2010 INGRESSI AUTOMATICI AUTOMATIC ENTRANCES ENTER 004 LA MISSIONE MISSION 006 CERTIFICAZIONI CERTIFICATION 008 GUIDA ALLA SCELTA SELECTION GUIDE 010 AUTOMATISMI PER PORTE SCORREVOLI RETTILINEE AUTOMATISMS FOR STRAIGHT SLIDING DOORS 034 AUTOMATISMO PER PORTE SCORREVOLI CIRCOLARI AUTOMATISM FOR CIRCULAR SLIDING DOORS 038 AUTOMATISMO E PORTE SCORREVOLI ERMETICHE/SEMI-ERMETICHE AUTOMATISM AND HERMETIC/SEMI-HERMETIC SLIDING DOORS 042 AUTOMATISMI PER PORTE E PERSIANE A BATTENTE AUTOMATISMS FOR SWINGING DOORS AND SHUTTERS 058 ACCESSORI PER PORTE AUTOMATICHE AUTOMATIC DOORS ACCESSORIES 078 SERRAMENTI IN ALLUMINIO ALUMINIUM DOORS 100 SOFTWARE PER INGRESSI AUTOMATICI SOFTWARE FOR AUTOMATIC ENTRANCES 106 DOVE SIAMO WHERE WE ARE INDEX 02 indice 003 index IERI, OGGI E DOMANI UNA STORIA DI QUALITÀ. YESTERDAY, TODAY AND TOMORROW A HISTORY OF QUALITY. La SESAMO nasce nel 1965 a Casale Monferrato (AL) con l’intento di produrre automatismi per serramenti. Fin dagli anni settanta scopre la sua vocazione per gli automatismi per porte scorrevoli: una connotazione che le attribuirà una precisa realtà aziendale, tecnologica e di SURGRWWRQHOO¶DUFRGHLVXFFHVVLYLWUHQW¶DQQL6ODQFLRLQQRYDWLYRHFUHDWLYLWjODSURLHWWDQRUDSLGDPHQWHROWUHLSURSULFRQ¿QLQDWXUDOLGL3LHPRQWH e Lombardia conferendole la cittadinanza internazionale. Agli inizi degli anni ottanta, SESAMO trasferisce la propria attività nell’attuale stabilimento sito a Terruggia Monferrato, al centro del noto triangolo industriale determinato da Genova, Milano e Torino. Il nuovo volto LQGXVWULDOHVLWUDGXFHLQXQDYDVWDUHWHGLVWULEXWLYDSUHVHQWHLQWXWWD,WDOLD(XURSDHUHVWRGHOPRQGR1HO6(6$02RWWLHQHODFHUWL¿FDzione del sistema di assicurazione della qualità aziendale secondo la Normativa ISO 9001 / UNI EN 29001: non un traguardo ma un punto di partenza per progetto, produzione e collaudo dei propri prodotti.Nel 2002 SESAMO ottiene, tra le prime aziende in Italia, la conformità alle nuove norme di qualità UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 a conferma della profonda passione dell’azienda a fornire prodotti e servizi di elevato livello qualitativo. La produzione attuale si articola in automatismi per porte scorrevoli, a battente, telescopiche, in curva, con apertura ad angolo, roWDQWL HG LQ SUR¿OL G¶DOOXPLQLR SHU OD UHDOL]]D]LRQH GL LQJUHVVL DXWRPDWLFL FRPSOHWL 8QD YDVWD JDPPD GL DFFHVVRUL SHU LO FRPDQGR HG LO controllo di ingressi automatici completa l’offerta di SESAMO. Le automazioni SESAMO, dal contenuto altamente tecnologico ed innovativo, offrono il giusto equilibrio qualità/prezzo unitamente a grande semplicità d’uso e garanzia di durata nel tempo. Sono utilizzate per realizzare ingressi automatici di supermercati, farmacie, ospedali, banche, hotels, aereoporti, stazioni ferroviarie… L’AZIENDA/THE COMPANY The SESAMO Company emerged in Casale Monferrato, Italy, in 1965 with the intention of producing automatisms for doors, windows and shutters. As early as the seventies SESAMO discovered its vocation for the production of automatisms for sliding doors: a quality that gives Sesamo a precise organizational, technological and product reality over the following thirty years. An innovative drive and creativity rapidly projected beyond its own natural borders of Piedmont and Lombardy, bestowing the company with an international citizenship. At the beginning of the eighties SESAMO transferred its business activities into the present factory situated in Terruggia Monferrato, at the centre of the well known industrial triangle determined by Genoa, Milan and Turin. This new industrial position translates into a vast distribution network SUHVHQWDOORYHU,WDO\(XURSHDQGWKHUHVWRIWKHZRUOG,Q6(6$02REWDLQHGWKHFHUWL¿FDWLRQRIWKHFRPSDQ\TXDOLW\DVVXUDQFHV\VWHP DFFRUGLQJWRWKH,6281,(16WDQGDUGQRWD¿QDOJRDOEXWDVWDUWLQJSRLQWIRUWKHGHVLJQSURGXFWLRQDQGWHVWLQJRIDOORXU SURGXFWV,Q6(6$02ZDVDPRQJWKH¿UVWFRPSDQLHVLQ,WDO\REWDLQHGFRPSOLDQFHZLWKWKHQHZ81,(1,62TXDOLW\VWDQdards in acknowledgment of the company’s interest in providing high quality products and services. Our present production is divided into automatisms for sliding doors, swinging doors, telescopic doors, curved doors, doors with corner opeQLQJVUHYROYLQJGRRUVDQGGRRUVLQDOXPLQLXPSUR¿OHVIRUWKHFRPSOHWHUDQJHRIDXWRPDWLFHQWUDQFHV\VWHPV$YDVWUDQJHRIDFFHVVRULHVIRU the command and control of automatic entrances completes the SESAMO’s products. The SESAMO automations, with their highly technological and innovative content, offer the right quality and price balance together with a great simplicity of use and a guarantee of longevitey. They are used for all types of automatic entrances including supermarkets, pharmacies, hospitals, banks, hotels, airports, railway stations and many more. Dal 1965 la nostra missione é: Since 1965 our mission has been: - alti livelli tecnologici; - elevati standard qualitativi; - giusto equilibrio qualità/prezzo; - semplicità d’uso; - garanzia di durata nel tempo. Utilizzare la profonda conoscenza del settore, maturata in oltre 40 anni di esperienza, per essere partner e FRQVXOHQWLGHLQRVWULFOLHQWLQHOO¶LGHQWL¿FD]LRQHGLRJQL HVLJHQ]DHIRUQLUHXQDFRPSOHWDDVVLVWHQ]DGXUDQWHLO3RVW vendita garantendo il contatto diretto Azienda-Cliente. Fornire un’ampia gamma di scelta di prodotti in modo da poter soddisfare qualsiasi tipo di soluzione architettonica automatica. MISSIONE/MISSION 3URJHWWDUHHSURGXUUHDXWRPDWLVPLLQQRYDWLYLFKHRIIUDQR To design and produce innovative automatisms that offer: - High technological levels - Elevated quality standards - The right quality/price balance - Simplicity of use - The guarantee of long duration. To use the profound knowledge of the sector, matured over more than 40 years of experience, to be a partner and consultant to all our customers identifying every need and providing a complete service and assistance during the Post-sales phase by guaranteeing a direct CompanyCustomer contact. To provide a vast range of product choices enabling us to satisfy any type of automatic architectural solution. La profonda conoscenza del settore, maturata in oltre 40 anni di esperienza, permette a SESAMO di essere partner e consulente dei propri clienti, garantendo il contatto diretto AziendaCliente in tutte le fasi, dalla prevendita al postvendita. Our complete knowledge of the sector, matured over more than 40 years of experience, enables SESAMO to be partner and consultant for all its customers, guaranteeing the direct Company-Customer contact in all the phases, from conception to completion. missione 004 mission CERTIFICAZIONE / CERTIFICATION 1HO 6(6$02 RWWLHQH OD FHUWL¿FD]LRQH GHO VLVWHPD GL assicurazione della qualità aziendale secondo la Normativa ISO 9001 / UNI EN 29001: non un traguardo ma un punto di partenza per progetto, produzione e collaudo di tutti i nostri prodotti. ,Q 6(6$02 FRPSDQ\ REWDLQHG WKH FHUWL¿FDWLRQ RI WKH FRPpany quality assurance system according to the ISO 9001 / UNI EN 6WDQGDUGQRWD¿QDOJRDOEXWDVWDUWLQJSRLQWIRUWKHGHVLJQ production and testing of all our products. Nel 2002 SESAMO ottiene, tra le prime aziende in Italia, la conformità alle nuove norme di qualità UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 a conferma della profonda passione dell’azienda a fornire prodotti e servizi di elevato livello qualitativo. ,Q6(6$02DPRQJWKH¿UVWFRPSDQLHVLQ,WDO\REWDLQHGFRPpliance with the new UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 quality standards in acknowledgment of the company’s strong interest in providing high quality products and services. Riferimenti Normativi Regulatory References - - - - I requisiti della norma UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 “Sistemi di gestione per la qualità: requisiti”; i concetti base e la terminologia espressi nella norma UNI EN ISO 9000:2000 “Sistemi di gestione per qualità: fondamenti e terminologia”; gli orientamenti espressi nella norma UNI EN ISO 9004:2000: “Sistemi di gestione per la qualità: linee guida per il miglioramento delle prestazioni”. Direttiva 73/23/CE – Direttiva bassa tensione; Direttiva 89/336/CE – Compatibilità elettromagnetica; Direttiva 98/37/CE – Direttiva macchine. - - The requirements of the UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 Standard; “Quality management systems: Requirements”; the basic concepts and the terminology expressed in the UNI EN ISO 9000:2000 Standard “Quality management systems: Fundamentals and vocabulary”; the orientations expressed in the UNI EN ISO 9004:2000 Standard “Quality management systems: Guidelines for performance improvements”. 73/23/EC Directive - Low voltage directive; 89/336/EC Directive - Electromagnetic compatibility; 98/37/EC Directive - Machines directive. Requisiti Generali SESAMO si pone come obiettivo quello di mettere a punto una RUJDQL]]D]LRQH RULHQWDWD DOOD VRGGLVID]LRQH GHO FOLHQWH $ WDO ¿QH KD LPSRVWDWR LO SURSULR VLVWHPD TXDOLWj LQ PRGR GD GH¿QLUH L SURFHVVL H OH LQWHUD]LRQL L FULWHUL H PHWRGL QHFHVVDUL SHU DVVLFXUDUQH O¶HI¿FDFLD mediante un effettivo monitoraggio delle prestazioni. I processi individuati all’interno del Sistema Gestione Qualità si dividono in: 3URJHWWD]LRQH 3URGX]LRQH$VVLVWHQ]DSRVWYHQGLWD Nell’ambito della documentazione descrittiva del sistema qualità sono VWDWLGH¿QLWL la sequenza e le interazioni dei processi i criteri ed i metodi per assicurare il funzionamento ed il controllo dei processi le disponibilità di risorse ed informazioni l’esecuzione dei monitoraggi e delle relative analisi l’attuazione di azioni di miglioramento. General Requirements 6(6$02¶VREMHFWLYHLVWKH¿QHWXQLQJRIWKHRUJDQL]DWLRQFRPPLWHG towards the satisfaction of the customer. For this purpose it has set XS LWV RZQ TXDOLW\ V\VWHP VR DV WR GH¿QH WKH SURFHVVHV DQG WKH interactions, criteria and methods necessary in order to ensure its effectiveness through the monitoring of all our services. Politica della Qualità Obiettivo primario della SESAMO è l’essere riconosciuta come fornitore HFFHOOHQWH HG DI¿GDELOH QHO WHPSR UHODWLYDPHQWH DOOD SURJHWWD]LRQH e produzione di automatismi per porte. Nel contempo si propone di consolidare e migliorare la propria posizione sul mercato per permettere XQD FRVWDQWH FUHVFLWD GHOO¶D]LHQGD QRQFKp SUR¿WWDELOLWj GHOOD VWHVVD The individual processes within the Quality Management System are divided into: Design Post-sales Production Assistance Within the descriptive documentation of the quality system there have EHHQGH¿QHG the sequence and the interactions of the processes the criteria and the methods to ensure the operation and control of the processes the availability of resources and information the execution of the monitoring and relative analyses the implementation of improvements. Questo obiettivo può essere raggiunto soltanto mediante: un costante controllo del processo produttivo il miglioramento continuo dello stesso e della struttura aziendale ODGH¿QL]LRQHHGLOPRQLWRUDJJLRGLRELHWWLYLSHUODTXDOLWj la strutturazione del proprio sistema qualità aziendale in conformità alla norma UNI EN ISO 9001 ed. 2000 il coinvolgimento di tutto il personale interessato al processo DYHQWHLQÀXHQ]DVXOVLVWHPDTXDOLWj il monitoraggio della soddisfazione del cliente il rispetto dei requisiti cogenti, soprattutto con riferimento alla sicurezza sul lavoro il riesame periodico della validità della presente politica per la qualità. Quality Policy The primary objective of the SESAMO Company is to be recognized as an excellent provider that is reliable over time with regard to the design and production of automatisms for doors. At the same time it intends to consolidate and improve its position on the market in order to enable a constant growth of the company as well as the SUR¿WDELOLW\RIWKHVDPH This objective can be achieved only by means of: a constant control of the productive process the continual improvement of the same and of the company structure WKHGH¿QLWLRQDQGWKHPRQLWRULQJRITXDOLW\REMHFWLYHV the structuring of its own company quality system in conformity with the standard UNI EN ISO 9001 ed. 2000 the involvement of all the personnel concerned in the process having an effect on the quality system the monitoring of customer satisfaction the respect of the mandatory requirements, above all with reference to safety in the workplace the periodic re-examination of the validity of the current quality policy. certificazione 06 certification certificazione 07 certification GUIDA ALLA SCELTA/SELECTION GUIDE 3RUWDWD¿QRDNJSHUDQWDQHOODYHUVLRQHDGXHDQWHRSSXUHNJDGXQ¶DQWD Capacity up to 80 kg per wing in the two-wing version, or 120 kg with one wings RETTILINEE STRAIGHT LIGHT MILLENNIUM p.12 PRATIKA MILLENNIUM p.18 3RUWDWD¿QRDNJSHUDQWDQHOODYHUVLRQHDGXHDQWHRSSXUHNJDGXQ¶DQWD Capacity up to 120 kg per wing in the two-wing version, or 160 kg with one wings 3RUWDWD¿QRDNJSHUDQWDQHOODYHUVLRQHDGXHDQWHRSSXUHNJDGXQ¶DQWD Capacity up to 160 kg per wing in the two-wing version, or 300 kg with one wings PORTE SCORREVOLI SLIDING DOORS RETTILINEE TELESCOPICHE TELESCOPIC STRAIGHT 3RUWDWD¿QRDNJSHUDQWDQHOODYHUVLRQHDTXDWWURDQWHRSSXUHNJDGXHDQWH RETTILINEE AD ANGOLO STRAIGHT WITH CORNER 3RUWDWD¿QRDNJSHUDQWD CIRCOLARI CIRCULAR 3RUWDWD¿QRDNJSHUDQWDQHOODYHUVLRQHDGXHDQWHRSSXUHNJDGXQ¶DQWD ERMETICHE/SEMI-ERMETICHE HERMETIC/SEMI-HERMETIC 3RUWDWD¿QRDNJSHUDQWD Capacity up to 80 kg per wing in the four-wing version, or 120 kg with two-wings Capacity up to 120 kg per wing Capacity up to 80 kg per wing in the two-wing version, or 120 kg with one wings Capacity up to 250 kg per wing PRATIKA MILLENNIUM PLUS p.22 TELESCOPICA MILLENNIUM p.26 DIORISMA MILLENNIUM p.32 CIRCO MILLENNIUM p.36 ERMETIKA p.39 ACCESSORI PER INGRESSI AUTOMATICI AUTOMATIC ENTRANCE ACCESSORIES SISTEMA ANTIPANICO A SFONDAMENTO ARIETE ANTIPANIC BREAKAWAY SYSTEM ARIETE p.66 ACCESSORI AUTOMATISMI AUTOMATISM ACCESSORIES p.62 DISPOSITIVI DI COMANDO E SICUREZZA OPENING AND SAFETY DEVICES p.70 ACCESSORI PER SERRAMENTI DOOR ACCESSORIES p.94 Serie 20 mm 20 mm series PORTE BATTENTI SWINGING DOORS ANTA SINGOLA/DOPPIA ONE/TWO WINGS 3RUWDWD¿QRDGNJSHUDQWD ANTA SINGOLA ONE WINGS 3RUWDWD¿QRDGNJSHUDQWD ANTA DOPPIA TWO WINGS Serie 25 mm Capacity up to 80 kg per wing Capacity up to 200 kg per wing SWINGO p.50 PIUMA MILLENNIUM p.44 25 mm series SERRAMENTI IN ALLUMINIO ALUMINIUM PROFILES Serie 40 mm 40 mm series p.90 SMALL p.86 MAGNUM p.80 Ante in cristallo solo vetro 3RUWDWD¿QRDGNJSHUDQWD PIUMA MILLENNIUM DOPPIO Capacity up to 200 kg per wing p.44 Glass pane-only wing Accessori per serramenti commerciali PERSIANE SHUTTERS TWENTY Commercial door accessories 3RUWDWD¿QRDNJSHUDQWD DOMUS SWING Capacity up to 70 kg per wing p.96 p.98 p.56 GO guida alla scelta 08 selection guide guida alla scelta 09 selection guide AUTOMATISMI PER PORTE SCORREVOLI RETTILINEE AUTOMATISMS FOR STRAIGHT SLIDING DOORS SESAMO presents the new automatism LIGHT MILLENNIUM for sliding doors. LIGHT because lightweight for SESAMO means, as always, automations for sliding doors at a competitive price. MILLENNIUM because the new automatism uses the most advanced electronic and mechanical technologies of the new millennium. High quality materials and innovative technological solutions are combined with the simplicity of installation, use and maintenance, the security of an automatism made to last over time. The essential and slender design is able to satisfy the most demanding architectural solutions. The sophisticated electronics provide the installer with the tools necessary to obtain additional possibilities for personalization or diagnosis during maintenance. The interface with a computer for the remote control of the automation projects this automatism into the future. SESAMO presenta il nuovo automatismo LIGHT MILLENNIUM per porte scorrevoli. /,*+7SHUFKpODOHJJHUH]]DSHU6(6$02VLJQL¿FDGDVHPSUHDXWRmazioni per porte scorrevoli dal prezzo competitivo. MILLENNIUM perché il nuovo automatismo utilizza le più avanzate tecnologie elettroniche e meccaniche del nuovo millennio. Materiali di alta qualità e soluzioni tecnologiche innovative uniscono alla semplicità di installazione, uso e manutenzione, la sicurezza di un automatismo fatto per durare nel tempo. Il design essenziale e slanciato è all’altezza delle soluzioni architettoniche più esigenti. /DVR¿VWLFDWDHOHWWURQLFDIRUQLVFHDOO¶LQVWDOODWRUHJOLVWUXPHQWLQHFHVVDUL ad ottenere elevate possibilità di personalizzazione o di diagnosi in fase di manutenzione. L’interfaccia con un computer per il controllo remoto dell’automazione proiettano questo automatismo nel futuro. LIGHT MILLENNIUM 012 013 181 AUTOMATISMO LIGHT MILLENNIUM LIGHT MILLENNIUM AUTOMATISM SENSORE COMANDO APERTURA MOTION SENSOR SELETTORE FUNZIONI BASE O AVANZATO 115 FUNCTION SELECTOR BASIC OR ADVANCED SELETTORE A CHIAVE KEY SELECTOR FOTOCELLULA DI SICUREZZA A DOPPIO RAGGIO SAFETY DOUBLE PHOTOCELL 20cm 100cm LIGHT MILLENNIUM. AUTOMATISMO PER PORTE SCORREVOLI. LIGHT MILLENNIUM. AUTOMATISM FOR SLIDING DOORS. LIGHT MILLENNIUM - AUTOMAZIONI/AUTOMATIONS Caratteristiche tecniche - Technical features - TENSIONE NOMINALE DI ALIMENTAZIONE - RATED SUPPLY VOLTAGE > 230 V - FREQUENZA NOMINALE - RATED FREQUENCY > 50 Hz - POTENZA NOMINALE - RATED POWER > 150 W - VELOCITÀ DI APERTURA AUTOMATISMO 1 ANTA - OPENING SPEED 1 WING AUTOMATISM > 70 cm/sec - VELOCITÀ DI APERTURA AUTOMATISMO 2 ANTE - OPENING SPEED 2 WINGS AUTOMATISM > 140 cm/sec - PORTATA MAX. AMMISSIBILE AUTOMATISMO 1 ANTA - MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PAYLOAD 1 WING AUTOMATISM > 120 Kg - PORTATA MAX. AMMISSIBILE AUTOMATISMO 2 ANTE - MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PAYLOAD 2 WINGS AUTOMATISM > 80+80 Kg - PESO DELL’AUTOMATISMO PER METRO LINEARE - WEIGHT OF CROSS-PIECE PER LINEAR METER > 8.5 Kg/m - DIMENSIONI AUTOMATISMO - AUTOMATISM DIMENSIONS > 115hx180 mm - SERVIZIO CONTINUO - CONTINUOUS SERVICE PF01.80 Modulo di comando per automatismi Light Millennium E ad 1 anta. Completo di centrale elettronica a microprocessore, trasformatore, motoriduttore, encoder, 1 coppia carrelli, testate chiusura automazione, cablaggio, cinghia di WUDVPLVVLRQHSUR¿ORJXLGDGLVFRUULPHQWR Control unit for 