-,i 5155es. Resala lenmgil s rests dt I5tmibotsiei h:s n gmssof isrlmmrms Sodireg ,s grsmsi Issrsk aIr sllsilstmtrksinsoimeliensuay essenpItre 1 ti011/Illa gloal a-unistil 'ley strrule e,struaurrielltsi ree, smlspsessamrlrler, tell ihre ererms I 'iPSO-646' Ill. sefratml studIen« rear,'mued dero'em brstmun ifrstelier Utlicertlsl 1mm dutomnhtr 2h bohluswrs0 - 211112 losorr C. Nrobcngen and l.slumra lnlllthsstq, Inestir ofSkokmr Bradley Oniu'unniry i san pondoni, priouroly endowed, es:. educ,rlion.ib IntIsIdlIsro Wiiir str enrollIrment isf ,tppnuniinmosell 6000 studeerms, Br/die> s dccii si/u fier hivtng airS ie.surtir,g. 'rho Unisnnrmry alErt o full u.srlge gradusrse leon pmogrrms as weil as person, ui ullentiun Iront afaeoIr> dedi cuted ta «lodern Inerriing, neIn f a'arlmtsrks and a'ne.tmile 11011111g dabs tiller uppsmeiurmrmes or em' pness dell in mreiurng Area Graduates from Bradley antS Smsmrle' rIcke eU lIme tInI loremmac mn f SII mila'ulm sIt rc.stiing L tntt'rmssi (lisca' ilessultm sii (sues of blteol-careatu Iressmk SiB First Graers Project on Martin Luther King, Jr. AI Sr, 101,11 hlrebovi Sdlmsrsml, Ii«. EncUeren Enti gu'adensctilml' pbetod / Saatel Siudies proie e I tIm MarlIn Luilneu King, le They enjtmped guod drrcun' smiretinmwesrns in he a potleennaknn, 'lUcy uiso,aolound s booklci uboul Marl,n Lrmlnee KhI1, li, u'ltrch Ihn> hieagfht lrinnrc lombare with iho,r funrilmius. EVo puaycd inn posea tad en. itlyad a dry miff school in menor nf Moulir Lahher PUngir. nI wotnhli hr .5mm 1,111, -E esrellm l,semre's mt.tm,rOldu 'steel an 'limo 6n'lne,s tmsmn rl Imltsuy L'enter suck 51111/ n femo io'rs I mutIs Ilse I. lles."' lime IsRsE, rmlhru, sceks ihr 551,11 eh mmrr,u a lnimnms I Iinlint- 15550 lm 'luce n gnnders. il 551105 I iki,smc Ii 31X13 Qau SIse d tfSPlia.i rmsmuman, t lee srhle f:ulmmoamf rrcsctmm 1 ursS p-c'unurSItIlOrpme. trI'1555 0 5 i mlle lila sl'arelinlasa'5 IO. dm,mdss,si emmd mol Negrsu spirino. .tdolt and ahiltl ucdieueun NO RIQPITS1 Tlmr ful' res hsals )Itltiduu 15351511 ers capriuutosua dnesreenmsilllastmrllwilni SmI per' povurfaI irnerpreiamisSO. ver puaro'Inmerrseills tmd err' g,mgimmglralssis-sirtciIdihlIs. In ,Iddimm:ss, ruhlie meurs rire IlL fened mn 'l'acida,I eOenIslgs and Sor la y afee on ms/On 'filo lElsrrmssnm Hssrnry Ceolemis iisc',tlod ut O6 N. Mho SI, io SVlnn,lmsSn, IL. CmIbl Ronettive Di' uoatisr:ElhcII/ Ad'amnnnn, CFRE. f65111 6b5'llSOb loo noua' Infer' READ THE BUGLE procirlu mhonrneires k'niied Illiose h,bhs, End mind irsI goes on P,Indssrsn's ltisnt , . . uqa.11nmp. langer uunan S anrs'wunlsrn, SE lItre SI .100 dibforenn te unIes s sstmlru' ink sus'Ion lIt bu epos of deur a'55115d kes i,daco mllsu Sob cammIni Ira'dlSu iSie'lirelCmeeuuuir\Isa'I5 blp. S esiemmssm bteirre Ii vihl so'mdc rs IsessSiml,a'mssrrimlr lId,,'55m l'lnbmoyslmld u nrfesnru SInrncrut'cr,illhrdrliltn I'nim.'es lelo, arrd rsslreie 056cm mml l,,ird eimmnlmaissrmsl',l ilse Salma'ts mmmnstica'se n lie lnmple. rehe nIt Simmnci S lIme Nrl Chmith IdI f i StIl ermiia l:R,E, fender dmalrua' Ilehioll Act nrf2RIlb 'lire dmsmnrtlslrucs bill nroel 5s,,Sssr,sssIsibi'lllsalsSilttlalrsintll, dmncuu, prsipousd icgmuierimmn ro. ii,mi5Sl 1,1, cd niscalo s helle a_t_i sieSa l:RAs Isrllunru bIrd be' 0115151ro rdtc,i miisn poiney ord prIm' gua'illssaa h an ta'SII Of clod Sweep sus ic issr,ris designed Ise dhss,u Ilse cml ss,rISsSnsi uarmrc'reauuuurrrl'of/ U_sil snesisu s di!ea'rmmrnmss i11150, ISla 1l.ms,,ims C'smoolrl,,tel i 5 51151m 55 nl' 111511 I mese ursuno el msnl Isrm_ir_ sic5estttd1mtli'IsolelI55n,Ilt1rIul',lke, I n im sci sldIeSSldOI f,ir he 1150 es lIned. i,sssmelaueii siallerlvand rlsesu peces I he idler_mi l_lu mill nb nu 1mo 1,1 lia Ire leliresel' lbca,hmlsly essrd iss. ash a'sisituss lmsfnahsiuls ,,5511 cil SII dSlrhsl lalmOlog ucocureh htocll prss' 055,5r5 sind pelsiems le,idhiim1 ordII. sol, bi 5 ::en) ,jt_._. ,,. I 'ssmesi S han h.-cni smp plrlsnu d Io 1051 C'I memirlslasislline Sa'mlmrie ItlId Ocrr,jUr. Il, Iltemis, mrd 'ter 866.345-2724 iimfruSipuuCorrugbhsenuC.unsSudulmrlam, rarshdi,ur,8 Sobcartmialeee llantes issr oar dsnrghleur a Irs, i_Ills 5555mssssrrslmllsnm.IocsspIirrs 5689 W. TOUHY AVE. NILES . Seo,rlsrr Sassno DImorI lO'Lstko Is aill mimais he drafheII iuntrr orili' 1m_5,5_l 5m ynrlr, ieecrlssrfm.usr'5 State Senator Susan Garrett (duan'eltappninhedhn Inas's 20% OFF Ossi P5,1 !ieOScmlIhbC Edlaeahieu, 11511 ARCH SUPPORTS FOR GRAND OPENING SPECIAL! TIRED, SORE FEET. Bsrmrdcm mumu celld1nrmmmm . Heel Cu5hion, t/101/ Fun/rmle,mrr 15(55 s'tSr - Xtr Depth Shoes in flue right rapport l'iSrfw,irllsrmrrenrnm,Tu 5115 lb/I mm' Ihe ill Shelf. Ca'reru i s'tn,Idrshiy ,smid Inosmlm Ihor 5I,lta'sur lIlt ii, lie 1:0,-b vili ho'a 15100 lImr I noii I 111e S,nrmd iimena'SSillrl1ad slittnl beil he 110E er ii ,rtaperse de all ulahe 0t;m151 Supports Sotit i,, send wetmII ph,P you CEPA hoheomes ERIE vUpplsdt. Ihm Youu Mck 00h11 u rensr 11115ml 15cl mure 1h_il, si p.mm«rtl till rinse pmsms'iIlu ,mdlln ,nl lssnds t.turc led 15111e cd> sahessl« .55,4 dsa Imsa lu sois/lo la_Ida'rlmld pcm. Divorce: Starting The Process Indeed- lIlttltiSt i Iris fm/Sri .50 RIG,'ITSf Tltc funi urnreuarlf Slaeery mInIs aim s i pmlsmratsssnsml In,iIl nIe f,555 Help Make History Coule Alive 15m 't mm good Feef 'o' nlsrurnos, Witt nnsmna und Mmnno' loltielbrnr ptref ii, peins a NIcho OReE ansera Irin« ,srehonriisn. 00abrIl tiesisu, md She ERsE pule' ors warl srlono en,,ims dnplse,l Iiimnoflfsc nssrIlslssisl'ea ibsk Ininnds Irr leirrsis slimed' 5l',Ilkt l'c- 'equ.tfimy i'msminmsrcmimismsssi,m5si.srey.rtl srms, iissc Ia,-rsrrsmh ysmuu eiern mInnt es1 so p,lrtsemp-enrnn eceetthimmg mmm sits iSslsslmd Ilulrrurinod mn gem ifrclm mo,my.m\rdmfie'ItIt':l1lrillhoImsue' rise's,, III dilfa'meno ru he ivre n . l:RmlIrenamusiIl>ahmslll Str (In h5 sf-ems 2112es-lies blued even u-nih bert/Ill imialnmple tots srnfubt.n rse me.td' IstmI Ills aeltaidl-stm la a sels -, In gtnnf praallac, ea lisog In Sel enseres Soctet, idI ht held tIre mreekcttdsslSasden, s\prslfmat lb Islen. TIne slssffntv'ilf CowhJail1, 'awe Ile .redimirpasf ueqlcrsinu pre. s'''.'l'I555 s Cil Iminicetl esO sss,r lIlu saltirlsl ,Silenderroatirnlmniertls Ibsen sItsSerIns arrIe leibern le' Ilse cdits,r, rse 113681 pemtisst u lIcEI_E sim 75 fi- kay s 1,2,3!!! r.mlumd.ls, i.tms smssOlsm2ls.rrn imlsmraemm rnimsmmg Clist1rtenisl 15e N,srrmmmui hiaitlfrie 'Ilse coreAres PI/ZA mmsmnnatpumsnnhic Grade 5 ny X-Lor9e Poo, lisa re. MIirn,rstanflne. l'reaule irnnttmmg ini irr md mrutnlng FREE ;?tt«t msi Isbosstl su tiro fufe '711,, rasliosrb 1mb' (mmi la'mSI n mslnanl I gay ulglro aeml- et,Iisrsn- ni SmmIplra,mIiSins. Ilsioterlts Irum Ihe 'r,'lIn I'iaamrisos,i nu srmund' mese rl ml, Ihe Ureletl Silber Csrmnmi 151515 0 ' blm> Fusst mirle misi S'msrmln S dcnl,rnlrtsuld ressI tn mrmsss Is In den Ils eu1na'rlcnmue elmllematit ura lcr soclnidorl mirtIllI throats and psg's Irr tImli Ii lien - srrrs utlt rs rIle> cens brs,ser ,ss.imte preryn.rrrs nere tael iefleued 6m eine dfmapro'nime '05db mmmii, Icrenard R'Intim. Merf Ann Ssrmt laus, Krnrtrs Sets Rrmrm. s n. irtistlnesss ail 1ff-cm ti tml msI barista, prv'rrs. nesnrnimsnit, ml,, s, hmnlinessnueir:mieremef.m rsmmc Ie,trcncs IndI c,s,nts "bIss ERal h.surre t'ylhlng lo da wirh 'b I see neerd nier I Iran prislsstnli irIsh isry Cahut,enh' SI ch Is' less Srmlr,rny ltssh Slimmuer. - , scuse ultlmmiafu 10 oiuponmtr leo 110g i.iebmlm ln'igIisn'llrcrmmod ,n,'oessml aelrhm,nrmsmnn irs 'llmc Slmms1mr rite N,lIlies 1 C'smaestsh m'i 'he.itlsei, mmi i.ngfisli, ntunf erst,Irs:si i I mt-s.i sabenssnrs remo_-trabe sInd Cltrmrsmne Mereimsi, lremnmcse Knis Nsmu'ales, lotIr Pltmiip, iesnllen mml lredrens'lmydmer> linssmmmeh hI,lmabn J 'bird . fleaS mtl tlnsic lecs1isctS sii Dans el le 'l'an sf ml, se fui:tbmif.In ,-Elurue lier Ilic liese ScIe idI esmm leu. 'lire fInnois Ga'nera b Arnrnhhy Openin! Ç) gl.l4hd ' 1ers mnnoumouled u dead alhalunvn I. nnmlvr an Ihre ERA IlIqItul Righms - bruIe rllmnsos rI Aimer sr h,rllhr ihal h'I'Stm n" Immu .iessl ssbl ssuns:s a' Illinois General Assembly has resurrected ERA ,mttlrmum sss imsee ml neypicre. pbumii, b sues, let.'e roture> 1,5mmf 5E,O55, drmn0 tim mIdi leu ml: hlrmduu sS:sssninn.slctl ssmh scstiis nsfenseet Itieu >irut,issssicisgelscsm f ienirntrnnilr g rkrlis essI pnep.sre Snepbr.mnte Prsmcecds 's 5 t-r,mstrtrmmr s,ss,c sss frttmtit les mime meiTb inlet, Michelle Pancymrmkr, letture f9estmnrm, Ans M:rrrr Sutrsg i nomi r ,mnsl suernitt e CONDUCT HONORS Nicieiss,s Asdrmurro. f:nerk Cu' polis, Madreen Chioh,mnlrakirskt, L leale Cordas, Oahrtelie C terre Rstoeseee Gins, Icilnep i.af'elase, Golf Mill Medical Center 241 Golf Mill Center, SolIo 508 Nie«, IL 60714 ines tri erstsrse tritrmr dem stessrrg nkmlls J,rmsirn frmscpft, Krsstpnst Kienor. le> e Slsu retine l.nmmssln slstrirrg mi, IE'eekemmtl lidbsolsms eel umctmsnslse.sr,'hiieSlnmm1nn lems,sss p55555 etmtirmcrt rk. mn 5, , iteren aIred rie 5,6e ssismscm f mmc. hicilsa Itcrges, Isnetmes C:mjnadsr. t'le, 3,ttsltehmtne C'mcfm:sst. lerrmttlon Ctebrnnkm, Crlmtrhsne erfandet scnied Chsmries Capmseaull, Sssnstir Ums. THE BEST OF HEALTH CARE ail efe -breI lctks.ftlressse1 Sedere Kohl> C.tpsltsm, 'tren Efmclt,rei Juli 131e ,remsa,si EIS Welk n 's'ri msmmmr tImId n ,imisl Ss5 2 pa ncc nr rl till este rutie sniasra -un'tn,rtretna' ii l'sm,s:s Iii ltfrstiirra Te her Mullid, Kcnretlr Mtsin. I,rdt Nannidee, S.rlm stdmer fissi/Isis. E VERY PA TIENT DESEE VES 'lisu f:sftsa r remo hdrt,dr 7 Aim.'s,rsitfcn Btndsk. Krlap flee. cbiurtgcse, 'lv 115.15 h arr. Ic inta.i E5so ft le Z,eic'sn ski sSle' rItme lIdi,'c:Irtt i Ii trrtm,e SII,mae K.srmrsa m'tstrmeke I..rfrehmlo, Ridlm,srd Lier. N. itirs,liloami lu iii :s:mmisri lIne rp rIm Ill 11m 2Sb ss il me'tms1mn knil nne celui1 5 ssuts,ae em ff,tosl,t,rs:.Scttk.t Sm ftlsmstsc.i Snepleoms. srsmsrr, ret. Nreemln Seystmunmbi. Tmsrr,ssso Pod funnies 847297-4 688 tmsrt lisielsrsbC"l, u tisis a'5.555e msI Grs,dr Il I.cddl - Ge neu meIn Linaltar1etr, Office hours By Appoinnmrtrn Kisr1e,sm, Ifssleea 1_cisme. ltrsans.r lrIcN,ssrs.ir.r taten Onisrisdis, Pepu, l_oasis fiseitelit SECOND HONORS Nida B1ankasHernaez Grenai Pndinuniea 0e Adainsonsu Medicine macmI ntrsssfr't,rrmircm kibim ad- bilmes Issctplm. lenssa sis. SVe a ir mea r Kis o mmd Ws s1t i k Grade S Ihesi. Kniutmne Dalfcn I seri es.ismml I)mse.i S,rsss,ssmnlr.r hIvdc.tei Onbsmsden, S,nia.sdmmr null lees. Nsmi,tisr frute a. Caiirme Se_t rrmarer,t, '/_lcfmrrf 'reform, (irrte sei, Elseaberlt Klemmen, Eflnsslnenir Pansify Prurnice Op 2005 su mIte aselluge hssmtnsf ststilv'mIsst, Il isa'rnqllrretI tmmasetrr_ ebano stntlr ng tesIs In fsm rb lucir Imits ttscssSidc oc Sn Il iriveng dumimg cl sIties SS soler ISeiIgIImn end illrtlssss,sn .5 ,rnle irrinmnnrg sI msI -1 et-mir h Ight Nsglsmnmss hIng' osiseemir Elsic 'lise Slrreps mil Nrmrth rule I creus airs, ,iuess'rresbannes i nie Irles lief lest i m'ram, ilepu ilsS.sssdrsm. Ltrri'ir.rngc'sr, Sreplr.snmse hiers' dsssa. L aurea Remneurs I).snsefe Bergrn, Usd1100. Ietrntler Cielseeski. RidI' m\Ismtr.I Ns,sr 5h s::st gh Sanll.ry, M sr . 2. a-1mo'rsshuas p's llsrirg and orlen' l),m Frer faeqaelsese GradeS Mehre Students issiln 'e enin. trae Ifeseiitke. ('ssesrse C'Irso s\g.ml.r Irlrihinle I'.iisssmr, Slsr:snne Han sel, flansr,slm lrslmntsrrs. Ifamerei K:r mmm> t, fOncIer lutinai, I,tdn Nanridse, S5'len Btso'er, Su/anno Hstr. Edward E. Hernaca it.imrsg.Sonscs, Clsnenimoc Isst i ml. i erescral eonnuiesrnt. Ir li u'afk ('(err elerreagir celere you seed ro k reset Clerk nf Conk Coanry. Prie No. 003082650 Grtrdr6 - Kelly C,i1nuier, Rohem r mrs,mse '/,eierrrkm. C'.iscmims.i C'lensrisrc Item if.trviy.S.ssilsss, shgar.t ifmseroclmst Conirere Clos:, LEGAL NOTICE 3rd Fi,, it'rrmsc Sstaner, R,'.ss Str erg, 'Irr' Lssate Cesndsree, gatescos Cirre, Ko Hsssserrt:re. High School srs. S,trsm Sesbl. MImhip Ssimn1emebrkm. Nscesias Aodrrrlrs. l'r.rrd. C's pato Msistreeer C'lm,rlssrrh,rkirslsr, e ist Things to do in Chicago Writing Tips for PAGE 13 (ims tVedoesdsly, MarcIr 12, 12.15 Ils 1.15 pIs, bring >drum I 1cshilrsrt rd 1 lmmsron heI0 lord, In,, il troc f Hoben Sign Irnelmnt I nl' mmmcl mnd mnmediailmn issolriant e II,sr hi'cilsulm.frssr. ' ESitI rush nIelle ir ha'ttll dsr nl .ihuslfru/ t a'mIni n, i 115101 peu,l tIr lId asenlireo mss nmtrk'e ed oesitiemn 111e sssmrmS ho'015 ne ornan'I>," GracIlI ii,td "I sam pleased he ptlulieipann co alsmrsllmneo rhar will review 1515m'/ mIre 5 hal iso pmnseudauu lien 1511 111551151 pOldO If." Wmlbierrn l.msnd msr000 Wa'If0 slicers 5115dm mlle dsnanae prodi'rl, Reso'moalirrs 1LEZa mo'tiar smed. CoIl, 0211, 'iNc PUmmel flumldmlnmi, >min 0 alrucum fe.'mImo e IllIStIl , I 55 N Miebsigrn Asu., PROFESSIONAL NAIL CARE C 111e nUe. Uonen sIt Ihn s lied n en lrhichtg' IssIr d Iride dlrronne rl' doe turn Ill 5mb Roer, la ho islnu f t , 5 t1V/iltth le, Money sour lIa'imnmmujun asma-Is, melad' ng h mIlde eue and osmilsohlrm, Val, nitlrm> fail 0m pulireul 111010 mrlsrt r impunIs 1l11I155 er _ Ilneir lIla'tItula , Ote yan Itntrw Ommlrtlgh aRson >trun disahsitl ydeOd rage? At lire1 bnlnly calcIrlem reran S cmb' -a'nlitn anditI pi000ing admis a'tliI he luand urt,rnonv,tnIl Ir II/uno alp leSo .0 n IiI. HuLES NEW LOCATIONI .a" °°° te,, deli-lie . Silhnmrusps . Rbsugtoso . bel HuIR . Lang faul NtIS 5°' Liemired NUI ' MonI Amnoriuslnsmn' N4s, 8860 N. MILWAUREE'AVE, Sealcuo,nd . ManknuO . Spa VedRete, . Airbmtoh . Wound rI 00007 DA'iSAWEEK Gift Certifte'ste« I, 847399262 s,»et's%kU OPEj17i MON-SAP, 1,0.0 SUOI li-5 Walk-ins Welcome! FULL SEr FILL IN NAILS MANICURE/ PEDICURE COMBINATION - $300 OFF $300 OFF 2°° OFF ,w2w nT0!w/00t _ MT«TW/C0t0N 00?, 112W03 a- T!W/c0l PAGE l4 NEWS FROM THE Nues Senior Center CALL (847 588-8420 FOR INFORMATION FOR YOUR HISALTH - FEBRUARY I°abraary 14- We 0pee Ocr Heart on Valentines' Day. The Nuca Sotuer Caoieewill be a silo for the Web sinrulcasr olDe. Axel bob. M.D., Cardiac Surgeon ai Lutheran Genorul Hospital. por. loaning 'off-pomp' open heart surgery. A phyxiciax will be io answer quesrrons immediately following the simulcast. CCuiteenial Oreakfeai ii Sam, Sìniulcasr al9 am. Free. Rcgìxiracoo inquired. 