JOURNAL OF Guide for Authors AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING 1 - Scope of the Journal. The subject matter covers a complete and interdisciplinary range of research in engineering for agriculture and biosystems. RIVISTA DI INGEGNERIA AGRARIA Official Journal of AIIA (Associazione Italiana di Ingegneria Agraria) - Supported by University of Bologna and Ministero dei Beni Culturali Chief Editor: – ADRIANO GUARNIERI Editorial Board: – ANTONINO FAILLA, ALESSANDRO SANTINI, DOMENICO PUMO, VINCENZO MENNELLA, GUALTIERO BARALDI, GIOVANNI RIVA, PIETRO PICCAROLO, LUIGI BODRIA International Editorial Board: – JOSSE DE BAERDEMAEKER, Belgium; JUSTO GARCÍA NAVARRO, Spain; LUIS MÁRQUEZ D., Spain; JAN PAWLAK, Polona; LUIS SANTOS PEREIRA, Portugal; MANFRED WÖRGETTER, Austria Editorial Manager: – GIOVANNI MOLARI AIIA Executive Board: – ANTONINO FAILLA, President – ETTORE GASPARETTO, Past-President – ALESSANDRO SANTINI, Vice-President – SALVATORE BARBAGALLO, CARMELO R. FICHERA, CARLO MANERA, PAOLO AMIRANTE: Members – DOMENICO PUMO, VINCENZO MENNELLA, GUALTIERO BARALDI, GIOVANNI RIVA, PIETRO PICCAROLO, LUIGI BODRIA, MARIO FALCIAI: Presidents of Sections 1 (Land and water engineering), 2 (Farm buildings, agroenvironmental and territorial systems, rural landscape), 3 (Equipment engineering for animal and plant production), 4 (Rural electricity and other energy sources), 5 (Management, ergonories and systems engineering), 6 (Postharvest technology and process engineering), 7 (Information systems) – DANIELE DE WRACHIEN, GIOVANNI CASCONE, MARIO FALCIAI, FABRIZIO MAZZETTO, PAOLO MENESATTI, GIOVANNI RIVA, PIETRO PICCAROLO: Board CIGR Members – DANIELE DE WRACHIEN, PIERLUIGI FEBO, ETTORE GASPARETTO: Council EurAgEng Members – CLAUDIA ARCIDIACONO, Sacretary AIIA Supporting Members: Unacoma (Roma) AIIA Collective Members: Istituto Agronomico del Mediterraneo (Bari), Istituto Agronomico per l’Oltremare (Firenze), Istituto di Idraulica Agraria (Milano), Nobili S.p.a., (Molinella, BO), Unacoma Service S.r.l. (Roma), S.A.E. S.a.s. di Poltronieri (Ferrara), Dipartimento di Ingegneria Agraria e Forestale (Firenze), Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agro Forestali (Reggio Calabria) Chief Editor: Department of Agricultural Economics and Engineering - Viale G. Fanin, 50, 40127 Bologna Tel. 0039.051.2096193 - Fax. 0039.051.2096178 - [email protected] Administration: Edizioni ETS - piazza Carrara 16-19 - 56126 Pisa - Tel. 0039.050.29544-503868 - Fax 0039.050.20158 - [email protected] - Conto corrente postale 14721567 - ETS Editorial Manager: Alessandra Borghini Subscriptions: Italy: € 65.00 per year; one number € 25.00; back issues or double issues: € 25.82; back year: € 72.30 Abroad: annual subscription € 75.00 - air mail subscription € 75.40. Spedizione in Abbonamento Postale - D.L. 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n° 46) art. 1, comma 1, DCB Pisa. Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Bologna n. 4045 del 3 febbraio 1970. Printed by: Edizioni ETS - PISA © 2002 - Edizioni ETS - Copyrights reserved Supported by University of Bologna and Ministero dei Beni Culturali Any parts of this journal may not be reproduced, recorded or sent in anyway without editorial permission. Printed in September 2008 in Pisa by EDIZIONI ETS - Piazza Carrara, 16-19, I-56126 Pisa [email protected] - 2 - Type and language of the papers. JAE contains original papers only and submission of a paper will be taken to imply that no similar paper has been or is being submitted elsewhere. Research papers are the usual papers published and they should normally not exceed seven Journal pages. The technical notes are the reporting of work not calling for a full length paper. They should not exceed four Journal pages. English is the language of the journal. 3 - Refereeing. All papers are refereed. Usually, two referees, who have appropriate knowledge of the subject, are appointed for each paper. They are asked to return papers within 45 days of receipt. The Editor collates the referees’ reports and adds his own comments. Final decisions on papers are made by the Editorial Board. The authors can check the status of the process on the following web address: 4 - Submission of the paper. Please submit the paper in Microsoft Word by email at [email protected], including address, phone and email of the corresponding author. 5 - Preparation of papers. Papers must be typed in singleline spacing using an A4 format. Please use options such as justified layout, single column and import the figures and the tables into the text. Avoid the use bold face and italic. You should number every page. Do not underline anything and avoid the use of footnotes in the main body of the text. Authors whose native language is not English will find it helpful to seek comments from a native English colleague if possible before submission. 