Letterlayout thingsto remember writetheaddress of thecompany r' lf youwriteonbehalf of a company, Thisincludes thelogoandnameof the letter-paper. at thetopor useheaded itsaddress andtelephone number. company, atthetopright-hand corner, letter, writeyouraddress lf youwritea personal youraddress. Donotputyourname above (Your sideof the ref.:orOurref.:)ontheleft-hand r/ Writethereferences yoursecretary's, page. yourinitials These mayinclude and/or account numbers. numbers. customer sideof the orontheright-hand / Writethedateunder thereferences page.There 2"dJune 2001,or ways ofwriting thedate(forexample, areseveral people putthemonth 2"d, June before theday(forexample, 2 June 2001). Some forms intheUnited States. The Thisiscommon usage 2001,orJune 2,2001). Thedatecanbewrittencompletely old-fashioned. 1u,znd, 3'd,16tharebecoming putthe people putthedayfirst,Americans British infigures, butbecareful: (GB: 2.6.2001=February 6,2001). first 2.6.2001=2 June 2001, U.S.: month youarewritingto onihe r' Wrilethenameandaddress of theperson left-hand sideof thepage. il ofenquirY fax'e-mail Letter' Writelt Right! Beginonelinebelowthe dateor onelinebelowthb references if youwrote thedateon theright-hand sideof thepage. lf youdo notknowthename,writethepoiitionof theperson youarewriting to, e.g.TheManageror TheSecretary. / wriîethesalutation(oropening greeting) starting fromtheleftmargin. Always beginwith Dearsiror DearMadamif youdo notknowthenamelsex or titleof theperson youarewritingto (forexampre whenwritingto a company). American peopleuseGentlemen or Gentlemen andladies. useDearMr Brown,or DearMrswatson,or DearMssmithor DearMbs Jones if youarewritingto someone youknowor whohaswrittenyoufirst. Afterthesalutation peopleusually British puta comma(oeaiMs Jones,); Americans puta colon(DearMr Kennedy:). usually / writethesubjectheading(incapital letters, underlined or in bold) underthereceivers' address if youwantto givean immediate reference to thesubject matterof yourjetter. r' Typelettersusingeitherblockformat(single spaced withdoublespaces between theparagraphs, whicharenotindented)or indented formatidoubleor single space witheachparagraph rndented fivespaces). r' lf youbeginDearsi(s)or DearMadam,useyoursfaithfuily,or yourstruly.rf youbeginwiththeperson's name(DearMs/ones),useyourssincererv. Intheu.s.commonendings are sincerery or sincerery yours,or yourítruf . Remember to startthecomplimentary closewitha càfitalletterandputa commaat theend.Notice thatoftentherearenocommas (,)in theaddress details, opening greeting or closing phrase. r' Signthe letter. r' Iypeyourfullnamebelowvoursiqnature. lf youwriteon behalfof a company, r,iriteyourjob,position or department. I ! I Letter,fax,e-mail'of enquiry I P8,€slÉTG€ IÉOIsR's 3 ElystanStreet London5W3NT- England +44 020 78950489 Our ref: PR I I May 2008 The Manager Park Hotel Kenmare Kenmare,Co. Kerry E,ire DearSir/ Madam, hotel info group of Our travel agencyis organizing a trip to KenmareTown for a golfers from saturday 2*rto 9ft July. We would needone doubìeroom' two twin-beddedroomsand one singlewith en suitefacilities' in the bullettinof our Golf Club and believe We sawyour advertisement your hotel would be ideal for our customers' Wewouldbegratefulifyoucouldletusknowifyouhaveavailabilityfor and ifyou could sendus your room rates'booking the roomsrequested" termsandconditionsandirrfoabouttlansferfromCor.kairporttothe hotel. to We would alsoappreciateif you could sendus a full colour brochure showour customers. We thank you for your kind attention and look forwald to a prompt reolv. Yoursfaithfully, Pkl,.pR"l/,,. Philip Ruthin Manager PrestigeTours 56 57 Writelt Right! *l fax,e-mailof enquiry Letter, \1. 