1°ebraary 14- Coping with Headaches - Or. Chappodi, Neunolope frutti Resureeciion Hospital will help yen Iram lechniques for managing headaches, especially migraines from 2 to 3p.m.. Prao, Rc-titraitcr required. I°nbraary 20 - Diabetes Updatrt Medications & Monitors. Lucre what's new io diubotic medications and sue displays of rho laieîi flounce moriiorn. Presented by Michelle TeRonde, PhorwO, l.uiiionxo General Hospital. Thursday. Feb. 20, lie 3p.m. Free, bui SNOW SHOVELERS ene onedoil mo assist nhnselirg Anise. muays for mime Niles Sermorx. Conioum Kelly am 1047) 380-5420. Al- though his still early, a is noi ton early mnnoluntanr, YARN NEEDED The Orotom C enter in roquostieg clean, left over pennon nurapa of imintariel for m'oieranx cod iuxionr cmofteru L:mp rtthnes. nhau'ls, and mhippeni are cade forveicraom ail-lires Remplie). VelumOeer keimmern end cntuhmuien arc nl st' needed. l'leosu cull um, CERAMICS CLASSES Regulur Cerantics dannen are l'burndayn. fronm February 6 me pitintr, and liming If ueedctl. ytmu mamy pumclm.ixe niurter kmh ai 8mm dIesi, Pori tomme irfunmuiton. plonneculh Mury Ann. Febroary 26- Diabetes Snreenittg - Morrhly .neraeoc'sg by ap. poin000ni. Fasting from midnighi mquired. Please lube meming medicacons with waler (toedicalions that can bu ruhen wUhan: fund). Sin Il um. Cnni BI. Ploy gante oto relaxed pace u'mth oil messo w pbuyesn. New nmentlorn always u'elceine. CURRENT EVENTS GROUP Carrent Eoentu Group morta ai 0:30 anm. tn the 2nd & 4mhm quinud VOLUNTEERS NEEDED 0IEALSON WHEELS DRIVERS um needed io delivarmeuls lu Silcu Huninbouod, weokdeys between li am, to 12:30 p.m. Flouse coniuui Kelly al 1147) 580-8420. COMPUTER LAB VOLUNTEERS needed io aucint older eduhiu ir cunning io see cow paters 12 te4 losiwh). Computer copeniantin required. Training provided. Contour Jsymi. TEAMSTANDING anroance A ham Ceunnsl ito le,,. #4'Calbvin.Calinn 02-Colonial 02 inh Elderly CII)) u'mlh tu cm. pic CJE Itas bean pmnutilur1 vu'tu,, er le older adalta in Chcc.tg.' :1 peuple line safe. u,molg,,euh,lu um:,l il liii, enmn and nhann year uiasapeehhecmior ,cmmlm fellimu' Center weamhort. Neal mmmeeiìng: Prhmsicury 24. Feb. 23, lIa,m. to3 pet. 'An ofienrmuiun ai 11cc Cahasni umili Ciao' dix Hnncnmeh & hen tnusmcal renlea' featuring sumi6's nmade (umsmaus by SAab Pta1, lulialmu Greco. Ccmle Ponen. Duke Eltingmttn & Vareas Oukel birth fromamn solad, heut beurgutgnimno. humiecod nuncilbeu. baby osrrotu & descae. Cosi: S le Nar.s:andy/Belgisos/Laneosboneg Traxelognn Wednesday, Feb. 26, 12:02p.m.. Cemmuc cod build im Iheigmutim isifilo cc'tili sow fiworime mappings. Pimlhawing hummulm, nor tito tmO'mnmnute videtm ira Norniandy, Oelgiumo, end Lunemmmhaurg Cursi: SA. FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED THE SKAJA FAMILY 0 Pricgs are lradilioeally mach lower Ihan Ihose of Corporale owned funeral homes. C Our fanerai djreclgrs and shaff do nel xuerk on commlsSlonn. They will never pressure you Io buy SKAJA TERRACE FUNERAL HOME 7812 N. MILWAUKEE AVENUE NILES, ILLINOIS (847) 966.7302 SKAJA STANLEY FUNERAL HOME 3060 N. MILWAUKEE AVENUE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS (773) 342-3338 BUD SKAJA ° All of our preparation work is done at our MICKEY SKAJA JACK SKAJA JIM SKAJA Elderly. Council for Jeu: abt 1:1,1' BUD SKAlA JR. Touhy ir Chicagim, versicoics' mend fennm itosistmxg ll,,,,e tub,, live is llsnit eas'n huimmes bal iteaul .567 Ecl ifaney Laars' Gueux SPully l'aelsc,r 559 537 006 356 l.anmy i'asdion'a SSO JOHN SKAJA 7715 ROUTE 04 CRYSTAL LAKE, ILLINOIS (815) 455-2233 GORDON WOJDA MARK CIOLISK Colonial Wojciechowski Funeral Homes Oxmmed& Opi'reued Fur Deer 83 l'cani By Tie Ifejcieebcntinki Faniilt' 8025 W. Golf Road Nues (847) 581-0536 6250 N. Milnvaukee Aso, Chicago (773) 774-11366 Bone und bin Inslilalo will preciAr an "Arthritis Update" nemisen cl I p.m. on Fniduy, Feb. 21 is Ihr Moflee Grena Seoioe Center, Dn, Svhuello will Ainuans general inrormalien abnus arabritis, orw treotmonis und druga, and aeawnr pemnorol nao- coms aboal Aix puinfol aad aroomfeetable disnare, There in le oharge Ion 0-o nen,irae bal noginteali onitreqo imd by calliag.lho Mellon Gruyo Snniom Hai Line al 184)470-S22S. DOOR COUNTY TRIP PREVIEW Plan mu otland Ibis hor trip preuiow sI p.m. ax Monday, Fob. 24 in the Mnrtnn Grouo Ounior Cenlrr's Cammosiny Hall I io learn ail cbcau thia nsciting nip ploannd fue Aug. 25 uheough 25 Ia 000n Counly. Thi, moloecoach ip fnumurea slops al Wctchiogler lulanA. Cherry Teuio, Muneami and â you book fan whnx you u'ant ma huy an unhiqce'l Come lu 16e Ciaic Cellar 1mw I himSp nu, cc Friday. Pabnuary SIenA bean from Sueaemmr of the Aol, qae orA Resale Shopço ai 7214 S. ilsebeoi A nenue in ChiWbmam ntake.n un loIn uamu'qae? \Vhol ib Sg.h Punh Boil. Refroshmerms will be 50100 A at Ilmo prosiow and a sepl000nlsliun Isom 'Pour Orukrra leu, will 6e hrro nOannwnr cago. tell at all about anliqaoc. Sriagaoìtent lobe appraised, q500tions. 8ogistrn i ondvanco by calling ihr Morion Gneoe 'line foc fon thus psogeura Is SS anA refreuhntenls will he temed. Ooninr HOI Liar at 18471 478.5223. COMPUTER INTEREST GROUP . TEENS SHOVEL SNOW Thr Merleo Croce Sroinr Crsler molehea youth woeboen wilh sexier vilioxe homu owoonswhoeer d a billIe assistssee The hlcunon 0100e Seoair Coeioe'a Computer lntotcul Gnoap will wool fcalm, o 2 pmo. ute Monday, Mcoch S, hube ',mmi Moodoy of ouch wumnih) n Ilmo Mosuon Gtttue Susine Center Lihr:ury. The tapio fer 1h15 mnirehnog w,hI bu "DIgnIal Pholos b wilh noua ooal rolabA ch ar000eound the basal inoloding asuw nhuvrlirg Ibis winter, Soniuen nupply all tools nnorsaaey and pay iho Ivensosa ggosled pmioe peejob. C'all 1847) 665-6142 for nono deOjio. Space is limv,Ied ne rogistvr liolay fice thin fleo aotmmmnur by coIling 160 Mcemuun Grove Samuiumr Nel Line 01)047) 470-5223, bong soon lacilitn', Pen mmv'mc unir. mamion abeam CII), call 17731 Sits. IlANne s'isilu'O'u' cje nul. ,limitcnm. The 'ark al Gelfhhill u muovA by llaruau,n Bay hbtra1memuiocl L,L C. u nai,olmah sceuces t Ing le auiícgommtc nl u umeipany. banc liufuuremamvun, ealh 10471 29h. i,e nvww .hicrl.munbay coot. citil Power Wheelchairs available Fnr Seniors and Ihr Llioahlnd 'l'ho Jaapaes Sindical Syaceota' (847) 982-onno Edward Jones: nlecovery Plan' Can Keep You Moving Toward Financial Goals slurs residential haibdaig o ib mirs Include 0 lihnusny. card mutu'tll. cenmmtmsaicymoelni, Ilteaten. mani' ing sorv icen, 'urns arA urafln miudum aud greealtcaae. The dacnmtiutmtmy ix suneaemby undergoing t.'stensive renuvationo wimh a sanuumn Cr 21013 dnlmlpietios. ocloKtg, IL 60077 Spruuli le l'bue Oa5he 8975 Wcal Oisif Read. iv a blm' nasely 30e spurmrnenta Fhnn AoaIl10oO it uu'shcon iutuglu buir um A,,. You acco'n conInot mariol sclotmlily on Ihe w osemen I al "«'t t people A a-yimummuu y h cuIco derung unitul "Inc'luId) Phon" liaI will allow you mo make Ihn beam of y our sihaculian- laurent raId, blat w ucundnvatuu ,a,l. la lia p11510w . mi:,kc pntuglc.ssiae'anA n.0 ueflnu mis'ta h godo. FamI. You vax osn yosncupi' . Pal yaar l,mnses taoae i, - V eurmnuo s 111,0 xi lassa.nono tu%-dodudlihbO. nc a phuu up lo 53.000 ofclliem l000me, irviading earned income, ,l h osso'.- i,,,, lIscI .lx) Capulal g 'liti, 5 (tu I,. cc , 'lute lb' nyc anfeoiOs, oIling slcuks er nih emappseu ,omnd io't,' f,tnonalmuhm h dlbyuumv .ubuecd cc SI .01111 caputii I forward ony " ovulas " I asset le fuhi up la 54,01111 ix I ascos , ind you oaauaee y 1,11110 III. yut udIta h,l uvmtme,, haue beuomtla "unhshaeued" - und you mtghl . Rehal ut,,coyit 0e porifalio ' 't' iuunlli,u u 111,0 Ob t,,mtfali utulvu y tecks have declined shurply. theo bands or clhrr ltd'ubtutullu'.uppcuucd. T'u,mcsaumm pIe. if yituns, u t,'so ni Inc'alu pl,nlfolio's total 51110e than you huA ::,oA.ìocauiut.'1,151 W lic O tailla F loud muaI,'o lIt a I: ungom pctu'OOiilgd ebpeur glowuh OppollulihtOs - which us why you'll I extrudo I Ito 't us'Ill'alIl'lilt cnilud C 0050iIcdn1Y. )ouc talA bu,ndiciAooh niai mehala'nc o, goals mrd iuitm e 601,0er. IKeop in lialdmogs iuircutC Il '1,01 lac A lut tubil ai,Cey'utOl llueca,tleA wuth etilo eobal000iegsealegy.b peon bondsonuellilivaius utfdvpeuii thou . Ssabi lia, ,,aaeisvOs meat iI,onmo'' \','b,ol should you da u'uthfunds to a m000y maonkol auoounuonuuhir11,11 V oucou IA "bor i" the -:111111 11111m nitumc'uu,as, b,c usc e lune ib1t0lC do . 111.11 area'h cottI uhu (tildo vi males lId ICC st 1111','cIlle .,gcun. but lIai umuighut uaic u a'ltulc ' lud, mo Ibtu.'etc ueiiumme . you sutIl boso ulm nastdcr 111m by bellen eppallanitlux 'u'l,u clay be bentenu,ffhy hnubdiimg abend bAdal," Tevroolu u hood 'tlt,se A eau um, 0111,0 and iba Permaoeettly l7irobbed afchuu,0 ,,uiitdllltO Aille- lId I ong-temlm u hugh.qoelily bonda. 896en raIes ame em'sIs, WhconIaIkot Au frelit yoaemtuaiuumut, g hou,An lu, buy new bands um tIto htghln lv's'o .t5, ylmulas O ub,d 1tOu,dac lower )ISlectniul Wheehohises ai ItO cual to 111e redlpionu. il lbiuy qualify, lIto higha'Inc tos offered by your bong 1m-101 co bendu, Over I' ttCndlO ftlliutg. yuu'lh cu,duisuo IO bondit Inuiti mabilize Ilmo I nucouc y auroon inc 1mm yaan flood unuOnOr A hl,Od huddcr cao l,ehp yliac 11110 . ii well 'nucaC tote I tIllen. you uttVc 5 i,ivan.,nr ny L Sss'ap fuie ,1aahity ' inanuluevnin Look mimrauglm pullI perifohic fut napporluoillv s more pluco Iownn-qu.ulily peavided io ib oua mIlo cannel walk and cunmial sehf.pmpcl u Inusual wheelchair io dteir boote, and wilu mcci che addì. I.', l,ighmam.lbu,ulmi 01100 0 th,a lIbia y nao be al Ilild liVOhy linsal guidelines of the proguuni. I ,,:ml coiuuhil lulls Nadepaailiareqoired. Pirutecall l-260-451-8971 bute q i'fy prided. Il Invos ImIto nl rotunos. Thol's wIly c.un augoiflauelhy crado yuuruvoelt . Be a "ta.5,salar lionestar' Tasesoolt,ChOn, oliva-Aefemeed ,rstromosls. ,suchtum your 'l'aie lull 'advunlage 6m iiun'Il dvuulOged iiIlil'nus glanaih Iront a RullI IRA, prooldei yoa u med o1:1110 tttd ruAi hulteli I IRA. You con gol tils-ibdo c maaucipul beodo, Depesdimug lin yOlIt 55 tractaI, youeic' y clou be hIe e benehi freom l,,ueo cA lIt ei BUY i CIGAR. CIGAR GIFT PACK I I nw,nlanns'I lairs. CnoseqaealOser Ihn panI cutup O uuiycuns. lun '5 liad s laxo hoctninusiul and aponuodutli daL 1,11x01, und i nd,,tmtd ' Oli0Ot 'A i000alern. Ify011 6,11 iemaeiiherollhosogmups - und I: - 0151e Onums: Mon..Fmi, 7-7; Oal, 0.1; San. 5.0 Pragrnos oaken avuuilable ta Semi. icr Cìmianrmo 165 yeani old & Pb 'l'ha Punvon Wlmevlchamrs are TOBACCO OUTLET 4930 W. D8MFOTER . eusLtcnEOVI*OueOTtSvMOn'r 0V IEI'l"OEY CARDP.I.LA 'lime Park al Golf bull, h,tc',uieih um - nuore ioformaliuo la ura ii' Fisc L "ARTHRITIS UPDATE" SEMINAR De, Palniok Ochselll, Anmhriiin Spooialiat lease Ibò Illinois wuhi ho 16e fuovuspaa kIr 51 Ihr Mermea Gneue Sonice Cenlc'ra I I pou. ex Tursday, Ptb, IS Ohe will dinuaw lic "Tunnel's" elfevis an flooding in Iba area, DonI Bist Ibis inloxoutisv laIb and shoel slide pnrsenlalíOo. ANTIQUE ROAD SHOW 2 is lhumoendllmnuni Al Smaegmullnm entero dion voll Ann Lunch Bauch at 15471 967-6876. I.'irla lien D'Islmid I 4 17 597 Bunch somme8 nf a nuIrilioss Beef Slaw luocheor 01 11:40 am, will ìrnmediulvly proceda Ihio prafraw. To make a lunch Glena blajowski, Comommnsi000r, Molrepolihae Womor Rae- 4 iS Dick d'anas Wero 'lion Days" waekly radio bnoadosnm sod will be prrsealing this apeciol floe peogra an forarn lors ai 2:30 p.m. io Iba Mais Hall of Ihn Morion Graao Senior Çrrlor, Mr. Sulmadno ir aloco ni rocipinnl of Ihn "Studs Tonkol Humonilios Award" 'and will pr000ni namples and Aoucrìplions ofsomn ofmhe cbsnsia raAie bnaadvosln from lIne 1950',. 