NATI PER LEGGERE Nati per leggere: A national programme to enhance literacy and health in small children through reading aloud Raising a Nation of Readers: IFLA Satellite Meeting Roma, 19 August 2009 Giovanna Malgaroli Gruppo nazionale di coordinamento Nati per leggere NATI PER LEGGERE Nati per leggere (Born to read) is a national initiative by the professional associations of Paediatricians (Associazione culturale pediatri) and Librarians (Associazione Italiana biblioteche) to enhance literacy in small children through reading aloud NATI PER LEGGERE The programme is based on the Emergent Literacy Studies, that is the development of reading and writing skills in the first years of the child’s life The acquisition of reading skills Reading… Telling the story reading pictures (at 3 years of age) Pretending to read (at 2 years of age) Manipulating the book (1 year of age) Focused attention and handling the book (at 6/8 months of age) EMERGENT LITERACY Programs Nati per leggere shares with the following programs the aim to enhance the inclination to read in children with the contribution of medical and health professionals: Reach out and read Bookstart Nascuts per llegir The mission of NPL The mission of Nati per leggere is to cultivate the inclination to read in children, together with their parents and carers in general. How does it work? • • • • Decentralization, flexibility and adaptation to the local situations Involvement, by education and training, of local services and operators in the establishment of a network ever more widespread to facilitate the reading experience of parents and children Librarians, paediaticians, educators and volunteers working togenther The National Committee takes care of public relations and promotes training activities at national level. Training of NPL supporters Training is essential to create a common language among people of different professional and cultural backgrounds, first of all librarians and paediatricians but also social and health workers, teachers and other people of the local community who will be involved in locally setting up and coordinating a network of interventions of the individual services. The operative methodology suggested We think that the most effective strategy to reach the goal is to set up local operative structures, supported by public libraries and paediatricians, which can get involved in a methodical and widespread activity to awaken all the family, education and health environments to perceive reading as a cultural improvement and social benefit factor for children and indirectly for all the adults involved. Role of paediatricians Paediatricians are in a unique position to promote early literacy for two reasons: they regularly interact with young children and their parents at well-child check-ups parents trust and respect the guidance that they receive from paediatricians and health operators Role of libraries and librarians Public libraries can offer great and effective opportunities to those who endeavour to attract potential or sporadic readers toward reading and consolidate inconsistent habits. Public libraries are in fact the suppliers of continuous learning available to all citizens; among their priorities they attempt to propose reading as an experience free from duties and interference, through a wide and diversified offer. The anticipatory guide The anticipatory guide in the languages of the foreign communities Bibliographical selection and guidance The most recent national bibliography published in 2008 Bibliographical selection and guidance: features and requirements of the first book Relations with publishers The first two editions of the Catalogue of books in special edition for NPL local projects The Nati per leggere National Prize A video to promote reading with babies and toddlers Extension of the project Popolazione interessata dai progetti NPL 2007 32,83% Popolazione interessata da NPL al 31.12.2007 Popolazione italiana al 31.12.2007 67,17% 32,83% = 19.573.218 inhabitants Itaian population at 31.12.2007: 59.619.290 Demographic area interested by NPL local interventions in 2007 Number of operators involved by region (7403) Operatori coinvolti per regione Abruzzo Basilicata Calabria Campania Emilia Romagna Friuli Venezia Giulia Lazio Liguria Lombardia Marche Molise Piemonte Puglia Sardegna Sicilia Toscana Trentino Alto Adige Umbria Valle d'Aosta Veneto 110 73 3 27 1205 286 1068 14 847 148 2 2201 68 456 45 114 173 115 190 258 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Number of operators involved by profession (7403) Operatori coinvolti per categoria Bibliotecari 1555 Pediatri 1130 Educatori 3169 Volontari 1194 Altri operatori 355 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 Number of children met through NPL local interventions related to target population Bambini 0-5 anni contattati dai progetti locali / popolazione di riferimento 5910 11441 8000 30977 Abruzzo Basilicata Calabria 464 3850 26440 30499 Campania Emilia Romagna 140219 9823 23840 20089 Friuli Venezia Giulia Lazio 185617 300 513 Liguria 31430 Lombardia 178917 1465 5494 300 300 Marche Molise Bambini contattati = 255.918 Pop. 0-5 anni = 1.092.890 108855 Piemonte 5114 9999 9172 Puglia Sardegna 222273 80107 3270 18720 1875 18960 Sicilia Toscana 2280 31369 5630 23224 Trentino Alto Adige Umbria 1000 7025 7056 Valle d'Aosta Veneto 76991 255918 Totale 0 100000 50000 200000 150000 1092890 300000 250000 400000 350000 Type of actions undertaken by local projects 400 350 307 300 293 250 199 200 150 100 69 50 0 Suggest reading Deliver leaflet Invite to visit about reading library aloud Gift of appropriate books N. questionari Azioni Type of actions undertaken by local projects Iniziative di animazione e spettacoli per bambini in biblioteca 250 246 225 200 175 150 128 125 100 75 50 25 0 Laboratori e attività di animazione della lettura per bambini in biblioteca Spettacoli per bambini in biblioteca Type of actions undertaken by local projects Lettori volontari e letture ad alta voce 228 142 23 Lettori volontari in ambulatorio Lettori volontari in biblioteca Letture ad alta voce Type of actions undertaken by local projects Attività di formazione, sensibilizzazione e motivazione degli operatori e dei genitori 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 194 184 138 Formazione per operatori, genitori e volontari Sensibilizzazione ( incontri con i genitori, con gli educatori, corsi di preparazione al parto) Partecipazione a gruppi multidisciplinari Financial resources spent by local projects € 5.328.472 in 7 years € 1.600.000,00 €1 .41 6.0 62 ,37 € 1.400.000,00 € 1.200.000,00 € 1.000.000,00 €8 44 .43 7,7 1 € 800.000,00 € 600.000,00 € 400.000,00 € 25 6.4 12 € 200.000,00 ,33 €3 24 .62 2,9 0 €9 09 .51 9,4 5 €1 .08 0.3 26 ,21 €4 97 .09 1,6 9 € 0,00 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Local sponsors of the project 10,84% 3,89% 1,64% 5,11% 0,41% 7,98% 17,18% 52,97% Comune Provincia Regione ACP Aziende Banche Fondazioni Altri NATI PER LEGGERE “For many people the public library is not the first place they would go. In order to get everybody in touch with all the materials for babies and toddlers the library should get closer to the lives of people in the community. Waiting rooms, family education centres and preschools are perfect places to get in touch with the target group. Working together with staff of health care centres is necessary because in many countries almost all parents visit those centres with their babies where the growth, weight, physical and speech development are checked regularly. The early years are the most important ones for speech develpment and therefore library staff must focus on working together in a network of appropriate professionals.”1 That is what Nati per leggere tries to realize. 1. IFLA Guidelins for library services to babies and toddlers <> NATI PER LEGGERE is promoted by: Associazione culturale pediatri Associazione italiana biblioteche Centro per la salute del bambino Onlus