Action Stories THE GINGERBREAD BOY 88 The Gingerbread Boy Horse: Stop! I want to eat you! Gingerbread boy: Who? Me? Run, run, as fast as you can. You can’t catch me. I’m the gingerbread boy. Narrator: The horse, the cow, the old woman and the old man run after the gingerbread boy but they can’t catch him. Picture 1 Narrator: This is the story of a little woman and a little man who have no children. One day the old woman decides to make a gingerbread boy. She mixes flour, butter, sugar, eggs and ground ginger. She makes a head, a body, two legs, and two arms. Then she decorates the face with two eyes, a nose and a cheeky smile and puts the gingerbread boy in the oven. Old woman: Now, I have a little boy! Picture 5 Narrator: Along the path the gingerbread boy meets two farmers… Horse: Stop! We want to eat you! Gingerbread boy: Who? Me? Run, run, as fast as you can. You can’t catch me. I’m the gingerbread boy. Narrator: The farmers, the cow, the horse, the old woman and the old man run after the gingerbread boy but they can’t catch him. Narrator: The gingerbread boy comes to a river… Gingerbread boy: Oh, no! I can’t swim! How can I cross the river? Narrator: A fox comes out from behind a tree. Fox: I can help you. Jump on my tail and we can swim across the river. Narrator: And the gingerbread boy jumps onto the fox’s tail. But the water gets higher and higher … Picture 2 Narrator: After 15 minutes, the old woman hears a voice: Gingerbread boy: I’m ready! Let me out! Old woman: Who’s that? Narrator: When the old lady opens the oven door, out jumps the gingerbread boy. Gingerbread boy: Hello! I’m the gingerbread boy! Look at me jump! Look at me run! Picture 3 Narrator: The gingerbread boy runs away. The old woman and the old man run after him but they can’t catch him. Old woman and old man: Stop! Stop! Narrator: But the gingerbread boy doesn’t stop… Gingerbread boy: Run, run, as fast as you can. You can’t catch me. I’m the gingerbread boy. Narrator: Along the path the gingerbread boy meets a cow… Cow: Stop! I want to eat you! Gingerbread boy: Who? Me? Run, run, as fast as you can. You can’t catch me. I’m the gingerbread boy. Narrator: The cow, the old woman and the old man run after the gingerbread boy but they can’t catch him. Picture 6 Gingerbread boy: I’m wet! Fox: Jump on my back! Narrator: And the gingerbread boy jumps onto the fox’s back. Fox: I’m tired. Jump onto my nose! Narrator: And the gingerbread boy jumps onto the fox’s nose, but the fox opens her mouth… Fox: Gulp! Delicious! Narrator: And that is the end of the gingerbread boy! Picture 4 Narrator: Along the path the gingerbread boy meets a horse… 89 The Gingerbread Boy lavori finiti per creare un grande poster da appendere alla parete dell’aula (es. I’m Silvia’s gingerbread boy. I’ve got blue eyes, three yellow buttons and blue shoes. I can jump, run and dance. I can’t swim or climb.). • distribuite una fotocopia della storia illustrata ad ogni alunno, fate tagliare le immagini, Cut out the pictures, poi invitate i bambini a mescolarle e a disporle in ordine sparso sul banco; • spiegate agli alunni che devono disporre le immagini nella giusta sequenza: Put the pictures in the right order; • chiedete agli alunni, a turno, di raccontare una sequenza della storia in modo da verificare che le scene siano state disposte nell’ordine corretto; • dite agli alunni di costruire un libricino pinzando insieme le immagini. Per ottenere un elaborato più grazioso, fate costruire una copertina con del cartoncino colorato sul quale copiare il titolo della storia. Fate riporre il libretto nella cartellina Now, I know in modo che i bambini possano raccontare la storia in famiglia; • fate drammatizzare il racconto a metà classe, possibilmente in palestra, aggiungendo altri personaggi al testo della storia. Disegnate un percorso sul pavimento con gessi colorati da una casa in riva al fiume (anche questi disegnati o rappresentati da un simbolo), dite ai bambini di scegliere un personaggio e di disporsi lungo il percorso (es. cow, horse, farmers, hen, pig, squirrel, girl, baker, etc.). Ogni volta che il bambino-gingerbread boy passa davanti a un personaggio, questo lo deve fermare (Stop! I want to eat you!) e il gingerbread boy deve scappare dicendo la frase di rito (Run, run, as fast as you can. You can’t catch me. I’m the gingerbread boy.). Il gingerbread boy corre via, mentre gli altri personaggi lo inseguono. Key Vocabulary Old woman, old man, gingerbread boy, head, body, legs, arms, eyes, nose, mouth, cow, horse, farmers, fox, river, tail, back, nose. Run, run as fast as you can, You can’t catch me. Stop! I want to eat you. Before using the book • Fotocopiate in formato A3 le immagini della storia, coloratele e plastificatele; • procuratevi un pacchetto di zenzero essiccato e macinato; • distribuite una fotocopia della scheda 1, spiegate agli alunni che devono ritagliare e ricomporre l’omino che sarà protagonista della