Ne pas
La leyenda, el mito y la fantasía reflejados en el lienzo
John William Waterhouse
(1849 – 1917)
J. W. Waterhouse es uno de los grandes
pintores británicos del siglo XIX.
Su vida personal es casi desconocida, su
obra está siendo revalorizada en la
Fiel a su estilo, desde sus comienzos fue
encuadrado como representante tardío
del movimiento prerrafaelista, sin
embargo su pintura encaja más dentro
del simbolismo.
El clasicismo, el romanticismo, la fantasía
y la leyenda inundan sus lienzos.
Se critica la falta de dramatismo y puesta
en escena de sus personajes, pero su
estilo no busca la teatralidad y por eso
debe respetarse.
Su técnica y maestría están fuera de toda
Octavio Ocampo
Octavio Ocampo è nato a Celaya, Guanajuato, in Messico il 28 febbraio
1943. Ha studiato presso l’Istituto di Belle Arti, Città del Messico e il San
Francisco Art Institute, si è laureato nel 1974. Dopo avere dato segni precoci
del suo multiforme genio artistico, a partire dal 1976 si è dedicato solo alla
pittura ed alla scultura. Ocampo ora lavora e risiede in Tepoztlan, a nord di
Città del Messico, è considerato uno dei più incantevoli luoghi della terra.
Lavora principalmente con il metamorfiche stile - utilizzando una tecnica di
sovrapposizione e giustapposizione realistico e figurativo di dettagli entro le
immagini che egli crea. Octavio Ocampo è famoso per i suoi molti quadri nei
quali intreccia delle dettagliate e intricate immagini che contribuiscono a dar
vita ad una figura più grande. Solo allontanandosi dal dipinto lo si può
apprezzare pienamente, arrivando a comprendere il soggetto finale che
vanno a comporre tutti i singoli dettagli.
Octavio Ocampo ha usato le ambiguità della visione per
produrre quadri o sculture che suscitano sensazioni
Vuoi provare queste sensazioni?
Clicca sui quadri
“O mestre da Aquarela”
“A arte vem de um profundo senso de direção interior. Ela começa com uma
reavaliação de sua própria vida, de uma busca pela fonte dos impulsos, o
mistério de tudo. Eu me julgo um realista emocional. Emoção é o que
eu quero retratar. O realismo é apenas a minha maneira de fazê-lo.”
Steve Hanks nasceu em San Diego, California, Estados Unidos, em 1949.
Born in 1965 in Kewaskum, Wisconsin, where he now lives with his wife
Jennifer, and their young children, Dan's interest in art emerged as a
teenager. Studies at the American Academy of Art in Chicago, Illinois
and his voracious appetite for museums and the modern masters such as
John Singer Sargent, Alphonse Mucha, Nicolai Fechin, Joaquin Sorolla,
Carl von Marr as well as a host of other French and American
impressionists have inspired him.
Dan has a particular interest and appreciation for modern Russian art
and the sumptuous canvases of the painters Nicolai Fechin,
Isaac Levitan and Ilya Repin. As Dan says, their paintings are
"completely loose yet deliberate and faithful, not at all flashy."
His mastery of the female figure, the clothed figure especially, is brilliant.
He has drawn inspiration from the very old tradition of romanticism
and symbolism. His absolutely lavish surfaces, color and lighting
are in harmony with his expressionistic brushstroke,
application and modeling of light and shade.
His paintings are sensitive yet evocative creations, which dramatize
his bold and ambitious technique. He is at his very best when
he allows himself to explore the surface in a free and painterly
manner, while retaining his sense of other worldliness.
His subjects evoke a timelessness and idealism, yet for the most
part Dan has drawn upon his home and community in
Wisconsin, including family and friends. His sense of intimacy
and honesty with regard to his subjests are a direct result of his
closeness and proximity to them. A projection of tranquillity,
repose and rich introspection result from his knowledge
of the content of his art.
(pour les explications)
Чжао Жоуинг и Ван Мэйфан
Ван Мэйфан - 王美芳
Ван Мэйфан (1949) родилась в Пекине. После того, как она
окончила среднюю школу при Центральном Академии
художеств в 1969 году, она провела 10 лет в
военизированных сельских поселениях, где занималась
разведением животных и продолжала занятия живописью в
свободное время.
В 1979 году она была переведена в Тяньцзинский
художественно-промышленный колледж для занятием
дизайном. Ряд ее работ были включены в национальные
коллекции. Она начала
сотрудничать с Чжао Жоуингом.
Au secours !...
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Il y a aussi
l’anglais !
Ouf !
Around Asia in 8 Minutes
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Automatic Slide Show with Music ;
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Sri Lanka - Ancient City of Sigiriya
黎巴嫩 - 貝魯特的岩石
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India - Agra - Taj Mahal
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Diapositive 1 - Chez Joeline