'f' EsteTours Piazza Trentoe Trieste12 - ttaly 44100Ferrara +390532345315 DearMrMacleod, .l A)l To: North West Kartrng i Date: 20 Febnuary Reference: kantsbookingenquiny ane a travel agencyspecializing in study holidays. )f/9 the moment we are nlanningan aòtiuitypr^ognammeAr for a group of 20 studentswho wittbe stayiig in yor. aneafon two weeks anoundthe middleof July,'an-d - - wouldliketo includekar.tingamongthe activitie=.' Couldyou pleaseprovideinformationon booking conditionsand current pnicesat younkant - - cincuitand kindlysend us quotationsfor groúf;? in andspecialising in Bologna based travelagency Wearea smallltalian weareorganising ThissummeÍ forsmallgroups. holidays interest special and fishermen ltalian fora groupof sixteen in Scotland holiday a fishing their in near Balmoral area Deeside the include thevwouldliketo itinerarv. and 0nthelnternet Balmoral WefoundthewebsiteforTheRoyal be would and facilities, location excellent with its hotel, believe Vour if youcouldsendusthe Wewouldbegrateful peffect forourgroup. information: following - Roomralesfortheperiod 15th-20th June - Availability forthatperiod rooms andtwosingle of sixdouble - Booking termsandconditions youmayhaveaboutfishing anyinformation Wewouldalsowelcome near thehotel- whereshouldwe area in the Dee the river for oermits yourhotel? theseandcanthisbedonethrough applyto obtain foryourkindco-operation, Manythanks Lookingforward to younprompt neply. Best negards, ,l4at;nzroqhlh*úal, ManianoGhilimberti Sartori Elisa Manager Booking Tour's Horizon Tel:00390554567896 F a x : 0 0 3095 54 5 6 7 8 9 9 'r,,t A. Stating whc 1r,ou ;re ,.1SgaÌ.ilrr; ri, B . A s k i n gf o r i n { r : rr n a t i i r r.rì : Ì i r, , l [. Askinq 58 f{]ii ii rr.rrl, ìirtit itiíi; :iliiìîìÌ:'i;liÍ* :, i:rl':f r r 59 ,Sffiaìft niUffir"ll .irr:i:,1-1oi ...STATING WHOYOUARE . We are a group of three friends, aSed - 2f ... Siamoun gruppodi treamiciOiZf annr].. r We are a tour operator./ travet / specializingin study holidays/ pilgrimages/ river.ruii"r... "g"n.V siamoun tour operator/ un'agenziaJiuiagio -" / speciarizzato/ain vacanze_ studio/ pellegrinaggi / crociere-fluvirf i..' . ff;ff *"ss attending thefourthyearof a secondary school siamounacrasse chefrequenta irquartoannodet,rstituto professionare / Tecnico peril Turismo ...STATING REASON FORWRITING . As l/we intend to spend a week in / at... Poiché ho/abbiamo intenzione dipassare Lia settimana a... ' r'm pranningto come to rtaty in ÚrÀmànilr of september and... Hointenzione divenirein ltalia*f r.r. iirìttembre e... ' l'm writing to checkif you haveiààuir" room for the first weekend in July Lescrivopersapere seaveteunacamera doppiaperir primoweekend di luglio ' we are pranninoa weekend trip to Edinburghfor the festivat / footbafl match.:. stiamoorganizzando un finesettimana a Edinburgo perirfestivar / ra partita dicalcio... . We are going to take a three_weektrain trip around Europe... Abbiamointenzione di fareun uirggioin i;;;; o, rresettimane in Europa... ...STATING SOURCE OFINFORMATION ' r/we saw your hote-rin the rrishFederation -' Guide / web page of Scotland,sHotels of Distinction...---' Ho/abbiamo vistoirvostro arbergo sutaguidadetarrishFederation / web di Scotland,s Hotets-of lfoina Di;ii*J;;. . The name of your hotel / V"l, has been given / recommendedto me/us by... "UJr# ll nomedelsuo/vostro albergomilciè statodato/ raccomandato da... . We refer / With reference to your advertisementin... C_i riferiamo / Conriferimento al vóstro.nnun.io,r... r we saw your advertisement /";;iirJàr"r, in a travel magazine/ guidebook... Abbiamovistoirvostroannuncio /indirizzodipostaerettronica suuna rivista di viaggi / guida... 