storia che stanno per ascoltare. Dite loro che il personaggio si chiama gingerbread boy e scrivetene il nome alla lavagna. Chiedete ai bambini se riconoscono qualche parola nota (es. bread, boy) e fate formulare ipotesi sul contenuto della storia. Spiegate che ginger è lo zenzero, una spezia tradizionalmente usata per fare i biscotti, soprattutto natalizi, in molti Paesi; • invitate i bambini a lavarsi accuratamente le mani e dite loro di intingere la punta del dito indice nello zenzero macinato e di assaggiarlo (raccomandate di assaggiarne pochissimo perché pizzica). Storytelling • dite agli alunni di disporre le parti del corpo dell’omino in ordine sparso sul banco e di ascoltare attentamente l’inizio della storia per poterlo ricomporre nell’ordine in cui le parti del corpo verranno nominate; • fate ascoltare la prima sequenza della storia e mostrate la relativa immagine; assicuratevi che tutti i bambini ricompongano il proprio omino (se necessario fermate la registrazione); • proseguite l’attività di ascolto mostrando le altre immagini della storia precedentemente ingrandite. Attività cross-curricolari: – chiedete agli alunni di disegnare il percorso fatto dal gingerbread boy dalla casa sul fiume; – ricercate su Internet o procuratevi versioni diverse della storia e fatele confrontare per trovare similitudini e differenze; – preparate un cartellone relativo alle azioni che, secondo i bambini, il gingerbread boy sa o non sa fare: The gingerbread boy can…/can’t...; – dite agli alunni di inventare un board game (gioco da tavolo) inerente alla storia; – conducete un’inchiesta sui biscotti preferiti dai bambini; – fate inventare la ricetta per un nuovo biscotto. FOLLOW UP • Dite agli alunni di incollare l’omino ricostruito su un foglio di carta colorata e di decorarlo a piacere (potete mettere a disposizione della classe materiali vari: confetti colorati, drops di cioccolato, uvetta, polverina dorata o argentata, carta da collage, ecc.); • al termine, chiedete ad ogni alunno di scrivere una descrizione del proprio gingerbread boy e utilizzate i 90 Action Stories 1 THE GINGERBREAD BOY • Cut and make the gingerbread boy. 91 Action Stories HANSEL AND GRETEL 92 Hansel and Gretel Picture 1 Narrator: This is the story of a carpenter who has got two children, a boy and a girl. Hansel: Hello. My name’s Hansel and this is my sister, Gretel. Gretel: We live in a small cottage in the forest. Narrator: Hansel and Gretel’s father is very poor. One day their father says: Carpenter: We haven’t got any food! Stepmother: Let’s take the children into the forest and leave them there. Narrator: Father is very sad. Hansel listens behind a door. Gretel: I’m afraid! Hansel: Don’t worry, Gretel. I have a plan. Look, I’ve got some pebbles in my pockets! Picture 4 Narrator: The following morning, Hansel and Gretel find a little house in the forest. It’s a special house because it’s made of cakes, lollipops and chocolate! The children are very hungry and start to eat the house. Hansel: Look, Gretel! A house! Gretel: Yummy! I love chocolate and cakes! Hansel: Yummy, yummy! I like lollipops… and chocolate… and biscuits! Narrator: Suddenly an old woman opens the door. Old lady: Don’t be afraid! Come in! I have plenty of cakes in my house! Narrator: Hansel and Gretel go into the house and eat a lot of cakes, lollipops, biscuits, ice cream and chocolate. Picture 2 Narrator: The following morning father, stepmother, Hansel and Gretel go to the forest. As Hansel walks he drops pebbles on the path, one… two… . Father and stepmother leave the little children alone in the forest. Hansel: Where is father? Gretel: Where is stepmother? Narrator: It’s night. Gretel: I’m cold and hungry! Hansel: Don’t worry! Look at the moon. Let’s follow the pebbles back to our house. Narrator: Hansel and Gretel follow the pebbles and return to their house. Their father is very happy to see them but their stepmother is very angry! Picture 5 Narrator: The old lady is a bad witch. Later that night, the witch puts Hansel in a cage. Hansel: Help! Help! Narrator: Gretel must do all the work in the house. Gretel: I’m very sad. What can I do? Narrator: Everyday, the witch gives 13 pieces of chicken to Hansel and he starts to get fat. Old lady: Hansel, let me feel your finger! Narrator: Fortunately the old lady can’t see very well. Hansel puts out a chicken bone. Old lady: Oh, dear. You are very thin. Have some more chicken! Picture 3 Narrator: The following morning father, stepmother, Hansel and Gretel go to the forest. As Hansel walks he drops pieces of bread on the path, one… two… . Father and stepmother leave the little children alone in the forest. Hansel: Where is father? Gretel: Where is stepmother? Narrator: It’s night. Gretel: I’m cold and hungry! Hansel: Don’t worry! Look at the moon. Let’s follow the pieces of bread back to our house. Narrator: Oh, no! The birds are eating all the pieces of bread. Hansel and Gretel