Erasmus Multilateral Project "21st Century Skills: Pathway For School Innovation” ERASMUS + è un programma comunitario finalizzato a promuovere attività di cooperazione e di scambio tra i Paesi europei. I partenariati strategici nel settore dell'istruzione e della formazione fanno parte della: Azione chiave 2 —Cooperazione per l'innovazione e lo scambio di buone prassi, miglioramento dei metodi di insegnamento e apprendimento, nuovi programmi per lo sviluppo professionale del personale docente. Il progetto è innovativo dal momento che gli scopi, le attività e i risultati sono subordinati allo sviluppo delle abilità del XXI secolo: • Competenze di base e sociali • Capacità di pensiero • People Skills • Qualità personali. La cooperazione tra i 7 Paesi avrà un forte impatto su studenti e insegnanti: Studenti: migliorare le abilità di base e sociali, migliorare l’apprendimento dell’inglese e ad usare le nuove tecnologie; sviluppare abilità interpersonali attraverso la cooperazione tra studenti provenienti da diverse culture; ampliare gli orizzonti, nella ricerca di differenze e similitudini tra i 7 Paesi diversi per lingua, tradizioni e stile di vita; migliorare la produzione di materiale digitale proprio, grazie all’utilizzo delle TIC. Insegnanti: apprendere metodologie di insegnamento/apprendimento varie e creative; conoscere nuovi e diversi sistemi educativi; utilizzare le nuove tecnologie; migliorare il lavoro di squadra; avere un’immagine positiva di una scuola moderna e assicurarne la promozione. Polonia Italia Finlandia Cipro ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO STATALE “San Giovanni Bosco – F. De Carolis” Via Dante Alighieri, 20 71014 San Marco in Lamis (FG) Tel. – Fax 0882-831006 - C.F. 84002010712 – C.M. FGIC848005 email: [email protected] - pec [email protected] sito web: www.icsangiovanniboscodecarolis Creta Spagna Erasmus Multilateral Project "21st Century Skills: Pathway For School Innovation" Portogallo “21st Century Students, need 21st Century Teachers!” “La costruzione dell’Europa è un’arte.. .L’arte del possibile” “Building Europe is an art.. .It’s the art of possible” Jaques Chirac La Dirigente Prof.ssa Miriam TOTARO Italy meeting 24th- 30th January 2016 Program WEDNESDAY 27/01/2016 9.00: Walking to San Giovanni Rotondo centre. 9.30 - 11.30: School for the development of territory: visit to "Liceo Statale Maria Immacolata" and "Istituto Alberghiero M. SUNDAY 24/01/2016 Lecce" in San Giovanni Rotondo. Travelling day to San Marco in Lamis. 11.30 - 13.30: Project meeting. 15.00 - 17.00: Visit to San Giovanni Rotondo. An exemple of mod- MONDAY 25/01/2016 ern architecture: St. Pio da Pietrelcina’s church by Renzo Piano. 9.30- 11.00: Welcome ceremony at school. 11.30 -13.30: Visit of the school, lesson observation. THURSDAY 28/01/2016 15.00: Free time to explore the town of San Marco and its out- 9.00: Departure for Castel Del Monte, Federico II residence. skirts “St. Matthew convent”. 15.00: Visit to the town of Trani and its cathedral. 18.00 : Departure time. TUESDAY 26/01/2016 9.00 - 11.00: School for the development of territory: visit to I.I.S.S. “Pietro Giannone”. 11.00: Departure for Gargano National Park. Visit to Monte FRIDAY 29/01/2016 9.00 - 11.00: A blast from the past: visit to the Park of Dinosaurs and the interactive museum in Borgo Celano. 11.30 -13.30: Project meeting at school. Sant’Angelo and St. Michael’s Cave (on the path of the ancient 15.00 - 16.30: School activities and projects: Students from all the pilgrims:"The Sacra Via Longobardorum"). Countries will performe with Italian students, in traditional 15.00 - 17.00: Visit to the castle and the Hypogeums in Manfre- dances and songs. donia. SATURDAY 30/01/2016 Departure day. Erasmus + is an EU program designed to promote cooperation activities and exchange between European countries. Strategic partnerships in education and training are part of the: K2 -Cooperation for innovation and exchange of best practices, improved methods of teaching and learning, new programs for professional development of teaching staff. The project is innovative because the activities and results are dependent on the development of skills of the twenty-first century: • Basic skills and social • Capacity of thought • People Skills • Personal qualities. Our cooperation will have a great impact on: Students: It will increase students' basic skills. It will increase social skills. It will motivate them to look for and read different sources of knowledge. It will motivate them to learn foreign languages and use new technologies. It will develop interpersonal skills through cooperation between students coming from different cultures. It will widen horizons, while searching for similarities and differences between eight countries as far as language, tradition and lifestyle are concerned. It will improve using ICT to produce their own digital material by presenting options of their cities, to communicate, to present their activities as well. Teachers: The project’s aim is to learn creative and varied methods of teaching and learning. Teachers will learn about different educational systems. It will improve pedagogical skills. It will enable teachers to adapt educational methods. It will develop the use of new technologies. It will empower them to find solutions to raising socioeconomic problems through social networks, creative activities and team work. It will enhance values of respect towards “the different other”. It will promote the value of solidarity among people/groups “at risk” of social exclusion. It will create a positive picture of a modern school and ensure its promotion.