PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT FOR THE REALIZATION OF A CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE FOR RESEARCH AND PROFESSIONAL TRAINING TO SUPPORT SMALL ENTERPRISES, COMPETITIVENESS, INNOVATION AND LOCAL DEVELOPMENT San Donà di Piave (Venice – Italy) March 2006 PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT FOR THE REALIZATION OF A CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE FOR RESEARCH AND PROFESSIONAL TRAINING TO SUPPORT SMALL ENTERPRISES, COMPETITIVENESS, INNOVATION AND LOCAL DEVELOPMENT ART. 1 PURPOSE, INTENTIONS AND OBJECT OF THE PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT What we intend to pursue with the present Partnership Agreement is a punctual application of the principles in the "European Paper for Small Enterprises". The purpose is the realization of a Centre of Excellence for research and high quality training to support the territorial social-economic system and particularly small enterprises. The Centre would represent an authoritative reference specialized in the analysis, the study and the research on the themes of local development, considered as strategic resources aimed at promoting scientific and technological innovation and competitiveness. Objectives to be realized through this Partnership Agreement are specifically the following ones: a) to make the public and private sectors aware of the systemic competition and innovation in the productive process of the different economic sectors; b) to define the strategic directions and the mid to long term operative objectives of material and immaterial investments in the European regions; c) to put at researchers disposal the logistic structures in order to enable them to develop projects from advanced research and superior specialist training; d) to facilitate and sustain every initiative for the raising of public and private financial resources necessary for the realization of different system projects. ART. 2 SEAT AND LOGISTIC STRUCTURES The Parties agree that the Lead Institution is the Confartigianato, the Association of Artisans and Small Enterprises of the district of San Donà di Piave, in the province of Venice, and the seat of the Centre of Excellence is established in the registered office of the Confartigianato Via Perugia 2, San Donà di Piave (VE). The subjects that join in this Partnership Agreement commit themselves to supply structures and places complete with relative furniture and equipment where conventions and courses of superior specialised training, programmed by the Centre of Excellence, will be held. ART. 3 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURES For an effective and efficient management of the project at issue, the Parties agree to avail themselves, when required, of the activity of other organisations and companies that will be from time to time individualized on the basis of their professional competence. ART. 4 DUTIES OF THE CONTRACTING PARTIES Parties that agree to the present Partnership Agreement undertake to participate in the community, national and local programmes that aim to the affirmation of small enterprises as part of the social and cultural fabric in Europe and to cooperate in supporting the European social-economic system. Moreover they commit themselves to create a network of connections between the Centre of Excellence, the local productive fabric, territorial bodies, public and private firms and scientific and cultural Institutions for the promotion of synergies, partnership projects, formative stages, experimentations and applications of the results of the activities carried-out by the partners of this agreement. They also undertake to publicise the results achieved by the Centre of Excellence with adequate communication campaigns. ART. 5 DURATION The present Partnership Agreement has a duration of 7 (seven) years from the date of signature. 2 PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT FOR THE REALIZATION OF A CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE FOR RESEARCH AND PROFESSIONAL TRAINING TO SUPPORT SMALL ENTERPRISES, COMPETITIVENESS, INNOVATION AND LOCAL DEVELOPMENT ACCORDO DI PARTENARIATO PER LA REALIZZAZIONE DI UN CENTRO D’ECCELLENZA PER LA RICERCA E LA FORMAZIONE A SOSTEGNO DELLA PICCOLA IMPRESA, DELLA COMPETITIVITA’, DELL’INNOVAZIONE E DELLO SVILUPPO LOCALE ART. 1 PURPOSE, INTENTIONS AND OBJECT OF THE PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT ART. 1 SCOPO, FINALITÀ ED OGGETTO DELL’ACCORDO DI PARTENARIATO What we intend to pursue with the present Partnership Agreement is a punctual application of the principles in the "European Paper for Small Enterprises". The purpose is the realization of a Centre of Excellence for research and high quality training to support the territorial social-economic system and particularly small enterprises. The Centre would represent an authoritative reference specialized in the analysis, the study and the research on the themes of local development, considered as strategic resources aimed at promoting scientific and technological innovation and competitiveness. Objectives to be realized through this Partnership Agreement are specifically the following ones: a) to make the public and private sectors aware of the systemic competition and innovation in the productive process of the different economic sectors; b) to define the strategic directions and the mid to long term operative objectives of material and immaterial investments in the European regions; c) to