60 Lette[fa(, e-l@hdf,EnWW ...ASKINGFoRTNF0RMAnON / noom / OUOrnnOnS / BROCHURES AVAILABITITY . Would you pleasebe so kind as to send us a brochureof the hoteland tariff? dell'albergo gentilmente uridépliant / 5iacosìgentiledaspedirci Vogliate conle vostretariffe . €ould you pleaselet us have your best quotation I your terms and conditionsfor half / full board? per /prezzie condizioni il vostropreventivo Cifacciaavereperpiacere pensione mezza / completa . l/We would be pleasedI glad if you sent me/us illustrated/ tourist material / literature of... di... illustrativo grato/isepotesse materiale inviarci Lesarei/saremmo . l/We would be grateful if you could send me/us detailed information about your timetable and fares precise / grato/isepoteste'farmi/ci avereinformazioni Vi sarei/saremmo prezzi suivostriorarie tariffe/ dettagliate o l/We would like to have more / further information / details about... su'.' / dettagli informazioni avereulteriori/maggiori Gradirei/Gradiremmo . We would be grateful if you could advise/ inform us on the best EurailPassfor our needs,and your terms and conditions piùadattoalle gratisepotesteconsigliarci il tipo di EurailPass Vi saremmo prezzi e concondizioni nostreesigenze, . We would be grateful if you could encloseyour brochure gratisepoteste allegare un dépliant Vi saremmo . Would you pleasesend us / let us have your room rates I ratesI tariff inclusiveof VAT? / prezzi perpiacere inviarci / farciavereil vostrolistinoprezzi Vogliate lva comprensividi THELETTER FORA REPLY/CI-OSINC ...ASKrNG / r*X /E-MAIL . l/We should be grateful for an early reply grato/isevolesse consollecitudine rispondermi/ci Lesarei/saremmo . l/We thank you in advancefor your kind attention and look forward to an early reply / to hearing from you as soon as possible/ as soon as you can perla Suacortese e attenzione anticipatamente Laringrazio/ringraziamo quantoprima in attesadi unaSuarisposta rimaniamo . We should/would appreciatean early reply as / sincewe would like to makeour plans/ to plan our trip in good time perché gratisevolesse risponderci consollecitudine oltremodo Lesaremmo pertempo il nostroviaggio organizzare desideriamo . Yoursfaithfully / Yourssincerely/ With kindest regards/ Best regards / cordiali saluti Distinti 51 Letter,fax,e-mailof replyto enqulry WdteIt Right! Letter,fax, e-maitof reply to enquiry I SKYAIR IHE TOWTARESAIRTINE l i i Kt4sll Jlarr,te Jlalp) TO: FROM: DATE: StudtondSwonoge DorseiBH193AH Tet.Studtond251092 911 ?511 l Aì Maria Groups Department 20 APriI 20OB Tha,nk You for Your Îequesl' I 6th January2008 Mrs M Bellopede Via Romagnolil3 16144Genova Italy Dear Mrs Bellopede, Flight details Ffigbt number FR 9?S FR 9?6 l)ate SSeP ?3Sep Route GOASTN STNGOA DePart r1O5 1600 Arrive Ie15 1910 PAI( ó2 32 I2O € NETT + 52'85 € aiÎPort úaxes Thank you for your letter.I am pleasedthat you would like to stay at Knoll House and am glad to inform you that we havethe room you requested. rB' The hotel opensagain on 5th April. The terms dependon the age of your children: we practisea 30o%discount for children under the age of 12. Should you decide to come, kindly sendyour confirmation with your credit card details. We look forward to welcoming you at our hotel. Yourssincerely, ek"tkflprL 4a,Arzt ChristopherFerguson Booking Manager Knoll HouseHotel A . î h a n k ì n g f o r e n o u i r l r . /T n ! ' * r i r i ; r l {3"fiivivt{:linfc}nrna'[.iolr ;rlirr,!1lI iìrrrir,,'; { . . C i * s i n g! l r r [ s ì 1 ,r , ' ' 62 63 ABBEY fz-l t^IiI^l r f E r l TOURS City Gate,22Bidge SrreetLr, Dublin 8 Tel; 353-t-6799144 Fax:353-t-6799722 Mrssaftori, Dear To: Stefania- t viaggidA Canéiro Date:JutyA6 AOOB Thankyoufor yourfax. unf_ortunatery there is.no guesthouseavairabre for the date requested,as this isÉ venyUusyweekend in órUtin and most propertiesare