Curriculum Vitae
Antonio Romeo
Antonio Romeo
Via Caduti per la Libertà 27
40055 Castenaso – Bologna
+ 39 3382432747
[email protected]
. Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapist, Private Practicioner, Bologna,
. Adjunct professor, Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy
Work experience as Physiotherapist
.From 1989 to 1990: Physiotherapist at A.S.C. (Football Association)
Sasso Marconi ( BO)
.From 1991 to 1992: Physiotherapist at Due Madonne Clinic- Bologna
.From 1994 to 1995: Physiotherapist (Back School Project) at Gymnasium Clinic- San Lazzaro
.From 1995 to 1996 : Physiotherapist at Villa Torri Hospital- Bologna
.From 1995 to 1998: Physiotherapist at Casa di Accoglienza Beata Vergine delle Grazie- Bologna
.From 1998 to 2001: Physiotherapist at Casa di Riposo Villa dei Ciliegi- Monteveglio (BO)
.From 1998 to 1999: Physiotherapist at Raphael Clinic- Bologna
.From 2002 to 2004: Physiotherapist Rida 32 Dental Clinics- Bologna
.From 2008 to today: Physiotherapist at Carla Vanti Clinic- Castenaso (BO)
.From 1997 to today : Physiotherapist ,Private Practicioner, at Rifra Clinic- Bologna
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Curriculum Vitae
Antonio Romeo
Work experience as Teacher
. From 2004 to 2009:
Instructor with Paula van Wjimen of Laslett seminars on Musculoskeletal Diagnosis and Therapy for the lowe
limb, the cervical spine, and the lumbar spine and pelvis
Work experience as Adjunct Professor at University of Padova
. From 2005 to today:
Adjunct Professor at the Master in Manual Therapy and Musculoskeletal
Subjects: Manual Therapy and Exercise in Hip and Cervical Disorders
. Rehabilitation Therapist Diploma (1987- S. Orsola Regional Hospital – Bologna)
. Master’s degree in Musculoskeletal Disorders Rehabilitation (2012 University of
. McKenzie Method (A-B-C-D)
. Global Postural Re- Education (Suchard Method) Diploma
. Maitland Concept- 1° level
. Kaltenborn-Evienth Concept - 2° level
. Fibrolisi Diacutanea Diploma
Post-graduate education
. Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (M.Laslett & P.Van Wijmen)
. Mobilization of Nervous System (D.Butler)
. Kinetic Control (D.Andreotti)
. Mulligan Concept (S. Serecchia)
. Management of neck pain disorders (G.Jull & D.Falla)
. Muscle Energy Techniques (B.Hungerford)
. Kinetic Control ( Valagussa)
. Kinesiotaping (D.Villa)
. HVLA Thrust Manipulation of Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar & SI Joints (J. Dunning)
. Physical Therapy Management of Hip Dysfunction (Mc Donald)
. Short Lever Manipulation of the Spine (D. Herbert)
. Manual Therapy and Therapeutic Exercise in Cranio Facial Pain (R. Strobbe)
. Physical Therapy for Cranio- Mandibular Disorders (M. Roccabado)
. Movement System Impairment Syndromes (S. Sahrmann)
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Curriculum Vitae
Antonio Romeo
Mother tongue
Other languages
Spoken interaction
Spoken production
. Parazza S., Bertacchini P., Romani D., Romeo A., Vanti C., Viti C. „Osteitis pubis in Athletes. Intermediate and
ending phase of Rehabilitation”.Rehabilitation of Sports Muscle and Tendon Injuries meeting.
