I fattori ambientali nell’iperreattività bronchiale Luciana Indinnimeo Dipartimento di Pediatria e NPI 1 ESPOSIZIONE: contatto degli inquinanti ambientali con il sistema respiratorio. E’ determinata da due parametri fondamentali: concentrazione degli inquinanti durata dell’esposizione Dalla seconda metà degli anni 1980 numerosi studi hanno valutato gli effetti dell’ inquinamento sulla salute respiratoria. Principali fattori di rischio ambientali Epidemiol Prev 2009; 33(6) suppl 2: 1-72 Marion Hulin Eur Respir J 2012; 40: 1033-1045 WHO air quality guideline (AQG) WHO last revised its AQG values for PM in 2005, as follows: PM2.5: 10 μg/m³ for the annual average 25 μg/m³ for the 24-hour mean (not to be exceeded for more than 3 days/year); PM10: 20 μg/m³ for the annual average 50 μg/m³ for the 24-hour mean. Exposure to air pollution (particulate matter) in outdoor air. Copenhagen, WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2011 (ENHIS Factsheet 3.3) (http://www.euro.who.int/__data/assets/pdf_file/0018/97002/ENHIS_Factsheet_3.3_July _2011.pdf, accessed 28 October 2012). Exposure to air pollution (particulate matter) in outdoor air. Copenhagen, WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2011 (ENHIS Factsheet 3.3) (http://www.euro.who.int/__data/assets/pdf_file/0018/97002/ENHIS_Factsheet_3.3_July _2011.pdf, accessed 28 October 2012). Meccanismi? • airway inflammation (O3,NO2,PM <2,5 μm) • airway hyper-responsiveness (O3,NO2) • oxidative stress (O3,NO2,PM <2,5 μm) 21/12/2015 Mechanistic framework for air pollution effects in asthma increased deposition of allergen in the airways due to carriage by particles increased epithelial permeability due to oxidative injury, increased antigenicity of proteins from chemical modification, Suppression of Treg function: epigenetic mechanism, hypermethylation of CpG islands in Foxp3 (Nadeau K.2010, Brunst KJ.2013) Allergic inflammation with Th2 and Th17 phenotypic differentiation (van Voorhis M. 2013) Guarnieri M. Lancet 2014 During childhood, urban air pollution has been associated with: respiratory symptoms changes in lung function respiratory tract infections croup persistent cough healthcare use Fattori ambientali outdoor 11 • 214 children • personal prenatal PM2.5 exposure • occurrence of acute bronchitis and pneumonia diagnosed by a physician from birth over the seven-year follow-up • incidence of recurrent broncho-pulmonary infections (five or more spells of bronchitis and/or pneumonia) in the follow-up significantly correlated in a dose-response manner with the prenatal PM2.5 level (OR = 2.44, 95%CI: 1.12–5.36). Predicted probability of recurrent broncho-pulmonary infections (five or more episodes treated by physician in the follow-up) related to prenatal exposure (ln-transformed PM2.5 μg/m 3 ). Wiesław A. Jedrychowski , International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, Volume 216, Issue 4, 2013, 395 - 401 January 2014 Pediatric Pulmonology • 1.263 mother-child pairs enrolled during the first trimester of pregnancy in Project Viva during 1999–2002. • distance from home to nearest major roadway and traffic density in a 100m buffer around the home were calculated. • doctor-diagnosed pneumonia, bronchiolitis, croup, or other respiratory infection from birth until the early childhood visit (median age 3.3). Distance to Major Roadway at Enrollment Home Address Distance to major roadway and relative risk of respiratory symptoms Am J Respir Crit Care Med Vol 187, Iss. 12, pp 1341–1348, Jun 15, 2013 birth cohort of 366 infants of unselected mothers, respiratory health was assessed weekly by telephone interviews during the first year of life daily mean levels of PM10, NO2 and O3 were obtained from local monitoring stations significant association between air pollution and respiratory symptoms (risk ratio, 1.13 [1.02–1.24] per 10 mcg/m3 PM10 levels) during times of elevated PM10 (>33.3 mcg/m3), duration of respiratory tract infections increased by 20%. Air pollution concentrations, mean respiratory symptom scores, and mean respiratory tract infections Laura Perez, et al. Am J Public Health. 2009;99:S622–S628. burden of childhood asthma associated with air pollution in the southern California communities of Long Beach and Riverside. reductions in traffic-related nitrogen dioxide and ozone would reduce bronchitic episodes in asthmatics by 36–70%. Am J Respir Crit Care Med Vol 186, Iss. 12, pp 1286–1291, Dec 15, 2012 1,900 children in the Swedish birth cohort were followed with questionnaires, spirometry, and IgE measurements until 8 years of age Outdoor concentrations of particulate PM10 from road traffic were estimated Early life exposure to traffic related air pollution seems to have long-term respiratory consequences in susceptible groups, such as children with atopy. Exposure during the first year of life was associated with a reduced FEV1 at 8 years of age. The negative association was particularly pronounced in children concomitantly sensitized to common inhalant or food allergens Lung function measurements in relation to traffic PM10 exposure during different time periods