ResearchSignpost 37/661(2), Foft P.O.,Trivandrum-695 023, Kerala,India [Gccil nGs.DGvel. lgficultufal&I00dGlcm,5 f200lt:2fl-230tsBlt8l-1136-015-2 Anthocyanins inbloodoranges: Gofllositionand liologioalaotiuity Paolo Rapisarda, Santina Elisabetta Bellomo and Francesco Intrigliolo IstitutoSperimentale per l'Agrumicoltura,CorsoSavoia190,I-95024Acireale(CT), Italy Abstract Qualitative and quantitative aspect of anthocyanins occurring in blood orangesfruit and juice are described. Anthocyanins content ín fruit juice of the three most importctnt cultivars of blood oranges, determined at the same degree of maturation, always varies according to the following order: Moro > Sanguinello ) Tarocco. Marked dffirence in anthocyanin level among the single Tarocco clones are also noted. The effect ofextraction technology,processing and storage on anthocyaninspresents in blood orangejuice is documented. Anthocyqnins extraction-from by-product of blood orangesprocessing may be used as Conespondence/Reprintrequest: Paolo Rapisarda, Istihrto Sperimentaleperl'Agrumicolhfa, Acireale (CT), Italy Corso Savoia 190, I-95024 Paolo RaPisarda ef a/. 2L8 substances' food colorants or health-promoting vitro and in vivo such as -in Biological proprietiàs of blold oranges anthocyanins described' also are properties antioxidant activity and phaimacological Introduction are the most cultivated Tarocco, Moro and Sanguinello blood (pigmente{) The main characteristic (L.iOsUe"kl yóitru, sinensis in ltalV. varieties of sweet orurrg", is the presence of hydrosoluble which distinguish"s tfrJs" vuri"ti"s from bloni o*tg"t pigmentsinthefleshu.'o,o*"ti-"sintherind,belongingtotheanthocyaninclass.other peculiaraspectsu,".t'"-igioulflu.,,o*,thehigh"o"t""lofvitaminC,flavanonesand of these substancesvaries greatly in hydroxycinnamic acids. The"amount and compoJition physiological or environmental genetic, of relation to a nrmber of factors which may bè origin. climatic conditions play a very Anthocyanins are mainly cultivar-specifc but also of the oJ these pigments' In particular the development important role in the b;Ctiesis (cool night and day mnge between red colour in the flesh is favoured by the temperature nights and warm days) and by the intensity of light' fruit. However, the rapid increase in Blood orange, ur. ouai io"uuy consumed ís fresh and the *.eateÎ attentionby colìsumersto the consumptionof oru"g" ú"" in ítary and in Ernope up the taste of frestrly squeezedorangejuice, have opened more healthy products *'"-djd,h" elceflgnt their by characterised are fnése products. iuices market to various ,"0 o*oéj"ui*s élour, sharp sweet -taste) and valued for sensorial properties (rnterise"aroma,brilliant red mncefúrationsof antioxidantstrbstances the high vitamin c content and the p€senc€ of higfr for health' fr'lo V"it rnl" acids)whiih arevery important (anthocyanins,luuu"*r, Qualitative and quantitative aspect ^Anthocyanins represent one of the of water-soluble groups most important plant kingdom' the in present pigments responsible for main the i*ottg ut" îÈ'"y in flowers colours blue pink and ied, the and fruiis. Their chemical structure is 2-PhenlbetuoPYnlium bY formed (flarylium) sàlt variously substituted. with ùydróxylic or methoxylic groups (Fig'- 1) and usually glycosilated in position 3 but also in 5- and less frequently in other positionsof the A or B rings. The more frequentlY found sugar is glucose but also galactose, rhamnose and àrabinosecan occur. Other kinds ofsugars as well as biosides and triosides are more rarely present. In many cases, the sugar residues are acylated by acetic, malonic or Anthocyanidins - Cyanidin Delphinidin Pelargonidin Peonidin Petunidin Malvidin -Rt OHH OH HH OCH3 ocH3 OCH3 Rr- OH H oH OCH3 Fig. 1 - Structure of the most common anthocyanidins Anthocyanins in blood oranges 2t9 hydroxycinnamic acids (p-coumaric, ferulic, sinapic and caffeic). The first observations on the pigments in blood oranges go back to the early years of the twentieth century. Wheldale (1) stated that anthocyanins are present in the red'blood oranges'. Matlack (2) observed through the fleshed varieties of so called microscope that crushed red juice sacs showed spherites or needle crystals of anthocyanins and performed samplings to confirm the chemical nature of these crystals. In a review, Carrante (3) reported that the level of pigmentation of fruits was linked to genetic factors, to climatic conditions and the intensity of light. In addition, other factors such as mineral fertilisation and rootstocks play an important role. The first attempts to isolate and quantify anthocyanins from the juices of different varieties of blood oranges_were conducted by Patanè (4) who by colorimetric methods, found an anthocyanin content of 0.1% in Sanguinello and 1.5% in Moro orange juices. Chandler (5) was the first to identify the cyanidin-3glucoside as the predominant anthocyanin in the Moro variety; traces of a second pigment, provisionally identified as delphinidin-3-glucoside, were also found. The application chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques such as 'H-NMR have allowed to identify the complete pattern of the HPLC, HPLC-MS and anthocyanins present in the three varieties of Moro, Tarocco and Sanguinello oranges (6, 7, 8). Two anthocyanins were predominant: cyanidin-3-glucoside [A] and cyanidin-3-(6"-malonyl)-glucoside [B] while other eight anthocyanins were identified, some of which acylated with hydroxycinnamic acids (Fig. 2). The anthocyanin content in blood orange represents an important index of quality both for the fresh fruit as well as the processing industry. In fact, it is always used as a criterion of economic evaluation of the product, since the colour is one of main factors in consumer choice (9). In the past the method of determining anthocyaninsin blood orange juices made reference to those methods adopted for other fruit species as well as strawberries, cranberries,etc. (10, ll, l2). Currently five spectrophotometricmethods are utilised for determining anthocyaninsin blood orange juices. Three ofthem are described in the literature (13, 14, l5), the remaining two are currently used in the Italian juice processing factories (16). Methods are based on the measurementof absorbanceat l,.r* of juice after dilution with an acidic solvent, but the procedure to obtain an adjusted value of absorbance and to calibrate concentration of anthocyanins are typical of each method. Recently, Rapisarda et al. (17) have carried out an investigation in a series of blood orange juices following various currently used methods, including HPLC analysis as a reference point, in order to investigate the causes of the different anthocyanin content, obtained for the same sample of juice. Spectrophotometric methods utilising aqueous ethanol as a solvent furnished a higher anthocyanin content than that determined by HPLC (13, 15, l6). Discrepancieswere ascribed to the use of impure standards andlor unsuitable calibration lines. The most consistent results with the HPLC finding were obtained by a method utilising water as a solvent (pH differential method) and cyanidin-3-glucoside as standard (14). Finally, the actual concentration of anthocyanins in the examined blood oranges juice was remarkably lower than currently determined by procedures used in the methods cited. Paolo Rapisarda e/ a/. 220 OHH Cyanidin-3-glucoside Cyanidin-3-(6"-malonyl)-glucoside tAl tBl Pigment | 2 J f ) 6 7 I 9 10 Retention time [dentification (min) 19.2 Delphinidin-3,5-diglucoside zt,+ Cyanidin-3,5-diglucoside 24.4 Delphinidin-3-glucoside 26.8 Peonidin-3,5-diglucoside 30.2 Cyanidin-3-glucoside Cyanidin-3-(6"-malonyl)-glucoside 46.6 Cyanidin-3-(ferulyl)- glucoside 51.6 Cyanidin-3-(coumaryl,ferulyl)-glucoside 56.9 58.3 Cyanidin-3-(sinapyl)-glucoside Peonidin-3-(coumaryl)-glucoside 59.7 Fig. 2- HPLC of anthocyanins from Moro, Tarocco and Sanguinello oranges Modifled fiom Maccarone et al. (7) Anthocyanins in fresh fruits Anthocyanins are mainly located in the skins of the fruits such as in apples, pears, grapes, etc. In other casesthey are found in the skin and flesh (strawberries, peaches). They accumulate in the