ª∞À/ ª∞ØπØO™ 2009 KOINONIA A Monthly Publication of the Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church. 520 S. Ponca Street, Baltimore, MD 21224 ª‹Ó˘Ì· ·fi ÙÔÓ ¶·Ù¤Ú· ªÈ¯·‹Ï §. ¶·ÛÙÚÈÎfi H ∞Ó¿Ï˄Ș ∆Ô˘ ∫˘Ú›Ô˘ — 28 ª·Ø›ØÔ˘ ∞fi ÙÔÓ ∞ȉ. ¶·Ù¤Ú· ªÈ¯·‹Ï §. ¶·ÛÙÚÈÎfi ∏ ∞Ó¿Ï˄Ș ÙÔ˘ ∫˘Ú›Ô˘ ÙËÓ ÙÂÛÛ·Ú·ÎÔÛÙ‹ Ë̤ڷ ÌÂÙ¿ ÙËÓ ∞Ó¿ÛÙ·ÛË ‹Ù·Ó ÙÔ ·ÔÎÔڇʈ̷ Ù˘ › Á˘ ˙ˆ‹˜ ∆Ô˘. ∂Ì¿˙„ ÙÔ˘˜ ·Á·Ë̤ÓÔ˘˜ Ì·ıËÙ¤˜ ∆Ô˘ ÂȘ ÙÔ fiÚÔ˜, ÙÔ˘˜ ¤‰ˆÛ ÙȘ ÙÂÏÂ˘Ù·›Â˜ ∆Ô˘ Ô‰ËÁ›Â˜ Î·È Â˘ÏÔÁ›Â˜ Î·È ‡ÛÙÂÚ· ·ÓÂÏ‹ÊıË ÂȘ ÙÔÓ ¶·Ù¤Ú· ∆Ô˘. °È·Ù› ·ÓÂÏ‹ÊıË ÛÙÔ˘˜ √˘Ú·ÓÔ‡˜. ªÔÚԇ̠ӷ ··ÚÈıÌ›ÛÔ˘Ì ·ÚÎÂÙ¤˜ ·Èٛ˜. ŒÓ·˜ ÏfiÁÔ˜ Â›Ó·È ÂÂȉ‹ Ë ÂÚÁ·Û›· ∆Ô˘ › Ù˘ Á˘ ›¯Â ÙÂÏÂÈÒÛÂÈ. ∆Ô Â›Â Ô ›‰ÈÔ˜ ¿Óˆ ÛÙÔ ™Ù·˘Úfi, «∆ÂÙ¤ÏÂÛÙ». ∂ÙÂÏ›ˆÛ ÙËÓ ·ÔÛÙÔÏ‹ ÁÈ· ÙËÓ ÔÔ›· ÂÛÙ¿ÏË, ÙËÓ Ï‡ÙÚˆÛË ÙÔ˘ ·ÓıÚˆ›ÓÔ˘ Á¤ÓÔ˘˜. √ ÃÚÈÛÙfi˜ ÂÓÂÏ‹ÊıË ÚÔ˜ ÙÔ˘˜ √˘Ú·ÓÔ‡˜ ÁÈ· Ó· ÂÙÔÈÌ¿ÛÂÈ ÙËÓ Ô‰fi Î·È ÁÈ· Ì·˜. «¶ËÁ·›Óˆ ÁÈ· Ó· ÂÙÔÈÌ¿Ûˆ ÙÔÓ ‰ÚfiÌÔ ÁÈ· Û·˜, ‰ÈfiÙÈ fiÔ˘ Â›Ó·È ÂÁÒ Î·È ÛÂȘ ‰‡Ó·Ûı ӷ ¤ÏıÂÙ», Â›Â Ô πËÛÔ‡˜. ŸÛÔÈ ÈÛÙÂ‡Ô˘Ó Î·È Ì ›ÛÙË ˘ËÚÂÙÔ‡Ó ÙÔÓ ∫‡ÚÈÔ, ı· ‡ÚÔ˘Ó ¤ÙÔÈÌÔ ÙfiÔ ÂȘ ÙËÓ ‚·ÛÈÏ›· ÙÔ˘ £ÂÔ‡. 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Ãπ™∆√™ ∞¡∂™∆∏! ∞§∏£ø™ ∞¡∂™∆∏! PROTOPRESBYTER FR. MICHAEL PASTRIKOS, PASTOR CHURCH OFFICE TELEPHONE: 410-633-5020 — CHURCH FAX: 410-633-4352 CELL: 443-742-8314 www.stnicholasmd.org CHURCH SECRETARY MARIA SALPEAS PARISH COUNCIL TAKIS PAPADOPOULOS, PRESIDENT STANLEY SOURANIS, VICE PRESIDENT KYRIAKOS STAMOULIS, TREASURER JOHN CHRISSOMALLIS, ASSISTANT TREASURER DIMITRIOS STAKIAS, RECORDING SECRETARY DEMETRIOS KOSMAS, CORRES. SECRETARY MILTON COSSIS GEORGE DIACOLUKAS SAM GLAVAS JOHN KOROLOGOS PANAGIOTIS SALIARIS JOHN SFAKIANOUDIS VASILIOS SKORDALOS EMMANUEL THEOHARIS FRANK VASILIOS PHILOPTOCHOS RENEE THEMELIS, PRESIDENT EVA NYCHIS, VICE PRESIDENT CHRISTINE ZERVOS, 2ND VICE PRESIDENT MARIA THEOHARIS, TREASURER STELLA KOUKIDES, ASST. TREASURER MARIA KOUTSOURIS, REC. SECRETARY ZOE PERDIKAKIS, ENGLISH SECRETARY PRESBYTERA MOLLY BURDUSI MARY DIACOLUKAS NORA KEFALAS DESPINA KOSTALAS KALIOPI PAPADOPOULOS EVAGELIA SALIARIS IRENE VASILIOS KIKI VAVAKAS PROTO PSALTI/CHOIR DIRECTOR GEORGE ROSSIS ORGANIST PETE BISBIKIS PSALTIS DR. NICHOLAS PAPADEMETRIOU STANLEY MAVROULIS PASTORAL ASSISTANT BILL POULOS SEXTON STANLEY CAVOURAS SUNDAY SCHOOL SOPHIA GERAPETRITIS, PRINCIPAL ELIAS COSSIS, OFFICE AIDE ARIS BOULOUBASSIS, OFFICE AIDE EMILY COSSIS, VICE PRINCIPAL & 10TH & 11TH GRADES VASILI PHILIPPOU, AIDE HARRY AMARANTIDIS, 9TH GRADE KOSTAS SKORDALOS, AIDE EFFIE CANNING, 8TH GRADE KIRK MAVROULIS, AIDE MARY ILIADIS, 7TH GRADE MARKOS KATSAROS, AIDE PATRICIA KONTOUDIS, 6TH GRADE PETE VASILARAKIS, AIDE VOULA GERAPETRITIS, 5TH GRADE DANIEL COLLECTOR, AIDE KYRA KONTOUDIS, 4TH GRADE PATTY CORNIAS, AIDE ANASTASIA DINIOTIS, 3RD GRADE IRENE FILIPPOU, AIDE ANTONIA SFIRIOU-HAIS, 2ND GRADE PENNY GERAPETRITIS, 1ST GRADE YANA KARABELAS, KINDERGARTEN PENELOPE KAIKIS, AIDE ALEX MAVRELOS, NURSERY ELENI KARAGIANOPOULOS, AIDE AFTERNOON GREEK SCHOOL HELEN LOUVROU-MONOPOLIS, PRINCIPAL VASILIKI KALOGRANIS, TEACHER EVGENIA KANAKIS, TEACHER GREEK SCHOOL P.T.A. ELENI KOSTAKIS, PRESIDENT EFTHIMIA ATSIDIS, VICE PRESIDENT STAMATIA IEROMONAHOS, SECRETARY NITSA ZDZIERA, TREASURER POPI ANGELOS EUGENIA KARELLAS PATRICIA TOPOUZOGLOU DIMITRA VLANTAS THE DIAMONDS MONICA AGAPOGLOU, PRESIDENT SOULA GIANNAKOULIAS, VICE PRESIDENT TED AGAPOGLOU, TREASURER DESPINA KAITIS, SECRETARY LESLIE SARANTINOS, CORRES. SECRETARY Y.A.L. TRISH KONDOUDIS, PRESIDENT KYRA KONDOUDIS, VICE PRESIDENT JAMES KOKORELIS, TREASURER JEFF PASTRIKOS, REC. SECRETARY FLORA FANTIS, CORRES. SECRETARY ADAM AGAPIOS, HISTORIAN G.O.Y.A. GEORGIOS THEOHARIS, PRESIDENT PENELOPE FANTIS, VICE PRESIDENT NICK HALKIAS, TREASURER KATERINA STAVRAKIS, REC. SECRETARY ANGELICA SFAKIANOUDIS, CORRES. SECRETARY GIA STAVRAKIS, HISTORIAN (MEETS THE 1ST MONDAY OF EACH MONTH) J.O.Y. FOULA PARAGIOS, PRESIDENT MICHAEL ANGELOS, VICE PRESIDENT KATERINA IEOROMONAHOS, TREASURER KALLIOPI CORNIAS, HISTORIAN NICK KARELLAS, SERGEANT AT ARMS May/ª¿ÈÔ˜, 2009 KOINONIA PAGE 3 Message from Fr. Michael L. Pastrikos THE ASCENSION OF OUR LORD! By Rev. Fr. Michael L. Pastrikos you that I go away; for if I go not away, The Ascension of our Lord on the the Comforter will not come to you; but fortieth day of His glorious Resurrecif I depart, I will send Him to you….” tion from the dead was a fitting climax In another part He said: “But the Comto His earthly life. He gathered His beforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whom loved followers on the mount, gave the Father will send in My name, He them His final instruction and blessing shall teach you all things, and bring all and then ascended to the Father. things to your remembrance, whatsoWhy did Jesus ascend into heaven? ever I have done unto you.” St. Luke We can enumerate a number of rearecords in his Gospel that the faithful at sons. Christ ascended into heaven bethe mount of Ascension “worshipped cause His work on earth was comHim, and returned to Jerusalem with pleted. One of the words our Lord utgreat joy”. tered from the cross was: “It is finThese were some of the reasons for ished”. He completed the task for which their rejoicing. The Lord’s ascension He came, the salvation of mankind. and