can’t find the way home. Gretel: I’m hungry and cold! Hansel: I’m hungry too! Narrator: Hansel and Gretel fall asleep. Picture 6 Narrator: Finally the old lady asks Gretel to light the oven. Old lady: Gretel! Light the oven. We’ve got a special lunch today! Narrator: Later, the old lady calls Gretel. Old lady: Gretel, is the oven hot? Gretel: I don’t know. Old lady: You stupid girl! Let me see! Narrator: The old lady looks inside the big oven. Gretel pushes the old lady into the oven. Hansel and Gretel: We are safe! Narrator: Hansel and Gretel find a big treasure box full of gold coins and pearls. They put the treasure into two big baskets and find their way home. Hansel and Gretel: We are very happy now! 93 Hansel and Gretel • estraete le carte della storia e mostratele agli alunni; spiegate ai bambini che devono ascoltare attentamente e mangiare i biscotti quando ne sentono parlare da Hansel o Gretel nella storia; • fate ascoltare la storia mostrando le carte in sequenza e fermate la registrazione dopo la scena 4, in modo da consentire agli alunni di mangiare i biscotti e dire I like biscuits too. Key Vocabulary Hansel, Gretel, carpenter, stempmother, old woman, witch, basket, treasure box, pebbles, bread, oven, chicken bone, lollipop, cakes, moon, finger, thin, push. Don’t worry, I’m afraid, I’m hot, I’m hungry, I’m cold, I can’t, We haven’t, Let’s follow, Let me see, I don’t know. Before using the book • Ingrandite in formato A3 le sequenze della storia, coloratele e plastificatele; • riponete le immagini in una scatola o in un cestino con altri oggetti inerenti alla storia. Per esempio: un pezzo di pane, alcuni sassolini, un osso di pollo, una barretta di cioccolato, caramelle o confetti colorati, biscotti di diversi tipi, lecca-lecca, monete di cioccolato; • inserite nella scatola anche alcuni cartellini con i nomi degli oggetti che avete inserito nella scatola (es. bread, biscuits, chicken bone, chocolate, sweets, lollipops, gold coins, pebbles, etc.); • mettete la scatola chiusa o il cestino coperto nel laboratorio di inglese o in un altro ambiente scolastico (es. biblioteca); • chiedete la collaborazione degli operatori scolastici o dei colleghi per tracciare, con briciole di pane o sassolini, un percorso che conduca dalla classe all’ambiente nel quale avete riposto la scatola o il cestino precedentemente preparato; • trovate un pretesto per condurre gli alunni fuori dalla classe, fate osservare il percorso, invitate i bambini a formulare ipotesi sul suo significato e sulla meta alla quale conduce. FOLLOW UP • Distribuite una fotocopia della storia illustrata ad ogni alunno, dite di tagliare le immagini, Cut out the pictures, mescolarle e disporle in ordine sparso sul banco; • spiegate agli alunni che devono disporre le immagini nella giusta sequenza. Put the pictures in the right order; • fotocopiate il testo della storia in formato A3 (una copia per ogni alunno), tagliatelo nelle sei parti corrispondenti alle immagini, distribuite le sei sequenze in ordine sparso ad ogni bambino; • dite agli alunni di abbinare, a ogni immagine, il testo corrispondente; • fate riascoltare la registrazione in modo da verificare se le immagini con il relativo testo sono state disposte nell’ordine giusto; • dite agli alunni di costruire un libricino incollando le immagini e i testi su un foglio piegato a zig-zag. Fate riporre il libretto della storia nella cartellina Now, I know in modo che i bambini possano raccontare la storia in famiglia; • distribuite la scheda 1 e spiegate agli alunni che nel primo gioco devono cercare le parole nascoste nella tabella, mentre nel secondo devono ricomporre ogni frase e poi scriverla nel fumetto del personaggio che la dice nella storia. Storytelling • Invitate gli alunni a seguire la traccia sul pavimento per scoprire dove conduce; • raggiunta l’aula in cui la traccia finisce, dite agli alunni di sedersi a semicerchio intorno a voi per esaminare il contenuto della scatola (fate in modo che la traccia arrivi fino alla scatola o cestino); • estraete, uno alla volta, gli oggetti presenti nella scatola (non le carte della storia) e chiedete, con aria stupita, What’s in the box? What’s this? Se i bambini rispondono in italiano ripetete le parole in inglese: Yes, it’s a lollipop! • disponete gli oggetti sul pavimento in ordine sparso; mostrate, una alla volta, le carte con i nomi degli oggetti, leggete la parola e chiedete agli alunni di aiutarvi ad abbinarla all’oggetto corrispondente; • chiedete agli alunni di formulare ipotesi sul titolo della storia; • distribuite un biscotto ad ogni bambino: spiegate che dovranno tenerlo in mano perché servirà durante la storia; Attività cross-curricolari • fate costruire un cartellone a collage oppure una casa tridimensionale utilizzando biscotti e caramelle o altri dolci. Chiedete agli alunni di descriverla: The house is made of biscuits, sweets, chocolate, etc. It’s a sweet house; • fate costruire altre case a collage utilizzando materiali diversi (es. alimenti salati, stoffe, pezzi di legno, bottoni, tappi di sughero, ecc.) e fatele descrivere: This house is made of crisps, wood, buttons, etc. It’s a salty house, a smooth house, etc.; • ricercate immagini e informazioni su diverse tipologie di casa e fatele raccogliere in un libretto dal titolo All Kinds of Homes (block of flats, cottage, bungalow, caravan, tent, igloo, hut, floating house, etc.). 