vacuoles of epidermal and subepidermaltissue (18). In any case their concentration gradually decreaseson passing from the outer layers to the more inner layersof the fruits. Blood oranges are distinct from other fruits speciesbecausealmost the total amount of the anthocyaninsis found in the flesh and only in some varieties (Moro, Sanguinello, 'Vitale') is it to be found in Sanguignodoppio) or in some clones of Tarocco ('Rosso', 221 Anthocyanins in blood oranges the rind. The external coloration of blood oranges is however very much influenced "ì*{. $0i by climatic conditions and by light. In ff$i: fact, cold and dry winters can induce a **i n 3$$l greater external pigmentation in the fruit. X] 28i' S qi Anthocyanin content in the fruit juice of q r$,i' the three most important cultivars of blood s 1ù*i. oranges, determined at the same degree of F *i' ai maturation (total soluble solid, TSS / total acidity, TA ratio of 7.5 and 10.0), always r€.{ varies according to the following order: 3$rli' Moro > Sanguinello> Tarocco (Fig. 3). *, wa the internal in Differences E rmi pigmentation of fruit have also been È r*i' observed between old line (OL) and ? tE*.i' {i nucellar line (NL) in the same cultivar. In { m*i' particular, the anthocyanin level was * s*i''': l :./ higher in Moro NL and Sanguinello NL tl'f- : than in the corresponding OL. The reverse was observed for Tarocco (19). These results have been confirmed in another study in which the juice of 14 different Fig. 3- Comparison between anthocyanin level cultivars and clones of Moro. Tarocco and in fruit juices of the three pigmented cultivars at Sanguinello were analysed (20). The two TSS/TA values in NL and OL clones. From highest anthocyanin content was observed Rapisardaand Giuffrida (19) 'm 27', Tarocco in Moro NL, Moro 'Rosso' and Sanguinello oMoscato' clones. Besides, anthocyanin content was & positively correlated with the chromaticity 6w value a/b ratio determined in the juice vffi €e with a Minolta CR-200 Chromameter. X,* Finally, in these works it has emergedthat sq 1f* anthocyanin formation is closely linked to 4 the degree of fruit ripening. Results of a linear regtession between anthocyanin i-:*i."41 content and TSS/TA ratio found in OL in Fig. 4. Moro are reported and NL Studies on blood oranges h1y" Fig. 4 - Simple linear regressionbetween continued in order to evaluate fruit quality TSS/TA and total anthocyanins. From of commercial products. Five years of RapisardsandGiuffrida(I9) analytic data on the fruit of Tarocco, Moro and Sanguinello sampled in the market have allowed to individuate the ranges within which the anthocyaninsand other quality parametersvary (Table 1). Among the three pigmented varieties, the Tarocco orange is the most widespread cultivar in Italy. The successof this cultivar in domestic and international markets is owing to its exceptional organoleptic characteristics,its large size, the balanced levels of J ì Paolo Rapisarda e/ a/. 222 iaUie f - Qualiw parametervaluesrangeof blood orangessqrnp&{jl the rnarkglTotal Anthocyanins TSS/TA Vitamin C TA TSS (%\ (%) (mellooml-) Tarocco min. max. med. 8.4 12.5 10.5 0.7 1.5 1.2 6.7 14.2 9.0 50.1 79.6 64.6 8.7 69.2 23.5 Moro min. max. med, 8.4 12.5 10.5 1.1 t.7 1.4 6.1 9.4 7.5 41.4 62.8 49.8 56.8 186.2 I 19.1 min. Sanguinello ma:(. med. 8.2 12.8 10.6 0.9 1.5 1.1 6.8 12.0 9.2 48.4 62.5 55.5 ts.2 6t2 32.5 @c&)- This sugar and acids, the high vitamin C content and the presence of_anthocyanins. number a modify commonly which mutations to spontaneous ru. is readily subject Different clones "oIti of morphological and physiol'ogical characteristics of the plant (21)' (22). have been seÉcted and àescribed, a number of which have become widespread at addressed At the moment researchinto genetic improvement of the cv. Tarocco is with seasons, obtaining new selections characterisedby fruit with early or late ripening of ftgtr t"ót content and limited total acidity but, more importantly, with high levels price since higher a earn generally fruit uritho"y"unirrr.In fact, better-coloured Tarocco they are demanded both