SANTA MARIA GORETTI PARISH (Italian Parish) 9110-110 Avenue, Edmonton, AB. T5H 4A1 Tel. (780) 422-8304 Fax (780) 425-7254 E-Mail: [email protected] Office Hours: Mon.-Fri.:9:00 am-12:30 pm - 1:00-3:00 pm Pastor: Rev. Fr. George Puramadathil, CFIC Office Administrator: Luis M. Untalan SMG Community Centre (780) 426-5026 Mass Schedule: Tuesday to Friday in Italian - 7:00 p.m. Weekend: Saturday at 5:00 p.m. (Italian); Sunday: 8:30 a.m. (Italian), 10:00 a.m. (English), 11:30 a.m. (Italian) Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays at 4:30 p.m. before Mass or by appointment Adoration: Every First Friday at 6.00 PM. Rosary every evening: 6: 20 PM Baptism: Saturday: 5:00 p.m. (Italian); Sunday: 8:30 a.m. (Italian), 10:00 a.m. (English), 11:30 a.m. (Italian) Marriage: Contact the Priest at least 6 months prior to the Wedding. (A Catholic Marriage Preparation Course is a requirement.) Mezz’ora Con Voi (Italian Radio Program): Sunday at: 9:00 a.m. on 101.7 FM Web Site: 18 OTTOBRE 2015 “CHI VUOLE DIVENTARE GRANDE, SARÀ VOSTRO SERVITORE” XXIX DOMENICA DEL TEMPO ORDINARIO SERVIRE per amore fino a dare la propria vita per gli altri, come ha fatto Gesù! È il codice della autorità e della responsabilità cristiana, antitetico al potere politico che di solito si esplicita nel dominio, nel primato e spesso nello sfruttamento. Il profeta Isaia (I Lettura) ci dice che la sofferenza subìta dal Servo del Signore è sorgente di perdono e di vita. Cristo attuerà in pieno questa profezia: si addosserà i nostri peccati, inchiodandoli al legno della croce, ma la sua morte si trasformerà in germe di vita. La donazione che Cristo ha fatto di sé per la sua salvezza (II Lettura) ce l’ha reso solidale. A lui l’umanità peccatrice si rivolge con fiducia, sicura di incontrare il Signore che salva. È una garanzia! Gesù ha appena annunciato per la terza volta la sua passione e morte, ma i discepoli sono ben lontani dal capire, anzi discutono tra loro, preoccupati di assicurarsi i primi posti nel futuro regno messianico (Vangelo). Alla proposta di ricerca dei primi posti, Gesù oppone la proposta di un messianismo d’immolazione e di servizio. Le parole di Cristo riguardano tutti: non ambizione, orgoglio, sogni di potere, ma umile disponibilità al servizio. Domenico Brandolino, ssp 29th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME TODAY, JESUS’ DISCIPLES provide a remarkable display of pride, envy, squabbling and spitefulness. James and John want Jesus to make them Disciples #1 and #1A and show no doubt whatsoever that they can easily meet the job requirements. When the other disciples catch wind of this request, they start to complain and demand their own elevation to lofty status. It’s not a very edifying scene. Yet somehow I always find it encouraging when people who are thought of as holy or spiritually advanced show the human weaknesses which I am all too familiar. It reminds me that Jesus can work with the most imperfect and flawed raw material, like a potter can work with clay. With strong and skillful hands he smooths out the rough and damaged parts. With insight and love, he sees the unique strength and worth of what his hands are holding. With tenderness and patience, he waits for the inner beauty and intrinsic value of what he is working with to reveal itself. Jesus knew what he had. He knew these weak and flawed men had it in them to inspire others and to lead in spreading the Good News throughout the world. They just needed a little help. If Jesus can work with them, then surely he can work with us. Patrick Gallagher, Toronto, ON INTENZIONI DELLE SANTE MESSE MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY/ SABATO, 