departure did not bring sadness but Just as every man and woman returns gladness to their hearts. Understood in home after their day’s work is done, so the right way, this feast day gladdens the our Lord ascended to the Father on this soul of every believing Christian today, THE ASCENSION OF OUR LORD day. too. In the ritual of the Church we celChrist ascended into heaven to prepare a place for us. “I ebrate every important event in the earthly life of our Lord. go to prepare a place for you, that where I am, you may be It is fitting that we solemnly observe this day of His return also”, Jesus said. Those who believe and faithfully serve the to the Father at the conclusion of His earthly journey. lord will find a prepared place for them in the Kingdom of But even as we celebrate, we look forward to the keepGod. Christ ascended into heaven to sit “at the right hand ing of His promise to send the Comforter. “I will not leave side of the Father”. This is what we confess in the Nicene you comfortless; I will come to you…” that was Christ’s Creed. This means He occupies a place of intercession for promise. And some rejoice that we do not go through life us. And He retained the wounds on His body as testimony alone, but we go with His Spirit as our Comforter and Guide of his love and sacrifice for us as He pleads for our welland Light. Certainly we cannot observe His ascension withbeing. No wonder Christians have always turned to Him out remembering that He shall come again, in glory at the who said, “Come unto me all you that labor and are heavyend of the age. He said, “I will come again and receive you burdened, and I will give you rest….” Christ ascended into into Myself….” Let us then, celebrate this glorious Feast heaven to send us the Holy Spirit. At the farewell of the last Day: The Ascension of our Lord. Supper, Jesus said, “I tell you the truth…it is expedient for CHRIST IS RISEN! TRULY HE IS RISEN! 2009 GREEK FOLK FESTIVAL SIGN UP SHEET NAME .......................................................................... PHONE(S): ................................. email: ...................................................... ! Yes, I want to help my Church with this year’s festival. (Please check box below.) Please check where you want to volunteer your services for the St. Nicholas Greek Festival this year and return this slip to the Church office. Check-off dates you will be available: !! ! Thursday !! ! Friday ! Saturday ! Sunday ______ Ad Book/¢È·ÊËÌÈÛÙÈÎfi µÈ‚Ï›Ô ______ Food Prep/Supplies______ ¶ÚÔÂÙÔÈÌ·Û›· º·ÁËÙÒÓ/·ÁÔÚ¿ ÙÚÔÊ›ÌˆÓ ______ Kitchen Help/µÔËıfi˜ ∫Ô˘˙›Ó·˜ ______ Dining Room Help/µÔËıfi˜ ∆Ú·Â˙·Ú›·˜ ______ Finance Committee/OÈÎÔÓÔÌÈ΋ ∂ÈÙÚÔ‹ ______ Promotion/Publicity/¢È·Ê‹ÌÈÛË ______ Raffle Sales/¶ÒÏËÛË §·¯Â›ˆÓ ______ Taverna Help/µÔËıfi˜ ∆·‚¤ÚÓ· ______ Plateia Food/µÔËıfi˜ ÛÙËÓ ¶Ï·Ù›· ______ Festival Preparations/¶ÚÔÂÙÔÈÌ·Û›· ºÂÛÙÈ‚¿Ï ______ Inventory-Supplies/∫·Ù·ÁÚ·Ê‹ ∂ÌÔÚÂ˘Ì¿ÙˆÓ ______ Loukoumades/§Ô˘ÎÔ˘Ì¿‰Â˜ ______ Pastries made at Church/°Ï˘Î¿ ÛÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· ______ Bring Pastries from Home/ ______ ¶ÚÔÂÙÔÈÌ¿ÛÙÂ Î·È Ê¤ÚÙ ÁÏ˘Î¿ ·Ô ÙÔ Û›ÙÈ Û·˜ PAGE 4 STEWARDSHIP KOINONIA CHRIST IS RISEN! Dear Parishioners: It was so exciting this past week, seeing thousands of people coming to Church throughout the Holy Week services. As Orthodox Christians, we should be proud of the fact that we have kept our traditions strong and vibrant. But to keep our Orthodox Church healthy, we need to realize that the blood flow that keeps it going is our Stewardship Program. Without the support of our St. Nicholas parishioners, this would not be a reality. This cannot be done just with a few good donors, it must be done with everyone’s support. Often times, we hear of our Lord speaking about being our brother’s keeper, or being accountable to God for the things that we do. “So each of us shall give an account of himself to God.” We have an obligation to ourselves as Christ’s followers to account for the good and bad things we do with our lives and should not make any excuses to the contrary. One does not have to be a “genius” to come to the realization that today the economy has affected all of us. Churches and non-profit institutions that depend solely on the generosity of contributions from stewards or individuals are hurting the most. We are all cutting back from the so-called luxuries to make our dollar stretch even further. Among the things people have a tendency to cut back on is their contribution to their Church. This can only be solved if everyone took their responsibility seriously and contributed towards their Stewardship in a fashionable matter. Sometimes we think differently. Some of us would rather give the burden to others than to share the responsibilities. We May/ª¿ÈÔ˜, 2009 TRULY HE IS RISEN! all have this notion that the Church’s money grows on trees. Well, that is not the story! When we need the Church for any given reason, the Church is always there for everyone. This is the second time that we have sent to your homes the Stewardship pledge card, and only half of the parishioners have responded with a positive reaction. Where