KYOTO PROTOCOL The international treaty to control the climate changes 11th DECEMBER 1997 11th December 1997 about 160 Nations joined in this environmental international treaty. 16th February 2005 It became effective involving expecially industrialized Countries. Today China, India and Usa haven’t signed the protocol yet. The world and Kyoto Protocol Main points • Reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of 5% against the avarange levels of 1990 over the five year period 2008-2012 for the most industrialized Nations]; GHG • Safeguarding “carbon sinks”as forests, wood, cultivated land etc.; each Nation will elaborate a GHG emissions estimating system and then the united Nations will find a way to face these air pollution. The Nations helping the developing Countries reducing GHG emissions will aquire “emission reduction units” • Ways to reduce GHG emissions : - EMISSION TRADING: control pollution by providing economic incentives; - CLEAN DEVELOPEMENT MECHANISM: indistrialized Countries can invest in reduction GHG emission’s projects for developing countries instead of financing more expensive ones in their own nations. - JOINT IMPLEMENTATION[JI] (art.6) allows a country with an emission reduction or limitation commitment under the Kyoto Protocol (Annex B Party) to earn emission reduction units (ERUs) from an emission-reduction or emission removal project in another Annex B Party, each equivalent to one tonne of CO2, which can be counted towards meeting its Kyoto target. Italy and Kyoto Protocol Italy and Kyoto Protocol «Italy – said Corrado Clini – asks for a more flexible attitude since without the USA cooperation it will be very hard reaching any goals». from “La Repubblica” 02 giugno 2001 <<Kyoto, Italy runs the risk of failure >> “Repubblica” 16 febbraio 2005 Fresh-industrialized countries should join us in the Kyoto Protocol by Edo Ronchi, an Italian subsciber of the Protocol President of Italian Republic’s speech with the young people of the United World College • What role does Italy has in reducing global warming? “ We need worldwide scale solutions […]The world is very small” “USA, China and India’s influence in energetic requirement and environmental problems is bound to become greater and greater.” Meeting of 15th November 2007 in Quirinale Palace Giorgio Napolitano ’s speech The Earth is sick…don’t let it down, answer to its call! Written by Valentina Pessina and Valentina Labattaglia