94 Action Stories 2 HANSEL AND GRETEL pebbles cakes carpenter witch cage P L W P W L A P I C E J I A O O C A N A B A T C W L A T F R B M C A W L G H O P L C H K H I E B R E E O V E N P A R E N S I L S E O O E S T E N S E A P O A T E A S T S R S I D I R forest coins bread oven lollipop path Who says what? • Unscramble and match. Copy. ................................... 1. my sister, Gretel / My name’s / this is / Hansel / and 2. we / any / haven’t got / food 3. Let’s take / into the forest / the children 4. cold / I’m / and hungry! 5. Hansel, / your finger! / let me feel ................................... ................................... ................................... ................................ ............................... ................................... ................................... ................................... .................................. 95 Action Stories LITTLE RED HEN 96 Little Red Hen Picture 4 Narrator: It’s time to take the wheat to the mill so the miller can make it into flour. Hen: Who will help me take the wheat to the mill? Dog: Not I! Woof! Woof! Cat: Not I! Meow! Meow! Duck: Not I! Quack! Quack! Hen: OK, I’ll do it! Narrator: And Little Red Hen takes the wheat to the mill. Picture 1 Narrator: Little Red Hen lives on a farm with a duck, a cat and a dog. Her friends are very lazy. One autumn morning she finds some grains of wheat… Hen: I want to plant this wheat! Who will help me plant the wheat? Dog: Not I! Woof! Woof! Cat: Not I! Meow! Meow! Duck: Not I! Quack! Quack! Hen: OK, I’ll do it! Narrator: And Little Red Hen plants the wheat. Picture 5 Narrator: Little Red Hen returns to the farm with a big bag full of flour. Hen: Who will help me bake some bread? Dog: Not I! Woof! Woof! Cat: Not I! Meow! Meow! Duck: Not I! Quack! Quack! Hen: OK, I’ll do it! Narrator: Little Red Hen mixes the flour with water, yeast and salt. She puts the bread in the oven. Picture 2 Narrator: It’s spring. Little Red Hen is very happy. The seeds begin to grow and little sprouts appear… Hen: Who will help me water the wheat? Dog: Not I! Woof! Woof! Cat: Not I! Meow! Meow! Duck: Not I! Quack! Quack! Hen: OK, I’ll do it! Narrator: And Little Red Hen waters the wheat. Picture 6 Narrator: The smell of the bread is delicious. The duck, the dog and the cat come into the kitchen… Hen: Now, who will help me eat the bread? Dog: I will! Woof! Woof! Cat: I will! Meow! Meow! Duck: I will! Quack! Quack! Hen: Oh, no. You can’t eat the bread. I did all the work. I’ll eat the bread! Narrator: And Little Red Hen eats all the bread by herself. Picture 3 Narrator: It’s summer. The wheat is tall and gold. It’s harvest time. Hen: Who will help me cut the wheat? Dog: Not I! Woof! Woof! Cat: Not I! Meow! Meow! Duck: Not I! Quack! Quack! Hen: OK, I’ll do it! Narrator: And Little Red Hen cuts the wheat. 97 Little Red Hen Key Vocabulary Little Red Hen, dog, cat, duck, grains of wheat, sprout, mill, miller, flour, bread, salt, yeast, plant, cut, bake, eat. Who will help me? Not I! I’ll do it! I will. FOLLOW UP • Chiamate cinque (uno sarà il narratore) volontari a drammatizzare il racconto utilizzando i travestimenti e gli oggetti che avete portato in classe (chicchi di grano, inaffiatoio, farina, sale, ecc). • Proponete la seguente canzone (sulla melodia di The Mulberry Bush) per favorire la memorizzazione delle fasi di crescita del grano e della preparazione del pane: This is the way I plant the grains Plant the grains Plant the grains This is the way I plant the grains early in the morning. Ripetere la strofa e sostituire “Plant the grains” con: …water the sprouts/cut the wheat/make the flour/make the bread/bake the bread/eat the bread. • Distribuite la scheda 1, dite agli alunni di collegare le parole alle immagini nel primo esercizio e di numerare le azioni nella giusta sequenza nell’esercizio From wheat to bread. Answers: from left to right 2, 6, 3, 5, 7, 1, 8, 4 • Costruite un cartellone sul quale gli alunni dovranno illustrare personaggi, ambienti, azioni, oggetti della storia. Before using the book • Ingrandite le immagini della storia in formato A3, coloratele e plastificatele; • preparate cappellini per la drammatizzazione: usate tre strisce di carta e su ognuna fissate un elemento che caratterizzi ciascun animale della storia (es. orecchie per il cane, naso e baffi per il gatto, becco da papera per l’anatra); procuratevi anche un grembiule da cucina; • procuratevi alcuni chicchi di grano (grains