6 - Arrangement of papers. Your paper should be arranged as follows: Title, authors’ names. Affiliations and addresses of all of the authors, e-mail of the corresponding author as footnotes in the first page. The main body of the text should be divided under suitable headings, numbered to show the hierarchical order. Some or all of the following headings may be appropriate, taking account that Key Words, Abstract, Appendices, References and Acknowledgments do not need numeration. - Introduction. This should explain the problem investigated, review earlier work and state the intentions of the present paper. - Materials and methods. - Results and Discussion. These should be presented with reference to appropriate figures and tables. The most appropriate presentations should be chosen and tabulated data should not duplicate what is shown graphically. - Conclusions. Conclusions emerging from the work should be succinctly summarised. These conclusions will have been discussed in the paper and new material must not be introduced at this stage. - Acknowledgments. - References. - Appendices. It may be appropriate to place detailed mathematical derivations in appendices, rather than in the main body of the text. - Abstract. The Abstract of not more than 200 words should state the problem investigated, outline the methods used and summarise the main conclusions. - Key Words. 7 - Style of text - Headings: The title of the paper should be as short as possible. All section headings, table headings and figure captions should have an initial capital letter for the first word of each expression only, while all other words, with the exception of proper names, should be lower case letters throughout. There should be no full-stop at the end of any title, heading or caption. - Units, symbols and abbreviations: The International System of Units (SI) Units must be used. Units should be printed in roman (upright) type and remain unaltered in the plural form. There should be a space between the numerical value and the unit symbol. In case of doubt see: http://www.bipm. org/en/si - Mathematical symbols: Symbols should be kept as simple as possible and all symbols used must be defined. Where many symbols are used in a paper, they should be listed in an unnumbered section headed “Notation”. In addition, it is helpful to define each symbol as it is used for the first time. Mathematical symbols should be printed in italics, since this helps to distinguish them from units, which are printed in upright form. - References: References in the text should be in the format of surnames of first author followed by the year of publication of the appropriate reference, in parentheses. At the end of the paper, there should be a section headed “References” in which the full references should be given, listed in alphabetical order. Each reference should give the names of all authors (or, if anonymous, the name of the organisation), the title in the original language (and a translation into English in parentheses), publication title (in full, not abbreviated), the year of publication, volume and issue number, and pages. Some examples of references are given below. In the text: “Previous work has shown [Surname1 1998; Surname2 2001a; Surname2 2001b]...” In the reference list (to journals): Surname1 A, Surname3 B. Paper title. Journal Title, 1998, 31(4), 102-108 Surname2 C, Surname4 D. Paper title. Journal Title, 2001a, 12(6), 122-126 Surname2 C, Surname5 E. Paper title. Journal Title, 2001b, 13(6), 20-28 In the reference list (to books): Surname1 A. Book Title. Book Editor, 1995, Site of publication - Figures and Tables: All illustrations, whether line drawings, graphs or photographs, are presented as figures and are given a figure number (e.g. Figure 1) in ascending numerical order as reference is first made to each in the text. Each table must be placed in the text and numbered consecutively throughout the text (with Arabic numerals), and referred to as Table 1, Table 2, etc. Captions should be placed beneath the figure and tables. Any key information necessary for understanding the figure or table, without reference to the text, should be placed beneath the caption. For purposes of refereeing, figures and tables should be complete with all legends and captions. 8 - Proofs and reprints. The publisher provides page proofs for checking and an order form with prices will be sent to the corresponding author. These proofs, clearly marked with the corrections, should be returned to the email address of the journal [email protected], with the minimum of delay. Paper offprints can be ordered by the authors directly from the editor [email protected].