for the fresh fruit market and processing ildustry' Furthermore, proven higler anthocyanin content positively influences consumer choice for their (see later). vivo and in in vitro bolh antioxidant activity 'vitale" 'Tringale" Fruit quality of five Tarocco selections respectively called .Sciara', .da[o; and 'Rosso' were studied recently (23). Results performed at different difference dates, showed that anthocyanin levels increased during ripening with marked among the single clones (Fig. 5). In particular, in February the {*^** 'Rosso' and 'sciara' clone fruits were with pigmented, most the à anthocyanin values in the juice E &$i I in while between 60 and 80 mg/L g anthocYanin the highest March r 'Tringale' and content was found in o oi :l E 'sciara' clones with values of 110 i & ii '*ll '*'l --il mglL. The clone with the lowest anthocyanin levels, in all samplings, 'Gallo' which reached a was the value of 40 mgll' onlY in March. In addition, it has emerged from these 'Tringale' and 'Sciara' data that only clones provide juice with an ideal ?oll Fi;.XÌ ";d_*sd ,nx , : r 'Vltale' $ 'Trln8ale' FCg Apft l\ÀAg i:l S{!a|a' il 'Gallo' €l ì 'Rîùso' Fig. 5 - Change in anthocyanins values of different Taiocco clones during ripening. From Rapisarda and Russo(23) Aathocyaninsin bloodoranges coloration for processing, given that the s.tandard level of anthocyanins in coÍìmercial red juice is 90-100 mg/L. Formation of anthocyanins in blood oranges also continues after harvesting when the fruits are stored at low temperatures (24). Tarocco fruits of different clones ('Gallo', 'Vitale', 'Scirè' and 'Meli') stored at 8oC for 4 months, have shown a marked increase in the anthocyanin concentration in the flesh(Fig.6). In the 223 gp 2fi 3rm I .Fro $'r I {5s ,/ (r;'t'-..t;: ....'r"'l'^ . : ) a"'. . - | ;;;:i;;:' 0 01234 ]lÍ€of€ba€6(Ítorúr) +vrtde' : -+-'fi,bll' ...;...,Q|d - -r .,sdrè 'Vitale' clone the - Change in anthocyanins values of anthocyanins increase in the first two Fig. 6 different Tarocco clones fruits during storage at months to then level off in the following goc. months, while in the other clones the increase is progressive and occurs 2W throughout the period of storage. 't80 Concomitant increases in the levels of l r r4o * b phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), È t2o the first enrpe involved in the .E 10o oao biosynthesis of the anthocyanins, {.o occurred during the first month of le o 20 storage in all clones; after this time a o clear decreasewas observed(Fig. 7). îma of stoilgc {mnth) Further comparative studies made -*-'ilrl' +\,ibb ...r..,Gc[o' . .r .'SdrÈ' using Tarocco and Moro oranges stored at 8oC have higblighted that - Change in PAL activity of different anthocyanin content rose by 500% in Fig. 7 Tarocco clones during storageat 8oC. Tarocco whereas values for Moro only increased bv 20oA. In both varieties the highest production ofanthocyanins occurs after 40 days storage(25). The factors determining anthocyanin biosynthesis in blood oranges are still unclear. In a recent work, two fragments of genes coding the chalcone syntase (CHS) and anthocyanidin syntase (ANS), two en4,mes which act at the beginning and end of the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway, were amplified and sequenced.The sequenceswere very similar respectively to CHS of Citnts, Juglans nigra and Casuaria glauca and to ANS of Malus and Petunia. In addition, a high expression of CHS was observed in the flesh ofblood orangesand very little was found in blond oranges(26). Anthocyaninsin Juice Since the 1960's the citrus processing industry in Italy has been using blood orange fruits for processing (27). At presenttwo types ofblood orangejuices are produced: 'not from concentrated' (l.tpc) and 'concentrated' orange juice, the latter primarily designated for the production of'reconstituted from concenkate' orange juice (RFC). The quality of NFC and RFC blood orangejuice has widely been studied. Di Giacomo et Paolo Raoisarda et al al. (28) have analysed RFC juices produced in two different regions of southem Italy (Sicily