of life: black, first year of life exposure; white, first to fourth year exposure; gray, fourth to eighth year exposure Environmental Health Perspectives • volume 122-number 1-January 2014 Conclusion Our meta-analysis of 10 European birth cohorts (N-Total = 16.059) within the The European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects (ESCAPE 2009) project found consistent evidence for an association between air pollution and pneumonia in early childhood. NO2 PM2.5 Traffic intensity on nearest street PM10 Fattori ambientali indoor 23 The mean indoor PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations were 39.5±34.5 μg/m3 and 56.2±44.8 μg/m3, compared to the ambient PM2.5 and PM10 (15.6±6.9 and 21.8±9.53 μg/m3, respectively). Common household activities, especially smoking and sweeping, contributed significantly to higher indoor PM. Indoor PM Concentrations in Inner-City Baltimore Homes. In-home PM concentrations were significantly higher than ambient PM concentrations (p<0.01). Over 75% of homes exceeded the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) annual limit for ambient PM2.5 , 47% of homes exceeded the annual limit for PM10. Open windows were associated with significantly lower indoor PM Il PM è significativamente associato a sintomi respiratori e all’uso di farmaci al bisogno McCormack MC, et al. Environ Health Perspect 117:294–298 (2009) EHP 2008;116:1428–1432. 150 bambini(2–6 anni) con asma diagnosticata dal medico Concentrazione media di NO2 in casa: 30.0 ± 33.7 ppb. La maggiore concentrazione di NO2 indoor è significativamente associata all’aumento dei sintomi respiratori in bambini asmatici di età prescolare. Study on Health Effects of School Environment (HESE) PM10 Standard by US-EPA (24hr) Standard by US-EPA (annual) Schoolchildren exposed to PM10 >50 µg/m³ were 78% CO₂ Schoolchildren exposed CO2 >1.000 ppm were 66%, Ventilation rate A poor ventilation rate was significantly more frequent in naturally ventilated classrooms (67%) than in those with mechanical ventilation (97% versus 13%, p=0.001). APRIRE LE FINESTRE!!! Prevalence of recent respiratory disorders by indoor exposure level of PM10 and CO2, associations of respiratory disorders with exposure levels Current asthma and respiratory symptoms among pupils in Shanghai, China: influence of building ventilation, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, and formaldehyde in classrooms. 1414 pupils: 8.9% had doctors' diagnosed asthma, 3.1% wheeze, 23.0% daytime breathlessness, 2.4% current asthma, and 2.3% asthma medication OR CO2 NO2 p Current asthma 1.18 < 0.01 Asthma medications 1.15 < 0.05 Current asthma 1.51 < 0.01 1.45 < 0.01 Asthma medications Multiple logistic regression model Mi YH et al.,Indoor Air 2006 Dec;16(6):454-64. 401 randomly chosen classrooms in 108 primary schools attended by 6590 children (mean age 10.4 years) in the French 6 Cities Study An increased prevalence of past year asthma was found in the classrooms with high levels of NO2, PM2.5 and acrolein. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2006; Vol 173: 1255–1263 The impact of pre- and postnatal passive smoking on respiratory functions 20.000 children (aged 6–12 yr) from 9 countries in Europe and North America Smoking during pregnancy, 19.7% Smoking exposure during first 2 yr, 54.3% Current ETS exposure, 55,6% Effect estimates of smoking during pregnancy Am: North America De: Germania Nl: Olanda Pl: Polonia Hu: Ungheria Cz: Repubblica Ceca Sk: Slovenia Moshammer et al, Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2006 Public Health Reports / May–June 2010; 125: 478-487 In Europe, exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) caused an estimated 24% to 32% of sudden infant death syndrome cases and increased the number of asthma episodes by 7% to 11% in children younger than 14 years of age. The major source of exposure to ETS among children is smoking by parents and other household members. IL FUMO DI “TERZA MANO” è l’involontaria esposizione (inalazione, ingestione o assorbimento dermico) a residui della combustione del tabacco che • rimangono sulle superfici, nella polvere e sui vestiti • vengono ri-emessi in fase gassosa • reagiscono nell’ambiente con ossidanti e formano inquinanti (nitrosamine-cancerogene) Winckoff Pediatrics 2009 Matt et al Envir Health Persp 2011 Strategie volte a ridurre l’esposizione ad inquinanti indoor: - curare l’igiene domestica, - allontanare il bambino durante le pulizie di casa, - rimuovere le sorgenti di VOC e formaldeide - migliorare la ventilazione (compresa l’apertura delle finestre), - adeguata manutenzione delle caldaie, - mantenere l’umidità relativa tra 45–50%, - utilizzare aspirapolvere con filtri HEPA, - evitare l’uso di umidificatori, - divieto assoluto di fumo in casa. 40 Centro Nazionale per la Prevenzione ed il Controllo delle Malattie Progetti CCM 2010 PROGETTO Esposizione ad inquinanti indoor: linee guida per la valutazione dei fattori di rischio in ambiente scolastico e definizione delle misure per la tutela della salute respiratoria degli scolari e degli adolescenti (Indoor-School)