of wheat), una spiga di grano (ear of wheat), un annaffiatoio (watering can), un pacchetto di farina (flour), un cubetto di lievito fresco (fresh yeast), un pezzo di pane (bread) e fateli trovare sulla cattedra in ordine sparso. Chiedete ai bambini di formulare ipotesi sul possibile legame tra gli oggetti; • fate un’attività di brainstorming partendo dalla parola bread. I bambini possono esprimersi in italiano e voi trascriverete le parole in inglese. wheat flour bread Attività cross-curricolari • se possibile, organizzate una visita a un mulino e a una panetteria per osservare la trasformazione del grano in farina, le fasi di produzione del pane e i vari tipi di pane in vendita; • sperimentate la produzione di pane in classe, dopo aver provveduto a garantire le essenziali norme igieniche; • discutete del valore nutritivo del pane e degli altri prodotti che derivano dal frumento; • sperimentate e registrate le fasi di crescita di chicchi di grano seminati in classe in appositi contenitori con terra o cotone; • dite agli alunni di inventare un finale diverso per la storia; • chiedete agli alunni di esprimere opinioni sul comportamento dei personaggi della storia e discutete sull’importanza della condivisione e dell’aiuto reciproco. baker’s • fate ascoltare la storia utilizzando le immagini ingrandite che avrete precedentemente preparato. Listen and number • Distribuite una fotocopia della storia illustrata ad ogni alunno, fate ritagliare le immagini e dite ai bambini di posizionarle in ordine sparso sul banco. • Spiegate agli alunni che devono riascoltare attentamente la registrazione e numerare le immagini nella giusta sequenza. Listen to the story and number the pictures. • Invitate gli alunni a colorare le immagini e a costruire un libricino pinzando insieme le pagine. Per ottenere un elaborato più grazioso, fate costruire una copertina con del cartoncino colorato sul quale copiare il titolo della storia. 98 Action Stories 3 LITTLE RED HEN • Match the words with the pictures. grains of wheat sprout wheat bread oven mill miller flour yeast From wheat to bread • Number. WATER MIX AND SHAPE BAKE PLANT 6 99 CUT MIX INGREDIENTS EAT MAKE PRACTICE BOOK 4 - Model Answers Page 3 AUTUMN: October, November, December; WINTER: January, February, March; SPRING: April, May, June; SUMMER: July, August, Spetember. Page 4 1. Italy; 2. United States of America; 3. England; 4. Australia; 5. Greece; 6. China; 7. France; 8. Spain; 9. Germany Page 5 It’s snowy. It’s windy. It’s sunny. It’s foggy. It’s cloudy. Page 6 1. It’s hot today. I’m wearing a T-shirt and a skirt. 2. It’s cold today. I’m wearing trousers, shoes and a jumper. 3. It’s boiling today. I’m wearing shorts, sandals and a T-shirt. 4. It’s windy today. I’m wearing trousers and a shirt. 5. It’s warm today. I’m wearing shorts, shoes and a T-shirt. 6. It’s foggy today. I’m wearing a coat and a scarf. Page 8 i numeri mancanti nel puzzle sono 2 e 19. 1 one; 2 two; 3 three; 4 four; 5 five; 12 twelve; 13 thirteen; 17 seventeen; 18 eighteen; 19 noneteen; 40 forty; 60 sixty; 70 seventy; 80 eighty; 90 ninety Page 9 20 twenty; 30 thirty; 50 fifty; 70 seventy; 80 eighty; 90 ninety. // Twenty plus two equals twenty-two. Thirty plus three equals thirty-three. Forty plus four equals forty-four. Fifty plus five equals fifty-five. Sixty plus six equals sixty-six. Seventy plus seven equals seventy-seven. Eighty plus eight equals eighty-eight. Ninety plus nine equals ninety-nine. Page 10 1 verde; 2 blu; 3 arancione; 4 viola; 5 arancione; 6 giallo; 7 marrone; 8 nero; 9 rosso; 10 rosso Page 11 Seven multiplied by six equals forty-two. Forty-five divided by three equals fifteen. Fourteen plus nine equals twentythree. Thirty-three minus eleven equals twenty-two. // 7 x 2 = 14; 81 / 3 = 27; 11 + 12 = 23; 25 – 8 = 17 Page 12 thirty-two; thirteen; sixty-six; nineteen. // 1. multiplied by; 2. divided by; 3. plus; 4. minus Page 13 13 thirteen; 14 fourteen; 15 fifteen; 16 sixteen; 17 seventeen; 18 eighteen; 19 nineteen; 20 twenty; 30 thirty; 40 forty; 50 fifty; 60 sixty; 70 seventy; 80 eighty; 90 ninety. // It’s a quarter to three. It’s nine o’clock. It’s a quarter past ten. It’s a quarter to six. It’s half past one. It’s half past three. Page 14 swimsuit, skirt; coat, cap; shirt, scarf; jumper, jeans; shorts, shoes; trousers, trunks Page 15 risposte libere Page 16 risposte libere Page 17 1. Those; 2. This; 3. That; 4. These; 5. These; 6. Those; 7. That; 8. This Page 18 1. put on; 2. take off; 3. put on; 4. take off; 5. Put on; 6. Put on; 7. Take off; 8. Take off Page 19 risposte personali // What’s the weather like today? It’s snowy and cold. / Where is he from? He’s from Madrid. / What time is it? It’s midday. / What’s her phone number? It’s 020 912 72314. / What are these? They’re Ben’s sandals. / What is that? It’s a doll. Page 20 risposte libere Page 21 la parola ripetuta è apple; fruit: apple, grapes, pineapple, orange, banana; vegetables: carrot, courgette, onion, potato, aubergine; drinks: cola, cofee, tea, lemonade, water Page 22 On the table there are some pears but there aren’t any grapes. On the table there are some bananas but there aren’t any carrots. // On the table there is some cake but there isn’t any butter. On the tabel there is some cheese but there isn’t any lemonade. Page 23 lunch, dinner, breakfast // cola – lunch; fruit – lunch; meat – dinner; milk – breakfast; pasta – dinner; sandwich – lunch; tea – breakfast; toast – breakfast; vegetables – dinner; water – dinner Page 24 1. Tim loves apples and he likes bananas and ice cream. 