1-wing Light Millennium E automatisms. Complete with electronic microprocessor, transformer, gear motor, encoder, 1 pair of carriages, automatism end sides, wiring, transmission belt, sliding JXLGHSUR¿OH PF01.81 Modulo di comando per automatismi Light Millennium E a 2 ante. Completo di centrale elettronica a microprocessore, trasformatore, motoriduttore, encoder, 2 coppie carrelli, testate chiusura automazione, cablaggio, FLQJKLD GL WUDVPLVVLRQH SUR¿OR JXLGD GL scorrimento. Control unit for 2-wing Light Millennium E automatisms. Complete with electronic microprocessor, transformer, gear motor, encoder, 2 pairs of carriages, automatism end sides, wiring, transmission belt, sliding JXLGHSUR¿OH 1%3HULOFDOFRORGHOSUH]]RGHOO¶DXWRPDWLVPRFRPSOHWRYHGL³JXLGDDOSUH]]R´SDJLQD NOTE: For the calculation of the complete automatism price, see the “price guide” on page 17 LIGHT MILLENNIUM - automatismo per porte scorrevoli rettilinee 014 LIGHT MILLENNIUM - automatism for straight sliding doors LIGHT MILLENNIUM - automatismo per porte scorrevoli rettilinee 015 LIGHT MILLENNIUM - automatism for straight sliding doors GUIDA AL PREZZO/PRICE GUIDE LIGHT MILLENNIUM - PROFILI/PROFILES PER DETERMINARE IL PREZZO FINALE SOMMARE I PREZZI DEI CODICI SCELTI TO DETERMINE THE FINAL PRICE ADD UP THE PRICE OF THE SELECTED CODES LUNGHEZZA AUTOMATISMO FINO A 4,7MT/LENGTH AUTOMATISM UP TO 4,7MT Lunghezze fino a 4,7m/lenght up to 4,7m SUR¿ORFRSHUFKLRJUH]]R UDZFRYHUSUR¿OH PF01.11 * automazione 1 anta automatism 1 wing SUR¿ORFDVVDJUH]]R UDZWUDFNSUR¿OH SUR¿ORFRSHUFKLRDQRGL]]DWRDUJHQWR VLOYHUDQRGL]HGFRYHUSUR¿OH PF01.10 * PF01.12 * PF01.80 PF01.100/mt PF01.10OX60/mt PF01.1117,00/mt PF01.1221,50/mt PF01.1328,00/mt 3UR¿OR FDVVD HVWUXVR in alluminio. Finitura: grezzo 3UR¿OR FDVVD HVWUXVR in alluminio. Finitura: anodizzato argento 3UR¿ORFRSHUFKLR estruso in alluminio. Finitura: grezzo 3UR¿ORFRSHUFKLR estruso in alluminio. Finitura: anodizzato argento 3UR¿ORFRSHUFKLR estruso in alluminio. Finitura: andizzato nero Track aluminium H[WUXGHGSUR¿OH Color: raw Track aluminium H[WUXGHGSUR¿OH Color: silver anodized Cover aluminium H[WUXGHGSUR¿OH Color: raw Cover aluminium H[WUXGHGSUR¿OH Color: silver anodized Cover aluminium H[WUXGHGSUR¿OH Color: black anodized 352),/2&$66$TRACK PROFILE 352),/2&23(5&+,2COVER PROFILE OPTIONAL SUR¿ORFRSHUFKLRDQRGL]]DWRQHUR EODFNDQRGL]HGFRYHUSUR¿OH PF01.13 * automazione 2 ante automatism 2 wings PF01.81 SUR¿ORFDVVDDQRGL]]DWRDUJHQWR VLOYHUDQRGL]HGWUDFNSUR¿OH SUR¿ORFRSHUFKLRDQRGL]]DWRDUJHQWR VLOYHUDQRGL]HGFRYHUSUR¿OH PF01.100X * PF01.12 * LUNGHEZZA AUTOMATISMO DA 4,7MT FINO A 6,8M/LENGTH AUTOMATISM FROM 4,7MT TO 6,8MT SUR¿ORFRSHUFKLRJUH]]R UDZFRYHUSUR¿OH PF01.15 Lunghezze da 4,7m a 6,8m/ lenght from 4,7m to 6,8m automazione 1 anta automatism 1 wing SUR¿ORFDVVDJUH]]R UDZWUDFNSUR¿OH SUR¿ORFRSHUFKLRDQRGL]]DWRDUJHQWR VLOYHUDQRGL]HGFRYHUSUR¿OH PF01.14 PF01.16 PF01.80 PF01.17 automazione 2 ante automatism 2 wings PF01.81 PF01.14516,00 PF01.14OX579,00 PF01.1599,00 PF01.16 123,00 PF01.17161,00 3UR¿ORFDVVDHVWUXVR in alluminio. Finitura: grezzo 3UR¿ORFDVVDHVWUXVR in alluminio. Finitura: anodizzato argento 3UR¿ORFRSHUFKLR estruso in alluminio. Finitura: grezzo 3UR¿ORFRSHUFKLR estruso in alluminio. Finitura: anodizzato argento 3UR¿ORFRSHUFKLR estruso in alluminio. Finitura: anodizzato nero Track aluminium H[WUXGHGSUR¿OH Color: raw Track aluminium H[WUXGHGSUR¿OH Color: silver anodized Cover aluminium H[WUXGHGSUR¿OH Color: raw Cover aluminium H[WUXGHGSUR¿OH Color: silver anodized Cover aluminium H[WUXGHGSUR¿OH Color: black anodized 352),/2&$66$TRACK PROFILE SUR¿ORFDVVDDQRGL]]DWRDUJHQWR VLOYHUDQRGL]HGWUDFNSUR¿OH SUR¿ORFRSHUFKLRDQRGL]]DWRDUJHQWR VLOYHUDQRGL]HGFRYHUSUR¿OH PF01.140X PF01.16 OPTIONAL 3UR¿ORWDPSRQDPHQWR grezzo 5DZJDSFORVHUSUR¿OH 3UR¿ORWDPSRQDPHQWR anodizzato argento Silver anodized gap FORVHU3UR¿OH 3UR¿ORWDPSRQDPHQWR anodizzato nero Black anodized gap FORVHU3UR¿OH Spazzolino di UL¿QLWXUDGDPP Airtight brushes 14mm Spazzolino di UL¿QLWXUDGDPP Airtight brushes 20mm Spazzolino di UL¿QLWXUDGDPP Airtight brushes 27mm 9HUQLFLDWXUD5$/ GHOSUR¿ORFRSHUFKLR Paint RAL only cover 9HUQLFLDWXUD5$/GHO SUR¿ORFRSHUFKLRH tamponamento Paint RAL cover and gap FORVHUSUR¿OH PF01.37 * PF01.38 * PF01.39 * PF01.40 * PF01.41 * PF01.42 * PF01.53 * PF01.54 * 352),/2&23(5&+,2COVER PROFILE *TUTTI I PREZZI AL MT DEVONO ESSERE MOLTIPLICATI PER LA LUNGHEZZA DELL’AUTOMATISMO /ALL THE PRICES PER METER MUST BE MULTIPLIED BY THE LENGTH OF THE AUTOMATISM 3HUJOLDFFHVVRULGLVSRQLELOLYHGHUHDSDJFor the available accessories see pages 58-60 LIGHT MILLENNIUM - automatismo per porte scorrevoli rettilinee OPTIONAL SUR¿ORFRSHUFKLRDQRGL]]DWRQHUR EODFNDQRGL]HGFRYHUSUR¿OH 016 LIGHT MILLENNIUM - automatism for straight sliding doors LIGHT MILLENNIUM - automatismo per porte scorrevoli rettilinee 017 LIGHT MILLENNIUM - automatism for straight sliding doors 35$7,.$0,//(11,80qO¶DXWRPDWLVPR6(6$02SHUSRUWHVFRUUHYROL GLRJQLWLSRDOOXPLQLRDFFLDLRFULVWDOOROHJQRRSODVWLFD3URJHWWDWRSHU GDUHODPDVVLPDDI¿GDELOLWjGLIXQ]LRQDPHQWRLQSUHVHQ]DGLXQVHUYL]LR FRQWLQXRqLQGLFDWRSHUO¶LPSLHJRLQHGL¿FLSXEEOLFLFHQWULFRPPHUFLDOL banche, ospedali, hotel, aeroporti e stazioni ferroviarie, nautica ecc... La tecnologia digitale gestita da microprocessore abbinata alla collaudata componentistica meccanica consente un costante controllo della porta in fase di installazione e durante il suo funzionamento. /¶LPSLHJRGLXQVLVWHPDVR¿VWLFDWRVLWUDGXFHLQXQDJUDQGHVHPSOLFLWj GLSRVDLQRSHUDRUDULGRWWDDOVROR¿VVDJJLRGHOODWUDYHUVDHGHOOHDQWH Tutte le regolazioni vengono fatte tramite il nuovo selettore multilogica digitale. /¶DXWRPDWLVPR35$7,.$0,//(11,80D]LRQDO¶DSHUWXUDGLVHUUDPHQWL DG XQD R GXH DQWH &RQ 35$7,.$ 0,//(11,80 q SRVVLELOH automatizzare ingressi di dimensioni diverse che partono, nel caso di anta doppia, da 45 cm (per anta) ed arrivano ad un massimo di FP QHO FDVR GL DQWD VLQJROD 35$7,.$ 0,//(11,80 SXz PRYLPHQWDUH DQWH SHVDQWL ¿QR D NJ NJ SHU OD YHUVLRQH 3/86 /H GLYHUVH ¿QLWXUH DQRGL]]DWR QDWXUDOH QHUR R YHUQLFLDWXUD D VFHOWD FRQ FRGLFH 5$/ UHQGRQR SRVVLELOH OD VXD LQWHJUD]LRQH FRQ qualunque tipo di serramento colorato. Abbinando all’automatismo 35$7,.$ 0,//(11,80 OD VHULH GHL 352),/, 6(6$02 SHU OD UHDOL]]D]LRQH GL DQWH ¿VVH H VFRUUHYROL VL RWWLHQH FRPH ULVXOWDWR ¿QDOH O¶LQJUHVVR SHGRQDOH DXWRPDWLFR UHDOL]]DWR VHFRQGR OH GLUHWWLYH europee sulla sicurezza per le porte automatiche. PRATIKA MILLENNIUM is the SESAMO automatism for sliding doors of heavy duty: aluminium, steel, glass, wood or plastic. Designed to give the maximum reliability of operation under continuous service, LW LV VXLWDEOH IRU XVH LQ SXEOLF RI¿FHV FRPPHUFLDO FHQWUHV EDQNV hospitals, hotels, airports and railway stations, boating. The digital technology managed by a microprocessor combined with the tested mechanical components allow for a constant control of the door in the installation phase and during its operation. The use of a sophisticated system translates into a great simplicity of installation now reduced to just the fastening of the crossbeam and the wings. All the adjustments are made by means of the new digital multilogic selector. The PRATIKA MILLENNIUM automatism activates the opening of doors with one or two wings.With PRATIKA MILLENNIUM it is possible to automate entrances of various dimensions starting, in the case of two wings, from 45 cm (per wing) and arriving at a maximum of 300 cm in the case of a single wing. Pratika Millenium can move heavy wings up to 160 kilos (300 kilos for Plus version). 7KHYDULRXV¿QLVKHV (anodised natural, black or paintwork by choice with RAL code) make possible its integration with any type of coloured door. Pairing the PRATIKA MILLENNIUM automatism with the series of SESAMO 352),/(6IRUWKHUHDOL]DWLRQRI¿[HGDQGVOLGLQJZLQJVRQHREWDLQVDV D¿QDOUHVXOWDQDXWRPDWLFSHGHVWULDQHQWUDQFHUHDOL]HGLQFRPSOLDQFH with the European safety directives for automatic doors. PRATIKA MILLENNIUM 018 019 192 AUTOMATISMO PRATIKA PRATIKA AUTOMATISM SENSORE COMANDO APERTURA MOTION SENSOR SELETTORE FUNZIONI RIDOTTO O DIGITALE 126 FUNCTION SELECTOR REDUCED OR DIGITAL SELETTORE A CHIAVE KEY SELECTOR FOTOCELLULA DI SICUREZZA A DOPPIO RAGGIO SAFETY DOUBLE PHOTOCELL 20cm 100cm PRATIKA MILLENNIUM. AUTOMATISMI PER PORTE SCORREVOLI. PRATIKA MILLENNIUM. AUTOMATISMS FOR SLIDING DOOR . s PRATIKA MILLENNIUM - AUTOMAZIONI/AUTOMATIONS Caratteristiche tecniche - Technical features - TENSIONE NOMINALE DI ALIMENTAZIONE - RATED SUPPLY VOLTAGE > - FREQUENZA NOMINALE - RATED FREQUENCY > 230 V 50 Hz - POTENZA NOMINALE - RATED POWER > 180 W - VELOCITÀ DI APERTURA AUTOMATISMO 1 ANTA - OPENING SPEED 1 WING AUTOMATISM > 70 cm/sec - VELOCITÀ DI APERTURA AUTOMATISMO 2 ANTE - OPENING SPEED 2 WINGS AUTOMATISM > 140 cm/sec - PORTATA MAX. AMMISSIBILE AUTOMATISMO 1 ANTA - MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PAYLOAD 1 WING AUTOMATISM > 160 Kg - PORTATA MAX. AMMISSIBILE AUTOMATISMO 2 ANTE - MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PAYLOAD 2 WINGS AUTOMATISM > 120+120 Kg - PESO DELL’AUTOMATISMO PER METRO LINEARE - WEIGHT OF CROSS-PIECE PER LINEAR METER > 9,3 Kg/m - DIMENSIONI AUTOMATISMO - AUTOMATISM DIMENSIONS > 126hx192 mm PF14.80 Modulo di comando per automatismi Pratika Millennium E ad 1 anta. Completo di centrale elettronica a microprocessore, trasformatore, motoriduttore, encoder, 1 coppia carrelli, testate chiusura automazione, cablaggio, cinghia di trasmissione. Control unit for 1-wing Pratika Millennium E automatisms. Complete with electronic microprocessor, transformer, gear motor, encoder, 1 pair of carriages, automatism end sides, wiring, transmission belt. PF14.81 - SERVIZIO CONTINUO - CONTINUOUS SERVICE Modulo di comando per automatismi Pratika Millennium E a 2 ante. Completo di centrale elettronica a microprocessore, trasformatore, motoriduttore, encoder, 2 coppie carrelli, testate chiusura automazione, cablaggio, cinghia di trasmissione. Control unit for 2-wing Pratika Millennium E automatisms. Complete with electronic microprocessor, transformer, gear motor, encoder, 2 pairs of carriages, automatism end sides, wiring, transmission belt. 1%3HULOFDOFRORGHOSUH]]RGHOO¶DXWRPDWLVPRFRPSOHWRYHGL³JXLGDDOSUH]]R´SDJLQD NOTE: For the calculation of the complete automatism price, see the “price guide” on page 25 PRATIKA MILLENNIUM - automatismo per porte scorrevoli rettilinee 020 PRATIKA MILLENNIUM - automatism for straight sliding doors PRATIKA MILLENNIUM - automatismo per porte scorrevoli rettilinee 021 PRATIKA MILLENNIUM - automatism for straight sliding doors 192 AUTOMATISMO PRATIKA PRATIKA AUTOMATISM SENSORE COMANDO APERTURA MOTION SENSOR SELETTORE FUNZIONI RIDOTTO O DIGITALE 126 FUNCTION SELECTOR REDUCED OR DIGITAL SELETTORE A CHIAVE KEY SELECTOR FOTOCELLULA DI SICUREZZA A DOPPIO RAGGIO SAFETY DOUBLE PHOTOCELL 20cm 100cm PRATIKA MILLENNIUM PLUS. AUTOMATISMI PER PORTE SCORREVOLI. PRATIKA MILLENNIUM PLUS. AUTOMATISMS FOR SLIDING DOOR . s PRATIKA MILLENNIUM PLUS - AUTOMAZIONI/AUTOMATIONS Caratteristiche tecniche - Technical features - TENSIONE NOMINALE DI ALIMENTAZIONE - RATED SUPPLY VOLTAGE > - FREQUENZA NOMINALE - RATED FREQUENCY > 230 V 50 Hz - POTENZA NOMINALE - RATED POWER > 180 W - VELOCITÀ DI APERTURA AUTOMATISMO 1 ANTA - OPENING SPEED 1 WING AUTOMATISM > 40 cm/sec - VELOCITÀ DI APERTURA AUTOMATISMO 2 ANTE - OPENING SPEED 2 WINGS AUTOMATISM > 80 cm/sec - PORTATA MAX. AMMISSIBILE AUTOMATISMO 1 ANTA - MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PAYLOAD 1 WING AUTOMATISM > 300 Kg - PORTATA MAX. AMMISSIBILE AUTOMATISMO 2 ANTE - MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PAYLOAD 2 WINGS AUTOMATISM > 160+160 Kg - PESO DELL’AUTOMATISMO PER METRO LINEARE - WEIGHT OF CROSS-PIECE PER LINEAR METER > 10,5 Kg/m - DIMENSIONI AUTOMATISMO - AUTOMATISM DIMENSIONS > 126hx192 mm PF14.82 Modulo di comando per automatismi Pratika Millennium Plus E ad 1 anta. Completo di centrale elettronica a microprocessore, trasformatore, motoriduttore, encoder, 4 carrelli, testate chiusura automazione, cablaggio, cinghia di trasmissione. Control unit for 1-wing Pratika Millennium Plus E automatisms. Complete with electronic microprocessor, transformer, gear motor, encoder, 4 carriages, automatism end sides, wiring, transmission belt. - SERVIZIO CONTINUO&217,182866(59,&( PF14.83 Modulo di comando per automatismi Pratika Millennium Plus E a 2 ante. Completo di centrale elettronica a microprocessore, trasformatore, motoriduttore, encoder, 8 carrelli, testate chiusura automazione, cablaggio, cinghia di trasmissione. Control unit for 2-wing Pratika Millennium Plus E automatisms. Complete with electronic microprocessor, transformer, gear motor, encoder, 8 carriages, automatism end sides, wiring, transmission belt. 1%3HULOFDOFRORGHOSUH]]RGHOO¶DXWRPDWLVPRFRPSOHWRYHGL³JXLGDDOSUH]]R´SDJLQD NOTE: For the calculation of the complete automatism price, see the “price guide” on page 25 PRATIKA MILLENNIUM PLUS - automatismo per porte scorrevoli rettilinee 022 PRATIKA MILLENNIUM PLUS - automatism for straight sliding doors PRATIKA MILLENNIUM PLUS - automatismo per porte scorrevoli rettilinee 023 PRATIKA MILLENNIUM PLUS - automatism for straight sliding doors PRATIKA MILLENNIUM-PROFILI/PROFILES PRATIKA MILLENNIUM PLUS-PROFILI/PROFILES GUIDA AL PREZZO/PRICE GUIDE PER DETERMINARE IL PREZZO FINALE SOMMARE I PREZZI DEI CODICI SCELTI TO DETERMINE THE FINAL PRICE ADD UP THE PRICE OF THE SELECTED CODES LUNGHEZZA AUTOMATISMO FINO A 4,7MT/LENGTH AUTOMATISM UP TO 4,7MT Lunghezze fino a 4,7m/lenght up to 4,7m SUR¿ORFRSHUFKLRJUH]]R UDZFRYHUSUR¿OH PF14.12 * automazione 1 anta automatism 1 wing SUR¿ORFDVVDJUH]]R UDZWUDFNSUR¿OH SUR¿ORFRSHUFKLRDQRGL]]DWRDUJHQWR VLOYHUDQRGL]HGFRYHUSUR¿OH PF14.10 * PF14.13 * PF14.80 PF14.10 PF14.11 PF14.12 PF14.13 PF14.14 3UR¿ORFDVVDHVWUXVR in alluminio. Finitura: grezzo 3UR¿ORFDVVDHVWUXVR in alluminio. Finitura: anodizzato argento 3UR¿ORFRSHUFKLR estruso in alluminio. Finitura: grezzo 3UR¿ORFRSHUFKLR estruso in alluminio. Finitura: anodizzato argento 3UR¿ORFRSHUFKLR estruso in alluminio. Finitura: anodizzato nero Track aluminium H[WUXGHGSUR¿OH Color: raw Track aluminium H[WUXGHGSUR¿OH Color: silver anodized Cover aluminium H[WUXGHGSUR¿OH Color: raw Cover aluminium H[WUXGHGSUR¿OH Color: silver anodized Cover aluminium H[WUXGHGSUR¿OH Color: black anodized 352),/2&23(5&+,2COVER PROFILE 352),/2&$66$TRACK PROFILE OPTIONAL SUR¿ORFRSHUFKLRDQRGL]]DWRQHUR EODFNDQRGL]HGFRYHUSUR¿OH PF14.14 * automazione 2 ante automatism 2 wings PF14.81 SUR¿ORFDVVDDQRGL]]DWRDUJHQWR VLOYHUDQRGL]HGWUDFNSUR¿OH SUR¿ORFRSHUFKLRDQRGL]]DWRDUJHQWR VLOYHUDQRGL]HGFRYHUSUR¿OH PF14.11 * PF14.13 * LUNGHEZZA AUTOMATISMO DA 4,7MT FINO A 6,8M/LENGTH AUTOMATISM FROM 4,7MT TO 6,8MT SUR¿ORFRSHUFKLRJUH]]R UDZFRYHUSUR¿OH PF14.17 Lunghezze da 4,7m a 6,8m/ lenght from 4,7m to 6,8m automazione 1 anta automatism 1 wing SUR¿ORFDVVDJUH]]R UDZWUDFNSUR¿OH SUR¿ORFRSHUFKLRDQRGL]]DWRDUJHQWR VLOYHUDQRGL]HGFRYHUSUR¿OH PF14.15 PF14.18 PF14.80 PF14.19 automazione 2 ante automatism 2 wings PF14.81 PF14.15 PF14.16 PF14.17 PF14.18 PF14.19 3UR¿ORFDVVDHVWUXVR in alluminio. Finitura: grezzo 3UR¿ORFDVVDHVWUXVR in alluminio. Finitura: anodizzato argento 3UR¿ORFRSHUFKLR estruso in alluminio. Finitura: grezzo 3UR¿ORFRSHUFKLR estruso in alluminio. Finitura: anodizzato argento 3UR¿ORFRSHUFKLR estruso in alluminio. Finitura: anodizzato nero Track aluminium H[WUXGHGSUR¿OH Color: raw Track aluminium H[WUXGHGSUR¿OH Color: silver anodized Cover aluminium H[WUXGHGSUR¿OH Color: raw Cover aluminium H[WUXGHGSUR¿OH Color: silver anodized Cover aluminium H[WUXGHGSUR¿OH Color: black anodized 352),/2&$66$TRACK PROFILE SUR¿ORFDVVDDQRGL]]DWRDUJHQWR VLOYHUDQRGL]HGWUDFNSUR¿OH SUR¿ORFRSHUFKLRDQRGL]]DWRDUJHQWR VLOYHUDQRGL]HGFRYHUSUR¿OH PF14.16 PF14.18 OPTIONAL 3UR¿ORWDPSRQDPHQWR grezzo 5DZJDSFORVHUSUR¿OH 3UR¿ORWDPSRQDPHQWR anodizzato argento Silver anodized gap FORVHU3UR¿OH 3UR¿ORWDPSRQDPHQWR anodizzato nero Black anodized gap FORVHU3UR¿OH Spazzolino di UL¿QLWXUDGDPP Airtight brushes 14mm Spazzolino di UL¿QLWXUDGDPP Airtight brushes 20mm Spazzolino di UL¿QLWXUDGDPP Airtight brushes 27mm 9HUQLFLDWXUD5$/ GHOSUR¿ORFRSHUFKLR Paint RAL only cover 9HUQLFLDWXUD5$/GHO SUR¿ORFRSHUFKLRH tamponamento Paint RAL cover and gap FORVHUSUR¿OH PF14.37 * PF14.38 * PF14.39 * PF01.40 * PF01.41 * PF01.42 * PF01.53 * PF01.54 * 352),/2&23(5&+,2COVER PROFILE *TUTTI I PREZZI AL MT DEVONO ESSERE MOLTIPLICATI PER LA LUNGHEZZA DELL’AUTOMATISMO /ALL THE PRICES PER METER MUST BE MULTIPLIED BY THE LENGTH OF THE AUTOMATISM 3HUJOLDFFHVVRULGLVSRQLELOLYHGHUHDSDJFor the available accessories see pages 58-60 PRATIKA MILLENNIUM - automatismo per porte scorrevoli rettilinee OPTIONAL SUR¿ORFRSHUFKLRDQRGL]]DWRQHUR EODFNDQRGL]HGFRYHUSUR¿OH 024 PRATIKA MILLENNIUM - automatism for straight sliding doors PRATIKA MILLENNIUM - automatismo per porte scorrevoli rettilinee 025 PRATIKA MILLENNIUM - automatism for straight sliding doors 6(6$02 SUHVHQWD 7(/(6&23,&$ 0,//(11,80 LO QXRYR automatismo per porte scorrevoli ad ante telescopiche. Le soluzioni tecnologicamente più avanzate della serie MILLENNIUM sono alla EDVH GL TXHVWR QXRYR DXWRPDWLVPR 7(/(6&23,&$ 0,//(11,80 è progettato e realizzato per risolvere il problema di quei passaggi dove la possibilità di scorrimento delle ante è limitata o addirittura negata da esigenze architettoniche. Materiali di alta qualità, soluzioni tecnologiche innovative uniscono alla semplicità di installazione, uso e manutenzione, la sicurezza di un automatismo fatto per durare nel WHPSR /D VR¿VWLFDWD HOHWWURQLFD IRUQLVFH DOO¶LQVWDOODWRUH JOL VWUXPHQWL necessari ad ottenere elevate possibilità di personalizzazione o di diagnosi in fase di manutenzione. L’interfaccia con un computer per il controllo remoto dell’automazione proiettano questo automatismo nel futuro. Il design, curato e funzionale, esalta le doti e gli ingombri particolarmente contenuti dell’automatismo. Il coperchio avvolgente e le testate in nero (uniche parti standard a vista) consentono di eliminare eventuali trattamenti di colorazione sulla trave di sostegno, agevolando le attività di fornitura in cantiere. L’eleganza del movimento telescopico rende l’automatismo particolarmente indicato come soluzione per ingressi automatici di prestigio. 