Education group – Coordinamento Torino Pride Torino, Italy Achille SCHIAVONE Education Group – “Coordinamento Torino Pride 1. Brief history/organization 2. Mode of action with students and adults 3. Taking care about volunteer educators Raccoglie le Associazioni a tematica lgbt della Regione. Progetta e organizza iniziative politiche, sociali e culturali. Dialoga e collabora con le Pubbliche Amministrazioni e con le altre realtà del territorio. Al suo interno è presente il Gruppo Formazione e il Gruppo Accoglienza Internazionale. E' membro dell'ILGA. Lambda – Amici della Fondazione Sandro Penna Associazione Quore Associazione Radicale Certi Diritti Centro S.D. “F.Castellano” Fede Religione e Omosessualità Circolo di Cultura GLBTQ Maurice Comitato provinciale Arcigay di Torino “Ottavio Mai” Consulta Torinese per la Laicità delle Istituzioni Famiglie Arcobaleno Gaytineris Gruppo L’Altra Martedì Gruppo Luna Gruppo Pesce L’Altra Comunicazione La Fenice La Jungla 3 .......... Associazione Municipality of Torino Coordinamento Torino Pride Since 2007 as Education Group - ToPride Since 2001 Coordinamento Gay Lesbiche Transexual Torino 1999-2006 Coordinamento Torino Pride Education group volunteers from different GLBTQ associations in Torino and surrounding Maurice GLBTQ Arcigay – Torino “Genitori arcobaleno” and “Rete Genitori Rainbow” La Fenice integrated educational system Students Age 10-13 Age 14-18 Teachers Adults in different groups AHEAD (EU project 2010/11) Italian Ministry of Education (2011/12) EDUCATION GROUP – 2008/2009 Contrast any form of discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, ethnic or national origin, social or economic status, political opinion or religion, disability status, age (TEACHERS) 2 hours presentation 3 meetings (3 hours each): 1. 2. 3. 4. Languages and stereotypes Homophobic bullying Education tools activity with students ACTIVITY with STUDENTS “Warm-up” Sociometry, transactional object Film (Fuking Amal; Beautiful thing, CRAZY …. ) or documentary (“Nessuno uguale, “il lupo dai calzoncini corti”, “2 volte genitori”) Main activity Testimonial (G+L sometimes T) Interactive activity: i.e. 1. “the true man/the true women” 2. “what people says about G/L/T” 3. “the true family” 4. sexual identy 5. “gay or lesbian identikit” 6. ….. Conclusion transactional object SEXUAL IDENTITY HOW WE TAKE CARE ABOUT US! 1 or 2 week-end (16-32 hours) TRAINING PROGRAMME 4-6 evening meeting (12-18 hours) Counseling using psico/socio-drama (1 week-end) Main subjects: -Improving relathionship between volunteers - How to prepare projects - Theoric reflexion on G/L/B/T/Q/I…… - Different families -Nature/against nature - Autobiography - Bullying - EU-educational kit for AHEAD LOKING FORWARD THE FUTURE…..! Sereno Regis Famiglie Arcobaleno/RGR ASAI Educaion Group – Torino Pride Peace aducation with children Rainbow family Interculture GLBTQI …… Education activity (many families” and “many ways to live gender”) with children: 3-5 years 6-11 years BUILDING THE NEW GROUP!!!!!!!!!!!!! MANY THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION! “GRUPPO FORMAZIONE TORINO PRIDE”