Introduction This project proposes some taster sessions of Italian in primary school at Key Stage 2 and before in year one and two as well. The teaching of Italian – integrated within the school curriculum – is supported by the Italian Consulate in London and follows the indications of the Key Stage 2 Framework for Languages. There is an increasing recognition that enriching the curriculum and allowing children to express their creative energy through languages, drama, music, art and movement reinforces their understanding of the basics and helps them enjoy a more extensive and balanced curriculum. Singing, dancing, drawing, drama and kinaesthetic learning activities are part of modern foreign language teaching. High standards and a broad and rich curriculum go hand in hand. Literacy and numeracy are vital building blocks, and it is right to focus attention on them. However, it is important that children have an intensive and exiting experience at primary school and learn a wide range of things in a wide range of ways. Fun is the key word in learning a foreign language. It is about teaching by being enthusiastic, building motivation and maintaining the highest expectations. Children learn better when they are engaged, get up and do things in the course of their learning. It is in movement that many children absorb language best. Language 1 learning is inspirational both for children and for teachers; it celebrates linguistic diversity and is a great source of inclusion within the school. Italian language teaching contributes to an extended curriculum and in making it rich and broad. Aims of the open day: • To learn and understand how important is to learn a foreign language • To understand a little more about another language • To encourage lifelong learning of languages • To learn about each other and make friends • To have fun about learning another language Learning outcomes of the taster sessions: • Children try to say something in Italian • Children try to understand something in Italian • Children try to sing something in Italian • Children try to hear a story in Italian • Children try to play a game in Italian 2 Facts about languages (Council of Europe-Strasburg): There are between 6000 and 7000 languages in the world spoken by 6000.000.000 (billion) people. In actual fact, at least half of the world’s population are bilingual or plurilingual. They speak two or more languages. In London alone some 300 languages are spoken. There are over 200 European Languages. Languages are constantly in contact with each other and affect each other in many ways. English borrowed words and expressions from many other languages in the past, European languages are now borrowing many words from English. To learn other people’s languages help us all to understand each other. In schools everybody is very proud to have children who come from all over Europe and the world. Today we are thinking about people and another language. Differentiated Learning: Both the planning and the delivering of the taster sessions take into account differentiated learning. Children will have different linguistic abilities based on their emotional and physical development, life experiences, literacy levels and learning difficulties. Differentiated learning can be in terms of: • Learning outcome – a task for all which everybody can achieve at his or her own level • Extension of activities – a child who has finished first can be given a further activity to increase her or his understanding. For instance, a text to read by herself or himself • Support on the task, explaining a task individually when possible 3 • Different resources and diverse activities allow the child to choose the activity he or she likes. Delivery: Taster sessions of Italian will take place during a full day or just during a morning or afternoon school time depending on whether one or two Italian teachers will be available. Each year group will enjoy 30 minutes of Italian, two activities of 15 minutes each. Sessions will be delivered using a variety of learning approaches and teaching methods which encourage pupils to participate and communicate. This will necessitate the use of some resources: • Use of electronic boards with quick time and windows media player installed in the computers. • Use of the hall or a space without tables and chairs. • Use of the photocopier Evaluation: Evaluation will be mainly informal by listening and observing children during the sessions. A self-assessment sheet will be provided at the end as well. 4 30 minute sessions and 15 minutes activities per year class during the open day: Song:Un cocomero tondo, Circle time: Come ti chiami? tondo Mi chiamo...1,2,3 Circle time: Come ti chiami? Song: un cocomero tondo, tondo Mi chiamo 1,2,3 Game: Jump the colours! Storytelling: Cappuccetto Rosso Game: Jump the Colours! Storytelling: Cappuccetto Rosso 5 Dialogue: Al bar Spelling tombola Spelling Tombola Dialogue: Al bar 6 : self-assessment Have an interesting day! 7 Metti un segno V I can say my name is and ask what is your name in I can sing in Italian I know some food in Italian I know some colours in Italian I know the currency used in I can read in Italian I can play a game in Italian I can count up to three in Italian 8 UN COCOMERO TONDO TONDO Un cocomero tondo tondo Che voleva essere il piu’ forte del mondo Che voleva tutti quanti superare Un bel giorno si mise a … CANTARE LA LA si mise a cantare! MANGIARE GNAM GNAM si mise a mangiare NUOTARE SPLASH SPLASH si mise a nuotare SCIARE TOMBA TOMBA si mise a sciare BERE DRINK DRINK si mise a bere DORMIRE PFFF PFFF si mise a dormire APPLAUDIRE!!! 9 CAPPUCCETTO ROSSO NARRATORE: Cappuccetto Rosso e’ una bambina CAPPUCCETTO ROSSO: Ciao. Mi chiamo Cappuccetto Rosso NARRATORE: Questa e’ la mamma! MAMMA: Ecco il cestino con la frutta. Vai dalla nonna. Stai attenta nel bosco! CAPPUCCETTO ROSSO: Si mamma, ciao! NARRATORE: Ecco il bosco. Ci sono tanti animali! CAPPUCCETTO ROSSO: Fiori per la nonna! NARRATORE: Cammina...cammina….Chi c’e’? NARRATORE: IL lupo!! IL lupo e’ grande e nero. LUPO: Ciao Cappuccetto Rosso, dove vai? CAPPUCCETTO ROSSO: Vado dalla nonna con la frutta e i fiori LUPO: Ciao Ciao! NARRATORE: IL lupo corre, corre dalla nonna. Bussa TOC TOC NONNA: Chi e’? LUPO : Sono Cappuccetto Rosso NONNA: Entra, entra LUPO:…..GNAM! NARRATORE: il lupo mangia la nonna e poi va a letto 10 NARRATORE: Arriva Cappuccetto Rosso. TOC TOC CAPPUCCETTO ROSSO: Sono Cappuccetto Rosso. Ecco la frutta e i fiori per te. LUPO: Entra, entra CAPPUCCETTO ROSSO :Che orecchie grandi nonna! LUPO: Per sentire meglio... CAPPUCCETTO ROSSO: Che occhi grandi, nonna... LUPO: Per vedere meglio, bambina mia! CAPPUCCETTO ROSSO: Che mani grandi ... LUPO: Per abbracciarti, bambina mia. CAPPUCCETTO ROSSO: Che bocca grande, nonna... LUPO: Per mangiarti meglio….GNAM….. NARRATORE: il lupo mangia Cappuccetto Rosso... e poi? CACCIATORE: PUM! PUM NARRATORE: Dalla pancia del lupo esce ... CAPPUCCETTO ROSSO: Non ho piu’ il cappuccio ma sono felice!!!! ------------ FINE ---------------- 11 Personaggi: CAPPUCCETTO ROSSO MAMMA LUPO NONNA NARRATORE 12 Come ti chiami? Come ti chiami? Uno, due, tre... Mi chiamo .... Mi chiamo ... Uno, due, tre ... 13 AL BAR A: Buongiorno. Come ti chiami? B: Buongiorno. Mi chiamo..... Vorrei .... A: Ecco B: Quanto costa? A: tre euro B: Ecco. Arrivederci A: Grazie. Arrivederci Tre euro 14 un cornetto un caffe’ espresso una pizza una limonata un bicchiere d’ acqua un panino con prosciutto un gelato 15 Elisabetta Bertolino- Italian Teacher - Italian Consulate in London 16