6(6$02SUHVHQWV7(/(6&23,&$0,//(11,80WKHQHZDXWRPDWLVP for telescopic sliding doors. The most technologically advanced VROXWLRQVRIWKH0,//(11,80VHULHVDUHDWWKHFRUHRIWKHQHZ6HVDPR 7HOHVFRSLFD DXWRPDWLF V\VWHP 7(/(6&23,&$ 0,//(11,80 LV designed and manufactured to solve the problem of those installations ZKHUHWKHUHLVDUHVWULFWLRQIRUWKHZLQJVWRVOLGHDQGWKHUHLVOLPLWHG space or architectural limitations. High quality materials and innovative WHFKQRORJLFDOVROXWLRQVDUHFRPELQHGZLWKWKHVLPSOLFLW\RILQVWDOODWLRQ use and maintenance, the security of an automatism made to last RYHUWLPH7KHVRSKLVWLFDWHGHOHFWURQLFVSURYLGHWKHLQVWDOOHUZLWKWKH tools necessary to obtain additional possibilities for personalization RU GLDJQRVLV GXULQJ PDLQWHQDQFH 7KH LQWHUIDFH ZLWK D FRPSXWHU IRU the remote control of the automation projects this automatism into the future. The carefully thought and functional design, optimizes the features and the particularly reduced overall dimensions of the DXWRPDWLVP 7KH ZUDSDURXQG FRYHU DQG WKH EODFN KHDGHU SLHFHV ± ZKLFKDUHWKHRQO\VWDQGDUGHOHPHQWVLQYLHZ±DOORZWRDYRLGSRVVLEOH FRORXULQJ WUHDWPHQWV RI WKH VXSSRUW WUDFN PDNLQJ LW HDVLHU WR PHHW VXSSO\ UHTXLUHPHQWV WR ZRUN VLWHV 7KH VW\OLVKQHVV RI WKH SDUWLFXODU WHOHVFRSLFPRYHPHQWPDNHVWKHQHZDXWRPDWLVPSDUWLFXODUO\VXLWDEOH as a high-prestige solution for automatic entries. TELESCOPICA MILLENNIUM 026 027 224 AUTOMATISMO TELESCOPICA SENSORE COMANDO APERTURA TELESCOPICA AUTOMATISM MOTION SENSOR 186 SELETTORE FUNZIONI BASE O AVANZATO FUNCTION SELECTOR BASIC OR ADVANCED SELETTORE A CHIAVE KEY SELECTOR FOTOCELLULA DI SICUREZZA A DOPPIO RAGGIO SAFETY DOUBLE PHOTOCELL 20cm 100cm TELESCOPICA MILLENNIUM. AUTOMATISMO PER PORTE SCORREVOLI TELESCOPICHE. TELESCOPICA MILLENNIUM. AUTOMATISM FOR TELESCOPIC SLIDING DOORS. Caratteristiche tecniche - Technical features - TENSIONE NOMINALE DI ALIMENTAZIONE - RATED SUPPLY VOLTAGE > 230 V - FREQUENZA NOMINALE - RATED FREQUENCY > 50 Hz - POTENZA NOMINALE - RATED POWER > 180 W - VELOCITÀ DI APERTURA AUTOMATISMO 2 ANTE - OPENING SPEED 2 WINGS AUTOMATISM > 70 cm/sec - VELOCITÀ DI APERTURA AUTOMATISMO 4 ANTE - OPENING SPEED 4 WINGS AUTOMATISM > 140 cm/sec - PORTATA MAX. AMMISSIBILE AUTOMATISMO 2 ANTE - MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PAYLOAD 2 WINGS AUTOMATISM > 2x120 Kg - PORTATA MAX. AMMISSIBILE AUTOMATISMO 4 ANTE - MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PAYLOAD 4 WINGS AUTOMATISM > 4x80 Kg - PESO DELL’AUTOMATISMO PER METRO LINEARE - WEIGHT OF CROSS-PIECE PER LINEAR METER > 14,5 Kg/m - DIMENSIONI AUTOMATISMO - AUTOMATISM DIMENSIONS > 186hx224 mm TELESCOPICA MILLENNIUM - AUTOMAZIONI/AUTOMATIONS PF05.80 Modulo di comando per automatismi Telescopica Millennium E a 2 ante. Completo di centrale elettronica a microprocessore, trasformatore, motoriduttore, encoder, 2 coppia carrelli, testate chiusura automazione, cablaggio, cinghia di trasmissione, 1 gruppo rinvio movimento alla VHFRQGDDQWDSUR¿OLJXLGHGLVFRUULPHQWR Control unit for 2-wings Telescopica Millennium E automatisms. Complete with electronic microprocessor, transformer, gear motor, encoder, 2 pairs of carriages, automatism end sides, wiring, transmission belt, 1 second-wing PRWLRQUHWXUQXQLWVOLGLQJJXLGHSUR¿OHV - SERVIZIO CONTINUO - CONTINUOUS SERVICE PF05.81 Modulo di comando per automatismi Telescopica Millennium E a 4 ante. Completo di centrale elettronica a microprocessore, trasformatore, motoriduttore, encoder, 4 coppie carrelli, testate chiusura automazione, cablaggio, cinghia di trasmissione, 2 gruppi rinvio movimento alla VHFRQGDDQWDSUR¿OLJXLGHGLVFRUULPHQWR Control unit for 4-wings Telescopica Millennium E automatisms. Complete with electronic microprocessor, transformer, gear motor, encoder, 4 pairs of carriages, automatism end sides, wiring, transmission belt, 2 second-wing PRWLRQUHWXUQXQLWVVOLGLQJJXLGHSUR¿OHV 1%3HULOFDOFRORGHOSUH]]RGHOO¶DXWRPDWLVPRFRPSOHWRYHGL³JXLGDDOSUH]]R´SDJLQD NOTE: For the calculation of the complete automatism price, see the “price guide” on page 31 TELESCOPICA MILLENNIUM - automatismo per porte scorrevoli telescopiche 028 TELESCOPICA MILLENNIUM - automatism for telescopic sliding doors TELESCOPICA MILLENNIUM - automatismo per porte scorrevoli telescopiche 029 TELESCOPICA MILLENNIUM - automatism for telescopic sliding doors GUIDA AL PREZZO/PRICE GUIDE TELESCOPICA MILLENNIUM - PROFILI/PROFILES PER DETERMINARE IL PREZZO FINALE SOMMARE I PREZZI DEI CODICI SCELTI TO DETERMINE THE FINAL PRICE ADD UP THE PRICE OF THE SELECTED CODES LUNGHEZZA AUTOMATISMO FINO A 4,3 MT/LENGTH AUTOMATISM UP TO 4,3 MT Lunghezze fino a 4,3m/lenght up to 4,3m SUR¿ORFRSHUFKLRJUH]]R UDZFRYHUSUR¿OH automazione 2 ante automatism 2 wings PF05.80 PF05.050/mt PF05.0617,00/mt PF05.0721,50/mt 3UR¿ORFDVVDHVWUXVR in alluminio. Finitura: grezzo 3UR¿ORFRSHUFKLR estruso in alluminio. Finitura: grezzo 3UR¿ORFRSHUFKLR estruso in alluminio. Finitura: anodizzato argento Track aluminium H[WUXGHGSUR¿OH Color: raw Cover aluminium H[WUXGHGSUR¿OH Color: raw Cover aluminium H[WUXGHGSUR¿OH Color: silver anodized 352),/2&23(5&+,2COVER PROFILE 352),/2&$66$TRACK PROFILE PF05.06 * SUR¿ORFDVVDJUH]]R UDZWUDFNSUR¿OH PF05.05 * automazione 4 ante automatism 4 wings SUR¿ORFRSHUFKLRDQRGL]]DWRDUJHQWR VLOYHUDQRGL]HGFRYHUSUR¿OH PF05.81 PF05.07 * LUNGHEZZA AUTOMATISMO DA 4,3 MT FINO A 6,8 MT/LENGTH AUTOMATISM FROM 4,3 MT TO 6,8 MT SUR¿ORFRSHUFKLRJUH]]R UDZFRYHUSUR¿OH automazione 2 ante automatism 2 wings Lunghezze da 4,3m a 6,8m/ lenght from 4,3m to 6,8m PF05.80 PF05.09 SUR¿ORFDVVDJUH]]R UDZWUDFNSUR¿OH PF05.08 automazione 4 ante automatism 4 wings SUR¿ORFRSHUFKLRDQRGL]]DWRDUJHQWR VLOYHUDQRGL]HGFRYHUSUR¿OH PF05.81 PF05.08516,00 PF05.0999,00 PF05.10 123,00 3UR¿ORFDVVDHVWUXVR in alluminio. Finitura: grezzo 3UR¿ORFRSHUFKLR estruso in alluminio. Finitura: grezzo 3UR¿ORFRSHUFKLR estruso in alluminio. Finitura: anodizzato argento Track aluminium H[WUXGHGSUR¿OH Color: raw Cover aluminium H[WUXGHGSUR¿OH Color: raw Cover aluminium H[WUXGHGSUR¿OH Color: silver anodized 352),/2&$66$TRACK PROFILE 352),/2&23(5&+,2COVER PROFILE PF05.10 OPTIONAL 3UR¿ORWDPSRQDPHQWR grezzo 5DZJDSFORVHUSUR¿OH 3UR¿ORWDPSRQDPHQWR anodizzato argento Silver anodized gap FORVHU3UR¿OH Spazzolino di UL¿QLWXUDGDPP Airtight brushes 14mm Spazzolino di UL¿QLWXUDGDPP Airtight brushes 20mm Spazzolino di UL¿QLWXUDGDPP Airtight brushes 27mm 9HUQLFLDWXUD5$/ GHOSUR¿ORFRSHUFKLR Paint RAL only cover 9HUQLFLDWXUD5$/GHO SUR¿ORFRSHUFKLRH tamponamento Paint RAL cover and gap FORVHUSUR¿OH PF01.37 * PF01.38 * PF01.40 * PF01.41 * PF01.42 * PF01.53 * PF01.54 * *TUTTI I PREZZI AL MT DEVONO ESSERE MOLTIPLICATI PER LA LUNGHEZZA DELL’AUTOMATISMO /ALL THE PRICES PER METER MUST BE MULTIPLIED BY THE LENGTH OF THE AUTOMATISM 3HUJOLDFFHVVRULGLVSRQLELOLYHGHUHDSDJFor the available accessories see pages 58-60 TELESCOPICA MILLENNIUM - automatismo per porte scorrevoli telescopiche 030 TELESCOPICA MILLENNIUM - automatism for telescopic sliding doors TELESCOPICA MILLENNIUM - automatismo per porte scorrevoli telescopiche 031 TELESCOPICA MILLENNIUM - automatism for telescopic sliding doors AUTOMATISMO DIORISMA DIORISMA AUTOMATISM UNICO CASSONETTO IN ALLUMINIO SENSORI INFRAROSSO ATTIVO PER IL COMANDO DELLE APERTURE E SORVEGLIANZA ZONA APERTURA SINGLE ALUMINIUM TRANSOM ACTIVE INFRARED SENSORS FOR OPENING CONTROL AND OPENING AREA SURVEILLANCE SELETTORE FUNZIONI DIGITALE O RIDOTTO FUNCTION SELECTOR DIGITAL OR REDUCED SELETTORE A CHIAVE KEY SELECTOR 3HUJOLDFFHVVRULGLVSRQLELOLYHGHUHDSDJFor the available accessories see pages 33/34 DIORISMA MILLENNIUM ',25,60$ 0,//(11,80 q O¶DXWRPDWLVPR 6(6$02 XWLOL]]DWR SHU OD UHDOL]]D]LRQHGLLQJUHVVLDXWRPDWLFLGLIRUPDDQJRODUH8QLFRQHOVXRJHQHUH ',25,60$0,//(11,80SHUPHWWHGLDXWRPDWL]]DUHVHUUDPHQWLGLIRUPD DQJRODUHVHQ]DFKHVLUHQGDQHFHVVDULRLQVWDOODUHGXHDXWRPDWLVPLVFRUUHYROL DGXQ¶DQWDGLVWLQWL$OVXRLQWHUQRLQIDWWLULVLHGHXQ¶XQLFDXQLWjGLFRPDQGRFKH WUDPLWH XQR VSHFLDOH VLVWHPD GL WUDVPLVVLRQH WUDVPHWWH LO PRYLPHQWR DG HQWUDPEH OH DQWH 5LVSHWWR DOOD VROX]LRQH FRQ GXH DXWRPDWLVPL GLVWLQWL ',25,60$ 0,//(11,80 SHUPHWWH XQ QRWHYROH ULVSDUPLR HFRQRPLFR HG XQD PDJJLRUH YHORFLWj G¶LQVWDOOD]LRQH H PDQXWHQ]LRQH ,O ULVXOWDWR DUFKLWHWWRQLFR ¿QDOH q TXLQGL GL PDJJLRU LQWHJUD]LRQH *HQHUDOPHQWH LQVHULWRLQVHUUDPHQWLDXWRPDWLFLGLDOWRSUHVWLJLR',25,60$0,//(11,80 q SURJHWWDWR SHU GDUH OD PDVVLPD DI¿GDELOLWj GL IXQ]LRQDPHQWR DQFKH LQ SUHVHQ]DGLXQVHUYL]LRFRQWLQXRFRPHSXzDFFDGHUHLQDHURSRUWLRVSHGDOL FHQWUL FRPPHUFLDOL VWD]LRQL IHUURYLDULH HGL¿FL SXEEOLFL $EELQDQGR DOO¶ DXWRPDWLVPR',25,60$0,//(11,80ODVHULHGL352),/,6(6$02SHU OD UHDOL]]D]LRQH GL DQWH ¿VVH H VFRUUHYROL VL RWWLHQH FRPH ULVXOWDWR ¿QDOH O¶LQJUHVVRSHGRQDOHDXWRPDWLFRUHDOL]]DWRVHFRQGROHGLUHWWLYHHXURSHHVXOOD VLFXUH]]DSHUOHSRUWHDXWRPDWLFKH DIORISMA MILLENNIUM is the SESAMO automatism used for the realisation of automatic entrances with corners. The only one of its kind, DIORISMA MILLENNIUM allows to automate doors with corners without making it necessary to install two different sliding automatisms to one wing. Inside it, in fact, there is a single control unit that uses a special transmission system to transmit the motion to both wings. In comparison with the solution using two different automatisms, DIORISMA MILLENNIUM allows a considerable economic savings and faster installation and maintenance. 7KH ¿QDO DUFKLWHFWXUDO UHVXOW LV WKHUHIRUH JUHDWHU LQWHJUDWLRQ *HQHUDOO\ used in automatic doors of high prestige, DIORISMA MILLENNIUM is designed to provide maximum reliability of operation even with continuous service, as it can happen in airports, hospitals, shopping malls, railway stations, and public buildings. Combining the DIORISMA MILLENNIUM automatism with the series of SESAMO PROFILES for the realization of ¿[HGDQGVOLGLQJZLQJVUHVXOWVLQDQDXWRPDWLFSHGHVWULDQHQWUDQFHUHDOL]HG according to the European directives on automatic door safety. &RGLFHDUWLFROR &RGH /XQJKH]]DWUDYHUVDLQPP $XWRPDWLVPOHQJKWPP PF06.01 PF06.02 PF06.03 PF06.04 PF06.05 PF06.06 PLVXUHVXSHULRULYHUUDQQRYDOXWDWHFDVRSHUFDVRLQEDVHDLSHVLXWLOL]]RHFF/DUJHUVL]HVZLOOEH HYDOXDWHGFDVHE\FDVHRQWKHEDVLVRIZHLJKWVXVHHWF /83 PP A* PP 2X1500 980 700 + 700 (*VLYHGDOD¿JXUDVRWWRVWDQWHSHULOVLJQL¿FDWRGL/83H$*)6HHWKH¿JXUHEHORZIRUWKHGH¿QLWLRQ RI/83DQG$ 2X1700 1130 800 + 800 2X1900 1270 900 + 900 ,0%$//2ODWUDYHUVDYLHQHVSHGLWDJLjDVVHPEODWDDGDQJRORFRQDVVHLQOHJQRÀDQJLDWRVXOOHWHVWDWHDIRUPDUHODGLDJRQDOHSHUODSURWH]LRQHGXUDQWHLOWUDVSRUWR 3$&.$*,1*7KHFURVVSLHFHLVVKLSSHGDOUHDG\DVVHPEOHGDWDQDQJOHZLWKDÀDQJHGZRRGHQERDUG RQWKHHQGVIRUPLQJDGLDJRQDOIRUSURWHFWLRQGXULQJWUDQVSRUW 2X2100 1410 1000 + 1000 2X2300 1550 1100 + 1100 2X2500 1690 1200 + 1200 AF Caratteristiche tecniche - Technical features DIORISMA MILLENNIUM - AUTOMAZIONI/AUTOMATIONS - TENSIONE NOMINALE DI ALIMENTAZIONE - 5$7('6833/<92/7$*( > - FREQUENZA NOMINALE - RATED FREQUENCY > 50 Hz - POTENZA NOMINALE - RATED POWER > 180 W - VELOCITÀ DI APERTURA AUTOMATISMO 2 ANTE - 23(1,1*63((':,1*6$8720$7,60 > 130 cm/sec - PORTATA MAX. AMMISSIBILE AUTOMATISMO 2 ANTE - 0$;,080$//2:$%/(3$</2$':,1*6$8720$7,60 > 2x120 Kg A sc T 230 V - PESO DELL’AUTOMATISMO PER METRO LINEARE - :(,*+72)&52663,(&(3(5/,1($50(7(5 > 15 Kg/m - DIMENSIONI AUTOMATISMO - AUTOMATISM DIMENSIONS > 115hx180 mm A sc LU P AF T 3HUJOLDFFHVVRULGLVSRQLELOLYHGHUHDSDJ )RUWKHDYDLODEOHDFFHVVRULHVVHHSDJHV - SERVIZIO CONTINUO - CONTINUOUS SERVICE DIORISMA MILLENNIUM - automatismo per porte scorrevoli ad angolo 032 DIORISMA MILLENNIUM - automatic corner sliding doors DIORISMA MILLENNIUM - automatismo per porte scorrevoli ad angolo 033 DIORISMA MILLENNIUM - automatic corner sliding doors AUTOMATISMO PER PORTE SCORREVOLI CIRCOLARI AUTOMATISM FOR CIRCULAR SLIDING DOORS 035 SENSORE COMANDO APERTURE MOTION SENSORS AUTOMAZIONE CIRCO CIRCO AUTOMATISM CELINO CEILING SENSORI INFRAROSSO ATTIVO PER MONITORARE LA ZONA DI PASSAGGIO SELETTORE FUNZIONI AVANZATO O BASE FUNCTION SELECTOR BASIC OR ADVANCED ACTIVE INFRARED SENSORS FOR TRAFFIC AREA SURVEILLANCE SELETTORE A CHIAVE KEY SELECTOR CIRCO MILLENNIUM &,5&2 0,//(11,80 q O¶DXWRPDWLVPR 6(6$02 XWLOL]]DWR SHU OD UHDOL]]D]LRQH GL LQJUHVVL DXWRPDWLFL GL IRUPD FLUFRODUH *HQHUDOPHQWH LQVHULWR LQ VHUUDPHQWL DXWRPDWLFL GL DOWR SUHVWLJLR &,5&2 0,//(11,80 q SURJHWWDWR SHU GDUH OD PDVVLPD DI¿GDELOLWj GL IXQ]LRQDPHQWR DQFKH LQ SUHVHQ]D GL XQ VHUYL]LR FRQWLQXRFRPHSXzDFFDGHUHLQDHURSRUWLRVSHGDOLFHQWULFRPPHUFLDOLVWD]LRQL IHUURYLDULHHGL¿FLSXEEOLFL$EELQDQGRDOO¶DXWRPDWLVPR&,5&20,//(11,80OD VHULHGL352),/,6(6$0260$//SHUODUHDOL]]D]LRQHGLDQWH¿VVHHVFRUUHYROL VLRWWLHQHFRPHULVXOWDWR¿QDOHO¶LQJUHVVRSHGRQDOHDXWRPDWLFRUHDOL]]DWRVHFRQGR OHGLUHWWLYHHXURSHHVXOODVLFXUH]]DSHUOHSRUWHDXWRPDWLFKH CIRCO MILLENNIUM is the SESAMO automatism used for the realization of FLUFXODUVKDSHGDXWRPDWLFHQWUDQFHV&,5&2MILLENNIUM is designed to give the maximum reliability of operation even under continuous service, as it can occur in airports, hospitals, commercial centres, railway stations, public buildings. Pairing the CIRCO MILLENNIUM automatism with the series of SESAMO SMALL 352),/(6IRUWKHUHDOL]DWLRQRI¿[HGDQGVOLGLQJZLQJVRQHREWDLQVDVD¿QDO result an automatic pedestrian entrance realized in compliance with the European safety directives for automatic doors. Development, testing and production of this automatism are performed, as for all the SESAMO products, according to the VWDQGDUGVUHTXLUHGE\WKHLQWHUQDWLRQDOUHJXODWLRQ,62 Caratteristiche tecniche - Technical features - TENSIONE NOMINALE DI ALIMENTAZIONE - 5$7('6833/<92/7$*( > - FREQUENZA NOMINALE - RATED FREQUENCY > 50 Hz - POTENZA NOMINALE - RATED POWER > 180 W - VELOCITÀ DI APERTURA AUTOMATISMO 1 ANTA - 23(1,1*63((':,1*$8720$7,60 > 65 cm/sec - VELOCITÀ DI APERTURA AUTOMATISMO 2 ANTE - 23(1,1*63((':,1*6$8720$7,60 > 130 cm/sec - PORTATA MAX. AMMISSIBILE AUTOMATISMO 1 ANTA- 0$;,080$//2:$%/(3$</2$':,1*$8720$7,60 > 120 Kg - PORTATA MAX. AMMISSIBILE AUTOMATISMO 2 ANTE - 0$;,080$//2:$%/(3$</2$':,1*6$8720$7,60 > 2x80 Kg - PESO DELL’AUTOMATISMO PER METRO LINEARE - :(,*+72)&52663,(&(3(5/,1($50(7(5 > 30 Kg/m - RAGGIO DI CURVATURA MINIMO - MINIMUM RADIUS OF CURVATURE > 1000 mm - DIMENSIONI AUTOMATISMO - AUTOMATISM DIMENSIONS > 250hx226 mm 230 V CIRCO MILLENNIUM -AUTOMAZIONI/AUTOMATIONS PF08.01282,00 PF08.02677,00 $XWRPD]LRQHDGDQWD/XQJKH]]D0D[ PP ZLQJDXWRPDWLRQ0D[/HQJWK PP $XWRPD]LRQH D DQWH /XQJKH]]D 0D[ mm ZLQJVDXWRPDWLRQ0D[/HQJWK PP ,QGLFDUHVHPSUHQHOO¶RUGLQHLUDJJLGLFXUYDWXUDROWUHDJOLDOWULGDWL ULFKLHVWLSHUOHWUDYHUVHFRQYHQ]LRQDOLULIHULWLDOORVYLOXSSRPLVXUDWRVXOO¶LQWHUQRHGHVWHUQRGHOO¶DQWD &RQWDWWDUH 6HVDPR SHU VSHFL¿FKH WHFQLFKH H FRVWL UHODWLYL D EXVVROHFRPSOHWHDXWRPD]LRQHDQWHYHWULFHOLQR 3HU JOL DFFHVVRUL GLVSRQLELOL YHGHUH ³DFFHVVRUL SHU VFRUUHYROL³ QHOODVH]LRQHDSSRVLWDSDJ Always indicate the radius of curvature in the order, in addition to the other data required for conventional crosspieces, related to the development measured on the inside and outside of the wing. &RQWDFW 6HVDPR IRU WKH WHFKQLFDO VSHFL¿FDWLRQV DQG FRVWV regarding complete double doors (automation, wings, panes, ceiling). Find available accessories in the special section “accessories for sliding doors” at page 58 - SERVIZIO CONTINUO - CONTINUOUS SERVICE CIRCO MILLENNIUM - automatismo per porte scorrevoli circolari 036 CIRCO MILLENNIUM - automatism for circular sliding doors CIRCO MILLENNIUM - automatismo per porte scorrevoli circolari 037 CIRCO MILLENNIUM - automatism for circular sliding doors ERMETIKA è la porta SESAMO utilizzata per la realizzazione di ingressi in ambienti condizionati dove l’isolamento acustico, termico ed igienico è fondamentale. The ERMETIKA sliding door by SESAMO is used for entrances in conditioned HQYLURQPHQWVZKHUHVRXQGSURR¿QJDQGLQVXODWLRQDUHSULPDU\SUHUHTXLWHV ERMETIKA has a wide range of application in operating theatre, in prepaUDWLRQURRPVLQTXDUDQWLQHURRPVLQFOHDQURRPVDQGLQSKDUPDFHXWLFDOV IRRGDQGPLFURHOHFWURQLFVLQGXVWULHV(50(7,.$LVDOVRLQGLFDWHGWRDYRLG DQXQFRQWUROOHGDLUÀRZDQGFURVVFRQWDPLQDWLRQQHYHUWKHOHVVWRUHGXFHQRLVHLQFRQIHUHQFHURRPPXVLFURRPRI¿FHVDQGPRUH(50(7,.$VWDQGVRXW thanks to its hygienic construction, because the anodized aluminium edging LV ÀXVK ZLWK WKH GRRU SDQHO 7KLV GRRU UHPDLQV KHUPHWLFDOO\ VHDOHG ZKHQ there is a large overpressure or under pressure, so that you are guaranteed WKDWQRGXVWSDUWLFOHVRUJHUPVDUHVSUHDGDVDUHVXOWRIDQDLUOHDNLQJGRRU Very important advantages of the sliding doors are the fact that they are cold smoke-proof, so they can be included in a smoke separation screen, and their acoustic value which produces a noise reduction to 28dB (35 dB in the (50(7,.$G%PRGHO Il modello ERMETIKA può essere usato per le sale operatorie, sale di preparazione, stanze di quarantena, stanze asettiche, industrie farmaceutiche, industrie alimentari ed è inoltre indicato per impedire elevati scambi di aria e GLHPLVVLRQLDFXVWLFKHLQVDOHFRQIHUHQ]DVDOHGLPXVLFDXI¿FLHPROWRDOWUR L’elevato livello d’igiene è assicurato dalla sua particolare costruzione poiché i bordi arrotondati in alluminio anodizzato sono livellati con il pannello della porta. Questa porta ermeticamente sigillata resiste alla sovrapressione o il sottovuoto, ciò garantisce la non diffusione dei batteri che può essere causata da una perdita d’aria della porta. Ulteriori vantaggi sono la resistenza al fumo che permette di utilizzare la porta ERMETIKA come separazione di cortina fumogena, e la resistenza acustica, che può portare ad un isolamento DFXVWLFR¿QRDG%G%QHOODYHUVLRQH(50(7,.