WHAT? Short movie
The pupils of the 5th B grade in Via Pescara together with
the teachers M. Giovanna Pinti and Elide La Rovere through
the agency of the directors Fabrizio Franceschelli and Bruno
Imbastaro, as well as of the cameraman Loris Ricci.
Bascelli Martina
Berardocco Francesco
Cavallucci Matteo
Ciaschetti Matteo
Copani Matteo
Coppa Roberto
Croce Andrea
D’Amico Angelo
D’Angelo Chiara
Di Cecco Andrea
Di Federico Patrick
Di Felice Francesca
Guida Giulio
La Cioppa Sara
Levantini Simone
Mirabilio Federica
Savino Daniela
Schiena Federica
Skenderi Eni
Tacconelli Francesco
Toto Stephanie
Zappacosta Francesco
Zappacosta Prysca
The story takes place in different spaces of the
school, along the street where the school is situated
and at one teacher’s.
Reflect on a casting out situation at school and
on the changes of behaviours of heartlessness
and indifference into behaviours of friendship.
From February to May of
the school year 2006/07.
The steps of production
were the following:
Consciousness of the chance
of production a short movie
at school through the
Comenius Project
In depth examination centred
about the conditions of
fulfilment of a short movie
Choice of the subject on
which the short movie must
deal with, taking into
consideration actuality and
current news events and the
contents are the relation
uneasiness among the young.
Writing without details the story according
to the narrative scheme, keeping attention
to the purpose and message to be spread
through the body language
Writing the script movie
Fulfilment of the film recordings
Screening of the short movie during the
Convention “Short Movies at School” at the
Cianfarani Auditorium in Chieti

Short movie