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Boll.Soc.Geol.It. (Ital.J.Geosci.), Vol. 128, No. 1 (2009), pp. 00-00, 2 figs., 3 pl.
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Facies associations of the late Cenomanian carbonate platform
of Tripolitza subzone (Vitina, Central Peloponnesus, Greece):
evidence of long-term/terrestrial subaerial exposure
The facies distribution of the Late Cenomanian carbonate platform deposits of the Tripolitza zone, in central Peloponnesus (Vitina,
Mainalon Mnt., Greece) is more or less uniform and supports a flat
topography of the related platform sector during the above interval.
Peritidal facies with shallow-upward cyclothems predominate, containing a subaerial exposure evidence, while parts of the studied section
correspond to vanished evaporites. Texturally, the Late Cenomanian
limestone in central Peloponnesus, as well as, in central eastern Crete,
appear principally as wackestone, lesser as wackestone-packstone and
only randomly as packstone-floatstone. Peloidal wackestone are common, as well, characterized by irregular fenestrae and/or dissolution
cavities. Grainstone (intrabiopelsparites) are minor in occurrence.
Facies associations include: fossiliferous limestone/dolostone
and microbial laminites documenting a low-energy, restricted shallow subtidal environment to intertidal/supratidal settings in a ramplike depositional system comparable with the Balearic ramp-like
platforms; temporary high-energy conditions also periodically
occured; dolomites/dedolomites after preexistent evaporites assigned
to supratidal conditions and intermittent subaerial exposure as well
as pedogenic limestone-conglomerates support a long-term, terrestrial exposure environment. The thick shale interval detected in the
Vitina section supports a long-lasting exposure (sedimentary hiatus)
of the platform during the Late Cenomanian. Pedogenic alteration of
the sediments is intensive along certain horizons, indicating
repeated sea-level fall intervals, supporting regional sea-level fluctuations, of allogenic origin, during a general sea-level rise status, which
for the Late Cenomanian is known to coincide with the highest
global sea-level stand.
KEY WORDS: Facies Associations, Late Cenomanian, longterm/terrestrial subaerial exposure.
Associazioni di facies del Cenomaniano superiore nella
piattaforma carbonatica della subzona di Tripolitza (Vitina, Peloponneso centrale, Grecia): evidenze di esposizione subaerea
Nella regione studiata (Vitina, Monte Mainalon, Peloponesso
centrale, Grecia) affiora una sequenza sedimentaria che rappresenta
parte del Cenomaniano superiore della piattaforma carbonatica della subzona di Tripolitza. La distribuzione delle facies nelle aree di affioramento studiate, è più o meno uniforme e testimonia un basso
rilievo topografico dell’ area durante il Cenomaniano superiore. Cicli
peritidali tipo shallowing-upwards, modificati da processi di esposizione subaerea non-prolungata sono prevalenti, mentre parte della
successione in esame e rappresentata da facies indicative del ambiente sopratidale-evaporitico. Dal punto di vista tessiturale, i carbonati investigati sono costituiti principalmente da wackestone, da mi-
(*) Department of Geology and Geoenvironment, Section of
Historical Geology and Palaeontology, National University of Athens,
Panepistimiopolis, 157 84 Athens, Greece. E-mail: [email protected]
nori wackestone-packestone e infine da rari packstone-floatstone. La
loro deposizione avveniva in settori interni di una piattaforma carbonatica, comparabile a quelli della rampa Balearica.
Le associazioni delle facies indentificate, includono: calcari e
dolomie fossiliferi- e laminiti algali stromatolitici, depositati in un
ambiente caratterizzato da bassa energia e scarsa turbolenza, da
subtidale di debole profondità a situazioni deposizionali intra-sopratidali; dolomie/dedolomie in sostituzione di minerali evaporitici
preesistenti, riferibili ad un ambiente sopratidale e marcate da strutture di esposizione subaerea; calcari e conglomerati di origine pedogenetica documentanti fasi di emersione ed evidenze di alterazione
meteorica. Il livello argilloso, di spessore notevole, ritrancciato nel
affiorammento esaminato, riflette la presenza di una grande lacuna
stratigrafica (hiatus sedimentare). I livelli pedogenizzati riconosciuti, rivelano ripetute fluttuazioni (abbassamenti) eustatiche, durante
il generale innalzamento globale del livello marino registrato nel Cenomaniano superiore.
TERMINI CHIAVE: Associazioni di facies, Cenomaniano
superiore, Esposizione subaerea prolungata.