and Calabria). The results from the Sicilian juices had a decisively higher anthocyanin content than the Calabrian ones (Table 2). Another investigation carried out on freshly squeezedand NFC orange juices gave indications on the ranges of the principle of variation quality parameters of of these juices (29). The influence of extraction qualitative on technology characteristics of blood orange juice was studied by Arcoleo et al. (30). Lastly, Di Mauro et al. (31) reported the average trend of the anthocyanin content, observed over a Table 2 - Anthocyaninvalues (mgil) in orange juices from two different regions of Italv 'Calabria'' 'Sicilv' min. max. 8.57 69.21 69.21 150,25 med. 24.74 t02.73 Modified from Di Giacomoet al. (28) 2m 180 1@ eilo g 120 É,m *ao l'l 4 soo . ..'í 'ff ... . - --l.k- . .'.'\. . tt' four year period, in the months of n production of blood orangejuice (Fig. 0 the right possible to note that 8). It is ilbr. period in which the juice reaches an íFntt optimum coloration for the market (90-100 mgll) is from February to Fig. 8 - Monthly anthocyaninscontentin Sicilian the whole of April. orangejuices. Modified from Di Mauro et al. blood Since anthocyanins in blood t 3 1 ) orangcs are very sensitive to discoloration, much researchhas been undertaken with the aim of understandingthe causesof colour degradation of red juice. In particular, the effect of pH and temperature (32), of the addition of SO2 (33) and 5hydroxymethylfurfural (34), and treatment with enzymatic systems have been evaluated (35). The stability of the red colour of blood orange juice has somewhatbeen improved by pasteurizationwith microwaves and addition of tartaric acid and gluthatione as mildly acidic and antioxidant agents, respectively. Highest stability was obtained through the formation of complexes between anthocyanins and phenolic compounds, such as rutin and caffeic acid (Fig. 9) (36).In fact, it is well known that phenolic compounds form intermolecular complex with anthocyanins (copigmentation) by hydrogen bonding and charge transfer (37, 38, 39). This complex is also regarded as one of the significant factors of anthocyanin stabilisation in vivo condition (40). 'tannic acid', a mixture of The addition of different concentrations of commercial polyphenols with about T\Yopenta-meta-digalloyl-glucose,retarded loss ofanthocyanins in the blood orange juice (41). In particular the half-lives were 50, 70 and 90 days in presenceof 0. I , 0.2 and 0.3% of additive, respectively, in comparison with the 40 days ofthe referenceiuice. Anthocyaninsin bloodoranges 225 Recent studies on degradation of anthocyanins of freshly squeezed and RFC orange juices during storage, have shown that reaction between anthocyanins and intermediates of degradation of sugar and ascorbic acid are the main cause of formation of brown-red polymers in juice (42). The effects of storage time and temperature on the quality of NFC juice was investigated by Trifirò et al. (43). They found that anthocyanin in the juice stored at 18 and 30 oC degraded more rapidly than in the sample stored at 3"C. However, all parameters describing red colour (anthocyanins, Gardner colour values) degradeaccording to I't order kinetics. Thermal treatments of blood orange juice cause a significant modification in distribution Fig. 9 - (A) anthocyanin-rutincomplex; of original constituents and a partial (B) anthocyanin-caffeicacid complex. transformation of some of them. In parlicular alteration of the sensory profile by loss of From Maccaroneet al. (36) aroma components(44) and generation of offflavour (45) occur during storage of the processedjuice. Also a change of colour was observed and this modification was ascribed to degradation of anthocyanins. Experimental results carried out by Arena et aL @6) have demonstrated, instead, that alteration ofthe original colour ofblood orangejuice after thermal processing is not due to the degradation ofanthocyanins but to the different distribution ofcarotenoids (yellow pigments) between serum and pulps and to the modification of pulp particle size. Only a