AN ITALIAN FROM LETTER BY MICHEL INGRES N. BENISOVICH Mr. Benisovich is well known for his research in records and documents of the history of art, particularly Europeanpainting of the eighteenthcentury.He has published other letters in the Museum's collection in the Art Bulletin, the Gazette des Beaux-Arts, and the Bulletin des Amis de Courbet in Paris. Ingres, who was at the time, I838, Director of the French Academy in Rome: a Sua Emma. Revea. Cardinal Camerlengo di ta Chiesa Emminenza Reverendissima il sottoscritto Direttore della Reale academia di Francia bramando di potere misurare e formare, In the Museum Library there is an album of o sia stampare qualque dettagli dei tempi nella citta di Cora, a l'onore di pregare Sua Emma. letters from painters, mostly of the nineteenth to the Museum and Sua Reva. di volergli concederne la necessaria given century, put together P. York dealer Samuel the New Licenza. Avery by picture a number of years ago. Some are letters to Mr. Sperando che tale domanda verra favorin Paris. others were evolamente accolta della Sua benevolenza. evidently acquired Avery; in is Mi these last one dichiaro con sensi di sommo Rispetto, di Italian, by written, Among Sua Emminenza Reverendissima The "Temple of Hercules" at Cori, engraving umilissimo ed ubbidientissimo servitore ABOVE: a is to letter Piranesi request (1720-1778). Ingres's by J. Ingres Roma 14 di agosto 1838 makeplans of the temples of Cori. Rogers Fund, I9r4 231 The Metropolitan Museum of Art is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve, and extend access to The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin ® It is addressed to the Camerlengo, or Chamberlain, of the College of Cardinals and reads: Most Reverend Eminence The undersigned Director of the Royal Academy of France, wishing to be allowed to measure and make plans of, :eJ e-W perhaps to pub/ deseveral tw-lish, _ tails of temples in the town of Cora [Cori], has the honor to beg Your Most Reverend Eminence to grant the nec^ * essary permit. t that Hoping O such a request t : i,, : will be favorably 1 I entertained v 's , 9 I declare my-:t self, with sentiments ofthe highl. est respect, Your i [ Ii Most Reverend .. Eminence's . most humble : and most obedij ent servant (I764) and other books dealing with Roman remains there: Antolini, L'Ordine Dorico; ossia, il Tempio d'Ercole nella citta di Cori (1785); Viola, Memorie dell' antichissima citta di Cori nei Volsci (1825); and Angelini and Fea, Monumenti piu insigni del Lazio "'x-4 C' vw (1828). a^: iftw I? 0;;;r,w u y. ^' > &t. s f,& w ;fA<. A16^4^t04 ; ; :a i,,.itf ~-Si I d * ? ...? i: i:i ! :0; - : ^ iI ^^1^^ ^ : 0 ot.AcA'%t, . ::;~::.. the year ? .r..i. ..te ..:... .^ :i: ,::::, s:i .:~ J. Ingres Rome August I838. . ;:X ; There is not to our knowledge any evidence that Ingres's plan of the publishing ruins of Cori had any result. More recently plans for restoring the socalled temple of Hercules made by V. Blavette when he was a member of the French Academy iin Rome were in a included work which was brought out in :....... 14, ::.:,t.p" itI: 905 un- der the direction of H.. d'Espouy: Fragments d'architecture antique, d'apres les releves et restaurationsdes anciens pensionnaires de l'Academie me de de France France a At the time of , his second direc::::-:: , . .. . -^n,- AS . in Rome, orship from 1835 until A letter in Italian from Ingres I78o0-867), about half actual I840, Ingres essize. Croppedat the left and botto077i. Gift of Samuel P. Avery, L9g6 Rome. tablished a course It is entirely in archaeology at the Academy given by A. that the Director's probable request was not well . . author of . de' dintorni Analisi di received at the French Academy Vatican. The Roma, Nibby, in of the ruins the town and and the in Rome had very French Cori, including Embassy it is possible that the letter was written at Nibby's real difficulties with the papal administration, suggestion. Interest in the monuments of Cori, a and the work of students reconstructing the plan of Trajan's Forum or making copies in the Sisvery ancient city of Latium, in the territory the had been stimulated tine Volscians, conquered by Chapel was not looked upon with favor. But the of Piranesi's di Cora in Antichita the end Ingres's tenacity usually won out. publication by 232