In the Cretaceous peri-Adriatic Carbonate Platforms,
the Cenomanian successions were characterized by a significant turnover of facies and biota in relation with the
development of complex pathworks of depositional environments. Previous investigations of Cenomanian shallow-water limestone that crops out in central eastern
Crete (Greece, ZAMBETAKIS-LEKKAS et alii, 1995, ZAMBETAKIS-LEKKAS et alii, 2007) as well as, in the Central
ALEXOPOULOS, 2007) enabled to us to detect a cyclic
stacking pattern was prevailing in the analyzed successions. Successions are composed of shallowing-upwards
cycles in which the sedimentary composition and texture, sedimentary structures and fauna are consistent
with intertidal-shallow subtidal flats in inner-shelf lowenergy depositional settings. Intense dolomitization, significant processes of pedogenesis and, locally, clear evidences of pre-existing evaporites are common features of
these carbonates representing an interesting topic to be
investigate in order to interprete some of the Cenomanian depositional settings.
The aim of the present study was the recognition of
facies distribution of the Late Cenomanian carbonate
platform deposits of the Tripolitza zone, in central Peloponnesus (Vitina, Mainalon Mnt, Greece), the determination of the responsible environmental factors and the
palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the platform during the Late Cenomanian.
Fig. 1 - Map showing the studied locality. Pa: Patras, P: Pyrgos, T: Tripolis, S: Sparti. 1: Alluvial, 2: Quaternary conglomerates, 3: Upper
Cretaceous limestones of the Pindos series, 4: radiolarites, 5: Cretaceous limestones of the Tripolitza series, 6: fault, 7: overthrust.
– Carta della area studiata con ubicazione della sezione di Vitina. Pa: Patrasso, P: Pyrgos, T: Tripolis, S: Sparta. 1: Alluvioni 2: Conglomerati del
Quaternario, 3: Calcari del Cretaceo superiore-serie del Pindos, 4: Radiolariti, 5: Calcari del Cretaceo-serie di Tripolitza, 6: faglie, 7: overthrust.
The Mainalon mountain, situated in central Peloponnesus (Greece), is principally formed by thrust sheets of
Tripolitza and Pindus units (LEKKAS, 1977, 1978; FLEURY,
1980; CAROTSIERIS, 1981). The investigated series belongs
to the Cretaceous carbonate sequence of Tripolitza unit
is intensively faulted.
The Tripolitza zone constitutes the eastern (internal)
part of the Gavrovo-Tripolitza platform, of the Hellenides.
TSAILA-MONOPOLIS (1977), FLEURY (1980) and ZAMBETAKIS-LEKKAS (2006) present in a synthetic way the
stratigraphy and the sedimentology of the Tripolitza
zone. FLEURY (1980), presents a biozonation of the Cretaceous deposits of the Gavrovo-Tripolitza platform, determining 7 biozones for the Albian-Maestrichtian interval.
The investigated in this paper series corresponds to the
CsB2 Fleury’s biozone of upper Cenomanian age. According to FLEURY (1980), BERNIER & FLEURY (1980), during
this period subtidal conditions of sedimentation dominated in the Tripolitza zone, while intertidal/supratidal
conditions of sedimentation in the Gavrovo zone. ZAMBETAKIS-LEKKAS (1988) and ZAMBETAKIS-LEKKAS et alii
(1988) describe in central Peloponnesus, in the Vitina
area an emergence episode during late Cenomanian in
the Tripolitza zone. More detailed investigations in the
region provided strong evidences of a local, long-term/terrestrial exposure environment. In this paper we document these evidences and we discuss about the duration
and the responsible reasons for this emergence episode.
The section has been lithologically, sedimentologically and biostratigraphically described, the repetitive
facies patterns have been interpreted and a detailed stratigraphic log has been constructed.
The outcrop investigated is located on the road VitinaTripolis 6 km from Vitina (fig. 1). It belongs to the Cretaceous carbonate sequence of Mainalon (ZAMBETAKISLEKKAS, 1988). The outcropping limestone is intensively
faulted and its upper Cenomanian part, reaching up to
150m in thickness, is dated by Pseudorhapydionina dubia,
Fig. 2 - Lithostratigraphic log of the Vitina section.
– Colonna stratigrafica della sezione esaminata di Vitina.
Pseudorhapydionina laurinensis, Pastrikella balcanica,
Pseudonummoloculina regularis, Biplanata peneropliformis, cf. Merlingina cretacea. Nezzazatinae, discorbids,
ophthalmidiids, Aeolissacus kotori, ostracods gastropods
and Thaumatoporellaceans are found associated.