40's and SOc. The Lanob "DEEP TUNNEL PROJECT" LECI'URE 4 mlocatlnsal phpsmoal tn leguoal nappoo ro Iltumse ud,,, twA mile least pnnmeumion cecI cimo ita 11333 ° The cnmfort nf knowing Ihe person yuo're dealing wulh. You will alwoys see a familiar foce al 00f chapels. Our sl'aff is eel fabled antang dozens of funeral honiiy, IS Il 5 as on ThursAay, l'eh, 20, Chuch is peeducee of Iho "mato 00w- AAAuilonolIy. Ariscas will Sed Iban by vempletirg Aals oaarca Ihe ycaoneav iso a dtnvoaet on a panlien al 160m nalomabile insasarun, 'l'br nani coaenn nlfered 01 160 Manan Onaon 00h01 Corlas will be held slarhing 0m 'J anm. os Samaeday, Fob, I 5 arA Salundop. Feb. 22. The 0051 of 1h euosrse,'s SIS. Call he Mar. lait G noue 000ien Hal Line 01 (047) 470-5223 tnsigrup. B,ihSelmem rely, headquaslens'd ut 3h11) W embalming facilily. dation bal only a family owoed busittess cao offer. * We consistently upgrade our facilities amtd ulmonfen mho 0cc em panyagìn g aId onwoys Ami50,x panoate fon Iheso changes un iniprocing Iheir driciog skills. Ill Il 0 13 7 14 Mr. Ochador's Nevembor pronantu mino hcd lo ho postponed dar lo an illnens. but 16e MorIon Geourles ideal in back with SS ALIVE DRIVER SAFETY PROGRAbI AABP'n "SS Alise Driven Safely Pecgecms is ao eight-heur iavn.day coassa len elda, mutmneisms. Ii focams os hi physical "IIOTSIlOTS" Abonl Coaoell tar 2cc' c'si: wluich itper.uucs 23 sexton teasIng commllunutmes un eight ulules, Fer O You mill be Iftalad wiIh Ihe respect and appl'e- 9 12 l'eri'odio bleed prrnsure re casale manI is helpful ja dstemninurf if health in lb reales, A by high blood prestana )hyparuansimio). Hypo nenojen i savanlrl'baton lowomd oleabas, beonI Ais' cace oeA kidany lajlann, lfnfonlanalohy, hyponmoesior usually liaI ro aympinmt 50 0 0 rs000 an favI greal and noI koow they fcuoi'u't. Praununeenin g.oaeenffc ned from 9 ma I I am, on Taraday. Fob 14 ix mho Mneae Gnose Cinc Ccntoa, lb IO Cl.Colenioi PI isa mgiscrmd nursn. mt' Iba pnesesal naco staff Ihm, dl l'o funeral honics by licensed funeral dircclorca. Your loved one will nel be lfaospuged la i'fucoy like" equipmenl Io effer families nniy 1hz besI. ERIC SKAJA FUNERAL HOME something 1h01 50U door want er negli, 13 0 B15.blCtttlug&CIg. About The Park at CnlT,SIìll. Why Select A Family Owned Funera' Home? O IS 9 psosude s fall sim a umtunognm. "lam - Sunday as the Crolert Sasnenirs at Paris, 1950 - Sandap, IS 14 7 ifA.Munellu llZfh.MolevandOuinn residents a'ìlh daily living clou. Call PamTickom Aoaibahmhay 07-brasanch ttl?.Perryn usailabbe 24 humors n da' y' ut TICKETS CURRENTLY ON SALE IS h nq.Slamo Ptnm s,s pars al mho pamlnersltip stilt Smatop Club nicola am 2 p.1mm tIme nacend and f0006 Muinday of the 08-De Orblci Ill 3-Candleluto 01 S'bl jano Tram The Fach at Gell Mdl, Clii tv,ll STAMP CLUB 19 2 *b'Ok:u)a#S errA osA receles ongoing tutti' il so nest emeemmag am we di.neonatoeeiety uf issues 2 012.SkajaSl IS Il #IS.NernlmOhoseMlrwkolS lb 03.RIiMAX Ill il independesl fifeamylro Sdt,,.c, 1h01 wtll be available Inducid u, CJE nmpleyees wo dIu,nehi mas:. Cemmmpumer lemeresi Group nmeeis tito Sea and third blnnduy of Cantt $3.26. help '1.1,, t'lItI tvsrlrls 9 tiIl.lteamincnlen #16.1 P.Banhee Shop #S'Trannuun mo and niedícuhotnremcitxdi',. ilmuntooth tI 2 pin. Theme will he rim meeting February I7as tIce Seriar Center comll he cloacA fur Prssidrnm's Day. Fluor lois anam ocunth, sr WL 0I9.mnilljcnce nIaIS u,f wrnssnsl eon uttmkcm,,, specially trairad Cisl ceoe COMPUTER INTEREST GROUP Pinochle Tanrounseat - Fridan, lieb. 14, Noon ta 4 pse. The Nile: Seoiar Cesser Will 8e Cloned Fam' Prenialnnsr'D,ayu lfooday, Feb. IP The Park am Golf hluhi, itndnti, retiremnn tcaltcmsmuai tp, roccethi "THOSE WERE THE DAYS' WITH CHUCK SCHADEN BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING Wed, Jan, 22, 2003 malines. ascII as Inalblng. h.'i", Wcdmmevday of the monili modiacusn banal and wend issues Prbraary 27- Eltentine Management of Hearing Loss - Audi. olugini Sherri Gasromrinhy, MS. pmaanrs infemtatios no affeutia'e muxeguwoor of hearing loss ucd the laient lechnology. Golan under frani yuur physician for a hearing semoning, lMedieare re-pays utili urden.) Appainsments for beaning screenings will he made fer lic full oo'iog won k ut Coniee. I io 2 p.m. Fmr. bai mgistrosìon m- by The Park Ihn subsshs hmnuvan OOye.tm, 'I),, BEGINNING SOCIAL BRIDGE Drap ja oh Boginniog Social Onidgo. to Thursday am 12 attuo. Morton Grove Seniors Nues Senior Men's Bowling CJE Named Preferred Provider femneul pnimoider gite rexiuheot p,', April 24. blomningulaxuen ore 'bici Il ant., sod uflemmin chanson are i mo 3 pmo. All leur)n u'elcnmne. 030 covoes irsiruc000. graeru'amn. rugis ira io e a roqu ire A. PAGE IO TISE BUGLE, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 13,2003 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 13, 2003 AVAILABLE I GET i FREE i - WE CARRY IS'S A BOY i 0u00C1aaw0u, IT'S A GIRL CIGARS I Marlboro, Salem $32A5 + Dunhill, loti, Rothman Gauloises, 555 $47.93 Virginia Slimu, Parliament $33:45u i , I_ ¡ nr ¿: . Eve Jade . $20.97 ,.-. 'i. .t'.,d.' $26n95+tax ' . e Kool, Quest s29.95 +tax ' + n Pall Mall , 7fb (fiIt.rnnh) .IU+tax und lIlly bu.'crO liupI fr aelomala uod 1x0111 lusos as well, ,lltdnc i illuld 5 1150 00mO t fnomo fed eralitidutumla (caca. lIli clItlOOl no.1 bands mtmuy invunlltO (lIbran IIVO :11 acuoudl . iuuonuc ip:ml Mil coli l're. N,leu, 470-0033, Jeffrey lVu,uIdI l'nel hcrea,'bcuIicmEd l'olI lJIctuOe. 8131 N. lenes, tubl.sstnabomg,olhoalsoua.b *alP,traotl6. tan Inlet Enes., WEACCEP0ALLÇISARETIE IIlOUFsCTlAeo'BCBapB*S .,S5:llois'Y'S'I!tn.runna','ttuu..,.rnuuj,n5154,_ l'AGE 16 TIlE BUCLE,THURSDAV FEBRUARY 13, 2003 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 13,2003 OBITUARIES League mourns the sudden ANNE KERHLIKAR Tire Hilas Baseball Laogas the sudden pasasrgoi Laaeae Presidevs Joe Asderson or Sarsl,sc, Feb. 2.3003.Joe wee abased sa lic Board years age. Briard l'eevislars. Mr Avdersor'n cans ropersive cr4 vaidaece helped rise league rsssscsrarserdaaslyssver sise veri,. Hic presence sr she Nues Baseball Lemme mill be greasly LILLIAN KAUFFMAN Lillian Kaulfsrsar 76. srI s'ailiry'ser 05,. (ferssserly Nile, resi. dessi ('sir 19 yra.l died Friday. December 211 ss Laslsaress Herse. Aslinsiser Hin. SIse svaa horn MaraIs 7. 1924 sss Desreis, Ml. Belesoal vs il's al Irr lose George Kaoheiais Beloved mesher el Nassen I Brad) Nel.vvnasrd Kmh- nsailrer ei BasIs cod Sanee Dico. he .iissl Levee sosl Ryan Nclvssss Ssssar sil Harry lMssv FIlassi Zander Services a-ere sold 0555. Aralsesss l.ailsar,ss Cirereh, Park Rsdac .-hrradgeirsessn lrandled by Cl. l9slIs Fusser-al Hossse. lota,55cm iv-le sis Si. Lake Cessserarv, yosra end o nsem sa John end ss Ss. vera legues Churels ir Hiles. lllssejs as Basarday, Fab. B. 21513 LOTTIE SWIATEK Lvrssr Ssasaseh. 9H. sil Nslas. died bVadsesdoy, Dacesssher2y as Ballard Nasasrg Hsis,oe. SIse scss how Jal9 24. 1914 ir Luirlsr. SOI. Briar-ad doagissor al Ira lasa Assdraw Ssaia(ek srd she lasa Hass. nello Swisrek. Siasors)ir'rosees Dyjoek. Sareicas s'ere held Da. ecoshar 2h is Ss. Ississ Brelma( Chamls. Arrissigassscs,sv hardlasl by Skrsja Tarrrsce casseraI Hsvsse lssarsrsani saar in Ss Aslalbons Ca- Joass, a sissar la Jahr Belissahon, a,sd as gr,ssidsnnshar Sr, Jasmie, JoIsa ond Jenasi,:,s, a oreas grassdsss,shar sss Ge'rseudc .9. Sirs,sll,rra. 5h, vil Nslaa, diesI Tisarasiav. De'eassslrer 2h ss Oaksar Pacs(IsssssNarrsrg FOs,sssa. SI sers-as Irarss e\pril 17, 1916 ir Clsseayss Babascsi esile sil sise Ilse Bielsard Svsallara Bales-crI dsagIrseri)I ilse 1.-ssc Sidras) Wass,,(sff ,esri ihre lesa Mvhsliia Wasselahi Ilairivad vsaslierol (arai lFesrse Li licij'rcr arrt Drosse Garsa-Li Masissc Sari sees socia held I7ccc,isliar 25 as Ss Mary Cisuieli !srr,eiaaisicisls Isardlad by Skays'l'co ree as ldesee, asid Alehesssserv Amac, Cesssnsery l'lrivse. lssse-rrsaisl Ira, irs .\lasi IssU She lasa Jssls,s (Ilsrsc.seks ,mssd sise ala Barrs,ar Glvsa-aehs lieblived lasher el Vsa lislasarcofll Glsis,'. llsssslra, sii FaJeosa lilsrsc arAs, litreS Fsiss.s,d (ilrro-oak, Sani lacs e, aro IseO l7eeonmhar 27 ars 510555 lmassslbesi by Skaj'a Tossica Funeral Hrsms,e lssarsrsens vs--rn,,, SS- Mai16, rs Co s se la rn- l.sg. SS, sil Gla,iasesv. aliad islrs,s. dro, h)aecsishcr 1h Sise sors 551ml 9, 1914 sss 'alaska6'rsii,,'all criss-d or-lIa al ilse lasa il_si-os sr) (lie 1.-Ile Mseiraol S51sek sss1 sima Lara Aiiss,s Ssr,sci. Beirssarl sirs ils. lose Kerili b l)Isso I An. slar,srmm Gr.slsd,,srsibis.r vI Saals' ArsrSc,or:si K ci vr /srsrlai,isss assd Krrrshasly .-'asidai,riss Sr,sarrsl abra (asia ial_rio_rs,, KahI,ssass_ lisa b_lie I1brisonea I ,a,,rsr sise 1_sso L'allia. risse Ss,simls asrd lisa basi e s'arno 'l'a ssisshly, Mosshscr-so.l.-soa,ni' Flairso And voss, S es held l)ea,rrha, 20,, Oar Lady ail Any of the following services Full Service Oil-Filter-Lube Transmission Service (reg. $4995) Differential Service (reg. $24.95) o u p o N Coolant Flush Service (reg. $49.95) NILES 8430 W. Dempster Street between Greenwood & Cumberland next to McDonald's (847) 827-0500 Des Plaines L 1340 Lee Street (847) 296-7059 Chicago 6116 Milwaukee at Elsion (773) 631-9691 l'arposual Help. Arnorga',,rer,a hassdled by Bkaja'i'arrasea Fasesasl Hrmnsa Insermass o'oa in SOIledlassas L'asoasesy-, ( HeIrs S Sselabs'L, 6h, isbrs,icnls IiICbslaagm,, linal Sss,dsy, Ooaasls- lie_aslm, Bcbsr,a-ml disogIssan rib she lion 22 aSs shihaqsarqaa- ROgbiusi.II ia_sn lilla' Isla lisis lana-ak, lila i_ssc liaba-ii lIlla' l_sis' b, esulI riss, s,, lila Alplsrssssa sie,snaslci SS'seri, Siso I_nsa Fr_irk s Ilse bas,' Sails bss_rai IlasgIsSar sil lina l_lie i s isl,sial,s hircos rd 'a'lSlOa 'hie, 'al,nclsssb_ Ssclaslk, Ilse bIse (ia'ssrra Ssai,snsL ,n4 rile iwo CasIs, SsaSa,ssk :Saisl mli ,\slaino:s ialsilan, Ss,ser-is-l_sisi.( Sl.ssba,mc Ssdlanbk, Ser,sca,ssensIralsi Oa'eersslnon 28 ai 5, Isilrsi I'al.ssscesi (S'resi, Siaia-n'in-laSsa rIs Icassrcsse SVnesss, Sanai_ram so-arc iirsjre L'lmss,eis, s'ansas,5'essiers, Isamimbbed by SL:sjar'l'e'rn.i_ra los esilIassi msasinSm -511:11, Isar, L'as, les as i, hisalsoal C'liusahAnnas,,s,.a,ocils, Is,bnsslbed Is5 Skasj_i I'e,r,baa bisbisas l'irisa hilicr,rlan,na,, I si lIdi lliSli5nIs5as Cassoiarv J sS N F STDE D'S SN S 'ya SI,rarso,sirrl shied l'isa,arl,ry, l3ceaimmliai 25s si (lassa,ab lirispIl_sI Silos,,,, RollElil' (i, NOR.DSKOG i,ssma hssr,s lassa IS, Isis) si liai liSa's5 laIb msi h:rl sis, SlIms,Sial misasl dasgli lessi i Ilma hlsehacl Cysnlialmsl .ssmi Ilse blair' Lt sII':sIioi la's Im i lind Nlmnslskbia' Ilabrbcabi L,Iha,sri L'I si'sm 5h 11ml i Silica - Saurer, B Nssralslalrg, LIn:, lOb) islivibil Gnagibr, Blelbanbl Nrird,bI,g ,llsIi AssIs' ISlIel,,Iall Discib C',sabssdhalsher III Clirbssb na,. balas- 51555 Slrsu'os'msnoi, S Isles sii C,als,halsss, Sors cas ocra IbId i)ae'asr,liar 311 ai Skalam l'a'rnaee liase rami HsiSiSei'avnaOg,issons, haodlari isI' sbar,s 'Lasco Fossar-,rl Iilis,se hillerIssaisI s'a, mss s'alusvisllb Casilaiary, Irla grssap Shn's ab,saasslanncor Iba Ss, Thsins,,s Cssrsaehaey Edacalianal Peand,siom IMEFI, Meses und Midsown's allen' chap Lisellon sr bVbbrslOISa' aod Iba mchoah aammonsimoemnie'hn,css srisi nib ills Isan Il55,'51lIreirasaba5a5 l,aa' Mass,an sassing heIse s Des _1sd 'IiiSbSSi anssy 5e'sl Ice, b'l'aslseS, 00h05 sise', mal pursuIng prligmams sorer Chicago's dilsd' vunlagad ysssih. helping hen, ha 'lisa Ib'algsv'a n' S'IsnSig l,oarsi. a's a',an d hisghhighns 55551es,, Inlini isa islasia mSelSre1-asn oSI lias plsilanSllrSipia inherosla, aho'r lsk'sly so ha laand ployirg Shn psa' als,,,e besser ssaderss a,,,l heIser Ircepla by islOgralsng eaaldomias Irr clabrissi, Ras mss ssaa sosos' ans Ss so role a, mhsals cha a'ill eon' ssaa olscnhi1ls sahmsl, Ile arn ses lin Ca,sebb bsiIh vissa,,, MeSe ifllannaalinn L',nser l,in gbIb bis Chscage'n neon 0/ans Ssde isla ismiai llar, sIsens_rl,oal .55111 sOiSISlibnsrrsaniirleh. - (inagsin 01 lisss,by, Servbcas scesa iseld Da'ae,r,har 27 as SS, l'anar, lJsssad Cisarel, el'Ci,nis,, rhsrasS,ges,raslsv lbardlural by Shalal - ca si asssIar isial a.1I_'snasa'san \'iII,snSea I',Sra, b ,cisbOsiII,5 sIi lie 1101515 "b balboiaa Ic_rn b,obp eshsns isy be' lalrgesl dmgsssma chais nub Broui ing a pars al Iba' ssiedbaal prolea' sass I leal liLa I halas onosgh Is Clash phsb.s5isrepy gives nne a05 sslascisisn Is) sls',,ka herr leal she 21102 saIns ol $26.7 billies, The .'Irn sii h sar, , a 555,55115 b.snlslasll,a SVa,l' gnaass IsIs aaps irsea i Irun,r,sine 'I da'e arde, S rica h ail , sIse lIa,, pas- lasusa. Me slIm Achb,arsneOl Con' seriar girls and isa hroblsorasrB'ash' rime islidboses Censos len hlsys. a-ra saapsbrsrd by balidlmiwn bIer pasad n sIsar isla'1515m'aahiiavrssiani a,id Caillage OsbanSalios Irrssgeas,s lbs sliarras lien lisglssls_ ilbelgsi b.sisgaage rd campases "luIr SSII laisyaa,gr is Sp_bSlbniS, asa.linaggbssag lsm,ssnslelilsrly lSssrib,ls ebasv,---sasid Villabnrc,sl, "bV,sis lIsa isai5r l'so reecll'cal Issaslie lIly I salis, ,vessa n yaabrll-Isa, lamral. and big, soh i15eI5 iiam, ile slrnsa b yalìd, C e,bvo ,aahy. nlblrO alsill'411'. Id rae I sassI as gv550ralI' 1150 a lbs Isll,'esSsc O os,b raca a cois' ly as ha licalO Ill I 10110 hasSe, Nlssa 5cm pOren,' ssybr, as alrlor scheins i l'risilisaa'Issilisilbii sb hisIai casslpics dlssn 5usd I by wisilo, black ,'lIsd leIm,',, Mabrsl lsd seIch s,,y hIgIs alrblvig siles 1510db beige, ssaiiolrsn 51001 alppllaocea sehaesi ebaa,sis_bsas ash5055 era assiso cbilr:rsheall'albis:absbesgllSa Iii salga alud ïin lare ,, md vrrpsinlpla Shah pa,g'ya, Fma'yrl'IianS assid corn- L laim'ishiii I" 10,0,1011 ,bhIisis sca'llnsmlagy. I lIlac schals I p aa5a Kool WinInn rus.os.o, O,,__ 52r9n tax 31"e lax Nwpoit Marlboro tax '' Satom 83r' -- Carnet Doral tax we vasen aal civsssr'nvnabrmaa t ecco s eocenos late'il 1511 eIne s abo, dilier is, Slur' roo nsicam hess psilimiihe'5. iba sur' lsanasaapaismsial baada'nnchip qs'ahi' 15a,S, Bisa ba_a aleasod so 1110 hinss rS SIan' 51151 ay. clisdblesad by Malsa l'annam ills LXI'll DenigSs Cas' je'els. nllab es sea' lasmdsaaping, eIlId,susr iighlirsg and grilling lys' lar,,, chile ,al,rso,, cIscase kisaises, sa hem higlmo,I pñarily. Cooplal nay 11,osn malin ilcllcrasn, aa,bd, "C1shisbala 55 rca- o5nitad by lia, paese all M,sns lar tax I9.rIC6a,O. asbadenl gsvenss,,50515 al lasS valrSissen ssd a51ais SlIbs Fr11, Dar,ssg She ,a,oil,ar al hes ' Irnairosabs year, Gabriela receIved 5r00r..s,o $292*a tax Be a Member With Us & Save, r Pick Up Your Discount Card Now. Ask For Detailsi PrIces sablecl lo ohargo WitiSOal nolise. NOI re0000sibie lo, prirl errons OÑ!r,,r. 