17 ottobre 5:00 p.m. (Italian) Domenico & Rosina Capozzi and Ida Unger dalla famiglia Amedeo Palazzo (46 anni) dalla famiglia Gaetano Maione dalla moglie Adelina e figli Giuseppe e Antonia Maione dalla cognata Adelina Salvatore Naccarato dalla moglie Palma e figli Guido Ines Palombo dai nipoti Laura e Luigi Iacobelli e famiglia SUNDAY/ DOMENICA, 18 ottobre 8:30 a.m. (Italian) Nick DeCicco dai nonni Francesco Donato (23 anni) dalla moglie Adelina e famiglia 10:00 a.m. (English) Alberto e Eugenia Pagnotta dai nipoti Paolino, Ida e famiglia Rosina Mazzotta dai figli e figlie e famiglie Carmela D’Andrea dalla famiglia Rosaria & Peppino Spina Gaspare Caputo dalla moglie e figli Christina Tomat from the family Kathleen and Joseph Kowalczyk from the family Carmine Rosario Sdao (3 anni) dalla moglie e famiglia Domenico Stagliano and Elisa Stagliano from Giuseppe and Pina Stagliano Teresa Guido dalla nipote Patrizia Emile Vallee from Antonio & Mireille Simpatico and family Giuseppina, Giovanni, Vincenzo e Nicola Marghella dalle figlie e sorelle e le loro famiglie Serafina e Horazio Chiarello dal figlio Mario e famiglia Vincenza, Antonio e Pasquale Chiarello dal nipote Mario e famiglia 11:30 a.m. (Italian) Remo Bascelli dalla moglie Maria e figlio Bruno Mannella dalla moglie Adelina e figlie Giuseppina e Maria e le loro famiglie Gesuele Tripodi dalla moglie Olga e figli e famiglie Giovanni DeLuca dalla sorella Maria Grande e figlie Bruno Carchidi dalla moglie Maria e famiglia Giuseppe, Amelia, e Vittorio Chiesa e per Maria e Giovanni Baldassarre da Vittoria Chiesa e famiglia Per i genitori di Giuseppe Benvenuto Assunta Cancian dal marito Mario e famiglia Ettore Carinelli dalla moglie Eleonora e famiglia Olga e Curzio Ottavi dalla figlia Marisa Faccio e famiglia Franco Roccia dalla moglie Carmela e famiglia Tutti i defunti di Antonietta Palladino Tutti i defunti di Maria Carchidi e famiglia Tutit i defunti di Carmela Roccia Martedì, 20 ottobre 7:00 p.m. (No Mass intentions) Mercoledì, 21 ottobre 7:00 p.m. (No Mass intentions) Giovedì, 22 ottobre 7:00 p.m. Pasquale Rago from Carmelo & Stella Rago and family Venerdì, 23 ottobre 7:00 p.m. (No Mass intentions) RIPOSA IN PACE/ REST IN PEACE Tutte le richieste d’intenzioni di messa devono pervenire nell’ufficio della parrocchia entro le 15:00 del mercoledì. All Mass intentions and bulletin requests must be received in the Parish office by Wednesday 3:00 p.m. to be included in the bulletin, through email or written and brought to the office if possible. PARISH COMMUNITY NEWS Il Corso di Catechismo per il 2016 Le Iscrizioni aperte Adesso sono aperte le iscrizioni per il corso di Catechismo per pre-scuola, Prima Comunione e Cresima per il 2016. I corsi avranno inizio 10 gennaio, 2016. Il nostro programma è considerato tra i migliori per la preparazione dei nostri bambini a questi preziosi sacramenti e incoraggiamo tutti i genitori di registrare i loro figli per la loro Prima Comunione e Cresima. Inoltre la Parrocchia offre pre-scuola classi di catechismo per bambini dell'età tra i 4-6 anni. Per iscrivere i vostri bambini chiamate l'ufficio della parrocchia al (780)4228304. I moduli per la iscrizione possono essere ritirati direttamente dall'ufficio della parrocchia, oppure mettendosi in contatto con il sito elettronico, Genitori e candidati sono inoltre invitati a mettersi in contatto con Padre George all'ufficio della parrocchia. Padre George gradisce incontrarsi con tutti voi di sera. 2016 CATECHISM CLASSES Registration Open Registration is now open for our Pre-School, First Communion and Confirmation preparation classes for 2016. Classes will start on January 10, 2016. We have a