2. Sarah loves apples and she likes bananas, but she doesn’t like ice cream. 3. Ben doesn’t like apples or bananas, but he loves ice cream. 4. Ben’s father loves apples, but he doesn’t like bananas or ice cream. 5. Ben’s mother doesn’t like apples or ice cream, but she likes bananas. Page 25 2. There is a skirt on the line. 3. There aren’t any jeans on the line. 4. There are some shirts on the line. 5. There isn’t a blouse on the line. 6. There are some scarves on the line. 7. There is a jumper on the line. 8. There aren’t any shorts on the line. 9. There aren’t any gloves on the line. 10. There are some dresses on the line. Page 26 baker’s – bread; fishmonger’s – fish; greengrocer’s – bananas; Post Office – stamps; butcher’s – meat; clothes shop – shirts; chemist’s medicine; newsagent’s – magazines Page 27 3 – 1 two pounds coin plus 1 one pound coin plus 1 fifty pence coin; 3 – 1 fifty pence coin plus 2 twenty pence coins; 2 – 1 twenty pence coin plus 1 ten pence coin; 5 – 1 one pound coin plus 1 fifty cent coin plus 1 five pence coin plus 1 two pwnce coin plus 1 one penny coin; 3 – 1 two pounds coin plus 1 twenty pence coin plus 1 five pence coin; 4 – 1 one pound coin plus 1 ten pence coin plus 1 two pence coin plus 1 one penny coin Page 28 Baker’s Kitchen: open – six o’clock, close – one o’clock; open – half past two, close – six o’clock. special cakes – fifty pence each // Bee’s Restaurant: open – a quarter to nine, close half past five; fish and chips – £ 3,50; chicken with peas and carrots £ 4,25; tea from China – 50p, coffee from Morocco – 50p Page 29 blouse – € 30,25; skirt – € 57,00; jumper – € 11,99; coat – € 76,45; gloves – € 61,82; dress – € 98,34; hat – € 18,00; shoes – € 103,00 100 PRACTICE BOOK 4 - Model Answers Page 30 Where can I buy a jumper? At the clothes shop. / What time does the butcher’s open? The butcher’s opens at nine o’clock. / What time does it close? At half past five. / How much is this jumper? It’s ninety euro. / Does he like pears? Yes, he does. / How much are those? They’re forty pounds. / Do you like fish? No, I don’t. / What’s in your hat? It’s my hamster! / What are these? They’re his sandals. // Fifteen euro and twenty-two cents. Forty-four pounds and eleven pence. Fifty-six pounds and ninety-nine pence. Seventy-nine euro and forty-three cents. Eighty-eight euro and thirty-four cents. Ninety-three pounds and fifty-five pence. Page 31 SCIENTIST, DOCTOR, DENTIST, FIREFIGHTER, POLICE OFFICER, OFFICE WORKER, COMPUTER PROGRAMMER, STUDENT, SALES ASSISTANT Page 32 doctor; swimming; skiing; cycling; running; dancing; Wednesday // She’s a police officer. She goes skiing in the summer ans she goes rollerblading in the winter. In the spring she goes cycling and in the winter she goes swimming. She likes running and she goes running with Jane’s father on Friday morning. Page 33 da sinistra a destra, prima riga: 6, 2, 3, 1; seconda riga: 13, 4, 9; terza riga: 10, 7, 12; quarta riga: 11, 5, 8 Page 34 I comb my hair at a quarter past seven. I have breakfast at half past seven. I clean my teeth at a quarter to eight. I go to school at eight o’clock. I have lunch at one o’clock. I play with my friends at a quarter past two. I go to bed at nine o’clock. // He combs his hair at a quarter past seven. He has breakfast at half past seven. he cleans his teeth at a quarter to eight. He goes to school at eight o’clock. He has lunch at one o’clock. He plays with his friends at a quarter past two. He goes to bed at nine o’clock. Page 35 risposte personali Page 36 get up; wakes up; cleans, goes; go; likes; has; goes; like // dall’alto in basso, lato sinistro: shoulder; elbow; hand; lato destro: head; neck; heart; wrist; knee Page 37 What does she do? She’s a dentist. / How much is a stamp for England? It’s one euro. / What time does he have breakfast? At eight o’clock. / Does he like dancing? Yes, he does. / Where can I buy some medicine? At the chemist’s. / Who’s that? She’s my cousin. / How much are those shoes? They’re eighty euro. / What time do you get up? I get up at half past seven. / Do you like cycling? Yes, I do. / What time does the newsagent’s open? It opens at a quarter to seven. / What’s her telephone number? It’s 045 39824. / What’s the weather like? It’s cloudy. / What does he do? He’s a firefighter. Page 38 STRAIGHT ON; TURN