'LIII.l3,iS lIsos alLey Sam, irs, al "nc 'biss.'' ,ssd sian aleo gassing 'baelibs'dsl iIi he me-sis,' yalvvbsa,lsul ulOsigli pSlioOSS. S11a155,5 ailS_raSsir, i FREE LIGHTER Wlh Carton Purchasg renieSur ben her ork sssvslesleor al Iba Fiald Ma' ass asd a-aa isailld lo 505am aIga,ir rho i01100'i5IlH055550r, Villaar,aa,his a sophoosbSre a,, 'Ilse Willows Aaado,ny IO Dra Plaises, wheno ah, sas n,r,s,basai ile Iossrsosieoai Chah and s p50' Pr;SB:BOflSPIUOIffl SERVICE DIRECTORY SKOXIE CARPET INSTALLERS h Ill a r alalls'aIYassSkaIbsa la il sI,ass 71 bsssioslaalsv ulivasgmoa lei'lh rheinsig' 5es. 611,5111 siliasIlls sillIer, alhoas ,,enbnshiIig ,vhei, il carras In bilmo "I'iia'Yes. dour, ivl,alir,'ee yell all sisIbale is deflilisely sSo procem,R6 poserl,h eisvass,as ser- dacbs,',ililsi- declina,' salid Ali,sss MeKe'nrio. as kiloholl dasigser los EXPO i51 Aslas,,s'a, We155011 perler as relaxed, io- iso,,sal ssyle - anlass lìka Iighr coyod raid shrir husbssnd's apis' ian hes ass iohlsenan 0e heir de' aiaino lo parahuse a decoras rive HEATING AND AlPI CONDITIONING Original Family Opined and Operated Singe 1904 Repairs & Laying of New & Old Carpet (847)679-0953 MIKE'S HAPPY HAUL AWAY Vay îasana I. Fes,rnansple. Seals pm' baresSenianha, 00000150 515mb peo' dseoeasiissg uiinalglee'IsiasSss IlIcuv os aebsr. asyls snsd u1sablily, While' lass55 555a5 sloSoiHasle she dreomsiSsg dnaisions'sssakissg SHAVITZ 847-678-1000 brsol'bls ,,sa,sagemesl and ashes Ilse aliasilbb lIa ii,'sse isai,,gad dras- - is,s 847-965.9100 liva,, sahiels pravsdsa misil snr' aia, pramanbplions, phamss'aay gmoenn. yell so'',nd sosa . oso abshe na ai lIsis allai asissi be'ansslnil Fresiels sod AVENUE. NIL,s. IL aoeSpanyopcmalss 3.950 aselen is 43 sIales and Paerso Rica, in asddi' also as Wabgreeny Hralsh bssilin' Idi) I ' 'l'Ire n' s lilibS 'o dcellsals' 1,105511, l'sii lsai,a dm5550 or-all 55 Erg- ANYSEFOV10ECALL! Design Tips for Couples Ready to Renovate LIII,, ssascss llldgenlSmiCebnsasany $59.95 Or Boll., 13121 2264B66 0mor hlIpllearcro. snidlawo.melrn,org. \Vs,lgsenn Co, is Ihn nonios', ,c,a',sie Irs, 551 lesI ml cas_l 5 I $20 OFF FornOO.. 41r Con011Ion., 1,151ro Achisvso,enl Ir ba'elrnia als aislan' ganci phyabaanas," aaid Villarreal, L' arlan ira, h seL O,v OFF S2AA C,nsor Ion gIrls i, asaiishle es 11sSlI'asalsy 'l'ocrasce Fasasab Hassle, lnsrarn,laSsi NILES DISCOUNT OUTLET TOBACCO 7746 N. MÌLWAUEE .,beas she sIa nl prm51'r,,sisr S mIlls sd,alnsab,Od CISIr Ibas s mcii USIne'nSiIOinSl,, b,lShi Ihr SV.,bgsaar, Osba' Ills' Ora b'ssu- 'sas NliS,bsbl,0 assI hie lasse shsssh- l'asIlI, Sv'asm SIlses,vrlilal.simd5bs_rri_ ass - hissssr lane 12, 19311 ir Cisloasga irairim-csi s,Ssldas,sdCiini- 5a'amSrIlSsssamsn,snsl Gn_,,sd slIm ilmr ris K,sa'bvr Ssimaor. ,ddsa asnas dm5 GabrIslo VsIharnea,h sca, pmsenseli hic hh'aI15cm, 's'Isang l.aalie,n ,,aasd 5i5sn l'a_ri ,,0,aSnraSi 5 - i, Rassdeslial - Commercial - bsdonlnsal Rbshcs C, Neraiskog. 22, dIesI Shmrsl,sy, l)aeo,srlran 23, Hr SS'.bI liaismsasi lsa,liaod all/dica Nb,r,iskbsrc Bollsacul es ari ha base Blas- - 'asnal, bassa s HEATING, VEHItLAI1ND A AIR CONDITiONING CONTRACTOR hier as,dar riaL,obS 1,111 sise larsa L',silie 51550 Smrbus,lk, S,nse, Il) sl.sry 5 Ssmo i 0001,), Varal lshe lao "an- IS' sas,, Avmrsai Bsrhrers 'hSilissials, GARTNERHEATING & COOLING isladsoal Corsor, She s,,, Iabna.ssv (3, 191 Iris C'IsleadrI ISa- Ilse IVs,seaosr ihren, aId lia rhlslrismirar lS'remss SIsAs rilslsa lIla -anwnrRaddirg& Ropeil FAIR AND HO'NE'STFAMILY OWNED HElEN S, STIUFÁNIK a-sn 'Wales OreJerO-Bao Piping Analngassirnsn lsamodlcal J.,sss.,rv 211, 1113 ir Cisicargsi ISaIrisad rallo si sire baIse hicirbl)acanSaher25asmømmnla,rir mil JOSEt'IIINIi rBNOEI15ØN SILIIIURSCIILBG Ssllraina'islg, Balsisad d.svgl,,ar C Sladseab Cesse,, SIs Sasrp& Emulan Pampv-Bahtshy Bach-vp 3224 West Lake Ave. - Glenvlew, IL Sophsa Haasis, 87, ds,d Fniaia,y, Doccs,,brer 215 as Bassssrceiilmss Sk.yiam l'creareo Forcrollisrsrmas\rr,,nga. F F 'Smrhs-FoscoB-TailsS-Tabs-Blgrsesl xERvIcE CALL (847) 998-6160 M-F 8-5 Sat. 8-1 lsr aballas 'l'anr,,ca l:as,ral Hsis,sc a.1,lrS5, shllahinao Cc SOPHIE I-IIUATH 01100 . INMIUID 1,1x0357 Appointr,-sentnn Mulde to Yoor Tinsse Srohodxle lambaraii Nseiimslan Csalsrm,r mar M,ebsol(a I Keibr s CIba, (Rassir I llas,ail,s, aasd Kasasu Rsr,mbsI, Sancloes a-ana hold Da e,ssilien 311 ss Ss lsil,s BrelnIms Clsaw'h lriscpissnar\nder,rii, Sslherveh- 1 llalasad Ia,sisessmi Bagasa- lPaulas,aI Cbohlmla-se,anl Dril Sines Il_esseri RssnspL Granai pbosroad aso Febraary 16,2003, Bolovoal hashasnd sil Ilse Issla isla,. g:sres Glrsa-oeki Beloarsl sssr $ ehsss, ses Silla, A n,os,su,einl lanahasrrss: LIOMSOD - iNC. o - lila os she area sise laws 30.vearssn 4o Plumbing Service & Repair absisrsee md li, lasse Marsas km- hssersrs, Clsseasgss_asnoi Isvesl ail isar Fahraanr- 29. 1916 is Clsse,svss, Io sewe - IsIs,, Isor gasdassea ansI ausnahm, sorb lssso so vair noel,. SIse rca,a Sunday, Dae-ai,sbar 22 as l.ashrr. plumbing v,cg PEARL - lo, cal srsr al ,I, lassa Al,, Cr- L,hhy and Maggi, UENRYJ. GLOW'ACKI Harry J, Gless'ascki SS. lied ON' el siso basIn Ssrphio Ciahasa-res, Ba. l'neo, SIse adosred l,rr lasoilv sod ar(oyad li,air irsseoslslsipnsorr Ilsassarylhing sis Isar Ihr, SV0 all an CosseraI Hsispssal. He sa,,, GERTRLiDEA,95J,5J,Lj, CIvcsas. hleissisriola so: Ss Andre-sss l.eslserlsr Clsaceb Lasher- r---------- - rsavil'r, 5e Jnrapls 1er olrrso-, BB . loes IMeeholli Gsesike GrarsT Eagcns Chchnsssar, 9h Iansnarly el HIlas. dind Sunday. DecessI ber 22Ib5asror M,diaa,i CerIrr, He Isa,, lnIsrr AsgasI 30, 1911 s Ne,, Irk, Ni Salssaad iss,h.snII doy B a,lSrr BO sanrdenlal r'aarv, sn A Masosrrial M rar scar. Iseld diras a Beard Member ard Isard evork ard dedica. silice as acensuado aleesed as EUGENE CICHOWICZ Asnrkarhkar(alonJ,sm passing of Joe Anderson Addison resident receives Waigreens Young Leaders Award PAGE 17 la 4330 Oxkton Street Skokie, IL 60076 We Sell and Set-vice Water Heaters' FOR THIS SPACE CALL: Old Slores, Houses, Attics and Garages Cleaned Oui, WE Ill OLD WOODEN ICE BOXES WE HAUL MOST ANYTHING N$CASVIOSA05180ISOI&IIOIWVIO (773) 645-3735 ROSINE 847-588-1900 THE ItU(;LE.TIIUKSt)AY FEItRtIAItY PACE IS Spares Sunday Evening Club Kirsten Seaholm Killean Exhibit aLMG Library jeune of Punie Ridgo. will ho or- The Spares Sanduy Evening Club for Widowed, Divorced und Singlo Adulte. 55 ood ouor, oeil sponsor u Dunce wid Lico Mu- ivheeing hot ueiquo photognepins u do Mortuo Grove Public Li hncrv during she month of Febru-. rev. Tim cuhihit, 005elod Ruflze- tinter t'sesluck I)e,rsser, 63111es 7')) prie. includes pitotograpins of purple crei pircos around ho .t e ., Rn 'es Grose, II lust pricer o sise dunce u Posiuck Dsnoorwifl be sensed. breo0 eveeniui end viii be titowo in hopeen lesende dm15 sss share. creees, S.esevt Screens. Tbo Library rs ioFree scene irelonsestion onfercostt- Mcrnf,rrs. 56. Guosre. 67 Contuet - Hserlineo 1-647.91,7. 5730, s, 'cisc- Sp:s,ns Sunday Fr cneresg Cleshh,n9VsdservodDivesscoui:end Sesrgle s\dalrs - SS cred reset - Insett, elio floeensseveetsteosdsiranr. Dates lelancie 2.21103 1236. evevw.evobnory.eng. leeres u Sr. Peesriek's D,nerve htssesu i err cre um Dcsnvesg Pies,same Chuck :rnui tOen Priende. LE BREAKFAST LE BRUNCH LE LUNCH Special - ihn first taunt) oren attending mear flanees Irme Cree-mitote titi.s natica as pua en- Time: 7:30,0 111:30 pits. i,00atioae 0601 Fuilonsuer :550.. Rever Grove. IL lComeemsrl Fulleo sert and finar Rd.i ilrntttatnm, Sb. Guetta t?, SAMILEOVUEA$TOI i ORT RASTRO SUNNURDE UP. senor. rrrrr.Oeege.s.r mm. Contact - Horhro i-847-9653730. two dozen snaps. Pancakes. I OJ, 100% Colombian coffee. I 0oo5O.S.tS.r.uta. Crispy bacon and savory I N.tn.adeñth..YOTh.?n,,e. Annual Youth Baskethall Tournament in Indiana sausage. A great breakfast, al a fair price, served with a smile. L EVANSTON U7C8ttrn8SSr.t Er...tr.ef.,1. BOlt 328400B 49 p_reed e:eme. bu- sdhnrsri liar per' eierece_sue:le est ne.. .eu.. mes/na r 'sers rie'trier r:ilrre,eueeeis Iren plo,eiii mn Irre nice p_sen il ru_srs ese trese'etmeet's tinner (,viel n ,heectiire ttenrEs, ese help escher reise:iseeisepr ou essi irs_miser lii ')rnrse.nr:rsses1nrnii 2. 21553cr e ree:' sere, rendes' Sine,.' es Ssinniier i',stk i7rneesensng resse re_ene, leo nei S:ecre l):nslee 55'epl,erueennsnrk- nr0nselmeluc:eenr:::'u'ees luihenelit Ore celo, ii nslnerne ei S,vneue ira'ese inssluie:i n une nr penem. crins, n BeeqeetS & Rey*aer.ei _WHITE tes difieren bresekote. i'bey For restaurant dining or small parties up to 100 guests You'll love our DeU-Carr Out for Spectat PartIes. Our Polish flome-flade specialties Inctude: smc. elude Ssis-65i, grado boye: S51m.t,rle gn:ssio gimle, 7si, grado hreye: 711e ieradv breie, Sue kr,sdv beses. ,sssd SII, grade gseie. shil g,ad's ame l,ased rese rice gr.sde sra issv'le anis' do,rsseeurronsie-sssrseiied Mushroom Barley Soap Homemade Plerogies Homemade Pastries Sausage & Xraut...ond mach morel S'inc' oesrs: fee Is,m neja corns- Visit our Gift Shoot rmscrm je 8105 ur,d gu.svsssoee each Imported specialty one-of-a-kind items. jewelry. Crystat ornaments and tots mare. Thorororll ire ua-orde prrss5eden Lunes: Son-Sor rAri - 3PM.Dinrar Tres-Sar veti - 9PM 21613. cccii hn:sckrt. 'lieu s'cern7 doadie,se em M:stcis 3, Sande5 rr:305M - 7:50PM 6839 N. Milwaukee Ave. Nues leo lhsaus:ecnis ninsnee iadcr9 s'sI cerneeclr c:sl_e c:0 slc.cks l'cs led ' le,s:k sic encre lien enns5nsc nru'liee liese1,. Iraig .\sininvne, 'Ile: ll,sreie S sr,: selei,elle1,uunl meats lr,ulsel e_e nc ).mrrermreecs:,skee ib: prosolems' eesmecsmsque slid meccnlsu,m',shie C:emleee,srlI cur lins Sill dcspi.rve .5 :l:m:,dillro:ililenmis ll.crld crassier, see SIred sissleens :luoscnseues All prsegn,esuns ass eme mise (rubled ,:lnd deingecod ellI, mice iasnm lì :slnsnrnsd 'lOcero ne pis'ncce erl bee p_enkeseg Fserasidirjsrrol srrfren,es:ssrrrrre, ancreryisrrn,i, pious'c ccli tine reell. free NAYS sprsre iseurrass,ets Phones (847) 647-0660 Fax: (847) 647-0694 sen lireslineari -5110757-3200 CI'r'i Symphony Orchestra Presents Tomo Free Concerts Daily trrakfrtt Rpnsiats Dali9 Lunch lpeeiots 4%sPJac4 Open 7 Deys a Week - 6 arrt, ro 4 p.m. )oloeiehens :1 Gienve'ess Sviucpicne,v Ordiloelr:e a nil por. sIlo lnerlsl err Surda1. Fehro,'ery iS, 1 plIsar tine Nsmrsimhrmmok i'shiec Ln. hrcsrv, 12111 Code, Slurre Gsroe' rse, lip Selruclismrs a II oceledude 1511411 CL' f I 8501 W. Demp,torSt, I'4jIOSe II. 60114 V (847) 6922748 Huogrt Man Size Skillets Delicious Apple Pancakes & Dutch Rabies Huge Omelettes Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice 55170 ieteiu.eukees\rerue Ip cts..lteoi blm. l_jressie Register for a Computer Class Power Point l.:sseksng ils gut erg'amnee:l r Sell' :e:,,ssieiesie,or PsIIrre lsteuldor>sns nlsllldeers.ebtog yuca need tsmnelga' ceceo lssr idem ntulckiy .e,ed 5.1,1' lisse viwsn teaohee dcmO lie Inne- d,nmesdslain eel teasses tesist V:eu nil lo_nielo crraeo leder, crrs5enere l'es nane's eend graphs. Ciclen o sii Ins ecc 'l'uesd,ey, Feb.15 sd l5lrsetis 1m In'S p.cmr. Class loo sa 599 frIm mee' n:le,eerauld 0120 luir Oelen' lyemsioe,rr. Reginler ioday. ci:nurd, (nll:1asckiy. Adlrlisussnms irse is,, Ourricen je' Sunday, Fob, 16, 2 p.5,5. Oak' cern Ceremuerily College & r.V, Secordeeg present 'riss Varel ii5 p5:5155,5 Melscdy l.ceed ce scontaI Suelda6, February 23, 3 pse, - an cils Gieccynew ISeo' Cleureim, 73 l':srk Dress, The Crestase willi lea' luto cite Concerte )om'tsn'scGuur:ers by Caenoiruoee'i'ede,ve Adelss' emrenle, (mea, ion farsi sor cnlecrlrssr' icnmss c'ali 15471 920-9559, sendern wieb Randy Cerqua, Rires V:srn:e, Michelle Sterbe, feaearirrg iiockjel Silly and tite Wild All uebeln $15. fiebers as'eesia- blu Muster ut Pine Ann from of Norm and rights ham u tesas has au o snwspupor west aflhe Misrìseip' Prom the uns relee um Ihe BermenghumeNewOen Beemieghem. At- mambo, ol o u sr,meur it yteaeoesr pr, Grenadier Guards ahoma, "or Witleoms, Amemlea & Highlanders et en neelleng pcI ormtey peopims 4944. °ee sam airnlposesaeetmi Isnuml Suhofaotic nmwssìtc. FSm in aneemmaurews pa- hr sawn dnpaelmert nl thu Ice Skating l,tubarrreo Gis.nmdi and Slurry Da- erd Thulronu I dses't doeey lecci Ilmeero laths o'aro meflas'treer cm King. hue es, Ignote King's crepi' ration leslrs the 01510es iusiscmnnos( Pmneds,sr Fmssds,rur lercedoers lerecdenrs 'lieus woe she 82mog enes' crus 51.501m l.orlcor Krog s,elkesi Ici nnscre abusI Imeodnlrl eltan Ito did ohssus rtohSs. lie wan rieur nell atore Navy tejar ireeunu Chicagoans enerrode ehe wsrmeeohilis lortheilir ce Naey Pror, fire Skyiser Slagn n oena htinu r,rh uffsesallp opened yI i frecdor,ec.rmisril 6e vseresmsmSud by goeotssrrrer C mml erolenOtrl so:esid tI ulolerro Ilse I cremI' smf Islur huodsnsrl ley ,snllserarlll sre_mesIlg sou' 'emgiuti assi dcsahossOb'ae:ll tirs- ,scsc:er nil_sr nc gi Su uro Cred, ey d posIcel irackdtcp foe skurems oI all Nary t'ior't g00 ou,door ice nkasirgrinnk odI hespo dolly. mo cuna il:, r re'lsene tIr:, evo allier, ehreugll nice hugcmrseg 01April. Skaee reo' cviii Io aeajluhlm on-dee g0e $4, Skuicru sis e also seeleorrue IO ,k:leon. Speed hrclsg lucIr sIne ,k'cnlnog nu' i1515 :clleunecd lev- rmnk Issler, s,cll he leleodoys nismneugh S:nsurdeeys ill rIms, su S The Nile, $h'ree Omoirc,in 'Iliones sk.ctssg nob sudi rIss les' assibIle br groups arrt pri- :,dre%emmyrrnudllbotmcmtnfOv si''''' Dando Csnnopary preneete "000cr for Me" al 5.35 p.irr. Inn Frbmaaoy 27, Sl ord leteemob I . Porfom lure re wsli ho Sold r She Robant L. ' Joh myor,\udrlorjlsrml, 5751 W. otssdir reumenely nhawisg Wels Oak iuoer Skohee. I nehmer ame $7. Wieji:,-suo itsr r 'meen horurn nne noire d IO Irks in eli of lire Nos p r l'su, rt P h N' n 'ouods joel d' MAX 'tb - t Dinroy's Lion King ood 505 "Daeco 7mm Ntou'iiifoarcre remi. P100mm: ChìeagO Chitdmno's Muunes domec esyi cued:, h us I ynlcai,uoue,s,e hieb im eemmes ely Icasun- r,edurr,jeZa, lurk,rmd moro. 01Ooere lcr titis your n croupe enelude: K e,utlr a Oseunisu, Mdcata Caemos',tu' r, 82db9 Bumqeeo, C dM Il oh - spoonOr blends 51010k5 at 15471 Mingling Singles Pre Val eetine Day Perlyn Thursday, Fabrsaey IS, 25103 n 5 pie. $48 Di oeerae d Daneieg. Fus and glIed e'aSn pluu eneenlrio' Tmoe lutamlue, or, Lcealior Lame 7730 N. M,lw'aukee. Nile,, Ros' orsorior by 11alrruanY 5. Cheeks payablo me lelroglinb Sisgion call 15471 0575548 READ CucreeranilpCehCe., 1581 Mmmcm 55., DesPlumas, er cull 18171 299- THEBUGLE ' eogrment, loe of Great Britois's nuomt-aeolaiwod metilary handy, prcrnr t "tOtedu Across Iba Sou." Orleinh spoemoralan fcalumiog murehing, preoin ion A noresi ing arrt tiighlamd Dome5mo mom Emglaed, Seoliund, teelord, aud he LIS. "Mordu Aoeono the Sea" esili ho performed at Ike FEBRUARY MUSIC Peidart-Feb l4-S,..VItI.h..SIrer.aI :tarr:&v_ AlIntolo Atrou, 6920 N, Msese' TUESDAYS -rlswmltlm CtmmbntSAROARE 'dOtò IB BEG 1,10 wEDNE5DAYB - dadeCan, PiarisliSlrger- i re 10:53 moesueve - J.O6COM, PArAt Bimgm-slSOmey .nd Raume Band JAzzJnar -Jahr Bare, ChaCe eresrdramaerd i?. 20533 al R pst reuse i meurs ihnsm 15,0110 milen io ho woeld, Irom mho US cod Calcesde Ice Eursupe, e$unrmaliee ood le,par. Tiley i lerso perl000cd icnm lise Que'o m'e Rsnlhd,'ry' rod the Mount- 51g oflhe Qaecr'n Guard o, Reeksemgilaus l'aiuce ssrd Windsor Cae' son m 595-PIER. Oesunido the Chieuge' iconl arca, pieuse ossli 11001595 websemo al Hrmm: ry ea iheimursid, Men-Bat 6:ROam-0:OOpnr Q Q 6601, Churgo mmokrms by phome at 13121 759-1212 On 5i011 liukotnrwler,OOm, r1&,0 cl FEBRUARY SPECIALS ry ry ry BAVARIAN CHOCOLATE CREAM PIE-II"-$6,95 CHERRY FRUIT PIE . II' - $595 Q Serving 5/te NnrShseeal Sidefar 25 Year 5561 N, Namllmeral lOop, xceIlent Q Quality Chieaga iWomtaudpard) 773/283-4430 a ', 9 Q WE GOT IT ALL W q q 84ff AKFAST-LUNCR-D0NNER GROAT FOOD-LOW PRICES DINING-DANCING TREAT YOUR SWEET ON FEB. 14 TO OUR VALENTINE DAY SPECIALS LO$1ER TAILS. CRAB LfOS, FILET MIaNON. PRIME Ri, SURFN lURE *ND MORRI MANY OThER GREATSPECIALSI q q Good PrIces QQ Çl Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q QQ Nood. RNWIat Rpooeai E,oetu, arrt the Illinois Foe ImuotO nolcmuaeeom os upe05y ptceese call 15121 0 ri:o ry Tiokolt mn $25 lo $35, Ost- rrnmt ofCceltsnol Aifatmu, he ChI' cago C oreen loo & Toamsom nyinsu, rise Muyoe's 0100e of Toursu,nu, f7 ry ry .ry Q Q f1- Chicago Sweet Connection Bakery 17 f cl emuslsam aousiablo longroupn of I 5 ormoeo by calleng 18471 535- 05 Comouuoily Affusot, Rnmnou of OPEN FOR LUNCH tAD DINNER Prltaia Banrqant Facelnrirr Cor IR-lOO Pes'ple COCONUT CUSTARD CAKE - IO" . 515,95 thaI mInIe os mol.'e, ely us hue Gall MOCHA CAKE - 10 - 555,53 SVur, 'l'ho Band in sialionosl us Weilnoglos Buenneks, ream Buck' Q CHFP1SF,CAKESO TURTLE CHEESECAKE - IO $1695 isgiuooe Pol acainoeerrt I Loedoo Tt Dc puremser u 01 C ooenuamon und nor osie- su t BONOATS-dudy Rabeo. -Greg 'lacerare .-ntoo BandaI pi.eye'mro ire risi ledimo st eotnedre, r Ocean jeme, endladiOC rueloom or ry 8:OOnnr-5:000rsn elIc'remo'ai worluno, ThepIerce'dio CSKFeSI fedpl Nasy Pner In proud lo take pose Chicergo Wimeom Dclighls: ti_s A Cod P1000, a ooiiahemotieo ioi' VALENTINE SPECIAL _ S.gee VakIltille SÇWtiII -Stet i nrslm Rd.. ce Meodny, Fehruary ire cntllauiastio renew, omouod I (847) 647-8282 &CHOPHO(gg a eleesr geand tour of North Arereider, pre(omriog io 53 nmnna im all corno st of Nonh Awmeiea, from Maire to Florida usd from Sootheme Calilormia to V 0000usor . BC, md Scotelo. The Bard los pi,tyed 0.t.S= 6551 lime Gmradsmr Guaeds and Ire Seals Highlanders pepe ond drum AiIhul't Woeld nshihitc 0 Amaanng Chicago: Tine Escape; lire SoIlS Museum nl Riarood Giunn Weodows; and asomo y cf tp'o the ChscagnPublln AaGmnup, Bands Feb. 17 p.trs.. aeed Sundays Ill e nr, es 7 Orchesis Dance Company to Dance for You Damm, AT&T. Kraft borts, and Wtlltamn os Freday, Fobruamy 14. l'ho 37 mtlimomy marleiser will Ssnnernirg 11X1 lmol abtuce the labo, Skylmre Orage cr101 se'cun as he al tJseonmsiiy mumno, to Navy Pier rue irueulsesue und mcgisue comer Soeur 'lise dc,esodrcer lea, hero obleicraSed nr t:mday'n souci,' rg abases isscrn lViey'r Bedause Returns - ful rrrineoildr Iroste marl sources' hie est the doak r irr ads'aree at 41211. ereludnd thnSretnMasnum otAn mento Union. the oldeut daily 5_6.2R1 5. Tim Vana in Concert at Oakton Community College gos, lieu mural eommes croen Stun teces February tO thmugh Macoh ha m'rirl i regbmn' are ehm tmsedoms Saulday, Fehmu.tO 29, 21813 Mneucrrlr ((urne i'cnilcla, 82.765 - fs:c sIcirsec-,ne:,:,dserlede. 'l'lese esireere n, parr si risc Nerdnhrcsek t_e' irrumpe ''Ccercesne cr 3 Serios.'' hlrnnleniscseull 18471 272.5224. Gus,umnnss Sieso i)da'amds cerd Philip Snocsnseuse leili tre jaiitted by Half Pound Butgers Salade . Homemade Soups Biscuits & Gravy Srio, itssms,mss'.eilntueeuril GR. N'Namdi Gallery In MaSt- and open la ehepublee. lhni Ksrg gos SIs drus icr pase' ('clin ment, ofell," Williatos canned hin Boehntor ofFien Amn degeen from the tinisersily et ttlisais at Urbana and 6e30-9 p.m. All esenIs mn Ime hie 95e air rs centesimo :ssis i'mn'graru ttsmoti. s47.5'sii.iiitnit gcnr reee,e.nsrnescenl good, or se least Ihn impreco' per ndiene, leaueru mur the S aura- We risen Ssc Nelen Ftseeono.ei sluroursn Chroagenbesed retest Bunmaed Williums will be Ihn fCalera d oesist iO O are-man show re NorthUsionesely'n Iltenaes nmtaes "Ssheaia.sti eseagaoismneta d cre S'seursiosateecoer l'sr lOc,iu,e' es eelnbmntisu this usino fer she Nerthwentem University, NEtU is boosted at 5590 Numb st, Louis Acaece. Chieega, GalInry houes eta Monday shroagh Peldoy 1mw lOam, su 5 p.m. Far were isfmrmatian. cell (773)442- eher Kirg en being deatotted in puhlirwhools and ir ht music. od esmadsreer mlher husks. Ho io aise eo'fourdmmoOWND Bocks, 'Srl lrnsrese r er Crer h ree str,mannrmne nue aelceimne erst ap)iudseaid,l coRnet mhn stark diffemmees whstn Natese Am creea r and Western ArI er tndcarn and soto thowi er Jas Ciunru Gotlnry. Cheengo u,d 14. A reception will ho bold for und Ihr deunl doreerd tos, g eeerm 5,55mm. leninsc omrtsrre tire lurelie er'slemnsanreey_ lmeerdr _sn:l nel reine, ly build &e Cateen. His paintings Wiaizee Pertrapieg the Cornplesitiet nf H'elory Th,ough Mary uod Lnmgh Black Muoncemn of Art, tre Entoljarg Masoum of SyiehnlsaiidSigfls' one of WorldhelOuity.oem, ehm treeeretr lamgmt msdepomdnnu may os rot breten sboesegie eeSs el ClImb'ro,, 'lilny e-'ersnn e ho ir- liserk sert cecil omough in common to nacensnlnl- enetudeng group shown el ehe (NEID) Fsm Ants Carter Gallery ere lin, ureslselre aned nne,enerri,eg:se mmml lin:,' nramn,,l: tage el the fas. Dr. Manir La- torturad in rumrrOOS ashibitsont leuednm, and ehiafe reeutl'so orS- i'e,.vr,enee e'srenporn rru;rr resO hr leccI urusrro ein_re inresmnol,ean fisse eeureusr,v's,s seni le:eluns Duily.enm lourder insaph t'umab meurs thee the courageous mes- Hm i, hm 00-acebos oITh'm Lind k, Oar Land and bao enliahorai- ,'selllssI:e as aslirmseel Abe ene in's' Starci, 28-30. 2003. semIten joumulcst ord SVoridNee. cas gourders taught os. ore God' geems. aralier shIn ngisin. They sere'reco er 95'estrrrulac arel i'rsnlai, ii) 90 ,e.eo.-3 pens. newer tre :epponrrsmreens ('eO i' 15:ek ,\r:i dmerrr,e ir,' (WND Boula, February 21)031. "Tedey.thenalfpmnulaieeodinhemitor, of King's musumeem re I urgnrma k much about frendam, Thny seldom mention Crone whom oamrightsdeteurd" Joseph Parah in editam, ao rus_rl erosi es Irr Osiosee e-r Rerefnn bunk Tobteg Amorrea Barku t RadinaI PIae ta Remise Fete' dorn, Morotity and Jortice Lw ,ieksisg creen il, stnrii.nle 5 Irle :luesotrser key Features Artist floreaS Ir hr teen-so-Sn puhierho dueralrnna hiegititnallhesreenity, by s disnrsa congregadas with, Since t9nl his work hat bene PIEIU irs... Arta C,mttn Gal- mtaleorrl1raisrrrO(eesa1eg1tO,5 S sersla). i'eiee:.sii 13, leSs .rc 1 i 'iceme Inert stur re.rece li he coreed p 'ir , slIce Scier li serr,rsd ei Sels nssrnmred'easet,' ioiiouerg rued 'In, 'nell'Il , 697m blninsaukee-lurosns:elr.sr5 i meat le_tsr,,, oes eel Meet Mr. Lincoln at the Nues Historical Society lnuuketh:sli EAGLE sirpmsds see gcieclees.n:cui h r se ser ros en si u ne lucre eran Nrginu srl tito /aselnr.rl llene íes siemnrugh ube gerereernnl re nO irs- bIank r :ncnc.ssee: inne stesi 111mg S l':si I: In: I ,snei innen, den:.srd:slns t trsdeus,u ursa as duo'C:riuesser Un'sveesiry cli eri cesar Nssumr Sesee n'e dse Srs a'a scemi ores, inrip 'lice 115m nod t$47t III-7337 Nsrmslesecrs 'Il to eeennrg oui) enseccee urraueced sssdcry irai sisoy well held Sisesn anroul spmsng your1, rs sire Sursema C eus slutuerd ,eepeetal:ssd suu'ceieissi v'ere Neertir Areomscess Yssutie Sprerre eeuro:seooes sire Correr Onus Snrenai ('n,nscernnr l,rnssernemy eli Nsrlre IS_euler. itsmeutrer5mmcoesars une serbe I'm s-crc, in I '61 cecee se. ens_rn) sei PARK RIDGE 0008. 11t110 . sI1l00WtmgC. 05cr and at time serme ilirio brrr,,, i:t fteur MoNniO. CSC.:s o:elese srl Wjrretka. lt. nsrsl lrrrrn,Iem nel ree ureilege msi careers rSn poe' hr fist tinto stilt hr adnmitted t)smtee,Sundec, lutarvi, 1h, 211513 You gol breakfast the way you i like at Le Peep. Eggs prepared i slssrc'rennesriarsi)'. Oser eine St. Patrick's Donne Starete reruniesleses on srsohtistyacoesrau-ounupcorttsng oiselier in Apnii. seseaetvo. picote cali ho Library 10e Norninetiens weH eilte, he tebeo (6471 905.-1220, TDD 1847) 965. u Ccerron eri Fulle,ssne & Essor Rd.) Airera citerne nleeeiog suies,, ties Noteeenating voerrettetteosoili persons sise Siate ssfNoreeinees leer cseed as 6140 Lire010 Avonue ediles c'mo es aced ae,mde irise Steering:7.155cr 7:31) pees. Dancing. 7311 eue ill.3lip rie 960) Lssetmuse Failoreeees sec. Serene O:sr,o itngis ncieen,i Onere luerlds a pmerssd reeensd eri NEIU features artist Bernard Williams New Book Blasts Distortion of King's Message Notre Dame Dinner Auction 'A Night for the Stars' Kirseon Seubales Killeen, uros- PAGE 49 THE BUGLE THURSDAY FEBRUARY 13,2003 53. 2ttlt3 MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS TODAYI Evelylttursday/Fltday/StWdaY ist FEBRUARY q q q W 773-775-7525 OPEN 8AM e 7 DAYS EveryWednesday & Sunday In FEBRUARY TMTImmy D" Ronnie Ross 5956 W. HIGGINS 773-775-7525 e MON-SUN SAM rACE 21 Titi) I1EGLE.THUISSDi%Y FEBRUARY 13, 2003 PAfF. SII NAWIC Meeting February 18 mo OEHaro Subuehas Chapter #193 of de National Association of Wonton in Construction St. John Philoptochos Luncheon Feb. 15 Rock fruido0 Compaev. 1595 bordasses Asoasticol Systems, North Mcacham Rood. Schaum' bang. ILiMoacliam Nook of Golf Roadi Soaen'ucona for niomhorn mill ches Stoic lv nf DroPlornet, sto. direct ti h: 311 p.m. Fehnuary lt. 21105 at the Pnuurte 1NASVIC) trill moni Toesdas. "ILssenirr tP lihegaes.....St blm ihr $apttnt l_sslie.0 Phrihii1thit. Heur is sib p.m.. chewed ley' l'ho speaker loe ihr c-ventes aill be Stese Shaehfcn rl IISG Building Systems. His epic coIl noah F or rcsen'aoonn contact Clam ocircork with all SAWIC 0cm. 20. Mr. Pool Siptona. Professor of Geology ci Rispan Collego, msll loll shoal Horning Metosritosin Aniordttcc . 