slight decrease(13%o)in the anthocyanins level was observed passing from freshly squeezedto RFC orangejuices (47). The stability of blood orange anthocyaninshas also been studied in model systems. Degradation profiles at different values of pH and in the presence of glucose, ascorbic acid, 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid, caffeic acid, asparagine, quercetin-3rutinoside, cysteine and a number of their mixtures, have revealedthat the degradation of the anthocyanins is primarily due to ascorbic acid which interacts with these pigments forming non-coloured products. Furthermore, the presence of caffeic acid and cysteine has improved the stability of the solutions of cyanidin-3-glucoside containing ascorbic acid (48). Other studies aimed at determining the effects of phenolic copigments on the flavylium/carbinol equilibrium of anthocyanins, point out that the copigment works by reducing the equilibrium constant of the flavylium/carbinol system,thus recoveringpart ofthe latent colour stored in colourless carbinol (39). The effects of light on anthocyanins are usually deleterious (49). Maccarone et al. (50) reported that, in acidic aqueous solution, 3,S-diglucosidesare more stable than the 3-monoglucosidesunder UV and visible light. In addition, photolysis of cyanidin yields 3,4-dihydroxyberuoic acid and 2,4,6,-trihydroxybenzaldehyde. These results indicate that the photodegradation products derive from chalcone species present at the equilibrium of anthocyaninsin acidic aqueoussolution (Fig. 10). 226 Paolo Raoisarda et a/. The stability ofblood oranges anthocyanins in carbonated and ethanolic beverage was adversely influenced by storage temperature and exposureto daylight (51). HrO - rr Anthocyanins from byproduct Extraction of anthocyanins from pulp wash liquors or juice and the use ofthis extract as a food health-promoting colorant or substances have recently been studied (52,53\. OH îIl l oH l't ,\Y"" HoìA/'\42 l( A | . ll \l I I \4o, Chalcone Útatewltow) oHr îro 'ov+oH î*t "4" l( A Jl Y OH 2,4,6,-trilrydroxybenzaldehyde l\ l\ B /l Yr* OH 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid Fig. 10 - Equilibrium of cyanidin in aqueousacid solution and degradationproduct afterphotolysis The process described by Calvarano et al. (53) entails the extraction of anthocyanins from the pulp with an ethanol-water mixture containing 20À of citic acid, removal of the alcohol by distillation and ultrafiltration of the aqueous phase. Pigments afe, successively, adsorbed on nonionic resin, and eluted by ethanolwater at loA of citric acid. After distillation of the alcohol and spray-drying of the aqueous solution, a powder product rich in anthocyaninsis obtained (Fig. I 1). production the The of anthocyanin extracts from the byproducts of blood oranges processing (prrlp, peel, secondpressure juice) to be used in the food or pharmaceutical industries opens new economic prospects for processing in ltaly, citrus these new that considering products may be sold at high prices. Biological activity with potential Citrus fruits are recognisedas importantsourcesof phytochemicals health benefits. In addition to the vitamin C. these include flavonoids,limonoids, carotenoids andphenolicacids(54). in bloodoranges Anthocyanins 227 Citrus flavonoids have been reported to have several biological effects such as antioxidant (55), anticarcenogenic and antitumor (56, 57, 58), antiviral (59) and arfiiinflammatory activities (60, 6l). Water + Bthanol 2o/ocitic acid Fig. 11 - Schemefor production ofblood oranges anthocyanins extract. Four types of flavonoids are to be found in citrus fruits. These are flavanones, flavones, flavonols and anthocyanins, with the latter present only in blood oranges(62). Anthocyanins have also been associated with potentially beneficial effects on various diseases such as (63), fragility diabetic capillar retinopathy (64), human platelet aggregation (65). Many of these biological properties of anthocyanins have been correlated with their antioxidant activity. Recent studies have shown that cyanidin-3-glucoside, the