alreadyOoó't<eo out. H-oygyerI couldaccommodate the clientsat Chief . . or"J nce i I *irhi;;;il" s disra 9"X,H:T"^J:",,4j from rhecenrne [1o minuresJ ffiil';h'""i,iiS'"7 follows: twin €7O.OO pen person per niqht. I am delightedto confirm as folÉws: ChiefO'NeiltsHorel SmithfieldViilage,Smirhfietd, Dublin7 -tr-ltefiSAeZ One ensuite twin room on bed and breaKast basis fon one night only documentswill be at the chief o,Neills on in thatyouareinterested Manythanksforyoure-mail.wearedelighted thatwehave andcanconfirm foryourgroup theBalmoral booking youmention, 15thto 20thJune. intheperiod available accommodation Ourroomratesafeasfollows: - î120peîperson pernight(incvAT) rooms Double - t175perperson pernight(incVAT) Single rooms (catparking, fitness centre theuseofallhotelfacilities Thetariffincludes pool)andwerequirea deposit of 50%to holdthe andindoorswimming payable draft. inadvance byaeditcardorbanker's twomonths booking, upto 3 dayspilortoarrival. Thetariffisfullyrefundable a Weofferguests breakfast. notethattheratedoesnotinclude Please inoura lacarte Breakfast Scottish orContinental choice ofTraditional (please menus and seewebsiteforsample River Viewrestaurant permits yourrequest to aboutfishing forinformation I haveforwarded our hotel and through These can be ananged Brown. ourmanager, John and to explain thetariffsforpermits MrBrownwill e-mailyouseparately inyourparty. thepeople wewouldrequire about theinformation youlequire anyfurther to contact meshould don'thesitate Please information. andwe look in TheRoyal Balmoral Thanks againforyourintetest yourgroupto ourhotel, to welcoming PeterMacLeod Assistant Manager TheRoyal Balmoral Hotel lve wllt take the above bookingas confirmed unlesswe hear from you othenwse. J-Tq"t thar rhe above is in order. With kindest negards Michela lndividualDepantment AbbeyTours A. Referringto previouscorrespondence B. Informingabout unavailabitityand giving reasons C.Suggestingalternative D. Ctosingthe fax / Expressing hopethe new proposatis alt right il A. Thankingfor enquíry/ Informingabout avaitability B. Givlnginformatlonabout prlces,terms and condltions the e-mail/ Hoplngfor a booking C.Ctoslng 65 falr,e-mailof replyto enquiry Letter, ...REFERRrNG to ,"T:ylgus coNrAcrs - /I connrsroruorncr / THANKING FORENQUIRY . I thank for your tetter / fax / e_mailreceivedtoday Laringrazio perla sualettera / iaxI e_Àaiir-icevutaro oggi . Thankyou for returning or. torr, ,"garding your son Stefano and his friend pietro Somma Laringrazio peraverci inviatoi moduri riguardanti suofigriostefano e il suoamicopietroSomma ' Ihgnf y_gyvgrv much.foryour enquiry/ letter t tax/ e-mailof / dated i5'n Jurvregardingi.on."rningil requestingror;'iiurttre, informationr detíils / Eurailpasses Larrngrazio "Uó"tìui."à.h'r"rui." sentitamente perrasuarichiesta / rettera / fax/ e-mair der15 lugliorelativa a / concuimi chiedeutteriori-inrormr.i"rirìg*rduro i n_ostro servizio di pullman / Eurail passes . We have receivedyour letter of enquiry/ enquiringabout...and we thank you for lt Abbiamo ricevuto rasuarettera di richresta di informazioni riguardo... e vr ringraziamo ' with reference/ Referring to your enquiry/ retterI faxle-mair of / dated 12,hMay... con riferimento atavostrarichiesta / rettera / f ax/ e-ma,der 12maggio... ...INFORMING ABOUT SERVICES REQUESTED ANDAVAILABILITY ' the pleasure to inform you that there are two forms of !.h"yg Eurailticketswhich coutdbe .ít i"t"r"ri for you Hoif piacere di informarra ctreci sonoàueii-pìoi nigti.ttiEurair che potrebbero interessarvr ' we take preasurein offering you the fotowing accommodation / the accommodat' Hoi|piacere Ji"rr;i::l'U;.fi3:,',L*J:ffiîi:1 .mazione da|ei richiesta ' we havethe pleasureto inform you that we have the rooms you requested... Abbiamo il piacere di informarviche sonodisponibifi recamere davoirichieste. ...GIVINGINFORMATION ABOUT TARIFF ANDCONDITIONS / TTNMS . Our quotation includes / doesnot include... llnostropreventivo include Lor-r.irJ.. .''