'Fine Fnom tite henteoitng mill beat the Gos Plaines Lotscno Center, located at 2225 S. Bitch Street io Des Plaines. lati ne of Touhy Acenso and mesi of Rione Rood. Monthly ni relingo of she Des Ploinet Valley Geologicol Socioy are held on Ihr third Thsesday of etch month nl 5 p.m. We encosroge all totneestnd persons to aimed All agrumo welcomn and erftethotentu will br servod. lens-three tean age. lIa metti' benn snitch Vers' liard Ic lite obi Its tu name, "Pored sa the ptitle' of"Digetty efaWorrue." The pneseniotier mill Phtluothmpic isO shuetiable tb' eselei arc tite reotn lecci sil tIb lake placeen Fnb. 15.20153 or 2pm. n St. John Oneheut' u Flaesgoo Roll, 8301 N. Hoelem,Niles. hes programs sod pettlocts 111cl .me Sister Adoloidc ' membcrisi scpptroed by is mere than 2511 mcmhenn.F.achisestiho St lithe s'ttsieihtitesilt:to. nardcofditllaestitntony Iiur,tL ni' tecol aitd terreesiiiinol chorotes Its members pseildipate it rcirti. tirs Ihm provIde fIrr on impended cstmmunity md hin thrtrse Phthitptsschrts Queen lodm'igo Sisters, Sen'aeiu of Christ Present . is Crocote. PolacO und Prof. of Papal Acade. my. will make Ore peesenitrier which will bein English. After the presnotatron thnm mill be o discussion period. Polish coffre and sweeru will be mewed, Do Zoboerenia, Ser Y05. The snnaol Luncheittiitr'mu more lb ar sevre huodred wirnien freni ihmsghoot the Chticugtil:tttsl Sinn St Ilrhn Bapthnu Ladirn Phihrpteoltos Socunit Ill ISs'ii'l.11ocs. perueni "Estense hrlElegaecc." tm amori 1105051 lssstts,'r sod on Saturday.. Fehro:oy IS, ci slur i)tinohd Steplmrt Bcllrtstutt tnl#oartnttnt,Il_ Tlsesitcualisouewmllltngteatllosit aussI lito Ionnbsihesun will In al rlultn immbtrons oil) be presosussi h, 72,'uZZ Pemiluctieno Pnwendu lIP lue rccnt tatbl heneht lilo mutant, pilllaolheoptc cnde,idstrm cf)t ltthn PhllsbptsMititi. Ratottourm,rl, Inc S'SS. and can bc rade by calitmug 11147) 596' 14 14 tIr i773r liSIS i1S Cstntphintentssry parkIng It ill he acaulalnio Piclurod aboie are ctmttththlihcn utueiuthnims, Cltrto Bentieu shtsu pecatdent hIelen Ehltttti, isnaheos cirotnutan Netta EsilI,. ,hnl000islte. A000htc Rututt, S'stola l'cicgnhs md (loelguule i'ri'tkrttm ci nell in cibter pirro si tite lt tu thc-io lirai suppsrOer notlsmn Islptochtut pnntldeni. liOnel lIctil with make li prtssihie iltcoettnuo the ntoulon rif Phtlopiochan and pursue ether areas of plolsin. In the msdsi itP Iba i'1tId C'blLcctm wtninr, a wamn ard enhimt u hin ib' Ihirepy 00 SOS, and con be nido b, colI' tng 15471695.1414 0m lOSt 6)1. Position Shoo' chntmtar De OmIso Kocbtu'Aetcnakosand Phi' ternIes is maarnd. htnietiolllunt 5995. Trinity College Sports sil Li &nauERa COUPON $500OFF I Gift Cards Available Here I Briang in this coupon for OFF the bill whon the amount Is $20.00.or more on food purchases I I NOT cOLtS slim ONO OThER orpce 055 COUPON PER PERSON I fl7Ñ3 I apiums J = (847) 965-4644 *Niles 8480 Golf Road SUN IIAM-IIPM MON - SAT IIAM-i2 MIDNIGHT w/puruI,a.n of $30m mn.. LS DUaIrH ½ OFF golIa n'hill IO, Kisiehhuthusculind in tIte ccnfnerner to suce poeccet. iho nomi sin entroof the game, Cs' age at .916 onO hInd s l'OAA ioumey tiraIs, 4.1,111e nenI day rollis fsm IhOIn tntprrstioo lusty lit the Iwo gaoies. Tnnity defeuted NESCAC rioul Hamthiuo, S'4,ot home celar IO and turd league Por Amhensi, 3.3, the neat day. The Bantama iwept Division JI Sr. Aosehm. S'I, ard New England Collego, I'S, in ECAC East contests mo New Hatnpohìen ro Jan. 17 and It, fol' ECAC Ess5i eioal St. Mìchael's, 4. 773-763-1181 "Where Pasta Becomes Art" Tansday - Thursday 1Lr3OAM-I,OPM Special Panini Friday & Saturday 11:3OAM-L1PM & Quick Menu Sanday & Monday 4PM-SOPM for Lunohl In I slelliishnishedotth4g sains Ir 21. Trinity blosked Diciuiou Il Chicago, IL 60646 Ag.rtnml Norwich, ohicli won andefeoted and ranked Nc. The Tnstry Caltoge nions ice hockey team retunerd to aciron for 2003 with a 4-S wtn caer St. Thomas in Ihr Seat rccnd stf the Times Argus Inuitationol at NorwIch Untoersily or Jan S 'Ute Santama Poll te Nt,rwtch rs Ihn NESCAC Pon Wrslnyan ce Ian 6311 N. Milwustlune Aves Ø FREE Dessert of your Cbolc. Rollo lit-2-2, if-5-il hrwnd by o 4-0 thutoutagatrut PASTA r Kiainiino and Onu Cailnat Lineo.. sa. Mro', lar Hrrkew Son Jan. 24, ucd auongrd ECAC East oppeneot Norwich, 5.3, the nest dry, lier Bantamna hace won lise smaight gantna cod ore os beaterio iheir lusi ursas coriesri loner forward Joseph Gel INihes, IL) scoerd 1mo goals, in. dicdssg tho unassisted gcttso wirere it the stctony osee Si, Thottios,mhiehtioasrankrd No h ir the rollen nnienieg hito Ostile. Sophomore goitltosdon Doug Ki' sielios iParE Ridge, IL) Rntehcd with 36 novas t o raes tite mtn ire, toreo ills pipos fer Trittity. Srs duEs-rent Santo titi mecoeded sss, sitio er the sue geishas-cult by Ott std Prenittetsie frtrieced lCsitiseerrri ard secondary schoelu in Cook Ills lalnl lite snedil, laspoyemu Canho lico 06001 syshom whun ir. Illusi snhnplcie the Education En. abilI sobes, teach disc(pline sed ochiovo umnosg, oonsiaboeraca. domi ounsults in mho Anehdieccir of Chieogo's 245 elnmrotaey and 42 secout dony schools, Visil the Archdiocemr of Chicago Web nile hitp:llaohhunlv.archdimrneut I,sutil mes mo,smc wIrr In lie S2,SO1) ion eoiu ldslsutonah chtld loch triti) St lttltr Itas unIonI orn isoitieg you fera pmn.sontattee nnlootrnc hrol nludeshr hr the I. 11111 ly oc soniiing IO the lllinoio l)eparimeni OP 0 ec0500 . In orlon for ho SmI chIld i S' 9{10 mrd /otion rs Ihr natter 'flic lthibstp. Qureo Jadwiga Society together geounds in Ihr 295 elrmcniary Aconago CalbiIthIcnbs'ltlnnlahy tchsOti tamtlt,n te lIto Ihnchhiltoosc ' .cince the Stondtne si ihr pmsuii 50111 6cm el quohifying public nr and hab loco meembern tod mn cennidered Ihr (nagent Chnuitoo ir rimensttrfcni. Catholic Worsens Club sod .tfqoalifping mtodern tsr lok5'ch!' s.inlag Oefasbahc InSt lItIo lin cdii ofupto $5110 I ltncot u_tin od' liaIt asperdtiutca 11101 amranm Ir ntslme hotu S25l1 on totrttlo, hhalk ottu,noh ludies b'btslmpto. hsru .Srtctrty mIss cut_ihliatieih in 515 I tu the mhiloeihrrisptc 'trot tif Ire ultuech Ii lias ticen )S.Og#1 'Dignity of a Woman' mf teadeuvi eomee Ilanun osti iailh PorrithiOn Poe I 7,229 uludrntuof Sd'an , Thr f292. lbs'ill tal humeen sill Poe ene b.51111 ly rhall nnlcnce od $500 (n hoy io'myra n, negardlcon cf he The Crndit Ihr QoatiBed liti' ttcatinn Eu pnanrn so:wtigncd rottI law by lIto IllIroIn I,egtnlo' lone in 1999 For Ihr 21512 ion r spring boehtonnlry1re1rchstr she' lbs yame, o'hilr tephntnore Ion' oued 101f filIale und Ionien de' lenueman Ttmoth1 lenco pItt' wttha 2,25 nismk. Ori ranted hin second oltnnrca. tIse NESCAC Player oPiho Week award lar his oumslaudtog pIa> hit stdod cuMuls on the SorIani k'ltui Ihn 'Umni Argos Tournaorert. bu 0rt Ge ont Finch were nantod Ist dir oli'toonoorretii Kusirllosniasin 24 saurs attd ntadeacereem,h1glt 53 saseu agaInst New England College, aud Gyhlsteoni netted Oto gunlc's osly gosh on prunes Psatni On otid Natolr, Against \Vealcyan, Klsinitus Klutelios wan numrtnd selbe Cml. rd Sioles College Hockey On' lttie.cont (USCHO cellS Noustin. al Dolnetien Playnr of the Shock ansI IO the NESCAC h eroe noII, oiler totaling 77 macsot Sn An' teg agclnul il. ?ulichtael't. Kisirll. us estended bio streak of sonco. leso 101001cl Itt 205 ntinots'u hetwcc'e hile tIpos in lite tertratcir agattist P1111. wIch, teirrclt 0,10 11h11 undcfeaunsl and rattked list litt lite crEst g lite foitrl . hIllel tilt cItn Ill. scsI itil lttmt hilly by slrtpltloi 31 ulttmls, rOlcdiuug Tnlrrilss,5ca'hc Stir liti litchi lic. hr Ittlin 1)1111' ticcntelltly Ill Ilntr Ills Ice lltc Nl(SC,5L' ii '510111 t Ill tIre 111.11.1, Oe t srm nr Otdlts's tut sim. 5h11 (mSI brullI sirs1 tut Ii, ii shrIl lt irtcrrSr u1uordn $4,108) s 101110e. huouk and ah Ines len lune sum truttlo chsl' dmes,tho famtttlyositsidnolslositu thu RnI $2511," sordI 'l'hslnuos Bremnon. dhnriblmn tI rho h)npanl' ment itf FIn',tnssab Sen'tsrs firm the ,meuludihvoscei('hlssoge. "11511ko .sntrvsnonso dndcsllhle Bol hIle lonuil5ldtiuld claIm 25 sIncerI cl hue bOunce . sf $3,7511 Therclsmts. rho Ion pcopls lttufg lInk'lilt il illnois Ind hirn lis pooplc sil licor o 10m liuost. lilia ftitOP oilI cvplots lossinit IllesI1 1tId_ tI, hurmlol, Pol,. 110000 clitllltgicIb cod io'1151 rIll lhnOoght tilo nlOdl If 'Sesmo nl and poetsithb parI III 1h10 Amoonicutm It'll) ottjoysoninocell.deseised 0111m hail i-con, mho imtup000sco Of ntu'itmyi leitnOY ito tIle ruholby hlmdgOt it Ill ho ti1oidsoimr000y I '111 0,111, ImsIn ItIOnO imilsuntuioiiitius lit tcgislcr, situ 16e ilisstomd l,ct.sotc Coruet so 16471 967. 11153 rchslsnl. Fomlili'rutmsunc , tiltulley. coil pen F,ut tIps. isug tun Iclsls_.OhltipSltnlillltIlh.i'1101 Buy. s quolify- IllInstIs: under Ihn sIgo of2 I : ond o "eEei full' tillo o000 oultoono hod n hin' dong,111511 tilIllOgh lico lImb grado o ,iuil' 111 lItrI I ocilsIOh. s iul,hlvor, I 5ll hlmp:S u'1510 . reco 1100 iiOlr.ii.O¼l 1SreIadante of Chiaago Catholic Schools, Thn CsOhohu sihools tIf Ihn Amohdtacesc of EMERGENCY SERVICE VAIL4BLE NO OBLIGATION ' FREE ESTIMATES FINANCING AVAILABLE Family Owned and Operated SERVING CHICAGOLAND FOR OVER 30 YEARS Chocogst pluy006iical mols in the VISIT OUR ENERGY CONSERVATION SHOWROOM lite nf iho c001nlunil) by p005id' "INSTANT CIREDfT NO PIAYIVIENT - NO INTEREST UNTIL 2004" KITCHEN CABINETS & COUNTERTOPS . GRANITE . FORMICA CARPET SALE I 4 DAY DELIVERYI 'mna. I' MOHAWK WE INSTALL HARDWOOD FLOORS & FLOOR SANDING WE WILL BEAT ANY PRICEI NO WAX LINOLEUM s .CORIAN ES ANY KITCHEN INSTALLED si ma. ,I,n Fuatarhng n oleum S roo ru, CERAMIC TILE IN STOCK WE WILL BEAT ANY PRIORI LAMINATE FLOORING (BRUCE'PEROO'OIOHAWK'COLOMBIA) ANY ROOM INSTALLED $699°° 0BhP NO GLUE 00 15 VOS. ' 9 90 SO, FT. 12X12 WE ('77r3) 8O8O I: A MILY 0ml-lINdE E) Os, 01°F FOATE L) SIISIC F i 075 SuiI,avm I' L OLOR COVE RING . 6310 W. Lincoln Ave., Morton Grove (847) 9672200 bklninIluosOihtnniiahIO n, liIspOy' , e. Call today to schedule a free estimate, ng uwdi'lImbo. t b1,-orn tideni of 11h vi/iO lIrIiliOy'Siteltig offers a len-year compressor warranty and it was rated a Consumers Dignst® Best wo urga eltiuppots. 11501g cluilpoulis iS 000 o',lSli'0 is',hys air conditioner itt lIto Ilisonio De', p''Irmiul i'0111 P If oso eon, Weathermaker 8000TS gas fornace provides two-spend technology ta improve indnor air circulation and overall comfort while reducing operational noise, Weathermasker pslhils fIled," SVols0000lch aOld, Aedo mdmr The carrier The narrier soro 111501 pllhlrc fucilo loll ca' 010' io'010105 II eshsmolm huh Ii'nno ho family's iccy ill life, smhtd nilut' nf "CONTRACTOR OF TUE YEAR" lii '00hl5 ïIllonc tal asti ronco foe Consumer y nl meodor loving cors'. While lout child itou o gnool lullie, ysic (708) 863-62S5 Cuolom Made Indoor Weather" 11h00 iaith teuer du Ill ihose payris'rl n mo help them make mleao' lugo Ill ntIs Irgimla mItIn , We orge paner Is lits ark 00mo heliofflin Ike hirunsiol sacrtr105 0 ha ynuako to seed milo'Ind ihildnnr io CatholIc cell T noce y Lipai5 cl 184-fi 000' 5200. (NUI' Csuopsnttl cm its ihn- FREE ESTIMATE CALL o 0suCsuliiithlcdchltOhi "Oct vii 011th bi wIll proolde foro- Ltpsíg LCSSV, Coondinetor, Sow. of thin indoor pboyneoint and pIco' lOOR cL. dorm of liii'Amo hioc000 al Chocs. I 224 Di'ni polot SIbIl 15 ontO e of Ridgo Rood and Dcmnpsletl, thtOsIi, uhonins. art. ganmeo and ute .tNsnCT O OlsEAsmcOnornni CORECRL'IiOOTION ohginoeg. 55115) stlnits'is h. Ph.D., culpemInter' ola EDCmod'iiÍln QsuliEed Edo- Pon (sfonmmtciioo und megiLootmen .DmEp nool' possano 'mon nPnAnlNO .191Er sot'IMAWS crAn 5mars s wren cnno'gno sold fisibles M. iittoogil ptubet. l'o'Ilicill'ontoll'tlI isok il Ihn ICI 000llca'IIf he oslo onO lnoI'e yeun ehild in the copo' bIo hands of Rilen Park Ditretci, I Cnedll hmll," ton I01111trinduiiS00inth ILIIS4III(D.I'U15 lo 0610m Sohed' BrIb EItel The Froc Synogogos', TRISE CARE .Imna'nLtalNO ils,'clIn toholior pn(valr schoolo hove made io Ihn poblio lostihorn tesIs tdLhIOIi Ill IlIlecm:huusl "SptniiuulSOppliO Group ftun Healing" will he hcld Oil 'iSiumu. LAWN CARIS 'fb roblen f lili011)5eruognte' 1101 olodunlo aed lonliltru tO OlI' ill 155,15' ouch 01115111 't1I 110 mure hoe 6,455 teachers in ube u eanInlo Iii str credih nl $500, pimento III 1iIll5 'n fo mono chorlo Spiritual Support Group for Healing bd Lok 000cnlin n. Th errant $1,150, hut stIll do'iiill nly ills host. 11061111> Psrm iiid'year 21012 SuiGiEÑ many mutt, faiths end back. '11h00 o'oohib Imuohoply tito Islanda, 55,7511. by 55. whucil etolIo tmiunm 5)151 dedIl can in, dcdccled fuomut rIlo ictosly'i vItti' tnctlutlO Ics 1937.511 ioh lleuling Heiwonh of Chhcoga. Illotudoy, ltmch. 27 fretul Sii 5 III 05 56,1105 is huilier, hook end 11h focso'ou Id IImniso inmocl Ihn $2511 "detihlillhle," S n00000 seid glvid h nIlOg h mho Educomion Tos 'Poke seme flmn for yluurnelf eye sIns Icolcttirte ejem os at the lhltrcsmd Loiuora Cecuer. 6h7h W i lsttscnd Srncru CuIts lOgIlls Penenms el Iwo vmudrnhs who onediltrreotr spent $2,2511 er lut' teunand oIlier qocllSad enpenici "Pon esurupie. ii i faIntly Esaoottln, Tho groop will ho rd by Bobbi Aedenc Looden, BoIh 5,0ml SyoO$afuO, sod Tracoy luce lutrIn. Ciuildnon 3 to S yeshes 11f ochonlm In Ihr P5100. 