We studied in detail the upper part of the upper Cenomanian interval, more than 50m in thickness and very
poor in fossil assemblages. The microfauna components
are rare and badly preserved, so suggesting unfavorable
paleoecological conditions.
Lithologies, textures, sedimentary structures, as well
as the fossil content have been analyzed (see the stratigraphic log in fig. 2) enabling us to recognize, from the
base to the top, the Units below:
Unit A: 10m of thick-bedded limestone and dolostone.
Unit B: 10m of thick- to medium-bedded limestone
bearing Nezzazatinae and cf Merlingina cretacea.
Unit C: 3m of thick to medium bedded limestone
which contain, in its upper portion, un argillaceous interval ranging in thickness from 20 to 50 cm. Well rounded
intraclasts from the underlying strata occur in the argillaceous layer. Pseudonummoloculina regularis (photo Plate
III/4) marks the top of the limestone immediately underlying the argillaceous level.
Unit D: 30m of limestone and dolostone, with an
interval consisted of dolomite breccia (schvma?). In addition, two thin argillaceous intercalations occur between
the carbonate beds. Pseudonummoloculina regularis and
Biplanata peneropliformis have been recognized.
The investigated carbonates overlies a sequence of dark
limestone, upper Cenomanian in age on the base of the
presence of Pseudorhapydionina dubia, Pseudorhapydionina laurinensis, Pastrikella balcanica, Pseudonummoloculina regularis, Biplanata peneropliformis, cf. Merlingina
cretacea, Nezzazatinae. In the described units the microfauna is rare. Nevertheless, Pseudonummoloculina regularis
occur immediately under the argillaceous level, as well as
in association with Biplanata peneropliformis, in the overlying the argillaceous level carbonates. This fact provides evidences that the whole sequence was deposited during the
late Cenomanian. It belongs to the CsB2 Fleury’s biozone
of the Gavrovo-Tripolitza upper Cretaceous sediments.
In the studied section, the following facies associations (F) have been recognized:
– F1: fossiliferous limestone/dolostone and microbial
– F2: dolomites/dedolomites after preexistent evaporites;
– F3: pedogenic limestone and conglomerates.
zata cf. convexa and in places, Thaumatoporella (Pl. I/1).
In addition, peloids are locally abundant. Bioclastic packstone-grainstone (packed biomicrites/biopelmicrites to
biopelsparites) with rich benthic fossil assemblages are
observed along some horizons. Fauna includes miliolids,
discorbids, Aeolisaccus kotori, rudists, gastropods, Nezzazatidae, and Pseudonummoloculina regularis (Pl. I/2).
Grainstones (pelsparites-intrapelsparites) with ellipsoidal
to round peloids–nodules are locally common (Pl. I/3).
Selective secondary porosity, due mainly to gastropod
shells dissolution, occurs as well as thin sheet cracks and
irregular pore spaces (ped and fenestrae textures).
Microbial laminites occur at many levels and are
characterized by high-organic content. In places the stromatolitic laminae are rich in ostracods whose shells are
parallel orientated (Pl. I/4).
Desiccation cracks, in-situ brecciation and irregular
fenestrae, of bird’ s eyes type with geopetal filling, are
very common (Pl. II/1) witnessing to significant, although
effemeral subaerial exposure episodes. Microepikarstic
cavities, filled with speleotheme-like cement occur in places
(Pl. II/2). The former presence of evaporites is implied
by anhydrite and gypsum pseudomorphs (crystals and/or
nodules), authigenic idiomorphic quartz crystals and
disseminated pyrite (Pl. II/3). Replacing calcite/dolomite
textures characterized by variation in crystallinity and «pileof bricks» texture remind preexistent anhydrite (Pl. II/4).
The above facies association is commonly interrupted
by pedogenic limestone and conglomerates (see «Facies
Association 3»). It has to be noted, that in the upper part
of Unit C a thick shale interval (20-50 cm), mineralogically composed of illite, has been detected interrupting
the carbonate sequence. Upon that layer, sediments contain abundant intraclasts from the substrata (fig. 2).
On the whole, this facies association witness to veryshallow, low-energy, restricted subtidal to supratidal environmens, with salinities ranging from nearly normal
marine to hypersaline. It consists of a classical peritidal
facies association, arranged in shallowing-upward cycles.
The rich in benthic fauna assemblage wackestonepackstones witness to a protected shallow subtidal setting
(e.g.: low-energy lagoonal environment. Washed packstones and grainstones indicate temporary high-energy
conditions. Microbial-stromatolitic laminites grew in,
and/or close to the shallow lagoons. Intertidal-supratidal
laminites are witnessed by loferitic laminae in which the
abundance of dissication features suggests significant
although effemeral subaerial exposures. «Intermittent»
subaerial exposures as well as salinity fluctuations may
also be inferred from the former presence of evaporites.