RIGHT; BRIDGE; ZEBRA CROSSING; ROUNDABOUT; TURN LEFT; TRAFFIC LIGHTS Page 39 B is the chemist’s; C is the butcher’s; D is the baker’s; E is the hotel; F is the café; G is the greengrocer’s; H is the clothes shop Page 40 1. NO; 2. NO; 3. YES; 4. NO; 5. YES; 6. NO; 7. YES; 8. NO; 9. YES; 10. NO Page 41 Where do you live? / I live at number 7 Richmond Road. / Where’s Richmond Road? / It’s opposite the swimming pool. / Where’s the swimming pool? / Go to the traffic lights and turn left. The swimming pool is on the right. // Is there a Post Office in your town? / Is there a swimming pool in Baker Street? / Are there any cinemas in your town? / Are there any cafés in his city? / Is the church next to the supermarket? / is the baker’s on the left of the greengrocer’s. Page 42 la parola ripetuta è sea; places: forest, wood, river, mountains, lake, sea; parts of body: neck, elbow, heart, shoulder, head, knee Page 43 1 koala; 2 monkey; 3 kangaroo; 4 giraffe; 5 eagle; 6 zebra; 7 whale; 8 bear; 9 lion; 10 tiger Page 44 Koalas can’t hunt. Kangaroos can jump. Eagles can’t jump. Whales can swim. Zebras can run. Monkeys can run. Bears can’t fly. Page 45 risposte personali Page 46 Tom can sing but he can’t ride a horse. Jane can swim and dance. Harry can’t ride a horse or swim. Sally can’t sing but she can dance. Le risposte del Practice Book 5 sono in una sezione staccabile alla fine del Practice Book stesso. 101 Unit 2 page 19 Suddenly, there is a red beam. Ben and Sunita are very excited. They are ready to go. They use the beam machine to travel into the past. They meet famous people like Queen Victoria and Neil Armstrong. Ben and Sunita love the beam machine! It’s Ben’s dad’s machine and he doesn’t like them playing with it. Ben and Sunita look around. They are not in the past. They are in the future! They are on Earth in 2559. Wow! Today, Ben and Sunita want to travel into the past again. They press the buttons on the machine. Ben and Sunita have great fun with the beam machine. They change the colour, size and number of things. Sometimes they even change Max. Unit 3 page 29 A boy with orange hair gives them two spacesuits. They put them on. They are very happy. Sunita presses the red button on her spacesuit. She can fly, too! She’s very excited. Ben and Sunita want to explore Earth in the year 2559. They see a lot of people. Everyone is wearing special red and green spacesuits. Ben and Sunita can see a big playground in the sky! They fly to the yellow cloud to play with the boy with orange hair and his friends. Sunita is wearing a skirt and a jumper and Ben is wearing jeans and a T-shirt. They haven’t got spacesuits. Ben presses the red button on his spacesuit. Look! He can fly! Unit 4 page 37 She gives a Zarzoom Bar to Ben and one to Sunita. They are happy because they are hungry. They eat the Zarzoom Bars, but they don’t’ like them. Look! What a strange supermarket. There are Zarzoom Bars and Zarzoom Cups, but there isn’t any water or cola. It’s lunchtime on Earth in the year 2559. Ben and Sunita are in the park. They are hungry but they haven’t got any food. A girl with green hair is in the park with her dog. She has got a big bag. She sits down next to Sunita. She opens her bag. She has got twenty Zarzoom Bars. On Earth in the year 2559 people eat Zarzoom Bars and drink Zarzoom Cups for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Ben wants a hamburger and a cola now! Ben and Sunita are thirsty. They put on their spacesuits and fly to the supermarket. 102 UNIT 1 Unit 5 page 45 They can’t see a newsagent’s. They ask a young boy on a spaceboard where they can buy a newspaper. The young boy laughs. People don’t buy newspapers on Earth in 2559. They go to the newsroom in the sky. Ben and Sunita want to buy a newspaper. They are in the town centre. The newsroom has got flying, electronic newspapers everywhere. There are stories from different countries, Great Britain, Italy, China, Russia… Ben and Sunita think the newsroom is great. They love reading newspapers in 2559! Ben and Sunita get on the spaceboard with the boy. They fly to the newsroom in the sky, behind a big, pink cloud. Unit 6 page 55 Ben and Sunita leave the shop. They don’t like shopping on earth in 2559. The robot tells Ben and Sunita to leave. He doesn’t want strange children in his shop! They fly to the clothes shop on the third cloud. They go in the shop. There are a lot of nice clothes, but there is no sales assistant. Ben sees a cool, red T-shirt. He puts it on. Sunita sees some fantastic, pink shoes. She puts them on. They look in the mirror. Ben and Sunita want to buy a T-shirt. They see a clothes shop with a big, yellow sign next to the supermarket in the sky. A very angry robot with a very red face shouts at Ben and Sunita. He is the sales assistant. Unit 7 page 63 Ben and Sunita see the young boy with the spaceboard. He tells them to fly straight on and the park is on the right. Sunita remembers that the beam machine is on the bench in the park. They can’t remember where the park is! They fly past the clothes shop on the third cloud and the newsroom in the sky, but they can’t find the park. Ben and Sunita are still on Earth in 2559. They want to go home, but Ben can’t find the beam machine. Ben and Sunita say goodbye to the girl. They press the buttons on the beam machine and go home, ready for their next adventure. The girl with the Zarzoom bars is still in the park. She is happy to see Ben and Sunita again. She has got the beam machine. 