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(intu itive-projective faith) (mythic-lite ral faith) (synthe tic-conventiona1fait l1) (individuative-I'eflective faith ) (conjuctive faith) (universalizing faith ) 329-355 ), Fowler 766 n n Fowler n J. Fowler. Fowler 2004, 77. 14). 767 1,16), 1,31) 2, 15). 32). 15, 7) TOV» 43). 42-43), 25,3 768 51), 49-50). 51-52) . 6 55), 769 6] ). 63). Ath anasia Papademetriou , Tlze Life, Mission, P1iest's Wife. Bo ston , Somerset H all Press, 2004 . Se1'vice the 175. Athanasia Papademetriou's text serves as a praetical gu id e as well as a women wh o sh are their husband 's priestl y p astoral text H ow ev er, the bo ok goes be yond its scope o ffe r in g sound and g u ida nce onl y to wom en wh o married to but to a ll men and women wh o have dedicat ed their to th e church one form ano ther an d thus the eye, teaching or thod oxy through example. Ath an asia Papademetriou begins her text by investigating the historical thc ancient world , child r en of God role of ""omen Christ, a nd n e"v role th e ea r ly Church. She inspiring examples of Christian women ""ho se rve as role models for us tod ay, such as th e Th eotokos, a nd and m others of sa in ts, who obtaines sa int hood for their role is spreading th e message of Christ. Th e next two chap te rs d e al specifically with tl1e priesth ood itself. Ch apter two addresses the validity ofthe m arried priest. Historically, th e qu estion : «S h o u ld m arried m en be allow ed to as priests ?» was th e First Ecumenical CounciJ. This co u ncil sa n tio n ed th e addressed "alid ity o f the m arried priesthood , a nd with the importance of th e p riest's family to tl1e ministr y of the Church . The thi rd cha p te r deals with the ca ll to the priesthood th at selectmen fr om God , and their 770 inc lina tion to respond to the caII to se rve . a u thor this cha p te r d eaIs v-rith the Le viticaI p ri esthood th e O ld T estam ent, an d th e priesthood of Christ th r ough Aposto lic succession. The te xt a Iso focu ses th e pri est's famil y, and the «ca II» of th e presbytera share 11eJ' hu sband's ministry. The consent of the \vife is o r der fo r th e hu sband 's o r d in atio n occur . m an through ordination is bestowed \Yith th e title Presbyter. As a sign ofresp ect for the wife, v-rh o is to h er husband his ministry, tI1 e title of «Presbytera » is besto\ve d her . Before a man becom es responsible for his p ari shi on ers throu gh his ordination, he becomes responsible his wife th r ou gl1 hi s ma n iage. The priest's example of Christian Iiving is esse n tial modeling a go od Christian famil y to hi s spiritual children. (l Tim oth y 3: 1-7 ). The a ut h o r focus es th e importance o f th e C hrist -cen te re d ness of th e r el ation ship b etwe e n husband a nd wife, a nd correctly sta tes th at aII marriages a re caIIed to be a re a blessin g to a marriage, a n d greatly thi s way. (l T im othy) cha ng e th e d yn ami cs every fami ly. With tI1 e ad ded role of motherhood, wife is faced with lh e ne\\' cha IIenge of balan cin g h er home th e res pon sibilities and h er chi ldren, with h er p arish r ole of Presbyter a. Atha nasia Pap ademet rio u co n tin ues to ad d ress h ow a priest' s wife can her in divi d u al tal ents. The importan ce serve her p ari shi on ers based of outrea ch , h ospitality an d p hilan th ropy are as they v-·itness to th e world how th e love Christ tr an s[orm s hearts, and lives, and empov-Iers us battl e ttle n egati ve this world. The personaI relationship th e priest an d th e presbytera h ave with Christ is the strength behind the effe ctiven ess of th eir ministry. Presbytera serves as a practica l gui de for presbyteres how to d eal with issues such as livin g a nd m an agin g a p arish house, beginning assignment, moves a nd tr a n s[ers a n d its affec ts both the priest's family the old an d n ev-' p arish es , managin g co n flict as weII as the families within the parish, dr ess co des, ca lenda rs a n d sch e d u ling , insurance , income and a nd o the r sl1ch p rac tica l ma tters. Prayer, an d p a rti cip ati on the sacrame nts of th e Chl1r cl1 , es peciaIIy Confession an d H oly Comm LIn ion is th e sp iri tuaI n Ol1rish ment fo r th ei r day d ay The priest's fa m ily aII O rthodox C hristia ns exceptio n . Th e chap ter h ow th e priest's wife se rves is as the co mfor t o[ her hlI sband 's wig he d d ov-rn spirit and helps lighten hi s load . H owever, th e p resbytera has h er ow n yoke to carry. Criticism an d 7'71 forever present ""hen o n e lives th e public eye . N eitl1er the priest nor his wife wou ld be able to bear th e weigh t of their iftheir so u ls a re fed wit h the Sa cra me n ts of the C h lIrc h, a n d th e co unseling of a good Spiritual l' ather. Pr esbytera ends a p ositive note, by stressing the g reat fulfillm ent and presbyteres feellznowing tlley h ave h elped tr an sform the lives of their paI'ishioners, a nd as a coJ]ective bod y they have h e!ped spread the good news of to every co r ne r of th e ""orId . Athanasi a PapadeIl1 etriou 's te xt Presb)ltera h as filled a void that has exi sted for long tll e to p ic of th e wife. hi ghly r ecommend this I)ook to all wo men, and non-Orthodox, a nd th ose ""ho a re «called» to serve as as well as to all th ose 'AIh o ""ish to beco me invo]ved ministries. Pap ademitriou's 'A'l"itin g style makes PresbyteTD a n e nj oyable r eadin g tl)at is both a n d informative . MARIA-FOTl KAPSALI S,