The thick shale interval of Unit C presumably reflects a
long-lasting exposure during the late Cenomanian. The
rich in carbonate intraclasts horizon marks the starting of
sedimentation above this discontinuity (fig. 2).
This is the principal facies association constituting
the Units B and C. It consists of calcareous and dolomitized bioclastic wackestone-packstone (from fossiliferous
micrites to biomicrites and biopelmicrites), with ostracods, discorbids, opthalmidiids, Aeolisaccus kotori, Nezza-
This is the principal facies association of Units A and
D. It is characterized by textures assigned to preexistent
evaporites, although evaporites are entirely replaced by
dolomite or curved rhombic calcite crystals (dedolomite)
Plate I - 1) Bioclastic wackestone-packstone (from sparse biomicrites to biomicrites-biopelmicrites) with ostracods, benthic foraminifera and
calcareous algae; 2) Bioclastic packstone- grainstone (packed biomicrites-biopelmicrites to biopelsparites) with a rich fossil assemblage
consisted of benthic foraminifera, rudists and gastropods; 3) Peloidal grainstone (pelsparites-intrapelsparites) characterized by «ped and
fenestrae» texture. Ellipsoidal to round peloids-nodules, separated by thin sheet cracks and irregular pore spaces are observed; 4) Stromatoliticlike, bituminous, microbial boundstone. Ostracod-rich laminae occur in-between.
– 1) Wackestone-packstone bioclastici (biomicriti-biopelmicriti) con Ostracodi, Foraminiferi bentonici e Alghe calcaree; 2) Packstone-grainstone
(biomicriti-biopelmicriti e biopelspariti) fossiliferi. Sono riconoscibili abbondanti resti di foraminiferi bentonici, frammenti di rudiste e gasteropodi;
3) Grainstone peloidale (pelspariti-intrapelspariti). Struttura «ped and fenestrae». Si osservano peloidi arrotondati-noduli separati da sottili «sheet
cracks» e cavità irregolari; 4) Laminiti stromatolitiche, boundstone di origine algale. Presenti, tra le lamine, sottili intercalazioni ricche in gusci di
(Pl. III/1). Pseudomorphs after nodular and «pile-ofbricks» textures are common. The variation in crystallinity and the crystals habit, strongly remind preexistent evaporites. Along certain horizons, solution-collapse
breccias, resulting by dissolution of evaporites, occur.
Disseminated pyrite, curved rhombic or radial dolomite
crystals are also indices of vanished evaporites. Due to
further dedolomitization and recrystalization, most evaporite-related textures have been obliterated.
Thin argillaceous intercalations are common.
Preexistent evaporites are assigned to supratidal conditions and «intermittent» subaerial exposure, which prevailed during certain time intervals. The argillaceous
intercalations mark preexistent erosional surfaces.
Pedogenic limestone intervenes very often along the
studied stratigraphic section and occur mainly above certain disconformities, representing the result of pedogenic
alteration of the previously described peritidal facies. In
thin sections they usually exhibit floatstone textures, with
caliche pisoids (Pl.III/2), meniscus-like cement, clotted
micrite, rhizocretions, alveolar-septal texture, soil glaebules, black pebbles, nodules, irregular fenestrae, circumgranular cracking, ferroan dolomite/dedolomite, laminar
calcretes, black pebbles and displacive-growth brecciation
fabrics. In places, ostracods are common.
Poorly-sorted pedogenic conglomerates (soil breccias)
represent an in-situ type of brecciation, due to intensive
brecciation. Relics from the primary deposited carbonate
Plate II - 1) Wackestones with irregular fenestrae, of bird’s eyes type. Note the geopetal internal filling; 2) Wackestones with microepikarstic
cavities, filled with speleotheme-like cement; 3) Mudstone with sparse calcite replacement evaporite pseudomorphs; 4) Replacing calcite/dolomite textures characterized by variation in crystallinity and «pile-of bricks» texture.
– 1) Wackestone. Fenestrae irregolari, di tipo bird’s eyes, con riempimento geopeto; 2) Wackestone. Presenti cavità minute di tipo carsico riempite
da speleotemi calcitici; 3) Mudstone. Cristalli di calcite in sostituzione di preesistenti minerali evaporitici; 4) Calcite/dolomite in sostituzione di
minerali evaporitici preesistenti. Struttura «pile-of bricks».
facies are still preserved, but the surrounded soil matrix
tends to assimilate them (Pl. III/3,4).