$G% Il modello semi-ermetico ERMETIKA S è particolarmente indicato per stanze di degenza e guarigione, per le cabine elettriche, così come per magazzini HGXI¿FL The semi-hermetic model ERMETYIKA S is particularly suitable for recovery, QXUVHU\DQG,&URRPDVZHOODVVWRUDJHURRPVDQGRI¿FHVSDFHV The automatisms, have a number of operation options, which allows opening DQGSDVVDJHZLWKRXWWRXFKLQJWKHGRRUVLPSOLI\LQJWKHZRUNLQJSURFHGXUHV The option is also available for the double leaf version, which allows even ODUJHURSHQLQJWREHFUHDWHGDQGLVLGHDOIRUWUDQVSRUWSDVVDJH L’automazione, con una vasta gamma di opzioni standard, consente passaggi VHQ]D FRQWDWWR H SULYL GL RVWDFROL VHPSOL¿FDQGR OH SURFHGXUH GL ODYRUR /D versione a due ante permette l’utilizzazione di aperture più grandi favorendo sia il passaggio sia il trasporto. %RWKPRGHOVDUHDOVRDYDLODEOHLQPDQXDORSHUDWLQJ Tutti i modelli sono utilizzabili anche in funzionamento solo manuale. AUTOMATISMO E PORTE SCORREVOLI ERMETICHE/SEMI-ERMETICHE AUTOMATISM AND HERMETIC/SEMI-HERMETIC SLIDING DOORS 038 VANTAGGI: Prevenzioni di contaminazioni incrociate $PSLDJDPPDGLRS]LRQL¿QLLWXUHGHOODSRUWDHFRORUL Facile da pulire /XPLQRVDHWUDVSDUHQWHVRORPRGHOOR(50(7,.$GLASS Risparmio energetico 5REXVWDHDI¿GDELOH %ORFFRGHLIXPLIUHGGL &RVWUX]LRQHDWHQXWDFHUWL¿FDWDGHOODSRUWDVFRUUHYROH Ridotta manutenzione YOUR ADVANTAGES ARE: Prevention of cross contamination $ZLGHUDQJHRIRSWLRQVGRRU¿QLVKLQJVDQGFRORXUV Easy to clean Clear and transparent (only ERMETIKA GLASS) (QHUJ\HI¿FLHQW Robust and reliable Blocco dei fumi freddi &HUWL¿HGDLUWLJKWVOLGLQJGRRUFRQVWUXFWLRQ Low maintenance OPZIONI: 3DQQHOORLQODPLQDWRSODVWLFRPPHVFOXVRPRGHOOR(50(7,.$ GLASSH(50(7,.$6 YDVWDVFHOWDGLFRORULGLVSRQLELOLHVFOXVRPRGHOOR(50(7,.$GLASS lamina in acciaio inox o rivestimento in acciaio YLVLYDGRSSLRYHWUROLYHOODWDFRQLOSDQQHOORHVFOXVRPRGHOOR ERMETIKA GLASS YLVLYDFRQRVFXUDPHQWRHVFOXVRPRGHOOR(50(7,.$GLASS WHODLRYHWURFRORUDWRVRORPRGHOOR(50(7,.$GLASS modello resistente al fuoco modello ad una o due ante OPTIONS: Door leaf with 6mm non-organic door blade panel (excluded ERMETIKA GLASS and ERMETIKA S) Large range of standard pane colour (excluded ERMETIKA GLASS) Stainless steel or coated steel sheet door blade panel Flush mounted double glazed window (excluded ERMETIKA GLASS) Integral blinding inside the glass sandwich is possible (excluded ERMETIKA GLASS) Coloured glass frame (only ERMETIKA GLASS) Fire-resistant design One-leaf or double-leaf models TELAIO A MURO Ogni situazione è differente, per questo Sesamo fornisce il suo telaio che meglio si adatta alla situazione esistente. Telaio SINGLESUR¿ORDGDQJRORLQDOOXPLQLRSHULPHWUDOHVXLWUHODWLGHO vano muro Telaio COLOR: cornice a vista nello stesso colore del pannello della porta Telaio INOX: cornice con rivestimento in acciaio inox WALL FRAMES FOR THE SLIDING DOOR Every situation is different, for this reason Sesamo supplies its frames to VXLWWKHH[LVWLQJVLWXDWLRQ 6,1*/(IUDPHDOXPLQLXPFRUQHUSUR¿OHRQUDLOVLGHRQD¿QLVKHGZDOO &2/25IUDPHDZDOOVXUURXQGLQJV\VWHPIUDPHZLWKDUHYHDO¿QLVKLQ the same colour as the door panel INOX frame, a wall surrounding frame with stainless steel reveal FODGGLQJ &RQWDWWDUH6HVDPRSHUVSHFL¿FKHWHFQLFKHHFRVWLUHODWLYLDGLQJUHVVL completi. 3OHDVHFRQWDFW6HVDPR6DOHVRI¿FHIRUWHFKQLFDOVSHFL¿FDWLRQDQGRIIHUV ERMETIKA - automatismo e porte scorrevoli ermetiche e semiermetike 039 ERMETIKA - automatism and hermetic/semi-hermetic sliding doors PF18.05 ERMETIKA T60 3RUWD VFRUUHYROH FRQ PLQXWL GL UHVLVWHQ]D DO IXRFR VHFRQGR OHQRUPDWLYH712(IIHFWLVUHSRUW6HFRQGRLWHVW1(1(1 H1(1 PLQXWH¿UHUHVLVWDQWGRRULQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKH712(IIHFWLV UHSRUW 7HVWV DFFRUGLQJ WR 1(1(1 DQG 1(1 PF18.06 ERMETIKA GLASS 8VDQGR ERMETIKA GLASS VL SHUPHWWH XQD YLVWD WRWDOH GHOOD VWDQ]D QRQRVWDQWH OD SUHVHQ]D GL XQD SRUWD FRPH EDUULHUD 4XHVWR WLSR GL SRUWD WURYD OD PLJOLRU FROORFD]LRQH QHOOH VWDQ]H GL WUDWWDPHQWR GRYH OD YLVXDOH ULVXOWD GL JUDQGH LPSRUWDQ]D 8QDGHOOHFDUDWWHULVWLFKHFKHGLVWLQJXHERMETIKA GLASSqOD SDQQHOODWXUDFRPSOHWDPHQWHSLDWWDVHQ]DVSLJROLYLYL PF18.07 ERMETIKA S (50(7,.$*/$66 gives a clear view of the room, despite the EDUULHU RI D GRRU 7KLV LV EHQH¿FLDO WR WKH SDWLHQW¶V VRFLDO ZHOO being and gives the medical staff good observation possibilities. A characteristic that distinguishes itself from its competitors is the FRPSOHWHO\ÀDWGRRUSDQHOZLWKRXWDQ\UDLVHGHGJHV MODELLO SEMI-ERMETICO SEMI-HERMETIC MODEL 3DQQHOOR VSHVVRUH PP WDPEXUDWR FRQ ULYHVWLPHQWR LQ ODPLQDWR GL SODVWLFD +3/ SROLFDUERQDWR VSHVVRUH PP ,O SDQQHOORVDUjLQWHODLDWRGDSUR¿OLLQDOOXPLQLRDUJHQWRDQRGL]]DWR /HSRUWHKDQQR XQD JLXQWXUD QHOO¶+3/SRVL]LRQDWR GHELWDPHQWH GD6HVDPR 'RRUSDQHOPPWKLFNZLWKPP+3/VWDQGDUGFRORXU7KH DERYHSDQHOZLOOEHIUDPHGLQDQRGL]HGDOXPLQXPSUR¿OHV'RRUV ZLOOKDYHDMRLQWLQWKH+3/SRVLWLRQE\WKHVXSSOLHU ERMETIKA ERMETIKA - MODELLI/MODELS ERMETIKA - AUTOMAZIONI/AUTOMATIONS PF18.01 ERMETIKA STD PF18.08 3DQQHOOR LQWHODLDWR H FRPSOHWDPHQWH DOOLQHDWR FRQ SUR¿OL DUURWRQGDWL LQ DOOXPLQLR DQRGL]]DWR GL VH]LRQH PP FRPSRVWR GDPPGLSROLXUHWDQRHVSDQVRULYHVWLWRVXHQWUDPELLODWLGD GXHODVWUHGL0')VSHVVRUHPPHODPLQDWRGLSODVWLFD+3/ SROLFDUERQDWRVSHVVRUHPP 'RRU SDQHO IUDPHG LQ DQRGL]HG DOXPLQXP SUR¿OHV PP WKLFN FRPSOHWH ÀXVK &RQVLVW RI PP &)& IUHH SRO\XUHWKDQH RQ ERWKVLGHVPP0')PDWHULDODQG¿QLVKHGZLWKK\JLHQLFKDUG SODVWLFODPLQDWHWKLFNQHVVPPLQDVWDQGDUG!+3/FRORXU $XWRPD]LRQHSHUWXWWLLPRGHOOL(50(7,.$ automatism model ERMETIKA. PF18.09 $XWRPD]LRQHPRGHOOR(50(7,.$6 PF18.02 ERMETIKA X-RAY automatism model ERMETIKA S. MODELLO CON PROTEZIONE AI RAGGI X RADIATION-PROOF MODEL ,OSDQQHOORGHOPRGHOORX-RAYqGLVSRQLELOHFRQLQWDUVLLQSLRPER GL GLYHUVR VSHVVRUH ¿QR DG XQ PDVVLPR GL PP ,Q RS]LRQH q DQFKHGLVSRQLELOHODYHUVLRQHFRQYHWURGRSSLROLYHOODWRHDYHWUR FRQSURWH]LRQHDLUDJJL;9LqDQFKHODSRVVLELOLWjVXULFKLHVWD GL¿QHVWUDFLHFD The door panel is available with lead inlays in various thickness up to a maximum of 3 mm. Available options are double glazed DQGÀXVK¿WWHGZLQGRZVZLWK;5D\SURWHFWLRQ7KLVLVDOVRZLWK integral blinding up on request. PF18.03 ERMETIKA dB 4XHVWRPRGHOORSXzHVVHUHSURGRWWRFRQXQDULGX]LRQHPDVVLPD GHOUXPRUHDG% The Ermetika dB can be manufactured with a maximum noise UHGXFWLRQOHYHORI!G% PF18.04 ERMETIKA RF30 3RUWD VFRUUHYROH FRQ PLQXWL GL UHVLVWHQ]D DO IXRFR VHFRQGR OH QRUPDWLYH 712(IIHFWLV UHSRUW 6HFRQGR L WHVW 1(1(1 H1(1 ERMETIKA - automatismo e porte scorrevoli ermetiche e semiermetike 040 PLQXWH ¿UHUHVLVWDQW GRRU LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK WKH 712 (IIHFWLVUHSRUW7HVWVDFFRUGLQJWR1(1(1DQG1(1 ERMETIKA - automatism and hermetic/semi-hermetic sliding doors Caratteristiche tecniche - Technical features - TENSIONE NOMINALE DI ALIMENTAZIONE - 5$7('6833/<92/7$*( > 230/110 V - FREQUENZA NOMINALE - RATED FREQUENCY > 50/60 Hz - POTENZA NOMINALE MOTORE - NOMINAL MOTOR POWER > 90 W - PORTATA MAX. AMMISSIBILE AUTOMATISMO 1 ANTA- 0$;,080$//2:$%/(3$</2$':,1*$8720$7,60 > 250 Kg - LARGHEZZA MAX. AMMISSIBILE ANTA - 0$;,080$//2:$%/(3$</2$':,1* > 3500 mm - VELOCITÀ RIDOTTA - SLOW SPEED (V SLOW) > 20-120 mm/s - VELOCITÀ DI PARTENZA - 67$57,1*63(('967$57) > 20-220 mm/s - VELOCITÀ DI APERTURA - 23(1,1*63(('923(1) > V SLOW-800 mm/s - VELOCITÀ DI CHIUSURA - &/26,1*63(('9&/26() > V SLOW-500 mm/s - PASSAGGIO LIBERO (% dell’apertura disponibile) - 3('(675,$123(1,1* (% of the available door opening) > 10-80 % ERMETIKA - automatismo e porte scorrevoli ermetiche e semiermetike 041 ERMETIKA - automatism and hermetic/semi-hermetic sliding doors AUTOMATISMI PER PORTE E PERSIANE A BATTENTE AUTOMATISMS FOR SWINGING DOORS AND SHUTTERS 043 8QDXWRPDWLVPRHFFH]LRQDOHLGRQHRDGHVVHUHXWLOL]]DWRVXTXDOVLDVL SRUWDDEDWWHQWHJLjHVLVWHQWHLQWHUQDRGHVWHUQDFRQDSHUWXUDVLQLVWUD RGHVWUDFRQXQPRQWDJJLRVLDVXOO¶DUFKLWUDYHFKHVXOEDWWHQWH3,80$ 0,//(11,80qSDUWLFRODUPHQWHDGDWWRSHUO¶DXWRPD]LRQHGLSRUWHGL RVSHGDOLDOEHUJKLQHJR]LEDQFKHXI¿FLULVWRUDQWLVXSHUPHUFDWLHFF GRYHqULFKLHVWRXQXWLOL]]RFRQWUDI¿FRLQWHQVRHFRQWLQXR/¶HOHJDQWH FRSHUWXUDLQHVWUXVRGLDOOXPLQLRULSUHQGHLOGHVLJQUDI¿QDWRGHLPRGHOOL SHUVFRUUHYROL/¶DJJLXQWDGLGXHQXRYLWHUPLQDOLGL¿QLWXUDHVWUHPDPHQWH RULJLQDOL FRQIHULVFRQR DOO¶DXWRPDWLVPR XQ DVSHWWR JUDGHYROH H OR UHQGRQRIDFLOPHQWHLQWHJUDELOH FRQ TXDOVLDVL WLSRORJLD GL VHUUDPHQWR 1HOOD VXD IDVFLD GL PHUFDWR 3,80$ 0,//(11,80 q O¶DXWRPDWLVPR GDOOHGLPHQVLRQLSLULGRWWH3HUSRWHUORLQVWDOODUHqVXI¿FLHQWHGLVSRUUH GLFPVRSUDDOEDWWHQWH/¶DXWRPDWLVPRKDJLjLQFRUSRUDWHOHVHJXHQWL IXQ]LRQLGLVHULHVLFXUH]]DDQWLVFKLDFFLDPHQWRVLDLQIDVHGLDSHUWXUD FKH LQ TXHOOD GL FKLXVXUD GHO EDWWHQWH DOLPHQWD]LRQH GL VHUUDWXUD HOHWWULFD 9 IXQ]LRQDPHQWR D SRWHQ]D ULGRWWD SHU DPELHQWL FRQ GLVDELOLFKLXVXUDDQWLYHQWRSXVKJRÊSRVVLELOHDXWRPDWL]]DUHSRUWH DGXHEDWWHQWLXWLOL]]DQGRGXHDXWRPDWLVPLSRVL]LRQDWLDOO¶LQWHUQRGLXQ XQLFRSUR¿ORHVWUXVRLQDOOXPLQLRGLOXQJKH]]DGRSSLDULVSHWWRDTXHOOD GLVHULH $QH[FHSWLRQDODXWRPDWLVPWKLVXQLWFDQEHXVHGRQDQ\SUHH[LVWLQJ swinging door (indoor or outdoor, with opening on the left or on the right), with assembly both on the architrave and on the door. PIUMA MILLENNIUM is particularly suitable for the automation of doors in KRVSLWDOVKRWHOVVKRSVEDQNVRI¿FHVUHVWDXUDQWVVXSHUPDUNHWVHWF VXEMHFWWRLQWHQVHXVHDQGFRQWLQXRXVWUDI¿F7KHHOHJDQWFRYHULQJLQ H[WUXGHGDOXPLQLXPUHFDSWXUHVWKHUH¿QHGGHVLJQRIWKHVOLGLQJGRRUV PRGHOV7KHDGGLWLRQRIWZRQHZH[WUHPHO\RULJLQDOSUR¿OHVJLYHVWKH automatism a pleasant appearance and makes it easy option with any type of door. PIUMA MILLENNIUM is the automatism with the smallest GLPHQVLRQVFRPSDUHGWR6HVDPR¶VFRPSHWLWRUV-XVWFPDERYHWKH door is necessary in order to install it. The automatism has already LQFRUSRUDWHG WKH IROORZLQJ VWDQGDUG IXQFWLRQV DQWLFUXVKLQJ VHFXULW\ both in the opening phase as well as in the closing phase of the door, 9SRZHUVXSSO\RIWKHHOHFWULFORFNORZHQHUJ\RSHUDWLRQZKHQ WKHUH DUH SK\VLFDOO\LPSDLUHG SHRSOH DQWLZLQG FORVXUH SXVK JR system. It is possible to automate doors with two wings using two DXWRPDWLVPVSRVLWLRQHGZLWKLQDVLQJOHH[WUXGHGDOXPLQLXPSUR¿OHRI double length with respect to the standard. PIUMA MILLENNIUM 044 045 SENSORE PER IL COMANDO DELLE APERTURE SENSORE MONODIREZIONALE PER IL COMANDO DELLE APERTURE MOTION SENSORS UNICO CASSONETTO IN ALLUMINIO UNIDIRECTIONAL SENSOR FOR OPENING POSITION CONTROL SINGLE ALUMINIUM TRANSOM BRACCIO ARTICOLATO AUTOMAZIONE PIUMA ARTICULATED ARM PIUMA AUTOMATISM BRACCIO RIGIDO SELETTORE FUNZIONI DIGITALE O RIDOTTO RIGID ARM FUNCTION SELECTOR DIGITAL OR REDUCED SENSORE INFRASOSSI ATTIVO PER IL CONTROLLO DELL’AREA DI APERTURA DELL’ANTA SELETTORE FUNZIONI DIGITALE O RIDOTTO SELETTORE A CHIAVE ACTIVE INFRARED SENSOR FOR CONTROL OF THE WING OPENING AREA FUNCTION SELECTOR DIGITAL OR REDUCED KEY SELECTOR SELETTORE A CHIAVE KEY SELECTOR PIUMA MILLENNIUM. AUTOMATISMO PER PORTE A BATTENTE. PIUMA MILLENNIUM. AUTOMATISM FOR SWINGING DOORS. Caratteristiche tecniche - Technical features PIUMA - AUTOMATISMI/AUTOMATISMS - TENSIONE NOMINALE DI ALIMENTAZIONE - 5$7('6833/<92/7$*( > 230 V - FREQUENZA NOMINALE - RATED FREQUENCY > 50 Hz - POTENZA NOMINALE - RATED POWER > 60 W - LARGHEZZA MAX. ANTA - 0$;:,1*:,'7+ > 1200 mm - ALTEZZA MAX. ANTA - 0$;:,1*+(,*+7 > 2400 mm - PORTATA MAX. AMMISSIBILE AUTOMATISMO 1 ANTA- 0$;,080$//2:$%/(3$</2$':,1*$8720$7,60 > 200 Kg - PORTATA MAX. AMMISSIBILE AUTOMATISMO 2 ANTE - 0$;,080$//2:$%/(3$</2$':,1*6$8720$7,60 > 2x200 Kg - ANGOLO MAX. DI APERTURA - 0$;23(1,1*$1*/( > 100° - PESO DELL’AUTOMATISMO 1 ANTA - :(,*+72)$8720$7,60:,1* > 10 Kg/m - PESO DELL’AUTOMATISMO 2 ANTE - :(,*+72)$8720$7,60:,1*6 > 20 Kg/m - DIMENSIONI AUTOMATISMO - AUTOMATISM DIMENSIONS > 79hx96,5 mm - SERVIZIO CONTINUO - CONTINUOUS SERVICE PIUMA MILLENNIUM - automatismo per porte a battente 046 PIUMA MILLENNIUM - automatism for swinging doors PF16.01 PF16.03 $XWRPD]LRQHSHUSRUWDDGDQWDVLQJROD 7HVWDWHGLFKLXVXUDDXWRPD]LRQHVWDQGDUG/XQJKH]]DPP $XWRPDWLVPIRUZLQJ $XWRPDWLVPHQGVLGHVVWDQGDUG/HQJKWPP $XWRPD]LRQHSHUSRUWDDGRSSLDDQWD 7HVWDWHGLFKLXVXUDDXWRPD]LRQHVWDQGDUG/XQJKH]]DPLQLPDPP $XWRPDWLVPIRUZLQJV $XWRPDWLVPHQGVLGHVVWDQGDUG0LQLPXQ/HQJKWPP PF16.02 PF16.04 $XWRPD]LRQHSHUSRUWDDGDQWDVLQJROD 7HVWDWHGLFKLXVXUDDXWRPD]LRQHSLDWWH/XQJKH]]DPP $XWRPDWLVPIRUZLQJ $XWRPDWLVPHQGVLGHVÀDW/HQJKWPP $XWRPD]LRQHSHUSRUWDDGRSSLDDQWD 7HVWDWHGLFKLXVXUDDXWRPD]LRQHSLDWWH/XQJKH]]DPLQLPDPP $XWRPDWLVPIRUZLQJV $XWRPDWLVPHQGVLGHVÀDW0LQLPXP/HQJKWPP PIUMA MILLENNIUM - automatismo per porte a battente 047 PIUMA MILLENNIUM - automatism for swinging doors GUIDA AL PREZZO/PRICE GUIDE PIUMA MILLENNIUM PER DETERMINARE IL PREZZO FINALE SOMMARE I PREZZI DEI CODICI SCELTI TO DETERMINE THE FINAL PRICE ADD UP THE PRICE OF THE SELECTED CODES WHVWDWHGLFKLXVXUDDXWRPD]LRQHVWDQGDUG /PP DXWRPDWLVPHQGVLGHVVWDQGDUG /PP FRQEDWWHULD with battery PF16.12 PF16.05 PF16.06 %UDFFLRULJLGRDWLUDUHFRPSOHWRGLJXLGDLQHVWUXVRGLDOOXPLQLR DQRGL]]DWR DUJHQWR 3HU DSSOLFD]LRQL GRYH O¶DXWRPD]LRQH q LQVWDOODWD GDOOR VWHVVR ODWR GL DSHUWXUD GHOO¶DQWD &RPSUHQVLYR GLIHUPRSHU¿QHFRUVDLQDSHUWXUD WHVWDWHGLFKLXVXUDDXWRPD]LRQHSLDWWH /PP DXWRPDWLVPHQGVLGHVÀDW /PP PF16.05 PF16.02 DXWRPD]LRQHDQWD DXWRPDWLVPZLQJ WHVWDWHGLFKLXVXUDDXWRPD]LRQHVWDQGDUG /PP DXWRPDWLVPHQGVLGHVVWDQGDUG /PP %UDFFLR DUWLFRODWR D VSLQJHUH SHU LQVWDOOD]LRQL GRYH O¶DXWRPD]LRQHqLQVWDOODWDGDOODWRRSSRVWRDTXHOORGLDSHUWXUD GHOO¶DQWD Articulated arm. Used when the automatism is installed on the opposite side to that of the opening of the door. Rigid Arm complete with aluminum silver anodized sliding guide. Used when the automatism is installed on the opening side of the door. Including stopper for opening limit. %UDFFLRULJLGR Rigid arm PF16.01 VHQ]DEDWWHULD without battery PF16.01 %UDFFLRDUWLFRODWR Articulated arm WHVWDWHGLFKLXVXUDDXWRPD]LRQHSLDWWH /PP DXWRPDWLVPHQGVLGHVÀDW /PP %5$&&,ARMS PF16.06 PF16.02 WHVWDWHGLFKLXVXUDDXWRPD]LRQHVWDQGDUG /PP DXWRPDWLVPHQGVLGHVVWDQGDUG /PP FRQEDWWHULD with battery PF16.07 2x PF16.12 PF16.13 3UROXQJDPHQWRFDVVRQHWWR Oversize transom. )HUPRSHUEUDFFLRDUWLFRODWR Stopper for articulated arm. %UDFFLRULJLGR Rigid arm PF16.03 2x PF16.05 WHVWDWHGLFKLXVXUDDXWRPD]LRQHSLDWWH /PP DXWRPDWLVPHQGVLGHVÀDW /PP PF16.04 DXWRPD]LRQHDQWH DXWRPDWLVPZLQJV WHVWDWHGLFKLXVXUDDXWRPD]LRQHVWDQGDUG /PP DXWRPDWLVPHQGVLGHVVWDQGDUG /PP VHQ]DEDWWHULD without battery PF16.03 %UDFFLRDUWLFRODWR Articulated arm WHVWDWHGLFKLXVXUDDXWRPD]LRQHSLDWWH /PP DXWRPDWLVPHQGVLGHVÀDW /PP PF16.12 PF16.04 3RZHUNLWEDWWHULDSHU3LXPD0LOOHQQLXP Piuma Millennium battery Power kit. 23=,21,OPTIONAL 3HUJOLDFFHVVRULGLVSRQLELOLYHGHUHDSDJ )RUWKHDYDLODEOHDFFHVVRULHVVHHSDJHV PIUMA MILLENNIUM - automatismo per porte a battente 048 PIUMA MILLENNIUM - automatism for swinging doors PIUMA MILLENNIUM - automatismo per porte a battente 049 PIUMA MILLENNIUM - automatism for swinging doors 2 x PF16.06 6ZLQJRLVDQHZVHOIFORVLQJKLQJHIRUGRRUVE\6HVDPRWKDWFRPELQHV an elegant, innovative design with a natural strength and is ideal for KHDY\GXW\ XVH 6LOHQW FRPSDFW DQG HDV\ WR LQVWDOO WKLV SURGXFW LV suitable for a large variety of uses. A very important and innovative IHDWXUHLVWKHEXLOWLQVDIHW\GHYLFHSDWHQWHGE\6HVDPR$SSURSULDWHV choices of materials and the use of the most advanced technological solutions allow to eliminate vibrations and the transmission of noise in order to make the operation very silent. Its sophisticated electronic components provide the assembler the necessary tools for many customised solutions or for diagnosis when carrying out maintenance operations. Thanks to its small size and its harmonious design, 6:,1*2LVVXLWDEOHLQPXOWLSOHFRQWH[WVDQGIXUQLVKLQJVDVZHOODVIRU residential use. 6:,1*2DVVRFLDXQULFHUFDWRHGLQQRYDWLYRGHVLJQDGXQDQDWXUDOH UREXVWH]]DLGHDOHSHUJOLXWLOL]]LLQWHQVLYL6LOHQ]LRVLWjHFRPSDWWH]]D XQLWH DOOD IDFLOLWj GL LQVWDOOD]LRQH UHQGRQR LO SURGRWWR LGHDOH SHU JOL LPSLHJKL SL GLVSDUDWL ,PSRUWDQWH HG LQQRYDWLYR LO GLVSRVLWLYR GL VLFXUH]]D LQWHJUDWR EUHYHWWDWR GD 6HVDPR 2SSRUWXQH VFHOWH GL PDWHULDOLHO¶XWLOL]]RGHOOHVROX]LRQLWHFQRORJLFKHSLDYDQ]DWHHOLPLQDQR OH YLEUD]LRQL H OD WUDVPLVVLRQH GHL UXPRUL LQ PRGR GD UHQGHUH LO IXQ]LRQDPHQWRDOWDPHQWHVLOHQ]LRVR/DVR¿VWLFDWDHOHWWURQLFDIRUQLVFH DOO¶LQVWDOODWRUH JOL VWUXPHQWL QHFHVVDUL DG RWWHQHUH HOHYDWH SRVVLELOLWj GLSHUVRQDOL]]D]LRQHRGLGLDJQRVLLQIDVHGLPDQXWHQ]LRQH*UD]LHDL VXRLLQJRPEULULGRWWLHDOVXRGHVLJQDUPRQLFR6:,1*2ULVXOWDHVVHUH FRPSDWLELOH FRQ PROWHSOLFL FRQWHVWL GL DUUHGDPHQWR HG LQGLFDWR SHU O¶XWLOL]]RUHVLGHQ]LDOH SWINGO SCHEDA ELETTRONICA DI CONTROLLO CONTROL ELECTRONIC BOARD ENCODER HALL HALL ENCODER TRASFORMATORE TRANSFORMER BATTERIE TAMPONE POWER BATTERY SYSTEM 050 MOTORIDUTTORE GEAR MOTOR 051 SENSORE PER IL COMANDO DELLE APERTURE POSIZIONATO IN MODO CHE IL CAMPO DI RILEVAZIONE NON INTERFERISCA CON IL MOVIMENTO DELL’ANTA SENSORE PER IL COMANDO DELLE APERTURE SENSOR FOR OPENING POSITION CONTROL WITH FIELD OF DETECTION THAT DOES NOT INTERFERE WITH WING MOTION MOTION SENSORS AUTOMAZIONE SWINGO AUTOMAZIONE SWINGO SWINGO AUTOMATISM SWINGO AUTOMATISM AUTOMAZIONE SWINGO SWINGO AUTOMATISM BRACCIO RIGIDO SELETTORE FUNZIONI DIGITALE O RIDOTTO RIGID ARM BRACCIO ARTICOLATO FUNCTION SELECTOR DIGITAL OR REDUCED SENSORE INFRASOSSI ATTIVO PER IL CONTROLLO DELL’AREA DI APERTURA DELL’ANTA ARTICULATED ARM SELETTORE FUNZIONI DIGITALE O RIDOTTO ACTIVE INFRARED SENSOR FOR CONTROL OF THE WING OPENING AREA FUNCTION SELECTOR DIGITAL OR REDUCED SELETTORE A CHIAVE KEY SELECTOR SELETTORE A CHIAVE KEY SELECTOR SWINGO. AUTOMATISMO PER PORTE A BATTENTE. SWINGO AUTOMATISM FOR SWINGING DOORS. SWINGO - AUTOMATISMI/AUTOMATISMS Caratteristiche tecniche - Technical features - TENSIONE NOMINALE DI ALIMENTAZIONE - 5$7('6833/<92/7$*( > 230 V - FREQUENZA NOMINALE - RATED FREQUENCY > 50 Hz - POTENZA NOMINALE - RATED POWER > 60 W - LARGHEZZA MAX. ANTA - 0$;:,1*:,'7+ > 1200 mm - ALTEZZA MAX. ANTA - 0$;:,1*+(,*+7 > 2400 mm - PORTATA MAX. AMMISSIBILE AUTOMATISMO 1 ANTA- 0$;,080$//2:$%/(3$</2$':,1*$8720$7,60 > 80 Kg - ANGOLO MAX. DI APERTURA - 0$;23(1,1*$1*/( > 100° - PESO DELL’AUTOMATISMO 1 ANTA - :(,*+72)$8720$7,60:,1* > 6,7 Kg - DIMENSIONI AUTOMATISMO (mm) - AUTOMATISM DIMENSIONS (mm) > 450x128xh102 PF15.01 $XWRPD]LRQHSHUSRUWDDGDQWDVLQJROD &RORUH1HUR $XWRPDWLVPIRUZLQJ Black color - SERVIZIO CONTINUO - CONTINUOUS SERVICE PF15.02 $XWRPD]LRQHSHUSRUWDDGDQWDVLQJROD &RORUH*ULJLR $XWRPDWLVPIRUZLQJ Silver color SWINGO - automatismo per porte a battente 052 SWINGO - automatism for swinging doors SWINGO - automatismo per porte a battente 053 SWINGO - automatism for swinging doors SWINGO GUIDA AL PREZZO/PRICE GUIDE PER DETERMINARE IL PREZZO FINALE SOMMARE I PREZZI DEI CODICI SCELTI TO DETERMINE THE FINAL PRICE ADD UP THE PRICE OF THE SELECTED CODES $XWRPDWLVPR&RORUH1HUR Black color Automatism %UDFFLRULJLGR Rigid arm PF15.01 PF15.05 $XWRPDWLVPR&RORUH$UJHQWR Silver color Automatism %UDFFLRDUWLFRODWR Articulated arm PF15.02 PF15.06 $XWRPDWLVPR&RORUH1HUR Black color Automatism %UDFFLRULJLGR Rigid arm 2x PF15.01 2x PF15.05 PF15.09 $XWRPDWLVPR&RORUH$UJHQWR Silver color Automatism %UDFFLRDUWLFRODWR Articulated arm 6WDIIDGL¿VVDJJLRRS]LRQDOH Optional adapter plate. 