• Two-way radios for professional
• In 1940s Motorola invents the
• At first analogue transmission was
used and “mobiles” were
permanently installed in vehicles
• In 1983 Motorola invents the first
"transportable" mobile phone
(Motorola_Dyna 8000X)
There was a survey by Personal
Finance Education Group (pfeg) in 2008
which said:
• 35% of UK children own a mobile phone by
the time they are 8years old.
• 75% of kids aged 7 to 15 own at least one
mobile phone.
• 75% of all adults in the United Kingdom
owned or used a mobile phone.
• 90% of people between the ages of 15 and 34
owned or used a mobile phone
The study covered more than
13,000 pregnant women.
• mothers who used their mobile
phone while pregnant are 54%more
likely to report their children had
behavioural problems
• Radiation from mobile phones can
affect levels of melatonin, a sleepcontrolling hormone that mothers
pass to unborn babies through the
• mothers who were frequently on the
phone through pregnancy might
continue the pattern after birth,
spending less time with their babies.
• some time ago, it wasn't like we needed
to co-ordinate our social movements.
• Russian studies compared the
excessive use of mobile phones to
alcohol and tobacco addictions.
• A mental-health clinic is currently treating two
Spanish children, aged 12 and 13 hid their problem
from parents and loved ones and obtained money
without explaining that it was for phone cards. They
can have problems at school too.
• The director has recommended that parents should
not allow children to have mobile phones until they're
Many teenagers leave their
mobile phone on while they are
About 2500 children in Flanders
(aged 13 years and 16 years
respectively) were asked how
often they were awoken at night
by incoming text messages on
their mobile phone.
• Among the 13 year
olds, 15%reported
being woken up
several times a week.
• Among the 16 years
old 20%were woken up
several times a week.
study in the medical journal
The Lancet:
• children who use mobile phones risk
suffering memory loss, sleeping disorders
and headaches.
• "excessive texters" felt more tired during
the day and drank more caffeine to help
them stay awake.
• Many young people also felt a "pressure"
to be at the end of their phones "around
the clock", the stress of which led them to
take up smoking or drinking.
Researchers at Sahlgren's
Academy in Gothenburg, Sweden
• teenager who regulary used the mobile phone found it more difficult
to fall asleep than the other but they also suffered from more
disruptive sleep patterns
• Getting a good night's sleep was extremely important for young
people, doctors recommend that adolescents get nine hours sleep a
Another risk can be that teenagers can use the language used in text
message in writing a school test.
Italian test
English test
Ci vediamo domani
See you tomorrow
Ci ved doma
C u tom / 2morow
Ci vediamo più tardi
See you later
Ci ved + tardi
C u l8a
Baci e abbracci
Kisses and hugs
Baci e abbracci
Vieni a casa mia stasera?
Are you coming to mine
Vieni a casa mia stase?
Ru coming 2 m9 2night/
Come stai?stai bene?
Tutto ok?
How are you? are you
well? Is it ok?
Cm stai? stai bn? Tt ok?
Hru? Ru ok?
C’erano tutti
Everyone was there
C’ erano tt
E1 was there
Vuoi venire al parco con
me stamattina?
Do you want to come to
park with me this
Vieni al parco cn me
Do u W 2 come 2 park w
me th am?

Diapositiva 1