3/2008 Le offerte di stage Segnaliamo le offerte di stage e lavoro destinate a studenti e laureati USI. Per maggiori dettagli e una lista completa, consultate la banca dati Stage & Placement (www.placement.unisi.ch) o contattate direttamente il Servizio. LifeGate Radio, network di comunicazione (radio, portale internet, magazine) per lo sviluppo e la diffusione del mondo dell’eco-cultura per le aziende di servizi di Corporate Social Responsibility, offre uno stage in qualità di assistente marketing per un periodo di sei mesi. Sede di lavoro: Merone/Como (I). SwissCore, the Swiss Contact Office for Research, Higher Education and Innovation in Brussels, is looking for an intern for the support of the daily activities. (Internship LEONARDO DA VINCI) Centrale Sanitaire Suisse Romande, petite ONG d’aide au développement, offre un poste de stagiaire dans la domaine de l’aide au développement. Lieu de travail: Genève. Lo Studio di architettura Lands offre un periodo di pratica a due studenti di architettura. Sede di lavoro: Lugano. USI – Servizio Stage&Placement offre uno stage full time come assistente/ collaboratore del servizio. Sede di lavoro: Lugano. ODLO International AG, Sportbe kleidungunternehmen, sucht eine/n Praktikant/in Marketing Services. Arbeitsort: Huenenberg/Zug. QUNO (Quaker United Nations Office), office concerned with work at the UN and other international institutions on disarmament and peace, human rights and refugee issues, trade and development, is looking for a Programme Assistant. Place of work: Geneva. I prossimi appuntamenti The Hellenic Foundation for Youth & Volunteering accepts volunteers for short term internships, 1-2 months, to work and develop the environmental museum in Kefalonia, Greece. Du Pont de Nemours International SA is looking for intern within different departments: Finance, IT, HR, Sales and Marketing, Corporate and Business Communication, Public Affairs. Place of work: Geneva. Nicolas Fröhlich architecte is offering an architecture internship. Main activities: take part to several projects, from public school to art museum, from new houses project to transformations. Place of work: Vevey. Lingue & Stage all’estero – stage company in Kempen Leonardo: (Germany) is looking for an intern for its marketing department. • Tiwix Sagl, società che si occupa di sviluppo e distribuzione di sistemi e servizi IT, cerca uno sviluppatore software. Sede di lavoro Bioggio. • Edgar Brandt Advisory SA, entreprise de services en gestion d’entreprises, recherche un stagiaire à temps partiel en Marketing et Communication. Lieu de travail: Genève. Banana.ch Sa is offering a position as Chinese market development assistant. Place of work: Lugano. La Golosa SA, un'azienda svizzera operante nel settore del franchising della ristorazione, offre una posizione in qualità di assistente marketing. Sede di lavoro: Riazzino. Orange Communications SA is looking for a Process Analyst Trainee, IP Services Flows Optimisation Trainee and a Roaming Business Analyst Trainee. Place of work: Lausanne et Bussigny. Easybaby.it, start up in ambito multimediale settore infanzia, offre una posizione in qualità di Assistente comunicazione e marketing. Sede di lavoro: Milano. • 15 Maggio 2008 DFAE- cinfo Presentazione di percorsi internazionali Maggio 2008 SPECIAL FASHION Lavorare nelle aziende della moda Aprile-Maggio 2008 INFO STAGE Presentazione delle esperienze di stage di studenti USI • Maggio 2008 PricewaterhouseCoopers Visting employers Le offerte di lavoro LPR Management Consulting S.r.l., azienda operante nella consulenza direzionale nel campo Internal Audit e Compliance, offre una posizione in qualità di Junior Internal Auditor. Sede di lavoro: Milano. Vereinigte Hagelversicherung VVaG, german insurance company, is looking for a Director's assistance (branch office). Place of work: Verona. Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies is looking for a Project Assistant for the MIREM Project “Support the Reintegration of Return Migrants in their Countries of Origin”. Place of work: Florence. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is undertaking a Recruitment Mission to Russia in June 2008 to raise FAO profile in Russia and to build a pool of qualified candidates for recruitment for future FAO vacancies. The Swiss Stage Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) is selecting candidates for its Junior Professional Officer (JPO) Programme with World Bank. cinfo has been mandated by SECO to undertake the pre-selection of candidates. ETH Zürich – Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) is offering a job opportunity for a PhD Student. CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation, international movement for the protection of citizen action, is looking for a Civil Society Index Program Officer Volunteer. Place of work: Johannesburg, South Africa. The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is looking for an International Human Resources Administrator that will provide handson administrative and logistical support to the HR. EIRENE Suisse, association à but non lucratif fondée en 1963 active dans le domaine de la coopération au développement la promotion de la paix, recherche un/e Spécialiste en gestion de projets et appui institutionnel. Lieu de travail: Sarh, Tchad. Tissot SA, enterprise de montres et membre du Swatch Group, recherche un Product Manager Junior. Lieu de travail: Le Locle (Ne). MIDO, spécialiste des montres mecaniques et membre du Swatch Group, recherche un Regional Sales Manager et un Product Manager. Lieu de travail: Le Locle (Ne). Certina, spécialiste des montres sportives et membre du Swatch Group, recherche un Coordinateur de Projets. Lieu de travail: Le Locle (Ne). Die Parlamentsdienste suchen einen/e Evaluator/in / Projektleiter/in für die Parlamentarische Verwaltungskontrolle. Arbeitsort: Bern. World Bank – Independent Evaluation Group is looking for a Short Term Consultant to provide research assistance for an evaluation of Poverty Reduction Support Credits. Place of work: Washington D.C. Placement UK, European Student Placement Organisation, is offering different positions in HR/Recruitment, Marketing, Business/Administration, IT, Sales and a position as Classroom Assistant. Place of work:UK. Vodafone, gruppo di telecomunicazioni mobile, cerca un Project Manager Knowledge Management per la propria direzione Customer Operation. Sede di lavoro: Milano (I). The Political Affairs Division IV is selecting candidates for its Junior Professional Officer (JPO) Programme. Pre-screened candidates will be invited for an interview with cinfo in Biel/Bienne. SUVA, die grösste Trägerin der obligatorischen Unfallversicherung in der Schweiz, die umfasst Prävention, Versicherung sowie Schadenmanagement und Rehabilitation, sucht 2 Interne Revisoren. Arbeitsort: Luzern (CH). The World Economic Forum is offering different positions as: Editor, Content& Production Manager, Community Manager Energy, Director Africa, Global Leadership Fellows, Knowledge Manager Global Agenda councils, Knowledge Manager GACs and Programme Manager annual meeting team. Place of work: Geneva, NYC, Bejing. L’Université de Lausanne–Service des relations internationals cherche un chargé de recherche à 50 %. SGS, company working in inspection, verification, testing and certification, is looking for a Junior Business Analyst. Place of work: Geneva. VF International, multinational fashion company, is looking for a VendorInvoices Analyst, 2 Credit Control Analysts (French clients) and 2 Customer Service Representatives (German clients). Place of work: Lugano. AECOM International Development Inc, global economic and infrastructure development firm, seeks an Assistant Program Coordinator to provide backstopping and recruitment support within its Operations Unit. Place of work: United States. Premi, concorsi e fiere Venturelab - Venture Ideas Trasformare una visione in un progetto di successo. Una giornata a contatto con start-up e esperti nella creazione d’impresa presso la Hugo Boss di Coldrerio. Microsoft Research PhD Scholarship 2009: sono aperte le iscrizioni al programma 2009. Cinfo organise une journée de réflexion qui s'adresse à des personnes manifestant un intérêt marqué pour un engagement dans la coopération internationale (CI). Date et lieu: 10 avril 2008, Bienne. Detecon, Mitglied der global Deutschen Telekom-Gruppe, organisiert ein Business Dinner in Zürich und gibt die Möglichkeit am Student/in, Absolvent/in und Doktorand/in es teilzunehmen. The Careers in Eastern Europe Recruitment Summit will put together Directors and Senior Managers from up to 30 top multinational and leading regional companies.Dates and place of Summit: London, 27-29 June 2008.