most abundant anthocyanin of blood oranges, had the highest antioxidant activitv between the 14 tested(66). In addition,cyanidinwas found and anthocyanidins coÍrmon anthocyanins to havean antioxidantactivity 4.5 timeshigherthanvitaminC (67) while, in the rat liver and cyanidinexhibitedstrongeractivity than microsomalsystem,cyanidin-3-glucoside tocopherol(68). Fruits and vegetablesare the dietary sources of main antioxidant substances such as C, carotenoids, vitamin flavonoids and other phenolic compounds. After processing, these compounds are distributed between the juice and byproducts. When blood oranges are processed, almost the total amount of anthocyanin and some part of flavanones, and hydroxycinnamic acids vitamin C are found in the juice. The presence ofthe anthocyanins and high levels of vitamin C, flavonoids and hydroxycinnamic -& g & .9, d f{ 0 !fllturo $TsÈo*(E rdèru w : r$$*$hfns{nnrÀel n v*bflsià lató juwrulu Fig. 12 - Total antioxidantactivity (TAA) estimated methodu. usingthe ferrylmyoglobin/ABTS "(Rice Evans C. and Miller, N. J. 1994. Methods et al. (69) Enzymol.,234,279).ModifiedfromRapisarda Paolo Rapisarda et a/. 228 acids gives blood orangejuices a greater antioxidant activity with respect to the orange juice lom the blond v-arieties.In particular, Rapisarda et al. (69) have found that the -antioxidant activity, assessedby means of different in vitro tests, of blood varieties Moro, Tarocco and Sanguinello orange juice, was higher than the Valencia late and . Furthermore, the antioxidant effrciency of Washlngon navel blond varieties. blood oianges juice appearsto be widely influenced by the anthocyanin level' In fact, orange juici with higÀè. anthocyanin content was a better antioxidant than those with lowei anthocyanin iontent (Fig. l2). Total antioxidant activity (TAA) was also juice determined inNFC and RFC blood orange juice, coming from the same batch of before and after the process of concentration respectively, as well as during storage at two different temperatures (2" and 20"C) (70). The results have highlighted that TAA remains unchanged after the concentration process ofjuice and during storage at the two temperaturescited. In vitro antioxidant activity and in vivo photoprotective effect of a red (blood) extract (ROE) containing 3.1% of anthocyanins, 2'070À of orange juice (caffeic, ferulic,p-coumaric, sinapic acids),8.1% of flavanones acids hydróxycinnamic giycosides (narirutin and esperidin) and 5.0oÀ of ascorbic acid have been studied by Bonina et al. (71). The results obtained in the in vitro tests demonstrated the strong antioxidant properties of ROE, with a clear relationship between ROE scavengerefficiency and its lottt"ttt in antioxidant components. During in vivo experiments, ROE proved to efficiently protect against photooxidative skin damage when topically appliedimmediatelyafter skin exposuie to UVB radiation. Interestingly, the protective effect of ROE appeared greater than that elicited by another natural antioxidant (tocopherol) .o*-only employed in cosmetic formulations. The same ROE was used in in vitro lests in order io uri.ri the protective effect on two human skin-derived cells lines (NCTC 2544 keralinocytes and IIFFF2 fibroblast) subjected to chemical stress such as ironinduced lipid peroxidation. The results showed thal a significant inhibition of malondialdehyaè GrlO,! was observed in cells treated with ROE (72). Another interesting reiearch conducted on a group ofapparently healthy smokers has shown that the supplÉmentationof diet with ROE significantly augmented serum levels of thiolic groups thereby reducing the oxidative stressin all the volunteers' Therefore ROE mày be considered as a useful antioxidant for smokers (73). Finally, juice have been studied in in pharmacological aspectsof anthocyaninsof Moro orange introduction of Moro orange the that have shown (74). They vivo model by Saija eI al. juice into the-diet-can modulate the permeability of the blood vessel wall and induce a protective effect on gastric mucosa. 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