very good reputation for preparing our children for these precious sacraments, and we encourage all parents with children wishing to receive their First Holy Communion and Confirmation to register. The parish is also offering pre-school catechism classes for children between the ages of 4-6 years. Please register your children by calling the parish office at (780) 422-8304. Registration forms may be picked up at the Parish Office. They may also be downloaded from the Parish website, Parents and candidates are also requested to meet with Fr. George at the parish office. Fr. George would like to meet with all of you in the evenings. KNOW YOUR PARISH COUNCIL MEMBERS Santa Maria Goretti Parish Council 2015 – 2016 Members: Father George Puramadathil – Pastor Palma Covelli – Chairperson Carmela Marino – Vice Chairperson Loretta Corazza – Secretary Antonella Bruno Tonia Cappellano Costantino De Paola Silvia Franzese Eugenia Kowalczyk Luigi Palazzo Rosetta Papaianni Benny Raimondi Warm welcome to our three new Parish Council members! Benny Raimondi, Rose Papaianni, and Tonia Cappellano THANK YOU TO ALL OUR VOLUNTEERS!!! Thank you so much! for the untiring dedication, commitment and hard work that you all provide for the benefit of our Parish community. On behalf of the Parish community, Father George and the Pastoral Parish Council offer prayers for God’s continued blessings upon all of you and your families. Volontari un dono speciale Nel nome della parrocchia Santa Maria Goretti vorrei ringraziare e apprezzare tutti volontari della nostra parrocchia SANTA MARIA GORETTI. Noi insieme possiamo continuare a costruire questa comunita' e aiutiamo molti a conoscere Dio con la nostra testimonianza. GRAZIE DI CUORE!!! --- Padre George Puramadathil, CFIC Noi vogliamo nuovi volontari !!! Iscrivetevi oggi stesso!!! Grazie. OCTOBER MONTH OF THE HOLY ROSARY As we all know the month of October is specially dedicated to pray the Holy Rosary with a special devotion. Let us try to join our parish community every evening Tuesday to Friday at 6.20 to recite the Rosary and grow in the faith and meditate on the mysteries of our Lord Jesus Christ. Preghiamo il S. Rosario in Ottobre - e' la tradizione della chiesa di pregare il S. Rosario con una devozione particolare durante il mese di ottobre. Invitiamo tutti a pregare il Rosario tutti giorni (martedi'venerdi') alle ore 6.20 pm nella nostra chiesa. PARISH COMMUNITY CALENDAR Ottobre/ October 18 Volunteer Appreciation Mass at 11:30 am (Lunch at SMG Center) World Mission Sunday 2nd Collection for Syrian refugees 25 Dante Alighieri Society of Edmonton presentation by Massimo Verdicchio – Dante’s Divine “Comedy” – Italian Cultural Centre at 3:00 pm Novembre/ November 1 All Saints’ Day Catholic Education Sunday 2 All Souls’ Day Rosary Prayers 3:00 pm at Holy Cross Mausoleum 3-4 Priests’ Midterm Assembly 8 Rosary Prayers 2:30 at St. Michael’s Cemetery 10 Parish Council meeting 11 Remembrance Day Associazione Nazionale Alpini commemorative Mass at 4:00 pm Italian Cultural Centre 19 Cooking Class - Ital Canadian Seniors 29 First Sunday of Advent 29 - 7 Dec Novena to the Immaculate Conception Dicembre/ December 6 Second Sunday of Advent 8 Immaculate Conception Mass and renewal of vows by CFIC Fathers at 7:00 pm. Feast of the Congregation of the Sons of the Immaculate Conception (Fr. George’s Religious Family feast) (Coffee to follow) 13 Santa Lucia Third Sunday of Advent Pranzo Natalizio & Bake Sale - Ital Canadian Seniors 20 Fourth Sunday of Advent 24 Christmas Eve 25 Christmas Day 27 Feast of the Holy Family 31 New Year’s Eve Mass (5.00 pm) New Year’s Eve - Ital Canadian Seniors Associazione Nazionale Alpini Commemorazione Centenario Grande Guerra, 1915-2015. Remembrance Day: Mercoledi`, 11 Novembre 2015 Centro Culturale Italiano, 14230-133 Ave 4:00 pm: S.Messa e Cerimonia al Monumento dei Caduti. 