MENU MENHIR DI CANNE Location: Canne, in province of Barletta-Andria-Trani. Geometric Shape: Right-Angled triangle. Dating: About 2° millenium B.C. Menhirs are megalithic monuments, built especially by Apulia’s people. In Apulia there are a lot of menhirs. This building refers to a right-angled triangle. DOLMEN DI OSTUNI Location: Fasano, in province of Brindisi Geometric Shape: Square Dating: About 2° millenium B.C Dolmens are megalithic prehistoric buildings, similar to menhirs, both for dating and for structure. Historians think dolmens were a grave. These buildings were built by prehistoric men, especially in Apulia. TEATRO ROMANO DI LECCE Location: Lecce Geometric Shape: Half circle Dating: I-II century A.C The Roman Theater of Lecce is a monument of Roman age, situated in the inner city of the same town. It can host 5.000 people. That first happened in 1929. CASTELLO ARAGONESE DI TARANTO Location: Taranto Geometric Shape: Cylinder Dating: From 1486 to 1492 A.C The Castello Aragonese of Taranto is a castle for militar targets. In 1486, Federico II of Aragona got an architecht to do the project. Today, the building belongs to Italian Military Navy. CASTEL DEL MONTE Castel del monte is a building, built by Federico II of Svevia. Probably, it was a fortress and, rarely, it was used for feastings. This building is a symbol of Apulia. Location: Andria Geometric Shape: Octagon Dating: 1240 A.C Menhir di Canne Dolmen di Ostuni The End Castel del Monte Simone Pulieri Teatro Romano di Lecce Castello Aragonese di Taranto