1ers in $5,7110, Afautlslv wsulhbd ho olmglblm ban Ilse mrcslmotuu tan Parents Morning Away hIlt snmi.aimotarad cions has plenly office piap apeinkled sub portne Cnedlh Wonkil behn tile PsIrni Il,. ISIS Irmlrocliltru und IlludI 10'h t lnnrru rlptu fmill lilo es dsty esetllegi, 7:30 IllS p.10., Feb. 2 Orctipn il IO 1001 isloocit 25). aI conueccutce titcioct o'iiiit a ichal cf 6h sales, and illude IS guildes ionecdrul hli ihreil sieoighm blurb. Av'eenge higll schirstl tathtlrnond 101m and New England College. nod semIte NESCAC Ployer el Ihn Wesk for his play agairsh SSno' bryan, Si. atiehsnl's, and Norta'teh. shIpped oli thinner shots its Psced and Sic'ares tcoind a paie ob goals K lute Iris pouled losseçcnd America'o Neighborhood Lawn Care Team 'linrAnobdiecron suiClulcob'ut it ucotinding lIli rluhsne ntsierls 0h51 Ins Ihn p,mmlv or legal fsonhhr.Ios lsculìon espeenes potsh lirotlyc be. Ittorlany It 5es'orI I,sryic I 11111 I In llo.in.,00d the huochoirs tarli be ii IS seim. 'Plie la.uhten thotessill hr presented l'y '/2/172 Prriduc. rIsma resI dill calore iba rement Fire mombsrnhtp retermasron. contact Kothy Cerka ci 1h10, 25)' Ai rho monthly meeting of the DesFlorece Volley Ijoalugicol Society on Tltaesday. Pobrasey Faultri,n IL. 'e slicial losar sill hrgrnar Raoirn ai (630) 530-0055. Social DesPlaines Valley Geological Society Meeting February 20 and lay. Febroare IS at ihie l)iin,thtl F. Steplsonr Ballroom in Rurscrtcrst. orlI rerloeu rho Pneueeiatlirs. br 930 and non-toomru 545 Luncheon Show icihl lake pias'rilr Sititir. A rewular hosioesu ine000f SursIt ted all tcomco ieiL-noti. ed in contieccces cee ovirod ro attend. thissusilbo ,ssteoirnsc its r Income Tax Credit for Education Expenses Titi) tOstI:, T'tlI'tisuI) SS FFISRIInaF1I' IS, 2)103 4332 N. Ceratral Anam., Chinosrsgeu, IL 60634 ES PAGE 22 TUE OUGI,E, THURSDAY ITCORUARY 3, 2003 OELIVEREH TO EEL 11 000 TOM ES N SILES EVEOT WEEK 0E THE TEA T FULL/PART-TIME TELILETFO TO OLLIJIOThE OMES IN MEES FLEHT dEE 0E THE TEAT THE BUGLE CLASSIFIEDS FULL/PART-TIME FULL/PART-TIME PAGE 23 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY FEORUARY 13,2003 FULL/PART-TIME FULL/PART-TIME OAL.TIIHO0A1L 1I100TIOI.TESINNILES I MISCELLANEOUS DELILETED 100cr 1100000MEV 155111V THE BUGLE CLASSIFIEDS HAI SHOE 0E ITE TEAR MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS FLETE LEHEn 0F TITE TELI MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISING MEDICAL/HEALTHCARE MEDICALIHEALTHCARE RETAIL TELEMARKETING TRADES TELEPHONE SALES NURSE PAYROLL ASSISTANT TIRED OF THE USUAL ENTRY POSITIONS SAMS CLUB - TELEMARKETERS Put Your 10 Key Skills To Work With CUSTODIAL (corner Dempster & Potter) Authorized Home Improvement Contractor Needs Part-lime Appointment Setters Top Hourly Pay - TOP Bonus Program 401K PIan - Paid Vacations Work in Glenview 847-296-3031 Please Call Sid At: 847-729-5500 Apply in Person 9-11 AM or 1:302:3O PM TELEMARKETING We Accept VIsa and Master Card! SkokleScheol DIstitctSS 5O5OMedISCIi SL -Stehle Call 847-588-1900 847475-7666 Full-Time and Part-Time Position at Bugle Newspapers in Nues Please do not call unless you have previous experience! Ask For Beverly 847-588-1900 Or Fax To: 847-588-1684 CLERICAL GENERAL OFFICE! DATA ENTRY DON'T GET STUCK! GET HELP LOOK IN THE CLASSIFIEDS! to take on responsibility for office dotes and data entry. Must be comfortable working io a computerized environment and have good communication skills. Some general office eopenenco required. Position involves some owentime. Call far an appointment 312-305.4878 All Classified Help Wanted Ads Can Now Be Found On The Internet! PM's Fax Resume: 773-631-2253 Or Apply In Person Monday - Friday 9 AM -4 PM NORWOOD PARK HOME MEDICAL/HEALTHCARE S SignIng On Benin S CAlA'. Md Cea.peeloe. Hourly And Live-In Positions Available Fo, Chicago Arid Sarroundlng Sobarbo English Speaking lstsr*wlug lu, Deerfiuld DON'T GET STUCK! GET HELP.... LOOK IN THE CLASSIFIEDS! Citi for Nary or Undo Sosa. Hem, Seni..., 1ac 847-444-1222 Expedenc. Is a must. First & second shIfts avaIlable. To All Our Readers & AdvertIsers From Our ClassIfied Department BINDERY MECHANIC Experienced pifian to maintain and repair equIpment. Knowledge of electricity. 5$1STPJ4T BINDERY SUPERVISOR Background In supervisor of personnel, able to prepare assignments lo, employees, monItor performance, record counts and perform quality control. Cali or Send Resume To: 847-7589500 A s p Beverly Siiwa-Duszak& Staff . tosi. to Imd, ami dead- hi.. Hieap i*pm* of Winds, Inc-8O1 Chan. A ElkS, 'agn, ItG000l All Classified Help Bugie Ciasslfleds Wanted Ads Can MatchingAm. Rsuldsstn With Sua Eapley.,n Sins, 1957! 111547-555-j9Oo Now Be Found On The Internet! WinW.CblcigomiteolobLcom a1ik1. 2604 D.mpst.r - Suite 208 - Park Ridge Cogttact Val Templeton Seasons HospIce SALES (847) 759-9449 TELEMARMET1NO SALES posmoNS.JolN OUR WINNING TEAM! aie a/f/die Dollar Rent a Car at O'Hare RESTAURANT We are seeking ambitious, aggressive, motivated selfstarters to Join our counter sales team. Previous sales experience of its 2 years isa must. Oui top performing Nom Riling For A New Nues Restaurant *WAflSTAFF *BARTENDERS * HOSTESSES Call ForAn Appointment And An Interview r 847-583-0795 Business Job Board L_nIm/nT .ies. lab. COLLATOR SET-UP/OPERATOR Valentine's Day! mi$.upimss.fsilltm.d vn. Oeca. na .ueee Full Time Positions Available With First Class Beneftts & Wages - EOE Happy Earn $8/Hour Counting In Retail Stores Inleresled? Corne In And Fill An Application February 28th - Between 1 PM -4 PM At: o,..ed.ensI 5.an. ,5.eT PRINTING/BINDERY Call 847-588-1900 ,ppmtunitp In So Path uSgs 1Mo,. This pisitino eel he is aipSCki eI a.p. Or Email: [email protected] www.Chteogomeen)ob..cnm We Accept Visa and Master Card! ROIS INVENTORY SPECIALISTS 6016 N. Nina Ave. - Chicago-60631 (Near Northwest Highway & Harlem) HEALTH CARE/HOME Mid-sized mtg. co. seeks a detail-onented motivated individual with a good attitude Part-Time Position Oiv pwth hai enanoS a n.e La.. wcaam.p/wo-me..a en ulb_ Ioi L_an. P.m. Uabab-Fa. noi. co. LtS TAUt AVON Yew Foil.. weil. Awn,, COO aSset ysiji tasi. - fl3.5.2963 sales people earn $50K plus. Excellent company package that includes medical, dental, & vision, io addition to SALES sete osusen ewu 00000 Pleasant Perneiiailtp raki 1t. M 21ko ii.ul1rrTh-llll,ltm e .Iw Cl inside Sales Or Call Sally For CANCELLATIONS No Classified Advertisemento will be cancelled after 12 noon on 847-588-1900 Monday preceding the Thursday publication Or Fax Resume To: date, or Thursday 12 noon preceding The Beverly: 847-588-1648 Weekend Job Gold.. RelIabllltyA Moot! Please Call: Call Bevetly For Outside Sales Sally: 847-588-1911 READ THE BUGLE Ing respeesibilitlns: provide teaderotip by example, maintain o high standard of customer service train employees, assign aed a InietIdly and efficIent goltcourse. Nightand weekends a must. Pleaseseod ronamesith salsy history to: Scheduling Pick-Ups Inside Telephone Saies Indfl.nd.nt Sain Rep ASSISTANT GOLF MANAGER filles Park District, 6616W. tissant hiles, IL eOusI,Aun: Tom Benz No Selling-Flexible Hares Must Have Experience' TRADES TELEPHONE WORK FROM HOME The Bugle Newspapers Full-Time TRADES scheduledutlos, mottiate and develop each employee to maintain 0f Dlscard,d Items ForA Major Charity Or Outside Sales TouoY/cicEno eST-575-3800 TELEPHONE Selling Advertising For 1-630-5880025 Bugle Classifleds Tainpusnr d050y Ir,aumeto, lut, cash! Call UT-583-1900 Must Speak EnglIsh Cempelitive salary& Benoillu SIUdOSS O.flt..* a.M.mS pnolessional manager. 1110 qualIfied individoal will have the follen- 1-773-694-0205- Press 4 Eucpeil.nce Needed Afternoon! Evening Shift t.mwnllo,t salan vius Onna The tillen Park District Is seeking a seasonal assistant golf 401K, profit sharing & tuition reimbursement. SALES No cots CAU.INQ Foil-Then e, Pn,t-Tho. omys on EstileS Custedlal Duties Happy Valentine's Day .ê ,p. ,, ,P 's E a & fi,' Needed for expanding operations. 2nd Shift. Experienced person for Bindery company, able to speak and understand Spanish is o plus. Smoke free facility. We-provide a competitive salary plus benefits. We are located io Elk Grooe Village. To schedule an inteitrilew call: To All Our Readers & AdvertIsers From Our ClassIfIed Department 4 COLLATOR OPERATOR/ SET-UP 847-758-9500 Ext. 103 Bugie Ciassifleds NatchlngAua Raild.nto WIWAua Em,lsyemn si... issir Call 847-558-1900 Beverly Silwa-Duszak & Staff All Classified Help Wanted CANCELLATIONS -NoClàssified Ads Can Now Be Found On Advertisements will be cancelled after The Internet! 12 noon on Monday preceding the www.chicagometrojobs.com Thursday publication date, orThursday '«(Ç 12 noon preceding The Weekend Job Guide. PAGE 20 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY FEBRUARY l3 2003 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY I0EORUARY 13:2803 l'AGE 24 DELIS [EF O TO 041-111100 HOMES Ifl SILES THE BUGLE CLASSIFIEDS DELIVERED ro ALL 00 000 HOMES IN SILES EOERO WEEK OF THE YEAR' REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS AUTO FOR SALE PERSONALS TANNING WANTED TO BUY APARTMENT FOR RENT SAUGANASH 1997 FORD F150-XLT (CNOn & PeBarseal 5-Reems-NOWlO S.e0at.d U.tdtseOd EIeea-ShIflds V8 - Automatic - 3rd Door All Power - CD Player Ail Maintenance Records $9500 Or Best Offer ColInI All a n.no *,aIIsbI.4/0_01000/M0*S.CltdtY 173-735-4994 GLENVIEW -, OedtoOnr -$800 Heut Inolod d-00m Pdog-AIC Laundry-NO PoIs-847-4700014 Calliason-84796259S9 NILES -IBA & I BA Apt. Laundry - Partono - NO Peto RHO-965-9641 - 773-594-HEW LOSEN UIcIVNYUNOAI 18209I1t10.610 Road. 0901011W 9148 OaOUT'Y 'lOW PRICES 0*050500 P5*163 tO 01E HOLY lloRO t WOLFF TANNINS UDS o .651.1 e*Òaa* wire S fl Pall balMs S7 pS& Ill. * FR00 CONO CalakeR 650*1 p91. & - Ils - S S tl«ts b bl.l_5lfl&1051d6905 I,Sd,SsWIl. 1BR005lI-9815'5700/MSII FOR SALE Full Color Coifls ussaa,asse773'SSl43lS call: 8--965-40X2 CONDO FOR RENT NILES_lORd,t0R.'lSath DOG LOST Mth.00d & GtsflItR fleets 50« 00011000 OstlI/PsIlO/POOl 10*010150 t000/Psddtg/l4O Pst. SHIZU-Female Dog CONDO FOR SALE Black & White 14 Years Old - 'Shelly' EVANSTON so ISIlolrsn. 02155014) & RoDer Bad Ears & Eyes (Jonquil & Olcott Area) REWARD-Heartbroken 847.967-1671 Cell or AprO, 641-325-5063 HOUSE FOR SALE Bugle Classifieds NILES -7230W. un SpIll Lso&-3 000100012 BatIr $300,000- 773.744.0010 Turn your dusty treasures Into cash! Call 847-588-1900 DON'T GET STUCK! ,a,.5.lI9lSlIllSeRbSPSl& Slad Had P.8.eH 0606*6 5,0.0 551,0 SRI Is 5t9511M90? MOST MIRACULOUS LORD Lo. a..SI* y,,, he. Palodee mast OH my enloso Sot rbaISeOOt elaee ISO p5130*.). TrIO 10« bOtITo. ts900t ,rrd I .dl yell tu p400500* the bald, et 404 rO. Esther. 61rO., 5e III grIot thIs 0.11000 5.0.555 pl lOIS 005 ter yuso. IS mlraoulebl LeId 400,1. Sep 3 0mo. dORIO. 3d..,d ystlflep «1116* CreatI4 1000511551 OCT. coItar of mIracles, pray fer os. Sl, 40?,. help., Ct Ohs hOIpleSt. play tor us. Say thIs PlaYt1 nIno Ornes a day, 10,0101 days Sr IS, eIghth day poor prayer. CIII bi answered. Ir has Olear Barn 0000n lo tIll. PulIlcalooD muto be pmmlsed. Thank you, SI. BC.T Jod.. READ THE BUGLE qp1 jest LII', you O:.' WONS All Mo H." I Alilo 105 E*IYHaSPd000t 00 DalmoIrO I D.:r nOtwO.,0l14. PHILIP Valentine Pleasorns For A Valentine Treasure I SUSAN ZARLENGA Oee.s. datte. 0 dans .116 p51850., 0,0. odI b. gIbosa. P05*5k) HAPPY VANI1NE'S DAY «' TROGRANCIC FOUP Yea'II Bars.,. Miel A 59501sf P1.5,01. My HosrO I SIso.eowkl.. Sby To AdvorTisB ill Tino Bugle Newspapers Community Directory (847) 696-0889 Call: Beverly Your Nedglebo,Ieocd Sewer Mast (847) 588-1900 COMPUTERS FLIUIIH LESSONS KES COMPUTER LEARN TO FLY! HANDYMAN ROY THE HANDYMAN '0013 NP,ME IT -WE 00 IT MI- PaioIln5.-lnler/EoleTOr ACTIVE HANDYMAN w.000podlg ' Carpollon EInIiOdI . Plumbing SERSIC E AND REM000U NG Srywall . R irs FleO, O 015)1 lYOng RernOdelIrd FREE ESTIMATES (847) 965-6415 05581.1 1405511 ReplI., Floe EssmatHN 1580,03 Phone - 847447-2344 ciii . 847-791-2344 SERVICES I NetworkIng Call: Beverly S Computer Repaips I DSUCaIIIR Set Up (847) 588-1900 (847) 324-4079 Ciii Nose ForA $49 DISCOVERY FUGHTI p011aIo ePsOn?. ChotOrrOl ploy DelCoS Sorodalol eroi AportO Fihl 500r13, 3 Roy WookIrd GRuId SPIntO. 