2x PF15.02 2x PF15.06 DXWRPD]LRQHDQWD DXWRPDWLVPZLQJ PF15.05 PF15.06 %UDFFLR ULJLGR D WLUDUH FRPSOHWR GL JXLGD LQ HVWUXVR GL DOOXPLQLR DQRGL]]DWRDUJHQWRHGLIHUPRDSDYLPHQWRSHU¿QHFRUVDLQDSHUWXUD 3HU DSSOLFD]LRQL GRYH O¶DXWRPD]LRQH q LQVWDOODWD GDOOR VWHVVR ODWR GL DSHUWXUDGHOO¶DQWD Rigid Arm complete with aluminum silver anodized sliding guide and a ÀRRUVWRSSHUWRFRQWUROWKHPD[LPXPRSHQLQJRIWKHZLQJ8VHGZKHQ the automatism is installed on the opening side of the door. %UDFFLR DUWLFRODWR D VSLQJHUH FRPSOHWR GL IHUPR D SDYLPHQWR SHU ¿QHFRUVDLQDSHUWXUDSHULQVWDOOD]LRQLGRYHO¶DXWRPD]LRQHqLQVWDOODWD GDOODWRRSSRVWRDTXHOORGLDSHUWXUDGHOO¶DQWD $UWLFXODWHGDUPZLWKDÀRRUVWRSSHUWRFRQWUROWKHPD[LPXPRSHQLQJRI the wing. Used when the automatism is installed on the opposite side to that of the opening of the door. %5$&&,ARMS DXWRPD]LRQHDQWH DXWRPDWLVPZLQJV PF15.11 'LVWDQ]LDOHSHUEUDFFLR Spacer for arm . 23=,21,OPTIONAL 3HUJOLDFFHVVRULGLVSRQLELOLYHGHUHDSDJ )RUWKHDYDLODEOHDFFHVVRULHVVHHSDJHV SWINGO - automatismo per porte a battente 054 SWINGO - automatism for swinging doors SWINGO - automatismo per porte a battente 055 SWINGO - automatism for swinging doors '20866:,1*DSUHHFKLXGHWXWWLLWLSLGLSHUVLDQDDXQRRGXHEDWWHQWL ULVROYHQGRLSUREOHPLGLDSHUWXUDGLSHUVLDQHVFRPRGHDOWHRFRQLQIHUULDWH HULGXFHQGRQHOODVWDJLRQHLQYHUQDOHODSHUGLWDGLFDORUHGHOOHVWDQ]HQRQ HVVHQGRQHFHVVDULDO¶DSHUWXUDGHOOH¿QHVWUH '20866:,1*RSHQVDQGFORVHVZLWKDOOW\SHVRIVKXWWHUVZLWKRQHRU two wings, resolving the problems of awkward opening, high or barred shutters and reducing the loss of heat in the rooms during the winter season since the opening of the windows is no longer necessary. CARATTERISTICHE DI FUNZIONAMENTO: /H PRWRUL]]D]LRQL SRVVRQR IXQ]LRQDUH VLD VLQJRODUPHQWH FKH LQ PRGR FHQWUDOL]]DWR OH SHUVLDQH SRVVRQR HVVHUH DUUHVWDWH D SLDFHUH LQ TXDOVLDVL SRVL]LRQHGHVLGHUDWD3HUODFHQWUDOL]]D]LRQHHORVIDVDPHQWRGHOOHDQWHq LQGLVSHQVDELOHULFKLHGHUHO¶DSSRVLWDVFKHGDSHULOULWDUGRGHOO¶DQWDÊLQROWUH SRVVLELOHDFFHVVRULDUHLOVLVWHPDFRQLOGLVSRVLWLYRGLVHUUDWXUDHOHWWULFD 23(5$7,1*&+$5$&7(5,67,&6 The motorizations can operate both individually as well as in a centralized mode; the shutters can be stopped at pleasure in any position desired. For the centralization and the lag of the wings it is indispensable to request the proper control unit for the wing delay. It is also possible to accessorize the system with the lower blocking device. DOMUS SWING. AUTOMATISMO PER PERSIANE A BATTENTE. DOMUS SWING. AUTOMATISM FOR SWINGING SHUTTERS. DOMUS SWING Caratteristiche tecniche - Technical features PF10.01 - TENSIONE NOMINALE DI ALIMENTAZIONE - 5$7('6833/<92/7$*( > - FREQUENZA NOMINALE - RATED FREQUENCY > 50 Hz - COPPIA IN USCITA - OUT TORQUE > 380 Nm - LARGHEZZA MAX. ANTA - 0$;:,1*:,'7+ > 750 mm - PORTATA MAX. AMMISSIBILE ANTA- 0$;,080:,1*$//2:$%/(3$</2$' > 70 Kg - TEMPO DI MANOVRA - 23(1,1*7,0( > 14 s - SERVIZIO (%/h) - INTERMITTENCE (%/h) > 8%/h - DIMENSIONI - DIMENSIONS > 160x78x67 mm 230 V $WWXDWRUH ³'2086 6:,1*´ DQWD 6SHFL¿FDUH LO YHUVR GL DSHUWXUD GHVWUD R VLQLVWUD HG LO FRORUH GHO FRSHUFKLR PDUURQH ELDQFR R QHUR ,O YHUVR GL DSHUWXUD q GD LQWHQGHUVLFRQDWWXDWRUHLQVWDOODWRVRWWRDUFKLWUDYH $XWRPDWLVP³'20866:,1*´:LQJ3OHDVHVSHFLI\WKH opening direction (right or left) and the colour of the cover (white or brown). The opening direction is intended with actuator installed under the architrave. DOMUS SWING - ACCESSORI/ACCESSORIES Codice/Code Descrizione/Description Prezzo/Price 6HUUDWXUDHOHWWULFD PF10.02 PF10.03 Electric lock. 6FKHGDULWDUGRDQWD Wing delay electronic board. DOMUS SWING - automatismo per persiane a battente 056 DOMUS SWING - automatisms for swinging shutters DOMUS SWING - automatismo per persiane a battente 057 DOMUS SWING - automatisms for swinging shutters ACCESSORI PER PORTE AUTOMATICHE ACCESSORIES FOR AUTOMATIC DOORS 058 059 8QD OLQHD FRPSRVWD GD DFFHVVRUL SHU OD JHVWLRQH GHOOD VLFXUH]]D HG LO FRQWUROORGHOO¶DXWRPDWLVPRDJDUDQ]LDGLXQDVFHOWDFRQVDSHYROHFKHSL DSSDJDOHYRVWUHHVLJHQ]H 8QYHQWDJOLRGLVROX]LRQLWHFQRORJLFKHDOO¶DYDQJXDUGLDVXOPHUFDWRLQFRQIRUPLWjDOOHQRUPDWLYHYLJHQWLLQPDWHULDGLVLFXUH]]DGHJOLLQJUHVVLDXWRPDWLFL 8QD OLQHD SHQVDWD H YROXWD GD 6HVDPR SHU JDUDQWLUH IXQ]LRQDOLWj FRQVHJXHQWH DOO¶XWLOL]]R GL XQ¶HOHYDWD WHFQRORJLD H GHVLJQ LQQRYDWLYR FRPH FRQQXELRSHUIHWWRGLIRUPDHVWLOH ACCESSORI PER AUTOMATISMI 060 Accessories line for security management and automatism control to ensure the most convenient choice according to your needs. $YDULHW\RIDYDQWJXDUGWHFKQRORJLFDOVROXWLRQVDFFRUGDQWWRWKHVWDQ dards in the matter of automatic entrances safety. Sesamo created this line in order to ensure working features thankful to KLJKOHYHOWHFKQRORJ\DQGLQQRYDWLYHGHVLJQDSHUIHFWFRPELQDWLRQRI shape and style. ACCESSORIES FOR AUTOMATISM accessori per porte automatiche 061 accessories for automatic doors Power kit completo di batterie con scheda di controllo e ricarica. Complete battery power kit with recharger and control card. 3UR¿ORWDPSRQDPHQWRHVWUXVRLQDOOXPLQLR)LQLWXUDDQRGL]]DWRDUJHQWR *DSFORVHUDOXPLQLXPH[WUXGHGSUR¿OH&RORU6LOYHUDQRGL]HG PF01.38 PF14.38 PF14.38 PF05.12 PF14.38 Fotocellula di sicurezza a singolo raggio con scheda di controllo integrata nella centrale elettronica dell’automazione. Single-ray safety photocell with control card integrated in the electronic control unit of the automation. 3UR¿ORWDPSRQDPHQWRHVWUXVRLQDOOXPLQLR)LQLWXUDDQRGL]]DWRQHUR *DSFORVHUDOXPLQLXPH[WUXGHGSUR¿OH&RORU%ODFNDQRGL]HG PF01.39 PF14.39 PF14.39 - PF14.39 Fotocellula di sicurezza a doppio raggio con scheda di controllo integrata nella centrale elettronica dell’automazione. Double-ray safety photocell with control card integrated in the electronic control unit of the automation. 6SD]]ROLQRGLUL¿QLWXUDGDPP PF01.40 Airtight brushes 14mm. Selettore logiche base. Consente di selezionare 9 differenti modalità di funzionamento della porta e di regolare i parametri di funzionamento base. PF01.30 PF01.32 - PF01.33 - PF01.67 Basic logics selector. It allows to select 9 different logics of the door and to adjust basic parameters. 6SD]]ROLQRGLUL¿QLWXUDGDPP PF01.41 Airtight brushes 20mm. Selettore logiche base con blocco di sicurezza a chiave. Consente di selezionare 9 differenti modalità di funzionamento della porta e di regolare i parametri di funzionamento base. PF01.68 Basic logics selector with key lock. It allows to select 9 different logics of the door and to adjust basic parameters. 6SD]]ROLQRGLUL¿QLWXUDGDPP PF01.42 Airtight brushes 27mm. 9HUQLFLDWXUD5$/GHOSUR¿ORFRSHUFKLR PF01.53 3DLQW5$/RQO\FRYHU Selettore logiche avanzato. Consente di selezionare 9 differenti modalità di funzionamento della porta. Dotato di display, consente di regolare parametri funzionali ed altre funzioni speciali. Advanced logics selector. Allows to select 9 different operating modes for the door. Equipped with display, allows the adjustment of functional parameters and other special functions. Scatola da incasso per selettore logiche. PF01.54 3DLQW5$/FRYHUDQGJDSFORVHUSUR¿OH 9HUL¿FDUHGLVSRQLELOLWjFRGLFH5$/&KHFN5$/FRGHDYDLODELOLW\ Accessori per porte automatiche scorrevoli 062 Accessories for automatic sliding doors Accessori per porte automatiche scorrevoli PF01.69 PF01.73 Built-in box for selector. 9HUQLFLDWXUD5$/GHOSUR¿ORFRSHUFKLRHWDPSRQDPHQWR 063 Accessories for automatic sliding doors CIRCO MILLENNIUM PF14.37 DIORISMA MILLENNIUM PF05.11 TELESCOPICA MILLENNIUM PF14.37 PRATIKA MILLENNIUM PLUS PF14.37 Descrizione/Description PRATIKA MILLENNIUM DIORISMA MILLENNIUM PF01.37 Accessori per porte automatiche scorrevoli Accessories for automatic sliding doors LIGHT MILLENNIUM TELESCOPICA MILLENNIUM *DSFORVHUDOXPLQLXPH[WUXGHGSUR¿OH&RORU5DZ PRATIKA MILLENNIUM PLUS 3UR¿ORWDPSRQDPHQWRHVWUXVRLQDOOXPLQLR)LQLWXUDJUH]]R PRATIKA MILLENNIUM Descrizione/Description LIGHT MILLENNIUM Accessori per porte automatiche scorrevoli Accessories for automatic sliding doors Elettroblocco con sblocco manuale tramite chiave a brugola. Wing blocking device with Allen-key manual release. Accessori per porte automatiche a battente Accessories for automatic swinging doors Descrizione/Description Selettore logiche base. Consente di selezionare 5 differenti modalità di funzionamento della porta e di regolare i parametri di funzionamento base. PF01.36 PF14.36 PF05.36 PF14.36 PF01.36 PF01.52 Selettore logiche avanzato. Consente di selezionare 5 differenti modalità di funzionamento della porta. Dotato di display, consente di regolare parametri funzionali ed altre funzioni speciali. Advanced logics selector. Allows to select 5 different operating modes for the door. Equipped with display, allows the adjustment of functional parameters and other special functions. Scatola da incasso per selettore logiche. Elettroblocco Bistabile con sblocco manuale tramite chiave a brugola. Wing Bistable blocking device with Allen-key manual release. Accessori per porte automatiche scorrevoli 064 CIRCO MILLENNIUM DIORISMA MILLENNIUM TELESCOPICA MILLENNIUM PRATIKA MILLENNIUM PLUS LIGHT MILLENNIUM Wing Fail Safe blocking device with Allen-key manual release. PRATIKA MILLENNIUM Built-in box for selector. Elettroblocco Fail Safe con sblocco manuale tramite chiave a brugola. PF01.71 Basic logics selector with key lock. Allows the selection of 5 different operating modes for the door. Cavo di sblocco supplementare completo di meccanismo di sblocco. Cavo in dotazione 5 mt. Supplementary 5-meter release cable complete with release mechanism. Descrizione/Description PF01.70 Basic logics selector. Allows the selection of 5 different operating modes for the door. Selettore logiche base dotato di blocco di sicurezza a chiave. Consente di selezionare 5 differenti modalità di funzionamento della porta e di regolare i parametri di funzionamento base. Accessori speciali per porte automatiche scorrevoli Special accessories for automatic sliding doors SWINGO PIUMA MILLENNIUM CIRCO MILLENNIUM DIORISMA MILLENNIUM TELESCOPICA MILLENNIUM PRATIKA MILLENNIUM PLUS Descrizione/Description PRATIKA MILLENNIUM LIGHT MILLENNIUM Accessori per porte automatiche scorrevoli Accessories for automatic sliding doors PF01.59 PF14.59 PF05.59 PF14.59 PF01.59 PF01.65 PF14.65 PF05.65 Accessories for automatic sliding doors PF14.65 PF01.65 Accessori per porte automatiche a battente 065 Accessories for automatic swinging doors PF01.72 PF01.73 ARIETE $5,(7(DQWLSDQLFEUHDNDZD\V\VWHPGHVLJQHGDQGUHDOL]HGE\6(6$MO, allows the breakaway opening of the wings of an automatic sliding door entrance. It is possible to choose between the partial breakaZD\V\VWHPDQGWKHWRWDOEUHDNDZD\V\VWHP7KH¿UVWKDVEHHQVWXGLHG to allow, if necessary, the breakaway of only the moving parts (the sliding ZLQJZLQJV RI WKH DXWRPDWLF HQWUDQFH WKH VHFRQG KDV EHHQ UHDOL]HG in order to guarantee, in case of the breakaway of the sliding wings, the UHOHDVHRIWKH³VHPL¿[HG´ZLQJVDVZHOOWKHUHE\LQFUHDVLQJWKHZLGWKRI the escape passageway and facilitating the evacuation of the premises in FDVHRIHPHUJHQF\7KH$5,(7(DQWLSDQLFEUHDNDZD\V\VWHPKDVEHHQ UHDOL]HGLQRUGHUWRVDWLVI\WKHQHFHVVDU\VDIHW\UHTXLUHPHQWVZKHQHYHU WKHHQWUDQFHLVXVHGDVDQHVFDSHURXWHLQFDVHRI¿UHRURWKHUFDODPLWLHVWKDWPD\VWULNHWKHEXLOGLQJ7KHV\VWHPLVHVVHQWLDOO\FRPSRVHGRI WZRSUR¿OHVLQKLJKVWUHQJWKDOXPLQLXPDOOR\WKDWVXSSRUWWKHVOLGLQJZLQJ and particulars that when applied in the door allow the wing, through the application of a suitable force, to break away from the upper section and rotate in the opening direction so as to completely clear the escape route. 7KHUXQQHUVDUHORGJHGXQGHUWKHVOLGLQJZLQJVDORQJWKHLUUXQDQGDUH UHDOL]HGVRDVWRPLQLPLVHWKHYHUWLFDOREVWUXFWLRQOLPLWLQJDVPXFKDV possible the danger of stumbling during the emergency evacuation of the premises. If during the operation of the equipment the breakaway system is activated, the control unit of the automatism automatically records the event and moves the wings into the completely open position so as to facilitate as much as possible the opening of the escape route. 7KH$5,(7( EUHDNDZD\ V\VWHP KDV EHHQ WHVWHG DQG LV VXSSOLHG ZLWK WKHUHODWLYHWHVWFHUWL¿FDWHLVVXHGE\WKH+RPH6HFUHWDU\$5,(7(KDV EHHQGHVLJQHGWR¿WDOOWKHPRVWSRSXODUFRPPHUFLDOSUR¿OHVLWUHTXLUHV a chamber of at least 29x29mm inside the upright and the possibility to obtain a distance of 23.5mm between the centre of the rotation axis and the end of the upright. Il sistema Antipanico ARIETE, progettato e realizzato da SESAMO, consente l’apertura a sfondamento delle ante di un ingresso automatico a scorrimento. È possibile scegliere fra sistema a sfondamento parziale e sistema a sfondamento totale. Il primo è studiato per consentire in caso GLQHFHVVLWjORVIRQGDPHQWRGHOODVRODSDUWHPRELOHDQWDHVFRUUHYROHL dell’ingresso automatico; il secondo è realizzato per garantire, in caso di sfondamento delle ante scorrevoli, anche lo sgancio delle ante ³VHPL¿VVH´ FRQWULEXHQGR DG DXPHQWDUH O¶DPSLH]]D GHO YDQR GHVWLQDWR alla fuga, facilitando la fase di sgombro del locale in caso di emergenza. L’antipanico a sfondamento ARIETE è realizzato per rispondere ai requisiti di sicurezza necessari ogniqualvolta l’ingresso sia utilizzato come via di IXJDLQFDVRGLLQFHQGLRRGLDOWUHFDODPLWjFKHSRVVRQRFROSLUHO¶HGL¿FLR ,OVLVWHPDVLFRPSRQHHVVHQ]LDOPHQWHGLGXHSUR¿ODWLLQOHJDG¶DOOXPLQLR ad alta resistenza che sostengono l’anta scorrevole e di particolari che applicati nel serramento consentono all’anta, mediante l’applicazione di XQD IRU]D LGRQHD GL VJDQFLDUVL GDO SUR¿ODWR VXSHULRUH H GL UXRWDUH QHO verso di apertura in modo da liberare completamente la via di fuga. Le guide di scorrimento sono alloggiate sotto le ante scorrevoli, lungo la loro corsa e sono realizzate in modo da minimizzare l’ingombro verticale limitando al massimo il pericolo d’inciampo durante la fase di sgombero d’emergenza del locale. Se durante il funzionamento dell’impianto viene azionato il sistema a sfondamento, automaticamente la centrale di controllo dell’automatismo registra l’evento e porta le ante in posizione di completa apertura in modo da agevolare al massimo l’apertura della via di fuga. Il sistema a sfondamento ARIETE è stato testato e dotato del UHODWLYRFHUWL¿FDWRGLSURYDULODVFLDWRGDO0LQLVWHURGHOO¶,QWHUQR$5,(7(q VWXGLDWRSHUDGDWWDUVLDWXWWLLSUR¿OLFRPPHUFLDOLSLGLIIXVLVRQRULFKLHVWL XQDFDPHUDLQWHUQDDOPRQWDQWHGLDOPHQR[PPHODSRVVLELOLWjGL ottenere una distanza fra il centro dell’albero di rotazione e la coda del PRQWDQWHGLPP ARIETE- sistema antipanico 067 ARIETE - antipanic breakaway system GUIDA AL PREZZO/PRICE GUIDE PER DETERMINARE IL PREZZO FINALE SOMMARE I PREZZI DEI CODICI SCELTI MOLTIPLICATI PER LE QUANTITÀ INDICATE. TO DETERMINE THE FINAL PRICE ADD UP THE PRICE OF THE SELECTED CODES MULTIPLIED BY THE INDICATED QUANTITIES. OPTIONAL OPTIONAL KIT ACCESSORI .,7$&&(6625,(6 PROFILO DI TENUTA 352),/(6($/ 237,21$/ KIT ARIETE PF04.01 PF04.02 KIT ARIETE PLUS PF04.08 PF04.09 JUH]]Rraw DQWD 1 wing Sfondamento parziale Partial break away anodizzato argento VLOYHUDQRGL]HG JUH]]Rraw DQWH 2 wings anodizzato argento VLOYHUDQRGL]HG JUH]]Rraw DQWD 1 wing Sfondamento Totale 7RWDOEUHDNDZD\ anodizzato argento VLOYHUDQRGL]HG ARIETE. SISTEMA ANTIPANICO A SFONDAMENTO. ARIETE. ANTIPANIC BREAKAWAY SYSTEM. anodizzato argento VLOYHUDQRGL]HG 237,21$/ PF04.03 PF04.04 -PF04.05 - PF04.06 PF04.07 - - - - - - - - JUH]]Rraw DQWH 2 wings KIT FOTOCELLULA .,73+272&(// [+DQWHwings [+DQWHwings [+DQWHwings [+DQWHwings la scelta tra ARIETE e ARIETE PLUS come sotto riportato. Effettuare Choose between ARIETE and ARIETE PLUS as shown below. PF04.01 PF04.02 .LW$ULHWHDQRGL]]DWRDUJHQWRDQWD Kit Ariete Silver anodised 1 wing. .LW$ULHWHJUH]]RDQWD Kit Ariete raw 1 wing. PF04.08 PF04.09 Kit Ariete PLUS anodizzato argento DQWD .LW$ULHWH3/866LOYHUDQRGLVHG wing. .LW$ULHWH3/86JUH]]RDQWD .LW$ULHWH3/86UDZZLQJ PF04.03 4XDORUDQRQVLYROHVVHXWLOL]]DUHLOSUR¿ORGLWHQXWDSURYYHGHUHDSURWHJJHUH OHVXSHU¿FLGHOOHDQWHFKHYHQJRQRDFRQWDWWRGXUDQWHORVIRQGDPHQWR ,QDEVHQFHRISUR¿OHWKHGRRUZLQJVXUIDFHVZKLFKWRXFKHDFK other during the break-away phase must be protected. ARIETE-ARIETE PLUS GUIDA ALLA SCELTA / SELECTION GUIDE larghezza anta [mm] PLQ wing width [mm] min.=570 Effettuare la scelta tra ARIETE e ARIETE PLUS in funzione del peso e larghezza dell’anta come ULSRUWDWRQHOODWDEHOODVHJXHQWH .LWDFFHVVRUL$ULHWHWRWDOHDQWD Accessories Kit total Ariete 1 wing. PF04.04 PF04.05 3UR¿OR WHQXWD DQRGL]]DWR DUJHQWR SHU $ULHWHWRWDOH%DUUDP 6HDOLQJSUR¿OH6LOYHUDQRGL]HGIRUWRWDO $ULHWH/ PW 3UR¿OR WHQXWD DQRGL]]DWR DUJHQWR SHU $ULHWHWRWDOH%DUUDP 6HDOLQJSUR¿OH6LOYHUDQRGL]HGIRUWRWDO $ULHWH/ PW 3UR¿OR WHQXWD JUH]]R SHU$ULHWH WRWDOH %DUUDP 6HDOLQJ SUR¿OH UDZ IRU WRWDO $ULHWH / PW Kit Montaggio Fotocellula per ARIETE SDU]LDOH 5DJJL HG DPSOL¿FDWRUH QRQ inclusi. $ULHWH SKRWRFHOO DVVHPEO\ .LW 5D\V DQGDPSOL¿HUQRWLQFOXGHG 068 GDD.J IURPWR.J - GDD.J IURPWR.J - GDD.J IURPWR.J - GDD.J IURPWR.J GDD.J IURPWRKg GDD.J IURPWR.J GDD.J IURPWRKg GDD.J IURPWR.J GDD.J IURPWRKg - GDD.J IURPWRKg - GDD.J IURPWRKg - GDD.J from to Kg 3HUDQWHGLODUJKH]]DVXSHULRUHDPPqQHFHVVDULRLQVWDOODUHXQFDUUHOORVXSSOHPHQWDUH If the width of the wing is greater than 1200 mm, it is necessary to install a supplementary carriage WRWKHZLQJ PF04.07 ARIETE- sistema antipanico ARIETE PLUS 3)3) LOSHVRGHOO¶DQWDFRPSUHQGHDQFKHLOGLVSRVLWLYR$ULHWH.J ZLQJZHLJKWZLWK$ULHWH.JLQFOXGHG &KRRVHEHWZHHQ$5,(7(DQG$5,(7(3/86GHpending on the wing width and weight as indicated LQWKHIROORZLQJWDEOH PF04.06 ARIETE 3)3) ARIETE - antipanic breakaway system LIGHT MILLENNIUM PR01.103 PRATIKA MILLENNIUM PR14.01 ARIETE- sistema antipanico 069 ARIETE - antipanic breakaway system Una linea completa di dispositivi che copre tutte le soluzioni tecnologiche presenti attualmente sul mercato per il comando delle apertura delle ante, la sicurezza ed il controllo degli accessi. I dispositivi di comando SESAMO rappresentano il punto di unione tra alta tecnologia e design innovativo; sono quindi complementi d’arredo per le soluzioni architettoniche autoPDWLFKHSLFUHDWLYH3HUVRQDOHWHFQLFRVSHFLDOL]]DWRHGRFXPHQWD]LRQH chiara e semplice vi condurranno nella scelta della soluzione tecnologica SL DGDWWD DG XQD SDUWLFRODUH UHDOL]]D]LRQH DUFKLWHWWRQLFD LQ FRQIRUPLWj alle normative vigenti in materia di sicurezza degli ingressi automatici. DISPOSITIVI DI COMANDO A complete line of devices covering all the technological solutions currently on the market for wing opening control, safety and access control. 