ITC Fusinieri di Vicenza
Anno scolastico 2013/2014
Classe: 4 AS
Materia: Inglese
Docente: Roberta Barazza
Programma svolto
Libro di testo:
'Business Globe. Commerce, Economy and Culture', Petrini, 2008
Student's Book with Cds and CD-Rom, Workbook.
Module 1
Business Theory: Production, Commerce and Trade.
Production: Needs and wants, Goods and services, Factors of production,
Sectors of production, Deindustrialization, Types of economic systems (the
free market system, the planned system, the mixed economy).
Commerce and Trade: Home trade, International trade, The balance of
trade and payments, Restrictions on international trade.
Business Today: IT in business, E-commerce.
Information Technology (IT) in Business: the information revolution, IT in
manufacturing, IT in distribution, How will RFID tracking work?
E-Commerce: What is e-commerce? What are the main areas of ecommerce? Why is e-commerce successful?
Business Communication: Methods of Communication
Vocabulary Builder: Methods of communication. Written communication,
Oral communication, Visual communication.
Written Communication: Electronic messages, Text messages, E-mail,
Faxes, Business letters, Snail mail versus electronic mail.
Oral Communication: Telephone conversations, Starting a call, Asking to
speak to someone, Leaving a message, Saying goodbye, Face-to-face
Module 2
Business Theory: Business Organisations
Business Organisations: Sole Trader, Partnerships, Limited Companies,
Cooperatives, Franchises, Integration, Merger, Joint-Venture, Acquisition
or Takeover, Multinationals.
Business Today, Outsourcing, The World of Work Outsourcing: The
outsourcing phenomenon. The World of Work: The changing face of the
labour market.
Business Communication: Describing Organisations and Jobs, Applying
for a Job.
Vocabulary Builder: Company Tasks, Company Jobs, Describing
Hierarchy, Describing Responsibility.
Applying for a Job: Job Adverts, The Curriculum Vitae, Europass, Writing
a CV: basic principles, Europass Curriculum Vitae, E-application form,
Letters of application, Letter plans and phraseology, Job interviews.
Module 3
Business Theory: Marketing Basics
Marketing Basics: Markets, Kinds of Markets, Market Segments, Market
Research, Definition, Methods of Market Research, New Technologies,
School Students used for Market Research, The Marketing Mix and the
Four Ps, The Product, The Price
Business Communication: Adjectives, Analysing Adverts.
Vocabulary Builder: Adjectives, Analysing Adverts, Reading: Adverts,
Writing: Adverts, Reading: Market Research Online Questionnaires,
Listening: Consumer Panels, Speaking: Focus Groups.
Cultural Context
The Industrial Revolution, The British Empire, The 1950s, The Future –
An Independent Scottish Parliament?, American People.
Ulteriori materiali e attività:
Uso di CD, CD-Rom, LIM e e-book per parti del programma.
Video dall’e-book del libro di testo con esercizi di comprensione e
Sono stati presentati siti web utili per l’apprendimento dell’inglese.
In dicembre conferenza del Prof. Salvatore Sermania, docente di inglese
nella High School di Bristol, Pennsylvania, USA. Argomento: The
Importance of Learning English.
Musical in inglese “Evita” di Alan Parker con Madonna e Antonio
Documentario del National Geographic “In Search of the Afghan Girl”.
Video dal corso “Welcome to English”: “Hector’s Arrival”, “Hector goes
Video “World War II” dalla serie ‘The Untold History of the United
States” di Oliver Stone.
Video dal corso ‘Speak Now!’ di John Peter Sloan: ‘Speak Now! (n° 1)’
Alcuni studenti hanno partecipato al corso DVD English finalizzato
all'apprendimento dell'inglese tramite la visione di film didattici.
Alcuni studenti hanno seguito il corso e sostenuto l'esame per la
certificazione Cambridge (PET e FGC).
L'insegnante: Roberta Barazza
I rappresentanti di classe:
Vicenza, 3 giugno 2014