are the rest of you? It is so simple, just fill out your pledge card with the information that we ask for and send it to the church office. We can’t make it any simpler! We have come to the month of May, yet we have not received the pledge cards from hundreds of our parishioners. The Stewardship committee would like to recommend a helping hand to anyone within our parish that is having any type of financial problem to set up an appointment with Fr. Michael so he can guide or advice you to help find a solution to the problems that you are facing. We are an open Church. We open our doors to everyone and we will not throw anyone out. But we also ask for fairness. It is not right to take advantage of the Church when your church is reaching out to help the less fortunate families of our community that are hurting financially. Perhaps with the spirit of our Resurrected Lord, we can begin a new beginning in our lives. We need to focus on the right things in life. Your Church is truly “the right thing in life”. Please take a moment and fill out your pledge card as soon as possible. DON’T WAIT! ACT NOW! Respectfully, Fr. Michael L. 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Pascha becomes even more significant and a greater part of our spiritual being when we have been able to attend the services of Great Lent and Holy Week in particular. Likewise, many of the programs or functions we attend become more satisfying and enjoyable when we have participated in them as opposed to simply showing up as an outsider at the time of presentation. In fact, we do not consider the time and energy we have invested in them as a chore but as a pleasant undertaking. At St. Nicholas there are many such events, which occur every year and several more that are in the works for the months ahead. These are the activities, which bind our religious community, the largest of which is our annual Greek Folk Festival. Planning for our June festival started last year and food preparations began in earnest last month. Dozens of parishioners and their friends have spent numerous quality hours of true fellowship while baking the delicious pastries for which our community is well known. The remainder of all food preparations will be completed this month and the schedule has been posted. We invite YOU to join the “kitchen crew”. The writer calls to mind the elderly parishioner of another community who, due to health limitations and well into her 90’s was unable to join the “kitchen crew” at the church, but continued to do the baking in the confines of her home because she loved her church. Besides being an excellent learning experience in authentic PAGE 5 Greek cuisine, the cooking sessions are good opportunities to meet and get to know our fellow parishioners. If your work schedule does not allow you to participate in these sessions, we encourage you to sign-up to volunteer your time/talent during the festival at the booth or area of your choice. We need YOU. In volunteering, you are guaranteed the satisfaction of knowing that your input will help in the success of the festival. After all, our beloved St. Nicholas belongs to all of us; it is our spiritual home. Just as we all share in the responsibilities and chores of our own homes, it behooves EACH of us to share in the maintenance of our church. St. Nicholas depends on EACH of us. Our church has always been here for us: both in times of celebration and in times of stress. NOW is the time for EACH of us to show support for our beloved St. Nicholas. Investing our time in the annual Folk Festival is an enjoyable way of preserving our traditions, culture, religion, and cuisine; introducing and sharing them with those beyond the Greek Orthodox Community. Of greater importance, however, is the fact that we are helping St. Nicholas financially so that the ministries of our church can be continued and expanded. Whether you are new to our community or not and have not yet committed to helping during our four day festival in some way, we welcome and implore you to do so. ST. NICHOLAS NEEDS YOU TO BECOME INVOLVED. Please complete the form on page 2, to indicate your commitment and drop it off at the church office. Thank you and may St. Nicholas continue to bless you. ∂ÏÏËÓÈÎfi §·ØÈØÎfi ¶·ÓËÁ‡ÚÈ—¶ÚfiÛÊÂÚ ÙËÓ ™˘ÌÌÂÙÔ¯‹ ÛÔ˘ ∞fi ÙËÓ ∂˘·ÁÁÂÏ›· §·Ï¿ Œ¯ÔÓÙ·˜ ·Ó·ÁÂÓÓËı› Ì ÙËÓ ¤Ó‰ÔÍË ÂÔÚÙ‹ Ù˘ ∞Á›·˜ ∞Ó¿ÛÙ·Û˘ ÙÔ˘ ∫˘Ú›Ô˘ Ì·˜, ÚÔ¯ˆÚ¿Ì ÔÏÔÙ·¯Ò˜ ÚÔ˜ ÙÔÓ ª¿˚Ô. ∏ ÛËÌ·Û›· ÙÔ˘ ¶¿Û¯· Á›ÓÂÙ·È ÈÔ ÛËÌ·ÓÙÈ΋ Î·È Î·Ù¤¯ÂÈ ÌÂÁ¿ÏÔ Ì¤ÚÔ˜ Ù˘ ÓÂ˘Ì·ÙÈ΋˜ Ì·˜ ÔÓÙfiÙËÙ·˜, fiÙ·Ó ¤¯Ô˘Ì ·Ú·ÎÔÏÔ˘ı‹ÛÂÈ ÙȘ ∞ÎÔÏÔ˘ı›Â˜ Ù˘ ªÂÁ¿Ï˘ ∆ÂÛ·Ú·ÎÔÛÙ‹˜ Î·È È‰È·ÈÙ¤Úˆ˜ Ù˘ ªÂÁ¿Ï˘ ∂‚‰ÔÌ¿‰·˜. ¶·ÚÔÌÔ›ˆ˜, ÔÏÏ¿ ÚÔÁÚ¿ÌÌ·Ù· ‹ ÂΉËÏÒÛÂȘ Ô˘ ·Ú·ÎÔÏÔıԇ̷̠˜ ÈηÓÔÔÈÔ‡Ó ÂÚÈÛÛfiÙÂÚÔ Î·È ÙȘ ¯·ÈÚfiÌ·ÛÙ ·ÎfiÌ· ÈÔ Ôχ, fiÙ·Ó ¤¯Ô˘ÌÂ Û˘Ì‚¿ÏÏÂÈ Û’ ·˘Ù¤˜, ÂÓ ·ÓÙÈı¤ÛÂÈ ÙÔ˘ fiÙ·Ó Â›Ì·ÛÙ ·ÏÔ› ı·٤˜ ÙˆÓ. ™ÙËÓ Ú·ÁÌ·ÙÈÎfiÙËÙ·, ‰ÂÓ ˘ÔÏÔÁ›˙Ô˘Ì ԇÙ ÙÔ ¯ÚfiÓÔ Ô‡Ù ÙÔÓ ÎfiÔ, Ô˘ ÚÔÛʤڷÌÂ Û·Ó Ó¿Ù·Ó ‰Ô˘ÏÂÈ¿, ·ÏÏ¿ Û·Ó ÌÈ· ¢¯¿ÚÈÛÙË Â˘ı‡ÓË. ™ÙÔÓ ÕÁÈÔ ¡ÈÎfiÏ· ˘¿Ú¯Ô˘Ó ÔÏϤ˜ Ù¤ÙÔȘ ÂΉËÏÒÛÂȘ Ô˘ Á›ÓÔÓÙ·È Î¿ı ¯ÚfiÓÔ Î·È ·ÚÎÂÙ¤˜ Ô˘ ··ÈÙÔ‡Ó ÚÔÂÚÁ·Û›· ÔÏÏÒÓ ÌËÓÒÓ. ∂›Ó·È ÔÈ ‰Ú·ÛÙËÚÈfiÙËÙ˜ Ô˘ ‰¤ÓÔ˘Ó ÙËÓ ∫ÔÈÓfiÙËÙ¿ Ì·˜, Î·È Ë ÌÂÁ·Ï‡ÙÂÚË ·˘ÙÒÓ Â›Ó·È ÙÔ ∂ÏÏËÓÈÎfi §·˚Îfi Ì·˜ ¶·ÓËÁ‡ÚÈ. ¶ÚÔÁÚ·ÌÌ·Ù›˙ÔÓÙ·˜ ÙÔ ºÂÛÙÈ‚¿Ï ÙÔ˘ πÔ˘Ó›Ô˘ ·Ú¯›Û·Ì ·fi ÙËÓ ÚÔËÁÔ‡ÌÂÓË ¯ÚÔÓÈ¿, Î·È ÔÈ ÚÔÂÙÔÈ̷ۛ˜ ÙˆÓ Ê·ÁËÙÒÓ ‹‰Ë ¿Ú¯ÈÛ·Ó ÙÔ ÂÚ·Ṳ̂ÓÔ Ì‹Ó·. ¶ÔÏϤ˜ Î˘Ú›Â˜ Î·È Ê›Ï˜ ÙÔ˘˜ ÂÚÓÔ‡Ó ·Ì¤ÙÚËÙ˜ ÒÚ˜ ÔÈfiÙËÙ·˜ Î·È ·ÏËıÈÓ‹˜ ·ÏÏËÏÂÁÁ‡Ë˜ fiÙ·Ó ÊÙÈ¿¯ÓÔ˘Ó Ù· Á¢ÛÙÈÎfiٷٷ ÁÏ˘Î¿ ÁÈ· Ù· ÔÔ›· Â›Ó·È ÁÓˆÛÙ‹ Ë ∫ÔÈÓfiÙËÙ¿ Ì·˜. √È ˘fiÏÔȘ ÚÔÂÙÔÈ̷ۛ˜ ÁÏ˘ÎÒÓ Î·È Ê·ÁËÙÒÓ ı· Á›ÓÔ˘Ó Î·È ı· ÙÂÏÂÈÒÛÔ˘Ó ·˘Ùfi ÙÔ Ì‹Ó·, ‹‰Ë ¤¯Ô˘Ì ‰ËÌÔÛȇÛÂÈ ÙÔ ÚfiÁÚ·ÌÌ¿ ÙÔ˘˜. ™·˜ ηÏԇ̠ÏÔÈfiÓ Ó· ‚ÔËı‹ÛÂÙ ÛÙÔ «¶ÚÔÛˆÈÎfi Ù˘ ∫Ô˘˙›Ó·˜». ∏ ˘ÔÊ·ÈÓÔ̤ÓË ı˘Ì¿Ù·È ÌÈ· ÁËÚ·È¿ ΢ڛ· ·fi ¿ÏÏË ∫ÔÈÓfiÙËÙ·, Ô˘ ÏfiÁˆ ˘Á›·˜, Î·È ÛÙ· 90 Ù˘, ‰ÂÓ ÌÔÚÔ‡Û ӷ ‚ÔËı‹ÛÂÈ ÙÔ «¶ÚÔÛˆÈÎfi Ù˘ ∫Ô˘˙›Ó·˜» ·ÏÏ¿ Û˘Ó¤¯È˙ ӷ „‹ÓÂÈ ÛÙË ‰È΋ Ù˘ ÎÔ˘˙›Ó· ÁÈ· ÙËÓ ∫ÔÈÓfiÙËÙ¿ Ù˘, ‰ÈfiÙÈ ·Ï¿ ·Á·Ô‡Û ÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· Ù˘. ∂ÎÙfi˜ ÙÔ˘ fiÙÈ Â›Ó·È ÌÈ· ÂÍ·ÈÚÂÙÈ΋ ¢ηÈÚ›· Ó· Ì¿ıÂÙ ÙËÓ ·˘ıÂÓÙÈ΋ ∂ÏÏËÓÈ΋ ÎÔ˘˙›Ó·, ÙȘ ÒÚ˜ Ô˘ Ì·ÁÂÈÚ‡ÂÙÂ, Â›Ó·È ÌÈ· ηϋ ¢ηÈÚ›· Ó· Û˘Ó·ÓÙ‹ÛÂÙÂ Î·È Ó· ÁÓˆÚ›ÛÂÙ ·fi ÎÔÓÙ¿ ÎÈ ¿ÏÏ· ̤ÏË Ù˘ ÂÎÎÏËÛÈ·ÛÙÈ΋˜ Ì·˜ ÔÈÎÔÁ¤ÓÂÈ·˜. ∞Ó Ë ‰Ô˘ÏÂÈ¿ Û·˜ ‰ÂÓ Û·˜ ÂÈÙÚ¤ÂÈ Ó· Û˘ÌÌÂÙ¤¯ÂÙ ÛÙË ÚÔÂÙÔÈÌ·Û›· ÙˆÓ Ê·ÁËÙÒÓ, Û·˜ Û˘Ì‚Ô˘Ï‡ԢÌ ӷ ÁÚ¿„ÂÙ ÙÔ fiÓÔÌ¿ Û·˜ ÛÙË Ï›ÛÙ· ÙˆÓ ÂıÂÏÔÓÙÒÓ ÁÈ· Ó· ÂÚÁ·ÛÙ›Ù ηٿ ÙË ‰È¿ÚÎÂÈ· ÙÔ˘ ºÂÛÙÈ‚¿Ï Û οÔÈÔ ÂÚ›ÙÂÚÔ Ù˘ ·ÚÂÛΛ·˜ Û·˜. ™∞™ ¯ÚÂÈ·˙fiÌ·ÛÙÂ. ªÂ ÙËÓ ‰È΋ Û·˜ ÂıÂÏÔÓÙÈ΋ ‚Ô‹ıÂÈ·, Ó· ›ÛÙ ‚¤‚·ÈÔÈ fiÙÈ Û˘ÌÌÂÙ¤¯ÂÙÂ Î·È Û˘Ì‚¿ÏÏÂÙ·È ÛÙËÓ ÂÈÙ˘¯›· ÙÔ˘ ºÂÛÙÈ‚¿Ï. ∂Í ¿ÏÏÔ˘, Ô ·Á·Ë̤ÓÔ˜ Ì·˜ ÕÁÈÔ˜ ¡ÈÎfiÏ·˜ ·Ó‹ÎÂÈ Û fiÏÔ˘˜ Ì·˜, Â›Ó·È ÙÔ ÓÂ˘Ì·ÙÈÎfi Ì·˜ Û›ÙÈ. 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Countdown to the St. Nicholas Greek Folk Festival June, 11, 12, 13, & 14, 2009 1 MONTH PAGE 6 KOINONIA May/ª¿ÈÔ˜, 2009 COMMUNITY NEWS - ∫Oπ¡O∆π∫∞ ¡∂A ¡∂∞ ∆∏™ ºπ§O¶∆øÃOÀ ÃÚÈÛÙfi˜ ∞Ó¤ÛÙË! ∫·ÏÒ˜ Ì·˜ ‹ÚıÂ Ô ÏÔ˘ÏÔ˘‰È·Ṳ̂ÓÔ˜ Î·È ·Ó¤ÌÔÚÊÔ˜ ª¿˚Ô˜! 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PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS Christos Anesti! Welcome to the beautiful month of May. We have a very busy month ahead of us. We start the month off on Wednesday, May 6th with our general Philoptochos meeting. During this meeting we will be holding elections for a new board. Please come to this very important meeting. Saturday, May 9th is our annual Mother’s Day Tea from 1:004:00 p.m. Come and enjoy the afternoon with entertainment from our dance groups and delicious pastries as well as a chance to win one of our raffle prizes. The cost is only $5. Come and bring a friend. Sunday, May 10th we will be honoring the mother(s) as we do annually, and also we will be presenting our scholarships. Wednesday, May 13th is our annual fashion show and dinner to benefit our scholarship fund. It will be held at the Eastwind from 6:30 - 10:30 p.m. Cost is $40.00. Please contact Stella Koukides for tickets and/ or more information at 410-574-4875. Join us for this fun evening. Once again, the Philoptochos Society and the Rhodian Society “Diagoras” will be co-sponsoring the upcoming “AGAPE Luncheon” on Sunday, May 17th after church downstairs in the Large Hall. The monies raised from the Agape Luncheon will go towards a cancer patient. The cost is $20 per person. Please contact Nora Kefalas at 410-661-2853 or Maria Angelou at 443-865-0851 for more information and tickets. Have a wonderful month. See you in September. Remember everyone’s help is needed for a successful festival - please volunteer your time and your talent—June 11th, 12th, 13th & 14th. Kalo Kalokeri! Last month, Fr. Michael Pastrikos gave the YAL Officers the oath of office. They are: F.R. (l to r): Flora Fantis, Corres. Sec.; Kyra Kontoudis, Vice Pres; Trish Kontoudis, President; James Kokorelis, Treasurer. B.R. (l to r): Adam Agapios, Historian; Fr. Michael and Jeff Pastrikos, Recording Secretary. YAL (YOUNG ADULT LEAGUE) NEWS The Young Adult League has had two official meetings and shows a promising group of young men and women. The two meetings have been very productive as we began setting the groundwork for the direction of the group. The YAL is currently focused on searching for new members, ages 18-35, who are interested in meeting other young members of the parish through retreats, dances, and trips that contribute to building lasting friendships. The YAL also aspires to hold fundraisers that may feature a Gyro Luncheon, Spaghetti Dinner, or a Crab Feast. To those retired Goyans, the YAL is also involved in multi-church basketball tournaments, and there is always room for more participants. The members of YAL want to spread the word to find new members and also hear and incorporate your opinions and ideas. This is our church’s group, so the YAL belongs to all of us young adults. If any young men and women at Saint Nicholas are interested in joining the YAL, I urge everyone to please attend the next meeting that will take place on Friday, May 1st at the church at 6pm. For more information about YAL, please contact one of the email addresses given below, and I assure that you will not regret it. Thank you, and God Bless! Zafiri (Jeff) Pastrikos, Recording Secretary. [email protected] or [email protected] MEMORIAL DAY GROUP TRISAGION Fr. Michael will conduct a Group Trisagion/Memorial Service at the Oak Lawn Cemetery on Monday, May 25th at 10 am. It was great to see everyone there last