-" . The quotation/ our tariff / rates/ room rates,inclusiveof... is/areas follows... ll.preventivo / risîino prezzi / prezzi, comprendentr... e/sono irliseguente/i . We are pleasedto offer you a sing'lel louUfe ,"",n ;i;::;;;, night / per week for bed and Ur""iiurt.I 66 di... / doppiaal prezzo singola il piacere di offrirleunacamera Abbiamo peril pernottamento pernotte/ settimana e la primacolazione.., sterline . We practisea 30% reductionon the priceof the room for childrenunderthe age of 12 del del30%sulprezzo unariduzione / è prevista Sieffettua peri bambini pernottamento sottoi I2 anni MATERIALS T0 ENCLoSED ...REFERRTNG / rnntrr / OUornUon o As requestedyou will find enclosedour rates/ specialweekend saver5... prezzi / leofferte il nostrolistino allapresente alleghiamo Comerichiestoci, weekend... speciali . Pleasefind enclosedin this letter / Hereenclosedyou will find our brochure/ timetable...as requested comeda lei il dépliant /l'orario... le invio/ troverà Allegati allapresente richiesto . We are pleasedto encloseherewith a leaflet/ a detailed quotationfor the servicesyou required dettagliato / un preventivo un opuscolo allapresente Siamolietidi allegare richiestici deiservizi r Foryour guidancewe have / take great pleasurein enclosing our brochure/ illustratedmaterialdescribing... il nostrodepliant/ il piacere diallegare abbiamo nellascelta Peraiutarla chedescrive... materiale illustrato . We take muchpleasurein enclosinga copy of our hotel brochure and tariff, alongwith termsand conditions,for your perusal delnostroalbergo unacopiadeldépliant il piacere di allegarle Abbiamo perun suoesame e condizioni conlistinoorezzi REGRET ANDEXPRESSING ABOUT UNAVAILABILITY ...INFORMING . Muchto our regretwe have/ We regrethavingto inform you that... che... Ciduoleinformarvi . Unfortunatelywe cannothelp you nonpossiamo aiutarla Sfortunatamente r We are sorryto inform you that we are fully bookedup for the dates you requested perledatedalei/voi richieste informarla/vi chesiamoalcompleto Cidispiace . Unfortunatelythere is no S-starhotel availablefor the period requested richiesto nessun albergo a 5 stelleperrlperiodo nonabbiamo Sfortunatamente . We are sorry we are unable to accommodateyou / to accept your booking la sua / dì accettare in gradodi offrirleospitalità di nonessere Ci dispiace prenotazione . I am afraid we cannotsatisfyyour requestfor 1" November peril 1'novembre richiesta rrorr lavostra soddisfare Prrrlroppo Jrossiamo your clíentsat... comunquepotremmo offrireunasistemazione ai vostricrientipresso... -o ...but enclosedetairsof a very fine hoter l gu"it hóu;;,.. ...maaccludiamo informazioni dettagriate suun biil'arbergo l pensione... '.$lÌ'",'ii#,['oi[::'"!11$iigy;f l;,r"ió::i.'J,vilf,l'"* To: Attn: From: Date: Fa>rNo.: Vi ringraziamo per ravostracorteserichieitama in agostoabbiaml Jo re seguenti datedisponibili: davenerdì 15agostoal 31-agosto ...CLOSING THELETÍER / rIX/ I.UMU EXPRESSING HOPE NEW ARRANGEMENT IS SANSFAAONT FURTHER NSSTSTÀÌrCT / OFFERING ANDHoprNG FoRA BooKrue / rurunEBUsINEss r I trustthattheaboveisin order Mi augurochequantosopravadabene . We hope you will find the new arrangement satisfactory Speriamo chela nuovasistemazione siadi vóstrogradimento ' we will taketheabovebookingasconfirmiounieii we hear fromyouotherwise considereremo prenotazione la_sua confermata salvo comunicazione contraria o I hope/ trust that the enctosed materiarmaybe of assistànie to you,but shouldyou haveanyfurtherqueriés,or wish tó ,if." definiterese'ation, pteasedb not hesitateto contactu, ,gJn " spero / miauguro cheil materiale allegato lesiautile/ di utilita n,,,Édovesse avereurteriori richieste, o desideri effettuare unaprenotazione definitiva, cicontatti/nonesitia contattarci nuovamente . confirm your reservationby fax, with your creditcard 11".":g details Perfavoreconfermi rasuaprenotazione a mezzo fax,coni datideilasua cartadi credito ' Please feel freeto contactusfor any furtherinformationyou mayneed c_i_contatti perquarsiasi informazione di cuireipossa averbisogno ' we assure/ Assuringyou of our best/ uimost attentión at arl times Viassicuriamo / Assicurandovi ranostra migriore attenzione inogni momento . We !9ne / trust you will find our servicesatisfactory.tf you needfurtherassistance, preasedo not hesitateto cóntaiius speriamo / confidiamo cheirnostro servizio siadisuograoimento. ià necessita di ulteriore assistenza ci contattisenza indugió . I9{rr. sincerely/ With kindestregards/ Bestrégards Distinti / cordiali saluti 68 GlreenleesCluegtHouge Mî R Ttromson Aleesandro Bordonl IHdaút APril I6tù eoOB OO4416I ?86 9659 Dear Mr TtromSon, @ now With reference to your fax of Thursday April 136' I would followg: guest as house your ]lke to book three roomg tn @ (in the na'mes of - a double rooms witb èh$ttB"uiti"g Grimeldi and Rossi) a[- h.o.ua - t twln room vvlth sîÈ;r5Oiaèiuttes (in the na'me of Monti) c o o We wtll be arriving b$ tn" night of Wettnesda.y'Iune 31d' é.oò p-, aff-teaving a€atn on Fridagr 'Iune 26d' ;;""" I vrill seDd a cheque for 8?O depoElt by post tomorrow a'nd would be gla,tefui if Jrou coutd conflÎm rcceipt by fa& YourB Éincerely, A/p,t'na/nBoúm'i' TeI.:OO59066 ?8S9Ol Moblle: oo59 5556589046 Fax No.: 0069 Ots5?80968 / Requestingbooking A. Referringto previouscQntacts B. Givingdetailsabout servicesrequired C. Givingdetaitsabout datesof arrivafdeparture D. Referringto deposit/ Askingfor confirmation E. Closlngthe fax Writelt Righfl Bookingfa& form,e-mail suryUALLEV I UTîAUAN Í'ATîK BOOKING FORM DearMrMacleod, and theavailability youforyoure-mailof 14thJanuary confirming Thank havenowdefinitely 0urclients we inquired about. fortherooms rates andwewouldliketo book ontheiritinerarv to include Deeside decided of 15thl9th forthenights Balmoral at theRoyal theaccommodation inclusive. June To: Sun Valley Caravanpark PentewanRoad St Austell Bay Cornwall PL26 6DJ 1A Pleasereserveme a type for 'B I B Caravanon the abovesite week commencing I enclose depositof t25 - threedouble (if possible twoof them withprivate bathroom rooms Sartori andTombetti 0f Turco, in thenames withbaths) - threetwinrooms andSantini Pugliese in thenames of Borghi, - twosingle-occupancy andPetrini of Ferrari l00msin thenames 2 | lane to 28 lune payableto Sun Valley CaravanparkLtd NAME: ADDRESS: Stratford Upon Atlon I,Uaru,ickshîreCW- pHoNENo017892l410g STcNATURE VEHICLEREGISTRATION NO X32 SKLX c 4.00pm onthe15thofJune atound bycoach Thegroupwillbearriving of the20th.Allclients onthemorning againafterbreakfast andleaving theirstay. in thehotelduring willtakebreakfast D bybanker's sothatwe cansendthedeposit bankdetails Please supply draft. yourconfirmation of thebooking, to receiving I lookforward ,E sincerely, Yours Elisa Sartori Manager Booking Tours Ho[izon Pleasestatetotal number in party: MALE: I rBvalp I cHrr_oRlN2 psrs I snall dog 11"#l*r.1**siiirlr; , i:;,i.rn.r f:1"R*ll:*rril'rii., ,,,: i 70 71 WriteFnightb, fax,forrh;€.rîail Booking di il piacere e abbiamo richiesta la sistemazione disponibile Abbiamo prenotarvela ...REFERRING T0 PREVIOUS CONTACTS / COnnrseoNDENCE ' with reference / Furtherto your retter/ fax / e-mairof / dated JunelOth... Conriferimento allasualettera / fax/ e_mail del10 giugno... o