COLLECTIVE PHENOMENA in PLASMAS Prof.Francesco GIAMMANCO PROJECTS A) Collaboration with TriAlphaEnergy Inc., Foothill Ranch,CA,USA «Novel diagnostics for magnetized slow-varying and pulsed plasmas» -Since November 2005 - Funds to now about 800 keu Products -Ultra stable interferometers (line integrated electron density) -High resolution multichannel spectroscopy (ion temperature) -Polarimetry and diagnostics of impurities B) “NABLA”-Nanoparticelle Metalliche prodotte per Ablazione Laser Dip.Fisica-UNIPI, ISC-CNR Firenze, Dip.Chimica-UNIFI 1 febbraio 2011-31 gennaio 2013-Resp.F.Giammanco-Funds total 442 keu (Funds Regione Toscana PAR FAS 2007-2013 Linea di azione 1.1.a.3) Products - Controlled production of nanoparticles in pure solvent -Production of bicomponents nanoparticles of different metals -Nano sensors and drug delivery C) Collaboration with ENEL-Pisa Ricerche of «Diagnostics of combustions Since 2010- Funds 50 keu Products:Spectrscopic sensors Partecipants M.Tiberi- Post Doc funded by NABLA A.Simonelli- Bourse founded by TAE F.Conti- PhD student Scuola Galilei-University of Pisa Collaborators: A.Balvis-Plasma Diagnostics & Technologies, ltd, spin-off University of Pisa F.Brandi- Italian Institute of Technology P.Marsili-Post Doc-ISC-CNR Firenze T.Del Rosso-Department of Physics, Pontifícia Universidade Católica Rio de Janeiro 22453-900, Brazil Production of Gold nanoparticles in water by laser ablation Double click to start