year. It was a special moment in time where we had the opportunity to pray for our beloved departed as a family. It was great to see that everyone pitched in and brought either food, or beverages. Fr. Michael would like to see that again this year. So if you can, please bring with you something that we can all share together after the Memorial Service. Thank you! VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Vacation Bible School will be held at St.Nicholas during the week of June 22, through the 26th from 9:00 am to 12 Noon. Enroll your children ages 5-12 in the enjoyable, spiritual program we have prepared; where they will be learning more about our Orthodox faith in the loving atmosphere of our church. Cost for the week’s activities is $25.00 per child. Please do not delay, enroll your child by Sunday, June 14th. J.O.Y. NEWS Christos Anesti! We hope everyone had a joyful and Blessed May/ª¿ÈÔ˜, 2009 KOINONIA PAGE 7 COMMUNITY NEWS - ∫Oπ¡O∆π∫∞ ¡∂A Pascha. Our JOY children had a fantastic year and we are now looking to wrap things up in time for summer break. Next and last meeting has been changed from Sat., May 9th to Sat., May 16th, Noon to 2 pm. (We need to reschedule so that the children can attend the Philoptochos Mother’s Day Tea on May 9th.) Pending approval from Fr. Michael as well as favorable weather, we will have our meeting on the Plateia grounds. Contact Popi Angelos at 410-971-4857 for details regarding food and activities. We wish everyone a fun and safe summer break. See you in September! Popi Angelos, J.O.Y. Coordinator øƒ∂™ ¶ƒO∂∆Oπª∞™π∞™ °π∞ ∆∞ °§À∫∞ ∫∞π º∞°∏∆∞ ∆OÀ º∂™∆πµ∞§—2009 ¢Â˘Ù¤Ú·, 4 ª·˝Ô˘ ∆Ú›ÙË, 5 ª·˝Ô˘ ∆ÂÙ¿ÚÙË, 6 ª·˝Ô˘ ¶¤ÌÙË, 7 ª·˝Ô˘ ∆ÂÙ¿ÚÙË, 13 ª·˝Ô˘ ∆Ú›ÙË, 26 ª·˝Ô˘ ∆ÂÙ¿ÚÙË 27 ª·˝Ô˘ ∆Ú›ÙË, 2 πÔ˘Ó›Ô˘ ∆ÂÙ¿ÚÙË, 3 πÔ˘Ó›Ô˘ 9:30 .Ì. ∫Ô˘Ú·ÌȤ‰Â˜ 9:30 .Ì. ºÔÈΛÎÈ· 9:30 .Ì. ∞¯Ï·‰¿ÎÈ· 9:30 .Ì. ∫Ô˘ÏÔ˘Ú¿ÎÈ· 9:30 .Ì. ∆ÛÔ˘Ú¤ÎÈ· 9:30 .Ì. ¶·ÛÙ›ÙÛÈÔ 9:30 .Ì. ¶·ÛÙ›ÙÛÈÔ 9:30 .Ì. ªÔ˘Û·Î¿˜ 9:30 .Ì. ªÔ˘Û·Î¿˜ GREEK FOLK FESTIVAL FOOD AND DESSERT PREPARATION SCHEDULE All preparations start 9:30 am in the large hall downstairs. Monday, May 4th Tuesday, May 5th Wednesday, May 6th Thursday, May 7th Wednesday, May 13th Tuesday, May 26th Wednesday, May 27th Tuesday, June 2nd Wednesday, June 3rd Kourambiethes Finikia Ahaladakia Koulourakia Tsourekia Pastitsio Pastitsio Moussaka Moussaka GREEK FOLK FESTIVAL, JUNE 11-14TH One month left to go until our Greek Folk Festival. Food preparation has been well underway and on schedule with only a few more menu items remaining. Please check the Sunday bulletins for specific times if you are able to help. The last two meetings, before the festival, will be held on Tuesday, May 12th and Tuesday, May 26th at 7 pm in the St. Nicholas Church social hall. Everyone in the community is invited to attend, as well as all team leaders to ensure the smooth and efficient operation of their areas. The Festival Committee is asking all parishioners to seriously consider taking part in this year’s festival. We all want to have a good time and we all can if we all pitch in to volunteer a few hours during the 4-day celebration. If we all do our part, everyone will be able to sit back and enjoy the food and entertainment. Please take the time to plan your weekend and inform the Chairman when you can help out. In addition to working the booths, help is needed on Tuesday and/or Wednesday before the festival for setting up and decorating the festival site, food preparation in the Fellowship Hall (market) during festival hours and working the food lines. Don’t forget your raffle tickets! The church office is accepting them now and throughout the 4 days of the festival. Contact Frank Mitsos, Festival Chairman at 410-294-1253. ¶∞™Ã∞§π¡O ª∏¡Àª∞ ÀºÀ¶OÀƒ°OÀ ∂•ø∆∂ƒπ∫ø¡ Î. ∫∞™™πª∏ ∞Á·ËÙÔ› ÌÔ˘ Û˘Ì·ÙÚÈÒÙ˜, ∆Ș ÕÁȘ Ë̤Ú˜ Ù˘ Ï·ÌÚÔÊfiÚÔ˘ ∂ÔÚÙ‹˜ ÙÔ˘ ¶¿Û¯· ÔÈ ÛΤ„ÂȘ Ì·˜ Â›Ó·È Ì fiÏÔ˘˜ ÂÛ¿˜, ÙȘ ∂ÏÏËÓ›‰Â˜ Î·È ÙÔ˘˜ ŒÏÏËÓ˜ ÙÔ˘ Â͈ÙÂÚÈÎÔ‡. ∆Ô ÕÁÈÔ ¿Û¯· Â›Ó·È ·Ó·fiÛ·ÛÙÔ Î·È Û˘ÛÙ·ÙÈÎfi ÛÙÔÈ¯Â›Ô Ù˘ ÂıÓÈ΋˜ Ì·˜ Ù·˘ÙfiÙËÙ·˜. √È Ì¤Ú˜ ·˘Ù¤˜ ·ÔÙÂÏÔ‡Ó Ï·ÌÚ‹ ÁÈÔÚÙ‹ ÙÔ˘ ∂ÏÏËÓÈÛÌÔ‡ Î·È Ù˘ √ÚıÔ‰ÔÍ›·˜, Ì ÙÔ˘˜ ··ÓÙ·¯Ô‡ ŒÏÏËÓȘ Ó· ÁÈÔÚÙ¿˙Ô˘Ó ÙË Ó›ÎË Ù˘ ·Ï‹ıÂÈ·˜ Î·È Ù˘ ˙ˆ‹˜ ηıÒ˜ Î·È ÙËÓ ·Ó·‚›ˆÛË Ù˘ ÂÏ›‰·˜. ∆Ô ÂÏȉÔÊfiÚÔ, ‰È·¯ÚÔÓÈÎfi Ì‹Ó˘Ì· Ù˘ ∞Ó¿ÛÙ·Û˘ ÙÔ˘ ∫˘Ú›Ô˘ Ì·˜ ÁÂÌ›˙ÂÈ ‰‡Ó·ÌË ÁÈ· ÙÔ˘˜ Û˘ÏÏÔÁÈÎÔ‡˜ Î·È ÚÔÛˆÈÎÔ‡˜ ·ÁÒÓ˜ Ì·˜, ÒÛÙ ӷ ·ÓÙÈÌÂÙˆ›ÛÔ˘Ì ·ÔÙÂÏÂÛÌ·ÙÈο ÙȘ ÛËÌ·ÓÙÈΤ˜ ÚÔÎÏ‹ÛÂȘ Ù˘ ÂÔ¯‹˜ Ì·˜. ∞˘Ù¤˜ ÙȘ ̤Ú˜ Ù˘ ÎÔڇʈÛ˘ ÙÔ˘ £Â›Ô˘ ¢Ú¿Ì·ÙÔ˜, ·˜ ·Ó·ÏÔÁÈÛÙԇ̠fiÙÈ ÌfiÓÔ Âӈ̤ÓÔÈ ÌÔÚԇ̠ӷ ˘Âڂԇ̠ÙȘ ‰˘ÛÎÔϛ˜ Î·È Ù· ÂÌfi‰È· ÚÔ˜ ›Ù¢ÍË ÙˆÓ ÎÔÈÓÒÓ Ì·˜ ÛÙfi¯ˆÓ. ™ÙËÚÈ˙fiÌÂÓÔÈ ÛÙȘ ·Ó·ÓıÚÒÈÓ˜ ·Í›Â˜ Î·È ÛÙ· ȉ·ÓÈο ÙÔ˘ ∂ÏÏËÓÈÛÌÔ‡ Î·È Ù˘ √ÚıÔ‰ÔÍ›·˜ ÌÔÚԇ̠ӷ ÚÔ¯ˆÚ‹ÛÔ˘Ì ̷˙›, ∂ıÓÈÎfi ∫¤ÓÙÚÔ Î·È √ÌÔÁ¤ÓÂÈ·, ÚÔ˜ ÂÎÏ‹ÚˆÛË ÙÔ˘ ÎÔÈÓÔ‡ Ì·˜ ÔÚ¿Ì·ÙÔ˜ ÁÈ· ÂÚ·ÈÙ¤Úˆ ÂÓ‰˘Ó¿ÌˆÛË ÙÔ˘ √ÈÎÔ˘ÌÂÓÈÎÔ‡ ∂ÏÏËÓÈÛÌÔ‡. ªÂ ÙȘ ÛΤ„ÂȘ ·˘Ù¤˜ ı· ‹ıÂÏ· Ó· ¢¯ËıÒ ÛÙÔ˘˜ ··ÓÙ·¯Ô‡ ŒÏÏËÓ˜ ∫∞§∏ ∞¡∞™∆∞™∏ ∫∞π ∫∞§√ ¶∞™Ã∞, Ì ˘Á›· Î·È £Âfi‰ˆÚÔ˜ ¶. ∫·ÛÛ›Ì˘ Â˘Ù˘¯›·. SPRING INTO FASHION Wednesday, May 13, 2009 at the Annual Fashion Show at MARTIN’S EASTWIND, BALTIMORE, MD Cocktails – 6:30 pm Fashion Show – 7 pm — Dinner – 8 pm FASHIONS BY VASSARI & PIED PIPER For Tickets Contact: Stella Koukides—410-574-4875 Renee Themelis—410-243-2236 or Patty Orfanos at 443-310-7277 DONATION: $40.00 PER PERSON Proceeds will benefit the Scholarship Funds Of the The Ladies Philoptochos Society Of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church EYXAƒπ™∆OÀª∂ £∂ƒª∞ ∏ ∂ÈÙÚÔ‹ Ù˘ ∫√π¡ø¡π∞™ Ï˘¿Ù·È ‰ÈfiÙÈ ·ÚÂÏ‹ÊıË Ó· ÂΉÔı› Ë Î·ÙˆÙ¤Úˆ ·Ó·ÁÓÒÚÈÛË ÛÙÔ ÚÔËÁÔ‡ÌÂÓÔ Ù‡¯Ô˜ Ù˘ ∫√π¡ø¡π∞™. «∂Èı˘ÌÒ Ó· ¢¯·ÚÈÛÙ‹Ûˆ Ù· ·ÎfiÏÔ˘ı· ¿ÙÔÌ· Ô˘ ‚Ô‹ıËÛ·Ó Î·È ˘ÔÛÙ‹ÚÈÍ·Ó ÙÔ µπ¡°∫√. ∂›Ó·È: √ ¶·Ù‹Ú ªÈ¯·‹Ï, Ô ¶Úfi‰ÚÔ˜ Ù˘ ∫ÔÈÓfiÙËÙ·˜ Î. ∆¿Î˘ ¶··‰fiÔ˘ÏÔ˜, Ë Î. ∫¿ÏË ¶··‰ÔÔ‡ÏÔ˘, Ë Î. ∫È΋ µ·‚¿Î· Î·È Ô ¢ÈηÛÙ‹˜ Î.