IA IB II A III B VB QUIT EXAMPLE OF GOOD PRACTISE classe prima A School: Diego Valeri - Favaro Veneto - Venezia – Italy Teacher: C. Lombardo – L. Dordit – L. Gabrieli Subject: Citizenship Lesson Title: Children’s Rights Age Group: 6 years old - class 1 Time Duration: 4 hours – 2 workshops – 2 hours each Main Aim (Skills): To know some Articles of the International Convention on children’s Rights Curriculum Links: Italian language , Art, English . Lesson structure Introduction Listening to a story “Rosita’s story” from the book “ I diritti dei bambini” published by Amnesty International Text analysis. Main Part Dividing the story in sequences. Illustrating the sequences Writing the captions Whole class Preparation of a reading book for children. Materials Required: A 4 sheets of paper, felt pens and coloured pencils Bilingual text “Poesie e filastrocche cinesi” – Ed. By Yang Xiaping IDEST 2001 CD rom Xiaolong – “Piccolo drago” Language Course Chinese- Italian Other information: During the development of the Unit children from other Countries ( Macedonia, Romania) wanted to speak in their own language EXAMPLE OF GOOD PRACTISE classe prima B School: Diego Valeri - Favaro Veneto - Venezia – Italy Teacher: G. Fioretti – C. Pagnin – L. Gabrieli Subject: Italian language / Art Lesson Title: A world of fairy tales Age Group: 6 years old - class 1 Time Duration: 8 hours – 2 workshops – 4 hours each Main Aim (Skills): To know different cultures To discover different worlds To learn to accept diversity Curriculum Links: Italian language , Art, Music, Citizenship . Lesson structure Introduction Reading of a short story set in Morocco. Main Part Work on and beyond the text ( listening, understanding, representing the story through drawings ) Classroom management: whole class, group work. Conclusion Focus on the idea of diversity in the order to find out comparisons Diversity = Richness Materials Required: books about other cultures Book in use “ Un libro lungo un mondo” ed. Giunti, Firenze 1994 Other information: To motivate and sustain children’s motivation it is useful to make them listen some music of the Country considered. “All’ombra dell’ulivo” – Ed. Mondadori ( CD included) EXAMPLE OF GOOD PRACTISE classe seconda A School: Diego Valeri - Favaro Veneto - Venezia – Italy Teacher: A. Salvagno – V. Andrighetto – L. Gabrieli Subject: Italian language, Art Lesson Title: Myself and the others Age Group: 6/7 years old - class 2 Time Duration: 3 hours Main Aim (Skills): To be in one’s shoes To be able to talk to peers To be cooperative To respect the others To be critical about themselves Curriculum Links: Art, Drama, Citizenship, History . Lesson structure Introduction Reading story without end. Main Part Finding the possible solution(s) Dividing the story in sequences Activities Dramatisation, drawings, preparing of the game “The friendship game” Conclusion Preparation of a reading book for children preparation of the friendship game Materials Required: sheets of paper, felt pens and coloured pencils Other information Comparing the children’s behaviour with the protagonist’s behaviour EXAMPLE OF GOOD PRACTISE classe terza B School: Diego Valeri - Favaro Veneto - Venezia – Italy Teacher: M. Perissinotto – L. Gabrieli Subject: Italian , English Lesson Title: Memory game Age Group: 8 years old - class 3 Time Duration: 3 lesson – 2 hours each Main Aim (Skills): Through a game recognize the necessity to respect some rules in order to live with others in a correct way Curriculum Links: Italian , geometry, Citizenship . Lesson structure Introduction Discussion on the importance of rules and their respect. Finding out some crucial rules Activities Writing the rules using the computer (Word Art Programme). Cutting out labels with rules Sticking the labels on small cardboards Materials Required: White papers, coloured, scissors, glue, pencil, rulers , computer Conclusion Making a set of cards to play the memory game EXAMPLE OF GOOD PRACTISE classe quinta B School: Diego Valeri - Favaro Veneto - Venezia – Italy Teacher: C. Pagnin – G. Fioretti - L. Gabrieli Subject: Italian language, Art, Geography, I.T. Lesson Title: “ Tower of Babel” Age Group: 10 years old - class 5 Time Duration:2 hours – 4 workshops – 2 hours each Main Aim (Skills): To simulate a dynamic learning of a different cultures and languages. To stress the importance and the value of the mother tongue. Curriculum Links: Italian language , Art, Geography, IT . Lesson structure Introduction Listening to a poem in Chinese Reading of the Italian translation Conversation and writing short text. Main Part Writing of a poem on Nature following the Chinese Reading of some poems translated from Chinese into Italian Understanding the relationship between Nature and Human Beings within Chinese Culture Approaching the Chinese writing Classroom management: Whole class Conclusion Stimulating curiosity and respect towards other languages. Providing a better inclusion of immigrants to make them feel part of the class and the Community. THE END INS. Gabrieli Lucia INS. De Gobbi Nives