5:00pm: Cena: $20. Tel: Tony (780-476-1573) * Donato (780-455-4781) Commemorating Centenary WWI, 1915-2015. Remembrance Day, Wednesday, November 11, 2015 Italian Cultural Centre, 14230-133 Ave 4:00pm: Holy Mass and Ceremony at the War Memorial. 5:00pm: Supper|: $20. Tel: Tony (780-476-1573) * Donato (780-455-4781) THANK YOU TO ALL OUR PARISHIONERS FOR YOUR GENEROUS HELP TO THE SUFFERING SYRIAN PEOPLE… GRAZIE PER L’AIUTO PER SIRIA. DIO CONTINUA A BENEDIRE LA VOSTRA FAMIGLIA PER LA CARITA’ VERSO IL POPOLO DI SIRIA CHE E’ IN GRANDE SOFFERENZA. GRAZIE MILLE! Grazie Donne del S. Rosario! La comunita' parrocchiale ringrazia le Donne del S. Rosario per l'aiuto (donazione $ 5,000.00 ) che avete offerto per la nostra parrocchia. Dio vi benedica nella fede salute e serenita'. Grazie!! Thank you Donne del Santo Rosario for your generous donation of $5,000 to our parish. Thank you for your generous work through your baking and to everyone who supports your efforts. NOVENA FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION Most Rev. Gregory Bittman, Auxiliary Bishop of Edmonton, is asking our pastors, parishioners, parents, trustees, administrators, teachers, chaplains, and students to offer a Novena for Catholic Education. The prayer can also be downloaded at SMG Community Centre News Heart-felt best wishes to all our Parishioners on this fine October weekend. We hope you are able to spend quality time with family and friends. Family and faith are cornerstones that keep our hearts and our souls strong. Please attend our parish with family in our wonderful Christian spirit. Another cornerstone that keeps us strong in our community is volunteerism. This weekend we acknowledge our Parish Volunteers who have taken time out of their days to help our wonderful parish throughout the year. Our Pranzo this week is in appreciation of those fine efforts. It's really about our volunteers getting together in the spirit that makes our parish community so great. Saying hello, laughing, mingling with fellow parishioners, and just being part of that combined energy is such a wonderful experience. Have a great weekend and a super week! KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Santa Maria Goretti Chapter Coming into the cooler days of October is a good time to take a deep breath from our busy lives and take stock of how our actions affect others. We, for the most part, are wellintentioned. However, with work, school, family and other activities sometimes we forget to let our generous hearts show. Donating of your time is so important to people or organizations in need. It costs nothing and you get back so much. Please consider helping those who could use a hand. It truly is doing The Lord's work. Have a safe and wonderful week! A Catholic Response to Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide The federal government is currently conducting public consultations and is receiving online submissions before preparing and submitting legislative options later this fall for Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS) and Euthanasia. Archbishop Smith invites all of you to submit your views as faithful Catholics by completing the “Issues Book” and answering the survey questionnaire at The concluding date for all online consultation has been extended to November 17, 2015. It is very important that we communicate at every opportunity our absolute opposition to physician assisted suicide and euthanasia. God bless us all.