Î. πˆ¿ÓÓË ∫. £¤ÌÂÏ˘. º˘ÛÈο ‰ÂÓ ı· ‹Ù·Ó ‰˘Ó·ÙfiÓ Ó· ÂÈÛÚ¿ÍÔ˘Ì ¿Óˆ ·fi $4,000 ÁÈ· ÙËÓ ·ÔÂÚ¿ÙÙˆÛË Ù˘ ¶Ï·Ù›·˜ ·Ó ‰ÂÓ Û˘ÌÌÂÙ›¯·Ù fiÏÔÈ ÂÛ›˜ Ù· ̤ÏË Ì·˜ Ô˘ ‰ˆÚ‹Û·ÙÂ Î·È ÙÈÌ‹Û·Ù Ì ÙËÓ ·ÚÔ˘Û›· Û·˜ ·˘Ù‹ ÙËÓ ÂΉ‹ÏˆÛË». ™·˜ ¢¯·ÚÈÛÙÒ, ƒfi˙· ∫fiÚÓÈ· THANK YOU The staff of the KOINONIA deeply regrets the oversight in not including the acknowledgement below in previous issues. “I wish to thank the following individuals for their assistance and support of the successful BINGO Fund Raiser that we sponsored. They are: Father Michael, Takis Papadopoulos, President of the Community, Kali Papadopoulos, Kiki Vavakas and Judge John C. Themelis. Of course, we would not have been successful in raising more than $4,000 for the Plateia Fund if it were not for the many parishioners who donated and attended the event.” Thank you, Rosa Cornias STS. MARY MAGDALENE & MARKELLA A Fifth Anniversary Banquet for Sts. Mary Magdalene & Markella Greek Orthodox Church and the 20th anniversary of Father Manuel J. Burdusi to the Holy Priesthood will take place at Martin’s Eastwind on Sunday, June 7, 2009, from 2 to 6 pm. For more information please call Stylianos and Erin Kaminaris at 410-803-8413 or Paula Steber at 410-879-9232. ™˘Ó¤¯ÂÈ· ÛÙËÓ ÛÂÏ›‰· 11 PAGE 8 KOINONIA ∏ °ø¡π∞ ∆OÀ ∂§§∏¡π∫OÀ ™ÃO§∂πOÀ ª·ıËÙ¤˜/Ì·ı‹ÙÚȘ ÙÔ˘ ™¯ÔÏ›Ԣ Ì·˜ Û˘Ó¯›˙Ô˘Ó ÙË Û¯ÔÏÈ΋ ¯ÚÔÓÈ¿ Ì ¯·ÌfiÁÂÏ·, ÂÓıÔ˘ÛÈ·ÛÌfi Î·È Û˘ÁΤÓÙÚˆÛË ÛÙ· Ì·ı‹Ì·Ù¿ ÙÔ˘˜. ¡ÔÈÒıÔ˘Ì ÌÂÁ¿ÏË ÈηÓÔÔ›ËÛË Î·È ¯·Ú¿ Ô˘, fi¯È ÌfiÓÔ √§∞ Ù· ·È‰È¿ Ô˘ ÂÓÂÁÚ¿ÊËÛ·Ó ÙÔÓ ™Â٤̂ÚÈÔ ·Ú·Ì¤ÓÔ˘Ó ÛÙÔ ™¯ÔÏÂ›Ô Ì·˜, ·ÏÏ¿ Î·È Ó¤ÔÈ Ì·ıËÙ¤˜ ÚÔÛÙ¤ıËÎ·Ó ÛÙÔ ¡ËÈ·ÁˆÁÂ›Ô Ì·˜ Î·È ÙËÓ Ù¿ÍË ¶ÚÔÊÔÚÈ΋˜ ¢È‰·Ûηϛ·˜ ÙˆÓ ∂ÏÏËÓÈÎÒÓ. ∆· «·ÛÙ¤ÚÈ·» ÙÔ˘ ∂ÏÏËÓÈÎÔ‡ Ì·˜ ™¯ÔÏ›Ԣ ÂÚÁ¿ÛÙËÎ·Ó Ôχ ÛÎÏËÚ¿ Î·È ÁÈ· Ù· Ì·ı‹Ì·Ù¿ ÙÔ˘˜, ·ÏÏ¿ Î·È ÁÈ· ÙȘ ‰È¿ÊÔÚ˜ ·ÚÔ˘ÛÈ¿ÛÂȘ Ô˘ ·Ó¤Ï·‚·Ó ηٿ ÙË ‰È¿ÚÎÂÈ· Ù˘ Û¯ÔÏÈ΋˜ ¯ÚÔÓÈ¿˜, Ô˘ ‰ÂÓ ‹Ù·Ó Î·È Ï›Á˜. ™˘ÁÎÂÎÚÈ̤ӷ ·ÚÔ˘Û›·Û·Ó Ì ÙÚfiÔ ÂÓÙ˘ˆÛÈ·Îfi Î·È ·ÍÈÔı·‡Ì·ÛÙÔ ÁÈ· ÙËÓ ËÏÈΛ· ÙÔ˘˜, Ù· ÂÍ‹˜ ÚÔÁÚ¿ÌÌ·Ù·: ·) 28˘ √ÎÙˆ‚Ú›Ô˘ ‚) ∫˘Úȷ΋ ∂ıÂÏÔÓÙÈ΋˜ ¶ÚÔÛÊÔÚ¿˜ Á) ÃÚÈÛÙÔ˘ÁÂÓÓÈ¿ÙÈÎÔ ÚfiÁÚ·ÌÌ· ‰) ¯ÚÈÛÙÔ˘ÁÂÓÓÈ¿ÙÈÎÔ ÙÛ¿È Ù˘ ºÈÏÔÙÒ¯Ô˘ Â) ÚfiÁÚ·ÌÌ· ÂÔÚÙ·ÛÌÔ‡ ÙˆÓ ∆ÚÈÒÓ πÂÚ·Ú¯ÒÓ Î·È ÛÙ) ÚfiÁÚ·ÌÌ· 25˘ ª·ÚÙ›Ô˘! °È· ÙÔ Ù¤ÏÔ˜ Ù˘ Û¯ÔÏÈ΋˜ ¯ÚÔÓÈ¿˜ Ô ™‡ÏÏÔÁÔ˜ °ÔÓ¤ˆÓ Î·È ¢·ÛοψÓ, ÌÂ Û˘Ìʈӛ· Î·È Ù˘ ™¯ÔÏÈ΋˜ ∂ÈÙÚÔ‹˜ ı· ·ÓÙ·Ì›„ÂÈ ÙÔ˘˜ ÎfiÔ˘˜ ÙˆÓ ·È‰ÈÒÓ Ì·˜ Ì ¿ÚÙ˘ Ô˘ ı· Á›ÓÂÈ ÁÈã·˘Ù¿ ÙËÓ ¶·Ú·Û΢‹, 29 ª·˚Ô˘ 2009. 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Cost is $20.00 For tickets, please contact Nora Kefalas at 410-661-2853 or Maria Angelou at 443-865-0851. °∂Àª∞ ∞°∞¶∏™ √È Î˘Ú›Â˜ Ù˘ ºÈÏÔÙÒ¯Ô˘ ∞‰ÂÏÊfiÙËÙ·˜ Ù˘ ∫ÔÈÓfiÙËÙ¿˜ Ì·˜ ™Â Û˘ÓÂÚÁ·Û›· Ì ÙÔÓ ƒÔ‰È·Îfi ™‡ÏÏÔÁÔ ¢π∞°√ƒ∞ ı· ·Ú·ı¤ÛÂÈ °∂Àª∞ ∞∞°∞¶∏™ ÙËÓ ∫˘Úȷ΋ 17 ª·˝Ô˘, 2009 ·Ì¤Ûˆ˜ ÌÂÙ¿ ÙÔ ¤Ú·˜ Ù˘ £Â›·˜ §ÂÈÙÔ˘ÚÁ›·˜, ÛÙË ∫ÔÈÓÔÙÈ΋ ·›ıÔ˘Û·. ŸÏ· Ù· ¤ÛÔ‰· ı· ‰È·ÙÂıÔ‡Ó ÁÈ· Ó· ‚ÔËı‹ÛÔ˘Ì ÌÈ· ÔÈÎÔÁ¤ÓÂÈ· Ô˘ ÎÙ˘‹ıËΠ̠ÙËÓ ·ÚÚÒÛÙÈ· ÙÔ˘ ηÚΛÓÔ˘. ∂›ÛÔ‰Ô˜ $20.00 ÙÔ ¿ÙÔÌÔ. °È· Ó· ÎÏ›ÛÂÙ ı¤ÛÂȘ Ó· ÂÈÎÔÈÓˆÓ‹ÛÂÙ Ì ÙËÓ Î. ∫ÂÊ¿Ï· 410-661-2853 ‹ ÙËÓ ‰· ∞ÁÁ¤ÏÔ˘ 410-865-0851. May/ª¿ÈÔ˜, 2009 SUMMER GREEK SCHOOL ARTICLE ∞ notice to the parents of children between the ages 4-6 years old. The Greek School Committee has decided to offer summer kindergarten classes during the month of July 2009. The lessons will take place Monday through Friday from 10 am until 1 pm. Mrs. Vasiliki Kalograni will teach the classes. The tuition is $300 per child. The families must be members in good standing of our Church. You can sign up your child/ren in the church office between the hours of 9 am until 4 pm, Monday through Friday (except Wednesday until 12 noon) or at the Greek School office (Monday through Friday from 3:30 - 6:00 pm. Deadline for registration is running out. Full tuition and membership dues must be paid in order for the child/ren to be officially registered. Tuition is not refundable. For More information, please contact Mrs. Eleni Monopolis at 410-633-5022 Monday through Friday from 3:30 to 4:25 pm. ∞Ó·ÎÔ›ÓˆÛË ÚÔ˜ ÙÔ˘˜ ÁÔÓ›˜ ·È‰ÈÒÓ ËÏÈΛ·˜ 4 ̤¯ÚÈ Î·È 6 ¯ÚÔÓÒÓ ∏ ™¯ÔÏÈ΋ ∂ÈÙÚÔ‹ ·ÔÊ¿ÛÈÛ ӷ ÚÔÛʤÚÂÈ ÙÌ‹Ì· ¡ËÈ·ÁˆÁ›Ԣ ÙÔÓ Ì‹Ó· πÔ‡ÏÈÔ ÙÔ˘ 2009. ∆Ô ÙÌ‹Ì· ·˘Ùfi ı· ÏÂÈÙÔ˘ÚÁ› ηı ̤ڷ (¢Â˘Ù¤Ú· ̤¯ÚÈ Î·È ¶·Ú·Û΢‹) ·Ô 10:00 .Ì. ̤¯ÚÈ 1:00 Ì.Ì.) ¢·ÛοϷ ÙÔ˘ ÙÌ‹Ì·ÙÔ˜ ı· Â›Ó·È Ë Î.µ·ÛÈÏÈ΋ ∫·ÏÔÁÚ¿ÓË. ∆· ‰›‰·ÎÙÚ· Â›Ó·È $300.00 ÁÈ· οı ·È‰›. ∞˘ÙÔÓfiËÙÔ fiÙÈ Ë ÔÈÎÔÁ¤ÓÂÈ· ÙÔ˘ οı ·È‰ÈÔ‡ Â›Ó·È Î·È Ì¤ÏÔ˜, ÔÈÎÔÓÔÌÈο ÂÓÙ¿ÍÂÈ, Ù˘ ∫ÔÈÓfiÙËÙ¿˜ Ì·˜. √È ÂӉȷÊÂÚfiÌÂÓÔÈ ÁÔÓ›˜ ı· Ú¤ÂÈ ·Ó ÂÁÁÚ¿„Ô˘Ó ÙÔ/Ù· ·È‰È¿ ÙÔ˘˜ ÂÁΤڈ˜ Î·È Ó· ÏËÚÒÛÔ˘Ó ÙÔ ·ÓÙÈÙÈÌÔ ÙˆÓ ‰È‰¿ÎÙÚˆÓ. ∏ ÏÂÈÙÔ˘ÚÁ›· Ë ÌË ÙÔ˘ ηÏÔηÈÚÈÓÔ‡ ¡ËÈ·ÁˆÁ›Ԣ ı· ÂÍ·ÚÙËıÂÈ ·Ô ÙËÓ ·ÓÙ·ÔÎÚÈÛË Ô˘ ı· ¯ÔÌÂ. ¢ˆ‰Âη (12) ·È‰È· ÂÈÓ·È Ô ÂÏ·¯ÈÛÙÔ˜ ·ÚÈıÌÔ˜ ÂÁÁÚ·ÊÂÓÙˆÓ. ªÔÚÂÈÙ ӷ ÂÁÁÚ·„ÂÙ ÙÔ/Ù· ·È‰È· ÛÙÔ ÁÚ·ÊÂ›Ô Ù˘ ∫ÔÈÓfiÙËÙ·˜ (¢Â˘Ù¤Ú· ̯ÚÈ Î·È ¶·Ú·Û΢‹ ·Ô 9:00 .Ì. - 4:00 Ì.Ì. ∆ËÓ ∆ÂÙ¿ÚÙËÓ Ì¤¯ÚÈ 12:00 ÌÂÛË̤ÚÈ) Ë ÛÙÔ ÁÚ·ÊÂ›Ô ÙÔ˘ ∂ÏÏËÓÈÎÔ‡ ™¯ÔÏ›Ԣ (¢Â˘Ù¤Ú· ̤¯ÚÈ ¶·Ú·Û΢‹, 3:30 - 6:00 Ì.