Milano, 24-25 aprile 2004
. Vanti C., Romeo A., Ferrari S., Pillastrini P.: “Lumbar stenosis: evidence and clinic ”. Scienza Riabilitativa 2005;
vol 7 n°4: 17-28
. Vanti C., Natalini L., Romeo A., Tosarelli D., Pillastrini P. “Conservative Treatment of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome –
A Review of the Literature” – Europa Medicophysica 2007 - Vol. 43 n.. 01 55-70
. Ferrarese N, Romeo A, Vanti C, Tosarelli D. “Post surgical rehabilitation of femur fractures.Literature
review and therapeutic rationale” Scienza Riabilitativa 2008, 10 (2) 19-27
. Donà S,., Ferrarese N. , Pascarella R. , Romeo A., Sudanese A., Toni A., Tosarelli D., Vanti C., Viti C. “Hip and
pelvis post surgery rehabilitation ” in: Riabilitazione postchirurgica nel paziente ortopedico” Ferrari S., Pillastrini P.,
Testa M., Vanti C. –Elsevier
. Tassinari C, Romeo A, Broggi L, Vanti C. Clinical diagnostic criteria for cervicogenic dizziness: review of the
literature. Scienza Riabilitativa 2013;15(2):24-35.CINAHL AN: 2012108491
. Romeo A, Parazza S, Boschi M, Nava T, Vanti C. Manual therapy and therapeutic exercise in the treatment of
osteoarthritis of the hip: a systematic review. Reumatismo 2013;65 (2):55-66.
8) Branco V, Romeo A, Vanti C. Clinical diagnostic criteria for cervicogenic headache. A narrative review of the
literature. Scienza Riabilitativa 2013;15(3):5-15.
Papers presented
.Parazza S., Bertacchini P., Romani D,, Romeo A., Vanti C., Viti C. “Osteitis pubis in athletes- intermediate and
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Curriculum Vitae
Antonio Romeo
ending phase of rehabilitation”- Poster presentato a The rehabilitation of sports muscle and tendon injuries,
Milano 24-25 aprile 2004
.Vanti C., Romeo A. “Il trattamento conservativo della TOS, revisione della letteratura” – 3° Convegno
Nazionale GTM-AIFI “Il ragionamento clinico e la valutazione nella Terapia Manuale dei disturbi muscoloscheletrici" Parma, 27 novembre 2004;
.Vanti C., Romeo A., Natalini L., Pillastrini P. “Conservative treatment of Thoracic Outlet Sindrome – A review of
the literature” – Poster Presentato nel Congresso Mondiale di Terapia Manuale “The Spine” – Roma, 7-9 ottobre
.Vanti C, Ferrari S, Romeo A. “La stenosi lombare: evidenze e clinica”. “Congresso Nazionale GTM/AIFI “ Il
management del paziente con disturbi muscoloscheletrici: evidenze scientifiche ed aspetti clinici”. Tirrenia, 21
ottobre 2005
.Migliorino N., Romeo A., Convegno:Il trattamento della cervicalgia “La terapia manuale nel trattamento della
cervicalgia”. Rimini, 12 aprile 2008
. Romeo A., Vanti C., Parazza S. “Esercizio terapeutico e terapia manuale per l’osteoartrosi dell’anca.” Revisione
della letteratura. Poster presentata al Congresso Internazionale S.I.F. (Società Italiana di Fisioterapia): La
fisioterapia nella prevenzione e nel trattamento delle disfunzioni nell’anziano.
Pacengo del Garda, 6-7 ottobre 2011
.Parazza S., Romeo A., Vanti C. “Esercizio terapeutico e terapia manuale per l’osteoartrosi dell’anca." IX
Congresso Nazionale GTM. Roma, 12-13 novembre 2011.
.Romeo A., Vanti C. Borghi S. “Esercizio terapeutico e terapia manuale per l’osteoartrosi dell’anca." VI
Congresso della Federazione Italiana di Ossigeno Ozonoterapia. Firenze 9- 11 maggio 2013
.Romeo A. “Efficacia dell' intervento fisioterapico per l' osteoartrosi d’ anca.” 4° Congresso Scientifico
AIFI Piemonte Valle d’ Aosta “strategie terapeutiche per la gestione del dolore in Fisioterapia”.
Torino, 8 Marzo 2014
Current positions
Founding member of OMT Italia
Vice President of OMT Italia
Member of the Italian Society of Physiotherapists - AIFI
Member of the Italian Orthopaedic Manipulative Physiotherapists Association- GTM
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CV Romeo A. - English - Università degli Studi di Padova