7KH6(6$02FRQWUROGHYLFHVUHSUHVHQWWKHPHHWLQJSRLQWEHWZHHQKLJK technology and innovative design, and thus they are furnishing complements for the most creative automatic architectonic solutions. Specialised technical staff and clear, simple documentation will aid you in the selection of the technological solution most suited to a particular archiWHFWRQLFUHDOL]DWLRQLQFRPSOLDQFHZLWKWKHFXUUHQWVDIHW\UHJXODWLRQVIRU automatic entrances. OPENING DEVICES L’ampia gamma di sensori proposti da Sesamo permette di scegliere la soluzione migliore in funzione delle caratteristiche e degli ingombri esistenti nell’ingresso da automatizzare. Tutti i sensori sono alimentati direttamente dalla centrale elettronica che ne controlla il corretto funzionamento anche in assenza di alimentazione di rete qualora siano installate le batterie di emergenza. Sesamo’s wide range of sensors enables to choose the best system layout according to features and obstructions in the existing entrance, which has to be automated. Power supply of all sensors comes directly from the digital system, which ensures their proper working even in case of main power failure, when the special emergency batteries have been installed. Tecnologia Technology Rilevamento movimento persone Detecting the approach of a person Rilevamento movimento oggetti Detecting the approach of a things Radar microonda Microwave radar Ŷ Ŷ Infrarosso passivo Passive infrared Ŷ Infrarosso attivo Active infrared Ŷ Unidirezionale Unidirectional Ŷ Ŷ accessori per porte automatiche Rilevamento presenza persone e oggetti Detecting the presence of a person or a things Ŷ 071 accessories for automatic doors SENSORI/SENSOR SENSORI/SENSOR Codice/ Descrizione/Description Code Area Max (m) h=2,2m Codice/ Code IRIDIO(*) /[/[+PP. MICROONDE / MICROWAVE PF11.01 PF11.01G PF11.21 EYETECH 340 /[/[+PP. Radar microonda bidirezionale, disponibile in FRORUHQHURRJULJLR* Bidirectional microwave radar, available black RUJUD\* Ŷ Ŷ Ŷ Ŷ Ŷ Ŷ Ŷ [ Ŷ [ Ŷ [ Radar microonda bi-monodirezionale. Bi-unidirectional microwave radar. Radar microonda bidirezionale. Bidirectional microwave radar. Ŷ INFRAROSSO ATTIVO / ACTIVE INFRARED Sensore a doppia tecnologia bimonodirezionale. 8QLDQGELGLUHFWLRQDOGRXEOHWHFKQRORJ\VHQVRU OA 203 /[/[+PP. PF11.27 Sensore infrarosso attivo. Active infrared sensor. MIRAGE /[/[+PP. PF11.29 Sensore infrarosso attivo per protezione PRYLPHQWRDQWDDEDWWHQWHOXQJKH]]DPP 340mm long active infrared sensor for swinging wing movement safety. Ŷ Ŷ PF11.23 Sensore infrarosso attivo per protezione PRYLPHQWRDQWDDEDWWHQWHOXQJKH]]DPP 700mm long active infrared sensor for swinging wing movement safety. Ŷ Ŷ LEGENDA/LEGENDA ACTIVE 8 ONE /[/[+PP. PF11.28 PF11.22 EYETECH 700 /[/[+PP. EAGLE ONE /[/[+PP. EAGLE TWO /[/[+PP. PF11.03 Descrizione/Description Sensore infrarosso attivo da incasso. Built-in active infrared sensor. Ŷ Ŷ Ŷ Ŷ Ŷ [ Ŷ Ŷ Ŷ Ŷ [ Ŷ Ŷ Ŷ Ŷ [ Sensore idoneo per ingressi pedonali Sensor suitable for pedestrian entrances. Sensore monodirezionale 8QLGLUHFWLRQDOVHQVRU Sensore idoneo per ingressi pedonali e carrelli Sensor suitable for pedestrian and carriages entrances . Sensore bidirezionale Bidirectional sensor. Sensore per rilevamento di presenza Presence detection sensor . Sensore idoneo per montaggio su anta a battente Sensor suitable for swinging wing installation. ACCESSORI PER SENSORI/SENSOR ACCESSORIES AXIS II /[/[+PP. INFRAROSSO PASSIVO / PASSIVE INFRARED PF11.25 Sensore infrarosso attivo con separazione segnale di sicurezza da segnale di rilevamento. Active infrared sensor with splitted security and motion signal SENSOSCAN /[/[+PP. PF11.05 Sensore infrarosso passivo. Passive infrared sensor. Ŷ Ŷ Ŷ Ŷ [ Ŷ Ŷ [ Ŷ Ŷ [ PF11.34 Parapioggia per Eagle. 5DLQFRYHUIRU(DJOH PF11.35 Telecomando per regolazioni Eagle. 5HPRWHFRQWUROIRU(DJOHDGMXVWLQJ FLY /[/[+PP. PF11.07 Sensore infrarosso passivo da incasso. Passive infrared sensor with accessory for mounting in ceiling. PF11.36 Rilevatore infrarossi per regolazione posizione tende dei sensori di presenza. ,QIUDUHG¿QGHUIRUDGMXVWLQJSRVLWLRQSUHVHQFHGHWHFWLRQVHQVRU 3URJUDPPDELOHFRQLOVRIWZDUHJUDWXLWR0RYKHVRIW3DJ 7REHSURJUDPPHGE\IUHHRIFKDUJH0RYKHVRIWPDQDJHPHQWVRIWZDUH3DJ Dispositivi di comando 072 Opening devices Dispositivi di comando 073 Opening devices SISTEMI DI CONTROLLO ACCESSI (*)/CONTROL ACCESS SYSTEM Codice/Code CONTROLLO ACCESSI STAND ALONE ACCESS CONTROL STAND ALONE 1 2 Access control systems allow not only to control the opening of Sesamo DXWRPDWLFHQWUDQFHVEXWDOVRWRIRUELGWKHDFFHVVWRXQDXWKRUL]HGSHUVRQQHO7ZRYHUVLRQVDUHDYDLODEOH 6WDQGDORQHDFFHVVFRQWUROHDFKGHYLFHFRQWUROVDQHQWUDQFHLQDVHOI± independent mode 5HPRWHVWRUDJHXQLW\DFFHVVFRQWURODUHPRWHXQLW\FRQWUROVWKHDFcess communicating with peripherals through encrypted signals in order to ensure high-level security standards. Each remote storage unit can operate up to 4 peripheral devices and control in a self-independent mode up to 2 entrances. 3 MATRIX - DIGITO - PROXXY 38/6$17(',86&,7$_%8772172(;,7 $/,0(17$=,21(_32:(56833/< 2 2 3 3 MATRIX. Tastiera e transponder stand alone. Stand-alone keypad and transponder. PF11.40 DIGITO. Tastiera stand alone. Stand-alone keypad. PF11.42 PROXXY. Transponder stand alone. Stand-alone transponder. PF11.39 MATRIX S. Periferica di lettura con tastiera e transponder. Keypad ant trasponder peripheral. PF11.41 DIGITO S. Periferica di lettura con tastiera. Keypad peripheral. PF11.43 PROXXY S. Periferica di lettura con transponder. 7UDVSRQGHUSHULSKHUDO 4 PF11.44 SPLITTO. Unità di controllo e memorizzazione remota. 5HPRWHFRQWURODQGVWRUDJHGHYLFH PF11.44WP SPLITTO WP. 8QLWjGLFRQWUROORHPHPRUL]]D]LRQHUHPRWD,3SHUHVWHUQL 5HPRWHFRQWURODQGVWRUDJHGHYLFH,3 for outdoor assembly. 1 SPLITTO81,7¬5(027$_5(027(81,7 MATRIX S - DIGITO S - PROXXY S 3(5,)(5,&$_DEVICE 38/6$17(',86&,7$_%8772172(;,7 $/,0(17$725(_32:(56833/<81,76 3URJUDPPDELOHFRQLOVRIWZDUHJUDWXLWR0RYKHVRIW3DJ7REHSURJUDPPHGE\IUHHRIFKDUJH0RYKHVRIWPDQDJHPHQWVRIWZDUH3DJ Dispositivi di comando 074 Opening devices Dispositivi di comando 075 Opening devices UNITA’ DI CONTROLLO REMOTA / REMOTE CONTROL UNIT CONTROLLO ACCESSI CON UNITÀ DI CONTROLLO REMOTA ACCESS CONTROL WITH REMOTE CONTROL UNIT PF11.38 STAND ALONE / STAND ALONE I sistemi di controllo accessi permettono non solo di comandare l’apertura degli ingressi automatici SESAMO, ma anche di limitarne l’accesso alle VROHSHUVRQHDXWRUL]]DWH6RQRGLVSRQLELOLGXHYHUVLRQL &RQWUROORDFFHVVLVWDQGDORQHFLDVFXQGLVSRVLWLYRFRPDQGDXQLQJUHVVR in modo autonomo ed indipendente &RQWUROORDFFHVVLFRQXQLWjGLPHPRUL]]D]LRQHUHPRWDO¶DFFHVVRqJHstito da un’unità remota con la quale le periferiche di lettura comunicano FRQVHJQDOLFULSWDWLSHUJDUDQWLUHLSLHOHYDWLVWDQGDUGGLVLFXUH]]D2JQL XQLWjGLPHPRUL]]D]LRQHUHPRWDSXzSLORWDUH¿QRDSHULIHULFKHGLULFRQRVFLPHQWRHJHVWLUHLQGLSHQGHQWHPHQWH¿QRDLQJUHVVL Descrizione/Description ACCESSORI PER CONTROLLO ACCESSI/CONTROL ACCESS ACCESSORIES Codice/Code Descrizione/Description DISPOSITIVI DI COMANDO/OPENING DEVICES Codice/Code PF11.45 MOOVY. Portachiavi trasponder nero. %ODFN7$*NH\ULQJ PF01.51 PF11.46 MOOVY. Portachiavi trasponder rosso. 5HG7$*NH\ULQJ PF01.63 PF11.47 TAG. Tessera trasponder. 7$*FDUG PF11.48 Cavo collegamento PC. Cable for connection to the PC. PF11.13 MOVHESOFT. Descrizione/Description Selettore a chiave da esterno. External key selector. Selettore a chiave da incasso. Built-in key selector. Pulsante a fungo. Push button. PF11.30 MAGIC SWITCH. 6HQVRUHFDSDFLWLYRDV¿RUDPHQWR Touchless push plate. PF11.15 TODO KIT (*). ,QJUHVVRDFKLDYHHOHWWURQLFD1FKLDYLLQFOXVH Electronic key command device (with 3 keys). PF11.16 TODO KEY. Chiave elettronica aggiuntiva. Additional key. Software di programmazione scaricabile gratuitamente da www.sesamo.eu. 1%1HFHVVLWDGLFDYRGLFROOHJDPHQWR3)HSURJUDPPDWRUH3) Free download of the management software from the website www.sesamo.eu 1RWHV&RQQHFWLRQFDEOH3)DQGPDQDJHPHQWGHYLFH3)QRWLQFOXGHG PF11.37 Pulsante antivandalismo. Vandal-resistant push button. FOTOCELLULE DI SICUREZZA/SECURITY PHOTOCELLS Codice/Code PF11.49 Descrizione/Description PF11.26 LULA AMP (*). $PSOL¿FDWRUHGLVHJQDOHIRWRFHOOXOD 3KRWRFHOOVVLJQDODPSOL¿HU PF11.31 PF11.49WP PF11.50 LULA AMP WP (*). $PSOL¿FDWRUHGLVHJQDOHIRWRFHOOXOD,3SHUHVWHUQL 3KRWRFHOOVVLJQDODPSOL¿HU,3IRURXWGRRUDVVHPEO\. LULA (*). Fotocellula di sicurezza. Security photocells. 3URJUDPPDELOHFRQLOVRIWZDUHJUDWXLWR0RYKHVRIW7REHSURJUDPPHGE\IUHHRIFKDUJH0RYKHVRIWPDQDJHPHQWVRIWZDUH Dispositivi di comando 076 Opening devices PF11.32 PF11.33 Pulsante a bilancere. 5RFNHUSXVKEXWWRQ 3XOVDQWHDJRPLWRLQR[ Elbow switch inox. 3XOVDQWHDJRPLWRLQR[VPDOO Elbow switch inox small. Pulsante a gomito alluminio. Elbow switch aluminium. 3URJUDPPDELOHFRQLOVRIWZDUHJUDWXLWR0RYKHVRIW3DJ7REHSURJUDPPHGE\IUHHRIFKDUJH0RYKHVRIWPDQDJHPHQWVRIWZDUH3DJ Dispositivi di comando 077 Opening devices SERRAMENTI IN ALLUMINIO ALUMINIUM PROFILES FOR SLIDING DOORS MAGNUM 0$*180OLQHDGLSUR¿OLSHUVHUUDPHQWLLQDOOXPLQLRDVH]LRQHPDJJLRUDWD Progettata con l’idea di soddisfare il maggior numero possibile di soluzioni DUFKLWHWWRQLFKH OD QXRYD OLQHD VL SUHVHQWD WUD OH SL FRPSOHWH VXO PHUFDWR GHL SUR¿OL LQ DOOXPLQLR SHU SRUWH DXWRPDWLFKH VFRUUHYROL /D completezza di gamma permette infatti di realizzare tutti i componenti GL XQ LQJUHVVR VFRUUHYROH DXWRPDWLFR DQWH VFRUUHYROL DQWH ¿VVH guide a terra, sopraluce, travi di sostegno delle automazioni, LQWHUIDFFH FRQ HOHPHQWL ¿VVL TXDOL DG HVHPSLR SDUHWL /D PDJJLRUH GLPHQVLRQH GHL SUR¿OL UHQGH OD JDPPD 0$*180 FRPSOHPHQWDUH DOOH DOWUH OLQHH GL SUR¿OL SHU VHUUDPHQWL SURGRWWL GD 6(6$02 H permette di soddisfare tutte le richieste specialmente quando robustezza e solidità sono componenti fondamentali di progetto. Il nuovo design delle forme stondate conferisce armonia ed importanza DOOH VWUXWWXUH UHDOL]]DWH FRQ TXHVWL SUR¿OL 6ROX]LRQL SDUWLFRODUL TXDOL DG HVHPSLR OD SUHVHQ]D GL SUR¿OL IHUPDYHWUR D VFDWWR UHQGRQR LO nuovo prodotto estremamente facile da assemblare ed installare. Con MAGNUM, i clienti di SESAMO avranno a disposizione uno VWUXPHQWRUHDOHHFRPSOHWRSHUODUHDOL]]D]LRQHGLLPSLDQWL¿QLWL³FKLDYL LQPDQR´ MAGNUM - serramenti in alluminio per porte scorrevoli 0$*180 WKH OLQH RI GRRU SUR¿OHV LQ DOXPLQLXP ZLWK DQ LQFUHDVHG section. Designed with the idea of satisfying the greatest possible number of architectural solutions, the new line proves to be among the PRVWFRPSOHWHRQWKHPDUNHWRIDOXPLQLXPSUR¿OHVIRUDXWRPDWLFVOLGLQJ GRRUV7KHHQWLUHW\RIWKHUDQJHHQDEOHVLQIDFWWKHUHDOL]DWLRQRIDOOWKH FRPSRQHQWVRIDQDXWRPDWLFVOLGLQJHQWUDQFHVOLGLQJZLQJV¿[HGZLQJV ground guides, transom-window, support beams of the automations and LQWHUIDFHV ZLWK ¿[HG HOHPHQWV VXFK DV ZDOOV 7KH ODUJHU GLPHQVLRQ RI WKHSUR¿OHVPDNHVWKH0$*180UDQJHFRPSOHPHQWDU\WRWKHH[LVWLQJ OLQHVRIGRRUSUR¿OHVSURGXFHGE\6(6$02DQGDOORZVWKHVDWLVIDFWLRQRI all requirements, especially when strength and solidity are fundamental GHVLJQ FRPSRQHQWV 7KH QHZ GHVLJQ RI WKH URXQGHG IRUPV FRQIHUV KDUPRQ\ DQG SUHVWLJH WR WKH VWUXFWXUHV UHDOL]HG ZLWK WKHVH SUR¿OHV 3DUWLFXODU VROXWLRQV VXFK DV WKH H[LVWHQFH RI VQDS SDQHVWRS SUR¿OHV make the new product extremely easy to assemble and install. With 0$*180WKH6(6$02FXVWRPHUVZLOOKDYHDUHDODQGFRPSOHWHWRRO DYDLODEOHIRUWKHUHDOL]DWLRQRI¿QLVKHGV\VWHPV³NH\LQKDQG´ 081 MAGNUM - aluminium profiles for sliding doors PROFILI SU MATRICI SESAMO/PROFILES ON SESAMO DIES PROFILI SU MATRICI SESAMO/PROFILES ON SESAMO DIES Codice/Code Codice/Code Descrizione/Description GREZZO/RAW PF03.01 Descrizione/Description mt PF03.11 Guida anta scorrevole. Sliding wing guide. 5,1 PF03.12 Montante abbattimento. Breakaway upright. 5,1 PF03.13 3UR¿ORSHUVRSUDOXFH 7UDQVRPZLQGRZSUR¿OH 6.82 mt Montante anta scorrevole. Sliding wing upright. OX NAT/NAT OX Traverso inferiore anta scorrevole. Sliding wing lower crosspiece. 5,1 PF03.03 Adattatore automatismo. Automatism adapter. 5,1 PROFILI COMMERCIALI/COMMERCIAL PROFILES Codice/Code PF03.05 Finto montante su muro. False upright for wall. Labirinto tenuta aria. Air seal labyrinth. mt PF03.14 Fermavetro verticale piccolo. Small vertical panestop. 6,5 PF03.15 Fermavetro verticale medio. Medium vertical panestop. 6,5 PF03.16 Fermavetro verticale grande. /DUJHYHUWLFDOSDQHVWRS 6,5 PF03.31 Fermavetro orizzontale piccolo. 6PDOOKRUL]RQWDOSDQHVWRS 6,5 PF03.32 Fermavetro orizzontale medio. 0HGLXPKRUL]RQWDOSDQHVWRS 6,5 PF03.33 Fermavetro orizzontale grande. /DUJHKRUL]RQWDOSDQHVWRS 6,5 PF03.17 3UR¿ORD8[[ 3UR¿OHWR8[[ 6,5 5,1 Cartelletta di chiusura sopraluce. 7UDQVRPZLQGRZFORVXUHSODWH 5,1 PF03.07 Coperchietto montanti. 8SULJKWFRYHU 5,1 PF03.09 Descrizione/Description 5,1 PF03.06 PF03.08 Cornice abbattimento. Breakaway frame. Cornice standard. Standard frame. 6,82 6,82 $OPRPHQWRGHOO¶RUGLQHVSHFL¿FDUHOD¿QLWXUDJUH]]RRDQRGL]]DWRDUJHQWRDJJLXQJHQGRXQD*RXQD1DOFRGLFHVFHOWR (V3UR¿ORPRQWDQWHDQWDVFRUUHYROHJUH]]R!3)*3UR¿ORPRQWDQWHDQWDVFRUUHYROHDQRGL]]DWRDUJHQWR!3)1 :KHQRUGHULQJVSHFLI\WKHUDZ¿QLVK*RUVLOYHUDQRGLVHG¿QLVK1E\DGGLQJ*RU1WRWKHVHOHFWHGFRGH ([5DZVOLGLQJZLQJXSULJKWSUR¿OH!3)*6LOYHUDQRGLVHGVOLGLQJZLQJXSULJKWSUR¿OH!3)1 MAGNUM - serramenti in alluminio per porte scorrevoli OX NAT/NAT OX 5,1 PF03.02 PF03.04 GREZZO/RAW 082 MAGNUM - aluminium profiles for sliding doors MAGNUM - serramenti in alluminio per porte scorrevoli 083 MAGNUM - aluminium profiles for sliding doors PROFILI IN GOMMA E SPAZZOLINI/RUBBER PROFILES AND BRUSHES Codice/Code Descrizione/Description mt PF01.47 6SD]]ROLQRPPPW Brush 14mm (2,5 mt). 2,5 PF03.24 *XDUQL]LRQHEDWWXWDDQWHVHPL¿VVH 6HPL¿[HGZLQJVWRSVHDO 50 PF03.26 Pennellino morbido stretto. 1DUURZVRIWEUXVK PF03.27 Pennellino morbido largo. Wide soft brush. PF03.28 Guarnizione battuta ante scorrevoli. Sliding wing stop seal. 50 50 50 PF03.29 *XDUQL]LRQHIHUPDYHWURWLSR 7\SHSDQHVWRSVHDO 50 PF13.08 *XDUQL]LRQHIHUPDYHWURWLSR 7\SHSDQHVWRSVHDO 50 PF13.10 PF13.09 Guarnizione fermavetro tipo 6. 7\SHSDQHVWRSVHDO *XDUQL]LRQHIHUPDYHWURWLSR 7\SHSDQHVWRSVHDO 50 50 GUIDE A PAVIMENTO/FLOOR GUIDES Codice/Code PF03.70 Descrizione/Description COMPONENTI PER IL MONTAGGIO/ASSEMBLY COMPONENTS Codice/Code ,QVHUWRUHWWDQJRODUHSUR¿ORSUR¿OR5HFWDQJXODUSUR¿OHSUR¿OHLQVHUW 40 PF03.40 ,QVHUWRHVDJRQDOHSUR¿ORFDUUHOOR+H[DJRQDOSUR¿OHFDUULDJHLQVHUW 40 PF03.38 3UROXQJDSHUGLVWDQ]LDOHWHODLRPPExtension for 2.5mm frame spacer 40 PF03.48 3UROXQJDSHUGLVWDQ]LDOHWHODLRPPExtension for 5mm frame spacer 40 PF03.49 *LXQ]LRQHXQLYHUVDOH8QLYHUVDOMRLQW0$67(5$ 40 PF03.51 6TXDGUHWWDDJJDQFLRLQWHUQRPRQWDQWL8SULJKWLQWHUQDOFRXSOLQJEUDFNHW 40 PF03.52 6TXDGUHWWDDJJDQFLRHVWHUQRFRUQLFLFrame external coupling bracket 40 PF03.53 &HUQLHUDSHUDEEDWWLPHQWRGHVWUD+LQJHIRUULJKWEUHDNDZD\ 20 PF03.54 &HUQLHUDSHUDEEDWWLPHQWRVLQLVWUD+LQJHIRUOHIWEUHDNDZD\ 20 PF03.55 'LVWDQ]LDOHDOOLQHDPHQWRWHODLRPPFrame alignment spacer 12mm 40 PF03.56 'LVWDQ]LDOHDOOLQHDPHQWRWHODLRPPFrame alignment spacer 10mm 40 PF03.57 3LDVWULQDDGDWWDWRUHSHUGLVWDQ]LDOHAdapter plate for spacer 40 PF03.58 &KLDYHSHUGLVWDQ]LDOH$OKey for Al spacer 1 PF03.83 &KLDYHSHUGLVWDQ]LDOH1\ORQ.H\IRU1\ORQVSDFHU 1 PF03.59 3XQWDWUDSDQRSHUGLVWDQ]LDOH$ODrill point for Al spacer 1 PF03.84 3XQWDWUDSDQRSHUGLVWDQ]LDOH1\ORQ'ULOOSRLQWIRU1\ORQVSDFHU 1 PF03.71 $QJRODULSHUIHUPDYHWULJUH]]RAngles for raw panestops 60 PF03.72 6TXDGUHWWDGLDOOLQHDPHQWRJLXQ]LRQHD45° joint alignment bracket 100 PF03.73 .LWGLVWDQ]LDOLPRQWDJJLRYHWULPane assembly spacers kit 500 PF03.74 &KLDYHSHUVHUUDJJLRVTXDGUHWWDKey for bracket tightening PF03.76 PF03.77 PF03.78 *XLGD D SDYLPHQWR FRQ LQVHUWR D EDVVR FRHI¿FLHQWH GL DWWULWR 3HU DQWH WHOHVFRSLFKHUHDOL]]DWHFRQSUR¿OL6HVDPRVHULH0$*180 NR./NR. PF03.39 PF03.75 *XLGDDSDYLPHQWRFRQLQVHUWRDEDVVRFRHI¿FLHQWHGLDWWULWR 3HUSUR¿OL6HVDPRVHULH0$*180 )ORRUJXLGHZLWKORZIULFWLRQLQVHUW)RU6HVDPR0$*180VHULHVSUR¿OHV Descrizione/Description PF03.79 9LWH¿VVDJJLRFDUUHOOLDSUR¿OR0[7(]LQFDWD &DUULDJHSUR¿OHUHWDLQLQJVFUHZ0[7(JDOYDQLVHG 9LWH¿VVDJJLRSUR¿ORVXWUDYHUVR0DJQXP0[7%&(,JUH]]D 3UR¿OH0DJQXPFURVVSLHFHUHWDLQLQJVFUHZ0[7%&(,UDZ 9LWHDVVHPEODJJLRSUR¿OL$XWR¿OHWW[&(,]LQFDWD 6HOIWKUHDGLQJSUR¿OHDVVHPEO\VFUHZ[&(,JDOYDQLVHG 9LWH¿VVDJJLRSUR¿ORODELULQWRHJXLGD[$XWR¿O]LQFDWD 6HOIWKUHDGLQJJXLGHDQGODE\ULQWKSUR¿OHUHWDLQLQJVFUHZ[JDOYDQLVHG Floor guide with low-friction insert. For telescopic wings realised with Sesamo 0$*180VHULHVSUR¿OHV MAGNUM - serramenti in alluminio per porte scorrevoli 084 MAGNUM - aluminium profiles for sliding doors MAGNUM - serramenti in alluminio per porte scorrevoli 085 MAGNUM - aluminium profiles for sliding doors 1 1000 1000 1000 1000 SMALL 60$// WKH OLQH RI GRRU SUR¿OHV LQ DOXPLQLXP ZLWK D UHGXFHG VHFWLRQ ,PSXOVH DQG OLJKWQHVV DUH WKH VSHFL¿F FKDUDFWHULVWLFV RI WKLV UDQJH RI SUR¿OHV GHVLJQHG IRU WKH UHDOL]DWLRQ RI ¿[HG DQG VOLGLQJ ZLQJV LQ automatic entrances, with a total integration between SESAMO door DQG DXWRPDWLVP 7KH UHGXFHG VHFWLRQ RI WKH VWUXFWXUH GRHV QRW HQWDLO VDFUL¿FHVLQWHUPVRIWKHVROLGLW\DQGVHFXULW\RIWKHV\VWHPVUHDOL]HGZLWK WKH60$//SUR¿OHV7KHV\VWHPLVFRPSOHWHGZLWKDZLGHYDULHW\RIVHDOV and accessories to ensure that the doors are totally airtight in any position. $SDUWLFXODUSUR¿OHIRUWKHDGDSWDWLRQEHWZHHQSDQHOVDQGGULYHWUROOH\V DQGWKHDSSURSULDWHJXLGHVUHDOL]HGLQVSHFLDOVHOIFOHDQLQJPDWHULDOZLWKD ORZFRHI¿FLHQWRI¿FWLRQPDNHWKHLQVWDOODWLRQRIZLQJVUHDOL]HGZLWKWKHVH SUR¿OHVRQWR6(6$02DXWRPDWLVPVSDUWLFXODUO\VLPSOH7KHXSULJKWVDUH UHDOL]HGZLWKGRXEOHVORWVVRDVWRHQDEOHLQDGGLWLRQWRWKHLQVHUWLRQRI the pane, the convenient housing of the safety photocell as well. With WKHVHULHVRI60$//SUR¿OHVSDLUHGZLWKWKH6(6$02DXWRPDWLVPVLW LVSRVVLEOHWRUHDOL]HDQDXWRPDWLFSHGHVWULDQHQWUDQFHLQIXOOFRPSOLDQFH with the European safety regulations for automatic doors. 