Ì.) THE 2009 SAINT NICHOLAS GREEK FOLK FESTIVAL PRESENTS AN AUTHENTIC BOUZOUKIA NIGHT SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 2009 11:00 PM UNTIL...? AT SAINT NICHOLAS SOCIAL HALL 520 SOUTH PONCA STREET BALTIMORE MARYLAND 21224 RESERVE YOUR TABLES NOW SEATS ARE LIMITED TAKI PAPADOPOULOS..... 410-790-7541 JOHN SFAKIANOUDIS.....443-797-3534 ANGELA SFAKIANOUDIS.....443-527-3986 SAINT NICHOLAS CHURCH OFFICE.....410-633-5020 TICKETS: $20.00 PER PERSON PRE SALE $25.00 PER PERSON AT THE DOOR CHILDREN UNDER 18 YEARS OLD MUST BE ACCOMPANTED BY THEIR PARENTS MEZZEDAKIA AND DRINKS AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE MUSIC FOR YOUR LISTENING AND DANCING PLEASURE LIVE FROM NEW YORK ... DIONYSOS May/ª¿ÈÔ˜, 2009 KOINONIA PAGE 9 Photographs from Our Easter at Saint Nicholas (A) (C) (A)—Hundreds of Orthodox parishioners celebrated the Epitaphios Procession outside St. Nicholas Church. (B)—Lower row, left to right: Eva Kaminaris, Danielle Moniodis, Nicoletta Pearce, Markella Pearce, Panagiota Koutsantonis Upper row, left to right: Alexia Smith, Eleni Kevas, Eleni Pappas, Markella Cornias, with Effie Karabellas-Canning and Rev. Fr. Michael L. Patrikos (B) C)—Rev. Fr. Michael L. Patrikos celebrated Anastasi in St. Nicholas Church. PAGE 10 KOINONIA May/ª¿ÈÔ˜, 2009 ∂ÏÏ¿‰·, µ¤ÚÔÈ· ∏Ì·ı›·˜, 29 ª·ÚÙ›Ô˘ 2009 √ ∞ª¶∂ƒπ∞¢∏™ πˆ¿ÓÓ˘ ÙÔ˘ µ·ÛÈÏ›Ԣ, οÙÔÈÎÔ˜ µ¤ÚÔÈ·˜ ∏Ì·ı›·˜ ¶ƒ√™ ∆ÔÓ ™Â‚·ÛÌÈfiÙ·ÙÔÓ ªËÙÚÔÔÏ›ÙË ¡¤·˜ πÂÚۤ˘, Î.Î ∂˘¿ÁÁÂÏÔ. £∂ª∞: ∂˘¯·ÚÈÛÙ‹ÚÈ· ÂÈÛÙÔÏ‹ ™Â‚·ÛÌÈfiÙ·ÙÂ, ™ÙȘ 16 π·ÓÔ˘·Ú›Ô˘ 2009, ÛÔ‚·ÚÔ› ÏfiÁÔÈ ˘Á›·˜ Ù˘ Û˘˙‡ÁÔ˘ ÌÔ˘ ∫√À∆§∞ °ÂˆÚÁ›·˜, Ì·˜ ·Ó¿ÁÎ·Û·Ó Ó· ÂÈÛÎÂÊÙԇ̠ÙËÓ µ·ÏÙÈÌfiÚË ÙˆÓ ∏ÓˆÌ¤ÓˆÓ ¶ÔÏÈÙÂÈÒÓ Ù˘ ∞ÌÂÚÈ΋˜, ÚÔÎÂÈ̤ÓÔ˘ Ó· ¯ÂÈÚÔ˘ÚÁËı› ·fi ÂÍÂȉÈÎÂ˘Ì¤ÓÔ Î¤ÓÙÚÔ. 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May/ª¿ÈÔ˜, 2009 KOINONIA PAGE 11 Liturgical Program Events for April DONATIONS IN& MEMORIAM IN MEMORY OF GUS STAVRAKIS Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Nicolaidis IN MEMORY OF PAUL VATAKIS George & Nicoletta Roros IN MEMORY OF RENA ELIOU Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Eliou IN MEMORY OF PRESBYTERA MARIA HATZIZAHARIOU Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel S. Matsangos Mrs. Aspasia Johns Ms. Maria Salpeas Ms. Helen Johns Mr. & Mrs. Michael Diacogianis Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Diacogianis Mr. & Mrs. George Diacoloukas Emanuel & Barbara Fourtinakis Mrs. Sylvia Matsangos Mr. & Mrs. John Eleftheriou Mr. & Mrs. John Voxakis IN MEMORY OF JAMES MARUSIODIS John, Eve Lallas Mr. & Mrs. Michael Klosterides Mr. & Mrs. John Sfakianoudis IN MEMORY OF MARIA VASILOPOULOU Mr. & Mrs. Anastasios Rologas Ladies Panchian Society Ms. Maria Salpeas IN MEMORY OF IRENE ANAGNOS John, Eve Lallas IN MEMORY OF MICHAEL CARDIGES John, Eve Lallas United Chios Society IN MEMORY OF ED GOEDEKE IN MEMORY OF EFTHIMIOS & CHRISTINE MICKLOS John, Eve Lallas IN MEMORY OF KALLIOPE KARABETIS IN MEMORY OF GEORGE BAKOULAS IN MEMORY OF ETHEL FOTIS IN MEMORY OF PANAGIOTA CHRISSOMALLIS John & Carole Micklos Mr. & Mrs. John P. Roros Mrs. Angeliki Karabetis IN MEMORY OF STEVE MAKRIS Mrs. Eugenia Roros Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Avgerinos Dora & Maria Kolotos Mrs. Maria Salpeas & Family Mr. & Mrs. Alexandros Vizaniaris Mrs. Arietta Sadic Mr. Constantine Vizaniaris Stelios & Georgia Serdenes Mr. Tony Serdenes Miss Mary Beth Serdenes John, Nicole & Elaina Serdenes Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Venetis Mr. & Mrs. Michael Klosterides Mrs. Koula Mavias George & Angie Basil Henry & Judith Stansbury Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Avgerinos ∂£∂§√¡∆π∫∏ ¶ƒ√™º√ƒ∞ Ãπ™∆√™ ∞¡∂™∆∏! ∞£∏£ø™ ∞¡∂™∆∏! ™˘Ó¤¯ÂÈ· ·Ô ÙËÓ ÛÂÏ›‰· 4 ¢ÂÓ Â›Ó·È ÛˆÛÙfi Ó· ÂÎÌÂÙ·Ï¢fiÌ·ÛÙ ÙËÓ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· fiÙ·Ó Ë ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· ı¤ÏÂÈ Ó· ‚ÔËı‹ÛÂÈ, Ó· ‚ÔËı‹ÛÂÈ ÙȘ ÔÈÎÔÁ¤ÓÂȘ Ô˘ ¤¯Ô˘Ó ·Ó¿ÁÎË Î·È ˘ÔʤÚÔ˘Ó ÔÈÎÔÓÔÌÈο. ÿÛˆ˜, Ì ÙÔ Ó‡̷ Ù˘ ÂÓ‰fiÍÔ˘ ∞Ó·ÛÙ¿ÛÂÒ˜ ÙÔ˘ ∫˘Ú›Ô˘, Ó· οÓÔ˘Ì ÌÈ· Ó¤· ·Ú¯‹ ÛÙË ˙ˆ‹ Ì·˜. ¶Ú¤ÂÈ Ó· IN MEMORY OF KATINA DEMEDIS Mrs. Aspasia Johns Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Venetis Mrs. Evangelia Dendrinos Û˘ÁÎÂÓÙÚÒÛÔ˘Ì ÙËÓ ÚÔÛÔ¯‹ Ì·˜ ÛÙ· ÛˆÛÙ¿ ı¤Ì·Ù· Ù˘ ηıËÌÂÚËÓfiÙËÙ·˜ Ì·˜. ∏ ∂ÎÎÏËÛ›· Â›Ó·È Ú¿ÁÌ·ÙÈ ¤Ó· ÛËÌ·ÓÙÈÎfi ̤ÚÔ˜ Ù˘ ˙ˆ‹˜ Ì·˜! ™·˜ ·Ú·Î·Ïԇ̠ӷ ·ÊÈÂÚÒÛÂÙ ϛÁÔ ·fi ÙÔÓ ÔχÙÈÌÓÔ ¯ÚfiÓÔ Û·˜, Ó· Û˘ÌÏËÚÒÛÂÙÂ Î·È Ó· Ù·¯˘‰ÚÔÌ‹ÛÂÙ ÙËÓ ∫¿ÚÙ· Ù˘ ∂ıÂÏÔÙÓÈ΋˜ Û·˜ ¶ÚÔÛÊÔÚ¿˜ fiÛÔ ÙÔ ‰˘Ó·ÙfiÓ Û˘ÓÙÔÌÒÙÂÚ·. ª∏¡ ¶∂ƒπª∂¡∂∆∂ ∞§§√! ™Àª¶§∏ƒø™∆∂ ∆∏¡ ∫∞ƒ∆∞ ™∞™ ∆øƒ∞! COMMUNITY NEWS - ∫Oπ¡O∆π∫∞ ¡∂A ™˘Ó¤¯ÂÈ· ·Ô ÙËÓ ÛÂÏ›‰· 7 ST. NICHOLAS EASTER “THANK YOU’S” On behalf of the members of the Parish Council, Fr. Michael and the entire members of Saint Nicholas, we would like to thank the following list of parishioners who donated and offered their heartfelt contribution to the Easter items throughout the forty Day Lenten period and Holy Week. Your generosity was greatly appreciated. Mr. & Mrs. Michael N. Stavlas Mr. & Mrs. John Voxakis Mr. & Mrs. Dino & Angie Parthemos Mr.