378 TEMPLE OF SERAPIS NEAR PUZZTJOLI [PART III appears, the Neapolitans resolved to raze the place to the ground. This was done, and from that time the civitas Puteolana extended over the devas tated region of Curnae as far as the west coast. This explains, for example, the expression occurring in a diploma of Frederick's of the year 1489: 'In toto littore, seu maritima dictae Civitatis Puteolorum, usque ad flumen The flu men Patriae, however, lies far beyond the Lago di Patriae.' Licola towards the north. Thus the deeds of 1503 and 1511 refer, most probably, not to regions within the bay of Puzzuoli, but to the broad silted-up stretches of the west coast in the ancient region of Cumae, and the grounds for the hypothesis of a negative movement at this time disappear . 3. 77w eruption of 1538. We have now arrived at a critical episode, that is, the formation of Monte Nuovo, which occurred in the last days of the month of September, 1538. accounts of this event. The first of these We possess four contemporaneous is by the distinguished physician and man of science, &rnome Por:io, who then occupied the chair of philosophy at the It appears to have been written at the command University of Naples. of the Viceroy, Peter of Toledo, with the design of dispelling, by a faithful representation of the occurrence as a natural event, the illusions fostered among the people by imagination and superstition . The second account was written by Marco Atonio deli Falco'rti, then in the service of Bernardo Tasso, father of the great and unhappy poet at the court of Salerno. Tasso had passed through Rome without visiting Pope Paul III, and now sent Falcorii with a letter of apology. the latter witnessed the eruption . On his journey The third account is contained in a letter of Franeesco del Hero, who was then representing the court of Tuscany at Naples'. ' On this point the best information is to be found in a paper printed in Naples in 1775: Dissertazione corografico-istorica del1e due antiche distrutte cittit Miseno e Cunie. Per lo rischiarimento delle ragioni del Regio Fisco contra lit Universith. di Puzzuoli, 4to, p. 182, &c. 2 DE CONFLAGRATIONE Agri Puteolani, Simonis Portii, illustr. D. Toledo, &c., &c. (The first edition appeared at Naples, without indication of date or place of printing, in 1538 ; the second at Florence in 1551.) Edited by L. Giustiniani, I tre rarissimi opuscoli di Simone Porzio, di Girol. Borgia e di Marcant. delli Falconi, scritti in occas. della celebr. eruzione avven. in Puzzuoli nell' ann. 1538, Svo, Napoli, 1817, pp. 43-51. The conclusion runs: 'Haec igitur mi Maecenaa scribenda duxi, ne 1-larioli, somniorumq. interpretes, ac vulgares Astrologi alio tragant, quac na.tura duce proueniunt.' DELL' INCEND1O DI POZZUOLO, MARCO ANTONIO DELLI Falconi all' Illustr. Sig. Marchesa della Padula nel MDXXXVIII. Si venne per Marco Antonio Passaro alli Fern Vecchi; also Giustiniani, pp. 285-330. Letterj. di Francesco dcl Nero a Niccolô tie! Benino, sul terremoto di Pozzuolo, dal quale ebbs origine la Montagna Nuova, nel 1538; printed from the manuscript in Archivio storico ital., 184, IX, pp. 93-96; translated by Haagen von Mathiesen, Neue Jahrb. Mm., 1846, pp. 702-707, and by M. Neumayr, Der Bericht des Francesco del Nero Uber die Bildung des Monte Nuovo bei Neapel, op. cit., 1883, II, pp. 45-51.