I was pleasedto receiveyour letter giving Aeiais aUout accommodationrequired sonolieto/adi averricevuto rasuaretteraconreinformazioni riguardanti ra slstemazione richiesta ...REQUESTING BOOKING ANDGIVINGDETAILS ABOUT SERVICES REQUTRED nvnrualr / ' would you preasereservea coachfor party a of 34 students prus the group leader? Perpiacere prenotiun pullman perun gruppodi 34 studenti oiùil capogruppo r A convention room / at least 10 workshop rooms / fitness and beautycentre/ fuil Engrish/American ureàttasiwiriu"i"irr*u si richiedono unasaracongressi / armeno 10sarette peri raboratori I cenrro benessere / colazione all'inglese/all'americana ' lwould like to book one twin-bedded room with ensuite bath or shower Vorreiprenotare unacameradoppiaconbagnoo doccia . Pleaselet me know wh_etheryou can Éook the following accommodation:two singlesand one family,oo,' *itt iou, beds ci facciasapere sepoteteprenotare raseguente sistemazione: duesingore e_una-camera perfamiglia perquattropersone . We should be grateful if you could reserve the following services... V_i saremmo gratisepoteste riservarci isequenti servizi... . we will be pleasedif you can book iz tickets for the musical show Catson Saturdayg,hJanuary Vi saremmo gratisepotesteprenotare 1Z Oigtietti perlo spettacolo g qennaio musicale Cafssabato . A suite overtooking itre bay has been booked for you from ... to / until... Unasuiteconvistasullabaiaè stataprenotata pervoidal... a|... . We can book a full day city sighiseeing tour with an ltalian speakingguide Possiamo prenotare un giroturistico deilacittàdi un giornoconguidache parlaitaliano . We do have the accommodationrequested availableand are pleasedto reserveit for you 72 OFARRML / Orelnrunr ANDTIMES DATES ABOUT ...GrvINGDETAILS at 6.00pmand 27th September r The party will arrive on Friday at 9am 28'n September will leave on Saturday 28 sabato alle18e partirà 27 settembre venerdì ll gruppoarriverà alle9 di mattina settembre . Mr and Mrs Jacksonwill arriveon l4th May late in the evening, around 10pm,and will departthe following day early in the morning arkcon arrivprenno il il 14 14rmaggiola seratardiversole arriveranno Jackson e lasignora ll signore presto giorno la mattina dopo il 22 e ripartiranno TODEPOSIT ...REFERRING . You will find herewith enclosedthe depositof... di... unacaparra allegato Troverete . €ould you pleaseenclose/ send us / let us have a deposit of 30o/ooÎ the total amount? / farciavere allegare / inviarci cortesemente di / Vogliate Abbialacortesia del30%dellacifratotale. unacaoarra r As soon as we receivethe deposit we will confirm the rooms you requested richieste lestanze confermeremo la caparra Appenariceveremo THELETTER ...ASKrNGFORCONFIRMATÍ0N / rXX/ E-MAIL / CLOSING . Would you pleaseconfirmmy reservation...? la miaprenotazione... confermare Vogliate . I look / We are looking / Looking forward to a reply / confirmation/ receivingyour confirmationat your earliest convenience/ as soon as Possible al piÙpresto / conferma di unavostrarisposta in attesa Rimaniamo o Pleaselet me have your reply / confirmation as soon as you can il primapossibile / conferma cifacciaavereunarisposta Perpiacere . Pleaseconfirm my booking / reservationas I need to make my travel arrangementsin good time polchédevo al prirpresto la miaprenotazione Lapregodi confermare il viaggiopertempo organizzare . Couldyou pleaseconfirm the dates as soon as you can? possibile le dateappena Confermi . Sincethe first week of August is in great demand,will you pleasesendus a confirmationas soon as possible? cifacciaavereuna è moltorichiesta, dragosto la primasettimana Poiche al piupresto conferma o Yourssincerely/ Yourstruly / Bestregards/ With kindestregards saluti / cordiali Distinti 73