103 Portfolio Checklist UNIT 1 • chiedere da dove viene una persona • dire il proprio Paese di provenienza • parlare dei Paesi di provenienza di persone conosciute • parlare del tempo atmosferico e delle sensazioni fisiche ad esso correlate • chiedere dove si trova una città o un Paese • usare i punti cardinali per descrivere la posizione di città o Paesi • completare un testo con informazioni mancanti • identificare aspetti culturali della Gran Bretagna qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq UNIT 2 • chiedere che ora è • capire che ora è • dire che ora è • identificare e dire i numeri da 1 a 100 • identificare e dire i numeri ordinali fino a 10 • chiedere e capire un numero di telefono • dire il proprio numero di telefono • interpretare un ruolo in una semplice attività di role play • completare un testo con informazioni mancanti • leggere e comprendere un semplice testo • identificare aspetti culturali della Gran Bretagna qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq UNIT 3 • descrivere indumenti al singolare e al plurale • scrivere un semplice messaggio seguendo un modello dato • chiedere di chi è un indumento utilizzando in modo appropriato: questo/quello/questi/quelli • comprendere semplici comandi (mettere/togliere un indumento) • interpretare un ruolo in una semplice attività di role play • scrivere un semplice testo secondo un modello dato • leggere e comprendere un semplice testo • identificare aspetti culturali della Gran Bretagna qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq UNIT 4 • dire ciò che piace o non piace • parlare dei gusti di un amico • descrivere il contenuto di un cestino della spesa • parlare dei cibi consumati a colazione, pranzo, cena • interpretare un ruolo in una semplice attività di role play • scrivere un semplice testo secondo un modello dato • leggere e comprendere un semplice testo • identificare aspetti culturali della Gran Bretagna qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq UNIT 5 • dire il nome di alcuni edifici e negozi • chiedere dove si può acquistare qualcosa • dire dove si può acquistare qualcosa • dire ciò di cui si ha bisogno • dire a che ora apre/chiude un negozio • chiedere e dire quanto costa qualcosa • interpretare un ruolo in una semplice attività di role play • completare un testo con informazioni mancanti • leggere e comprendere un semplice testo • identificare aspetti culturali della Gran Bretagna qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq molto bene qq bene q non ancora bene È preferibile segnare le risposte in matita, in quanto sono soggette a modifica in relazione al progressivo miglioramento conoscitivo del bambino. 104 Portfolio Checklist UNIT 1 UNIT 6 • chiedere a qualcuno che lavoro fa • dire che lavoro fa una persona • descrivere le attività di routine quotidiana • chiedere e dire a che ora si svolge un’azione abituale • dire che cosa piace fare a una persona • interpretare un ruolo in una semplice attività di role play • scrivere un semplice testo secondo un modello dato • leggere e comprendere un semplice testo • identificare aspetti culturali della Gran Bretagna qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq UNIT 7 • chiedere e capire informazioni su un percorso da compiere • dare indicazioni sul percorso da compiere per raggiungere un luogo • chiedere e capire la posizione di edifici • descrivere la posizione di edifici • chiedere a qualcuno se vuole fare qualcosa • interpretare un ruolo in una semplice attività di role play • scrivere un semplice testo secondo un modello dato • leggere e comprendere un semplice testo qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq UNIT 8 • dire il nome di animali selvaggi • dire che cosa sa fare un animale • chiedere a qualcuno se sa fare qualcosa • dire se si è capaci o non si è capaci di fare qualcosa • chiedere a che ora si svolge un’azione abituale • dire che cosa piace fare a una persona • interpretare un ruolo in una semplice attività di role play • scrivere un semplice testo secondo un modello dato • leggere e comprendere informazioni • identificare aspetti culturali della Gran Bretagna qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq qqq molto bene qq bene q non ancora bene È preferibile segnare le risposte in matita, in quanto sono soggette a modifica in relazione al progressivo miglioramento conoscitivo del bambino. 105