put at researchers disposal the logistic structures in order to enable them to develop projects from advanced research and superior specialist training; d) to facilitate and sustain every initiative for the raising of public and private financial resources necessary for the realization of different system projects. Lo scopo che si intende perseguire con il presente Accordo di partenariato è la puntuale applicazione dei principi della “Carta europea per le piccole imprese” attraverso la creazione di un Centro per la ricerca e l’alta formazione a supporto del sistema socioeconomico territoriale e in particolare delle piccole imprese, che si ponga quale autorevole riferimento per l’analisi, lo studio e la ricerca relativamente alle tematiche dello sviluppo locale che sono strategiche per promuovere l’innovazione scientifica e tecnologica e la competitività. Le finalità da realizzare con il presente Accordo di Partenariato sono in particolare le seguenti: a) Sensibilizzare i soggetti pubblici e privati verso le tematiche della competizione sistemica, dell’innovazione nei processi produttivi dei diversi settori economici; b) Definire le linee strategiche e gli indirizzi operativi di medio-lungo termine degli investimenti materiali ed immateriali nelle regioni d’Europa; c) Mettere a disposizione dei ricercatori le strutture logistiche per poter sviluppare i progetti di ricerca avanzata e di formazione specialistica superiore; d) Agevolare e sostenere ogni iniziativa necessaria al reperimento delle risorse finanziarie pubbliche e private necessarie alla realizzazione dei diversi progetti di sistema. ART. 2 SEAT AND LOGISTIC STRUCTURES ART. 2 SEDE E STRUTTURE LOGISTICHE The Parties agree that the Lead Institution is the Confartigianato, the Association of Artisans and Small Enterprises of the district of San Donà di Piave, in the province of Venice, and the seat of the Centre of Excellence is established in the registered office of the Confartigianato Via Perugia 2, San Donà di Piave (VE). The subjects that join in this Partnership Agreement Le Parti concordano che struttura capofila è Confartigianato Associazione Artigiani e Piccole Imprese del Mandamento di San Donà di Piave di Venezia e che la sede del Centro di Eccellenza viene stabilita nella sede della stessa Confartigianato in Via Perugia n. 2, in San Donà di Piave (VE), reso disponibile dall’ente. I soggetti aderenti al presente accordo di partenariato I commit themselves to supply structures and places complete with relative furniture and equipment where conventions and courses of superior specialised training, programmed by the Centre of Excellence, will be held. si impegnano a fornire le strutture e i locali, dotati di relativi arredi ed attrezzature, ove saranno ospitati la convegnistica e i corsi di formazione specialistica superiore che il Centro di Eccellenza programmerà. ART. 3 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURES ART. 3 STRUTTURE ORGANIZZATIVE For an effective and efficient management of the project at issue, the Parties agree to avail themselves, when required, of the activity of other organisations and companies that will be from time to time individualized on the basis of their professional competence. Per una gestione efficace ed efficiente del progetto in questione, le Parti concordano di avvalersi anche dell’attività di Enti terzi che saranno di volta in volta individuati tenendo conto delle tematiche trattate e delle competenze professionali richieste, attraverso apposite convenzioni. ART. 4 DUTIES OF THE CONTRACTING PARTIES ART. 4 IMPEGNI DELLE PARTI CONTRAENTI Parties that agree to the present Partnership Agreement undertake to participate in the community, national and local programmes that aim to the affirmation of small enterprises as part of the social and cultural fabric in Europe and to cooperate in supporting the European social-economic system. Moreover they commit themselves to create a network of connections between the Centre of Excellence, the local productive fabric, territorial bodies, public and private firms and scientific and cultural Institutions for the promotion of synergies, partnership projects, formative stages, experimentations and applications of the results of the activities carried-out by the partners of this agreement. They also undertake to publicise the results achieved by the Centre of Excellence with adequate communication campaigns. Le Parti aderenti al presente Accordo di Partenariato si impegnano a partecipare ai programmi comunitari, nazionali e locali aventi per obiettivo l’affermazione delle piccole imprese quale tessuto connettivo socioculturale d’Europa e di cooperare per il supporto del sistema socio-economico europeo. Esse si impegnano inoltre a favorire la creazione di una rete di collegamenti tra il Centro d’Eccellenza, il tessuto produttivo locale, gli Enti territoriali, le aziende pubbliche e private e le istituzioni scientifiche e culturali, per la promozione di sinergie, progetti di partenariato, stage formativi, sperimentazioni e applicazioni dei risultati delle attività svolte dai sottoscrittori e dei partners. Esse si impegnano altresì a divulgare con adeguate campagne di comunicazione i risultati conseguiti dal Centro di Eccellenza. ART. 5 DURATION ART. 5 DURATA The present Partnership Agreement has a duration of 7 seven years from the date of signature. Il presente Accordo di Partenariato ha durata di anni 7 sette decorrenti dalla data di sottoscrizione del presente accordo. II