1.050114 al p4-WosteelolTrOl..6 HOME REMODELING To Advertise in The Bugle Newspapers Community Directory Call: Beverly RUSS DUSZAK (847) 3724196 (847) 588-1900 GARAGE DOORS HAN Ob MAN GARAGE DOORS EXTERIOR 8ev/OR BC BATORSKI CONSTRUCTiON, INC. ALL HOME I5Pn00EMENT5 SPECIALIZING IN OIICYRIS I nATh000hlO 800-328-1456 Leer.000.enoonu.Isooaeeo JORDAN OR IC B WOO h HappyValeetlse'n Day You Ase My Special One! Today & Always LoveMe , j MIRO V Happy Valentine'S Idy lo You Babe RICE MASONRY CONSTRUCTION To AdoBOtise in The I BPOIASOIK I TuoKponOl:09 Community Directory s Nno or R040III ChlnOIR3s and f:IopIdOOr I 04055 01006 P00010 I Cleuoiru3 u WAIOIR100IIRO FEW EstimaTes - louurod (847) 824-2223 RICH, AMANDA " ValentiOWs? Love & KIsses, Tammy My awit, Wâ blue-eyed Micah! soieaeN traen Meddat Wt..,ing Call: Beverly (847) 588-1900 C OS TR AC YO R MIKWAY EUROPEAN CONTRACTOR I i-ash sT I Me$iesy My Valentino, Bugie Newspapers BO Ich W 0 Rh wIIlYouBeMy IhItI. tos. O eeI,aEsloos lola, Olean, Say 3 OekIun u Mrlwau000 Silos HANDYMAN bo 1* My Locàl Advertisers &LovedOnas .FI,sa5d I F9010511511 (847) 965-2146 LASON BUILDERS Pt,mbIng, Csypefltrp, Cte. Community Directory 847404.8147 Free macmate. Call: Beverly Rich The Handyman (847) 588-1900 loslalIOtthys lolon Rohi8000 547.9653114 poi fir rIG HAN 00 MA N chadlo'n Painting HOME REPAIRS & S Nandyman esual 00.00050 .O:A*ae.51nObas100ra Community Directory IMPROVEMENTS F.eO P0150010 OIS SII OSeIPS 555* Call: Beverly (847) 803-2414 (847) 650-1935 Cull (847) 588-1900 DECORATING hANDYMAN DESIGN DECORATING i.e. HAIIDYMAJI SERNICE .1al0AdIliSo*000wS0Ol' 00,09100 lr -Coos P010550 5 StaInIng We Do Miner Repalere To Advertise in The Bugle Newspapers To Advertise io The Bugle Newspapers caasmtO - _& Sod Galeno Doors O 0p.ro,o INTERIOR Complete Handyman Services Since 1977 lpEs550o. KItlou* 5*8-00m RIlegaSSe5 OAIPldS0FluI rITaS 019s,II-[Ii-uereRtbl O,dOOsrIueIa R.e.Ia,g WB do il all big DE 000111 847.824-4272 (847) 587-9335 Hilo, IL. reS,,, 8.110« .5,15* 5e 0550, 5,0.0 II 1,11 10.011 05 .0 OIlS .0 l. lelo OSlSs001011ItsrISftalkl.eNr.IO*ao Beverly Sliwa-Duszak & Staff ISMYSrOIaI TarlI Csmfl W Or II., r.qls.t sedI 5.00*0 ro pI.aftlrr 915 0.585 et 006 thI Estos,. I 0,1550.14 s0* 5f., los Ir. lIra From Our Classified Department 4 Community Directory Buye OLOUDS a PINCHY Srs s. H. *011541 b lets. Mdl. To All Our Readers & Advertisers 7 ILoveVoul HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY preceding The Weekond Happy Valentine's Day Lover Gloria To Advortise in Tine Bugle Newspapers My Sweetle And FRANK You're Still My Special Valentine - e.IIIloO II your bIrlO 10,01. date, nr Thursday 12 noon lob Guide, IWENOCH You Are LOom, Mom After Ali Thewe Years SEWER SERVICE Call Beverly 047-588-1900 YomFeE.Wltn Ynu'Il *Pw.yl SaTYR 1000 ot My LItsI To My Lover a NorgEbOOY'OOd 80 0*0 1007 H15551080 Of Loo. T15 Dorad' Happy Valentines Day VaMos Love, ABBIE MOST MIRACULOUS LORD POWERFUL PRAYER TO ThE HOLY SPIRIT lIa .0, Lake Il esallan eta ISV M the Thursday publication Rupo*II P4808068 SoTases Old W.'.. Still C1OI.lng 00011 Thtnking O) You Today And Loving You Eoory Day Lose, MPM will be cancelled after 12 noon on Monday preceding JOHN'S (847) 696-3311 (773) 631-5151 90.0. Ecan log,Ihpr Honey Bun ' SapIn. Sanr.dRee001JOseSbS adored, gIorlIdd, loved .02 pm. N,tdSd 15104410001 In. cutId. rpM and IOrlelr. 510rLE Olead of Jesus, pta? pr us. 'SI. Jude, Sel. For Ill. Classified Advertisements To My TheRe Sp.oIalVallRtIlItf All My Love '.i A Prayer St. Jude's Novena 00w. IsO SII gIallI BIS e.tI000 IsOlas 01 HO loss toe ono. 16. CANCELLATIONS - No AL w.dllSgvlssllsleyea,s SRI etoIrluarl, nIl 005 Secolo. loor CI.ASSIFIEDS' CHICAGO APPLIANCE OIL I.WIES4-L 0100101.0 Ed NoiosI sol, t.,',. i--a casi. c* PaIS p.sye.. blot 0*0« 10,151 PISOS Obi LOOK IN THE CATCH 0451115 A S(I0ERS & REFRIGERATOR REPAIR CO. U,q VALENTINE'S DAY GAEETINGS! (I: 5_10 loa h,,. gr.ttsd 50 rnapj st mr GET HELP.... APPLIANCE REPAIRS FREE yo'ooaHrE WI rol 5DB I 5005/Monto - 713-520-575S ALSO 9405 MachInyn 1430-013-2742 1430-HIS.elNt EdIl Today I.190-131°NiO4 ero., np,et,Oalt.Seelt (547)7298900 6100.75321/2 6. N115 WANTED j1 JUKE 000ES I WIJRLITZERS ''7 130111011105.1 S.lfl.ta,lIL,aa5'"n' 51586 ¿ PayrrIlnIs F1011 52591,0091 9lflltSflOP51OSl69M6S 655 - To Advertise In This Directory The BUgle Newspapers 1500: 'S 00E 00 IRE HEAR' III. nORtES 0.111 loIr SSO II *5 sapa..I.* hs. y,,,. as. Idi. lIdI. S sa .aIs7aI lIlsIsos, Oslo 1151519 toIS I lOea4s, and sA,. ISlE0' p001100 0.5.10,5-. lap .0 allo, sII dl poled. 90M,... 10.1. We Accept Visa and Master Card' Call 847-588-1900 CANCELLATIONS - No Classified Advertisements will be cancelled after 12 noon on Monday preceding the Thursday publication date, or ThursdaY 12 noon preceding The Weekend Job Guide. To Advertise in The Bugle Newspapers Community Directory . 04*1111 P01811114 . E1PEOT PAPER 0.11060 ,W000 FINISHIN0 PA INnING 'rast .0050154011515 .5_ -BarerS leI .l*oIsa*Ba*OIsrS .ElIothal WE 00 Ir *LL...HO 6 TOO SMSIL OH TOO RIG OUR WOHl) OUARP,NIEED . P15-500000 14h lacuuo I Pur ETOlA, OSCO Call: Beverly (847) 205-5613 (847) 588-1900 Call 0.9 PrIlEOISSI 1.001,00 (847) 674-0371 (773) 792-3550 To Advertise in The Bugle Newspapers Community Directory Call: Beverly (847) 588-1900 LI HOME .0,0-PIII--IlsIMPROVEMENT F.eFe i-aia.Cai6aIà,e (773) 505-1459 50% EWIMsTIesSOf sel PAGE 26 THE BUGLE, THURSDAE FEBRUARY 3, 2003 PAGE 27 THE BUGLE, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 132003 - I. -- I. W L'il IICI I l__ - V, I ,' t j I I __I 'l_ -- - .-_ -.- - I ' : s- CLASSIFIED TRADE DIRECTORY V1 bIlls> Ib RICK'S To AdRertise In The Bugle Newspapers POWERWASHING Community Directory Decks, Walls, Siding, Fencns, Conoonln, Windows Wanhnd.... Gutters Cleaned BATHROOM REMODELING Call: Beverly 1051100 .0010rdal, .09,1,00 773-267-0047 CELL - 773-316-5512 (847) 588-1900 Cal Rido 773-775-6846 Pager 312-232-9678 PAINTING PAINTING, WALLPAPE RING, DECORATING, TILES, DRYWALL, ROOFING, W0000IG. KITCHEN & PRINTING & DECORATING PRECISION PAINTING Complete Desoratirog BMjd.rOB-CanmrO.I-Irtat FREE ESTIMATES Reasonable Rates To Advertise 'n The Bugle Newspapers Community Directory 847-825-9098 90% BiSlnInitn SOrIo,, 0B Yr.. eoe.01nb, Community Directory Lpmr sod-On rOnd-Insu red Call: Beverly 708-583-1877 (847) 588-1900 OO 0.14 sI IL. Nils, MaIAIip.I EIA100g. 1000 lICO Ca,s, lito, NtIs,. 011ios, la 7,5,06, lali,,..iog m,tnnrl,I. AlIstO 001670 6529 M,di,a,, SI oil» 'Th,V71n11 (Silos odi moply oui, 0,, flmscosn, WitS 0i.5i66o, Arr by wohlIg (,sasosh6 .rraool,dsoIt.,, tsr pnspl, oilS 70,5671,5,,. IÇYgA Ir $501001 050 lAO'. o,ll, disabiloyq,a,t,a,,00,d,6,a e,,5 Wii, 1,06. a, Ralo soy 0,1110,001 5601111,5 V,iIng7s moyhs,.os, yins., 1001.00 May nay 05106090. Wilson 0Iao,a. 1000 Co, CItI,, Odo,, Nito, Oliinu,, 04015BB-0000, Aros Bssd,ses. Owsser. ¡OEil. Onvu again, II) OcvFlalool Pabl,o Library and ollo Dc Ploïnns Chstelrrr nf Cnnllbnorco and lndusoy am inoilnog 11X01 bua,nosern 1070)0 is u fpnc.il priv motion durIng Naljooul LIlobsiry Wnnk. Apnil b-12. 2003. Suoi. nassen am bring aahod lo sfiora spacial salue er dlsc060l IO pall. oarda during that wInk. Tilo Iypc Of spnulul salue ardiruourt juco. umly up IO bn individual bust. floss owner. lnlopEtEd business OWnOPI molt si0O ap by Pebruaty 15 tabo inohadnd io ho advilnvo dsllOOtl- Il tOILAi iowa 0,01 10) 05 Osmas LEGAL NOTICE Fth,00 Od.!,,) ItItt 'lO'OaItIjlIId lio,sas pisos Alodiaa ttI ala spssilmjota n.lybnsla,i,sd 001fls.baos sd0a5 miogThnois,rrb,sw, 11.101. Sii onoto Aosta Ss 01,0.0 a in do, n 6611 01 0 Atto,) IBIOIII'.ltitvrl.liy AuubtthhsaioIl,7 .iolsooasbdisosob loador ISC]10046'ASMB,d.IOLWA E allay! IlIAC! OIt II AI 9,45 0 u 06m C noi sind 0 Thsoasp,Soi,I7s,s.00sts,00St l,oIo,si O I STOP PAINTOAGI LEN Cao,. Veo, Caugs WO> Alunrioum Setfts'F.sola RbnyeAiumlnum Oldie9 slap_s. _ste RInel s SloPer publicity L Ill vea,, 411W.) Ituo,. 9165es (OinwlpalCd Ill lIlla IllOtIlil. t,oa A lot lot iv, lt o ocylulratl,,o Attoi en ho hack w,ll hv'lnuliilcd Y Olin bosar> 20115 tour,,> III? ootonthly Oe.ni!t000ddloçour pub1,sI,rd by tIro CI100,ihnp of C,to. IllICO l'ho lollEr and tuno u,ll alato ho isadohit it, ill, libIa0) Wol, nIlo and by callin0 5a,lIvli ho(oronCo Lihrorisn 1)10000 (ill1An ot 1R47)5 76.28 12 . l'ho pneioollon will ho lo,ghligllicd in lIlo April lusuo o) lilo I,. 60630 Correct Violations New Breaker Box Rewire Homes Trouble Shooting Ceiling Fans PLEASE CALL BEVERLY AT: \IIl I 11,1111 KIl',ll,I'I 847-588-1900 _\,IIIIr,lllI,I1l, I!lI't 'I (III OR FAX INFO TO: 847-588-1648 -I (11v 7 (III!.illi l'I I 'o N. 1,11111 .11,1,,'! g holt .11,11. II Al I, 1,1111411 (77)) (r)l'14 iv Frv'o' I o I i IIl,t I ao Heating / AC 1-800-303-5688 American Home Enteníoos \VyIt file, andan Oyorx that o In illolnIb010d lIt lihrary palrcnn. l'anlcipdllng Cliotrllwrolonlbcrs .0)11 ho listed ir the Cliuunlwr notosl0100p. Each puit,ctpai,ng business wtll recoivraspocil pallor IO diaphoy during Nolicnal l,lbrony Work. This Way il Ihoak oastuonnr,- and bu OCllgflIey lilo Onnlyikulltln,If Atnyrica's libraries. LEARN TO FLY! Call Now ForA S49 DISCOVERY FLIGHT! Prleale Ihn, ASP, Charter & Pilot Seraices, Simulator afid Aircraft Flight Training, 3 Day Weehnnd Ground Schools. Located at Pal-Waakee AJtpor call RUSS DUSZAI( RoszAK BUILDERS, INC. NILES, IL 847-967-0072 FIa 847.967.1020 R..idmitlal/Comm.fCtel-BIg a Sondi Job. Room Additions - Bas,emeet Remodeling Decks -Office Buildings 'Stores 'Kitchen Remodeling sBathroom Remodeling 'New Homes 'New Garage Construction VERONIKA'S CLEANERS RESIDENIIAL/COMMER&BL HONEST, RELIABLE, EXPERIENCED STAFF, FlEXIBLE HOURS, Foe QulIfty-R.lIabIiIty-D.PSfldabliltY LOW PRICES, I1REE ESTIMATES WE AcCEPT VISA AND MASTERCARD BONDED (708) 453-4369 (847) 372-6196 Par nIeto infomlu111llr, PIO65C Ib /047) 376-2812. pl,orp laanno OniíOr heaty oywalyttor. P4OCtdtillg hullnlulra will Sn listed ib 0115 toto alobo lihra., on Ihn library Columbia Astronauts To Be Honored in Morton Grove lcrl ut nariuss (aloha. The Rifle 5042 W. Carmen, Chicago, IL 847-222-9597 '-',III >III I'I' ndon & 000,, ilinadaocn POP9OSOYIII. (s) is: Brian C. Zimmerman, 24-tbsp EmorgenEy Service CLASSIFIED TRADE DIRECTORY QustRy Woth Cal er Fr00 EsNrns dicuted that eEEoOs arc bring 5042 W. Carmon, Chic000, IL 60630. The Iron nomo(s) and ranideepe addmss of Ihn owner I lse,,od.lin,dpd.hrr,nol ndor,s Notion in breeby gison, pur. nuotI tu "An All ir nollliun In Iba 550 of un Aonaterd Bsri. Fnao 134 nf ho Anlorici,> Liaros Name il lilo oondact or fiOn on Morton Couve will Inatlsacllan of OuatIons IO Ihn vpcclal Mnmnniul Service boldo (110 lIc Siate," us amordnd, lhuia cep. sounv ulIrnoosts who lout lIlI lohoulios wm Oled hy Oho (woo in ibnupaca Irigody, Gonvlct' . al dorotnord oiL L I,,,tlL.o,,, 00 Ilota 00 Saturday, Fahru. Clerk of Cook Cosioiy. ay 22, 2003 aI 2 Noon w SI Filo No. 003082776 on Fob. Muehu,'u Asdiioriun, 8535 P0500 3, 2003, under Ihn As. GoorglunaGl Moflan Gravo. bInad Name of Equity Buildl'li, 101otor ooeonlnry 0,11 ars with Oho business located at ALL-A-ELECTRIC Ko100,II.LCoww rn,1.61 .0 Is,? 1.1 Aluminum AwnIng. National Library Week Promotion in DesPlaines pIn who shnw han, heir lib,aoy LEGAI. NOTICE 610111G CONSTRUCT1ON, INC. (847) 768-6000 ed in Offer Special 067000001 Dsnng NatiOnal Library Wonk 005an.600 , oori,ii,o is Solio, 0V 0,1 01 0,s.I 10M 4' 0, 1l00NC0 so .rrn,Sart' bIIiIdiog st BOOR fkA,0,GOML t (847) 588-1900 C000,ss,so sd Zaowe Onn,d MApp,M, ii LAId n vIRIlI hroo Dm16, 67k, yod O taponan s P6nNeg Rspi001nsee Nr,ánn. Ali lyp, 1)1. ln.tsIl,Oo, Call: Beverly LEGAL NOTICE 037F? t05000 s CInten s Book, A0ordable Rates Free Eslimales Lic/BOnded/losared Anthony Pagano 847-259-3878 To Advertise irr The Bugle Newspapers ROOFING SIDING -PenE nSr-nnrn.cona CALL GEORGE DI,,od.y, fintaR O, 1003. sI AM. REMODELING BUILDERS PAINTING & DECORATING INTERIOR PAINTING ThE i'] SL'riu, lito. TO ADVERTISE IN THIS DEMO EleLlri liïvc io Inns frani llio NASA Training Center in Hoanton, Teass; (ho Bunlo Admiaiglyat)an. Naval O>. hears fro,n OrnaI Lakes Training Cenar stoin-nide Lagion ceno. 101ndnrs plun rollo und Inonl pub. lIc olt)cialn. Coolmandee Jack Troraass in. todo iv hase in olloodancou Ian. IIlrr ut p505001 uuIrunuul In ho eclohnulion atIbe senno lo,t lives. lloligi000 servions will ha oíl)' vItilnd by ¡'C Phul 1-luluhino, Lo' glati Chaplain, as well un Minis' Ss1uud of Poll 34, ondeo Ihn di. rocolun of 1°C bony Weaver, will cerdeO Ihn mihilany boors. Por farther infomtation, 001. 10cl lorry Wasvnr ai (847) 9659503. ROMANIAN FLOORING & Roszak Landscaping REMODELING, LP Nibs. IL 847-967-0072 Fax 847-967-1020 a oubsidiary of 1?naazak Btaildern. inc. InstaUatioo ot Cerino & Graoite Coaolortsps Hardwood, Cortesie Th. awd For aI your lawn care and snow removal needsWith the dependability and quality you expect Carpet Floorite Regidential & Commercial - - Wo Asnopt VIII & MItt., CIrd Visit Ose Showroom At DIAMOND POWER WASHING & SNOW -PLOWING, INC. *24 Hour Service - *Saltlng *SkId Loader Service *Seasonal Contract olsEmergency 1-Time Plowing ' Fully Insured Free Estimates - 8049 N. Milwaukee Ave. Nitos Moñofl GraMo A Park Ridge Please CaII COMMERCIAL ONLY 847-663-1003 Call: 773-631-0289 - - 5.600g RIba P '_.441* .CtP "y ?. . . ' "4 - ¿ S - 'ti PAGE28 S--:- THE BUGLE, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 13, 2003 I , : SHORE Financial Services Corp. 3330 W. Dundee Rd. Ste. #C5 Northbrook, ft 60062 I t,1 ACTNO Ilinos Morigoge IIceee - e i s s I s s e . s I * I Variety of adjustable and fixed rate loans I Cash-out options for home I S I s improvements )________l Lower monthly mortgage payments yr I e w Certainrestrictions apPlY. Programs subject to change. Not avajiabje In all states. s s s ¡4 I EQUAL CREDIT OPPORTUPffiy II