The conglomeratic levels, clearly have a pedogenic
origin. Features as caliche pisoids, rhizocretions, alveolar-septal texture and black pebbles are very strong
indices of this origin.
Facies 3 consists a complex subaerial exposure
assemblage of «long-term/terrestrial» type.
According to the exposure index of GINSBURG et alii
(1977), the «long-term/terrestrial» exposure corresponds
to an exposure index of 100%, and normally is not flooded
by marine waters. The terrestrial subaerial exposure of
carbonate platforms is indicative for relative sea level fall,
and can only be produced by allocyclic processes. During
this extended exposure the carbonate platform is meteorically altered and development of variable pedogenic features, such as alveolar textures and soil glaebules, are
favoured. Instead, during the «intermittent» subaerial
exposure, which characterizes the supratidal and the
intertidal environment, time is too short for the development of pedogenic features and the most common features are desiccation cracks and bird’ eyes. Therefore, the
recognition of intermittent and terrestrial exposure environments in carbonate platforms is very significant for the
reconstruction of the global sea-level fluctuations.
The lithofacies associations of the Vitina section, support a flat topography of the Tripolitza zone in Late Cenomanian, because the depositional environments were not
deeper than the shallow subtidal zone. The studied shallow-marine deposits probably built up at or close to sea
level, filling accommodation. This resulted in a generally
flat topography, which in turn favoured a more or less
uniform facies distribution.
Plate III - 1) Replacive calcite textures consisted of curved rhombic calcite crystals; 2) Pedogenic limestones, with floatstone texture, with
caliche pisoids, rhizocretions and soil glaebules. Note the circumgranular cracking and the meniscus-like cement in-between the pisoids;
3) Poorly-sorted pedogenic conglomerates (soil breccias). Carbonate fragments are surrounded by a pedogenic matrix; 4) The soil matrix
tends to assimilate the carbonate fragments.
– 1) Mosaico calcitico in sostituzione di preesistenti minerali evaporitici. Si notino cristalli di calcite rombici ed arcuati; 2) Calcari di origine
pedogenetica (floatstone). Pisoliti vadose, rizocrezioni, granuli pedogenetici. Si notino le caratteristiche crepacciature circumgranulai ed il cemento
a menisco presenti tra le pisoliti vadose; 3) Conglomerati pedogenetici (soil breccias). Frammenti carbonatici circondati da una matrice di origine
pedogenetica; 4) Matrice di origine pedogenetica che tende ad assimilare i frammenti carbonatici.
During intermittent subaerial exposure episodes,
supratidal conditions prevailed, giving birth to evaporites
formation. Strong evidence of vanished evaporites consist
of horizons with solution-collapse breccias and pseudomorphs after evaporite crystals/nodules and textures.
According to the most recent European sequence
chronostratigraphy framework (HARDENBOL & ROBASZYNSKI, 1998), the Late Cenomanian corresponds to the postCe 5-6 interval, and it is well known, that this interval coincides with a global sea-level rise perhaps resulted in (HAQ
et alii, 1987). However, in the Upper Cenomanian carbonate lithostratigraphic section of Vitina, it has been shown,
that most discontinuity surfaces correspond to long-term
terrestrial subaerial exposure environment and are marked
by pedogenic limestones and conglomerates. On top of the
subaerial exposed facies, subtidal facies are found corresponding to transgressive facies. The prevailance of such a
complex subaerial attestation of terrestrial type supports
the fact that during the Late Cenomanian, which is known
to reach the highest sea-level stand of the entire Phanerozoic, several relative sea-level lowering episodes, of allogenic origin, took place. Local tectono-sedimentary conditions presumably ruled the sea-level fluctuations.
The sedimentological study of the Late Cenomanian
platform deposits of the Tripolitza zone (Vitina, Mainalon
Mnt, Greece) shows a facies distribution of a classic peritidal environment, which undergo to effemeral subaerial
exposure episodes. The depositional environment was not
deeper than the shallow subtidal zone supporting a flat
topography of the Tripolitza zone in Late Cenomanian.
The repeated discontinuities, which correspond to longlasting and more complex subaerial exposure events wit-
ness to long-term/terrestrial intervals. This supports intervening sea-level lowering intervals, of allogenic origin, in
the frame of the general global sea-level rise of the Late
The authors are grateful to Professor Lucia Simone for her substantial comments and insightful remarks, that helped us to improve
our manuscript significantly. We also wish to thank an anonymous
referee for his critical review.
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Received 00 ..... 0000; revised version accepted 00 ..... 0000.

Pomoni-Papaioannou, F.