& Mrs. Larry Cornias Mrs. Julie Tsakalas & Family Mrs. Spay Johns Ms. Helen Johns Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Koukoulas Ms. Mary Iliades Mr. & Mrs. Anastasios Douskas Saint Nicholas GOYA Mr. & Mrs. John Glykiades & Gus Mrs. Despina Cornias Mr. & Mrs. George Perdikakis & Fmaily Mr. & Mrs. John Alexandrou Mrs. Rose Tsakalos Mrs. Stasa Christ Mr. & Mrs. Philip Christ Mrs. Anastastia Tsakiris Mrs. Rose Conway Mr. & Mrs. George Protopapas Mr. & Mrs. John & Angeliki Sfakianoudis Mr. Chirs & Mrs. Freda Angelopoulos Mr. & Mrs. George & Rosa Cornias Mr. & Mrs. George Petrinolis Mr. & Mrs. John & Despina Pikounis Mrs. Vaso Batistas Mr. & Mrs. George & Nicoletta Roros Ms. Stavroula Christakou Mrs. Sofoula Frangakis & Family Maria Salpeas & Family Mr. & Mrs. Charalampos Charalampopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Theoharis Anonymous Family And a number of families who donated the Easter Lilies Greektown CDC A message from John E. Gavrilis, CEO As part of the Redline initiative, there is a proposed light rail station on the North East corner of Haven Street and Eastern Avenue. This proposed station will attract investment, development, public art, greening opportunities that can create a real walk able neighborhood that we all can enjoy. This proposal will have a major impact on our community and will create a destination mark for Greektown. The Greektown CDC, in partnership with the South East CDC and the Department of Transportation, has hired a site planning firm to help maximize the potential benefits that this station would bring. This site planning firm will be conducting a workshop on May 4th, 6th and 8th open to all of our residents, community stakeholders and business interests; they will literally take your ideas and illustrate them on a new master plan. Imagine a brand new development at the Crown Cork and Seal building, or new retail at the Greektown Bus Depot. Come to the workshop and suggest a statue garden on Ponca and Lombard or a type of business that you think would make the Eastern Avenue strip really thrive. The possibilities are endless but we NEED your input, this will be a fantastic opportunity for everyone to have a real voice in shaping our community. Please call Jason Filippou at 410-327-3306 for more details. Special thanks to all of our residents who attended our Spring clean up in April 2009. If you are interested in monitoring the Greektown CCTV cameras at the South Eastern Police District, or volunteering on one of the new Greektown CDC committees, please contact our offices for more information. Believe in your community! PAGE 12 KOINONIA May/ª¿ÈÔ˜, 2009 Liturgical Program & Events for May Sunday, May 3rd—Sunday of the Holy Myrrhbearers—Orthros 8:45 a.m.; Divine Liturgy 10:00 a.m. Sunday, May 10th—Sunday of the Paralytic. Orthros 8:45 a.m.; Divine Liturgy 10:00 a.m. HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY Sunday, May 17th—Sunday of the Samaritan Woman. Orthros 8:45 a.m.; Divine Liturgy 10:00 a.m. Thursday, May 21st—Sts. Constantine & Helen. Orthros 8:45 a.m.; Divine Liturgy 9:30 a.m. Sunday, May 24th—Sunday of the Blind Man. Orthros 8:45 a.m.; Divine Liturgy 10:00 a.m. Monday, May 25th—Memorial Day. Group Trisagion Service at the Oak Lawn Cemetery. 10 a.m. Thursday, May 28th—Holy Ascension of our Lord. Orthros 8:45 a.m.; Divine Liturgy 9:30 a.m. Sunday, May 31st—Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the 1st Ecumenical Council. Orthros 8:45a.m.; Divine Liturgy 10:00 a.m. Calendar of Upcoming Events Wednesday, May 6th—Philoptochos meeting and Elections Thursday, May 7th—Parish Life Committee Meeting—7 pm. Saturday, May 9th—Philoptochos Mother’s Day Tea— 1 to 4 pm KOINONIA A Monthly Publication of the Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church. 520 S. PONCA STREET, BALTIMORE, MD 21224 www.stnicholasmd.org DATED MATERIAL — PLEASE DELIVER PROMPTLY GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AMERICA METROPOLIS OF NEW JERSEY Sunday, May 10th—Philoptochos honors all mothers on Mother’s Day. Scholarship presentation Wednesday, May 13th—Philoptochos Fashion Show at Eastwind—starting with Cocktails at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, May 17th—Sunday School Graduation; “Agape” Luncheon after church, co-sponsored by the Philoptochos and the Rhodian Society “Diagoras” Friday, May 29th—Greek School Graduation Ceremonies—6:00 p.m. NOTICE The secretaries of each organization of St. Nicholas (GOYA, JOY, Philoptohos, etc.) are asked to submit a report of the past year’s accomplishments/activities. This will familiarize our readers with the organization. Please limit the report to 250 words so that all groups’ submissions can be included in the Koinonia. KOINONIA DEADLINE To all of our readers and organizations, please submit your article/ s to the Koinonia staff before the deadline so we can include your news for your upcoming event. All articles or posters are due by the 12th of the current month for the upcoming month’s issue. Issue month Deadline June, 2009 May 12th You may drop your article to the church office or e-mail it to: Emily Cossis at: [email protected]. or MariaSalpeasat: [email protected] NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID BALTIMORE, MD PERMIT NO. 2606