Aumentare: Il governo ha Syntactic entrydelinformation aumentato i prezzi 3%. I prezzi sonocontent aumentati del 3% ‘to increase: The government has increased the prices by 3%. Prices have increased by 3%’ Specific properties of the entry in the syntactic context described verb type: main verb auxilary :avere Subcategorization frame(s) MAIN syntactic frame: complex syntactic entry P0 optional subject NP ALTERNATING syntactic frame: P1 oblig. object NP P0 optional subject NP P1 optional adverbial di_PP Link between syntactic structures FRAMESET relating systematic frame alternations: relates main syntactic frame to alternating one relates respective frame positions Nilda Ruimy P2 optional adverbial di_PP decausativization locative alternation reciprocal altern. symmetrical altern.