60$// OLQHD GL SUR¿OL SHU VHUUDPHQWL LQ DOOXPLQLR D VH]LRQH ULGRWWD Slancio e leggerezza sono caratteristiche peculiari di questa gamma di SUR¿OLSURJHWWDWDSHUODUHDOL]]D]LRQHGLDQWH¿VVHHVFRUUHYROLLQLQJUHVVL automatici, con una totale integrazione tra serramento ed automatismo SESAMO. La ridotta sezione della struttura non comporta rinunce in WHUPLQLGLVROLGLWjHVLFXUH]]DGHJOLLPSLDQWLUHDOL]]DWLFRQLSUR¿OL60$// Sono di completamento al sistema un’ampia varietà di guarnizioni ed accessori che assicurano la completa tenuta all’aria in qualsiasi posizione GHOVHUUDPHQWR8QSDUWLFRODUHSUR¿ORGLDGDWWDPHQWRWUDDQWHHFDUUHOOLGL trascinamento e le apposite guide realizzate in materiale speciale a basso FRHI¿FLHQWHGLDWWULWRHGDXWRSXOHQWHUHQGRQRSDUWLFRODUPHQWHVHPSOLFH O¶LQVWDOOD]LRQHGLDQWHUHDOL]]DWHFRQTXHVWLSUR¿OLVXDXWRPDWLVPL6(6$02 I montanti sono realizzati a doppia cava in modo da permettere, oltre all’inserimento del vetro, anche l’agevole alloggiamento della fotocellula di VLFXUH]]D&RQODVHULHGLSUR¿OL60$//LQDEELQDPHQWRDJOLDXWRPDWLVPL SESAMO, è possibile realizzare un ingresso pedonale automatico nel pieno rispetto delle normative europee sulla sicurezza per le porte automatiche. SMALL - serramenti in alluminio per porte scorrevoli 087 SMALL - aluminium profiles for sliding doors PROFILI IN ALLUMINIO/ALUMINIUM PROFILES Codice/Code Descrizione/Description PROFILI IN GOMMA E SPAZZOLINI/RUBBER PROFILES AND BRUSHES mt Codice/Code GREZZO/RAW PF13.01 PF13.02 PF13.03 PF13.05 PF13.06 PF13.07 PF12.03 7UDYHUVRRUL]]RQWDOHSHUDQWH¿VVHH VFRUUHYROL +RUL]RQWDO FURVVSLHFH IRU ¿[HG DQG sliding wings. $GDWWDWRUH SHU ¿VVDJJLR DQWD VFRUUHYROH D WUDYHUVD H DQWD ¿VVD D SDYLPHQWR Adapter for fastening sliding wing WR FURVVSLHFH DQG ¿[HG ZLQJ WR WKH ÀRRU $GDWWDWRUHSHU¿VVDJJLRDQWD¿VVD $GDSWHUIRUIDVWHQLQJ¿[HGZLQJ &RSULPRQWDQWHDVFDWWR Descrizione/Description mt PF13.20 3UR¿ORGLEDWWXWDDOFHQWURSHUOHDQWHVFRUUHYROL 3UR¿OHRIFHQWUHVWRSIRUVOLGLQJZLQJV 50 PF13.08 *XDUQL]LRQHIHUPDYHWURWLSR Type 3 panestop seal. 50 PF13.09 *XDUQL]LRQHIHUPDYHWURWLSR Type 7 panestop seal. 50 PF13.10 *XDUQL]LRQHIHUPDYHWURWLSR Type 6 panestop seal. 50 PF13.11 *XDUQL]LRQHIHUPDYHWURWLSR Type 9 panestop seal. 50 PF13.13 3UR¿ORGLWHQXWDYHUWLFDOHWUDDQWD¿VVDHDQWDVFRUUHYROH 3UR¿OHRIYHUWLFDOVHDOEHWZHHQ¿[HGZLQJDQGVOLGLQJZLQJ 50 PF13.14 6SD]]ROLQRSHU3) Brush for PF13.07 50 OX NAT/NAT OX 6QDS¿WWLQJXSULJKWFRYHU 0RQWDQWH YHUWLFDOH SHU DQWH ¿VVH H DQWHVFRUUHYROL 9HUWLFDO XSULJKW IRU ¿[HG DQG VOLGLQJ wings. %LQDULRJXLGDSHUDQWDVFRUUHYROH COMPONENTI PER IL MONTAGGIO/ASSEMBLY COMPONENTS Codice/Code PF13.12 Sliding wing guide track. 3UR¿ORD8[[ 3UR¿OHWR8[[ PF13.15 Descrizione/Description PEZZI/PIECES Inserto per assemblaggio traverso a montante con n° 2 viti DXWR¿OHWWDQWL7&[ Insert for crosspiece assembly to upright with n. 2 self-threading screws TC + 4.8x32. ,QVHUWR¿VVDJJLRGHOO¶DGDWWDWRUH3)DWUDYHUVRHDGDWWDWRUH 3)DWUDYHUVRFRQYLWH7&(,;HURQGHOOD; Insert for fastening the adapters PF13.02 and PF13.03 to the crosspiece with screws TCEI 5X16 and washer 5X10 32 30 $OPRPHQWRGHOO¶RUGLQHVSHFL¿FDUHOD¿QLWXUDJUH]]RRDQRGL]]DWRDUJHQWRDJJLXQJHQGRXQD*RXQD1DOFRGLFHVFHOWR (V3UR¿ORPRQWDQWHJUH]]R!3)*3UR¿ORPRQWDQWHDQRGL]]DWRDUJHQWR!3)1 :KHQRUGHULQJVSHFLI\WKHUDZ¿QLVK*RUVLOYHUDQRGLVHG¿QLVK1E\DGGLQJ*RU1WRWKHVHOHFWHGFRGH ([5DZXSULJKWSUR¿OH!3)*6LOYHUDQRGLVHGXSULJKWSUR¿OH!3)1 PF13.16 GUIDE A PAVIMENTO/FLOOR GUIDES Codice/Code PF13.17 Descrizione/Description PF13.21 Insert for fastening adapter PF13.03 with n. 2 screws TE 6X10, n. 2 washers 6x12, n. 2 nuts 6 MA ,QVHUWRSHUDWWDFFRDQWDVFRUUHYROHDFDUUHOOR Insert for attaching the sliding wing to the carriage. 30 32 *XLGDDSDYLPHQWRFRQLQVHUWRDEDVVRFRHI¿FLHQWHGLDWWULWR 3HUSUR¿OL6HVDPRVHULH60$// Floor guide with low-friction insert. For Sesamo SMALL series SUR¿OHV PF13.19 PF13.18 ,QVHUWR¿VVDJJLRGHOO¶DGDWWDWRUH3)FRQQYLWL7(; 1URQGHOOH[QGDGL0$ *XLGDDSDYLPHQWRFRQLQVHUWRDEDVVRFRHI¿FLHQWHGLDWWULWR SHUDQWDYHORFHWHOHVFRSLFD PF03.73 9LWH 763 [ SHU ¿VVDJJLR ELQDULR JXLGD 3) D WUDYHUVR Screws TSP + 4.2x16 for fastening guide track PF13.07 to the crosspiece. .LWGLVWDQ]LDOLPRQWDJJLRYHWULPane assembly spacers kit Floor guide with low-friction insert for fast telescopic wing. SMALL - serramenti in alluminio per porte scorrevoli 088 SMALL - aluminium profiles for sliding doors SMALL - serramenti in alluminio per porte scorrevoli 089 SMALL - aluminium profiles for sliding doors 1000 TWENTY $SUR¿OHZLWKVRIWIHDWXUHVDQGUHGXFHGGLPHQVLRQVWKHEHVWWHFKQRORJ\ has to offer with a modern, sophisticated design. Specially designed to create single or multiple-wing doors which are perfectly functional DQG DHVWKHWLFDOO\ ÀDZOHVV LWV GHOLFDWH OLQHDU IRUPV PDNH LW VXLWDEOH for a wide variety of entrances, from residential to public, meeting HYHQ WKH PRVW SDUWLFXODU QHHGV 7KLV OLQH LV DW WKH IRUHIURQW LQ RIIHULQJ a high-quality product able to enhance the transparency of the glass and add elegance to any architectural project. An innovative product with technical characteristics and high performance together with an HVVHQWLDODQGHOHJDQWGHVLJQ7:(17<LVGLVWLQJXLVKHGE\LWVÀH[LELOLW\ DQGVLPSOHDVVHPEO\WKDWUHGXFHVDQGRSWLPL]HVWKHZRUNWLPHUHTXLUHG it is versatile and innovative not only in its form but also its substance. 6SHFL¿FDFFHVVRULHVVHDOVDQGEUXVKHVDUHSURYLGHGWRJXDUDQWHHWKH protection and solidity of the door frame and thus the automatic sliding GRRU7KHGHYHORSPHQWWHVWLQJDQGSURGXFWLRQRI7:(17<DUHFDUULHG out, as for all SESAMO products, according to the international standard ISO 9001. 8Q SUR¿OR GDOOH OLQHH PRUELGH H GLPHQVLRQL FRQWHQXWH LO PHJOLR GHOOD WHFQRORJLD FRQ XQ GHVLJQ UDI¿QDWR H FRQWHPSRUDQHR )LQDOL]]DWR DOOD realizzazione di serramenti perfettamente funzionali ed esteticamente LQHFFHSLELOLDGXQDRSLDQWHOHVXHIRUPHOLQHDULHOHJJHUHQHFRQVHQWRQR l’impiego in una vasta tipologia di ingressi, da quello residenziale a TXHOORSXEEOLFRVRGGLVIDQGRDQFKHOHHVLJHQ]HSLSDUWLFRODUL/DOLQHDq DOO¶DYDQJXDUGLDQHOSURSRUUHXQSURGRWWRGLDOWRSUR¿ORFKHVLDLQJUDGRGL esaltare la trasparenza del vetro e di donare eleganza ad ogni progetto architettonico. Un prodotto innovativo che possiede caratteristiche tecniche e prestazioni elevate unite ad un design essenziale ed elegante. TWENTY è contraddistinto da un’elasticità e semplicità di assemblaggio che ne riducono ed ottimizzano i tempi di lavorazione, versatile ed innovativo non solo nella forma ma anche nella sostanza. Sono previsti in GRWD]LRQHDFFHVVRULVSHFL¿FLJXDUQL]LRQLHVSD]]ROLQLFKHJDUDQWLVFRQR protezione e solidità al serramento e, conseguentemente, alla porta scorrevole automatica. Sviluppo, collaudo e produzione di TWENTY sono eseguiti, come per tutti i prodotti SESAMO, secondo gli standard ULFKLHVWLGDOODQRUPDWLYDLQWHUQD]LRQDOH,62 090 TWENTY - serramenti in alluminio per porte scorrevoli 091 TWENTY - aluminium profiles for sliding doors PROFILI IN ALLUMINIO/ALUMINIUM PROFILES Codice/Code PF17.01 PF17.02 PF17.03 PF17.04 Descrizione/Description Montante 8SULJKW PROFILI IN GOMMA E SPAZZOLINI/RUBBER PROFILES AND BRUSHES mt 5,10 Montante basso /RZXSULJKW 5,10 Fascia 5,10 %DQG Traverso &URVVSLHFH 5,10 PF17.05 Adattatore scorrevole 6OLGLQJDGDSWHU PF17.06 $GDWWDWRUH¿VVD )L[HGDGDSWHU Codice/Code Descrizione/Description mt PF03.26 3HQQHOOLQRPRUELGRVWUHWWR 1DUURZVRIWEUXVK 50 PF17.12 *XDUQL]LRQHEDWWXWDSUR¿OL :LQJVWRSVHDO 1 PF17.13 6SD]]ROLQRPP PPEUXVK 1 PF17.14 *XDUQL]LRQHWDPSRQDPHQWR *DVNHW 1 PF17.15 *XDUQL]LRQHIHUPDYHWURWLSR$ 7\SH$SDQHVWRSVHDO 1 PF03.29 *XDUQL]LRQHIHUPDYHWURWLSR 7\SHSDQHVWRSVHDO 1 PF13.08 *XDUQL]LRQHIHUPDYHWURWLSR 7\SHSDQHVWRSVHDO 1 PF13.10 *XDUQL]LRQHIHUPDYHWURWLSR 7\SHSDQHVWRSVHDO PF13.11 *XDUQL]LRQHIHUPDYHWURWLSR 7\SHSDQHVWRSVHDO 5,10 COMPONENTI PER IL MONTAGGIO/ASSEMBLY COMPONENTS PF17.07 5,10 ³/´¿VVD )L[HG³/´ Descrizione/Description PEZZI/PIECES PF17.16 .LWDFFHVVRULDQWD¿VVD $FFHVVRULHVNLWIRU¿[HGZLQJ 1 PF17.17 .LWDFFHVVRULDQWDVFRUUHYROH $FFHVVRULHVNLWIRUVOLGLQJZLQJ 1 PF17.18 *XLGDDSDYLPHQWR )ORRUJXLGHIRUVOLGLQJZLQJV 1 PF17.19 *XLGDDSDYLPHQWRWHOHVFRSLFD )ORRUJXLGHIRUWHOHVFRSLFZLQJV 1 PF17.20 .LWDFFHVVRULIDVFLDGLGLYLVLRQHYHWUDWXUD $FFHVVRULHVNLWIRUJODVVGLYLGHU 1 PF17.21 3LDVWUD¿VVDJJLRIDVFLRQHLQFRUULGRLR )L[LQJWUDQVRPZLQGRZSODWHLQFRUULGRU PF17.22 3LDVWUD¿VVDJJLRIDVFLRQHVXPXUR )L[LQJWUDQVRPZLQGRZSODWHRQZDOO 5,10 PF17.08 Portafotocellule 3KRWRFHOOGRRU 5,10 PF17.09 Labirinto /DE\ULQWK 5,10 PF17.10 %LQDULRJXLGD *XLGHWUDFN PF17.11 Codice/Code 5,10 Fascione 7UDQVRPZLQGRZSUR¿OH 6,82 $OPRPHQWRGHOO¶RUGLQHVSHFL¿FDUHOD¿QLWXUDJUH]]RRDQRGL]]DWRDUJHQWRDJJLXQJHQGRXQD*RXQD1DOFRGLFHVFHOWR (V3UR¿ORPRQWDQWHJUH]]R!3)*3UR¿ORPRQWDQWHDQRGL]]DWRDUJHQWR!3)1 :KHQRUGHULQJVSHFLI\WKHUDZ¿QLVK*RUVLOYHUDQRGLVHG¿QLVK1E\DGGLQJ*RU1WRWKHVHOHFWHGFRGH ([5DZXSULJKWSUR¿OH!3)*6LOYHUDQRGLVHGXSULJKWSUR¿OH!3)1 TWENTY - serramenti in alluminio per porte scorrevoli 092 TWENTY - aluminium profiles for sliding doors TWENTY - serramenti in alluminio per porte scorrevoli 093 TWENTY - aluminium profiles for sliding doors MORSETTI ED ACCESSORI PER SERRAMENTI DOOR CLAMP AND ACCESSORIES 7KHGRRUDFFHVVRULHVRIIHUVROXWLRQVIRUWKHFRPSOHWLRQRIWKHDXWRPDWLF HQWUDQFHDFFRUGLQJWRDSULQFLSOHRIKDUPRQ\IXQFWLRQDOLW\DQGLQWHJUD WLRQ7KHVHOHFWLRQLVFRPSRVHGRI Gli accessori per serramenti offrono soluzioni per il completamento GHOO¶LQJUHVVR DXWRPDWLFR VHFRQGR XQ SULQFLSLR GL DUPRQLD IXQ]LRQDOLWj HG LQWHJUD]LRQH La scelta si compone di: )ORRUJXLGHVWKDWDGDSWWRFRPPHUFLDOSUR¿OHVRUWR6HVDPR0DJQXP DQG 6PDOO SUR¿OHV 3HUIHFWO\ LQWHJUDWHG LQWR WKH GRRU DQG UHDOL]HG ZLWK DQWLZHDUDQGDQWLQRLVHPDWHULDOVWKH\JXDUDQWHHVLOHQWDQGORQJODVWLQJ RSHUDWLRQ JXLGHDSDYLPHQWRFKHVLDGDWWDQRDSUR¿OLFRPPHUFLDOLRDLSUR¿OL6HVDPR 0DJQXPH6PDOO3HUIHWWDPHQWHLQWHJUDWHQHOVHUUDPHQWRHUHDOL]]DWHFRQ PDWHULDOL DQWLXVXUD H DQWL UXPRUH JDUDQWLVFRQR VLOHQ]LRVLWj H GXUDWD QHO tempo; SUR¿OL LQ DOOXPLQLR SHU LO VXSSRUWR GHOOH DQWH UHDOL]]DWH LQ VROR FULVWDOOR IRUQLELOLLQGXHVROX]LRQLGLVWLQWHFRQ¿VVDJJLRDYLWHRDVLOLFRQH,OGHVLJQ ULFKLDPD OH OLQHH DUPRQLFKH GHJOL DXWRPDWLVPL JHQHUDQGR XQ SHUIHWWR connubio di forma e stile; $OXPLQLXP SUR¿OHV IRU VXSSRUW RI SDQHRQO\ ZLQJV DYDLODEOH LQ WZR GLIIHUHQWVROXWLRQVZLWKVFUHZRUVLOLFRQHIDVWHQLQJ7KHGHVLJQUHFDOOVWKH KDUPRQLF OLQHV RI WKH DXWRPDWLVPV JHQHUDWLQJ D SHUIHFW XQLRQ RI IRUP DQGVW\OH SUR¿OL LQ DOOXPLQLR SHU O¶DGDWWDPHQWR GL VHUUDPHQWL FRPPHUFLDOL DJOL DXWRPDWLVPL 6HVDPR VROX]LRQH SUDWLFD SHU IDFLOLWDUH O¶LQWHJUD]LRQH GHJOL DXWRPDWLVPLFRQTXDOVLDVLVHUUDPHQWRFRPPHUFLDOH $OXPLQLXPSUR¿OHVIRUWKHDGDSWDWLRQRIFRPPHUFLDOGRRUVWRWKH6HVD PRDXWRPDWLVPVDSUDFWLFDOVROXWLRQWRIDFLOLWDWHLQWHJUDWLRQRIWKHDXWR PDWLVPVZLWKDQ\FRPPHUFLDOGRRU accessori per serramenti 095 door accessories ANTE IN CRISTALLO/GLASS PANE WINGS GUIDA AL PREZZO/PRICE GUIDE PER DETERMINARE IL PREZZO FINALE SOMMARE I PREZZI DEI CODICI SCELTI MOLTIPLICATI PER LE QUANTITÀ INDICATE. TO DETERMINE THE FINAL PRICE ADD UP THE PRICE OF THE SELECTED CODES MULTIPLIED BY THE INDICATED QUANTITIES. Codice/Code Descrizione/Description mt 62/8=,21( SOLUTION PF12.09G GREZZO 5$: PF12.09N 2;1$7 6,/9(5$1 1,60 3UR¿ORPRUVHWWRFRQYLWL 3UR¿OHFODPSZLWKVFUHZV PF12.10G GREZZO 5$: PF12.10N 2;1$7 6,/9(5$1 PF12.11G Sp.vetro/Glass Th. PPPP 9,7, 6&5(:6 PF12.12G 9,7, 6&5(:6 3UR¿ORPRUVHWWRFRQVLOLFRQH PPPP 3UR¿OHFODPSZLWKVLOLFRQH PF12.06 PF12.07 PF12.09G 3,20 + 2;1$7 6,/9(5$1 Guida a pavimento per ante in cristallo solo vetro )ORRUJXLGHIRUJODVVSDQHRQO\ZLQJ *XLGDDSDYLPHQWRSHUDQWHLQFULVWDOORVRORYHWUR )ORRUJXLGHIRUJODVVSDQHRQO\ZLQJ *XLGDDSDYLPHQWRSHUDQWHLQFULVWDOORFRQSUR¿OR LQIHULRUH SILICONE /2:(5 352),/( 10 mm 12 mm 3(62$17$ :,1*:(,*+7 &20321(17, &20321(176 .J PF12.13 x anta/ZLQJ VETRO PANE *8,'( GUIDE 10mm PF12.05 x anta/ZLQJ PF12.06 x anta/ZLQJ 2;1$7 1$72; PF12.09N 12mm GREZZO 5$: PF12.10G 10mm PF12.05 x anta/ZLQJ 2;1$7 1$72; PF12.10N 12mm PF12.06 x anta/ZLQJ GREZZO 5$: PF12.09G 2;1$7 1$72; PF12.09N GREZZO 5$: PF12.10G 2;1$7 1$72; PF12.10N GREZZO 5$: PF12.11G 2;1$7 1$72; PF12.11N GREZZO 5$: PF12.12G 2;1$7 1$72; PF12.12N !.J .J !.J 3200 mm 352),/2 ,1)(5,25( 6,/,&21( PF12.05 GREZZO 5$: 1600 mm 1,60 GREZZO 5$: &2',&( CODE 3200 mm GREZZO 5$: PF12.11N ),1,785$ ),1,6+ 1600 mm 3,20 2;1$7 6,/9(5$1 PF12.12N 0256(772$17$ /81*+(==$352),/2 &5,67$//2 352),/(/(1*7+ 3$1(:,1*&/$03 2x PF12.13 x anta/ZLQJ PF12.13 x anta/ZLQJ 2x PF12.13 x anta/ZLQJ 10mm FRQSUR¿ORLQIHULRUH ZLWKORZHUSUR¿OH PF12.07 x anta/ZLQJ * 1600 mm 3200 mm * 1HOFDVRGLDXWRPDWLVPR7HOHVFRSLFDSHUO¶DQWDYHORFHRUGLQDUHODJXLGD3)DOSRVWRGL3),QWKHFDVHRIWKH7HOHVFRSLFDXWRPDWLVPIRUWKHIDVWZLQJRUGHU WKHJXLGH3)LQVWHDGRI3) GREZZO 5$: PF12.11G 2;1$7 1$72; PF12.11N GREZZO 5$: PF12.12G 2;1$7 1$72; PF12.12N GREZZO 5$: PF12.11G 2;1$7 1$72; PF12.11N 1600 10 mm 6,/,&21( SILICONE )ORRUJXLGHIRUSDQHZLQJZLWKORZHUSUR¿OH PF12.14 x anta/ZLQJ 10mm PF12.05 x anta/ZLQJ PF12.14 x anta/ZLQJ 10mm FRQSUR¿ORLQIHULRUH ZLWKORZHUSUR¿OH PF12.07 x anta/ZLQJ 3200 PF12.08 Guida a pavimento per anta veloce telescopica in FULVWDOORVRORYHWURFRQSUR¿ORLQIHULRUH )ORRUJXLGHIRUIDVWWHOHVFRSLFZLQJLQJODVVSDQH RQO\ZLWKORZHUSUR¿OH 10 mm 1600 6,/,&21( SILICONE PF12.13 &RPSRQHQWLSHUPRUVHWWRFRQYLWL &RPSRQHQWVIRUFODPSVZLWKVFUHZV GREZZO 5$: PF12.12G 2;1$7 1$72; PF12.12N * 3200 1HOFDVRGLDXWRPDWLVPR7HOHVFRSLFDSHUO¶DQWDYHORFHRUGLQDUHODJXLGD3)DOSRVWRGL3),QWKHFDVHRIWKH7HOHVFRSLFDXWRPDWLVPIRUWKHIDVWZLQJRUGHUWKH * JXLGH3)LQVWHDGRI3) PF12.14 &RPSRQHQWLSHUPRUVHWWRFRQVLOLFRQH &RPSRQHQWVIRUFODPSVZLWKVLOLFRQH accessori per serramenti 096 door accessories accessori per serramenti 097 door accessories ACCESSORI PER SERRAMENTI/DOOR ACCESSORIES Codice/Code Descrizione/Description PF03.20G GREZZO RAW PF03.20N OX.NAT. 6,/9(5$1 PROFILI COMMERCIALI/COMMERCIAL PROFILES mt PF12.18G GREZZO RAW PF12.18N OX.NAT. 6,/9(5$1 PF12.19G GREZZO RAW PF12.19N OX.NAT. 6,/9(5$1 *XLGDDSDYLPHQWRFRQLQVHUWRDEDVVRFRHI¿FLHQWHGLDWWULWR 3HUSUR¿OL6HVDPR3)H3) )ORRUJXLGHZLWKORZIULFWLRQLQVHUW)RU6HVDPR3)DQG 3)SUR¿OHV PF12.20G GREZZO RAW PF12.20N OX.NAT. 6,/9(5$1 *XLGDDSDYLPHQWRFRQLQVHUWRDEDVVRFRHI¿FLHQWHGLDWWULWR3HU DQWHWHOHVFRSLFKHUHDOL]]DWHFRQSUR¿OL6HVDPR3)H3) PF12.21G GREZZO RAW )ORRUJXLGHZLWKORZIULFWLRQLQVHUW)RUWHOHVFRSLFZLQJVUHDOLVHGZLWK 6HVDPR3)DQG3)SUR¿OHV PF12.21N OX.NAT. 6,/9(5$1 PF12.22G GREZZO RAW PF12.22N OX.NAT. 6,/9(5$1 PF12.23G GREZZO RAW PF12.23N OX.NAT. 6,/9(5$1 PF03.17G GREZZO RAW PF03.17N OX.NAT. 6,/9(5$1 PF12.03G GREZZO RAW PF12.03N OX.NAT. 6,/9(5$1 Guida anta scorrevole. 6OLGLQJZLQJJXLGH 2,5 PF01.47 Spazzolino 14mm. %UXVKPP 2,5 PF03.70 PF03.78 PF12.02 3UR¿ORD8SHUDQWDVFRUUHYROHOXQJKH]]D'DXVDUVLXQLWDPHQWHDOOD JXLGDDSDYLPHQWRWLSRFXVFLQHWWR3)H3) 83UR¿OHIRUVOLGLQJZLQJ7REHXVHGWRJHWKHUZLWKWKHEHDULQJW\SH ÀRRUJXLGH3)DQG3) PF12.03 PF12.01 Guida a pavimento tipo cuscinetto diametro 25mm. )ORRUJXLGHZLWKPPEHDULQJ PF12.04 Guida a pavimento tipo cuscinetto diametro 25mm per anta veloce telescopica. )ORRUJXLGHZLWKPPEHDULQJIRUIDVWWHOHVFRSLFZLQJ PF12.15G PF12.15N GREZZO RAW PF12.16G PF12.16N GREZZO RAW 3UR¿ORDGDWWDWRUHSHUDQWHFRPPHUFLDOL OX.NAT. 6,/9(5$1 Codice/Code 1%3HUXQVLVWHPDDGDWWDWRUHFRPSOHWRDFTXLVWDUHDQFKHO¶DUWLFROR3)LQQXPHURSDULDOQXPHURWRWDOH di ante. 1%$VVLFXUDUVLFKHODSRUWDWDPDVVLPDGHOO¶DQWDFRPSOHVVLYDQRQVXSHULL.J 2,2 4,5 1,6 Descrizione/Description mt Tubolare Alluminio 20x40x2. $OXPLQLXP3UR¿OH[[ 6,0 Tubolare Alluminio 40x40x2. $OXPLQLXP3UR¿OH[[ 6,0 Tubolare Alluminio 80x40x2. $OXPLQLXP3UR¿OH[[ 6,0 Tubolare Alluminio 120x40x2. $OXPLQLXP3UR¿OH[[ 6,0 Tubolare Alluminio 200x50x4. $OXPLQLXP3UR¿OH[[ 6,0 Piatto Alluminio 15x2 $OXPLQLXPÀDWEDU[ 6,0 3UR¿ORD8Alluminio 45x20x2. $OXPLQLXPSUR¿OHWR8[[ 6,5 3UR¿ORD8[[ $OXPLQLXPSUR¿OHWR8[[ 4,5 $GDSWHUSUR¿OHIRUFRPPHUFLDOZLQJV 127()RUDFRPSOHWHDGDSWRUV\VWHPSXUFKDVHDOVRDTXDQWLW\RILWHP3)HTXDOWRWKHWRWDOQXPEHU RIZLQJV 127(0DNHVXUHWKDWWKHWRWDOZHLJKWRIWKHGRRUGRHVQRWH[FHHGNJ OX.NAT. 6,/9(5$1 3,2 3LDVWULQDSHUDGDWWDWRUHSUR¿OLFRPPHUFLDOL&RQIH]LRQHSH]]L N.B. Quantità minima per 1 anta. PF12.17 3ODWHIRUFRPPHUFLDOSUR¿OHDGDSWHUV3DFNRISODWHV 127(0LQLPXPTXDQWLW\IRUZLQJ accessori per serramenti 098 door accessories accessori per serramenti 099 door accessories SOFTWARE PER INGRESSI AUTOMATICI SOFTWARE FOR AUTOMATIC ENTRANCES ,QWHUDPHQWH VYLOXSSDWR GD 6(6$02 0,//(11,80:$5( q XQ VRIWZDUH VHPSOLFH UDSLGR H SRWHQWH XQ YHUR H SURSULR ODERUDWRULR LQIRUPDWLFRFKHGjDOO¶LQVWDOODWRUHWXWWLJOLVWUXPHQWLQHFHVVDULDIDFLOLWDUHH DYHORFL]]DUHO¶LQVWDOOD]LRQHHODPDQXWHQ]LRQHGHJOLLQJUHVVLDXWRPDWLFL 6(6$02 GHOOD 6HULH 0,//(11,80 0,//(11,80:$5( ODYRUD LQ DPELHQWH :LQGRZV FRQ XQ¶LQWHUIDFFLD JUD¿FD FKH UHQGH O¶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software per ingressi automatici 103 MILLENNIUMWARE - software for automatic entrances SOFTWARE PER LA GESTIONE DEGLI AUTOMATISMI “MILLENNIUM” E “SWINGO”. SOFTWARE FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF “MILLENNIUM” AND “SWINGO” SERIES AUTOMATISMS. Caratteristiche tecniche - Technical features Codice/Code &RQWUROORHJHVWLRQHGHOO¶LQWHURIXQ]LRQDPHQWRGHOOHFHQWUDOLHOHWWURQLFKHGDO ODUHJROD]LRQHGLSDUDPHWULGLPRYLPHQWRDOO¶LPSRVWD]LRQHGLSDUWLFRODUL IXQ]LRQL Comunicazione diretta tra il PC e il microprocessore delle centra OL HOHWWURQLFKH 0,//(11,80 H 6:,1*2 SHU RWWHQHUH XQ HOHYDWR QXPHURG¶LQIRUPD]LRQLVXOORVWDWRGHOODFHQWUDOHHODVXDVWRULDVHPSOL¿ FDQGRDOPDVVLPRODGLDJQRVWLFDGLWXWWHOHDQRPDOLH 9HUL¿FDVHPSOLFHHUDSLGDGHOFRUUHWWRIXQ]LRQDPHQWRGLGLVSRVLWLYLSHUL IHULFLTXDOLHQFRGHUGLPRYLPHQWRHEDWWHULHGLHPHUJHQ]D &RQWURODQGPDQDJHPHQWRIWKHHQWLUHRSHUDWLRQRIWKHHOHFWURQLF XQLWVIURPWKHVHWWLQJRIWKHPRYHPHQWSDUDPHWHUVWRWKHLPSOHPHQWD WLRQRISDUWLFXODUIXQFWLRQV 'LUHFWFRPPXQLFDWLRQEHWZHHQWKH3&DQGWKHPLFURSURFHVVRURIWKH 0,//(11,80DQG6:,1*2HOHFWURQLFXQLWVWRGUDZDODUJHQXPEHURI LQIRUPDWLRQHOHPHQWVRQWKHFHQWUDOXQLW¶VVWDWXVDQGLWVKLVWRU\H[WHQVL YHO\VLPSOLI\LQJWKHGLDJQRVLQJRIDOODQRPDOLHV 6LPXODWLRQRIDFWXDOHYHQWVDQGSRVVLELOLW\RIWUDQVPLWWLQJORJLFDO VLJQDOVWRWKH0,//(11,80DQG6:,1*2FHQWUDOXQLWVVXFKDVIRU H[DPSOH WKRVHIURPPRYHPHQWUDGDUVDQGSKRWRFHOOV%\SURJUDPPLQJVSHFL¿F VHTXHQFHVLWLVSRVVLEOHWRGULYHWKHDXWRPDWLVPWKURXJKH[WHQVLYHWH VWLQJF\FOHVXQGHUFRQGLWLRQLGHQWLFDOWRWKRVHIRXQGLQDFWXDORSHUDWLRQ 0HPRUL]]D]LRQH GLLQIRUPD]LRQL DQDJUD¿FKH HWHFQLFKH GHJOL LPSLDQWL SHUDUFKLYLDUHLGDWLGHOOHLQVWDOOD]LRQLUHDOL]]DWHVHPSUHIDFLOPHQWHUH SHULELOLHYLVXDOL]]DELOL 6WRULQJUHJLVWHU¿OHDQGWHFKQLFDOLQIRUPDWLRQSHUWDLQLQJWRWKHV\VWHPV LQRUGHUWRVDYHWKHGDWDRILPSOHPHQWHGLQVWDOODWLRQVWKHGDWDLVWKXV PDGHHDVLO\DYDLODEOHDQGFDQEHUHDGLO\GLVSOD\HG 0,//(11,80:$5(qVFDULFDELOHJUDWXLWDPHQWHGDOVLWR,QWHUQHWGL6( 6$02ZZZVHVDPRHX2FFRUUHVHPSOLFHPHQWHGLVSRUUHGL 0,//(11,80:$5(FDQEHGRZQORDGHGIUHHRIFKDUJHIURPWKH6(6$ 02,QWHUQHWVLWHZZZVHVDPRHX%DVLFV\VWHPUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHWKH IROORZLQJ 0LQLPR0EGL5$0 8QDSRUWDUSB MILLENNIUMWARE - software per ingressi automatici 104 'LVSRVLWLYRGLFROOHJDPHQWRWUDVFKHGHHOHWWURQLFKHVHULH³0LOOHQQLXP´ H³6ZLQJR´HSF/¶LQWHUIDFFLDYHUVRLOSFqGLWLSRUSB 'HYLFH IRU FRQQHFWLQJ ³0LOOHQQLXP´ DQG ³6ZLQJR´ VHULHV HOHFWURQLF FDUGVWRDSF7KHFRPSXWHULQWHUIDFHLVUSB 6LPSOHDQGIDVWFKHFNLQJRIWKHFRUUHFWRSHUDWLRQRISHULSKHUDOGHYLFHV VXFKDVPRYHPHQWHQFRGHUVDQGHPHUJHQF\EXIIHUEDWWHULHV 6LPXOD]LRQH GL HYHQWL UHDOL H SRVVLELOLWj GL LQYLDUH DOOH FHQWUDOL 0,/ /(11,80 H 6:,1*2 VHJQDOL ORJLFL TXDOL DG HVHPSLR UDGDU GL PRYL PHQWR H IRWRFHOOXOH 3URJUDPPDQGR RSSRUWXQH VHTXHQ]H q SRVVLELOH IDU FRPSLHUH DOO¶DXWRPDWLVPR FLFOL GL WHVW SUROXQJDWL LGHQWLFL D FRQGL]LRQLGLIXQ]LRQDPHQWRUHDOH 6LVWHPDRSHUDWLYR:LQGRZV;39,67$ 0EGLVSRQLELOLVXGLVFR¿VVR PF01.55 Descrizione/Description :LQGRZV;39,67$RSHUDWLYHV\VWHP 0EDYDLODEOHRQKDUGGLVF $WOHDVW0ERI5$0 2QHUSBSRUW MILLENNIUMWARE - software for automatic entrances MILLENNIUMWARE - software per ingressi automatici 105 MILLENNIUMWARE - software for automatic entrances Prezzo/Price ,O0RQIHUUDWRXQDGHOOHSLLPSRUWDQWLDUHHJHRJUD¿FKHLWDOLDQHGDOSXQWRYLVWDDUFKLWHWWRQLFRHSDHVDJJLVWLFRRVSLWDODVHGH GL 6HVDPR 4XL VWRULD DUWH DUFKLWHWWXUD WUDGL]LRQL H DUWLJLDQDWR FRQYLYRQR LQ XQ SDHVDJJLR VWUDRUGLQDULR WXWWR GD VFRSULUH /RVJXDUGRqVXELWRDWWLUDWRGDOOHPDHVWRVHPROLGHLQXPHURVLPDQLHULWRUULHUXGHULFKHDQFRUDFRURQDQRTXDVLWXWWHOHDOWXUHH FRVWLWXLVFRQRXQSUH]LRVRSDWULPRQLRGLLQWHUHVVHVWRULFRHGDUWLVWLFRRIIUHQGRDOWXULVWDXQTXDGURVXJJHVWLYRGLDQWLFDSRWHQ]D JXHUULHUD H GL LQFRPSDUDELOH EHOOH]]D 'D QRQ WUDODVFLDUH SHUz LO IDVFLQR PLVWLFR ROWUH FKH DUFKLWHWWRQLFR FKH WUDVSDUH GDOOH LQQXPHUHYROLDEED]LHFKLHVHHFDSSHOOHFKHFRVWHOODQRLSHUFRUVLGLRJQLFRQWUDGDPRQIHUULQD ,O ³PDUH GL FROOLQH´ GROFLVVLPH R VFRVFHVH L ³EULF´ H ³IRVV´ YHVWLWH GL ERVFKL H YLJQHWL D SHUGLWD G¶RFFKLR OH SLDQXUH UHVH VXJJHVWLYH GDOOH ULVDLH DOODJDWH LO ¿XPH 3R FKH WUD ORUR VFRUUH H OH XQLVFH FRQ LO ULWPR ULODVVDQWH GHOOH VXH DFTXH RIIURQR PHUDYLJOLRVH RFFDVLRQL GL VRJJLRUQR QHOO¶LQFDQWR GHL FDVWHOOL GHJOL DJULWXULVPR EHG EUHDNIDVW KRWHO GL FKDUPH /DFDOGDRVSLWDOLWjGHOOHFDQWLQHHGHLULVWRUDQWLRIIURQRXQ¶HQRJDVWURQRPLDIDWWDGLYLQLGLHFFHOOHQ]DHSUH]LRVHULFHWWHUHFXSHUDWH DOODWUDGL]LRQHPRQIHUULQDSLDXWHQWLFD 6LHWHLQYLWDWLGXQTXHDYLVLWDUFLFRVuROWUHDLSURGRWWL6HVDPRDYUHWHO¶RSSRUWXQLWjGLVFRSULUHTXHVWDVSOHQGLGDWHUUD The Sesamo headquarters are located in Monferrato, one of the most important geographical areas in Italy from both the architectonic and landscape point of view. Here history, art, architecture, traditions and handicraft coexist in an extraordinary ODQGVFDSHDOOZDLWLQJWREHGLVFRYHUHG$YLVLWRU¶VJODQFHLVLPPHGLDWHO\DWWUDFWHGE\WKHPDMHVWLFHGL¿FHVRIWKHQXPHURXV manors, towers and ruins that still crown nearly all the hillsides and constitute a precious patrimony of historical and artistic interest, offering the tourist an evocative picture of ancient warlike power and incomparable beauty. Not to omit, however, the mystical fascination, in addition to that architectonic, that emerges from the countless abbeys, churches and chapels that dot the roads of every Monferrato district. The mild or steep “sea of hills” dressed in forests and vineyards as far as the eye can VHHWKHSODLQVUHQGHUHGHYRFDWLYHE\WKHÀRRGHGULFHSDGGLHVWKH3R5LYHUWKDWVOLGHVEHWZHHQWKHPDQGMRLQVWKHPZLWKWKH relaxing rhythm of its waters, offers wonderful holiday stay occasions in the enchantment of the castles, holiday farms, bed & breakfast, and charming hotels. The warm hospitality of the wine cellars and restaurants offers an enogastronomy made of excellent wines and precious recipes recapturing the most authentic Monferrato tradition. You are thus invited to visit us so that, in addition to the Sesamo products, you will have the opportunity to discover this splendid land! Dove siamo Where we are Gravellona Toce Como Milano A4 Torino Alessandria Asti A26 Genova Brescia Venezia Europa America del Nord Asia Africa America del Sud 6(6$02qSUHVHQWHFRQXQDYDVWDUHWHGLGLVWULEXWRULQHLSULQFLSDOLSDHVLHXURSHLGHOO¶(VWGHOODIDVFLDPHGLRRULHQWDOHHLQPRO WHDOWUHDUHHJHRJUD¿FKH8QDUHWHVSHFLDOL]]DWDHFHUWL¿FDWDLQJUDGRGLIRUQLUHLOSURGRWWRHO¶HVSHULHQ]DGL6(6$02DOVHUYL]LR GHOODFUHDWLYLWjGHLSURJHWWLVWL 1HOPRQGRGL6HVDPRQRQHVLVWRQREDUULHUHGH¿QLWLYHFRQ¿QLRRVWDFROLSHUFKpO¶DUFKLWHWWXUDGLDORJDFRVWDQWHPHQWHFRQOR VSD]LRLQVLQWRQLDFRQXQQXRYRFRQFHWWRGLYLYHUHHGLDELWDUH $QLPDWLGDTXHVWRVSLULWRVXSHULDPRDQFKHLFRQ¿QLJHRJUD¿FLHSRUWLDPRODQRVWUDHVSHULHQ]DRYXQTXH SESAMO is present with a vast network of distributors in the principal countries of Europe, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and PDQ\RWKHUJHRJUDSKLFDUHDV$VSHFLDOL]HGDQGFHUWL¿HGQHWZRUNFDSDEOHRISURYLGLQJWKH6(6$02SURGXFWDQGH[SHULHQFH serving the creativity of the designers. ,QWKH6(6$02ZRUOGGH¿QLWLYHEDUULHUVERUGHUVRUREVWDFOHVGRQRWH[LVWEHFDXVHWKHDUFKLWHFWXUHFRQYHUVHVFRQVWDQWO\ZLWK space, in tune with a new concept of living and inhabiting. Animated by this spirit, we also exceed the geographic borders and take our experience everywhere! 0108 0109 Note Notes CONDIZIONI GENERALI DI VENDITA/TERMS OF SALES 1.ORDINI E LORO ACCETTABILITÀ La Sesamo accetterà gli ordini e ne darà esecuzione nell’ambito, nei limiti e nei tempi che la propria organizzazione aziendale consentirà, senza che ciò possa comportare pretese da parte dell’acquirente. Gli ordini devono essere inviati al fornitore che li confermerà per scritto. L’ordine si intende accettato dal fornitore e solo nel momento in cui gli perviene di ritorno la FRSLDGHOODFRQIHUPDG¶RUGLQH¿UPDWDGDOO¶DFTXLUHQWHSHUDFFHWWD]LRQHGHOOHFRQGL]LRQL contrattuali. L’acquirente non potrà revocare gli ordini confermati dal fornitore. 1.PURCHASE ORDERS AND THEIR ACCEPTANCE Sesamo shall accept and execute purchase orders within the time and limits allowed by their corporate organization; this however shall not .involve any right for the purchaser. 3XUFKDVH RUGHUV VKDOO EH VHQW WR WKH VXSSOLHU DQG WKH VXSSOLHU VKDOO FRQ¿UP WKHP LQ writing. The purchase order is considered as accepted by the supplier only when the ODWWHU UHFHLYHV EDFN FRS\ RI WKH RUGHU FRQ¿UPDWLRQ GXO\ VLJQHG E\ WKH SXUFKDVHU LQ acceptance of the contract terms. The purchaser shall not be entitled to withdraw any order which has been accepted by the supplier. 2.CONSEGNE Il fornitore si impegna a mettere ogni cura nel dare esecuzione agli ordini confermati rispettando i termini concordati, eventuali ritardi non possono dar luogo a richiesta danni. 2.DELIVERY 7KHVXSSOLHUVKDOOXVHDOOWKHLUEHVWHQGHDYRUVWRH[HFXWHWKHRUGHUVFRQ¿UPHGLQWKH respect of the delivery terms agreed upon; however, any possible delay cannot give rise to any claim for damages. 3.RESA Qualunque reclamo deve essere fatto entro 8 giorni dal ricevimento della merce. Non si accettano merci di ritorno se non concordate con il fornitore. I prodotti sono resi dal fornitore FRANCO STABILIMENTO IN TERRUGGIA. La merce viaggia a rischio e pericolo del cliente anche se convenuto porto franco con addebito in fattura. Il ritiro dei prodotti ordinati deve sempre avvenire entro 15 gg. dall’avviso di merce pronta trasmesso al cliente dal fornitore. Se i prodotti non vengono ritirati entro tale termine per causa non dipendente dal fornitore, lo stesso è autorizzato ad emettere regolare fattura e relativo pagamento. 3.RETURNS Any claim shall be presented within 8 days from receipt of goods. Return goods are not DFFHSWHGXQOHVVVSHFL¿FDOO\DJUHHGZLWKWKHVXSSOLHU Goods are delivered by the supplier EX their TERRUGGIA FACTORY. Goods travel at the customer’s own risk, even when shipment is made under the carriage paid term and shipment costs are invoiced. Ordered goods shall always be collected within 15 days from the notice of goods ready sent by the supplier; If goods are not collected within said time period for reasons independent from the supplier, the supplier shall be authorized to issue the relevant invoice and ask for payment. 4.PAGAMENTI I prezzi e le condizioni di pagamento sono quelli indicati nella conferma d’ordine, il committente non può, per alcuna ragione, differire da tali condizioni, nemmeno in caso di contestazioni o controversie. Nel caso in cui uno dei pagamenti non sia effettuato alla data prevista, l’intero importo dovuto diventa immediatamente esigibile, quali che siano state le condizioni convenute precedentemente. Il mancato pagamento produrrà di per se stesso la sospensione delle forniture in corso. In ogni caso resta inteso che eventuali ritardi di pagamento rispetto alle scadenze pattuite comporterà per il committente O¶REEOLJRGLSDJDUHDQFKHJOLLQWHUHVVLFDOFRODWLLQEDVHDOWDVVRXI¿FLDOHGLVFRQWR 4.PAYMENT 3ULFHVDQGSD\PHQWWHUPVDUHWKRVHVSHFL¿HGLQWKHRUGHUFRQ¿UPDWLRQ7KHSXUFKDVHU cannot deviate from such conditions for any reason whatsoever, not even in the case of claim or dispute. If an installment is not paid at the due date, the whole amount shall become immediately due, whichever may be the terms previously agreed. Failure to pay shall directly involve the discontinuation of deliveries. In any case it is understood that any delay in payment in respect of the due dates shall involve the purchaser’s obligation WRSD\WKHLQWHUHVWVDFFUXHGDWWKHRI¿FLDOGLVFRXQWUDWH 5.INSTALLAZIONE E MONTAGGIO Tutti gli oneri di installazione e di montaggio delle apparecchiature oggetto dell’ordine, sono ad esclusivo carico dell’acquirente. La Sesamo non assume alcuna responsabilità per le installazioni ed i montaggi effettuati con proprie apparecchiature, il mancato funzionamento dell’impianto non può in nessun caso essere causa di richiesta danni. 6.GARANZIA Nei limiti di quanto stabilito dal presente articolo, il venditore si impegna a riparare presso il proprio stabilimento tutti gli eventuali difetti di costruzione che si manifestano durante LOSHULRGRGLJDUDQ]LD¿VVDWRLQPHVLYHQWLTXDWWURGDOODGDWDGLFROODXGRIDYRUHYROH Restano a carico dell’acquirente tutte le spese accessorie che si rendessero necessarie per procedere alla riparazione in garanzia quali ma non esclusivamente: porto-imballotasse ecc. Nel caso di riparazioni effettuate dal fornitore presso i locali dell’acquirente, saranno a carico dello stesso le spese e le ore di viaggio e soggiorno delle persone addette alle riparazioni in base alle tariffe del venditore in vigore al momento della prestazione stessa. La garanzia comprende tutte le parti strutturali dei macchinari, ma non si estende alle parti di normale usura. La riparazione o sostituzione di pezzi, che ULVXOWDVVHUR LQHI¿FLHQWL D FDXVD GL PDQRPLVVLRQL GL GHWHULRUDPHQWL R LQFLGHQWL GRYXWL D negligenze, mancanza di sorveglianza o manomissione o a utilizzazione anormale o errata o a sfruttamento eccessivo delle apparecchiature o di parti di esse, non avviene né può avvenire in garanzia. $WLWRORGLHVHPSLRVSHFL¿FKLDPRFKHODJDUDQ]LDQRQVLDSSOLFDTXDQGROHDSSDUHFFKLDWXUH presentano parti avariate a causa di urti, di depositi di calcinacci, trucioli metallici, tracce GLOXEUL¿FDQWLPDVWLFLYHUQLFLVROYHQWLHFF/DJDUDQ]LDQRQVLDSSOLFDQHSSXUHTXDQGR VLYHUL¿FDQRYDULD]LRQLVWUXWWXUDOLGHOVHUUDPHQWRHDFFHVVRULFDXVDWHGDXUWLGLODWD]LRQL ritiri, assestamenti e stagionatura. Allo stesso modo la garanzia decade nel caso in cui i prodotti non vengano movimentati ed immagazzinati con cura e non siano installati ed LPSLHJDWLVHFRQGRODGHVWLQD]LRQHORURSURSULDHQHOULVSHWWRGHOOHVSHFL¿FKHWHFQLFKH fornite dal costruttore. Si precisa che la garanzia sarà operativa solo se i vizi verranno GHQXQFLDWLHQWURLOOLPLWHOHJDOHGLRWWRJLRUQLGDOODGDWDGLFROODXGRIDYRUHYROHFRQ lettera raccomandata A.R. La garanzia si considera decaduta in ogni caso se saranno state fatte eseguire riparazioni o sostituzioni da persone non autorizzate dal fornitore R GDO FRQFHVVLRQDULR LQGLSHQGHQWHPHQWH GDO UDSSRUWR GL FDVXDOLWj WUD WDOL PRGL¿FKH R riparazioni e i difetti rilevati. Il compratore dovrà inviare al venditore il pezzo difettoso coperto da garanzia, perché ne sia effettuata la riparazione o la sostituzione. La consegna al compratore di tale pezzo, adeguatamente riparato o sostituito, sarà considerata pieno adempimento delle obbligazioni di garanzia previste dal presente articolo; come più sopra detto il costo ed il rischio del trasporto del pezzo difettoso e di quello riparato o sostituito saranno a carico del compratore. La garanzia in tutti i casi si riferisce solamente ai difetti di materiale o di lavorazione e non obbliga in nessun caso il venditore a risarcimento di eventuali danni diretti, indiretti o consequenziali subiti dall’acquirente o da terzi, qualsiasi essi siano, spese di lavorazione, ritardi di consegna, spese di trasporto ecc. e non dà diritto al committente di sospendere o ritardare i pagamenti. La garanzia potrà essere fatta valere solo da coloro che sono in regola con i pagamenti. 7.FORO COMPETENTE Per ogni controversia relativa sia all’interpretazione che all’esecuzione o applicazione del presente contratto o comunque a tale contratto ricollegabile, il foro competente è HVFOXVLYDPHQWHTXHOORGL&$6$/(021)(55$72$/,7$/,$FRQHVFOXVLRQHWDVVDWLYD di qualsiasi altro foro quale che sia il luogo di perfezionamento del contratto. Il contratto è regolato dalla legge italiana alla quale si fa riferimento per quanto in esso contratto non previsto. 5.INSTALLATION AND ASSEMBLY All the costs covering the installation and assembly of the equipment ordered shall be exclusively borne by the purchaser. Sesamo shall not be held responsible for the installation and assembly work made with their equipment. Failure of the plant to operate shall in no case give rise to claims for damages. 6.GUARANTEE The guarantee period is 24 (twenty - four) months from successful testing. The supplier shall repair at their own factory any possible manufacturing defect that shall arise during the guarantee period, within the terms and limits of this clause. All accessory costs required to proceed with the guarantee repair, such as shipment, packing, taxes, etc., shall be borne by the purchaser. Should the repair work be made by the supplier at the purchaser’s premises, the latter shall pay for the traveling and living expenses and the relevant time costs of the repair staff, at the supplier’s rates in force at the time the work is carried out. The guarantee covers all the structural components of the equipment, excluding normal wear parts. The guarantee cannot and does not include the repair or replacement of parts which have become ineffective due to tampering, deterioration or accidents caused by negligence, lack of control or tampering, abnormal or wrong use, or excessive exploitation of the equipment or of their parts. -XVWDVDQH[DPSOHLWLVKHUHE\VSHFL¿HGWKDWWKHJXDUDQWHHLVQRWDSSOLFDEOHZKHQWKH parts of the equipment are defective as a consequence of shocks, deposits of rubble, metal shavings, traces of lubricants, putties, varnishes, solvents, etc. The guarantee does not apply also in case of structural changes of the door or window and relevant accessories, due to shocks, expansion, shrinkage, settlement and seasoning. Similarly the guarantee does not apply when the products are not handled and stored with care and are not installed and used according to their intended destination and respecting WKHWHFKQLFDOVSHFL¿FDWLRQVVXSSOLHGE\WKHPDQXIDFWXUHU,WLVKHUHE\VSHFL¿HGWKDWWKH JXDUDQWHH VKDOO DSSO\ RQO\ WR GHIHFWV UHSRUWHG ZLWKLQ WKH RI¿FLDO WLPH OLPLW RI HLJKW days from the time they are found; reporting shall be made by registered mail with return receipt. In any case the guarantee shall not apply if the repair or replacement work is not carried out by people duly authorized by the supplier or by the dealer, regardless of the causative relationship between such changes or repairs and the defects found. The purchaser shall send to the supplier the defective part covered by the guarantee for repair or replacement. The delivery of such part duly repaired or replaced to the SXUFKDVHU VKDOO FRQVWLWXWH WKH FRPSOHWH IXO¿OOPHQW RI WKH JXDUDQWHH REOLJDWLRQV DV SURYLGHG E\ WKLV FODXVH DV VSHFL¿HG EHIRUH WKH FRVW DQG ULVNV FRQQHFWHG ZLWK WKH transportation of both the defective part and of the repaired or replaced component shall be borne by the purchaser. In any case, the guarantee covers exclusively the defects of materials and production and shall in no case involve the supplier’s obligation to refund any direct, indirect or consequential damage suffered by the purchaser or by third parties, whichever they may be: production costs, delivery delays, transportation costs, etc., and shall not entitle the purchaser to interrupt or postpone payments. The guarantee shall be valid and effective only if the purchaser’s payments are regular. 7.PLACE OF JURISDICTION Any dispute related to the interpretation, execution or application of this contract or anyhow connected with this contract, shall be brought before the court of CASALE MONFERRATO (AL-ITALY) which is the only place of jurisdiction, therefore excluding absolutely any other court, whichever may be the place where this contract is executed. The contract is ruled by the Italian law which shall constitute the reference for any provision not expressly mentioned in the contract itself. 8.NOTA ,GDWLWHFQLFLULVXOWDQWLGDLFDWDORJKLGHSOLDQWVGHEERQRHVVHUHFRQVLGHUDWLDSSURVVLPDWLYL HVVHQGRQRWL¿FDWLGDOODGLWWDSURGXWWULFHDSXURWLWRORLQIRUPDWLYRHVHQ]DUHVSRQVDELOLWj /D6HVDPRVLULVHUYDODIDFROWjGLPRGL¿FDUHGLVHJQLHGLPHQVLRQLGHLSURGRWWL 8.NOTE 7KH WHFKQLFDO GDWD SXEOLVKHG LQ WKH OHDÀHWV DQG FDWDORJXHV VKDOO EH FRQVLGHUHG DV DSSUR[LPDWHVLQFHWKH\DUHQRWL¿HGE\WKHPDQXIDFWXUHURQO\IRULQIRUPDWLRQSXUSRVHV and without any responsibility. Sesamo reserves the right to modify the drawings and size of the products. 9.SISTEMA QUALITÀ UNI EN ISO 9001/2000 La Società opera in conformità alle prescrizioni del proprio sistema qualità sviluppato VHFRQGRODQRUPD81,(1,62 9.QUALITY SYSTEM UNI EN ISO 9001/2000 7KH&RPSDQ\RSHUDWLRQVFRPSO\ZLWKWKHVSHFL¿FDWLRQVRIWKHLUTXDOLW\V\VWHPZKLFK has been developed based on the UNI EN ISO 9001/2000 standards. CAT_IT/EN_01_2010 s.r.l. Strada Gabannone, 8/10 - 15030 Terruggia (AL) ITALY Phone: +39 0142 403 223 - Fax: +39 0142 403 256 [email protected] - www.sesamo.eu